APES Semester One Final~ Population Essays You will be provided with three sample essays to preview. On Tuesday, you will be required to write 2 of these essays in class under the same time restrictions as the test (about 22 minutes each). No notes allowed. After writing time, you will receive the rubric that was created for these questions when they appeared on AP tests. You will self-grade your essays and give yourself a score according to the rubric. If you would like to improve your scores, you may rewrite your essays for final submission on Thursday. These will need to be turned in WITH your original drafts (initialed by me). I will also grade your final essays with the rubric to give you a score. Total Points: 46 Final Essays: the rubric is out of 10; these points will be doubled for a total score of 40 for final drafts of the essays. Turning in first drafts: 3 points each (If you write a perfect essay the first time and don’t need to write another draft, you will automatically receive these points) 2008 AP® ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE FREE-RESPONSE QUESTIONS 4. Answer the following regarding world human population. (a) Create a graph of the data from table 1 below on the axes provided. Table 1: Worldwide Total Fertility Rate (TFR) Year TFR 1950 5.0 1960 4.9 1970 4.7 1980 3.7 1990 3.4 2000 3.0 (b) Identify and discuss TWO of the causes for the trend in the worldwide TFR that you graphed in part (a). © 2008 The College Board. All rights reserved. Visit apcentral.collegeboard.com (for AP professionals) and www.collegeboard.com/apstudents (for students and parents). GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE. -6- 2008 AP® ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE FREE-RESPONSE QUESTIONS Table 2: Population Data for Selected Nations (2005) Country TFR Crude Birth Rate* Crude Death Rate* Infant Mortality Rate* (U.S. dollars) Per Capita Income China 1.6 12 7 27 6,500 Japan 1.3 9 8 2.8 31,400 Kenya 5.9 43 19 100 1,000 United States 2.0 14 8 6.7 42,000 * rates are per thousand per year (c) Consider the data in table 2 above. Identify and discuss TWO economic or societal factors that account for the difference between the TFR of Kenya and that of the United States. (d) Describe TWO human activities related to the rapidly growing world population that are having an impact on Earth’s biodiversity. STOP END OF EXAM © 2008 The College Board. All rights reserved. Visit apcentral.collegeboard.com (for AP professionals) and www.collegeboard.com/apstudents (for students and parents). -7- 2003 AP® ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE FREE-RESPONSE QUESTIONS 2. A certain fictional country called Industria is tracking its population data. In 1855, the first year vital statistics were reported for the country, the population was 1.6 million, with a crude birth rate of 43 per 1,000. At that time the population of Industria was growing quite slowly, because of the high death rate of 41 per 1,000. In 1875 the population began to grow very rapidly as the birth rate remained at its 1855 level, while the crude death rate dropped dramatically to 20 per 1,000. Population growth continued to increase in the small country into the late 1800’s, even though birth rates began to decline slowly. In 1895 the crude birth rate had dropped to 37, and the death rate to 12 per 1,000. In that year (1895) a complete census revealed that the population of Industria had grown to 2.5 million. By 1950 population growth gradually began to decline as the death rate remained at its 1895 level, while the birth rate continued to decline to 22 per 1,000. In 1977 vital statistics revealed that the death rate was 10 per 1,000, and that population growth had slowed even more to an annual rate of 0.4%. By 1990 Industria had reduced its birth rate to that of its now constant, low death rate, and the population transition was complete. (a) On the axes below, plot the crude birth-rate data from 1855 to 1990. Now plot the crude death-rate data on the same axes. Clearly label the axes and the curves. (b) What was the annual growth rate of Industria in 1950 ? What was the birth rate in Industria in 1977 ? (c) Indicate TWO factors that might have accounted for the rapid decline in the death rate in Industria between 1855 and 1895. Indicate one specific reason why the birth rate might have been so high in 1855 and was so slow to decrease between 1855 and 1950. (d) Determine what the population size of Industria would have been in 1951 if the population had continued to grow at the annual rate of growth recorded for Industria in 1895. Copyright © 2003 by College Entrance Examination Board. All rights reserved. Available to AP professionals at apcentral.collegeboard.com and to students and parents at www.collegeboard.com/apstudents. 3 GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE. 2000 AP® ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE FREE-RESPONSE QUESTIONS 4. The figures above show the age structures of human populations in three countries, X, Y and Z. (a) Which of the three countries has the largest rate of population growth? Which has the smallest rate? Explain. (b) Compare the infant mortality rates that are likely in Countries X and Y. Explain your reasoning. (c) Describe the changes in both the birth rate and the death rate for a country making the transition from a preindustrial society to an industrial society. (d) Describe one incentive that the government of a country could offer its citizens that would favor a reduction in the growth rate of its population. Explain how this incentive would work, and describe one possible drawback. END OF EXAMINATION Copyright © 2000 College Entrance Examination Board and Educational Testing Service. All rights reserved. AP is a registered trademark of the College Entrance Examination Board. -5- Free$Response*Question*Suggestions*and*Reminders* ! During!the!AP!Environmental!Science!Exam,!you!will!be!given!four!Free<Response!Questions! (FRQs)!to!answer!in!90!minutes:!you!will!have!22<23!minutes!to!respond!to!each!question;!time! management!is!therefore!important.!You!may!answer!the!4!FRQs!in!any!order.! The*FRQ*portion*is*40%*of*the*AP*Exam.* There!are!three!basic!types!of!FRQs!in!AP!Environmental!Science:! • Document<based! • Data<based/Calculation<based/Lab<based! • Synthesis<Evaluation!(a!2,!3,!4,!or!5<part!question;!no!document,!no!data,!no!calculation,!no! lab)! The!frequently<used!terms/phrases!in!the!question!stems:! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Discuss! Calculate! Determine! Describe! Explain! Compare! Contrast! Distinguish! Name!and!describe! Calculate!the!following! Diagram!a…! Assess!the…! Describe!a!sequence!of…! Propose!and!defend…! Support!or!refute…! Outline!the!field!and/or!laboratory! procedures…! * * * * * * * * * Identify!the!major!source(s)…! Discuss!or!describe!two!specific! impacts!of…!(ecological,! physiological,!chemical…)! Make!a!similar!argument:!Present! three!arguments…! Describe!two!pieces!of!scientific! information!that!would…! Show!all!steps!in!your! calculations…! Identify!and!describe!three! actions…! Design!a!controlled!experiment…! Briefly!describe!a!strategy!that! uses…! Describe!two!additional!tests…! Carefully!read!each!question/stem.!Determine!what!is!being!asked.!Focus!on!the!content!of! each!stem.! Answers!must!be!complete.!Answers!should!be!organized,!well/balanced,!and!as!comprehensive! as!time!permits.!Answers!must!be!in!organized,!well<written!prose!form;!outline!form!or!bullets! are!not!acceptable.! You!should!not!be!so!economical!with!your!words!that!you!really!prevent!yourself!from!earning! a!point!due!to!a!lack!of!thoroughness!and!specificity.!There!is!clearly!a!distinction!between! “finishing!the!thought”!(being!specific!and!thorough)!and!merely!adding!“fluff!and!filler”.! Do!not!spend!time!rewriting!the!stems/questions.! When!a!specific!number!of!items!are!asked!for,!go!with!the!“best”!of!those!of!which!you!are! most!sure!first;!only!the!first!___!(the!number!called!for!in!the!stem)!will!be!scored.!You!cannot! turn!the!question!into!a!multiple!choice!question!and!“ask!the!reader”!to!select!the!best!___!(2,! 3,…)!items!from!the!7,!11,!et/cetera!items!that!you!might!have!written!down!in!a!“shotgun”! approach!to!responding!to!the!question.!If!you!should!realize!that!a!later!item!is!better!than!an! earlier!one,!cross!out!the!earlier!one.! Responses!must!be!specific/and!thorough.!Avoid/vague/answers.!The!terms!and!phrases!below! are!examples!of!wording!which!lacks!the!specificity!required!in!the!typical!FRQ,!and!which,! therefore,!would!not!earn!a!point(s):! Pollutants! Death! Factory! Harmful! Contamination! Negatively!influences! Runoff! Bad!for!the!environment! Toxic! Chemicals! Kills!stuff! Waste! Smokestacks! Better! Cars! Worse! When!“finished”!responding!to!an!FRQ,!you!should!be!able!to!count!10/discrete/statements! made!in!the!FRQ!response!pertinent!to!the!question!(all!parts,!collectively).!If!you!cannot,!then! you!probably!cannot!earn!a!“10”.! Scientific!reasoning!is!the!focus,!as!opposed!to!“agree/disagree”;!you!should!refrain!from! opinions,!points!of!view,!and!flippant!answers.!Do!not!waste!time!refuting!the!question/stem,! but!rather!take!the!information!given!as!fact!and!answer!accordingly.! Units:!(in!calculation!questions)!you!need!to!include!units.!Avoid!“naked!numbers”.!You!may!not! earn/receive!full!credit!if!you!fail!to!provide!units.!If!asked!to!show!your!work,!you!are!not! expected!to!write!it!out!in!words;!merely!showing!the!correct!equation!and!substitution!is! enough.!Also,!you!are!not!expected!to!show!your!arithmetic,!again,!only!the!proper!set<up.! You!will!receive!no!credit!for!questioning!assumptions!presented!in!the!questions;!that!is,!the! question!states!that!you!should!assume!something,!e.g.,!“an!input!of!10,000!BTUs!of!heat!is! required!to!produce!an!output!of!1!kilowatt<hour!of!electricity”.!You!need!to!go!with!what!you! are!presented!with!in!the!FRQ,!not!what!you!personally!think!it!might!or!should!be.! Merely!listing!ideas!will!receive!no!credit.! While!it!is!not!required,!you!may!want!to!consider!clearly!labeling!all!parts!of!your!FRQ!response! [(a),!(b),!etc.].!This!often!makes!the!FRQ!more!organized!and!easier!to!follow.! Write!neatly!in!blue!or!black!ink.!Readers!will!thoroughly!appreciate!the!legible!handwriting.! Answer!must!be!written!on!the!lined!portion!of!the!FRQ!booklet;!you!should!not!write!your! answers!by!the!question!stems!in!the!(pink)!booklet;!nor!should!you!write!answers!that!you! want!graded!on!the!green!pages!(although!you!may!jot!thoughts!in!these!areas).!Again,!you! should!write!your!answers!on!the!lines!in!the!answer!booklet.! ! Remember:!READ!THE!WHOLE!QUESTION.!!Chances!are!good!that!you!will!be!able!to!answer!at!least!one!part!of!it!even! if!you!are!not!sure!about!another!part.!
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