7/25/2014 Optic nerve head evaluation The goal of this evaluation is to differentiate between normal and glaucomatous eyes and to detect progression of glaucomatous damage. A PILOT STUDY TO ESTIMATE THE CORRELATION BETWEEN DISC DAMAGE LIKELIHOOD SCALE AND RETINAL NERVE FIBRE LAYER THICKNESS BY GDx GDx--VCC SCANNING LASER POLARIMETRY IN GLAUCOMA The best method readily available to the clinician is high plus lens fundus biomicroscopy. biomicroscopy. Various systems for staging the glaucomatous nerve damage are based on enlargement of cup like Armaly’s method Author : Dr.Prashanth.R Co--Authors: Dr.Sharmila.R, Co Dr.Sharmila.R, Dr.Nalini.D, Dr.Nalini.D, Dr.Krishnadas.S.R Aravind Eye Hospital Madurai 2 Armaly’s nomogram It does not describe directly the actual change occurring in glaucoma, namely, the loss of neuroretinal rim tissue. 0.3 CDR Neuroretinal rim area outperforms the C/D ratio in its correlation with visual function 3 4 1 7/25/2014 Disc Damage Likelihood Scale Rim thinning New disc grading system stages glaucomatous optic nerve damage based upon the narrowest radial width of rim The cup/disk ratio does not correct for the effect of optic nerve size The cup/disk ratio system does not possess high interobserver reliability as compared to DDLS*.. DDLS* *Lichter P. Variabilty of expert observers in evaluating the optic disc. Trans Am ophthalmol Soc 1976; 74:532-572 5 Our study… 6 9 Inclusion criteria 9 Aim: To determine the correlation of a new disc grading system, the DDLS and retinal nerve layer thickness by scanning laser polarimetry (SLP) in eyes with clinically established glaucoma. To study the correlation of DDLS with functional alteration in glaucoma determined by automated perimetry 9 9 Age > 18 years reliable automated perimetry best--corrected visual acuity ≥ 6/12 best 9Exclusion criteria 9Myopia > 5 dioptres 9Any corneal, retinal, optic nerve (except glaucoma) or neurologic pathology associated with visual field defects 9Optic disk abnormalities (tilted optic disc, optic disc drusen, drusen, optic disc pit, optic disc coloboma) coloboma) 9Macular pathology and vitreous opacities 7 8 2 7/25/2014 Methodology Methodology Examinations - Visual acuity, intra ocular pressure, central corneal thickness, slit lamp biomicroscopy biomicroscopy,, Gonioscopy DDLS staging g g by y an ophthalmologist p g RNFL analysis using GDx GDx--VCC, HFA (24(24-2 program) Observational case series worse eye of patients with clinically established glaucoma conducted d t d ffrom July J l 2008 till JJuly l 2009 100 eyes of 100 patients with known glaucoma attending glaucoma clinic. 9 10 Steps Statistical Analysis DDLS was compared to the parameters of GDx and Mean deviation of visual fields using Pearson’s correlation coefficient Dilate pupils Size of optic disc Paired tt--test/ANOVA was used to compare the means. 11 60D – x1.0; 78D – x1.1; 90D – x1.3 Small <1.5mm; avg 1.5 – 2mm; large >2mm 12 3 7/25/2014 Note the area where rim is narrowest Calculate rim rim--disc ratio DDLS Stage according to nomogram 13 14 Quantification Results Characteristics of study population Stages 1 - 4 : no definite damage Stages 5 – 7 : asymptomatic damage Stages 8 – 10 : disability Age (Yrs) [ mean ± SD ] 55.55 ± 13.12 Sex Male / Female 70/ 30 Eye Right/Left g 64/ 36 IOP [ mm Hg ] (mean ± SD) 18.46 ± 6.27 Type of Glaucoma 15 Primary open angle 82 Pseudoexfoliation 08 Chronic angle closure 10 16 4 7/25/2014 Results Results DDLS stage (mean ± SD) GDX – VCC Parameters (mean ± SD) Visual field indices (mean ± SD) 6.41 ± 1.62 NFI 56.81 ± 26.35 Mean Deviation -15.08 ± 8.88 g TSNIT Average 41.28 ± 10.29 PSD 8.37 ± 4.02 No.off Subjects 67 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 29 4 Small Average Superior Average 46.26 ± 14.12 Large Fundus Disc Diameter Inferior Average 44.685 ± 11.41553 2/3rd of patients were having average size disc 17 Correlation between Fundus DDLS and TSNIT AVG 2 2 4 4 Fun ndus DDLs 6 ndus DDLs Fun 6 8 8 10 10 Correlation between Fundus DDLS and GDx_NFI 18 0 20 40 GDx NFI Observed 60 80 100 20 Fitted 30 40 50 GDx TSNIT AVERAGE Observed There is a significance positive correlation(r=0.5223,p-value <0.01) between DDLs and NFI 60 70 Fitted There is a significance Negative correlation(r=-0.4227, p-value<0.01) between DDLs and TSNIT avg 19 20 5 7/25/2014 DDLS status with NFI and Mean deviation 10 correlation between DDLS and Visual fields mean deviation 2 4 Fun ndus DDLs 6 8 DDLS -40 -30 -20 Visual Fields Mean Deviation Observed -10 NFI Mean deviation 1-4 40.00±20.49 5-7 51.86±23.42 -9.50±8.44 -13.78±7.86 8-10 77.45±24.88 -21.36±9.42 P-Value <0.001 0.0003 0 Fitted There is a significance Negative correlation(r=-0.4545, p-value<0.01) between DDLs and Visual fields mean deviation 21 DISCUSSION RESULTS Correlation of DDLS stage GDx--VCC’s NFI ( Nerve GDx fibre indicator ) r = 0.52, p < 0.01 Small sized discs r=0.60, p-value<0.01 Average sized discs r=0.52, p-value<0.01 Large sized discs r=-0.4093, p-value=0.5907 22 Optic disc morphology has been shown to be correlated with the visual field indices and nerve fiber layer thickness by many authors In our study, the DDLS is highly correlated with the GDX GDX--VCC parameters and visual field indices Correlation was also significant in three diagnostic groups (POAG, PXFG, CACG) 23 24 6 7/25/2014 DISCUSSION Advantages In our patients, correlation was significant in small (1.5 mm) and average size (1.5– (1.5– 2.0 mm) disks. However, it was not so good in large (2.0 mm) disks. This is probably an expression of the fewer number of subjects (n = 4) having large disks. High inter & intraintra-observer reproducibility Greater correlation with visual field changes Measures M th the rim i width idth Considers disc size Quantification of damage 1 2,3 Validity of new disc grading scale for estimating glaucomatous damage : correlation with visual field damage. Am J ophthalmol 2002;133:758-763 25 Limitations of DDLS 1.Reliability of DDLS. Am J ophthalmol 2003; 135:44-48 2.Validity of new disc grading scale for estimating glaucomatous damage : correlation with visual field damage. Am J ophthalmol 2002;133:758-763 3.Regional correlation of structure and function in glaucoma, using the DDLS, HRT and visual 26 fields. Ophthalmology 2006;113:603-611 Conclusion Location of rim narrowing is not considered Non--contiguous areas of lesser damage is Non not considered Congenital disc anomalies or other atypical discs don’t fit into any scale 27 DDLS, a new disc scoring system takes into account both the rim loss and disc size. Our study demonstrated a strong correlation between DDLS and GDxGDx-VCC for small and average sized discs and it also gave information regarding the stage of the disease. However still larger studies are required for validation 28 7 7/25/2014 29 8
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