Failure to Detect Evidence of Human T

Failure to Detect Evidence of Human T-Lymphotropic Virus (HTLV) Type I and
Type I1 in Blood Donors With Isolated gag Antibodies to HTLV-1/11
By Renu B. Lal, Donna L. Rudolph, John E. Coligan, Stephanie K. Brodine, and Chester R. Roberts
Of the 267,650 blood donations from members of the US
armedforces, 72 (0.027%) were serologically confirmedt o be
positive for human T-lymphotropic virus type 1/11 (HTLVW)
and 379 (0.14%) were Western blot (WB)-indeterminatewith
banding pattern restricted t o the proteins encoded by the
gag gene only (HTLVind).To determine whether these apparently healthy HTLVindblood donors are infected with HTLV-I
or HTLV-II, coded specimens from randomly selected military
blood donors (n = 73) were tested for antibodies to HTLV by
WB and radioimmunoprecipitationassay (RIPA) using HTLV-I
(MT-2) antigens, by enzyme immunoassay using synthetic
peptides representing the immunodominant epitopes of
HTLV, and for sequences of proviral HTLV DNA by the
polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Of the 73 HTLVinddonors,
none showed presence of env reactivity by HTLV WB and
RIPA. Minimal reactivity was observed with synthetic immunodominant motifs derived from the env protein of HTLV-I
and E n ~ - 5 ~ - or
( E n ~ - 2 ~and
Env-2Wlo2)andgag protein (Gag-lalo2-l17
and Gag-1OS3=).
A peptide corresponding t o the endogenous retroviral sequence with structural homologies t o the gag protein of
HTLVs (RTVLgag)reacted with antibodies not only in HTLVPos
(88%) and HTLVind(42% t o 66%) specimens, but also reacted
with normal control subjects (60%). Furthermore, none of the
73 HTLVindspecimens demonstrated presence of the HTLV
genome when amplified with primersfor thepol and taxlrex
region. Six to 23 months from the initial test, 27 subjects still
gave indeterminate WB patterns, and 13 of these repeat
specimens were still negative for the presence of HTLV
genome. We conclude that individuals at low risk for HTLV
infection who have HTLVIndWB reactivity are rarely, if ever,
infectedwith HTLV-I or HTLV-II.
o 1992by The American Society of Hematology.
determined, retrospective studies of recipients of blood
with such serum reactivity showed that these recipients
were HTLv-I/II-negati~e.~
To better understand the clinical importance of HTLVind,we evaluated a group of blood donors within US
armed forces with only HTLVgag reactivity by a number of
serologic assays containing whole viral antigens and the
immunodominant epitopes of HTLV-I and HTLV-11. The
presence of viral DNA in the genome was analyzed by the
polymerase chain reaction (PCR), which allows rapid and
direct detection of viral DNA through the amplification of
specific viral sequences in blood samples?J2 In the present
study, analysis of serum from blood donors with HTLVind
pattern demonstrated no evidence of HTLV-I or HTLV-I1
infection according to HTLV antibody EIA with synthetic
antigens representing the immunodominant epitopes of
HTLV-I and HTLV-11, and analysis of peripheral blood
mononuclear cells (PBMC) demonstrated no evidence of
HTLV-I or HTLV-I1 infection in culture or by PCR assays.
and I1 (HTLV-11) have been detected worldwide:
western Japan and the Caribbean Islands for HTLV-1,' and
in American Indians in Panama and in New Mexico for
HTLV-II.2,3 These viruses have been detected in blood
donors,4.5 recipients of blood transfusions>-8 intravenous
drug users? and female prostitutes.1° The criteria for
seropositivity, as defined by the US Public Health Service
Working Group, is that a serum specimen exhibiting reactivity to p24Bag and gp46"" and/or g~61/68~"
be considered
seropositive for HTLV-1/11 (HTLVPS)and that a combination of Western blot (WB) and radioimmunoprecipitation
assays (RIPA) be used to visualize antibody reactivity togug
any specimen that lacks this pattern of reactivity
by either test system is considered WB-indeterminate
(HTLVind).Such testing of blood donors within the United
States has shown a low seroprevalence (0.01% to 0.025%)
of HTLV-I/II.4v6However, greater than 30% of the enzyme
immunoassay (EIA) repeat reactive specimens demonstrate reactivity to HTLV-I/II@g proteins on WB assays.6s11
While the importance of such reactivity remains to be
From the Retrovirus Diseases Branch, Division of Viral and
Rickettsial Diseases, National Center for Infectious Diseases, Centers
for Disease Control, Atlanta, GA; the Biological Resource Branch,
National Institute of AllergV and Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD; the Naval Health Research Center, US
Naval Hospital, San Diego, CA; and the Department of Diagnostic
Retrovirology, Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, Washington,
Submitted September 26, 1991; accepted March 20, 1992.
Address reprint requests to Renu B. Lal, PhD, Mail Stop G-19,
Retrovirus Diseases Branch, Atlanta, GA, 30333.
The publication costs of this article were defrayed in part by page
charge payment. This article must therefore be hereby marked
"advertisement" in accordance with I8 U.S.C. section 1734 solely to
indicate this fact.
0 1992 by The American Society of Hematology.
Reference HTLVantiboh tests. Serum specimens from all blood
donors were initially tested for HTLV-1/11 antibodies with a
licensed enzyme-linked immunoassay (HTLV-I EIA, Dupont,
Wilmington, DE), according to the manufacturer's recommendations. Specimensthat were repeatedly reactive were further tested
by WB incorporatingpurified recombinant HTLV-I envelope (r21)
protein with a whole virus lysate derived from an HTLV-I-infected
cell line, HUT-102 (Cambridge Biotech, Rockville, MD) and
radioimmunoprecipitation assay (RIPA) using a lysate from the
MT-2 cell line (Cambridge).A serum specimen was determined to
be HTLV-positiveif antibody reactivitywas detected to at least two
different HTLV structural gene products (gag p24 and env gp46
and/or gp68). The results were considered indeterminate (HTLVind)for HTLV-1/11, if the WE3 showed at least one band
characteristic of HTLV-1/11 (p19, p24, or gp46), but did not meet
the criteria for a positive result.
Blood donors. Between December 1988and April 1991,approximately 267,650 U of blood from members of the armed forceswere
tested for antibodies to HTLV-1/11. Of the total donations, 2,376
Blood, VOI 80, NO2 (July 151,1992: PP 544-550
(0.89%) were initially reactive by EL4 and hence were tested by
with an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) reader
(SLT Lab Instrument, Ronkonkome,NY)at 405 nm. Seropositivity
(Table 1). Of these, 72 were HTLVP (0.027%), 379 were HTLVlnd
was defined as any value greater than the mean of the normal
controls + 2 SD.
(0.14%), and 1,925 did not demonstrate any viral specific band
(HTLVneg).Additional blood specimens were requested on all of
PCR. The amplification and detection of HTLV sequences by
the specimens that were HTLVFs and HTLVind. Of the 379
PCR were performed in blinded fashion on DNA specimens from
HTLVmd specimens requested, additional blood was sent by
HTLVP donors (n = 52) and HTLVinddonors (n = 73). Two gene
various blood donation centers for 73 specimens, and hence only
regions (pol and tan-rex) from each patient were amplified by PCR
these 73 specimens were included for the detailed analysis.
using conditions as described previously?J2 Briefly, 50 pL of cell
lysate was added to 50 pL of the reagent mixture containing
Antibodies to synthetic peptides. The synthetic peptides derived
from HTLV-I and HTLV-I1 sequences termed Env-1191-214 dNTPs, primers, and Tuq polymerase (all 2x) in lx PCR buffer (50
(HTLV-I, LPHSNLDHILEPSIPWKSKLLTLV), Env-2187-209 nmol/L KCI, 10 mmol/L Tris-HCI, pH 8.3, 0.1 mg/mL gelatin).
(HTLV-11, VHDSDLEHVLTPSTSWTTKILKFI), Env-5242-z7 The optimal concentrations determined were dNTF's, 200 pMol/L
each; primers, 0.5 pmol/L each; Tuq polymerase, 1 U, and MgC12,
(HTLV-11,KKF"1.25 mmol/L. The amplification conditions followed were denaturRQGLGYYSPSYNDP), Gag-la102-117
(HTLV-I, PPSSPTHDPPation at 94°C for 90 seconds; annealing at 58°C for 2 minutes; exDSDPQI), Gag-1@M-385
(HTLV-1/11, GHWSRDCTQPRPPPGPCtension at 72°C for 1minute, for 40 cycles. Ten microliters of PCR
PLCQDP),13-15and an endogenous retroviral sequence containing
productswas hybridized with 32Pend-labeledoligonucleotideprobes
the histidine tRNA primer binding site with sequence homologies
in solution at 53°C and 4YC, respectively. The 5'-3' sequences of
to the C-terminus of HTLVgag protein (RTVLBag,PRIPPKPCPICthe primer pairs and probes from the pol region,12 based on
VGPHWKSDCPT)16were synthesizedby 9-fluorenylmethyloxycarbony1 (FMOC) chemistry, and antibodies to these synthetic pepHTLV-I (GenBank accession no.502029) and HTLV-I1 (GenBank
accession no. M10060) sequences were as follows: SKllO (pol,
tides were tested as described previo~sly.'~
Briefly, polyvinyl plates
(Immulon 11; Dynatech Laboratories, Alexandria, VA) were coated
GTGGTwith 50 pL of synthetic peptides (100 pg/mL) in 0.01 mol/L
carbonate buffer, pH 9.6, and incubated overnight at 4°C. The
GAAGCTGCCATCGGGm, SK112 (pol, HTLV-14825-4840),
plates were washed six times with phosphate-bufferedsaline (PBS)
containing 0.05% Tween-20 (PBS-T); excess reactive sites were
products were electrophoresed on 10% polyacrylamide gels and
blocked by addition of 3% bovine serum albumin (BSA) in PBS-T,
followed by the addition of a 120 dilution of each test serum. The
plates were incubated overnight at 4°C. After six washes, FcFor taulrex amplification? 50 pL of the cell lysate was added to
the 2 x lo6 cpm of 5'-labeled primer, dNTPs (50 pmol/L), Tug
specific, alkaline phosphatase-njugated
goat antibody to human
polymerase (2.5 U), and MgClz (1.25 mmol/L). The primers used
IgG (Sigma, St Louis, MO) was added, followed by the addition of
were Txl (taulrex, HTLV-17336-7353,HTLV-I17248-n66),
p-nitrophenyl phosphate (Sigma) substrate. The plates were read
CGGATACCCAGTCTACGT; and Tx2 (tmlrex,HTLV-17494-7474,
Table 1. Serologic Analysis of HTLV-1/11Antibodies and PCR Results
7386),GAGCCGATAACGCGTCCATCG.The amplification conin Armed Forces Blood Donors
ditions were similar to those described above, except the annealing
temperature was 55°C. For differentiation between HTLV-I and
PCR Results'
HTLV-11, the amplified products were digested with restriction
WB/RIPA Results
(no. poslno. tested)
enzymes Tuq Z and Suu 3.4, and the products were electrophoresed
on 8% polyacrylamide gels and autoradiographed. For HTLV-I,
the 159-nucleotide (nt) product was digested by Tuq Z to a 138-nt
72 (0.027)
product and by Suu 3.4 to a 120-nt fragment. For HTLV-11, the
159-nt product was digested by Tuq Z to an 85-nt fragment; Suu 3A
did not cleave HTLV-11. A specimen was considered positive by
379 (0.14)
PCR if HTLV sequences were detected by both primer pairs.
If a specimen was positive on one of the two amplifications, a
third amplification was performed to determine positivity or
negativity. A specimen was considered to be HTLV-negative by
PCR if there were no detectable HTLV sequences when cells were
analyzed in duplicate for each of the two primer pairs.
Isolation of HTLV-I and HTLV-11. PBMC from HTLVps and
HTLVindwere cultured for virus isolations. Briefly, PBMC were
stimulated with 1% PHA-P (Difco, Detroit, MI) and cultured at a
density of 2 x lo6 cells/mL in complete RPMI-1640 (C-RPMI)
"PCR results were determined to be positive based on genomic
supplemented with 15% fetal bovine serum and 10% partially
amplification inpol and taxlrex region.
tHTLVPosresults were based on seroreactivity to the gag and env
purified interleukin-2 (IL-2; Advanced Biotechnologies, Silver
Spring, MD). After 72 hours of culture, the lymphocytes were
gene products.
cocultured with an equal number of phytohemagglutinin (PHA)SHTLVindresults were based on seroreactivity to gag (p24 and/or
p19) and/or recombinant transmembrane protein (r21) only.
stimulated PBMC from a normal donor. The culture supernatants
were collected twice a week for up to 4 weeks. Soluble HTLV
§Two specimens were from persons infected with human immunodeficiency virus.
antigen production was determined by an antigen capture assay
using a monoclonal antibody to HTLV p24gag that recognizes
([Onehundred twenty-eight specimens within this group had some
nonspecific bands at 28 Kd and 26 Kd, in addition to p19 band.
epitopes common to both HTLV-I and HTLV-I1 (Coulter ImmuIHTLV"g specimens did not show any reactivity on WB assay.
nology, Hialeah, FL).17
WB and RIPA for serologic confirmation of HTLV infection
HTLV-anrihody resting results. Of the 267,650 U of
donated blood, 2,376 (0.89%) were HTLV-1/11 EIAreactive. Of these, 72 were confirmed to be positive for
HTLV-1/11 (0.027%), 379 were HTLVind(0.14%), and
1,925 were negative. Further analysis of the 72 seropositive
specimens by type-specific oligopeptidestwand oligoprimers9.I2demonstrated that 43 were infccted with HTLV-I
(60%), and 29 with HTLV-I1(40%).
Characreri.ytic WR-indeterminatepatrem. The WB analysis of HTLVV specimens demonstrated reactivity to both
gag (p53 gag precursor; p36, p32, and p28 intermediate
products; p24 and p19gag products) and env (gp46 external
glycoprotein; r21e recombinant transmembrane protein)
gene products (Fig 1A). All of the specimens that did not
react with env gp46 protein were further subjected to RIPA
analysis to detcrmine the presence of the env precursor
gp68 (Fig 1B). While both HTLV-I and HTLV-I1 specimens demonstrated presence of the gp68 band, none of the
sero-indeterminate specimens had env reactivity. The WB
analysis of all HTLVlndspecimens (Table 1) demonstrated
P53 \
9P46 c
- i1-1
Fig 1. HnV-speclfic WB (A) and RIPA (6)analysis on paired serum
specimens from HTLV-I-, HTLV-II-, and HTLW individuals. HTLVCpositive serum specimens reacted with bothg8g (p53 precursor and
p24, p19 g8g products) and 8nv (gp48 and 1210) proteins (A); HTLV-II
and HTL\Pd specimens did not react with the native envelope. RIPA
analysis ( 8 ) of HTLV-I- and HTLV-ll-positive specimens demonstrated a band at env precursor gp68, and g8g product p24 and gag
intermediary processed product at p26; none of the H T L W specimens reacted with gp68.
Fig 2 Percent serareactivity of HnW and HTLW specimens
with synthetic peptides representingthe immunodominantepitopes
of env (A), and gsg and an endogenous retroviral sequence (8).The
majority d HTLV- specimens (p24*gp46+; n = 30) reacted with
synthetic Env-llel.z14
Env-2'"(E),and Env-ZOrrl"
(: ) in (A), and synthetic Gag-la"Jz.117(0).
Gag-10-m (E!), and an
in (6).in contrast, serum
endogenous retroviral sequence RTVLW (3)
specimensfromHTLVM individualswith either p19/p24+r21' (n = 12)
or p19'p24* (n = 10). or p19' (n = 43). or p24' (n = 6) or r21* (n = 9)
demonstrated minimal reactivity with all of the peptides except
Gag-la (8).
that the most common indeterminate band pattern showed
a single band at p19 (257 of 379,68%), which was followed
in frcquency by groups having a single band at p24 (61 of
379, Ih%), bands at p19 and p24 (28 of 379,7%), bands at
p19 and/or p24 along with rcactivity to r21eW(21 of 379,
5.6%), and a single band at r21eW(12 of 379,3%). None of
the specimens with HTLVindpattem demonstrated any
envelope reactivity on WB or RIPA analysis using lysates
derived from cell line infected with HTLV-I or HTLV-11.
W B analyses were repeated for 27 of the 379 HTLVind
specimens with samples drawn 6 to 23 months after the
original bleed (Table 1). No differences in the banding
pattern were seen for 25 of 27 of these specimens, one of
the specimens with a p19+p24+pattem lost p24 reactivity,
and one of the p19+ specimens was positive for r21"
reactivity upon rebleed.
Antibody responses IO immunodominant HTL V epitopes.
As the affinity and avidity of antibodies in serum may affect
their detection in standard serologic assays using virally
infected whole cell lysates, we sought to determine the
antibody reactivity to synthetic peptidcs representing immunodominant structural motifs of HTLV-I and HTLV-II.tZ-15
While serum specimens from 92% to 99% of HTLV-Iinfccted persons reacted with HTLV-I-specific env cpitopes
(Env-1191-214and E n ~ - 5 ? ~ *respectively,
- ~ ~ ~ ) , minimal reactivity (0% to 12%) was observed with specimenswith HTLVInd
pattern (Fig 2A). Similarly, while serum specimens from
75% to 96% of HTLV-11-infected persons reacted with
HTLV-II-specific env epitopes ( E n ~ - 2 ' ~and
' - ~Env-2Ps102). respectively, minimal reactivity (0% to 5%) was observed with HTLVindspecimens. Analysis of synthetic
peptides derived from the C-terminus of p19 (Gag-la1n2?-1t7)
and the N-terminus of p15 (Gag-10w3HS)demonstrated
65% to 95% reactivity with HTLVV specimens. Among the
HTLVindspecimens, 23% of those that gave only p19 WB
product with either primer/probe combination. Of the 13
individuals with HTLVindpatterns collected 6 to 23 months
band reacted with Gag-la; all other specimens had minimal
reactivity with Gag-la or Gag-10 (Fig 2B).
after the original testing, none demonstrated a presence of
the HTLV genome in any of the specimens (Table 1).
The expression of endogenous retroviral gene products
may also provide an antigenic stimulus for production of
Detection of HTLV p24 antigen in cultured lymphocytes.
antibodies that may be cross-reactive with HTLVaaR proPBMC from six HTLVP and 20 randomly selected HTteins. We therefore synthesized peptides derived from an
LVinddonors were cocultured as described in the Methods.
endogenous rctroviral element having a histidine tRNA
While four of the six HTLVW donors (66%) demonstrated
primer binding site (RTVL-H) that has 60% homology with
a presence of p24gug antigen in the culture supernatant by
14 days, none of the HTLVinddonors had any detectable
the C-terminus of HTLV-I and HTLV-11 (RTVLsag).l6
levels of p24 antigen when assayed during 4 weeks in
While 88% of HTLVV specimens reacted with this peptide, 42% to 66% of the serum specimens from HTLVand culture (data not shown).
specimens reacted with RTVLBag(Fig 2B). However, analyDISCUSSION
sis of HTLVncgspecimens demonstrated that 60% of these
specimens also react with this peptide.
The serologic confirmation of HTLV-I and HTLV-I1
infection depends on the presence of antibody reactivity to
Detection of HTLV DNA sequences in blood donors. To
determine the presence or absence of HTLV DNA in
gug and env gene products.45 Using these criteria, 72 of the
total donations were HTLV-positive (43 were HTLV-I and
persons with HTLVindWB pattern, peripheral blood lym29 were HTLV-II), giving an overall seroprevalence rate of
phocytes were analyzed by PCR. We chose primer pairs
0.027% in military blood donors. These rates are in general
from the pol and tax-rex region, both of which are highly
conserved among HTLV-I and HTLV-11. Regions from gag
agreement with previous studies, in which random US
blood donors have demonstrated a seropositivity rate of
were not amplified due to some sequence homology with
0.01% to 0.02%. with an equal distribution of HTLV-I and
endogenous rctroviral sequences16J9and regions from env
were excluded due to variation in different isolate seHTLV-II.4J'
quences.MIn accordance with previous studies, both primIndividuals with only gug antibodies are frequently eners from the pol and tuxlm regions were highly sensitive in
countered during blood donor screening assays and are
referred to as HTLV-indeterminate (HTLVind).Among
identifying HTLVV specimens (all of the 52 HTLVV gave
these HTLVindblood donors, the most common reactivity
a detectable signal). None of the 26 HTLVncgspecimens
reacted with any of the primer/probe combinations, further
was directed against the p19gag, followed by antibody
reactivity to p24gag. The structural similarity of the gag
confirming the specificity of these primers. A representative
analysis of PCR amplified and hybridized products from
epitope(s) with other microbial and cellular
HTLV-positive and -indeterminate specimens is shown in
and the immunogenic nature of the C-terminus of plVag14
Fig 3.
may account for this reactivity. Indeed, 23% of the specimens with p19 reactivity in WB assays demonstrated
Analysis of DNA from the 73 HTLVindspecimens (Table
antibody responses to a synthetic Gag-la1m-"7epitope that
1) demonstrated that none of the specimens amplified any
Flg 3. PCR analysis of four
specimens each from HTLV-I,
HTLV-II, and H T L P individuals.
(A) AmplMcation products using
consensus t s x l r e x primers,
which ampllfieda 159-nt product
from both HTLV-I and HTLV-II
specimens; none of the H T L W
specimens were amplified.
HTLV-I- (MT-2) and HTLV-II(Mo-T) Infected cell lines were
used as positive controls; the
numbers under the controls indicate number of positive cells
diluted to 300K with negative
donor cells. ( 8 ) For pol amplification, consensus primers were
used for amplificationof a 186-nt
product, followed by hybridization with HTLV-I- (SK112) and
HTLV-lC(SK188) specific probes.
As expected, the hybridization
product for SK112 was seen only
in MT-2, and for SK188 was seen
only in the Mo-T cell line.
1 5 5 0
? m i - -
- .
has previously been shown to represent the type-specific
immunodominant epitope of HTLV-I.x Furthermore, monoclonal antibodies to p19gag have been shown to react with
antigens of normal thymus or human p l a ~ e n t a ? ~In. ~ ~
addition, the C-terminus of HTLVWg has significant homologies with the amino-terminal segment of myelin basic
protein and may have potential for false-positive antibodiesF3
Isolated gag reactivity in the absence of env reactivity
could be due to either low sensitivity of current assays
available for detection of env reactivity or to cross-reactivity
with a closely related retroviral protein, or the reactivity
may represent early HTLV infection. Lack of antibody
response to the envelope proteins in WB and RIPA assays
using both HTLV-I and HTLV-I1 antigens, as well as
minimal reaction to synthetic immunodominant motifs
derived from the envelope proteins of HTLV-I and HTLV-I1
(Env-1, Env-2, Env-5, Env-20), further confirms that persons with only gag antibodies do not contain HTLV env
reactivity. However, the possibility that the lack of env
reactivity might be due to minimal viral load resulting in the
lack of a threshold immunogenic signal cannot be ruled out.
Alternatively, individuals with isolated gag reactivity might
be infected with a variant form(s) of HTLV viruses that
possess significantly divergent envelope proteins, and therefore these individuals do not react with prototypic viral
strains. Such variant forms of viruses have lately been
isolated from Papua New Guinea."
Because gag antibodies are among the first antibodies to
appear following seroconversion,8 the possibility that isolated gag antibodies in HTLVindspecimens may represent
early seroconverters still remains. However, DNA from
PBMC from none of the specimens with gag reactivity
demonstrated presence of the HTLV genome as determined by PCR analysis. More importantly, rebleeds on a
limited number of specimens taken 6 to 23 months after
initial testing demonstrated similar banding patterns on
WB, did not show env reactivity on RIPA, and PCR analysis
of DNA from PBMC remained negative for HTLV sequences. Moreover, a retrospective study of recipients of
blood from blood donors with HTLVkd patterns has demonstrated no evidence of seroconversion to HTLV when
followed up for 1 year.7 Antibodies to a recombinant
transmembrane glycoprotein (r21e) have recently been
shown to be another marker of early seroconversion to
HTLV.8 In the present study, none of the specimens with
r21envand gag antibody demonstrated the presence of the
HTLV genome by PCR analysis; this finding would argue
against this reactivity representing true seroconversion in
this population.
The antigenic mimicry of endogenous retroviral sequences (ERS) with gag proteins of HTLV could be
responsible for gag reactive antibodies.28 We found antibody responses to a synthetic peptide derived from the ERS
(RTVLgag)both in HTLVFs, HTLVind,and HTLVnegspecimens. The ERS has 60% homology with the 50-amino acid
sequence at the C-terminus of gag.16 This gag region of
HTLV contains the highly conserved retroviral motif,
CX2C&H&C, present in other type C retroviruses, as well
as in human immunodeficiency virus, and is thought to be
involved in the binding of this protein to the retroviral
genome.29The RTVL region contains two imperfect copies
of this conserved sequence in a location similar to that
found in other retroviruses (Table 2). In addition, another
ERS contains two open-reading frames potentially encoding for 25-Kd and 15-Kd proteins and shows 32% to 39%
homology with the gag protein of HTLV-I/II.19 While the
majority of ERS are structurally defective and not expressed as infectious viruses, the expression of certain
portions of the ERS gene products may provide an antigenic stimulus for the production of antibodies. RTVLgag
appears to be one of such epitopes that induce antibody
responses both in HTLV-infected and -uninfected persons.
Expression of endogenous retroviral proteins has been
noted in the syncytiotrophoblastic cells of placenta,30which
were antigenically related to the major core protein p30,
encoded by the gag gene of known retroviruses. Furthermore, antibodies to p30gag have been detected in human
leukemic and autoimmune sera.31,32
In our search for the HTLV genome in individuals with
the HTLVindpattern, we focused onpol and taxlrex regions,
as these are highly conserved in HTLV-I and HTLV-11.
While all of the HTLVpos specimens demonstrated the
presence of the HTLV genome, none of the DNA from
specimens with HTLVindamplified with eitherpol or taxlra
primers. Attempts to isolate the HTLV virus by the coculture technique from a limited number of specimens did not
reveal evidence of HTLV antigens, further providing evidence that individuals with HTLVindpattern are not infected with HTLV. However, it would be pertinent to add
that, because of the cell-associated nature of HTLV, virus
isolation is not a sensitive procedure for detecting HTLV.17
Although the mechanism of these serum reactivities to
gag proteins remains unknown, the failure of the PCR to
detect evidence of HTLV infection in HTLVindspecimens,
as observed by us and by 0thers,3~,~~
seems to rule out the
possibility that these reactivities correspond to the expression of HTLV gag proteins. Similar observations have
recently been made in HTLVindpopulations from Melanesia, where none of the HTLVindspecimens demonstrated
Table 2. Sequence Homology Between the C-Terminus of gag Containing Gag-10 Sequence and an Endogenous Retrovirus-Like Element
Containing Histidine tRNA Primer Binding Site (RlVL-H)
* * ***
* * * ** ***
* * * * ***
*Asterisks denote homologous amino acids in the gag protein and RNL-H. Bold letters signify the conserved CX,C&H&C
introduced in RNLgag sequence to maintain maximal alignment.
motif. Two gaps were
presence of HTLV genome using either HTLV-prototypic
strain-specific primers or Melanesian-specific primers.35
While continued efforts are needed to determine the cause
of these atypical HTLV WB results, our failure to detect
env reactivity using whole viral antigens or synthetic immu-
nodominant structural motifs of HTLV-I and HTLV-11,
failure t o detect viral antigens in cultured PBMC, and
failure to amplify HTLV sequences from these individuals,
suggests that isolated gag reactivities in army blood donors
d o not represent a true HTLV infection.
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