Rockcastle Global Real Estate Company Limited (Incorporated in the Republic of Mauritius) (Registration number 108869 C1/GBL) JSE share code: ROC SEM share code: ROCK.N0000 ISIN: MU0364N00003 (“Rockcastle”) DEALINGS IN SECURITIES BY DIRECTORS AND ASSOCIATES OF DIRECTORS OF ROCKCASTLE Shareholders are advised of the following information relating to the dealings in securities by directors and by associates of directors of Rockcastle: Name of director: Transaction date: Class of securities: Number of securities: Price per security: Total value of transaction: Nature of transaction: Nature and extent of director’s interest: Clearance to deal received: Spiro Noussis 14 November 2014 Ordinary shares 23 272 USD1.80 USD41 889.60 On-market purchase through the SEM Direct beneficial Yes Name of director: Transaction date: Class of securities: Number of securities: Price per security: Total value of transaction: Nature of transaction: Nature and extent of director’s interest: Clearance to deal received: Nick Matulovich 14 November 2014 Ordinary shares 22 000 USD1.80 USD39 600.00 On-market purchase through the SEM Direct beneficial Yes Name of associate: Name of director and relationship to director: Panthera Tigris Investments (Pty) Ltd Nick Matulovich, who is the sole director and shareholder of Panthera Tigris Investments (Pty) Ltd 14 November 2014 Ordinary shares 5 000 R21.11 R105 550.00 On-market purchase through the JSE Indirect beneficial Transaction date: Class of securities: Number of securities: Price per security: Total value of transaction: Nature of transaction: Nature and extent of director’s interest: Name of associate: Name of director and relationship to director: Transaction date: Class of securities: Number of securities: Price per security: Total value of transaction: Nature of transaction: Nature and extent of director’s interest: Panthera Tigris Investments (Pty) Ltd Nick Matulovich, who is the sole director and shareholder of Panthera Tigris Investments (Pty) Ltd 17 November 2014 Ordinary shares 2 500 R21.05 R52 625.00 On-market purchase through the JSE Indirect beneficial Name of associate: Name of director and relationship to director: Transaction date: Class of securities: Number of securities: Price per security: Total value of transaction: Nature of transaction: Nature and extent of director’s interest: Name of associate: Name of director and relationship to director: Transaction date: Class of securities: Number of securities: Price per security: Total value of transaction: Nature of transaction: Nature and extent of director’s interest: Name of associate: Name of director and relationship to director: Transaction date: Class of securities: Number of securities: Price per security: Total value of transaction: Nature of transaction: Nature and extent of director’s interest: Name of associate: Name of director and relationship to director: Transaction date: Class of securities: Number of securities: Price per security: Total value of transaction: Nature of transaction: Nature and extent of director’s interest: Panthera Tigris Investments (Pty) Ltd Nick Matulovich, who is the sole director and shareholder of Panthera Tigris Investments (Pty) Ltd 17 November 2014 Ordinary shares 2 500 R21.10 R52 750.00 On-market purchase through the JSE Indirect beneficial The Nano Trust Andries de Lange, who is a trustee and beneficiary of The Nano Trust 13 November 2014 Ordinary shares 300 000 R21.20 R6 360 000.00 On-market purchase through the JSE Indirect beneficial The Nano Trust Andries de Lange, who is a trustee and beneficiary of The Nano Trust 14 November 2014 Ordinary shares 225 173 R21.10 R4 751 150.30 On-market purchase through the JSE Indirect beneficial The Nano Trust Andries de Lange, who is a trustee and beneficiary of The Nano Trust 17 November 2014 Ordinary shares 9 632 R21.10 R203 235.20 On-market purchase through the JSE Indirect beneficial By order of the board For further information please contact: Intercontinental Trust Limited Company secretary +230 403 0800 Java Capital JSE sponsor +27 11 283 0042 18 November 2014 This notice is issued pursuant to SEM Listing Rule 11.3 and Rule 5(1) of the Securities (Disclosure Obligations of Reporting Issuers) Rules 2007. The Board of Directors of Rockcastle Global Real Estate Company Limited accepts full responsibility for the accuracy of the information contained in this announcement.
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