930 Porrtage Avenue W Winnipeg, Manitob ba R3G 0P8 Tel (20 04) 982-6100 Fax (20 04) 982-6128 20 014 Heroes o of Mental H ealth Nomin nees nadian Mental Health Associaation, Winnipeeg Region hono ours and celebrates the victo ories Eacch year the Can of p people who live e with the effe ect of mental illness. Awards are presented d in 8 categoriees and a Lifetim me Ach hievement awaard is presented. Our nomin nees are all Herroes and we co ongratulate thee following: RBC C BELIEVE IN YOUTH AWARD D Tayylor Demetriofff Lisaa Erickson Micchael Jordan Braden Pyper ResspectED Youth Facilitators Maanitoba MA ANITOBA LIQUO OR & LOTTERIES VOLUNTEER R IMPACT AW WARD Ste ephen Ford Me eghan Franklin Seaan Miller Roberta York IND DIVIDUAL Ryaan Dion Ben njamin Funkk Waanda William mson FRIEND/FAMILY Sam mantha Hun nterāGarrioch h Lexxi Janz Chaarlotte Sytnyyk PRO OFESSIONAL Tesssa Blaikie Dr.. Lorne Hurstt Krista Robinson n n Derek Sampson Linda Fadden/M Martha Avile es 930 Porrtage Avenue W Winnipeg, Manitob ba R3G 0P8 Tel (20 04) 982-6100 Fax (20 04) 982-6128 MEEDIA Courtney Ketch hen Dan Lett San ngeetha Nair ORG GANIZATION/BUSINESS Mo oksha Yoga Kildonan RBC C PHILANTHROP PIST OR PHILLANTHROPIC C ORGANIZA ATION CN LIFETIME ACHIIEVMENT AW WARD RECIP PIENT Daniela Evenso on
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