No. '73/6/2014-Adm.I Goyernment of India Ministry of Labour & Emp10yment Labour Bureau *** SCO 28-31. Sector 17-A Chandigarh 160 017 DATED: 27.oEL2()14 OFFICE ORDERNO.1460F 2014 In pursuance of his nomination by the Union Public Service Commission and offer of appointment issued \ide Letter No. F.1!34(2)!2013-R.IV dated 29.05.2014, Sh. Gangeshwar Bhatt, has been temporarily appointed to the post of InYestigator Grade-I in the Pay Band -2, Rs. 9300-34800 \\ith Grade Pay of Rs. 4600/-, in Labour Bureau, Chandigarh \\ith effect from Forenoon of 2S:h August, 2014. , I, r r1l i\, /I\ '\I) (Sunil Cha~dhry) Director(Adm.) Distribution: 1. Sh. Gangeshwar Bhatt, InYestigator Grade-I, Labour Bureau, Chandigarh. He has been posted in FLS Section and directed to report to Sh. Vinodji Talshi, Deputy Director, Labour Bureau, Chandigarh. 2. Sh. Anshuman Sharma, Deputy Secretary, UPSC, Dholpur House, Shahjahan Road, New Delhi - 110069. \\.r.t their order issued under file No. F.l/34(2)/201;3-R.IV dated 29.05.2014 :3. Sh. Harpreet Singh, Under Seeretary-ESA (LB), Ministry of Labour & Employment, Shram Shakti Bhawan, New DeIhL 4. P.S. to Director GeneraL Labour Bureau, Chandigarh. 5. Head of Office. Labour Bureau, ShimlajChandigarh and all Regional Offices. 6. Pay & Accounts Office, Labour Bureau, Chandigarh. 7. 000, Labour Bureau, Chandigarh. His salary may be drawn under the Plan Scheme (RLE). 8. Budget CeU, Cash Section. 9. EDP Manager, Labour Bureau Chandigarh 10. Officer Order Book. 11. Personal file/Serdee Book ofthe official concerned. 12. Hindi Cell for Hindi yersion.
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