PROBLEM 15.1 The motion ofa cam is definedby the relation 0=4t3 - l2t2 +15, where d is expressedin radiansand / in seconds.Determinethe angular coordinate,the angularvelocity, and the angularaccelerationof the cam when(a) t = 0, (b) / = 6 s. SOLUTION o=(4t-l2l+15)radians .=49=hzt2 -2+t\radts d t \ / o=d'-(24t-24\rad/s1 dt (a)t=0, (b) t = 6s, d = 0+0+15 d = 15.00radians{ rr=0+0 at= 01 a =0-24 a -- 24.0 rad/s21 d = (4)(6)3- (rz)(o)'+1,5= 447 a = (tz)(e)' (24)(6)= 288 a - (24)(6) 24 = t2o 0 = 44'l rad I a = 288 rad/s1 a - 120.0rad/s21 PROBLEM 15.12 In Prob. 15.11,determinethe velocity and accelerationof point B at the instant shown, assumingthat the angular velocity is 3.38 rad/s and decreases at the rateof 5.07 rad,/s' SOLUTION rro = (toomm)i+ (624mn)j + (z+omm)r - (0.1n)i + (0.624 m)j + (o.z+rn)r< r r , , = ( r 0 0m m ) i + ( 3 1 2f f n ) j = ( 0 . 1 m ) i + ( 0 . 3 1 2m ) j 1 o -, f i o l t ' * ( 0 6 2 0 ) ' - ( o - r 4=] '0 . 6 7 6 m Angular velocity. = ^= +0.624i+ o.z4k) t,,o ffito.u o = (0.5rad/s)i+ (3.12rad/s)j+ (r.z raors)r Velocity ofpoint B. VB=6JxrB/o i j kl I 4 i0 . 1 2-j 0 . 1 5 6 k 0.5 3.12 t.2l- -0.374+ 0.10.3120 I vu - -(o.tttnts)i + (0.1200r/s)j (0.1560r/s)k< AngularAcceleration. o - !r*o= "" Ioo loZlo.ri + 0.624j + 0.24k) ' 0.676 - (+.oaraorsr)j- (r.sraalsr)x a = -(0.7srad/s2)r 15.12CONTINUED PROBLEM Acceleration of poinl B. Z R = c , x f R t O + ( t Jx V B a, I t = ] j k l 0.75 -4.68 -1.8 | I 0.1 o.3r2 o I i + j k 0.5 3.12t, l I 0.37440.12 -0.t56J - 0.37128j + 1.22813k = 0.5616i- 0.18j+ 0.234k- 0.63072i "v")r.< "v.')l* (r.+oz ov")i- (o.ssr ", = -(o.oolr PROBLEM 15.17 The belt shownmoves over two pulleys without slipping.At the instant shownthe pulleys are rotatingclockwiseand the speedof point ,Bon the belt is 4 nr/s,increasingat the rate of 32 nls2. Determine,it this instant, (a) the angul velocity and angularaccelerationof eachpulley, (b) the accelerationofpoint P on pulley C. SOLUTION Let vB and a, be the belt speedandacceleration. Theseare given as ya = 4 m/s and aR - 32 n/s2 Theseare alsothe speedandtangentialaccelerationofperiphery ofeach pulley providedno slippingoccurs. (a) Angular velocity and angular acceleratian of eachpulley. Pulley A. ? - 1 6 0m n = 0 . 1 6 0m v, Q'') l = " ' L rA ctt ''. =!-LrA v- !-ru 4 0.160 - 25rad/s a,r=25.orad/s)a au - 32 = 2oorad/s2 ro 0.160 Pulley C. a,t=2oorad/s2)a rc = 100mm = 0.100m v - v ^ 4 --!_ (t). =--.L= = 40rad/s ' = rc r. 0.100 arc = 40.0 rad/s) { 32 = 32orad/s2 a '. = 9 ! : - a u rc r. 0.100 ac = 32orad/s2) 1 (b) Accelerationofpoint P onpulley C. Pc = 100mm = 0.100m (or), = ou = 32 rn/s2[ "u = -F)' =l6omrsi. lo,l - L Pc Pc 0.100 o,)l + (o,)' = $t t^p=# . 160'= 163.2 ntsz p=n.31" ap = 763.2rrls2 7 ll.3l" < 15.28 PROBLEM The systemshown is held at rest by the brake-and-drumsystemshown. After the brake is partially releasedat t = 0, it is observedthat the cylinder moves 5 m in 4.5 s. Assuming uniformly acceleratedmotion, determine(a) the angular accelerationof the drum, @) the angular velocity ofthe drum at / = 3.5 s. ,t SOLUTION , u -- Lort' motion. (a) Assumeuniformlyaccelerated ou=1= For the drum, ?P =0.4e383m/s' i er = aA = 0.49383rn/s2, r = 250mm = 0.25m at-ra, a, "-;= 0.49383 O25 = |.97531radls2 , (b) a = 1.975radls2 ) I a = ao + at -- 0 +(1.97531)(3.5) = 6.91rad/s, ro = o.9l radls) { PROBLEM 15.39 Collar I movesup with a velocity of 3.6 ft/s. At the instantshownwhen I = 25o, determine(a) the angularvelocity ofrodlE, (b) the velocity of collar,B. SOLUTION q:l / v qrV - o i/T. A",t / Fl" AV + A \),cJ vB=vA+vRtA Draw velocity vectordiagram. q = 180" 60'- 65' = 55' Law of sines. lBr,t sin60' ig,t - tB _ sin65o v.,sin60" - sln p - ,.1 smp 3.6sin60' sin55' = 3.806ft/s = o tD = (a) vs s 45.6j fn,,t 20 2.26 tad/s a,ra-2.28ndls)a (r) vB v , s i n6 5 o sin55" 3 . 6 s i n6 5 ' - J.9EIVs s i n5 5 ' vr - 3.98tusI 30"< 15.50 PROBLEM The intermediategear B rotates with an angular velocity of 20 rad/s clockwise.Knowing that the outergear C is stationary,determine(a) the angularvelocity of the inner geafiA, (b) the angularvelocity of the arm AB. SOLUTION Label the contactpoint betweengearsA andB as 1, the centerof geu B as2, andthe contactpoint betweengearsB and C as -1. GearA: Arrr,AB: Gear.B: v, = 3at,I (l) v2 - 4.5auul (2) I (3) vt = v2 t.JoB I (4) v,-vr+3oul GearC: Data: From(5), I vt = t.)oc I (5) atu = 20 rad15,6" = Q Y:=0' From (4), vz= -3a,t= -(l)(zo)J= eoin./sl From(3), = -lol = m in.rsf vr= -60- (l.5x2o) From(l), at = vt /3 = -39 rad/s ) ro; - 30'0 rad/s) { From (2), eol=+.sauu! ,^, = -#= -13.33 rad/s a,ts = 13.33rad/s) 1 PROBLEM15.65 In the position shown, bar lB has an angular velocity of 4 rad/s clockwise.Determinethe angularvelocity ofbars BD andDE. r_r0rr.___f6ir. Z .l in. SOLUTION Bar,48. Rotationaboutl. ya = a,tn t ru,, = (-4k) , (10i) = -40i In units ofin./s .BarED. RotationaboutE. Yn = @oexro,u = l.norkx (-6i + 2.4i) = -Z.4ronri - 6and Translationwith B + Rotationabout8. Bar BD. Yorn = aao x rr," = a4ok x (-+i) = +atoi vD=vB+vDtB -2.4aori - 6rrti - -40i' kttyj Components: !: -6ato, = -49 i: -2.4atou = 4auo .,, -EAt@= aot = 6.6667radls -4.oorad/s aps - 6.67 rad/s) { asn = 4.00 ra&s) 1 PROBLEM 15.75 A 60-mm-radiusdrum is rigidly attachedto a l0O-mm-radiusdrum as shown.One of the drumsrolls without sliding on the surfaceshown,and a cord is wound aroundthe otherdrum. Knowing that endE ofthe cord is pulled to the left with a velocity of 120mm/s, determine(a) the angular velocity of the drums,(b) the velocity of the centerof the drums,(c) the lengthof cord wound or unwoundper second. SOLUTION Sincethe drumrolls without slidine.its instantaneous centerlies at D. Ye=Ya=l20mm/s.v/ - vi!/Da, @= v -R = _ rBrD yB - rRtDa 120 100- 60 - Jra(vs ro = 3.00rad/s){ v, = (roo)(:)= 3oomm/s v; = 300 mnr/s.* { Since v, is greaterthan vu, cord is beingwound. vA - YB = 300 - 120 = 180mrn/s (c) Cord woundper second= 180.0mm { 15.82 PROBLEM Knowing that at the instant shown the argular velocity of rod DE is 2.4 rad/sclockwise,determine(a) the velocity of collarl' (6) the velocity of point B. SOLUTION aor = 2.4 tad/s) Rod DE. (Rotat\on about E) vo = (ro)aou = G)Q.4)= 14.4in.^1 Collar A. (Ptectilinearmotion) Locate the instantaneouscenter (point O of bar IDB by noting that velocity directionsat pointsI andD areknown. Draw lC perpendicular to v, andDC perpendicularto vr. 1 4 . 4i n . i s r^ = 5 ' o r a.u. s/\l a 4 D B= Z ; = 4* (a\ vu = (CA)auo, = (?.5X3.6)= 27 in.ts v ,r = 27'0 in./s- { 4 talrr'B = --:7.5 (r) B F = 4 + 3 I a n p = 5 . 6\ n . CF =3in. t a n (' D = - CB= = - BF 5.6 cr\' + (nr)' Q = 26.2- 3 2+ 5 . 6 2 = 6.353in. vB = 22.9in.ts = (cn)ano, = (6.353X3.6) 90' - p = 61.3' v n = 22.9in./s\61.8" { 15.101 PROBLEM UsinsthemethodofSec. 15.7,solveProb.15.65. SOLUTION v" = (n\a = (tox4)= 4o in./s Ya = vr I tanP ' =Z!, ,le 6 ' P =2r'8or" vo = vo I f center(point Q, noting that velocity directions Locatethe instantaneous known. Draw BC perpendicularto v s andDC' points B and D are at perpendicularto vr. !- = tO in., "3 -- anq CD = CB = in. - 10.7703 cosP ,ro=&=9=+.uor.), vo = (co)au, DE= u^. = aao = 4-00 radls ) a = (10.7703)(4)= 6 cosB = 6.4622in. r-z - 43'081= 6.67rad/s) DE 6.4622 ,',' = 6.67rad/s) { PROBLEM 15.110 The motion of the 3-in.-radiuscylinder is controlledby the cord shown. Knowing that end t of the cord has a velocity of 12 in./s and an acceleration of 19.2 in.is2, both directed upward, determine the acceleration(a) of pointA, (b) ofpoint 8. SOLUTION Velocityanalysis. Pointl is theinstantaneous centerofrotationofthe cylinder. vc = vE = 12 v c = 2 r a, = + = d b = 2 r a d l s ) ra' = (Z)(z)' = 12 in./s2 Accelerationanalysis. a n = f a nI- " . = [ ( , . )l J, . l @ , ) , *] = t * f l . [ ( " . ) -, ] * J uc=N,+l(*,),I I * [{,.,,,), - f =[,u*)+lz,a l1+12,., *l [",1].[(".), - l * [ o ,t ] + [ z *+ ] [ r . zf ] + l ( " " ) , * f = l o u From (l), 19.2= 6a, Components+l: ot a = 3.2 rad/s2) aG = aA + ("o,u), * (ro,n), [,"1]=l"u-l+[.a f ] =1,,'-l t,. I I =[o,* ]* [r.oin.r',t ]* [rzi'.r" - ] ac = 9.6 in.ls2 From which and a,t = 12 in.ls2 t,c = 12.00in.7r: - (a) (b) ac = 9.6 in./s2 1 { aa = ac + (roo), * (roo), =[s.o 1]+l,a-l+l,of l] =ln.u 1l+[r.o- ]+[rzf ] = [r.o'- ] * [".lrt ]] as = e.e0in./s2 < Z 14.0. 15.118 PROBLEM ,tn,-1 y-' r., --?tt .A-t.;l f \ a - "- / f t i0 'r.,r'J / , , e At Arm l8 has a constantangularvelocity of 16 rad,/scounterclockwise. the instant when d = 90., determinethe acceleration(a) of collar D, (6) of the midpoint G of barBD. r2rr"" *- SOLUTION 0 = 90" Geometry and velocity analysis. p-r7.4s8" , i n' p = $ = 0 . : , 200 centerlies at oo. vo andv, areparallel,thusthe instantaneous 6o aao=0 anu - 16 radls, dn = 0, Acceleration analysis. aan = 0 a u - f t l a o ,t ] * [ o o , j uI I - o * [ { o o t t r o, )]'= r s : o o . ' , v,, ' PointD moveson a straightline. 2o=aD- (o,u\, = l6oa Bau, I I "u - ) + lzoocos ("o,r), = luorfi, I I +lzoocos Ba'uo- ] = o aD = LB +(o,u),*(oo'u), Resolveinto components' . f : 0 - - 1 5 3 6+0 2 l O c o s p a s p".r " (") l*: ffi = S 0 . 5r0a8d / s) 2 = -4331rnrn/s' ao - 0 - 60auo+0 = -(60)(80.503) ao = 4.83rn/s2.- < * ]+[zoso| ] = lzoaro-]+[t00cos/ar, | 1= 1z+rs (uo,,), .- =o - Ito;", I f +froo",s (uo,,), B,,fio ] (r) ^o = ^" * (^ r,o),* (u'o ), - [ r s : o|o] + [ z + r .s- ] ' [ r o s 'o] * o .- * = ] fzoto-"v.' J] [z+ts-ttvr' '72.5" ac = 8.05 ntts2;Y a PROBLEM 15.128 Knowing that at the instant shown rod lB has a constantangular velocity of 6 rad/s clockwise,determine(a) the angularaccelerationof member BDE, (b) the acceleration ofpoint E. soLuTtoN Velocity analysis. a,ts = 6 rad/s ) vu = (ta)anu =(4.5)(6) = 27 in./s vR=vR+, vD=vD+ The instantaneouscenter of bar BDE lies at co. Then, =0 an and . uJ.^ = - vr, =- Zj CD Acceleration analysis. vD = vB = 27 in-/s ,, = J. raors \ , a,ca = 0 = zu= Qa)afou I ] = rozin.r.,1 [(+.s)(o)' ao =f(co)a,o* I * llco)d, lf =1r","- I + [(r)(r),J] =fsagp - l+ fsri".r.'J] aru =l4.5aro-)+flt.zsauo l) * ln.zsrlo-l+f+sr,fi,l) = f+.saue - ]+[rr.zsar, f] aD = ^B + aD/B Resolve intocomponents. +J: -81 = -162+ ll.25auo, aso = 7.20radJs2 ) 1 =feauo *l+fzz.sauo a,u,u *l.LnSr, l) l]+lzz.s"fi, = [(r)(z.z) -l+lQz.s)(t.2) 1]+[0- ]. [ol] =,[oe.a ]. [rozin./s,f] ^E= uB+ ^u,, -].[rezm.rc, f Jl+[o+.ain.lrt ] = 64.3 i1.752* at = 64.811.752 1 PROBLEM15.148 Pin P is attachedto the wheel shownand slidesin a slot cut in bar BD' The wheel rolls to the right without slipping with a constantangular velocity of20 rad/s.Knowing that x = 480 mm when B = 0, determine the angularvelocity of the bar and the relative velocity of pin P with respectto the rod for the given data. (a) 0 =0, Q) e =90". SOLUTION Coordinates. xA = (xA)o+r0, yn = r xs=0,/a=r xc = x,q,lc =0 xP=xt+esin9 yp--r+ecose ( r r ) o = + S O . - = 0 ' 4 8m Data: r = 200 mrn = 0.20m e = l 4 0 m m = 0 . 1 4m arc = a,tc Velocity analysis. ), an = aso ), y p = v A + v p 1 1= l r a t p - * ] + [ e a r r . 5 d ] vr, =lxrrouof ]+[(ecosa)ato-* I v,o =lucosB-*l + tasinBf l Use v, = Yp' + l ptF andresolveinto components' + (r + ecos0)an6 = (ecos0)at6p + (cos/)a (l) *1, (esin?)ong -$inB)u (2) = xpaso PROBLEM 15.148CONTINUED (a) 0 = 0. r; = 0.48 m, xr = 0.48 m, hn7 =!:osg -- o'14. xp 0.48 a,tc = 20 radls B - rb.26 Substitutinginto Eqs.(l) and (2), ( o . z o+ o . r + ) ( z o )= 0 . 1 4 a t u+o ( c o s 1 6 . 2 6 . ) z (l) 0 - 0.48atso- (sin16.26.)r. Solvingsimultaneously, u - 6.53rnls, @) e -90". e) asn = 3.8Iradls, atuo -3.glrad/s v p1p= 6-53nls Z )1 16.26"1 . r p - 0 . 4 8+ ( 0 . 2 0' |1L1I + 0 . r + = 0 . 9 3 4 1 m 6 ) l f=o Substitutinginto Eqs.(l) and (2), (0.20)(20)= u (r) u=4m/s = 0.934r6atso (0.14X20) oso = 2.9973rad/S, e) oap - 3.00 rad/s ) { vplr = 4.00 rn/s * < PROBLEM 15.161 At the instantshownthe lengthofthe booml,B is being increasedat the constantrate of 0.6 ff:/sandthe boom is being loweredat the constantrate of 0.08 rad/s.Determine(rr) the velocity of point B, (6) the acceleration of ooint -B. SOLUTION y n, = ra = (18)(0.08) = 1.44ft/s \ Velocityof coincidingpoint B' on boom. varuoo*- 0.6 ftls -{ Velocityof point B relativeto theboom. 60. 30" a = vB, + va/boom \q) Velocityof point B. 5 : *1 ' (vs)., = 1.44cos60" + 0.6cos30'= 1.23962ftJs ( u , ) . , - - 1 . 4 + . i n 6 0 ' + 0 . 6 s i n 3 0 -' - 0 . 9 4 7 0 8f f : / s ,, = Fzts*y * lnntrty = r.560 ft/s a"p - -?:!9:, 1.23962' p = ' 3't.4. vr = r.560 rvs\ 37.4. { Acceleration of coincidingpointB' onboom. as,= ra2 = (rr)(o.os)' = o.lts2 ftls27 a&boom= 0 Acceleration of B relative to the boom. Coriotisacceleration. \b) Acceleration of point B. 30" 2ura= (2X0.0s)(0.6)= 0.osoff/s, \ 60. LB = sR, + ^B,ooon+ zau + ' -0.051767 (ar), = -o.ttszcos30'+0.096cos60'= m/s2 *f, -0.14074 (""), = -o.ttsz.in30"-0.096sin60'= m/s2 ., = F.osnolt *1uuol p = 6s.8. ""8' = :::::r. 0.051767 = o.l5oo fvs2 ar = 0.1500 ff/s2z 6s.s" < PROBLEM 15.173 Pin P is attachedto the wheel shownand slidesin a slot cut in bar BD. The wheel rolls to the right without slipping with a constant angular velocity of 20 rad,/s.Knowing that -x = 480 mm when d = 0, determrne (a) the angularaccelerationofthe bar and (b) the relativeaccelerationof pin P with respectto the bar for the given data. 0 =o. SOLUTION Coordinates. xn = \x,r)o+ r0, xs=Q, !a=r -D lt = r x C= x A , lc=0 = xp xA+ esine, e yp = r + eCOSe (rr)o = +SO-- = 0.48m Data: r = 200 mm = 0.20m e=140mm=0.14m 0=0 r I rp=480mm=0.48m Velocity analysis. ou.^ = 20 radls ), aao = ano ) v, = (r + e)ron, - = (0.20 + o.l4x2o) = 6.8rnls* v p , = f x p a s|o+ l e a * vr,, =fucosB- -l ]+ [rrsinpf ] e -014 t a n B= xp 0.48 p = t6.260" Use v" = v p, + v p/F andresolveinto components. Solving(l) and(2), +- : 6.8 = O.l4atao+ ucosp (l) - usinB +f : 0= 0.48aro (2) oro = 3.8080rad./s, r = 6.528 mls 15,173CONTINUED PROBLEM d'tc = 0' Acceleration analysis. oao = ano ) roln= ro)u = (o.r+)(zo)'= SOr/s' I ^,t = 0 sp = aA + ant = 56 mls2I -)+l,,alo *f *1""',Il ,,' =lr/,uolf +l"au * I + [10.+s)(:.8080f - ] = lo.+t.,uo !) + lo.t+auo +[(.r+)(:.aoso)' ] J * ] + [o.leo+ =lo.+wuo "v" lf +lo.t+auo ] +[2.o3ol lr/s' I ] ^pE= licosB* I + [';.nB | ] Cor io I is acceler ation. = [+r.ztrrvs' \p] zarou= (z)(z.tos0)(6.528) Use a, = up,+ s ptF*lzturu \ /] andresolveinto components' +. : 0 = 0.14aBD- 6.9604+ icos p + 49.717sin8 or o.l4aBD + icos B = -6.9602 (3) +J: 56 = 0.48auo+ 2.0301+ isin B + 49.7l7cosp O.4ktBD- isin P = 6.2415 i = -8.43 rnlsz aao = 8.09 rad/s, Solving(3) and(4), or \a) (r) (4) crro = 8.09rad/s2) { Nptr = 8.43 mls2 7 16.26' <
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