Agricultural Science Research Journal 4(5); pp. 104-110, May 2014 Available online at ISSN: 2026 – 6332 ©2014 International Research Journals Full Length Research Paper Agronomic and economic evaluation of organic and mineral fertilizers for millet production on a sandy loam soil of northeastern Nigeria * Adam L. Ngala, Haliru Yakubu, and Joshua D. Kwari Department of Soil Science, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Maiduguri, PMB 1069, Maiduguri, Nigeria * Corresponding Author: [email protected] , +2348052614007 Abstract A 2 year experiment was carried out to assess the agronomic and economic returns involved in the field production of pearl millet using nine different organic and mineral combinations in Dusuman village near Maiduguri. The 9 selected treatments were: the control (0t FYM, 0 NPK kg/ha); 2.5t Farm Yard Manure (FYM) + N30 P15 K15 kg /ha; 2.0t FYM + N60 P30 K30 kg /ha; 5.0t FYM + N30 P15 K15 kg /ha; 5.0t FYM + N60 P30 K30 kg /ha; 7.5t FYM + N30 P15 K15 kg /ha;7.5 t FYM + N60 P30 K30 kg/ha; 7.5t FYM and N60 P30 K30 kg/ha laid out in a RCBD with 3 replicates. Data collected over the 2 years were statistically analyzed using analysis of variance and means were separated using DMRT. Results showed that fertilizer application significantly (P≤0.05) improved the plant performance. Integrated application of 7.5 t FYM + N60 P30 K30 kg/ha produced the highest total dry matter and grain yields and nutrient uptake. The total dry matter and grain yields increased by 5124 and 1651 kg/ha, representing 182 and 209%, respectively compared with the control. Similarly, the same fertilizers increased the grain N, P and K uptake by 99.63, 3.96 and 65.67 kg/ha, respectively over the control. Economic analysis revealed that application of N60 P30 K30 kg /ha had the highest cost-benefit ratio (2.01) and followed by 2.5t FYM + N30 P15 K15 kg /ha with 1.72. However, application of 2.5t FYM + N30 P15 K15 kg /ha will be better for a sustainable millet production by the resource-poor farmers in this region. Keywords: Agronomic-practices; economic-evaluation; organic/inorganic fertilizers; sandy-loam soil; milletproduction. INTRODUCTION Pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum (L) R. Br.) is a very important cereal crop in the Nigerian savanna, where its production is constrained by inherently low fertility status. Agboola (1979) reported that millet constitutes over 80% of the cereal grains consumed in Nigerian sahel, and was ranked by Ikwelle (1998) as the most important cereal in the sahel and the northern Sudan savanna. Resourcespoor farmers use the stalks for constructing houses and as fodder for feeding livestock during the dry season (LCRI, 2007). However, recently ICRISAT/FAO (1996) and FMARD (2005) reported a decline in millet yield in this region. This is partly due to soil fertility decline. Rayar (2000) showed that majority of soils in Sudano-sahelian region were inherently low in fertility, which was expressed in low levels of organic carbon (generally less than 0.5%), low total and available nitrogen and phosphorus and low effective cation exchange capacity (ECEC). The low organic matter might be due to low turnover of plant residues which was attributed mainly to low rainfall and human and livestock activities, coupled with widespread of erosions. The problem of low fertility of the soils is further accelerated by nutrient mining from the soils by the farmers. Nutrient inflows are less than outflows and this has caused negative nutrient balances in many cropping systems (Yusuf and Yusuf, 2008). Consequently, a sustainable crop production could be achieved by 105 application of chemical fertilizers plus manure to replenish the depleted soil nutrients and increase the organic matter contents of the soil (Kwari and Bibinu, 2002). Unfortunately, chemical fertilizers are very expensive in this region and can cause environmental pollution. In view of this, a combination of organic manure and sub-optimal mineral fertilizer inputs may be a cost effective strategy. This technology may offer a good opportunity for small scale farmers to maintain yield at reasonable and sustainable cost levels. Studies conducted in some agro-ecological zones (Akinbola et al., 2009; Ande et al., 2010) reported better performance of organic-inorganic fertilizer combination than either manure or chemical fertilizer alone. We therefore, carried out this study in order to evaluate the agronomic and economic benefits of integrated fertilizer application in this region. Materials and Methods A two year experiment was conducted during 2008 and 2009 cropping seasons at Dusuman village in Jere local government area of Borno state. It is located between latitude 11050' N and longitude 130 11' E. The site has average monthly temperature of 28.5-32.80C with high temperatures in March to May and low temperature in November to February. Annual rainfall is about 525mm and the vegetation consists mainly of savanna grasslands. Soil characterization was carried out prior to treatments application. The experiment consisted of nine selected treatments: control, 2.5t FYM + N30 P15 K15, 2.5t FYM + N60 P30 K30, 5.0t FYM + N30 P15 K15, 5.0t FYM + N60 P30 K30, 7.5t FYM + N30 P15 K15, 7.5t FYM + N60 P30 K30, 7.5t FYM and N60 P30 K30 kg/ha, laid out in a randomized completely design and replicated three times. The land was manually cleared using cutlass and harrowed with tractor. Three rows of plots were prepared manually using hand hoe, each plot measuring 5m × 10m and were marked out with a spacing of 0.6m between and within rows. Farmyard manure was obtained from a village opposite the University of Maiduguri livestock farm and applied to the plots two weeks before planting according to the treatments. Inorganic fertilizer (NPK 15:15:15) was obtained from open market and applied at planting. N balance was made two week after planting using urea (46% N). Seeds of pearl millet variety SOSATC88 were obtained from Lake Chad Research Institute, Maiduguri, dressed with Apron Star 42 WS at the rate of 10g sachet per 4kg seeds for protection against soil and seed borne pests and diseases. The seeds were planted at 0.75m apart and 0.5m between stands in a plot 5m × 10m. Seedlings were thinned to 3 plants per stand at 2 weeks after sowing (WAS). Millet plots were kept weed free twice by hoeing manually at four weeks interval. Millet was harvested after reaching physiological maturity. The inner rows excluding the outer boundaries were harvested. Panicles were cut from the plants and weighed. Straw weights per plot were also taken. In the second cropping season, the plots of the previous season were maintained in their respective positions. Each plot was cultivated separately with hoe and its treatment repeated. All other cultural practices were the same as the previous one. Plant samples of leaf, straw and grain were collected and analyzed for NPK contents as described by Marr and Cresser (1983). Composite soil samples were also collected after harvest and analyzed as described by Van Reeuwijk (1992). All data collected were subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA) using Statistix 8.0 (Statistix, 2008) analytical software package. Differences between treatment means were compared using Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT) at 5% level of probability. Partial budgeting was carried out to assess the cost of production and economic returns under different management practices using the procedure of CIMMYT (1988). RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Physico-chemical properties of the soil The initial properties of the soil of experimental site showed that the soil is a sandy loam in texture; neutral (pH 6.69) in reaction, low in organic carbon, total nitrogen, available phosphorus and cation exchange capacity according to the FPDD (2002) soil fertility rating (Table 1). This agreed with the report of Chiroma et al. (2002) that the soils of millet producing areas of Borno state are inherently low in fertility. External nutrients inputs from inorganic fertilizers or organic sources (crop residues, animal manure) are therefore, essential to improve and sustain crop production on this soil. Effect of the treatments on N, P and K content of the soil The effect of fertilizer application on N, P and K content of the soil in 2008 and 2009 cropping seasons are presented in Table 2. The treatment effects were not significant during the 2008 cropping season. However, P and K contents of the soil significantly (P≤0.05) increased during 2009 season. The highest amount of P (8.81 mg/kg) was recorded in the soil that was treated with 5t FYM + N60P30K30 and the lowest (4.08mg/kg) in control plot. Soil treated with 7.5t FYM/ha contained the highest (0.68 Cmol/kg) amount of K, although the difference was not significant from that of 5t FYM + N30P15K15 kg/ha. These results support the earlier report of Lombin et al. (1991) that complementary use of organic manures and mineral fertilizers is a sound soil fertility management strategy. Similarly, study conducted in south-western Nigeria by Adeniyan and Ojeniyi (2005) on the 106 Table 1: Physico-chemical characteristics of soil of the experimental site Characteristic pH 1:2.5 (H2O) pH 1:2.5 (KCl) EC (mmhos/cm) Organic carbon (g/kg) Total N (g/kg) C : N ratio Available P (Bray 1, mg/kg) Exchangeable cations (ammonium Acetate, cmol/kg) Ca Mg K Na H + Al CEC Base saturation (g/kg) Particle size distribution (g/kg) Sand Silt Clay Texture Value 6.69 4.80 0.04 2.20 0.40 5.50 2.92 3.60 2.80 0.46 0.05 0.80 6.91 896.0 765.7 63.7 170.6 Sandy loam Table 2. Residual soil N, P and K contents Treatment Control 2.5t FYM + N30 P15 K15 kg/ha 2.5t FYM + N60 P30 K30 kg/ha 5.0t FYM + N30 P15 K15 kg/ha 5.0t FYM + N60 P30 K30 kg/ha 7.5t FYM + N30 P15 K15 kg/ha 7.5t FYM + N60 P30 K30 kg/ha 7.5t/ha FYM N60 P30 K30 kg/ha SE N (g/kg) 0.30a* a 0.30 a 0.20 0.30a 0.30a 0.30a 0.20a 0.30a a 0.30 0.004 2008 P (mg/kg) 2.92a a 3.75 a 5.25 3.38a 4.20a 3.56a 3.97a 3.50a a 5.54 1.086 K (Cmol/kg) 0.57a a 0.49 a 0.52 0.52a 0.61a 0.58a 0.53a 0.59a a 0.56 0.045 N (g/kg) 0.40a* a 0.40 a 0.30 0.30a 0.30a 0.30a 0.40a 0.40a a 0.40 0.008 2009 P (mg/kg) 4.08f ef 4.26 cd 5.60 5.47cd 8.81a 5.72cd 6.77b 6.30bc de 5.14 0.338 K (Cmol/kg) 0.53e de 0.54 bc 0.60 ab 0.64 0.55de 0.58cd 0.56cde 0.68a e 0.52 0.015 * Values followed by the same letter(s) within a column are not significantly different from each other at P(<0.05) according to Duncan Multiple Range Test(DMRT). comparative effects of 300 kg/ha NPK fertilizer, 7.0t/ha poultry manure and combinations of reduced levels of NPK and poultry manure on maize performance and soil chemical properties showed that the combination of NPK and poultry manure proved superior to other treatments. Effect of the Treatments on Nutrient Uptake The results in tables 3 and 4 show that application of fertilizers significantly increased the leaf and grain NPK uptake, respectively. The treatments differed significantly (P≤0.05) on their effects on the nutrient uptake. Combination of organic and inorganic fertilizers proved superior to farmyard manure or NPK alone. Plants treated with 7.5t FYM + N60P30K30kg/ha had the highest leave NPK uptake of 125, 5 and 23 kg/ha, respectively over the control. Similarly, the same treatment produced the highest grain NPK uptake of 100, 4 and 66 kg/ha, respectively when compared with the control. However, the effects did not differ significantly (P≤0.05) from that of 7.5t FYM + N30P15K15 kg/ha. This finding is in line with the 107 Table 3: Effect of FYM and NPK fertilizers on pearl millet leave N, P and K contents and uptake Treatment Control 2.5t FYM + N30 P15 K15 kg/ha 2.5t FYM + N60 P30 K30 kg/ha 5.0t FYM + N30 P15 K15 kg/ha 5.0t FYM + N60 P30 K30 kg/ha 7.5t FYM + N30 P15 K15 kg/ha 7.5t FYM + N60 P30 K30 kg/ha 7.5t/ha FYM N60 P30 K30 kg/ha SE N 1.61c* b 2.29 ab 2.64 a 2.73 ab 2.59 a 2.80 a 2.87 2.80a 1.82c 0.119 Nutrient (%) P 0.08a a 0.10 0.10a a 0.12 0.08a a 0.14 a 0.13 0.12a 0.13a 0.018 K 0.45a a 0.53 0.50a a 0.53 0.52a a 0.53 a 0.57 0.50a 0.53a 0.030 Nutrient Uptake (kg/ha) N P K 30.85d* 1.46c 8.85d bc bc bc 93.40 3.69 21.01 ab ab ab 134.09 4.76 25.39 abc ab bc 115.55 5.03 22.55 abc b ab 120.84 3.86 24.04 ab a ab 137.85 7.04 26.40 a a a 159.17 6.46 31.47 c bc cd 81.85 3.26 15.21 78.97cd 5.05ab 21.43bc 16.926 0.777 2.638 * Values followed by the same letter(s) within a column are not significantly different from each other at P(<0.05) according to Duncan Multiple Range Test(DMRT). Table 4. Effect of FYM and NPK fertilizers on pearl millet straw N, P and K contents and uptake Treatment Control 2.5t FYM + N30 P15 K15 kg/ha 2.5t FYM + N60 P30 K30 kg/ha 5.0t FYM + N30 P15 K15 kg/ha 5.0t FYM + N60 P30 K30 kg/ha 7.5t FYM + N30 P15 K15 kg/ha 7.5t FYM + N60 P30 K30 kg/ha 7.5t/ha FYM N60 P30 K30 kg/ha SE Nutrient Content (%) N P K 1.12ab* 0.03b 2.32bc ab b abc 1.19 0.03 2.39 a b 1.31 0.03 2.58a bc b 0.96 0.03 2.38abc c a bc 0.75 0.08 2.22 c b ab 0.82 0.04 2.43 0.79c 0.03b 1.82d c b 0.79 0.04 2.48ab d b 0.41 0.03 2.17c 0.093 0.005 0.088 Nutrient Uptake (kg/ha) N P K 21.31d* 0.64d 44.88d b a b 47.31 1.96 98.88 a b 61.82 1.40 127.55a bc b 40.63 1.40 100.62b c cd b 34.27 0.91 100.59 bc a 41.26 2.05 126.10a bc a 41.10 1.88 101.44b d c 20.93 1.04 72.24c c bc 32.19 1.12 91.60b 3.054 0.097 5.472 * Values followed by the same letter(s) within a column are not significantly different from each other at P(<0.05) according to Duncan Multiple Range Test(DMRT). finding of Lawal et al. (2010) who recorded significantly higher NPK uptake in yam treated with combined organic fertilizer plus NPK fertilizer than those with organic or NPK fertilizer alone in south-western Nigeria. In contrast, study conducted by Ewulo et al. (2010) on effect of sawdust ash (SDA), urea and their combinations on tomato nutrient uptake showed that application of urea gave the highest leaf N, while SDA gave the highest leaf P, K, Ca and Mg. The results obtained in this study indicated that millet grown with FYM plus NPK fertilizer had a higher nutritional quality than those with FYM or NPK fertilizer alone. The combined fertilizer is superior because the organic manure content of this fertilizer material must have enhanced appropriate release, availability and consumption of nutrient by the crops in addition to the mineral NPK fertilizer. Effect of the Treatments on Yields Total dry matter and grain yields significantly (P<0.05) increased as a result of application of fertilizers (Table 5). The treatments differed significantly (P≤0.05) on their effects on all the parameters measured. Integrated application of 7.5t FYM + N60P30K30 kg/ha produced the highest total dry matter and grain yields of 5124 and 1651 kg/ha, respectively over the control. However, the differences were not significant from those of 7.5t FYM + N30P15K15 kg/ha. These results fortified the earlier findings of Lawal et al. (2010) who reported that combined application of organic fertilizer plus NPK produced highest tuber yield of white yam in south-western Nigeria. Similarly, a study by Ande et al. (2010) on maize yield grown on degraded soil using organic and inorganic 108 Table 5. Effect of FYM and NPK fertilizers on pearl millet grain N, P and K contents and uptake Treatment Control 2.5t FYM + N30 P15 K15 kg/ha 2.5t FYM + N60 P30 K30 kg/ha 5.0t FYM + N30 P15 K15 kg/ha 5.0t FYM + N60 P30 K30 kg/ha 7.5t FYM + N30 P15 K15 kg/ha 7.5t FYM + N60 P30 K30 kg/ha 7.5t/ha FYM N60 P30 K30 kg/ha SE Nutrient Content (%) N P K 2.71abc* 0.12a 1.97a a a a 3.03 0.12 2.03 cd a 2.41 0.11 2.08a bcd a a 2.57 0.11 1.68 bcd a 2.61 0.11 1.78a ab a a 2.82 0.11 1.82 ab a a 2.78 0.11 1.91 bcd a 2.52 0.10 1.98a d a 2.31 0.08 1.87a 0.118 0.014 0.092 Nutrient Uptake (kg/ha) N P K 51.99f* 2.41e 37.92d bc c abc 128.99 4.70 84.82 bc b 127.74 5.68 105.05a d c bc 108.28 4.62 71.25 c c abc 122.81 4.82 81.77 ab b ab 141.35 5.70 90.72 a a a 151.62 6.37 103.59 e de cd 76.08 3.04 59.43 99.54d 3.37d 76.52bc 4.750 0.215 8.917 * Values followed by the same letter(s) within a column are not significantly different from each other at P(<0.05) according to Duncan Multiple Range Test(DMRT). Table 6. Effect of FYM and NPK fertilizers on pearl millet straw, panicle and total dry matter weights and grain yield (kg/ha) Treatment Control 2.5t FYM + N30 P15 K15 kg/ha 2.5t FYM + N60 P30 K30 kg/ha 5.0t FYM + N30 P15 K15 kg/ha 5.0t FYM + N60 P30 K30 kg/ha 7.5t FYM + N30 P15 K15 kg/ha 7.5t FYM + N60 P30 K30 kg/ha 7.5t/ha FYM N60 P30 K30 kg/ha SE Straw 1700c* 3700ab 4433a 3733ab 4033a 4500a 4867a 2600bc 3567ab 459.4 Panicle 267e 447cd 627a 487bcd 587ab 553abc 673a 393de 553abc 44.40 TDM 1967d 4147abc 5061ab 4220abc 4620ab 5053ab 5540a 2993cd 4120bc 466.9 Grain Yield 789f* 1703de 1930cd 1978bcd 2065bc 2301ab 2440a 1433e 1970bcd 111.7 * Values followed by the same letter(s) within a column are not significantly different from each other at P(<0.05) according to Duncan Multiple Range Test(DMRT). fertilizers revealed that grain yield for combined use of inorganic and organic fertilizers was significantly (P≤0.05) higher than all other treatments. In contrast, Akinbola et al. (2009) observed that NPK 15-15-15 fertilizer applied at 300 kg/ha gave a higher maize grain yield than organo-mineral fertilizers. The significantly (P≤0.05) higher yields obtained from 7.5t FYM + N60P30K30 kg/ha than manure or NPK fertilizer alone in this study may be due to the fact that inorganic fertilizer supplied N, P and K. In addition, the manure released both macro and micro nutrients, increased cation exchange capacities and thus enhanced the nutrient uptake which led to the increased crop yield. differed significantly. N60P30K30 kg/ha had the highest benefit-cost ratio of 1:2.01 and was followed by 2.5t FYM + N30P15K15 kg/ha with 1:1.72. the use of N60P30K30 kg/ha however, is not best for sustainable millet production as the cost of chemical fertilizer and its procurement is a constraint to small scale farmers in this region (Kwari et al., 1998). In addition, Kang and Juo (1988) reported that continuous monoculture of cereals using chemical fertilizers as the main source of nutrients can lead to decline in yield after only a few years cropping because of soil acidification and compaction. Therefore, integrated use of 2.5t FYM + N30P15K15 kg/ha is the most feasible practice for a sustainable millet production by the resource-poor farmers in this region. Economic Analysis Conclusion The economic analysis for millet production is presented in Table 6. The benefit-cost ratio of the treatments Based on the results of this study, it could be concluded 109 ble 7. Cost of production and economic returns to management practices for millet production, 2004 cropping season Yield (kg/ha) * Control 789 1700 20229 32450 Return to management (N/ha) 12221 2.5t FYM + N30 P15 K15 kg/ha 1703 3700 40613 69850 29237 17016 1.72 2.5t FYM + N60 P30 K30 kg/ha 1930 4433 48615 79417 30802 18581 1.63 5.0t FYM + N30 P15 K15 kg/ha 1978 3733 51078 81067 29989 17768 1.59 5.0t FYM + N60 P30 K30 kg/ha 2065 4033 58166 84817 26651 14430 1.46 7.5t FYM + N30 P15 K15 kg/ha 2301 4500 61691 94250 32559 20338 1.53 7.5t FYM + N60 P30 K30 kg/ha 2440 4867 69175 100034 30859 18638 1.45 7.5t/ha FYM 1433 2600 50468 58500 8032 -4189 1.16 N60 P30 K30 kg/ha 1970 3567 40038 80584 40546 28325 2.01 Treatment * Grain Straw Total cost production (N/ha) of Gross revenue (N/ha) Net return (N/ha) - Benefit–cost ratio 1.60 Yield X unit price of N4000 per 100kg bag of millet grain and N5 per 10kg bile of straw. that a combined application of 7.5t FYM + N60P30K30 kg/ha is superior in millet production, but economically the use of 2.5t FYM + N30P15K15 kg/ha will be the most promising for a sustainable millet production by the small scale farmers who are the dominant in this region. 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