CURRICULUM VITAE Angela Sessitsch Contact Address: Angela Sessitsch AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH Health & Environment Department Bioresources Unit A-3430 Tulln tel. +43 050550/3509 fax. +43 050550/3666 [email protected] Date of Birth: Marital Status: Nationality: 1 June 1964 married, one daughter (2002) Austrian PROFILE: Molecular Microbial Ecologist with expertise in plant-microbe interactions, soil microbiology, ecology and genomics, biodiversity as well as a deep knowledge of biological nitrogen fixation, plant growth promotion, biocontrol, phytoremediation and biosafety issues in relation to transgenic organisms and human pathogens in agriculture Characterized by a strong background in biotechnology, biochemistry, chemistry, agriculture and chemical engineering International experience with international organizations, universities, industry, and research centres Demonstrated leadership and management qualities as well as the ability to develop and build up new initiatives / activities EDUCATION 2003: 1992-1997: 1982 - 1990: Dr. Angela Sessitsch Inst. of Soil Science and Center of Applied Genetics at the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria. “Venia docendi” (Habilitation) in Microbial Ecology. Wageningen Agricultural University, The Netherlands. Ph.D. in Microbiology / Microbial Ecology University of Technology,Graz, Austria. M.Sc. in Chemical Engineering (Bio- and Food chemistry) with honours. February 2014 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 2004 – present: Unit Head (Bioresources Unit) at the AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH comprising 30 employees and app. 15-20 contracted researchers (mainly Ph.D. students and post-docs). The Unit hosts a resource center of plant and microbial gene resources and performs research on beneficial plant-microbe interactions, microbial bio-prospection, and molecular detection of environmental, food and water pathogens. “Microbial Ecology” research is led by Dr. Sessitsch and the group studies beneficial plant-microbe interactions, functional genomics of soil and plantassociated bacteria and the development of high-throughput diagnostic tools for the analysis and detection of environmental and food microorganisms. 2002 – 2004: Microbiologist at the ARC Austrian Research Centers GmbH Leader of the ”Molecular Microbial Ecology” group, Biotechnology Unit Research on the molecular ecology and functional genomics of beneficial plant-microbe interactions, soil microbiology, biosafety of GMOs, bioremediation, development of diagnostic DNA microarrays; Teaching of graduate and undergraduate students 1999 – 2002: APART habilitation fellowship from the Austrian Academy of Sciences Research on molecular ecology of soil and plant-associated bacteria; Teaching of graduate and undergraduate students 1998 – 1999: Herta-Firnberg fellowship at the Division of Life Sciences, Austrian Research Centers GmbH, Austria. Research on soil-plant-microbe interactions 1997: Post-doctoral position at the Wageningen Agricultural University, Department of Microbiology, Wageningen, The Netherlands. Research on the ecology of Lactobacillus spp. in the large intestine of the human gastrointestinal tract IAEA expert mission to Ghana. Teaching of molecular biology techniques in Rhizobium research 1996 – 1997: Dr. Angela Sessitsch Microbiologist at the FAO/IAEA Agricultural and Biotechnology Laboratory Seibersdorf, Austria. Research on the ecology of Rhizobium; development of the ”CelB Gene Marking Kit”. Training of research fellows. Employer: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) February 2014 1994 – 1996: Associate Professional Officer at the FAO/IAEA Agricultural and Biotechnology Laboratory Seibersdorf, Austria. Development and use of molecular biology techniques to study microbial ecology of Rhizobium (competition and diversity) to be used in developing countries. Technology transfer by training of fellows, by the development of a ”GUS Gene Marking Kit” and its distribution to several countries. Consultancies and Teaching in Mexico and Brazil. Employer: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) 1994: Research on marker genes at the Center for the Application of Molecular Biology to International Agriculture (CAMBIA), Canberra, Australia 1990 – 1994: Research on Biological Nitrogen Fixation at the FAO/IAEA Laboratories Seibersdorf, Austria. Construction of marker gene cassettes for the identification of Rhizobium in order to enhance biological nitrogen fixation. Employer: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) AWARDS / HONOURS Editor of FEMS Microbiology Ecology; Editorial Board Member of the ISME Journal; Editorial Board Member of Biology & Fertility of Soils Member of management team and WG leader of COST Action FA1103 “Endophytes for Agriculture and Biotechnology” Second vice-president of the Austrian Society for Molecular Life Sciences and Biotechnology (ÖGMBT) Member of the Austrian Commission of Gene Technology, since 1999 Member of the Bashan Foundation (2013-) Nominated by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) as member of the Scientific Panel (2003-2006) and as ad-hoc expert (2006-) on Genetically Modified Organisms ARC Award for scientific excellence 2003 and 2005 APART fellowship 1999-2002 (Austrian Academy of Sciences) SCIENTIFIC SOCIETIES Second Vice-President of the Austrian Society for Molecular Life Sciences and Biotechnology (ÖGMBT) Österreichische Gesellschaft für Bodenkunde Österreichische Gesellschaft für Bodenbiologie International Society of Microbial Ecology International Society of Applied Microbiology Dr. Angela Sessitsch February 2014 LIST OF PUBLICATIONS LIST OF PUBLICATIONS (REFEREED) CAMPISANO, A., L. OMETTO, M. PANCHER, S. COMPANT, L. ANTONIELLI, A. SESSITSCH, I. PERTOT AND O. ROTA-STABELLI. 2014. Interkingdom transfer of the acne causing agent, Propionibacterium acnes, from human to grapevine. Mol. Biol. Evol., accepted. DRAGE, S., B. MITTER, C. TRÖLS, A. MUCHUGI, R.H. JAMNADASS, A. SESSITSCH AND F. HADACEK. 2014. Antimicrobial drimane sesquiterpenes and their effect on endophyte communities in the medical tree Warburgia ugandensis. Front. Plant-Microbe Interact. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2014.00013. PFEIFFER, S., M. PASTAR, B. MITTER, P. LOJAN, A. OSWALD AND A. SESSITSCH. 2014. Newly developed and improved group-specific primers for microbial community analysis based on full SILVA 16S rRNA reference database sequence information. Environ. Microbiol., DOI: 10.1111/14622920.12350. KORANDA, M., C. KAISER, L. FUCHSLUEGER, B. KITZLER, A. SESSITSCH, S. ZECHMEISTER-BOLTENSTERN, A. RICHTER. 2014. Fungal and bacterial utilization of organic substrates depends on substrate complexity and N availability. FEMS Microbiol. Ecol. 87: 142-152. BRADER, G., S. COMPANT, B. MITTER, F. TROGNITZ AND A. SESSITSCH. 2014. Metabolic potential of endophytic bacteria. Curr. Opin. Biotechnol. 27:30-37. NAVEED, M., B. MITTER, T.G. REICHENAUER, KRZYSZTOF W IECZOREK AND A. SESSITSCH. 2014. Increased drought stress resilience of maize through endophytic colonization by Burkholderia phytofirmans PsJN and Enterobacter sp. FD17. Environ. Exp. Botany 97: 30– 39. NAVEED, M., B. MITTER, T.G. REICHENAUER AND A. SESSITSCH. 2013. Endophytic colonization of Burkholderia phytofirmans strain PsJN induce drought-stress tolerance in maize. Acta Horticulturae, 1009:117-125. NAVEED, M., B. MITTER, S. YOUSAF, M. PASTAR, M. AFZAL AND A. SESSITSCH. 2013. The endophyte Enterobacter sp. FD17: a maize growth enhancer selected based on rigorous testing of plant beneficial traits and colonization characteristics. Biol. Fert. Soils, DOI 10.1007/s00374-0130854-y. NAVEED, N., M.B HUSSAIN, Z.A. ZAHIR, B. MITTER AND A. SESSITSCH. 2013. Drought stress amelioration in wheat through inoculation with Burkholderia phytofirmans strain PsJN. Plant Growth Regul. DOI 10.1007/s10725-013-9874-8 GYSELINCK, J., S. PFEIFFER, K. HEYLEN, A. SESSITSCH AND P. DE VOS. 2013. The effect of primer choice and short read sequences on the outcome of 16S rRNA gene based diversity studies. PLoS ONE 8: e71360. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0071360 FRIES J., S. PFEIFFER, M. KUFFNER AND A. SESSITSCH. 2013. Spirosoma endophyticum sp. nov., isolated from Zn- and Cd-accumulating Salix caprea. Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol., 63:4586-4590. BECERRA-CASTRO, C., P. KIDD, M. KUFFNER, A. PRIETO-FERNANDEZ, S. HANN, C. MONTERROSO, A. SESSITSCH, W.W. W ENZEL AND M. PUSCHENREITER. 2013. Bacterial-induced weathering of ultramafic rock: implications in phytoextraction. Appl. Environ. Microbiol., 79:5094-5103. GENSBERGER, E., A. SESSITSCH AND T. KOSTIC. 2013. Propidium monoazide qPCR for viable E. coli and P. aeruginosa detection from abundant background microflora. Analyt. Biochem., 441:69-72 HARDOIM, P. R. NAZIR, A. SESSITSCH, D. ELHOTTOVA, E. LORNBLUM, L.S. VAN OVERBEEK AND J.D. VAN ELSAS. 2013. The new species Enterobacter oryziphilus sp. nov. and Enterobacter oryzendophyticus sp. nov. are key inhabitants of the endosphere of rice. BMC Microbiol., 13:164. Dr. Angela Sessitsch February 2014 HANZEL, J., D. MYROLD, A. SESSITSCH, K. SMALLA, C.C. TEBBE, AND K.U. TOTSCHE. 2013. Microbial ecology of biogeochemical interfaces – diversity, structure, and function of microhabitats in soil. FEMS Microbiol. Ecol. 86: 1-2. KORANDA, M., C. KAISER, L. FUCHSLUEGER, B. KITZLER, A. SESSITSCH, S. ZECHMEISTER-BOLTENSTERN AND A. RICHTER. 2013. Seasonal variation in functional properties of microbial communities in beech forest soil. Soil Biol. Biochemistry, 60:95-104. COMPANT, S., G. BRADER, S. MUZAMMIL, A. SESSITSCH, A. LEBRIHI AND F. MATHIEU. 2013. Use of beneficial bacteria and their secondary metabolites to control grapevine pathogen diseases. BioControl 58: 435-455. COUTINHO, B.G., B. MITTER, C. TALBI, A. SESSITSCH, E.J. BEDMAR, N. HALLIDAY, E.K. JAMES, M. CAMARA AND V. VENTURI. 2013. Regulon studies and in planta role of the BraI/R quorum-sensing system in the plant-beneficial Burkholderia cluster. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 79: 4421-4432. MITTER, B., A. PETRIC, M.W. SHIN, P.S.G. CHAIN, L- HAUBERG-LOTTE, B. REINHOLD-HUREK, J. NOWAK AND A. SESSITSCH. 2013. Comparative genome analysis of Burkholderia phytofirmans PsJN reveals a wide spectrum of endophytic lifestyles based on interaction strategies with host plants. Front. Plant Sci., doi: 10.3389/fpls.2013.00120. MITTER, B., G. BRADER, M. AFZAL, S. COMPANT, M. NAVEED, F. TROGNITZ, AND A. SESSITSCH. 2013. Advances in elucidating beneficial interactions between plants, soil and bacteria. Adv. Agronom., In: Donald L. Sparks, editor: Advances in Agronomy 121: 381-445. ENGEL, K, D. ASBY, S.F. BRADY, D.A. COWAN, J. DOEMER, E.A. EDWARDS, K. FIEBIG, E.C. MARTENS, D. st MCCORMAC, D.A MEAD, ET AL. 2013. Meeting Report: 1 International Functional Metagenomics Workshop May 7-8, 2012, St. Jacobs, Ontario, Canada. Stand. Genomic Sci. 2013 8:1 SESSITSCH, A., M. KUFFNER, P. KIDD, J. VANGRONSVELD, W.W. W ENZEL, K. FALLMANN AND M. PUSCHENREITER. 2013. The role of plant-associated bacteria in the mobilization and phytoextraction of trace elements in contaminated soils. Soil Biol. Biochem. 60:182-194. ARDANOV, P., A. SESSITSCH, H. HÄGGMANN, N. KOZYROVSKA AND A.M. PIRTTILÄ. 2012. Methylobacterium-induced endophyte community changes correspond with protection of plants against pathogen attack. PLoS ONE 7(10): e46802. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0046802 KUFFNER, M., B. HAI, B., T. RATTEI, C. MELO DE LIMA, G. LENTENDU, M. ENGEL, M. SCHLOTER, S. ZECHMEISTER-BOLTENSTERN, A. SCHINDLBACHER, AND A. SESSITSCH. 2012. Effects of soil warming and season on the bacterial community in a temperature forest soil assessed by 16S rRNA gene pyrosequencing. FEMS Microbiol. Ecol. 82 (2012) 551–562 th COMPANT, S., A. SESSITSCH, AND F. MATHIEU. 2012. The 125 anniversary for the first proof of endophytic bacteria colonizing plants – a tribute to MLV Galippe. Plant & Soil, 356:299–301. COMPANT, S., G. BRADER, S. MUZAMMIL, A. SESSITSCH, A. LEBRIHI AND F. MATHIEU. 2012. Use of beneficial bacteria and their secondary metabolites to control grapevine pathogen diseases. Biocontrol DOI 10.1007/s10526-012-9479-6 KOSTIC, T. AND A. SESSITSCH. 2012. Microbial diagnostic microarrays for the detection and typing of food- and water-borne (bacterial) pathogens. Microarrays, 1:3-24. AFZAL, M., S. YOUSAF, T.G. REICHENAUER AND A. SESSITSCH. 2012. The inoculation method affects colonization and performance of bacterial inoculant strains in the phytoremediation of soil contaminated with diesel oil. Int. J. Phytoremed., 14:35-47. SZUKICS, U., E. HACKL, S. ZECHMEISTER-BOLTENSTERN, AND A. SESSITSCH. 2012. Rapid and dissimilar response of ammonia-oxidising archaea and bacteria to nitrogen and water amendment in two temperate forest soils. Microbiol. Res.,167:103-109. SESSITSCH, A. P. HARDOIM, J. DÖRING, A. W EILHARTER, A. KRAUSE, T. W OYKE, B. MITTER, L. HAUBERG, F. FRIEDRICH, M. RAHALKAR, T. HUREK, A. SARKAR, L. VAN OVERBEEK, L. BODROSSY, D. BRAR, J.D. VAN ELSAS AND B. REINHOLD-HUREK. 2012. Functional characteristics of an endophytic Dr. Angela Sessitsch February 2014 community colonizing rice roots as revealed by metagenome analysis, Mol. Plant-Microbe Interact., 25:28-36 PRISCHL, M., .E. HACKL, M. PASTAR, S. PFEIFFER, AND A. SESSITSCH. 2012. Genetically modified Bt maize lines containing cry3Bb1, cry1A105 or cry1Ab2 do not affect the structure and functioning of root-associated endophyte communities. J. Appl. Soil Ecol. 54:39-48 DRAGE, S. D. ENGELMEIER, G. BACHMANN, A. SESSITSCH, B. MITTER, F. HADACEK. 2012. Combining microdilution with MicroRespTM: microbial substrate utilization, antimicrobial susceptibility and respiration. J. Microbiol. Meth. 88:399-412. HUSSAIN, Z., R. W IEDNER, K. STEINER, T. HAJEK, M. AVI, B. HECHER, A. SESSITSCH, H. SCHWAB. 2012. Characterization of two bacterial hydroxynitril lyases with high similarity to cupin superfamily proteins. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 78: 2053-2055. RASCHE, F., D. KNAPP, C. KAISER, M. KORANDA, B. KITZLER, S. ZECHMEISTER-BOLTENSTERN, A. RICHTER AND A. SESSITSCH. 2011. Seasonality and resource availability control archaeal and bacterial communities in soils of a temperate beech forest. ISME J., 5: 389-402. ARTHURSON, V., A. SESSITSCH AND L. JÄDERLUND. 2011. Persistence and spread of Salmonella enterica serovar Weltevreden in soil and on spinach plants. FEMS Microbiol. Lett., 314: 67-74. ARTHURSON, V., L. JÄDERLUND, AND A. SESSITSCH. 2011. Persistence of two Campylobacter jejuni strains in soil and on spinach plants. Appl. Environ. Soil Sci, doi:10.1155/2011/836271 STRALIS-PAVESE, N., G.J.C. ABELL, A. SESSITSCH AND L. BODROSSY. 2011. Analysis of methanotroph community composition using a pmoA-based microbial diagnostic microarray. Nature Protocols, 6: 609-624. KORANDA, M., J. SCHNECKER, C. KAISER, L. FUCHSLUEGER, B. KITZLER, S. ZECHMEISTER-BOLTENSTERN, A. SESSITSCH AND A. RICHTER. 2011. Microbial processes and community composition in the rhizosphere of European beech – The influence of plant C exudates. Soil Biol. Biochem, 43:551558. HUANG, C.-J., J. DOSTALEK, A. SESSITSCH AND W. KNOLL. 2011. Long-range surface plasmon-enhanced fluorescence spectroscopy biosensor for ultrasensitive detection of E. coli O157:H7. J. Analyt. Chem., 83:674-677. KAISER, C., L. FUCHSLUEGER, M. KORANDA, M. GORFER, C.F. STANGE, B. KITZLER, F. RASCHE, J. STRAUSS, A. SESSITSCH, S. ZECHMEISTER-BOLTENSTERN AND A. RICHTER. 2011. Plants control the seasonal dynamic of microbial nitrogen cycling in a beech forest soil by belowground carbon allocation. Ecology, 92:1036-1051. AFZAL, M., S. YOUSAF, T.G. REICHENAUER, M. KUFFNER AND A. SESSITSCH. 2011. Soil type affects plant colonization, activity and catabolic gene expression of inoculated bacterial strains during phytoremediation of diesel. J. Haz. Mat., 186: 1568-1575. KOSTIC, T., B. STESSL, M. W AGNER, AND A. SESSITSCH. 2011. Microarray analysis reveals the questionable specificity of enrichment media used for food safety assessment. J. Food Prot., 74:1030-1034. NIKOLIC, B., H. SCHWAB AND A. SESSITSCH. 2011. Metagenomic analysis of the 1-aminocyclopropane-1carboxylate deaminase gene (acdS) operon of an uncultured bacterial endophyte colonizing Solanum tuberosum. L. Arch. Microbiol., 193:665-676. W EILHARTER, A., B. MITTER, M.V. SHIN, P.S.G. CHAIN, J. NOWAK, AND A. SESSITSCH. 2011. Complete genome sequence of the plant growth-promoting endophyte Burkholderia phytofirmans strain PsJN. J. Bacteriol.,193:3383-3384. DE MARIA S., A.R. RIVELLI, M. KUFFNER, A. SESSITSCH, W.W. W ENZEL, M. GORFER, J. STRAUSS, AND M. PUSCHENREITER. 2011. Interactions between accumulation of trace elements and major nutrients in Salix caprea after inoculation with rhizosphere microorganisms. Chemosphere, 84:1256-1261. Dr. Angela Sessitsch February 2014 COMPANT, S., B. MITTER, J.G. COLLI-MULL, H. GANGL AND A. SESSITSCH. 2011. Endophytic bacteria of grapevine flowers, berries and seeds: isolation, identification, comparison with other bacteria, and visualization of their niches of colonization. Microb. Ecol., 62:188-197. GORFER, M., M. BLUMHOFF, S. KLAUBAUF, A. URBAN, E. INSELSBACHER, D. BANDIAN, B. MITTER, W. W ANEK, A. SESSITSCH, AND J. STRAUSS. 2011. A database for the identification of nitrate reductase encoding genes from ascomycetes and its application to agricultural soil communities. ISME J., 5:1771-1783. HARDOIM, P.R., F.D. ANDREOTE, B. REINHOLD-HUREK, A. SESSITSCH, L.S. VAN OVERBEEK, AND J.D. VAN ELSAS. 2011. Rice root-associated bacteria – insights in community structures across ten cultivars. FEMS Microbiol. Ecol., 77:154-164. SCHINDLBACHER, A., A. RODLER, M. KUFFNER, B. KITZLER, A. SESSITSCH, AND S. ZECHMEISTERBOLTENSTERN. 2011. Experimental warming effects on the microbial community of a temperate mountain forest. Soil Biol. Biochem., 43:1417-1425. FREIDL, G., G. STALDER, T. KOSTIC, A. SESSITSCH, C. BEIGLBÖCK, AND C. W ALZER. 2011. Verocytotoxinproducing Escherichia coli (VTEC) in chamois (Rupicapra rupicapra) and cattle in Austria. J. Wildlife Dis., 47:704-708. YOUSAF, S. M. AFZAL, T.G. REICHENAUER, C.L. BRADY AND A. SESSITSCH. 2011. Hydrocarbon degradation, plant colonization and gene expression of alkane degradation genes by endophytic Enterobacter ludwigii strains. J. Environ. Poll. 159:2675-2683. INSELSBACHER, E., W. W ANEK, K. RIPKA, E. HACKL, A. SESSITSCH, J. STRAUSS, AND S. ZECHMEISTERBOLTENSTERN. 2011. Greenhouse gas fluxes respond to different N fertilizer types due to altered plant-soil-microbe interactions. Plant & Soil, 343:17-35. HACKL, E., M. KONRAD-KÖSZLER, A. KILIAN, P. W ENZL, AND A. SESSITSCH. 2010. Phage type-specific markers identified by Diversity Arrays Technology (DarT) analysis of Salmonella enterica ssp. enterica serovars Enteritidis and Typhimurium. J. Microbiol. Meth. 80: 100-105. GLASER, K., E. HACKL, E. INSELSBACHER, J. STRAUSS, W. W ANEK, S. ZECHMEISTER-BOLTENSTERN, AND A. SESSITSCH. 2010. Dynamics of ammonia-oxidizing communities in barley-planted bulk soil and rhizosphere following nitrate and ammonium fertilizer amendment. FEMS Microbiol.Ecol. 74:575-591. COMPANT, S., C. CLEMENT, AND A. SESSITSCH. 2010. Bacterial colonization in the rhizo- and endosphere of plants by plant growth-promoting bacteria. Soil Biol. Biochem. 42:669-678. (review) SZUKICS, U. V. ANDRIA, G.J.C. ABELL, B. MITTER, E. HACKL, A. SESSITSCH AND S. ZECHMEISTERBOLTENSTERN. 2010. Nitrifiers and denitrifiers respond rapidly to changed moisture and increasing temperature in a pristine forest soil. FEMS Microbiol.Ecol., 72: 395-406. KUFFNER, M., S. DE MARIA, M. PUSCHENREITER, K. FALLMANN, G. W IESHAMMER, M. GORFER, A.R. RIVELLI AND A. SESSITSCH. 2010. Bacteria associated with Zn- and Cd-accumulating Salix caprea have differential effects on plant growth and heavy metal availability. J. Appl. Microbiol., 108:14711484. KAISER, C., M. KORANDA, B. KITZLER, L. FUCHSLUEGER, J. SCHNECKER, P. SCHWEIGER, F. RASCHE, S. ZECHMEISTER-BOLTENSTERN, A. SESSITSCH AND A. RICHTER. 2010. Belowground carbon allocation by trees drives seasonal patterns of extracellular enzyme activities by altering microbial community composition in a beech forest soil. New Phytol. , 187:843-858. COMPANT, S., M. VAN DER HEIJDEN, AND A. SESSITSCH. 2010. Climate change effects on beneficial plantmicrobe interactions. FEMS Microbiol. Ecol., 73.197-214. (review) YOUSAF, S., K. RIPKA, V. ANDRIA, T.G. REICHENAUER AND A. SESSITSCH. 2010. Effects of plant species, compost amendment and bacterial inoculation on hydrocarbon degradation, colonization efficiency and alkane-degrading communities. J. Appl. Microbiol., 109:1398-1401. Dr. Angela Sessitsch February 2014 KOSTIC, T., B. STESSL, M. W AGNER, A. SESSITSCH, AND L. BODROSSY. 2010. Microbial diagnostic microarray for food- and waterborne pathogens. Microb. Biotechnol., 3:444-354. INSELSBACHER, E., K. RIPKA, S. KLAUBAUF, D. FEDOSOYENKO, E. HACKL, M. GORFER, R. HOOD-NOVOTNY, N. VON W IREN, A. SESSITSCH, S. ZECHMEISTER-BOLTENSTERN, W. W ANEK AND J. STRAUSS. 2009. A cost-effective high-throughput system for studying nitrogen dynamics at the plant-microbe-soil interface. Plant & Soil, 317: 293-307. RASCHE, F., T. LUEDERS, S. SCHAEFER, F. BUEGGER, A. GATTINGER, M. SCHLOTER, R.C. HOOD-NOWOTNY AND A. SESSITSCH. 2009. DNA-stable isotope probing enables the identification of active bacterial endophytes in potato. New Phytologist,181:802-807. SLEYTR, K., A. TIETZ, G. LANGERGRABER, R. HABERL AND A. SESSITSCH. 2009. Diversity of abundant bacteria in subsurface vertical flow constructed wetlands. Ecol. Engineer. 35:1021-1025. ALLERBERGER, F. AND A. SESSITSCH. 2009. Incidence and microbiology of salads ( a review). CAB Reviews: Perspectives in Agriculture, Veterinary Science, Nutrition and Natural Resources 2009 4, No. 019. ABELL, G.J.C., N. STRALIS-PAVESE, A. SESSITSCH, AND L. BODROSSY. 2009. Grazing affects methanotroph activity and diversity in an alpine meadow soil. Environ. Microbiol. Reports, 1:457465. SZUKICS, U., E. HACKL, S. ZECHMEISTER-BOLTENSTERN AND A. SESSITSCH. 2009. Contrasting response of two forest soils to nitrogen input: rapidly altered NO and N 2O emissions and nirK abundance. Soil Biol & Fert Soils, 45: 855-863. ANDRIA, V., T.G. REICHENAUER, AND A. SESSITSCH. 2009. Expression of alkane monooxygenase (alkB) genes associated by plant-associated bacteria in the rhizosphere and endosphere of Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum L.) in diesel contaminated soil. Environ. Pollut. 157: 3347-3350 COMPANT, S., H. KAPLAN, E. AIT BARKA, A. SESSITSCH, J. NOWAK, AND C. CLEMENT. 2008. Endophytic colonization of Burkholderia phytofirmans strain PsJN in Vitis vinifera L: from rhizosphere to inflorescence tissues. FEMS Microbiol. Ecol. 63:84-93. KUFFNER, M., M. PUSCHENREITER, G. W IESHAMMER, M. GORFER, AND A. SESSITSCH. 2008. Rhizosphere bacteria affect growth and heavy metal uptake of heavy metal accumulating willows. Plant Soil, 304:35-44. FÜRNKRANZ, M., W. W ANEK, A. RICHTER, G. ABELL, F. RASCHE AND A. SESSITSCH. 2008. Nitrogen fixation by phyllosphere bacteria associated with higher plants and their colonizing epiphytes of a tropical lowland forest of Costa Rica. ISME J., 2:561-570. KÄMPFER, P., H.-J. BUSSE, M. SCHLOTER, A. SESSITSCH AND H. SCHOLZ. 2008. Ochrobactrum rhizosphaerae sp. nov. and Ochrobactrum thiophenivorans sp. nov., isolated from the environment. Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol., 58:1426-1431. TANKOUO SANDJONG, B., A. SESSITSCH, STRALIS-PAVESE, N., E. LIEBANA, C. KORNSCHOBER, F. ALLERBERGER, H. HÄCHLER, AND L. BODROSSY. 2008. Development of an oligonucleotide microarray for Salmonella serotyping. Microbial Biotechnology, 1:513-522. BERG, G., H. MÜLLER, C. ZACHOW, K. OPELT, K. SCHERWINSKI, R. TILCHER, A. ULLRICH, J. HALLMANN, R. GROSCH AND A. SESSITSCH. 2008. Endophytes: structural and functional diversity and biotechnological applications in control of plant pathogens. Ecol. Gen. 6: 17-26. KOSTIC, T., A. W EILHARTER, S. RUBINO, G. DELOGU, S. UZZAU, K. RUDI, A. SESSITSCH, AND L. BODROSSY. 2007. A microbial diagnostic microarray technique for the sensitive detection and identification of pathogenic bacteria in a background on non-pathogens. Anal. Biochem. 360: 244-254. TANKOUO SANDJONG, B., A. SESSITSCH, E. LIEBANA, C. KORNSCHOBER, F. ALLERBERGER, H. HÄCHLER, AND L. BODROSSY. 2007. Towards a DNA-based identification of Salmonella serovars based on Dr. Angela Sessitsch February 2014 comparative analysis of the phylogenetic markers gyrB and atpD and the flagellin genes fliC and fljB. J. Microbiol. Meth., 69: 23-36. SZIDERICS, A.H., F. RASCHE, F. TROGNITZ, A. SESSITSCH AND E. W ILHELM. 2007. Bacterial endophytes contribute to abiotic stress adaptation in pepper plants (Capsicum annuum L.). Can. J. Microbiol., 53:1195-1202. STRALIS-PAVESE, N., L. BODROSSY, T.G. REICHENAUER, A. W EILHARTER, AND A. SESSITSCH. 2006. 16S rRNA-based T-RFLP for the analysis of methane oxidizing bacteria – assessment, critical evaluation of methodology performance and application for landfill cover soils. Appl. Soil Ecol., 31:251-266. SMALLA, K., A. SESSITSCH AND A. HARTMANN. 2006. The rhizosphere: soil compartment influenced by the root. FEMS Microbiol. Ecol. 56:165. RASCHE, F., V. HÖDL, C. POLL, E. KANDELER, M.H. GERZABEK, J.D. VAN ELSAS, AND A. SESSITSCH. 2006. Rhizosphere bacteria affected by transgenic potatoes with antibacterial activities in comparison to effects of soil, wildtype potatoes, vegetation stage and pathogen exposure. FEMS Microbiol. Ecol., 56:219-235. REITER, B. AND A. SESSITSCH. 2006. The bacterial microflora in association with the wildflower Crocus albiflorus. Can. J. Microbiol., 52:1-10. BODROSSY, L., N. STRALIS-PAVESE, M. KONRAD-KÖSZLER, A. W EILHARTER, T.G. REICHENAUER, D. SCHÖFER, AND A. SESSITSCH. 2006. mRNA-based parallel detection of active methanotroph populations using a diagnostic microarray. Appl. Environ. Microbiol., 72:1672-1676. RASCHE, F., H. VELVIS, C. ZACHOW, G. BERG, J.D. VAN ELSAS, AND A. SESSITSCH. 2006. Impact of transgenic potatoes expressing antibacterial agents on bacterial endophytes is comparable to effects of wildtype potatoes and changing environmental conditions. J. Appl. Ecol., 43:555-566. SESSITSCH, A., E. HACKL, P. W ENZL, A. KILIAN, T. KOSTIC, N. STRALIS-PAVESE, B. TANKOUO-SANDJONG, AND L. BODROSSY. 2006. Diagnostic microbial microarrays in soil ecology. New Phytologist, Tansley review, 171:719-736. IDRIS, R., M. KUFFNER, L. BODROSSY, M. PUSCHENREITER, S. MONCHY, W.W. W ENZEL, AND A. SESSITSCH. 2006. Characterization of Ni-tolerant methylobacteria associated with the hyperaccumulating plant Thlaspi goesingense and description of Methylobacterium goesingense sp. nov. Syst. Appl. Microbiol., 29:634-644. RASCHE, F., R. TRONDL, C. NAGLREITER, T.G. REICHENAUER, AND A. SESSITSCH. 2006. Chilling and cultivar type affect the diversity of bacterial endophytes colonizing sweet pepper (Capsicum anuum L.). Can. J. Microbiol. 52: 1036-1045. RASCHE, F., E. MARCO-NOALES, H. VELVIS, L. S. VAN OVERBEEK, M.M. LOPEZ, J.D. VAN ELSAS, AND A. SESSITSCH. 2006. Baseline study and field assessment of potential effects of genetically modified T4-lysozyme producing potatoes on bacterial endophytes. Plant & Soil, 289:123-140. COMPANT, S., B. REITER, A. SESSITSCH, J. NOWAK, C. CLEMENT, AND E. AIT BARKA. 2005. Endophytic colonization of Vitis vinifera L. by plant growth promoting bacterium Burkholderia sp. strain PsJN. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 71:1685-1693 SESSITSCH, A., T. COENYE, A.V. STURZ, P. VANDAMME, E. AIT BARKA, J.F. SALLES, J.D. VAN ELSAS, D. FAURE, B. REITER, B.R. GLICK, G. W ANG-PRUSKI, AND J. NOWAK. 2005. Burkholderia phytofirmans sp. nov., a novel plant-associated bacterium with plant beneficial properties. Int. J. Syst. Evol. Bacteriol., 55:1187-1192. KOSTIĆ, T., A. W EILHARTER, A. SESSITSCH, AND L. BODROSSY. 2005. High sensitivity, PCR-free detection of microorganisms and their functional genes using 70mer oligonucleotide diagnostic microarray, Analyt. Biochemistry, 346: 333-335. STRALIS-PAVESE, N., A. SESSITSCH, A. W EILHARTER, T. REICHENAUER, J. RIESING, J. CSONTOS, J.C. MURRELL, AND L. BODROSSY. 2004. Optimisation of diagnostic microarray for application in Dr. Angela Sessitsch February 2014 analysing landfill methanotroph communities under different plant covers. Environ. Microbiol. 6: 347-363. IDRIS, R., R. TRIFONOVA, M. PUSCHENREITER, W.W. W ENZEL, AND A. SESSITSCH. 2004. Bacterial communities associated with flowering plants of the Ni-hyperaccumulator Thlaspi goesingense. Appl. Environ. Microbiol., 70:2667-2677. SESSITSCH, A., B. REITER, AND G. BERG 2004. Endophytic bacterial communities of field-grown potato plants and their plant growth-promoting and antagonistic abilities. Can.J. Microbiol., 50:239-249. BODROSSY, L., AND A. SESSITSCH. 2004. Oligonucleotide microarrays in microbial diagnostics. Curr. Opin. Microbiol., 7: 245-254. SESSITSCH, A., S. GYAMFI, D. TSCHERKO, M.H. GERZABEK, AND E. KANDELER. 2004. Activity of microbes affected by the cultivation of transgenic glufosinate-tolerant oilseed rape (Brassica napus) and the application of the associated herbicide. 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Cultivation-independent population analysis of bacterial endophytes in three potato varieties based on eubacterial and Actinomycetes-specific PCR of 16S rRNA genes. FEMS Microb. Ecol. 39:23-32. REITER, B., U. PFEIFER, H. SCHWAB, AND A. SESSITSCH. 2002. Response of endophytic bacterial communities in potato plants to infection with Erwinia carotovora subsp. atroseptica. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 68:2261-2268. SESSITSCH, A., J.G. HOWIESON, X. PERRET, H. ANTOUN, AND E. MARTINEZ-ROMERO. 2002. Advances in Rhizobium research. Crit. Rev. Plant Sci. 21:323-378. SESSITSCH, A., S. GYAMFI, N. STRALIS-PAVESE, A. W EILHARTER, AND U. PFEIFER. 2002. RNA isolation from soils for bacterial community analysis: evaluation of different extraction and soil storage protocols. J. Microbiol. Meth. 51: 171-179. Dr. Angela Sessitsch February 2014 GYAMFI, S., U. PFEIFER, M. STIERSCHNEIDER, AND A. SESSITSCH. 2002. Effects of transgenic glufosinatetolerant oilseed rape (Brassica napus) and the associated herbicide application on eubacterial and Pseudomonas communities in the rhizosphere. FEMS Microbiol. Ecol. 41:181-190. TESAR, M., T. REICHENAUER, AND A. SESSITSCH. 2002. Bacterial rhizosphere populations of black poplar and herbal plants to be used for remediation of diesel fuel. Soil Biol. Biochem. 34:1883-1892. SESSITSCH, A., A. W EILHARTER, M.H. GERZABEK, H. KIRCHMANN, AND E. KANDELER, E. 2001. Microbial community structures in soil particle size-fractions in a long-term fertilizer field experiment. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 67:4215-4224. RAMIREZ-SAAD, H.C., A. SESSITSCH, W.M. DE VOS, AND A.D.L. AKKERMANS. 2000. Bacterial community changes and enrichment of Burkholderia-like bacteria induced by chlorinated benzoates in a peat-forest soil-microcosm. System. Appl. Microbiol. 23: 591-598. SESSITSCH, A., G. HARDARSON, W.M. DE VOS, AND K.J. W ILSON. 1998 Use of marker genes in competition studies of Rhizobium. Plant & Soil 204:35-45. VÁSQUEZ-ARROYO, J., A. SESSITSCH, E. MARTÍNEZ, AND J.J. PEÑA-CABRIALES. 1998 Nitrogen fixation and nodule occupancy by native strains of Rhizobium on different cultivars of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Plant & Soil 204:147-154. DE OLIVEIRA, W.S., L.W. MEINHARDT, A. SESSITSCH, AND S.M. TSAI. 1998 Analysis of PhaseolusRhizobium interactions in a subsistence farming system. Plant & Soil 204: 107-115. SESSITSCH, A., P.K. JJEMBA, G. HARDARSON, A.D.L. AKKERMANS, AND K.J. W ILSON. 1997. Measurement of the competitiveness index of Rhizobium tropici strain CIAT899 derivatives marked with the gusA gene. Soil Biol. Biochem. 29:1099-1110. SESSITSCH, A., G. HARDARSON, A.D.L. AKKERMANS, AND W.M. DE VOS. 1997. Characterization of Rhizobium etli and other Rhizobium spp. that nodulate Phaseolus vulgaris L. in an Austrian soil. Mol. Ecol. 6:601-608. SESSITSCH, A., H. RAMÍREZ-SAAD, G. HARDARSON, A.D.L. AKKERMANS, AND W.M. DE VOS. 1997 Classification of Austrian rhizobia and the Mexican isolate FL27 obtained from Phaseolus vulgaris L. as Rhizobium gallicum. Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. 47:1097-1101. SESSITSCH, A., K.J. W ILSON, A.D.L. AKKERMANS, AND W.M. DE VOS. 1996. Simultaneous detection of different Rhizobium strains marked with the Escherichia coli gusA gene and the Pyrococcus furiosus celB gene. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 62:4191-4194. W ILSON, K.J., A. SESSITSCH, J.C. CORBO, K.E. GILLER, A.D.L. AKKERMANS, AND R.A. JEFFERSON. 1995. ß-glucuronidase (GUS) transposons for ecological studies of rhizobia and other Gram-negative bacteria. Microbiology 141: 1691-1705. AKKERMANS, A.D.L., M.S. MIRZA, H.J.M. HARMSEN, H.J. BLOK, P.R. HERRON, A. SESSITSCH, AND W.M. AKKERMANS. 1994. Molecular ecology of microbes: a review of promises, pitfalls, and true progress. FEMS Microbiol. Rev. 15: 185 - 194. BOOK CHAPTERS MITTER, B., A. W EILHARTER, P.S.G. CHAIN, F. TROGNITZ, J. NOWAK, S. COMPANT AND A. SESSITSCH. 2012. Genome analysis, ecology and plant growth promotion of the endophyte Burkholderia phytofirmans strain PsJN. In: Molecular Microbial Ecology of the Rhizosphere (F.J. de Bruijn, ed.). John Wiley & Sons., accepted. AFZAL, M., S. YOUSAF, T.G. REICHENAUER, AND A. SESSITSCH. 2012. The ecology of alkane-degrading bacteria and their interaction with the plant. In: Molecular Microbial Ecology of the Rhizosphere (F.J. de Bruijn, ed.). John Wiley & Sons., accepted. Dr. Angela Sessitsch February 2014 COMPANT, S., M. VAN DER HEIJDEN AND A. SESSITSCH. 2012. Soil warming effects on beneficial plantmicrobe interactions. In: Molecular Microbial Ecology of the Rhizosphere (F.J. de Bruijn, ed.). John Wiley & Sons., accepted. COMPANT, S., H. GANGL AND A. SESSITSCH. 2012. Visualization of niches of colonization of Firmicutes with Bacillus spp. in the rhizosphere, rhizosplane and endorhiza of grapevine plants at flowering stage of development by FISH microscopy. In: Molecular Microbial Ecology of the Rhizosphere (F.J. de Bruijn, ed.). John Wiley & Sons., accepted. RASCHE, F., M. SCHLOTER, T- LUEDERS AND A. SESSITSCH. 2012. DNA-based stable isotope probing for identifying active bacterial endophytes in potato. In: Molecular Microbial Ecology of the Rhizosphere (F.J. de Bruijn, ed.). John Wiley & Sons., accepted. HACKL, E., M. SCHLOTER, U. SZUKICS, L. BODROSSY, AND A. SESSITSCH. 2012. From single genes to microbial networks. In: Bardgett, R.D., Behan-Pelletier, V., Wall, D.H. (eds.) Soil Ecology and Ecosystems Services, Oxford, UK. Oxford University Press. KOWALCHUK, G.E., E. YERGEAU, J.H.J. LEVEAU, A. SESSITSCH AND M.J. BAILEY. 2010. Environmental genomics approaches to studying plant-associated microbial communities. In: Liu, W.-T., Jansson, J.K. (eds.) Environmental Molecular Microbiology. Caister Academic Press. SESSITSCH, A. AND F. RASCHE. 2008. Molecular population analysis of endophytes. 2008. Prospects and Applications for Plant-Associated Microbes. In: Sorvari, S., Pirttilä, A.M. (Eds) Prospects and Applications for Plant Associated Microbes – A Laboratory Manual. BioBien Innovations, Piikkiö, Finnland. COMPANT S., H. KAPLAN, A. SESSITSCH., J. NOWAK, C. CLÉMENT. AND E. AIT BARKA. 2008. Visualization of epi- and endophytic colonization of Vitis vinifera L. by plant-growth-promoting rhizobacterium Burkholderia phytofirmans strain PsJN. In: Sorvari, S., Pirttilä, A.M. (Eds) Prospects and Applications for Plant Associated Microbes – A Laboratory Manual. BioBien Innovations, Piikkiö, Finnland. SESSITSCH, A. AND M. PUSCHENREITER. 2008. Endophytes and rhizosphere bacteria of plants growing in heavy metal contaminated soil. In: Dion P, Nautiyal CS (eds.) Microbiology of Extreme Soils, Springer, Berlin Heidelberg. PUSCHENREITER M., A. SESSITSCH, M. KUFFNER, G. W IESHAMMER, M. GORFER, J. STRAUSS, AND W.W. W ENZEL. 2007. Effect of bacterial exudates on the mobilization of Zn and Cd from a contaminated soil. In: Zhu , Lepp N., Naidu R. (eds). Biogeochemistry of trace elements: Environmental protection, Remediation and Human Health. Tsinghua University Press, Bejing, 227-228. SØRENSEN, J. AND A. SESSITSCH. 2006. Plant-beneficial bacteria in rhizosphere and endoplant habitats - life style and molecular interactions. In: J.D. van Elsas, J.T. Trevors, E. M.H. Wellington (eds.) Modern Soil Biology, Marcel Dekkers Inc., New York. SESSITSCH, A. 2006. Molecular markers for studying the ecology of rhizobia. In: J.E. Cooper, J.R. Rao (eds.) Molecular Approaches to Soil, Rhizosphere and Plant Microorganisms, CABI Publishing, Wallingford, Oxfordshire, UK. SESSITSCH, A., K. SMALLA, E. KANDELER, AND M. H. GERZABEK. 2004 Effects of transgenic plants on soil microorganisms and nutrient dynamics. In: M. Gillings and A. Holmes (eds.) Plant Microbiology, BIOS Scientific Publishers, London and New York. SESSITSCH, A., K.J. W ILSON, A.D.L. AKKERMANS, AND W.M. DE VOS. 1997. The celB marker gene. In: Akkermans, A.D.L., van Elsas, J.D. and de Bruijn, F.J. (eds) Molecular Microbial Ecology Manual. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dortrecht, The Netherlands, 6.1.12:1-15. W ILSON, K.J., A. SESSITSCH, AND A.D.L. AKKERMANS. 1994. Molecular markers as tools to study the ecology of microorganisms. In: K. Ritz, J. Dighton and K.E. Giller (eds.) Beyond the Biomass, Compositional and Functional Analysis of Soil Microbial Communities. Chichester, U.K., John Wiley. Dr. Angela Sessitsch February 2014 OTHER PUBLICATIONS SESSITSCH, A. 1994. Studies on rhizobial ecology using marker genes. In: Proceedings of the International FAO/IAEA Symposium on Nuclear Techniques in Soil/Plant Studies on Sustainable Agriculture and Environmental Preservation, 17-21 Oct. 1994, Vienna. pp. 251-261. W ILSON, K.J., A. SESSITSCH, A. PARRA, AND D. BECK. 1996. Molecular biology in the field: Marker genes for rapid and accurate visualization of competition between rhizobial strains and of bacterial colonization of plant roots. In: Proceedings of the XVIII Reunión Latinoamericana de Rhizobiología, 24 - 27 septiembre 1996, Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia. VOS W. M. DE, E. POELWIJK, A. SESSITSCH, E.G. ZOETENDAL L.S. VAN OVERBEEK, AND A.D.L. AKKERMANS. 1998. Molecular approaches for analyzing the functionality of probiotic lactic acid bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract. In: Lactic acid bacteria. Actes de colloques LACTIC 1997. pp51-57. Adria Normandie, Villers-Bocage, France, 1998. TANKOUO-SANDJONG B, A. SESSITSCH, E. LIEBANA, C. KORNSCHOBER, F. ALLERBERGER, H. HÄCHLER AND L. BODROSSY. 2007. Virulence gene based multilocus sequence typing and microarray for Salmonella serovar identification. In: Proceedings of COST Action 920 (Foodborne zoonosis: a co-ordinated food chain approach) meeting on Future challenges to foodborne zoonosis, Ploufragan, France. PATENTS A microarray for molecular serotyping of Salmonella (EU patent application number 1739193) A microarray for the detection of water and food pathogens (PCT application number PCT/AT2007/00158) Seed Inoculation (PCT application number PCT/EP2013/062976) KITS DEVELOPED AND PRODUCED The GUS gene marking kit, developed and produced for the IAEA/FAO. The CelB gene marking kit, developed and produced for the IAEA/FAO. Dr. Angela Sessitsch February 2014
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