rheMilledHawthorne Instnrctions for Real Good Toys' Kit #MP-3205 7 t98 Read the instructions all the way tbrough and test the parts for identification, to seethe fit, and to plan aheadfor the finishing materialsyou have chosen. Planning makes the project easier! When nailing the side and frontpanels to the floors, be very careful of the nail place,mentr:sethe clapboardprofile or a staight edgeto line up the middle nail in eachrow of nails. Check all patts and packs againstthe parts list before beginning constnrction to id€nti8/ the parts and to make sure you have everything. If you need replacementpafis be sure to include the exact name and measureme,nbtake,ndirectly from the parts list. Painting: Use higthqrrality senri-glosslatex enamel,sanding benveencoatswith 320 grit silicone carbide sandpaper.Avoid old gloppy paint and poor quality paint brushes. Do not paint surfaces to be glued. Plyvood is used forthe floon in this kig allowing you to nail the side and front panelsinto the floors @o not nail the Fron6 or Rooft to the Sides..justglue and tape). After assembly but before any outside details are attached, repair any defects, fill the nail holes, sand carefully with 320 grit silicone carbide sandpaper,then re-paint. Sometimesa 3rd coat is necessary. PartsList: [Instructionsl: #MP-3205: pgs l-2 #3200Series:pgs3-14 #MP-3205: pgs15-16 Milled Walls: (l) IMP-E3I HouseR Fronc eB) ZOxI 15116, window,grooved (1) tMP{Ll IrftSide: (3/a;zSr8Peakx tl34,grooved (1) tMP{Rsl RighrSide:13/a;281ftpeakx 153/4,sroovd, doors (1) tMP-T2l TowerFronc(3tqZg3Ax 83/8,curouts, grooved (1) [MP-TCLI TowerL Side: (tg Zg3tqx 8, grooved (1) [MP-TCRI TowerR Side: (3tg Zg3tqx 8, grooved (1) tMP-8621HouseL Front e@ ZOx1,grooved (1) IMP-GI; GableFront: (3lg)tglls x I0rl4,windows (1) IMP-G2I GableTriangle:(3lg)S3l+x 105/16, diamondwindow (2) II\,P-G3IGableSide: en)ZOx 53/8,grooved (1) Ftr-T3l TowerBack (ta1 lt /q x 75/s (l) [GableTrimstripy (/tz* 3/spine)l9l/s (1) [GableSpacerl: (ltz" 3/8pinq l.93lrc (4) [Fillstripl: (3/r) 97lrcr l/8 (2) fFillstripl: (3/+197lrcr l/8 Roofs: (1) tA-141:Roof (t+ply) lt7 ft x l23l4,Cutouts (1) tA-401:Roof, 1ll+pty)3l7lsx2 (f ) [B-151:GableL Roof: 1tt+ plyS14x fir D (1) IB-lSl: GableR Roof; ( t+ pLyl 1,33l+ x I}t 14,Cutout (1) tDC-CBl ColonialHousebodyBasicUnit pack,contains: (1) BaseFloor: 13tspty; 3OtDx $7ls (2) UpperFloor: (3lgply) gOln x 157 /g, Sair Hole,Elecr Slot (3) Divider: (3/8ply)97lrc x 153 l4,Door (1) Divider: (3/8ply) 97lrc x 103/+ (1) Divider: (3/splfl 97lrc x l03l4,Door (1) Divider: (3/aplfl 97lrc x 5 (t) Divider: (3/aply)97ltox 5, Door (2) Attic Partition:13ltpty; 8l/g TaUx llt lz Base (2) Eave: ( t+ plyl 2 x fii lz (l) l/2" RailingSpacer D^-l l1^^tl T^.ro (1) [DC-TB] TowerBasicUnit pack,contains: (l) TopFloor: 13lapIfl Tstt x75ls (3) Floor: 13lspty; 77/s x 27ft (1) Rooftop: 13lspty; 4t D x 4t lz (3) Roof: 1lf+pty; 83/+TaUx93BzBase,Mitered (4) Ledge:(Molding) 103/8,Grooved,Mitered (15) Brackets (8) Rails:2t5/rc (20) l/8 Dowels: I (4) Tumpost:17ft (1) IDC'GBI GableBasicUnit pack,contains: (3) Floor: 13lapty; gt3lrcx 53/s (1) Dividen (3lsply) 97lrcx 109/16, WideDoor(fitsdoor#601l) (2) Blind Divider: 13lsply; 97trc x f tq (1) SupportTriangle:13lspty; f Afall (4) DiamondTrim lZt4Molding): 3/ro (1) Plexi: Ll'/rc x I l5116,Papercovered (1) Spacer131+ rine;: 5t3zx 105/ro (2) GableShoulderTrim: f lrc *3 Bz, Mitered ( 1) Hinge:9 (1) Hinge:8l/z (12) Screw:5I t6 #2,Panhead (1) Strip Magnet(cut-to-fitusingscissors) (1) IHB-FI HousebodyFoundationpaclgcontains: (2) Front/BackFoundation:13/aply) 305/sx f lq (a) Side/lvliddle Foundation:(3/aply) 153/re x Ftq (1) [81-Fl GableFoundationpaclgcontains: (1) FrontFoundation:(3/aply) 915lrcx f lq (2) SideFoundation:(3/sply) 5t n * FA (1) [A50-Fl TowerFoundationpack,contains: (1) FrontFoundation:13/sply) 8 x l3lq (2) SideFoundation:13/aply) 2tlz* Flq [3205Componentslpackcontains: (1) #5M0 DormerWindow (5) #5042VictorianWindow (l) #5M9 Circlehead DoubleCasement Window (1) #6018TraditionalDoor (1) #6022SingleFrenchDoor Continued lnstructions for kit #MP-3205 Pzge 2 parts list,continued: (f) lD-961FrontSteppack: Seethe enclosedpartslist andinstnrctions [1200Shingleslpackcontains: (1200)Octagonal Pins $hingles (1) tD-731DeluxeStairandBannisterpack: Seethe enclosedpartslist & instnrctions (1) tD80-TKl EaveGingerbread & NosingTrim pack: Seethe enclosedpartslist & instnrctions (1) IEI-TKI GableGingeftread& NosingTrim pack: Seethe enclosedpartslist & instnrctions (1) ID-521DeluxeChimneypack: Seethe enclosedpartslist & instnrctions (1) [MP-D9] Milled Dormerpack: Seethe enclosedpartslist & instnrctions (1) tP-1261Two-StoryWraparoundPorchpack Seethe enclosedpartslist & instructions [3200Triml bundlecontains: (2) TowerFacia: 83/g (2) TowerFacia: 85/8 (2) R. TowerFrontTrim: Zg3ta (l) L. TowerFrontTrim: 87lrc,Mitered (14) StraightTrim Stock: (10)MiteredTrim Stock: Options: Real Good ToW' "Pick Your Dreamhouse" Catalog featuresPhotos of the 3200 serieshousesthat beganwith the samekit that you are building. The accessoriesbelow and much more are available through yov Real Good Toys miniatures dealer. The following is a partial list of accessoriesand Options that fit the 3200 serieshouses. MP-8302: CompleteMansardExtension,with two #5042VictorianWindows MP-E701: CompleteColonialExtension,with Bay-Window#5008 with lvP-E702: CompleteColonialExtension, ColonialWindow#5W Side-By-Side MP'E703: CompleteColonialExtension,with VictorianWindow#50I 5 Side-by-Side MP-E704: CompleteColonialExtension,with DoubleFrenchDoor #6011 A-20: SC: T-10: ll25: 6159: 5025: 6007: 6011: Hinged Rear Roof Copper Flashing (One Sq.Ft.) 12" Turntable Dye (Dark Brown): Water soluble Shingle Dye Dye (Blue Gray): Water soluble $hingle Dye Louvered Shutter Interior Door Wide French Door (Fits the Gable Divider) The #MP-3205 is pictured above,featuring five setsofthe #5025 shutters. Qtu r c h ose d sep ar ate Iy) Instructionsfor The 3201)Shell Congratulationson -vourpurchaseof aReul Good Toys Dollhouse.Your Dollhousehasbeenprecisionmadern Vermontwrth meticulouscareb1,'ourcraftpeopleusurg onll' the finest quahq' matenals The "Shell" urstructions(pages3 - 14) are usedfor all the #3200 series. housesrn the DollhouseCenter@ Your kit may'havesmootherterior walls or difFerentopeningsthan are shorn'nin the illustrationsbut the way the kit goestogether is the samefor all the #3200 Serieshouses.and this instructionwill tell _-vou horv. step-b1'-step This dollhousewill last for years.evengenerations.if proper care and attentionis given during assembly Take -vourtime during assemblyand be sureto read the instructionscompletelybefore-vouproceed. AssemblyNotes: A large. clutter-free.well lightedwork area is most helpful during assembly',and a flat work surfacets essential Supphes: Hammer White glue Maskng tape Utilit'n'knife Fine Tooth Sau' Sandpaper PaintingSupplies Pencil Dont be stlrgl,wrth glue or tape. Usegenerousamounts of glue. Ahvays wipe offexcessglue immediatell'. Readthe rntructions carefull-v.look at eachof the illustrations. With the parts ln -yourhands-thurkthe assemblvthroughbefore1'ouproceed. Checkall the lourtsto be sureeverythrngis tight or straight. If more tape or a helperis needed.it's goodto know that beforethe parts haveglue on them. Ahvavs test fit (no glue) parts beforefinal assemblr' Sandany'roughedgesor splintersbeforegluing. Make sure everything is straight and flat as the glue dries... That's the shapethat will be permanent. Make all ioints flush Keep surfacesand edgessquare Nailing, checkthe rnsideof thelorrt for a crookednail beforethe nail is dnvenall the \,\'a)'rn... then\,ou can grab it rvith pliers if it's necessaryto pull it out Drive the last bit of the nail in r,vitha hammerand nail set or arvl to leavethe nail heada little below the surface. Then sandthe surface(wrthoutr.l'reckingthe 'light' clapboardshape)and fill the nail hole with spackleor wood putr)- Sandagainrvhenthe fill is dn'. and paint r.vhen1'oupaint the rvall Page 3 Instructions for The 3200 Shell Page 4 Illustration #H1 Prepare for Attaching the HingestThese specialFlnges have a straight leaf wfuch attachesto the Gable Front. and a bent (L) leaf which attachesto the GableSide (illus #H1) Prevrerv.In tlls section,you will temporanlyuutall the hrngesfor the Gable Front and Gable Left Side You are dourgtlus norv so you can rvork flat on the table vvherevou can hammerand drive screwsmore easilythan insidean assembled house. Make sure !CIur#1 Ptlllips headscrewdriveris in new condition. Bent Leaf € Straight Leaf Front Trimstrip Illustration #H2 I-l f-JUt. GIueandtapea thin Tnmstnp (3tiz * 3/8x tl3lto; to the left edge(on the end)of the Gable Front.(illus.#Hl &ll2\ Outsitle Note: Smoothkrt builders - identrfythe baseendof the Gable Front bv measuing}" from the window to the baseend. On a smoottr Gable Side,eitherendcanbe the base. Illustration #II3 l-l l-1H2. Checkthe clapboardprofile on the GableFront and Gable Sideto identrfythe baseendof eachof thosepanels. Mark the baseend so that evenwhenthe clapboardsurfaceis on the rvork table, you cantell that the baseendis at the botrom. (illus #H3) I lH3 .Lay out the GableFront andthe GableTrianglewith the clapboardsurfaceon the work table (makesurethe base end is at the bottom) Lay oneGable Sidealongthe right edge of the Gable Front wrth the clapboardsurfacedown (checkthe baseend);the GableFront'sTrimstrip touchesthe Gable Side. Lrre up the shoulderon the Gable Triangle wrth the top edge of the Gable Side (illus #H4) L-JU+. Lay a9" Hinge (L) on the panelscenteredbetween the l$ *raindfloor grooves. Lay an 8712"Hrnge(L) centeredbetweenthe Gable Triangle andthe 2nd floor groove. Trace the top and bottom endsof the Hinges onto the Gable Front tL Base End Ganie A #H4 Illustr'ationr #II4 oulder Li re U pp the S h o Triangle GatrleTr o n the Gatrle Edge of rvi :h thee Top Ed \ th,: G n b l e S i d e Triangle qr,/ n il f,US. (illus. #H5) Fold the hurgesaroundthe GableFront wrth the straight leaf of the hinge on the nside surfaceof the Gable Front, and lined up with the tracrgs. Tape the lunges tight to the Gable Front. Put anotherpieceof tape on the hmge over the holes. ll 11 I Illustration #II5 \--go.*nnd 3 Gabfe sitre Page 5 Instructions for The 3200 Shell IHO Puncha s|arterholernthe centerof eachhole ur the tunge.Dnve a narl part wa.v-throughthe wall and pull it back out (don'tgo all the wav through) Starta scre\\' F ttc,#2 panhead)ur eachhole (thetapervill help the screwstandup). Dnve the screr,vll2 *a-v n r,r,itha hanrmer(hrt it hard!), andthe rest of the r,va1'n'ith a # I Phrllips scrervdriver(for final trghtentng.let the lunge h*g over the edgeof the r,rorktable). Repeatfor the otherscrews. Take offthe tape. Gable Left Side able Right Side [HZ. Put the GableRrsht Sideandthe Gable Roofs underthe GableLeft Sideto hft it up (illus. #H6) Lure up the top edgeof the Gable Side rnith the GableTriangle'sshoulder(review'Illus.#4). Tapethe hnges tightly'to the GableLeft Side. Put a pieceof tapeovertheholes IffS Puncha starterholeanddnve the scrervsas for did the Gable Front. then take the screr.vs 1'ou back out ofthe GableLeft Side(it's easierbuilding the housewithout the Front attached). Illustration #1 Square the Corners Assemblethe Housebody (PacksDC-CB and 3200Walls): Previcw: hr this section,you will squarethe openings, and put togetherthe Floors and Side Panels. Squarethe cornersof the windows, door, and stairwayopenings@lustration#1). l-t l-lt. Selectthe Basic Unit's t'wo Upper Floor panels. Without glue, test the Floor panelsalong with the Sides to check the fit, and to identify the proper position of the stair hole (Illustration #2), offset to the front and left (viewed from the front) of the dollhouse. Note The electrification slots make tape-typewiring easyto run from the first floor to the affic after construction is done! (slip the tape through before the backing is pulled off). h this house, the electrification slots are at the right rear. The front edge of the Sides is taller than the back edge. The front edge has a 3/8" flat above the third floor gnx)Ye. fJtZ. Spreadgluein thegroovesof oneSide panel@lustration#3). Useplentyof glueand spreadit lightly with your fingerto keepit from dripping (if theglueis too runny,wait a bit for it to tack). Now is a greattimefor an extrapair of hands. Illustration #2 Check the f it of the Upper Floors and Side Panels Illustration #3 Spread Glue in the Grooves Page 6 lnstructions tbr The 3200 Shell LJg Standan Upper Floor on end (checkthe onentationagaill) and setthe Sidepanelover the Floor in the nuddlegroove. Repeatfor the other Upper Floor ur the toP groove. Ll+. Adiust andcheckall the parts The Floorsmust be flush at th; back edgeof the Sidepanels("flush" means 'formrnga contiluous.unbrokensurface').The Floors strck out l/8'iat the front of the Sidepanels(Illustration#4). Nail throughthe walls urtothe Fioors' Usethe clapboardlines (or a straightedge)to position the mrddle Remenrberto checkfor a nris-armednail while the "itrl nail headis still sticking out Illustration #4 3is" Flat Above the Groove ,/ 1/g" Nail \ Notice the Position of the Stair Holes L-lS Ven'carefullv rLrmthe SidefupperFloor assenrbl-v over. Glue andnail the otherSidepalel to the Fioor. also fush at the back edge LIA Spreadthe siclesslightlvto setthe BaseFloor (usethe bestsideup) rrto the BaseFloor Groove Make extra-surethat the BaseFloor is pressedto tire top-edgeof the groove.and is flush at the back edge. Nail throughthe r,vallsmto the BaseFloor Review: Make sureall palts are ln placeand all the iorrts aretight ' Look to confirm that the front edgeof the Sidesfacesfonvard fillustration #5) ' Checkthe positronofthe starrhole.closerto Illustration #5 the front and left edge ' The BaseFloor is tight to the groove-top heview: In thi.sseclronyotr u'rll ottach the Rrght l;ront panel and sqztureup the hottse' Pro Note: Bring the edgeof the Front all the wa)' out to coverthe tips of the clapboardprofile on the R.rghtSide It is a corrunonoversigtrtto leavelooseuessbetweenthe parts when attachins the Right Front. then again whenbuilding the Tor.verand Gable . and the builder getsto the Left Front and it doesn'tline up very r,vell-and all tieht to the rightthe glue is set. Keep ever-Whrng startinq now. Make Surethe BaseFloor is Pressedto the Top Edge of the Groove Illustration #6 Right Front Panel r Instructions for The 3200 Shell Page 7 ) trZ Spreadgluen thegroovesof theRlgbtFront panel and on the front edgeof the Rrght Sidepanel Setthe P-rghtFront urto position on the housebodl' (Illustration#6). Careftilll,'hneup the Front-flush with the Rrght Sideat the basecorner Hold the BaseFioor trght to the top of the groove.and nail through the Front into the BaseFloor. Lure up the Rrglrt edgeflush all the wa-vfrom the bottom to the top (Ttus is the operationthat straiglrtensthe house). Tapethe Front securel-v to the Right Side.and nail through the Front urto the Upper Floorsto hold everlthrngtight as the glue dnes(Illustration#7\ . Base Floor Side Panel Illustration#7 Review: ' The houseis straiglrt. ' The Front is hnedup oll the Rrgirt Side The BaseFloor is tight to the top of the groove. hqierv: In tlus section,you will atlach the Tower Srdes.TorverFloors.and Tower Front (PacksDC-TB and3200Walls). Illustration #8 Tower Rigbt Side | 18. Glue the Tower Rrght Sideto the Rrght Front panel touchrngthe front edgeof the floors (Illustration #8). flush at the bottom. Glue Fillstrips(l/s x 3/sx 97lto) to the back edgeof the Tou'er Side,one betweeneachfloor Tape from the insideof the Tower Sideto the insideof the Rrght Front. Checkthat the Tower Srdeis still flush r,viththe housebodvat the bottom. I t9 Glue and tape the To\,verFloors in place into the groovesof the Tolver fught Side.and to the housebody'sfloors (Illustration #9). Make the surfacesof the Tor,verFioors line up u,ith the housefloors. l-'l I tl0 Glr,reand tapethe Tower Left Sideto the Torver Floors. Make sureeverythingis tight to the nght. Let the glue set for a ferv minutes. Nail the Tower Sidesto the Tor,verFloors. tr f I . GlueandtapetheTowerFrontin placeflush alongthe edges.Nail the Tower Front to the Floors. Review: Make sure all pafts are in place and all the lornts are tight. and that the houseand tow-erare strarght. Flush Illustration #9 Page 8 lnstructions for The 3201)Shell Screw Ho Previpw: kr this section,you will build the Gable @acksDC-GB and 3200 Walls). t-t Illustration #10 lJlz. Glue and tape the Gable Right Side to Gable Floors the Tower touching the front edgeof the floors (Illustration#10). I-1 l-J13. Glue and tape the Gable Floors in place into the grooves of the Gable Right Side, and to the housebody'sfloors (Illustration#10 & #11). Make the surfacesof the Gable Floors line up with the housefloors. lllustration #lt t-l 114. | Glue and tape the Gable Left Side to the , Gable Floors, flush at the bottom and with the screw holes on the inside of the front edge. t-I LJtS. Glue the Left Front to the housebody,nail into the floors (Illustration #l l). Glue and tape a Fillstrip to the back edgeof the Gable Left Side betweeneachfloor. Tape from the inside of the Gable side to the inside of the l-eft Front. Tape the Left Front to the house'sLeft Side. Nail the Gable Sidesto the Gable Floors. fJro. Glueandtapethe5h2" x3/4"x ld/r6" Spacerto the gablebody, flush with the Third Floor surface(Illustration #12). rI ltl . Glue and tapethe 3/8" x l9L/4" Spacer(the thick piece of Trim in the 3200 Walls pack) to the front edgeof the GableRight Side. t-t Illustration #12 Tower Top Floor & Tower Back @achsDC-TB and 32fi) Watls): ltg. Lay the houseon its front. Glue and tape the Tower Top Roor in place,flush with the top edgeof the tower. Let the glue set. Standthe houseupright. Glue and tape the Tower Back in place,flush at the top and back edges(Illustration #13). I Illustration #13 Spacer Tower Top FIoor Instructions for The 3200 Shell Assernblethe HousebodyRoof: Illustration#11 i9 If you are plaruungto shrnglethe roofs of rour shell.draw guideluresfor locatrrg shrngleson the roof panels(Illustration#14). The first guidelne shouldbe draun one Shurglelength from the bottom edge(son're kindsof shliglesare l l/4". somel1l2". hold 1'our l shrngleon the roof to get the starturgltne exactlr,'u'here vou r.vantit). Drarv the restof the guidelinesspaced1" apart (seethe shuglurgrrstructionsfor the shurgles1'ou are usrrg) see Illustration# 14 andthe Guideluie Measureat nght One Shingle Length I l2ti La1,16.A-14 Roof Panelagausttlre completedhousebody.centeredside-to-side. the Roof Tracethe sidesof the housebody,on underside(Illustration#15) Checkthe Roof ur place on the houseto make surethe roof cutouts lute up r.vrththe GabieandTower. Repeatthe tracing procedurervrththe A-40 Rear Roof. The spaceoutsidethe tracing rs the sameon the left and right. l)Zl. Ternporaril-v setDividersand Affrc Panitionsin placeinsidethe housebodl' This rvill allor,v-vouto make surethe Floors and Roofs are all straight and fit the Attic Partitions rvhen ihe Roofs are attached. l,-)ZZ Glue and tape the A-zt0 Rear Roof to the peakof the Srdes.flush at the top. to the rear of the top. and carefulh' lined up i,viththe traced iines (Illustration# I6) Illustration #15 I I I I t I I I Illustration #16 - l Flush at the Top [-JZi Glue and tapethe Front Roof panel rn place flush at the top of the A-40. and luredup r,viththe tracedlines (Illustration #17\ I lZ+ Glue and tape the Eavesin place on the remainingexposededgeof the Attic Endwalls (the atric part of the Side panel) flush at the outsideedgeof the A-40 Rear Roof and with an evenoverhang(Illustration # 18). Illustration #18 One Shingle Lengh Illustration#t7 Page 10 lnstructions for The 3200 Shetl Attach the Gable Front & the Gable Triangle: Gable triangle flf . Install the GableFront usingthe screwholes you preparedur Ht andFI2 (on page3) Glue and narl the Gable Triangle to the Gabie third floor. spacedwith onepieceof paperabovethe GableFront. The shoulder linesup 3/+" Spacer Gable Roofs: I [lZe . After r ou havefinishedthe marnhouseroof assembl-v. selectthe Left and Right GableRoof panels. Gableside Nail into the Floor OnIy --t1 Itt Gablefront JZI . Locatethe Roof SupportTnangleon the Rrght Gable Roof panelursideface. Hold the Rrght GableRoof panelrn placeon the houseandtestthe locationand onentationofthe SupportTnanglefor a goodfit (Illustration#19) [.-|ZS. Glue the Roof SupportTriangle to the Rrght GableRoof panel and let dry. l-lZg Glue and tape the (B-18) Rrght Gable Roof to the (B-15) Left GableRoof (the Left Roof overlapsthe fught Roof) lined up on the front and back. and along the top edge(Illustration#21). Illustration #20 Pro Tip: Delal''attachingthe Gable Roofs to the houseuntil the paintrng is done and the shinghng is underway The fught Gable Roof and the the gabie and lrttle bit of houseroof betr,veen torver are verv hard to shingleafter the gable roofs are instailed the Gable Roof set and Instead.Dre-assemble test the set on the house When you havethe fit just right. tracethe Gable Triangle on the undersideof the Gable Roofs for a painting guideline (Illustration#20). Mark the Front Roofs shrngleguidelineson the gable roofs. and drarv shingleguidelineson the gable roofs. exactly l/-+"abovethe marks, parallel to the gable roof s top edge(the Gable Roof is steeper,so starting the shingieshigherwill rnakethe bottom edgesof the Shingleson the gable and front roofs match). Shingle the Rrght Gable Roof. Let the glue dry. Trim the shinglesrvherethev overhangat the back edge. Trace the Gable Roofs and shingleson the Front Roof. Shinglethe Front Roof to the Gable Roof tracing. .Cut the shinglesto fit. Now you can install the Gable Roofs and nhen l'ou finish shinglingvou won't haveto work in this crampedspace. 30. Test and fit, then glue the Gable Roofs to the houseroof and Gable Trianele. Pro Tip: The Gable Roof guidelines are drawn 1/1" above the Front Roof guilIelines. Use aframing square, or meusure dmn from the top edge to get the guideli, Illustration#21 Illustration #19 Instructions for kit The 3200 Shell Page 1l Tower Roof: Assembiethe Toi,verRoof set.but delay attachingit untrl the houseis fully paurtedand shursled. Illustration#22 LJ: l. Glue togetherthe Tower LedgeMoldurgat the miters (Illustrahons#22). Tape firrly ur.or-, the miters *d:p* up exrra glue The Ledge assemblyshouidbe up-sidedolvn on a flat surface to dry Put glue ur the top grooveson three sides !Jrr, gf the ledgemoldrngurr.*6ll,fllustrariors #23) Fit three Tower R.oofpanelsinto the grooves, miters to the inside. Glue the miters wherethe., meetand tape firmly, (Illustrati on #24\. trlustration#23 l-'r | 133. GIueon the Torver Rooftop panel (Illustratron#25) Inverr the assemtlr.,to dry,, Ieavingan evenoverhangon all sides. Delay attachingthe roof assembly to the tower body until ail houseconstruction and finishing is complete. Illustration #24 Revrev, your plan.s Jbr fini.shing the otttside of this house. In Real Good Toyl, ,,pick iour'' Dreqmhouse,, catalog,s phot-os, we Jinishetl the houses a,s Jbllowi: Tape I J34 Build and atrachthe Dormer (pack D9) following the enclosedinstructions. fl:S Finish paintingthe outsideof the house | 136 Finishshingling the House,Gable. Tor.verand Dorme. Roofs (Shingtesqre ct .tepqrarcpurchose,l. Illustration #25 Roof Top Instructions for kit The 3200 Shell Illustration#26 Centerthe rail --+> (Distanceis the same) Widows Walk: railingsusing Make four pairs of 215116" L]:2. the Rails, Dowels, and the SpacerJig (the Jig makesit easierto evenlyspaceDorvelsand to keep them straight). Keep the Railing SpacerJig for the porch railing assembl.v(porchesare o separatepurcha.se). Set one Rail next to the Rail Jig so that the disrance from the end of the Rail to the next locaturggroovern the jig is the sameon eachend (Illustrauon #26) I L Rail Assembly -- ) Jrg Rail f]:g Checkthe fit of a Dorvelrn the Rail's groove (Illustration #27). If it's too tight, drag the endlightly over a pieceof sandpaper.Dip the end of the Dowel rn a small puddleof glue and push it urtothe Rail at a locator. Add the rest of the Dowels in the samefashion. Tip the Rail so the Dowels lay in the locators; adjustthe spacingand straightenthe Dowels. t€t the glue dry wrth the Dowels strarghtand even. Dowel Illustration#27 Dowels for porch railings are long enough to let you add the second Rail while the Dowels are in the Jig. For tower railings' let the glue dry, then add the second Rail outside the Jig. 39. Dab glue on the Dor,velends Work the secondRail into place starting at one end. Squeeze that end while progressurgtou'ard the other, feedins one Dowel end after the other into the Rail. foO. Checkthe assemblywith a square. Indivrdual Dowels can be adlustedby gently grasping one end n'ith pliers and "rocking" them into position. Set asideto dry. [J+t. Test the Raihngsand four IT lS"Turnposts on the Tou,'erRooftop. Spacethe Railings 1/8" abovethe Rooftop using an extra Dowel to hold it while the glue dnes J+2. Without Glue, lay out the Railings and Turnposts on the Tower Rooftop. When the setup is right, take off one piece at a time and glue it back in place (Illustration #28), Rail Illustration#28 Widow's Walk Rail Fage 13 Instructions for The 320t)Shell Tower Brackets(PackDC-TB): Install Brackets after all exterior trim and painting is complete. Readthe rest of the instmctionsand complete the plan for the outsideof the housebefore you proceed. lllustration #29 t-l l-J43. Glue on the Tower Brackets(Illustration#29\. Lay the houseon its back. Lay out five Bracketsspaced evenly acrossthe Tower Front (*l3l4" betweenBrackets). Removeone Bracket at a time and glue it back in place. let the glue dry. fJU. Repeattestingthengluingon Bracketsfor the Tower Right Side (lay the houseon its left side),and for the Tower Left Side (lay the houseon the righ|. The Diamond Window (Pack DC-GB): f]+S. Insertplexiglassinto the groovesof the J\ Diamond window (you may needto slightly sandthe corners). t-l l-J46. Glue toeetherthe Diamond Window Trim (Illustration #30). Sandand paint if desired,use a nowater first coat suchas shellac. Glue the Trim to the GableTriangle coveringthe window edges. J+l Illustration #30 Diamond Window Trim \/ Glue . Glueandtape a314" x 1/8"x 97/16"Fillstrip to the joined back edgesof the Tower and Gable betweeneach floor (Illustration #31). Interior Finishing: Finish the Inside...PlanAhead! Our pro finishes the interior of a few houses each year. Here's the order that he follows for tackling the interior finishing: o Electrical wiring (he only usestape style) . Score and stain floors ' Dividers and Attic Partitions . Wallpaper (use "Yes" brand paste) ' Stairs o Carpeting . Molding and trim Illustration#31 1/gtt x 3/gtt Fillstrip l/gtt x 3/.rtt Fillstrip 1/g" x 3/g" Fillstrip Page 14 Instructions for The 32tltl Sheltr The Divrder locatroncan be changednew doors can be cul or wails canbe choppedto differentsizes. Try out different combinanonsbeforeyou giue fie Dividers in piace. Deial,'Dividerinstaliatronuntil all mtenor finislune decisionsiravebee,l:made. 103/4" '/ L09/re,, -) l1s/c,i. First F'loor Divider Layout Optional Second Floor Layout Gtue together a.l}3l4" Divider and a 5" Divider for a Two-Door Divider l?',*" L- 75314" t-\ t'/c" I _J I I t t t I I L Secondtr'loorDivider LaYout Bathroom Dividers l1s14" l,/ \ The Shell part of your project is now complete... Enjoy the rest! PageL5 Instructionsfor The #MP-3205 Assembleand Attach the Foundations (PacksI[B-F, El-F & A50-F): Illustration #1 theFIB-F tr f . Glueandnailtogether Nail l^--- Note: Front/Back Overlaps Sides ?\ foundationperimeter.TheFrontandBack overlapthesides(Illustration#l). fJlZ. Install the Middle Foundationsspaced about 10" from eachend. E:. Glue and weight, t&p€,and nail the foundationsetto the bottom of the housebody'sbase floor, spacedevenlyat the sidesand front, and flush at the baseFloor'srear edge. f|+. theE-lF foundation Glueandnailtogether perimeter.The Front overlapsthe sides. [S. ^N Approximately Illustration #2 View from the Bottom Glue and nzultogetherthe A50-F foundation perimeterasshown. flo Glueandweigh! tape,andnail theA50-Fand foundafionandto theE-lF foundationto thehousebody thebottomofthe Gablefloor, spacedevenlyat thesides andFront(Illustration#2). SpaceEvenll' flz AttachtheEaveGingerbreadandNosingTrim SpaceE'enly instructions. (pactsD-s0-TK & EI-TK) seetheenclosed f,S. AssembleandAttachthe Chimneys (Pack D-52) following the enclosedinstructions. f|q HB.F AssembleandAttachthe Dormer (Pack MP-D9) following the enclosedinstructions. f]ro. flr PaintandinstalltheWindowsandDoors. andAttachthe Porch l. Assemble (Pack P-126) fotlowing the enclosedinstructions. Illustration #3 Assembleand Attach the Front Steps f]rz. (Pack D-96) following the enclosedinstructions. |-| f l. Assembleand Install the Interior Stairs (Pack D-73) following the enclosedrnstructions' t-l Side Trim l-f t+ Apply paintedtrim (Illustrations#3 &,#4) to the fully assembledand painteddollhouseafter the porchhasbeenattached(step#l l)' Trim is suppliedoversizedin many cases. Tape all your trim in place, making good useof any pre-cut parts, and with extra lengthon the bottom of the house Marh pre-cut, paint, and glue in place Front Trim the Trim. Use a fine toothedsaw, a sharputility knife, or scissorsto cut the Trim to length, sanding for a final fit if necessary. Side Trim Gable/Tower Side Trim Front Trim Front Trim Torver Facia Instmctions lor The #NIP-3205 Page 16 8s/s Illustration #4 8s/s Fll*r Gable/TowerSideTrim TowerBackTrim /l t TowerSideTrim Side Trim _2 I t; 't I I I t .' I \frootTrim T T Front Trim \ ur Right TorverTrim SideTrim \+ -J Back Tri m Gable/Tower Side Trim r-t LJl5. Shinglethe Roof: On the outsideof the Roof panelsdraw guidelinesfor locatng Shurgles The first guidelureon eachpanelto be shurgledshouldbe drar,vnone Shugle lengthfrom the bottom edge. Drarv the restof the guidelinesspacedl" apart Glue. Usea tluck paneladhesivesuchas Liquid Nails Maccoavailablein caulkinggun tubesat buildurgsuppll'stores Trirn lust a little of the end of the tube for a tnv hole,givug a thin beadof glue Ahvavs usegoodventilationrvith solventbased adhesives. A. Glue a "starterro\.\,"or llz" long Slunglessquare edgedown along the bottom edgeof the Roof, or "Flash"the edgewith a l/2" strip of copper(#SC from Reul Good Toys is availablethrough 1'our dealer)to preparethe bottom edgeof the Roof for the first row of shingles(Illustration#-5) B Appl.v-, a thin lureof adhesivejust below the lorvest guidelureall the \\a\/ acrossoneroof. Pressthe top otrt edgeof a Slungleinto the hneof glue. squeezmg the excess.Hold the first Shrngleandpressanother Shrngleinto the adhesive,tight to the first Hold the next Shurgleandpressrn another etc.all the rl,a1 acrossthe roof. cuttingthe last Shurgleto fit Continueup the roof oneror,r'ata time. Start the next ror,vwith a half Shingleso that the seambetrveenShinglesis staggeredback and forth as you go up the roof. Line up the top edge of eachrorv (exceptthe starters)u'ith the guidelines Cut the top rorv of Shinglesso that eachror.vr,vrllhavethe sarnereveal Finishthe top edgewrth a "BostonLap": pairs of Shingles laid honzontalll,.Start at the endsof the oeak.and. rvith eachpair overlapprngthe previouspair. uork to the niddle lt'Reveal ShingleGuideline Line of Adhesive Copper f,'lashing Illustration#5 Chimney I You haue finished the Dollhouse part of gour project .-- Enjog The Rest!
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