MUDGEE DISTRICT U3A Inc. P.O. BOX 469, Mudgee, 2850 COURSES & ACTIVITIES 2014 First edition 9th December 1st Semester Term 1: 28th January - 11th April Term 2: 28th April - 27th June 2nd Semester Term 3: 14th July - 19th September Term 4: 7th October - 19th December “Providing learning and social opportunities for mature people in the Mid Western Region” Course List for 2014 FIELD COURSE TITLE PAGE ART Painting with Water Colours 14 Play art 19 CALLIGRAPHY Calligraphy 10 CRAFT Folk Art 17 Material Craft 13 Tatting and Bobbin lace 8 DISCUSSION Current Affairs 8 GAMES Canasta Indoor Fun and Games Mah-Jong 9 11 11 GUEST SPEAKERS An Afternoon With....... 19 HISTORY Ancient Greece Australian History since the Eighties Local and Social History (New) Persian Prophets Renaissance Italy 15 17 15 16 18 LANGUAGE Lingo (New) 11 LITERATURE Book Groups (3) What I have been reading this month 16 13 MUSIC Classical The Newer Just Jazz Sing-a-long at Pioneer House Sing-a-long at Mudgee Nursing Home Ukulele 16 17 8 15 10 PHILOSOPHY Philosophy in Action 9 PHOTOGRPAHY Photography Creating Photobooks 9 14 PHYSICAL ACTIVITY Lawn Bowls for Beginners Line Dancing Qi-Gong Walking to.......... 13 15 11 1 2 Course List for 2014 (cont) FIELD COURSE TITLE PAGE RELIGION Religion for the World (New) Persian Prophets 18 16 SCIENCE Astronomy (New) Microbiology The Night Sky (New) 18 15 18 TECHNOLOGY Understanding your iPad/iPhone 10 TRAVEL More Armchair Travel 12 VISUAL Get the Picture (Visual Literacy) 12 WRITING Writing for Fun 13 3 Patron Mal Petrie Elected Committee 2014 President: Vice Presidents: Judith Darling Heather Rushton Janet Duffy 0431 551 596 6372 1244 6372 3665 Secretary: Marianne Matthews Treasurer: Ray Parle Membership Secretary: A/Membership Secretary: Janet Duffy Marianne Matthews 6372 3665 6372 3665 Publicity Officer: Dolores Dal Pozzo 6373 3960 Program Coordinator: Ann Burrows 6372 6599 Membership Information: Chris Smith Trish Trent 6372 1175 6372 2464 Events Coordinators: Judith Darling Fran Hazell 0431 551 596 6374 4235 Welfare Officer: Ann Burrows 6372 6599 Committee Member: Robert Waller 0408 426 414 4 6372 3665 0439 735 424 What is U3A? Begun in France in 1968. U3A—Universities of the Third Age—is a world wide organisation of autonomous associations. Run by a Management Committee elected by members, each U3A is a voluntary non-profit association offering people fifty years and over low cost educational opportunities. Most U3As offer a program of weekly classes arranged on a term or semester basis. A wide range of subjects is offered depending on the interests of members and the availability of presenters/ leaders/tutors. Mudgee U3A is one of 61 associations across NSW and the ACT and covers the Mid Western Regional Council area. We were founded in 1998 offering a dozen courses with about 80 members. Currently there are 37 courses on offer and over 300 members. Courses are lead by local volunteers/members and offer a range of social, intellectual, practical and physical activities. Two of our original presenters are still leading courses 15 years after we were established. Membership GuidelinesMem• • • U3A is run by retired people for retired people. Most classes are held in the day during school term dates. There are no entry requirements or exams. Membership Area Mudgee District U3A connects seniors from the same area as that of the Mid-Western Regional Council. Membership Fees are on a sliding scale: Joining at Term 1: $25 Joining at Term 2: $20 Joining at Term 3: $15 Joining at Term 4: $10 Membership fees cover administration, postage costs and insurance. No charge to the residents of Aged Care Facilities 5 Insurance is provided through Network NSW, the State's U3A "umbrella" organisation. All new members receive a copy of the Constitution. Newsletters are delivered to all members either by Australia Post or email. The use of electronic mail is encouraged to help save resources. Class attendees must have enrolled prior to attending any classes. There are no fees for most classes, but you may have to provide your own materials or pay a small amount to help cover the cost of hall hire, class notes, computer use, and for morning or afternoon tea as appropriate. Members receiving printed notes from their class Presenter will be asked to contribute to the cost of copying. There is no charge for notes or handouts delivered by email. Class members are under no obligation to receive notes and may decline the offer of receiving them in either format. There is an expectation that class members will keep the Presenter informed about any intended absences or complete withdrawals. Presenters' telephone numbers are published in this Program. Becoming a Member The official Enrolment Morning is in January, when membership fees are paid and enrolment is completed This is a time to pay membership fees and enrol for the classes of your choice, however you may join at any time during the year. A receipt will be issued on payment. Most Class Presenters will be available on the day to discuss needs and answer questions about the courses being offered. If enrolling by mail, send a completed enrolment form and membership fee to the Secretary at PO Box 469, Mudgee, 2850. Please enclose a stamped address envelope for your receipt. Cheques should be payable to “Mudgee District U3A”. The running of classes is dependent on sufficient registrations to make the classes viable. You will be notified if the class has to be cancelled or if you have been unsuccessful in gaining a place in the class. 6 Class Venues ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Mudgee District U3A is extremely grateful to the people and venues who make it possible to offer such an interesting and varied program. PRIVATE HOMES ONE LIFE FAMILY CHURCH, Lewis Street, Mudgee Although primarily a church, this is an ideal venue for major U3A meetings. It has a range of well equipped rooms including a splendid auditorium. Parking is on-street. ADAMS STREET COMPLEX, MEETING ROOM, 12 Adams Street, Mudgee The Adams Street Complex provides units for aged residents in a neat arrangement surrounding a central community meeting room. This has been made available for use by U3A classes free of charge. Class members must park in the street and avoid blocking driveway entrances. BE AWARE of the NO PARKING ZONE. CLUB MUDGEE (RSL), Corner of Mortimer & Perry Streets, Mudgee Club Mudgee works with the local community to assist individuals and groups in need. The Club provides free meeting facilities to U3A through its Community Development Support Expenditure. The club has its own car park at the rear. FAIRVIEW ArtSpace, 6 Henry Lawson Drive, Mudgee Provides a small private meeting room within a heritage building. Adequate parking within grounds. PIONEER HOUSE, Court Street, Mudgee Pioneer House is a community based organisation funded by the Federal Government and run by a voluntary management committee. The building has grown and been upgraded to modern standards to cope with a wide variety of needs. Please park in the street. MUDGEE NURSING HOME, Denison Street Mudgee Nursing home is a 50 bed high care facility at the western end of Denison Street.There is parking opposite the front of the home. 7 Legend Long Terms = Short Terms = Wk = FT = M CC NSW School Term dates. One week inside school terms at both ends. Courses run weekly Courses run fortnightly on either the 1st & 3rd or 2nd & 4th specified days of each month. = Monthly = Course Code Monday CC: MCA CURRENT AFFAIRS Presenter/Leader: Start Date: Time: Venue: Gwen Heywood Ph: 6372 3586 February 3rd FT: 1st & 3rd Mondays 9.30am - 11.00am of each month Adams Street, Mudgee (Long Terms) 1, 2, 3, 4 Join in a lively discussion and share your point of view on current events CC: MSA SING-ALONG @ PIONEER HOUSE Presenter/Leader: Start Date: Time: Venue: Andrea Sauerbier Ph: 6372 3670 February 10th FT: 2nd & 4th Mondays 11.00am - 12 noon of each month Pioneer House, Court Street, Mudgee (Long Terms) 1, 2, 3, 4 Andrea has been running a sing-song at this time for a while. The residents would love to have some enthusiastic U3A singers join them. CC: MTB TATTING AND BOBBIN LACE Presenter/Leader: Start Date: Time: Venue: Terms: Cora Passer Ph: 6372 2236 February 3rd Wk 11.30 - 1.00pm Adams St, Mudgee (Long Terms) 1, 2, 3, 4 Learn the art of this beautiful craft. A small cost may be involved. 8 Monday CC: MCN Presenter/Leader: Start Date: Time: Venue: Terms: CANASTA Mary Buckley Ph: 6372 3584 February 3rd WK except for 3rd Monday of each month 1.30pm - 4.00pm 2 McFarlane Street, Mudgee (Short Terms) 1, 2, 3, 4 Learn to play or brush up on your Canasta Skills. CC: MPO Presenter/Leader: Dates: Time: Venue: PHOTOGRAPHY Taking better pictures Sandy Smith March 17, 24, 31 2.00 - 4.00 pm Adams Street Ph: 6372 1244 Learn the basics of theory and use this to improve your photography skills. Topics will include composition , shutter speed, aperture, using available light etc. Practical work is involved so you will need to bring your own camera. CC: MPH PHILOSOPHY IN ACTION Presenter/Leader: Start Date: Time: Venue: Terms: Merrilyn Vaisey Ph: 6372 0980 February 3rd WK 2.00 - 4.00pm Adams Street (Long Terms—except 2nd Monday in each month and March 17, 24 , 31) Discussion on just how useful these ancient practices are in daily life COMMITTEE MEETING Venue: Time: Adams St 2.00pm 9 M: 2nd Monday Tuesday CC: TUK Presenter/Leader: Start Date: Time: Venue: Terms: UKULELE David Fry Ph: 6372 0345 February 4th Wk 9am - 10 am Adams Street (Short term) 1, 2, 3 4 This very popular class is running again this year. Contact David for details. CC: TIP Presenter/Leader: Start Date: Time: Venue: Terms: UNDERSTANDING YOUR iPAD/ iPHONE Scott Etherington Ph: 0408 726 722 February 4th Wk 9.30am - 10.30am Up the ramp in the walkway running off Byron Place, above Classic Treasures Term 1 (8 sessions only) A quick run down on how to use your device. Bring that device to each session. Limited to 8 places only. CC: TCY Presenter/Leader: Start Date: Time: Venue: Terms: CALLIGRAPHY Marianne Matthews January 28th 10.30 - 12.00 noon Adams St, Mudgee 1 only Ph: 6372 3665 Wk A step by step guide to all the major calligraphy techniques, from Foundational hand and Uncails to Gothic Italic and Copperplate. Class members will need a Felt tip Calligraphy Pen & Cartridge Paper available at Newsagents, Art /Craft Suppliers. 10 Tuesday CC: TGQ QI - GONG Eunice Marskell Ph: 6372 0528 Presenter/Leader: February 4th WK Start Date: 11.30am - 12.30pm Time: Club Mudgee, Mortimer St Mudgee Venue: (Short Terms) 1, 2, 3, 4 Terms: This relaxing form of Chinese exercise will help you retain flexibility. It involves the use of gentle movements, stretches, meditation and posture to help you relax. CC: TIF Presenter/Leader: Start Date: Time: Venue: Terms: INDOOR FUN & GAMES Andrea Sauerbier Ph: 6372 3670 February 4th FT: 1st & 3rd Tuesdays 1.30pm - 3.30pm of each month 19 Lovejoy Street, Mudgee (Short Terms) 1, 2, 3, 4 Keep your mind active with games, puzzles, jokes and stories CC: TLO Presenter/Leader: Start Date: Time: Venue: LINGO CC: TNJ Presenter/Leader: Start Date: Time: Venue: Terms: MAH-JONG FOR BEGINNERS Helena Roberts Ph: 6372 0531 February 4th WK 1.30 - 3.00pm 34 Mountain View Road Mudgee (Short Terms) 1,2,3,4 This is a course on words and how to use them. You will need a text book approx $33 –speak to Helena on Enrolment Day for more information—before any purchase. Cost breakdown approx $1 pw and you have a reference book to keep. Note book and pen essential. June Ritar Ph: 6373 7793 January 28th WK 2.00pm - 4.00pm Pioneer House, Court Street, Mudgee (Long Terms 1,2,3,4) Mah-Jong is a Chinese game played with tiles. Very similar to Gin Rummy. It is great fun and beginners are welcome. 11 Tuesday CC: TAT Presenter/Leader: Dates: Time: Venue: Term MORE ARMCHAIR TRAVEL Sandy Smith Ph: 6372 1244 Heather Rushton March 11, 18, 25, April 1, 8 2.00pm - 4.00pm Adams Street, Mudgee Term 1 only Photos and information about the following destinations: National Parks of USA, Ethiopia, Mongolia, Bangladesh, Oman The first three dates are revisits of previous sessions The April dates will be showcasing new travels CC: TGP GET THE PICTURE? (Visual literacy) Presenter/Leader: Start Date: Time: Venue: Terms: Heather Rushton Ph: 6372 1244 May 20th & 27th 2.00pm - 4.00pm Adams St, Mudgee Term 2 (2 sessions only) In society today, so much information is conveyed through images, therefore it is important to be visually literate. This course is about reading visual material. 12 Wednesday CC: WLB Presenter/Leader: Start Date: Time: Venue: Terms: LAWN BOWLS FOR BEGINNERS Heather Priester Ph: 6374 1663 February 12th WK 9.30am - 11.00am Mudgee Bowling Club, Burrundulla Ave Term 1 ONLY A chance to try your hand at lawn bowls. Please wear comfortable clothes, hat, and flat shoes. Thanks to Barbara Sampson and volunteers for again taking U3A member for this session. Bowls available for you at the Club. CC: WMC Presenter/Leader: Start Date: Time: Venue: MATERIAL CRAFTS Eunice Marskell Ph: 6372 0528 Jacqui Price Ph: 6372 9667 January 29th WK 9.30 - 12.30 pm Adams Street, Mudgee Join a friendly group to share & learn craft, crochet, knitting, sewing, embroidery and quilting. CC: WRM Presenter/ Leader: Start Date: Time: Venue: WHAT I’VE BEEN READING THIS MONTH Dorothy Munns Ph: 6372 0839 February 5th M: 1st Wednesday 9.30am - 11.00am of each month 2 Denison Street, Mudgee (Long Terms) 1, 2, 3, 4 Share in discussion of something you have read each month. CC: WWF Presenter/Leader: Start Date: Time: Venue: Terms: WRITING FOR FUN Ann Burrows Ph: 6372 6599 February 5th WK: Except May 7, 14 2.00 - 3.30pm Adams Street (Short Terms) 1, 2, 3, 4 Fun with words. Sometimes challenging, always stimulating. A great way to spend an afternoon. 13 Wednesday CC: WCP Presenter/Leader: Dates: Time: Venue: Terms: CREATING PHOTOBOOKS Sandy Smith Ph: 6372 1244 April 30, May 7, 14 2.00 - 4.00pm TBA Term 2 (3 sessions only) How to use online software to turn your images into a photobook. You will need your own images and laptop/iPad. Some laptops will be available . Maximum of 6 people. Participants need to be competent computer users. CC: WPW CC: WPW Presenter/Leader: Start Date: Time: Venue: Terms: PAINTING WITH WATER COLOURS Thelma Beechey Ph: 6372 3432 January 29th WK 2.00pm - 4.00pm Pioneer House, Court Street, Mudgee (Long Terms) 1, 2, 3, 4 Expand your vision through art. Some cost involved purchasing a small quantity of basic materials plus $5 to cover lesson photocopies. 14 Thursday CC: THA Presenter/Leader: Start Date: Time: Venue: Terms: ANCIENT GREECE David Fry Ph: 6372 0345 February 6th WK 9.00am - 10.30am Mudgee Nursing Home, Denison St (Long Terms) 1, 2 & 4 An insight into the cradle of western civilisation. SINGING AT MUDGEE NURSING HOME You may like to join David Fry and his singers at 10.30 am to entertain the residents. T1, 2, 4 ALL WELCOME CC: THM Presenter/Leader: Start Date: Time: Venue: Terms: MICROBIOLOGY Iain Stevenson January 30th 9.00 - 11.00am Adams Street (Long Terms) 1, 2 Ph: 6373 5490 WK A very interesting topic. Microbes and their interaction with humans, CC: THL LINE DANCING Libby Dorahy Ph: 6373 3170 Presenter/Leader: Margaret Wilson Ph: 6372 2833 Start Date: January 30th WK Time: 10.00am - 11.30am Venue: Club Mudgee, Mudgee R Age no barrier, enjoy some action and good music. A good idea to wear comfortable and supportive shoes. LOCAL AND SOCIAL HISTORY CC: THH Jenny Browning Ph: 0458 514 163 Presenter/Leader: February 6th WK Start Date: 10.15 - 12.15pm Time: Fairview Arts Space, 6 Henry Lawson Dr Venue: (Short Terms) 1,2 3,4 Terms: Researching the stories of people in their environment at a time and place in history. Involves individual research, group interaction, discussion and sharing 15 Thursday CC: THP Presenters/Leaders: Start Date: Time: Venue: Terms: PERSIAN PROPHETS David Bailey Ph: 6372 1812 February 13th Ft: 2nd & 4th Thursday 2.00pm - 3.30pm each month Adams St, Mudgee 1, 2, 3, 4 The historical events of the founders of the Baha’i faith CC: THM CLASSICAL MUSIC Taffi Prior Ph: 6374 1498 Presenter/Leader: February 6th FT: 1st & 3rd Thursdays Start Date: 2.00pm - 4.00pm of each month Time: Adams St, Mudgee Venue: (Short Terms) 1, 2 Terms: A program to enhance and enrich your enjoyment and appreciation of Classical Music through high quality DVDs and CD recordings. Program notes will be available at a cost of $5 for both terms. This will be collected by a committee member at the beginning of the year (Notes are not compulsory) CC: TH1 Presenters/Leader: Start Date: BOOK GROUP A CC: TH2 Presenter/Leader: Start Date: Time: CC: TH3 Presenter/Leader: Start Date: Time: BOOK GROUP B Pamela Dove February 13th 2.00pm - 3.30pm Ph: 6372 9312 M: 2nd Thursday of each month Fran Hazell February 20th 2.00pm - 3.30pm Ph: 6374 4235 M: 3rd Thursday of each month BOOK GROUP C Judith Darling Ph: 6372 3316 February 27th M: 4th Thursday of 2.00pm - 3.30pm each month An opportunity for those who enjoy reading to share opinions about the book selected for discussion that month. 10 people per group. For all groups: Venue - Fairview ArtSpace, 6 Henry Lawson Drive. Long terms 1, 2, 3, 4. A borrowing fee may apply 16 Friday CC: FFA FOLK ART Contact: Carol Byrant Ph: 6372 3126 Peg Farthing Ph: 6372 3805 January 31st Wk 10.00am - 1.00pm Adams St, Mudgee (Long Terms) 1, 2, 3, 4 Start Date: Time: Venue: Terms: Members in this industrious group are happy to share their skills. CC: FNJ Presenter/Leader: Start Date: Time: Venue: Terms: THE NEWER JUST JAZZ Colin Munns Ph: 6372 0839 February 7th FT: 1st & 3rd Fridays 2.30pm - 4.00pm of each month Adams Street, Mudgee (Long Terms) 1, 2, 3, 4 Enjoy the study of traditional and mainstream jazz. CC: FAH Presenter/Leader: Start Date: Time: Venue: Terms: AUSTRALIAN HISTORY- since the 80’S Colin Munns Ph: 6372 0839 February 14th FT: 2nd & 4th Fridays 2.30pm - 4.00pm of each month Adams Street, Mudgee (Long Terms) 1, 2, 3, 4 Looking at history since the 1980’s. 17 Friday CC: FOL U3A ONLINE Presenter/Leader: Start Date: Time: Venue: Janet Duffy January 31st 10.30-11.30am Fairview Art Space Ph: 6372 3665 WK Online Courses providing intellectual stimulation and vigorous discussion on a range of group selected topics. Courses for 2014 will be:Term 1 Astronomy Term 2 The Night Sky Term 3 Religion for the World Term 4 Renaissance Italy Participants will meet every week to discuss the relevant unit from the course. A site licence for each course costs $20. This cost will be split between the number of people enrolling in the course. Note: if you don’t have internet access you can still do the course as we will provide all the course notes to you. ARE YOU INTERESTED IN...? World Affairs and History Nature Writing and Creativity Lifestyle Science U3A Online has up to 42 courses available under these headings. You may view them at If you prefer to work at your own pace, you can join as an individual for $25 per annum and do as many courses as you like at: For more information about any of the U3A Online courses, speak to Janet Duffy on Enrolment Day or contact her at 6372 3665. 18 Saturday CC: SPA Presenter/Leader: Start Date: Time: Venue: Terms: PLAYART WORKSHOP Patricia Ralph Ph: 6373 8300 February 8, 22 (other dates if needed) 10.00am - 4.00pm Adams Street, Mudgee Term 1 (2 sessions initially) An Art Class with a difference !!! Have fun exploring your creative talents. Learn to relax—go with the flow. Games, laughter, experiment, expand, explore. Have a go—you never know if you never try. Cost of $15 for materials. CC: SWT WALKING TO......? Presenter/Leader: Start Date: Time: Venue: Ann Burrows Ph: 6372 6599 May 3rd Approx 2 hours from 10.00am - 12.00 pm Meet in the car park behind The Stables, Mudgee Explore the country lanes with Ann who promises not to walk too fast. It is essential that you wear good walking shoes. The first walk will be Black Springs Road. The full walking schedule will be available in the first 2014 newsletter CC: SAW Presenter/Leader: Dates: Time: Venue: AN AFTERNOON WITH.......? Ann Burrows Ph: 6372 6599 March 22, June 21, Sept 13, Nov 15 2.00pm - 3.30pm Pioneer House, Court St, Mudgee This popular session will run again this year. Afternoon tea is provided at the cost of 50cents. Donated to Pioneer House IF YOU HAVE AN INTEREST OR SKILL TO SHARE WITH OUR MEMBERS PLEASE CONTACT OUR PROGRAMME CO-ORDINATOR, ANN BURROWS, Phone 6372 6599 19 Special Awareness Course CC: SAC LIFE –LIVE IT SAVE IT PROGRAM Presenter/Leader Janet Duffy Ph: 6372 3665 Heather Rushton Ph: 6372 1244 Date: Saturday April 5th Venue Pioneer House Time: 2.00pm This is a short informative session—an awareness course only— formatted especially for retirees. The key objectives are:• Early recognition of signs and symptoms of medical emergencies • Calling Triple Zero (000) immediately for an Ambulance • Following Ambulance call taker instructions You will need to bring a standard size bed pillow with you. This is not for a ‘Nanny Nap’. All will be revealed on the day Volunteers Needed Mudgee Nursing Home is grateful to have a small group of wonderful volunteers who work to enrich the lives of the residents. The Director is currently looking for more volunteers to assist with some activities, especially craft and the men’s group. If you have a hour or two spare and are interested in assisting to provide high quality and nurturing care to the residents through activity contact Judy on 63723077. 20 MY U3A COMMITMENTS DATE COURSE TIME I understand that courses will run unless otherwise notified. Enrolment Day January 11th Take this opportunity to learn about the courses on offer in 2014 and to ask questions of the course Presenters, 9.30am – 12.30pm, One Life Family Church, Lewis Street, Mudgee 21 But wait, there’s more... A GET-TOGETHER FOR THE END OF EACH TERM Venues & times to be advised in the newsletters. 1st Edition 2014 Compiled by Ann Burrows Mudgee District U3A PO Box 469, Mudgee Printed by Lynx Printing Service, 9 Industrial Avenue, Mudgee. Tel: 6372 1812 22
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