Page 1 of 3 ORIgen Inc. Pen 204Lew Lewis 207Lew Lewis 209Lew Lewis 210Lew Lewis 211Lew Lewis 213Lew Lewis 214Lew Lewis 215Lew Lewis 216Lew Lewis 217Lew Lewis 219Lew Lewis 220Lew Lewis 221Lew Lewis 223Lew Lewis 224Lew Lewis 227Lew Lewis 228Lew Lewis 229Lew Lewis 230Lew Lewis 233Lew Lewis 301Clrk Clark 302Clrk Clark 303Clrk Clark 304Clrk Clark 305Clrk Clark 306Clrk Clark 308Clrk Clark 309Clrk Clark 310Clrk Clark 311Clrk Clark 312Clrk Clark Bull / Owner Names Basin Advance 3134 OWNER INVENTORY ACCT FF Rito 2Q26 of 356H 9Q13 ABS Global SydGen Multi Tool 2432 ABS Global R B Tour Of Duty 177 Crouch Angus Valley/Riley Bros. Basin Payweight 1682 ABS/D&S Angus/Ellis Cattle Yon Future Force Z77 ABS Global CLRS After Shock 604 A ABS Global Codiak Amigo GNK 65Y Waratah Speckle Park Stud Paintrock Mountain Man 982 ABS Global C-T Request 3013 ABS Global S A V Privilege 3030 Vermilion Ranch Bluegrass Chisum 206 Fabiano Araujo Hoover Dam G18 Hoover/SiouxPass/Idland/Basin/DDot/GW/ GAR-EGL Protege E24 ABS Global Hyline Image Maker 1048 ABS Global Oval F All Time A322 ABS Global THR Thor 4029 ABS Global SITZ High Country 10011 ABS Global GW Wolfpack 712A ABS Global Stevenson Hero I216U Stevenson Angus Ranch B/R Right Cross 253 Araucaria Importacao e Exportacao Connealy Sierra Cut 0387 Araucaria Importacao e Exportacao Connealy Gold 985L Araucaria Importacao e Exportacao Connealy IF 4925 448 Araucaria Importacao e Exportacao Sitz Longevity 556Z Spring Cove/Sitz Angus/Triple L Angus C-Bar Evolution 107Y ABS Global Sitz Thunderbolt 0189 ABS Global WR Journey 1X74 Basin/Turner Mtn/Ray Leachman Cadillac L025A ABS Global Baldridge Territory Z068 ABS Global B3R Pioneer Wave Y409 ABS Global 9/5/2014 Bulls at Facility by Location Date of Birth 01/19/2013 11/09/2012 09/05/2012 01/24/2011 02/11/2011 09/14/2011 03/20/2013 07/14/2011 01/21/2012 01/24/2013 02/18/2013 12/28/2011 01/25/2008 08/30/2004 02/23/2008 02/01/2013 03/06/2004 02/15/2011 02/06/2013 01/23/2008 02/12/2012 01/14/2012 02/01/2012 02/13/2012 02/07/2012 02/08/2011 03/07/2009 12/19/2010 01/14/2013 04/18/2012 09/15/2011 Breed / Reg# Black Angus 17597915 Black Angus 17518366 Black Angus 17408223 Black Angus 16984170 Black Angus 17038724 Black Angus 17264322 Simmental 2735656 Speckle Park CAN3919PB Black Angus 17348664 Red Angus 1606206 Black Angus 17633557 Black Angus 17367935 Black Angus 16124994 Black Angus 15098880 Black Angus +16272656 Simmental 2749844 Polled Hereford P42551314 Black Angus 16865076 Simmental 2708199 Black Angus +16114104 Black Angus 17187120 Black Angus 17303978 Black Angus 17314165 Black Angus 17307061 Black Angus 17179073 Red Angus 1474506 Black Angus 16440179 Black Angus 16924332 Simmental 2760758 Black Angus 17314957 Black Angus 17217486 09/05/2014 08:35 Sire / Reg# G A R Progress 16290873 Rito 9Q13 of Rita 5F56 GHM 16408438 PA Power Tool 9108 16381311 Werner War Party 2417 16004857 Basin Payweight 006S 15332050 Yon Future Focus T219 15748572 Hook`s Yellowstone 97Y 2612546 Legacy Unrivaled 12U CAN2891PB Kesslers Frontman R001 15180461 HXC Conquest 4405P 975924 S A V Priority 7283 15688351 S Chisum 6175 15511451 SydGen C C & 7 15330743 Rito 1I2 of 2536 Rito 6I6 13793826 H A Image Maker 0415 +13739532 MCM Top Grade 018X 2540315 JDH 15 Wrangler 25L 42194946 Sitz Game Point 10128 15969140 GW Premium Beef 021TS 2370545 H A Image Maker 0415 +13739532 SCR Right Cross 70024 15836708 D R Sierra Cut 7404 16047469 Connealy Gold 16447808 Connealy In Focus 4925 15491720 Connealy Final Product 15848422 TR Colt 45 UT806 1240434 Connealy Thunder 15148659 B/R Future Direction 4268 14675477 Hooks Trinity 9T 2389750 S Chisum 6175 15511451 S A V Pioneer 7301 15688392 Page 2 of 3 ORIgen Inc. Pen 313Clrk Clark 314Clrk Clark 315Clrk Clark 316Clrk Clark 317Clrk Clark 318Clrk Clark 319Clrk Clark 320Clrk Clark 321Clrk Clark 322Clrk Clark 323Clrk Clark 401Iso Isolation 403Iso Isolation 404Iso Isolation 405Iso Isolation 406Iso Isolation 408Iso Isolation 409Iso Isolation 410Iso Isolation 412Iso Isolation 413Iso Isolation 414Iso Isolation 415Iso Isolation 416Iso Isolation 417Iso Isolation 418Iso Isolation 419Iso Isolation 420Iso Isolation 425Iso Isolation 429Iso Isolation 430Iso Isolation 431Iso Isolation Bulls at Facility by Location Bull / Owner Names V D A R Windbreak 7062 ABS Global Still in the Rough 201 Diamond Dot/Still Angus/40 Mile Colony Brown Premier X7876 ABS Global Powerline 13-164 ABS Global Leachman TL Proficient G651Y ABS Global EXAR Denver 2002B Express Ranches Powerline 13-200 ABS Global Basin Payweight 107S Sunny Okanogan Angus Ranch/Basin Angus CCR Frontier 0053Z ABS Global EXAR Resistol 3710B ABS Global/Express Ranches TLC Troubadour 335 TLC Vetsch Angus Pine View PositiveImpact P773 ABS Global Carter Final Product 201 Diamond Dot Angus/Hilltop Angus K C F Bennett Consensus Z281 Sioux Pass Angus/Knoll Crest Farms HH Advance 3022A ET Churchill Cattle HF-Hercules A2 Hiatt Farms Andras Fusion R236 ABS Global Rito 6EM3 of 4L1 Emblazon ABS Global SPA Kingrichard 326 Sioux Pass Angus/GW Genetics CCR Santa Fe 9349Z ABS Global CCAR Awesome X720 Sioux Pass Angus/Currant Creek T D L Zeke 3125Z ABS Global GTWY Authority 302A ABS Global O A Power Tool 903 Sioux Pass Angus Sinclair Added Value 5PV44 ABS Global Buford Blue Stem 9974 ABS Global B3R Z180 Heifer Safe Bradley 3 Ranch G A R High Noon M5421 ABS Global H P C A Proceed 521 ABS Global B/R Destination 928-630 ABS Global SydGen FATE 2800 SydGen/Pitts/GW/Sioux Pass/Slovek/Malek PA Power Tool 9108 Peterson Angus/Raven Angus 9/5/2014 Date of Birth 01/08/2012 02/03/2012 01/14/2010 04/01/2013 09/23/2011 01/01/2012 04/01/2013 02/01/2006 02/17/2012 01/04/2013 03/01/2013 12/16/2012 08/15/2012 09/13/2012 01/02/2013 02/07/2013 09/18/2011 01/27/2006 01/17/2013 09/04/2012 08/04/2010 01/23/2012 02/09/2013 01/16/2013 01/05/2005 01/28/2009 11/09/2012 02/04/2011 02/12/2011 01/19/2006 09/28/2012 01/28/2009 Breed / Reg# Black Angus 17280620 Black Angus 17246314 Red Angus 1379610 Crossbreed - Beef 40108440 Black Angus 17446104 Black Angus 17160560 Crossbreed - Beef 40108573 Black Angus 15332022 Simmental 2703756 Black Angus 17434366 Black Angus 17675794 Black Angus 17582369 Black Angus 17645287 Black Angus 17593919 Horned Hereford 43368349 Simmental 2751032 Red Angus 1506931 Black Angus +15266350 Black Angus 17758227 Simmental 2720494 Black Angus 16760222 Black Angus 17456046 Simmental 2789756 Black Angus 17664928 Black Angus 14969470 Black Angus 16543415 Black Angus 17521640 Black Angus +17117101 Black Angus +16956101 Black Angus 15343112 Black Angus 17521423 Black Angus 16381311 09/05/2014 08:35 Sire / Reg# V D A R Really Windy 4097 15776681 Diamond in the Rough 16608684 Beckton Nebula P P707 979031 GAR-EGL Protege 15098880 EXAR Upshot 0562B 16541214 Vermilion Payweight J847 13469989 MCC Daylite 0005 2595317 A A R Ten X 7008 S A 15719841 TC Aberdeen 759 15840414 Poss Total Impact 745 15885405 Connealy Final Product 15848422 Connealy Consensus 15513367 HH Advance 0002X 43074066 CCR Catalyst 7035W 2569142 Andras In Focus B175 1366634 O C C Emblazon 854E #+12514348 Rito 9M25 of Rita 5F56 Pred 16340278 S D S Graduate 006X 2548143 Hoover Dam 16124994 Connealy In Focus 4925 15491720 S A B Brilliance 8077 2587695 PA Power Tool 9108 16381311 Sinclair Net Present Value +14311951 B3R W233 Elector TendTn R310 16634469 MCC Daybreak 14777016 G A R Progress 16290873 B/R Destination 727-928 13286246 SydGen Trust 6228 15354674 G A R Predestined 13395344 Page 3 of 3 ORIgen Inc. Pen 432Iso Isolation 433Iso Isolation 103Rec Receiving 105Rec Receiving 109Rec Receiving 110Rec Receiving 111Rec Receiving 112Rec Receiving 113Rec Receiving 114Rec Receiving 115Rec Receiving 116Rec Receiving 117Rec Receiving 118Rec Receiving 119Rec Receiving 131Rec Receiving 160Rec Receiving 9/5/2014 Bulls at Facility by Location Bull / Owner Names SydGen Trust 6228 Sydenstricker Genetics, Inc. baldridge Xceed x707 Araucaria Importacao e Exportacao V N A R Ten X 2293 Sioux Pass Angus Stevenson Rockmount RX933 Stevenson Angus Ranch Cudlobe In Focus 5S Stevenson Angus Ranch/Cudlobe Angus Stevenson Rito GS172 Stevenson Angus Ranch Oaks High Choice 99A1 The Oaks Farm Schu-Lar Red Bull 18X ABS Global Vermilion JL X Factor Z572 Black Cross Genetics LLC Sitz JLS Game Day 9630 Vermilion Ranch Worthington Breakout 1122 Worthington/SPA/CCAR/Jocko/DDot/GW HH Advance 0002X Holden Herefords/LeForce L&L Churchill Domino 2243Z ET Churchill Cattle/LeForce Herefords HH Advance 3006A Holden Herefords/Flying S Herefords GDAR Regulator 364 ABS Global Connealy Upgrade 7838 Araucaria Importacao e Exportacao MBP Deep Canyon 652S Greenough Cattle Co Date of Birth 02/07/2006 01/12/2010 12/28/2012 03/24/2010 01/05/2006 03/25/2006 01/24/2013 01/18/2010 03/09/2012 02/21/2010 08/27/2011 12/28/2009 08/17/2012 12/29/2012 02/10/2013 02/06/2012 03/22/2006 Breed / Reg# Black Angus 15354674 Black Angus 16762713 Black Angus 17516320 Black Angus 16647203 Black Angus 16581357 Black Angus 15643075 Brangus R10235597 Polled Hereford P43084009 Black Angus 17251301 Black Angus 16591455 Black Angus 17238727 Horned Hereford 43074066 Horned Hereford 43343160 Horned Hereford 43368334 Black Angus 17526276 Black Angus 17304389 Red Angus 1140808 09/05/2014 08:35 Sire / Reg# SCR Promise 4042 14851313 GAR-EGL Protege 15098880 A A R Ten X 7008 S A 15719841 MCC Daybreak 14777016 Mytty In Focus 13880818 Rito 1I2 of 2536 Rito 6I6 13793826 GR Swift 209W3 R10143304 R Puckster 2013 P42400457 Vermilion X Factor 15535998 GDAR Game Day 449 14691231 MCC Daybreak 14777016 HH Advance 7026T 42785261 CL 1 Domino 0130X 1ET 43082390 HH Advance 0002X 43074066 WMR Timeless 458 16226527 Styles Upgrade J59 16244342 GRNO Canyon 937P 959315
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