5th JBF Symposium http://bioanalysisforum.jp/ Update in JBF Activity 6th March 2014 in Tokyo Masanari Mabuchi Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma Corporation 5th JBF Symposium, 6th March 2014 Contents 1. Japan Bioanalysis Forum 2. JBF Activity 3. Future Direction 2 5th JBF Symposium, 6th March 2014 JBF Scope and Mission Scope: Regulated Bioanalysis – Small molecule (e.g. LC/MS/MS) – Large molecule (e.g. LBA) – (Possibly biomarker measurement) Mission – Facilitate a discussion on regulated bioanalysis in Japan – Interact with Japanese regulators in the field of bioanalysis – Represent Japan in worldwide bioanalysis community 3 5th JBF Symposium, 6th March 2014 JBF Organization Representative Deputy representative GBC-SC Advisors Committees(10) ・Financial ・Financial auditors ・Website ・Membership ・Event execution Steering Committee Task Forces ・GBC-HT ・Chromato-GL ・LBA-GL ・DG ・LM-MS ・Handbook ・Public relations ・Documentation ・International affairs ・EBF window ・CBF window ・Jpn GBC-HT member ・GBC-HT supporter ・JBF partner ・DG-member/supporter as of February 2014 4 5th JBF Symposium, 6th March 2014 Contents 1. Japan Bioanalysis Forum 2. JBF Activity 3. Future Direction 5 5th JBF Symposium, 6th March 2014 Previous JBF Symposiums 1st : 10 August 2011 Tower Hall Funabori 2nd : 8 March 2012 Tower Hall Funabori 3rd : 8 August 2012 Keio Univ. (BMAS joint) 4th : 2 August 2013 Showa Univ. (BMAS joint) Conference Report, Akira Nakayama, Bioanalysis, accepted (Feb. 2014) Attendees: more than 200 per symposium, from academy, industry, and regulatory agencies ■ 5th : 6-7 March 2014 Here in Tower Hall Funabori 6 5th JBF Symposium, 6th March 2014 BMV Guideline for LBA method BMV study group Draft of preliminary text, Glossary, Q&A Draft Guideline on Bioanalytical Method (Ligand Binding Assay) Validation in Pharmaceutical Development (10 January, 2014, MHLW, Japan) To be published in Spring 2014 New Activity: Working Group for Large Molecule-MS 7 5th JBF Symposium, 6th March 2014 Corporate Membership Supporting: CRO/Vendor (15) - Link from the JBF website - Preferential treatment for the booth setting and the luncheon holding in JBF symp. - Preferential treatment for the advertisement in JBF symp. Company: Pharma (16) - Free two participation in JBF symposium 2014-Registration have started on 1st Feb. 2014 http://bioanalysisforum.jp/join 8 5th JBF Symposium, 6th March 2014 Supporting Members 株式会社エービー・サイエックス 日本ウォーターズ株式会社 株式会社新日本科学 三菱化学メディエンス株式会社 株式会社住化分析センター バイオタージ・ジャパン株式会社 (株)応用医学研究所 株式会社ネモト・サイエンス 株式会社日本医学臨床検査研究所 サーモフィッシャーサイエンティフィック(株) ヴェオリア・ウォーター・ソリューション&テクノロジー エルガ・ラボウォーター 株式会社島津テクノリサーチ 株式会社JCLバイオアッセイ 株式会社東レリサーチセンター PPC株式会社 口数および申し込み順 2014/02/28 現在 9 5th JBF Symposium, 6th March 2014 Corporate Members グラクソ・スミスクライン株式会社 日本ジェネリック株式会社 武田薬品工業株式会社 あすか製薬株式会社 エーザイ(株) 興和株式会社 旭化成ファーマ株式会社 沢井製薬株式会社 小野薬品工業株式会社 田辺三菱製薬株式会社 大日本住友製薬株式会社 味の素製薬株式会社 千寿製薬株式会社 第一三共株式会社 JCRファーマ株式会社 日本たばこ産業株式会社* 申し込み順 2014/02/28 現在 *次年度新規 10 5th JBF Symposium, 6th March 2014 JBF Global Action International affairs Committee with 4 members Guideline/Guidance Comparison on small molecule bioanalysis among MHLW, EMA and FDA Submission of Japanese comments to FDA draft guidance English support for Japanese draft guideline Homepage in English http://bioanalysisforum.jp/en Annual meeting with EBF/CBF GBC-HT JPN member and supporter corporate with the recommendation papers 11 5th JBF Symposium, 6th March 2014 Relationship between JBF and other organizations JSSX SCS Global Domestic 7th Workshop on Recent Issues in Bioanalysis 12 5th JBF Symposium, 6th March 2014 Discussion Group(DG) JBF offers “Ba” (room) to discuss casual questions raised from daily bioanalysis work. Group members are selected as individuals (not as representatives of their companies) and each group is composed of 6 to 10 members. Topics to be discussed are not limited to regulatory issues (e.g. ambiguous methodology/process). Five groups with their own topics have commenced just after the 4th JBF symposium, and their discussion for 6 months is underway. See you at Poster session tomorrow morning! 13 5th JBF Symposium, 6th March 2014 Contents 1. Japan Bioanalysis Forum 2. JBF Activity 3. Future Direction 14 5th JBF Symposium, 6th March 2014 Schedule Draft of FDA BMV Guidance (revised) 8th WRIB (LA, USA) CC-V (Baltimore) EBF Open Symposium (Barcelona) APA India Sep Aug 2012 2013 Mar The 3th JBF Symposium (Tokyo) Jul Aug/2 The 4th JBF Symposium (Tokyo) Preliminary LBA Guideline was listed-up (by JBF) BMV Guideline for LC, small molecule (by MHLW) Now! Dec Jan 2014 Nov Mar The 5th JBF Symposium (Tokyo) Draft of LBA-BMV Guideline (by MHLW) 2015 The 6th JBF Symposium BMV Guideline for LBA, large molecule (by MHLW) Japan 15 5th JBF Symposium, 6th March 2014 Future direction Discussion Group LBA guideline Comparison among MHLW, EMA and FDA Large Molecule-MS Handbook for BMV guideline JBF session in BMAS2014 6th JBF Symposium, 2015 16 5th JBF Symposium, 6th March 2014 Thank you for your attention Japan Bioanalysis Forum URL: http://bioanalysisforum.jp Email: [email protected] 17
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