Court File No. CV-10-411191 ONTARIO SUPERIOR COURT OF JUSTICE BETWEEN: DAVID MCKILLOP BY HIS LITIGATION GUARDIAN CHRISTINE VICTORIA GRACE CLARKE Plaintiff -andHER MAJESTY THE QUEEN IN RIGHT OF THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO Defendant Proceeding under the Class Proceedings Act, 1992 OBJECTIONS BRIEF OF THE PLAINTIFF KOSKIE MINSKY LLP 900-20 Queen Street West Toronto, ON M5H 3R3 Kirk M. Baert Tel: (416) 595-2117 lFax (416)204-2889 Celeste Poltak Tel: (416) 595-2701/ Fax: (416) 204-2909 David Rosenfeld Tel: (416) 595-2700 /Fax: (416)204-2894 Jody Brown Tel: (416) 595-2709 /Fax: (416)204-2815 Garth Myers Tel: (416) 595-2102 lFax: (416\204-4924 Lawyers for the Plaintiff TO: ATTORNEY GENERAL FOR ONTARIO Crown Law Office, Civil Law 720 Bay Street, 8th Floor Toronto, ON M5G 2Kl Robert Ratcliffe Tel: (416) 326-4128 lFax: (416)326-418r John Kelly Tel: (416) 212-1161 / Fax: (416) 326-4181 Sonal Gandhi Tel: (416) 326-4146 / Fax: (416) 326-4181 Lisa Brost Tel: (416) 326-4008/ Fax: (416) 326-4181 Lawyers for the Defendant Court File No. CV-I0-41I l9l ONTARIO SUPERIOR COURT OF JUSTICE BETWEEN: DAVID MCKILLOP BY HIS LITIGATION GUARDIAN CHRISTINE VICTORIA GRACE CLARKE Plaintiff -andHER MAJESTY THE QUEEN IN RIGHT OF THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO Defendant Proceeding under the Class Proceedings Act, 1992 TAB I DESCRIPTION Affidavit of Terri Retzler (Crawford Class Action Services) sworn Februarv 18.2014 PAGE NO. I ((A)' - Order of Justice Conway dated January 15.2014 4 Exhibit 6(8" - Objection of Gordon Scanlon 9 Exhibit "C" - Objection of Christopher Powers t2 Exhibit "D'r - Objection of Roger Chartrand on behalf of Yvon Chartrand and Richard Chartrand t4 Exhibit "E') - Objection of Ross Hoffman on behalf of Raymond lester Hoffman 16 66Frr - Obiection of the estate of Timothy Plunkett r9 Exhibit Exhibit f;ldf; Court File No. CV-1041 l9l I ONTARIO SIJPERIOR COT'RT OF JUSTICE BETWEEN: DAVID MCKILLOP BY IilS LITIGATION GUARDIAN CHRISTINE VICTORIA GRACE CLARKE Plaintiffs -andIIER MAJESTY TIIE QUEEN IN RIGHT OF TIIE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO Defendant Proceeding under the Class Proceedings Act, 1992 AFFIDAYIT OF TERRI RETZLER (sworn February 18, 2014) I, TERRI RETZLER, of the Town of Paris, in the County of Brant, in the Province of Onwio MAKE OATH AIttD SAY: l. I am the Assistant Project Manager at Crawford Class Action Services ("Crawford"), a Division of Crawford and Company (Canada) Inc. I have personal knowledge of the facts to which I hereinafter depose in this affidavit. Where the information in this aflidavit is not based on my direct knowledge, but is based upon information and belief from other sources, I have stated the source of that information and I believe that information to be true. 2. Pursuant to the Order of the Honourable Justice Conway of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice dated January 15, 2014 (the "Order'), Crawford was appointed as the Administrator to distribute the notice of the Fairness Hearing and to receive objections from the class members. Notice Dissemination 3. Based on my personal knowledge, I can confirm that Crawford Long Form and Short Form notices (the'Notices") as follows. has disseminated the i su- -2- Community Agencies 4. In accordance with paragraph 4(a) of the Order (anached as Exhibit *A'), on January 30,2014 the Notices were sent by regular mail and/or email to the 362 community agencies who are funded by the Defendant in providing services to members of the class. DirectMail 5. In accordance with paragraph a(b) of the Order, I can confirm that a total of 6,287 Notices were direct mailed to any person who was mailed the notice of certification, which mail was not returned to sender or who had an invalid address, and to any former resident on the list of class members which was provided by the Defendant in accordance with the Order. 6. I can confirm that direct mail was not sent on3,l92 files listed in our database (1,532 identified as'tesident class membey''files) that have incomplete or no address information or returned mail where no alternate address has been located/provided. Returned Mail 7. can confirm that as I have been returned of the date of swearing this affidavit, 448 Notices direct mailed to Crawford by Canada Post. The reasons for the return have been: recipient not at address, moved/address unknown, no such address exists, or that the person identified is deceased. Website Posting 8. In accordance with paragraph 4(d) of the Order, on January 20,2014 the Notices and a copy of the settlement agrcement was posted on the administration website. Toll-Free Support Line 9. In accordance with paragraph (h) of the Order, I can confirm that Crawford's pre- existing toll-free telephone support line remains active. Between December 23,2013 and the date of this Objections aflidavit a total of 414 calls have been received (387 English and27 French). -3- 10. In accordance with paragraph 7 of the Order, I.can confirm that as of the date of swearing this affidavit, Crawford has received a total I l. of five (5) objections. Three (3) objections were received on or before February 12,2014: (a) Attached hereto and marked as Exhibit "8" is the objection of Gordon Scanlon; (b) Attached hereto and marked as Exhibit *C" is the objection of Christopher Powers (verbal objection filed February 12,2014); and (c) Attached hereto and marked as f,xhibit Chartrand oD' is the objection of Roger on behalf of Yvon Chartrand and Richard Chartrand (email objection received February 12, 2Al4). Two (2) objections were received after February 12,2014: (d) Attached hereto and marked as Exhibit "E" is the objection of Ross Hoffman on behalf of Raymond Lester Hoffman (received February 13,2014); and (e) Attached hereto and marked as Exhibit *F" is the objection of the estate of Timothy Plunkett (received February 13,2014). 12. I swear this aflidavit in support of the dissemination of the notice of Fairness Hearing and the receipt of objections from class members, and for no improper purpose. SWORN BIFORE ME at the City of Waterloo, in the Province of Ontario, on Commissioner for Taki ng AfTidavits grn mld(C|rfr, r Corrnf*r,G Pnilhor d Oilrlo, b Ctrffi f Catpty i0r$llm. E9lrhr2l'101{ IEIEll ggq This is Exhibit "A" to the Affidavit of TERzu RETZLER Sworn the 18'h day of Febru&A,2014 /l ,/'r a,/ /// /' terrNc A coMMKsroNrn rbn AFFTDAVITS Stn illd( gfxrh, r Coml$r, r:., otbo, fw Crrbd f Crytf iCmd)lnc Entr.mr28'201{ nli,fnoc d ffiin€ aitsiJ courtFileNo. R. "r-*ffit Plaintifr -andITtrRMAJESTY Tm QIIEEN IN RIGIIT OF Tm PROVTNCE OF ONTARIO Defendant Proceeding under the Class Proceedings Act, 1992 ORDER THIS ORDER arises from a case conference held on Wednesday, January 15,2014, at Osgoode Hall, 130 Queen Steet West, Toronto, Ontario. ON EEARING the submissions of counsel for the Plaintiffand Defendant, l. TEIS COITRT ORDERS that a headng to consider approval of the settlment agree,ment reached between thc parties, approval of the proposed claims process and approval of class counsel fees shall be heard on Febnrary 24 ad 25,20t4 at the *Fairness Hearingl). Superior Court of Justice in Toronto, Ontario (the 2. TflIS COIJRT ORDERS, pursuant to the parties' agreemenf that Crau/ford Class Action Services be and hereby is appointed as the administrator to receive objections from the class members and to disnibute the notice of the Fairuess Hearing in accordance with paragnph 4 below (the'Adminishator"). I4 I&L UgU -2- 3. THIS COIJRT ORDERS that the Defendant, within ten (10) days of this order, shall deliver to the Administator and Plaintiffs counsel: (a) a list, with cunpnt contact information, ofthe community agencies who are frrnded by the Defendant in providing services to members ofthe class; and o) an updated list of class members, including last knorra contact inforuration as cross-referenced 4. with the Defendant's social assistaoce records. THIS COURT ORDERS that notice of the Fairness Hearing shall be provided as follows: (a) the Adninistator shall, within three (3) days of receiving the list from the Defendant refened to in pangraph 3(a) above, deliver a notice, in "A' substantially the same form as the notice attached hereto as Schedule (the "Short Form Notice') and atiac,hed hereto as Schedule "8" (the "Long Form Notice'), by regulu mail or by email, to the community agencies who are ftnded by the Defendant in providing seivices to members of the class; (b) the Administator shall, within three (3) days of receiving the list from the Defendant referred to in paragraph 3@) above, deliver the Short Form Notice and Iong Form Notice by regular mail to any person who was mailed the notice of certification punuant to paragnph 8(a) of the certification order dated Augtrst 19,2011, which mail was not retunred to sender or who had an invalid address, and to any former resident on the list of class members which shall be provided by the Defendant in accordance with paragraph 30) above; (c) the Adminisfator, or its designatg shall place, within ten (10) days of this order, the Short Form Notice in the newspapeni set out in Schedule attached hereto if possible; "C- n ll4 of a page size in the weekend edition of each paper, -3- (d) the Administator and Class Counsel shall post, within five (5) days of this order, ttre Short Form Notice, Long Fonn Notice and a copy of settlement agreements on their respective websites until the date the of the Fairness Hearing; (e) the Adminisbator, or its designate, shall within ten (10) days issue a press release announcing tbe proposed settlement and advising nhere interested peno$r may obtain additional information about the settlement and Fairness Hearing; (0 the Administrator shall forward the Short Form Notice and Inng Form Notice, by nail or email, to any person who bas contacted Class Qsrrnsel seeking information about this class action" and a list ofthe lames of those persons sball be provided to counsel to the Defendant; G) the Administrator shall forward the Short Form Notice to any person nfio requests it, and a list of the names shall be provided to Plaintiffs' Counsel and counsel to tbe Defendant; and (h) the Adminisfiator shall establish a toll-free telephone support line within Outario, agency to provide assistance stafl or other to class members, family, guardiaos or persons who make inquiries oa their own behalf or on bebalf of class nembers; 5. TmS COIJRT ORDERS that the notice of the Fairness Hearing set out in paragraphs 4(a) and 4(c) above shall be completed in conjunction with uotice of the faimess hearing in Bechard v. Ontuio (Court File No. CV-10-417343-0f CP) which sball be heard at the same time as the Fairness Hearing. 6. THIS COURT ORDERS, pursuant to the parties' agreemeot, that the expense of notice in paragaph 4 above, as approved by the Court shall be borne by the Defendant and shall be in addition to any amounts available to the class in the parties' settlement agreements. fiE TJU t3-=" -4- 7. THIS COURT ORDERS that a class member who wishes to make a written objection may do so by delivering a signed objection, by Febnrary lz,2ol4, to the Adninisnator at the following address: CRAWFORD & COMPANY 3-505, 133 Weber St N. Waterloo, ON N2J 3C9 Attention: Rideau Regional Centrc Class Action 8. TEIS COITRT ORDERS that the Administrator shall serve on the parties and fite with the court, by February 18, 2014, or tbereafter but before the Fairness Hearing, au affidavit including copies of up until the date ofthe dl witten objections received by Fcbruary 12,2014 and affidavit Fnt ts t-- - "rraf'RtT ATono{ro -op gOCn<|tr" t carsTRE F' tS.: rrN 1 61011 JJ E' frRr?Afr'W U ifit;* 4iw,i This is Exhibit'oB" to the Affidavit of TERzu RETZLER Sworn the 18* d*y of Febru 7U,20T4 li / l/ 4J, ,/LUt,L, t/t41"-L t f -Itt "t A COMMISSIONER FOR TAKING AFFIDAVITS Shnn Wtck Cllttr., r Cocnl$tr' * ffiaio, ftrCt*tdf Ccrtfrf Inc Frplc fml ?A 2fi{ iCs'd) Pior{rcoof #4# February A7,2Ot4 RIDEAU SETTI.EMEilI :r-sot til3 WEBER STREFT NORTH WATERLOO, ONTARIO, Nzl3cg COURT FlL"E NO: CV-10.411911 oBJECflON TOSgTTLEMENT STATEMENT I, GORDON JOSEPH SCANLON, HEREBY OUE TS TO TTIE PROPOSED SETITEMENT FOR THE FOII.OWNG REASONS. a ctAlM FoRM sEcnoN'8" REQUTRES DETA|rS OF'HA8![.5,UEEEEES," AND 5UppORilN6 DOCUMENTS. gA REQUEST FOR DOCI MENTS rS gErN6 PREPARED, HOWEVE& | HAVE CONCERNSTHAT EVIDENCE SUPPORNNG MY CIAIM IS AVAIIABIE BUT NOT BEING DISCLOSED, IF SO, MY CI,AIM MAY TAKE LONGER THAN THE REQUIRED 120 DAYS TO SUBMIT, THEREFORE, I ASK THE COURT THAT S}IOULD THIS SITUATION ARISE, I WOULD REQUIRE MORE THAN 120 DAYs PENDING APPEALS Of THE PRIVACY ACT, AND ACCESS TO INFORMATION. YOURS FORJUSTICE GORDON SCANLON Associatlon for Community Living Guelph &Welllngton 29 WOODYCREST DRIVE GUEIPH ONTARIO NIH 6E8 1-519-763.[842 r stGNAruREb .l wfrNEss trl, rt 0 -(.\ )l* \ "l- 04 \JL . Fet'1, Aott\ . Fcl' '1, eoA . [sur- S"fd-* (,urdto. . Feceived - DMT FEB | 0 O/2 ru- n-7QB 7 201{ R:167182?.0856?7 ;3 t- , C) Dertlnalion: Canada /A t@ (r) I & * ( lexool "-] o|.,' e tf - ' ' l Po:r:s -- e*r=a ) 9.13 -nr4r ' lar I F G Afl E'|F F ff st rt-r >|l:- - 6*nl rrn in E3n -ots * covr9 I O- n n n ru =; en: r.l (tt .\ - (JEn ll' { {.) 5i-i€- il,.:i*fiif,H EE EI t - -= fl .ct t *i zl r-/ s/ g ** {1 L { -3&) q rO FnJ .t 3z \-/ K br v 3 t f-> J -tt v1 : ') J el 4 *{ EE <il I E: I |-9 HE a I HY Hfi uu fi: I trl0 ctl I I I I t I L-.-. fld -, This is Exhibit "C" to the Affidavit of TERRI RETZLER Sworn the 1 8e day of Febru &ry, z}l.4 A COMMISSIONER FOR TAKING AFFIDAVITS Sfffii ruid(Ofirn hudnca d rOonn*r'*' ffirlq h Cntd f CatPrf iCn*)lm Eqlrrlst4z0'f( ReEler. Terri To: Groenewoud, Courtney February-12-14 5:29 PM Retrler, Teni Cc: LanE, Douglas; Tunett Deanna Subfect: RR-12-03320 Objections and request to speak at hearing From: Sent: HeyTerri, from Christopher Powers who was looking to object to the settlement and request to speak at the hearing. He advised me that he needed help writing everything down and had nobody around to help him. I received a call As requested, here is the information needed. Christopher Teddy Powers Address: Knights Inn Motel, 1155 Princess St. Kingston, ON, K7M 381 Room 153 Phone Number: 613-5rt4{347 lwould fike to object to the settlement. Court File No. CV-10'411911 lwant to object everything. lwould like to speak at the hearing. Itried to get more of an objection out of him but he didn't. I advised him that this is not guaranteed but we will try. He went on to ask if we could do everything in our power to let him speak at the hearing. Let me know if you need any more information from me @ Thanks, Courtney Groenewoud Agent of the Administrator Crawford Class Action Services 61G180 King St. South Waterloo, Ontario N2J 1P8 Telephone: 519 578 4053 Bd. 2924 Toll Free: 1 888 842 1331 Fax:519 5787739 E: [email protected] Enhancing the customer experience, every day *t"s This is Exhibit ooD" to the Affidavit of TERzu RETZLER Sworn the 18th day of FebrudU,2}l4 A COMMISSIOMR FOR TAKING AFFIDAVITS grn P*ld( gftttb, r Connl3:, G nttrtdOilio,bCtrftdf CmF? iCrdlhc Eehrl|$2qffit Retzler, Terri From: Sent: To: Gc: SubJect: Roger Chartrand [[email protected] February-12-14 4:54 PM Rideau RegionalCenbe Roger Chartrand; Retrler, Teni Rejection notice to Rideau Regional Centre Class Action To whom it may concern, I have read the Notice of Proposed Settlement and Fairness Hearing and I am objecting to this Proposed Settlement of Class Action Lawsuits. I am the legal guardian for both of my brothersn Yvon Charrand (DOB - 1955/l l/14) and Richard Chartrand (DOB-1958107114),past residents of the Rideau Regional Cente, where they lived for 3Gr years. Both my brothers are considered non-verbal, due to their condition, having dual diagnosis (Fragile X Syndrome and Autism) . Unfortunately, they cannot speak of their ordeal and express their own pain and suffering. The chart that outlines the categories of harm that will be compensated in the Settlement by levels, does not take in consideration the amount of years each resident was subjected to, by these harmful acts! I would like to know how my objection of this settlement will really impact the courts decision and if I should attend the hearing on February 24 &25, will I get a chance to speak to the court and represent my brothers position. I would appreciate a response to my objection. Sincerely, Roger Chartand 613-327-9178 (cell) 61 3-71 5-0508 (alternate cell) hF ,i iJ This is Exhibit "E" to the Affidavit of TERRI RETZLER Sworn the 1 8ft day of Febru &ry, 2014 ,//. 1'l t A COMMISSIONER FOR TAKING AFFIDAVITS $fln Psht Gl[iltlq r Corn*tr' * ProvlncedOilriq h0r*td f CatF" iC$r.di) Inc Eqir lrdt 14 201{ Jan 102014 Ros.sHoffman 609-945 Dar-vl thive Burtingtor ON LTTOAI Tel (90O 637{634 RE: Rideau Settlement File CV-lG-{l l9l r Or behalfof Raynond HofFnan, brother While I do not objcct to thc ovenll scnlement. I do have a eongem for the calsulation of paymenb are non-verbal as is the casc wih rny brottrcr Rayrnond. Ray has not spoken a word since hc was two )€ars old. Therefore, there is no $ay that he can describe any ahsc that might have oecured. naking it inpossible to document sueh abuse . which is also a rcquircment fot naking a clatm. Alsq I might add, that any percon who is living in an abuive envimnmm( and is also non-verbal rrculd likely bcourc a prime target of such abuse. since hcy would be rmable to ropon tt I feel that non-verbsl claimants. should be cornpcnseted at some high* levcl, without having to docurnent spccific wenls of abuse. While I do not want to disnrpl the sedlement prccess. I did want to raise this concem and look fonrard to somc modification of the claims proccss. brchimurts who e-&th Ross Hoffinan ry* ttn 4 ^7 ttO Ittt()t(t . Ross C Hoffrnan t:.g'.r*ed';Jpfl:; 'L . cA .l *'ltlt31 llt '11 , 609-945 Daryl Drive Burlington. ON t.7T 0Al fsrf.rf LJ . F cr:;:'\ ggcarl.nt:! . c:H t..t.., $ Rideau Senlement 3-505, 133 Webcr Strcet North Wstedoo. Ontario N2J 3G9 Crawloltt rnd Company lnc. $! F"r! {i:! lfit u qal l. b; This is Exhibit "F" to the Affidavit of TERzu RETZLER Sworn the 18th day of Febru&ty,2014 A COMMISSIONER FOR TAKING AFFIDAVITS gtrr Corn*r, G Catff l5r Pd|d( G|trt r Pru,hor of mriq tr Crlffi f 2AS1'|. iCrtdl lnc. Etpii ffi?i? g**n- :,$itii '' 'lii' ,. . ar:il 't,:.i i'i lrlr:ixl l .liiti.i '1 :.i.;: i:iri f;$! lri.lyr:1* I:t ' ::.:.::l .l:ata -. ti ,i 'i lll:', ,ii Y,l;t,t ' i'i:i.; 1,,,t.,,''1,,, ii.i?;* CLARKE et aI v. HURONIA RECIONAL CENTRE et aI Plaintiffs Court File No: CV-1041 l9l I Defendants ONTARIO SUPERIOR COURT OF JUSTICE Proceeding commenced at Toronto Proceeding under the Class Proceedings Act, i,992 AFFIDAVIT OF TERRI RETZLER (swoRN FEBRUARY 18, 2014) KOSKIE MINSKY LLP 20 Queen Street West, Suite 900 Toronto, ON M5H 3R3 Kirk M. Baert LSUC#: 309420 Tef : 416-595-2117 Fax:41G204-2889 Celeste Poltak LSUC#: 46207A Tel.: 416-595-2741 Fax: 416-204-2909 Solicitors for the Plsintiffs 66t388v1 s:r P'l ft3 DAVID MCKILLOP, et al. Plaintiff and HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN IN RIGHT OF THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO Court File No. CV-10-411191 Defendant ONTARIO SUPERIOR COURT OF JUSTICE Proceeding commenced at Toronto Proceeding under the Class Proceedings Act, 1992 OBJECTIONS BRIEF OF THE PLAINTIFFS KOSKIE MINSKY LLP 900-20 Queen Street West Toronto, ON M5H 3R3 Kirk M. Baert Tel: (416) 595-2ll7Eax (416) 204-2889 Celeste Poltak Tel: (416) 595-270ltFax: (416) 204-2909 David Rosenfeld Tel: (416) 595-2700lFax: (416) 204-2894 Jody Brown Tel: (416) 595-27098ax: (416) 204-2815 Garth Myers Tel: (416) 595-2l02lFax: (416) 204-4924 Lawyers for the Plaintiff 99 1309v l
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