Director LKA NRW

Stand: 06.08.2014
Völklinger Straße 49, 40221 Düsseldorf
Telefon (0211) 939 - 0
Telefax (0211) 939 - 4419
E-Mail [email protected]
Data Protection Officer
Division 3
Central Services (ZA)
Division 1
Division 2
Investigations and Analysis
of Organised Crime (OC)
Special Branch
Department ZA 1
Department 11
Personnel Matters,
Equal Opportunity Commissioner,
Budget, Economic and Real Property Matters,
Vocational Training
Organised Crime Investigations
Drug Crime
Department 21
Investigation Units
SG 21.1 - Security Landscape
Islamic Terrorism
SG ZA 1.1 - Personnel Matters
SG ZA 1.2 - Budget and Economic Matters
SG ZA 1.3 - Real Property Matters
SG ZA 1.4 Vocational Training
Crime Analysis and Investigations,
Research, Evaluation and
Prevention, Specialist IT Coordination,
Search Unit, Mobile Surveillance Team,
Targeted Search
Investigations Units
Investigations White Collar
SG 12.1- Fundamental Matters/Coordination
Investigation Units
Department 22
Special Branch Dedicated Search Detail
Department 31
Department 41
Single Point of Contact for IT Crime, IT Situation
Support, Central Internet Investigations, Central
Evaluation and Registry of Child Pornoraphy
SG 31.1 - Violent and Armed Crime, Dangerous
Crime and Theft , IT and Procedures Management
SG 31.2 - Property Related Crime, Crimes involving
Motor Vehicles, Assets and Counterfeit Money,
Coordination Unit Eastern Europe,
SG 31.3 - Crimes involving Intoxicating Substances
and Medicine, Trafficking of Human Beings and
Department ZA 2
SG ZA 2.1 - Crime Matters of State Police
Departments, Official Performance Appraisal
SG ZA 2.2 - Internal Legal Matters, Data Protection,
Association and Firearm (legal) Matters
Department 13
SG 13.2 - GFG 2
SG ZA 3.1 - Fundamental Matters, Bodies,
Information and Case Management, Internal Auditing
SG ZA 3.2 - Strategic and Quality Management
Supervision and Coordination of Police Departments,
Staff Briefing
SG 31.6 - Crime Statistics
Department 23
SG 41.3 - Central Internet Investigations
Investigation Units
Department 52
Department 42
Telecom Interception and Central IT Investigation
TD 52.1 - DNA-Specimen Analysis
TD 52.2 - TD 52.5 - DNA-Trace Analysis
SG 42.2 - Central IT Investigation Support
SG 23.1 - Fundamental Matters, Cross-functional
Department 32
Department 53
Crime Prevention, Criminal-/Criminological Research,
Central Evaluation
Generic Biological and Material Trace Examinations
SG 13.4 - Central -, Information- and CoordinationPoint,
Financial Investigations and Skimming off Profits
Investigation Point ZIVED
SG 23.2 - Evaluation and Analysis of Politically
Motivated Crime
"Left Wing" + "Aliens excluding Islamism"
SG 32.1 - Generic Prevention, Juvenile Delinquency,
Drug Prevention
SG 23.3 - Security and Reliability Screening,
Databases on Terrorist and Right Wing Extremist
SG 32.2 - Behavioural and Technical Prevention
Department 14
Organised Crime
Evaluation and Analysis Section
SG 14.1 - Operational Evaluation and Analysis
Department 24
SG 14.2 - Strategic Evaluation and Analysis
Politically Motivated Crime (PMC)
Right wing (RW)
SG 14.3 - Technical Information Systems
SG 24.1 - Fundamental Matters, Cross-functional
Interdisciplinary Department for Corruption and
Environmental Crime
SG 24.2 - Evaluation and Analysis Politically
Motivated Crime
"'Right Wing"
SG 15.1 - Fundamental Matters/Coordination
Department 33
Centre Inpol/POLAS, Dedicated IT-Expertise in
Crime Matters, Search Unit (Persons)
SG 33.1 - Search Unit (Persons), Crime Files, Online
Search Service
SG 33.2 - Coordination Point POLAS/INPOL
Investigation Units
SG 33.3 - Specialist IT Coordination for Crime
TD 53.1 - Material Traces, Forensic Textil Knowledge
TD 53.2 - Botany and Geological Samples
Department 44
Department 54
Situation Centre, Crime Site Investigation Units, Lega
Graphological and Document Examinations,
Voice Recognition
SG 44.1 - Situation Centre, Virtual (Internet) Office
SG 54.1 - Handwritings
SG 44.2 - Crime Site Reconstruction System, Visual
Search Media
SG 54.2 - Documents
TD 54.3 - Voice Recognition, Record Evaluation
SG 44.3 - Crime Scene Unit (High Explosives/ Arson),
IED Disposal
SG 54.4 - Technical Aspects of Imaging
SG 44.4 - Legal Assistance , International Search,
Interpol- and Europol Related Matters
Department 55
Weapons, Material Trace Examination
SG 55.1 - Arms
Investigation Units
Department 34
SG ZA 4.1 - MTO-, Firearms- und Equipment Matters
Department 43
Covert Investigations, Witness Protection
SG 32.3 - Central Evaluation
TD 32.4 - Criminal-/Criminological Research
Department 15
Department ZA 4
SG 41.2 - Central Evaluation and Registry on Child
SG 42.1 - Telecom Interception
Politically Motivated Crime (PMC)
Left Wing (LW), Aliens / General
SG ZA 3.3 - Media and Public Relations
IT-, MTO-, Firearms- und Equipment Matters
TD 51.3 - Fire Investigation, Electronics
SG 13.3 - Asset Recovery
Department ZA 3
Fundamental Matters, Bodies, International Cooperation, Command and Control, Structure,
Supervision and Coordination of Police Departments,
Media and Public Relations, Internal Auditing
TD 51.1 - Physics, Firearms Forensics, Explosives
TD 51.2 - Narcotics
Serologie, DNA-Analyse
Financial Investigations
SG 13.1 - GFG 1
SG 41.1 - Single Point of Contact for IT Crime, IT
Situation Support, Guidelines, Prevention,
Conference Panels
Department 51
Chemical and physical analysis
SG 31.4 - Central Unit KURS NRW
SG 31.5 - Operational Case Analysis
Crime Matters of State Police Departments, Official
Performance Appraisal, Internal Legal Matters, Data
Protection, Association and Firearm (legal) Matters
Division 5
Institute for Forensic Sciences
Crime Evaluation, Crime Statistics, IT Coordination,
KURS NRW, Operational Case Analysis
SG 21.2 - Evaluation and Analysis Islamism
Department 12
Division 4
Cybercrime, Investigative Support
SG 55.2 - Material Trace Examination
Mobile Surveillance Team (MEK), Technical
Response Team, Targeted Search
SG ZA 4.2 - IT-User Support
Department 56
SG ZA 4.3 - IT-, Network Administration
DNA-Analysis-Data Base
LKA NRW Personnel Board
Representation of the Disabled
SG 56.1 - Dactyloscopical Examinations
SG 56.2 - Computer Based Forensic Evaluation,
Dactyloscopical Records,
SG 56.3 - DNA-Analysis-Data Base