OFFICE OF THE DY. COMMISSIONER OF POLICE 1st BN. DAP, DELHI ADMINISTRATIVE BLOCK, NEW POLICE LINES, KINGSWAY CAMP, DELHI No. 3190 /Genl. (V)/ 1st Bn. DAP, dated Delhi the Subject:- 27/2/2014 Providing refreshment to the officers/staff during written test for the recruitment to the post of Ct. (Exe.) Male/Female, HC (Min.), HC (AWO), Ct. (Dog Handler) and ASI (Finger Print) in Delhi Police-2014. Sealed short tender are invited for providing refreshment to the officers/staff during written test for the recruitment to the post of Ct. (Exe.) Male/Female, HC (Min.), HC (AWO), Ct. (Dog Handler) and ASI (Finger Print) in Delhi Police-2014 as per approved standard ingredients fixed for hygienic and nutritional food products (reputed Food & Beverage Institutions) in the following venues/dates as mentioned below:Sl.No. Date of written test 1 08.03.2014 Venue of written test PTS/Wazirabad (North & South side) PTS Jhroda Kalan PTC Jharoda Kalan Sports Ground NPL (for female candidate) PTS/Wazirabad (North & South side) PTS Jhroda Kalan PTC Jharoda Kalan Sports Ground NPL (for female candidate) Nirankari Saagam Ground (DJB & DDA Land) PTS/Wazirabad Ground (North & South side) No. of GOs/Staff GOs- 90 Staff- 4460 Total- 4550 2 09.03.2014 GOs- 125 Staff- 5475 Total- 5600 3 22.03.2014 4 23.03.2014 PTS/Wazirabad Ground (North side) GOs- 30 Staff- 1110 Total- 1140 5 24.03.2014 PTS/Wazirabad Ground (North Side) GOs- 10 Staff- 590 Total- 600 GOs- 50 Staff- 1550 Total- 1600 Name of the Item (properly packed) Mineral Water – 1000 ml. for GOs Mineral Water – 500 ml. for staff Sohanpapri (Sweet) – 1 No. Sandwich with sauce – 1 No. Patties – 1 No. Tea – 1 No. Mineral Water – 1000 ml. for GOs Mineral Water – 500 ml. for staff Sohanpapri (Sweet) – 1 No. Sandwich with sauce – 1 No. Patties – 1 No. Tea – 1 No. Mineral Water – 1000 ml. for GOs Mineral Water – 500 ml. for staff Sohanpapri (Sweet) – 1 No. Sandwich with sauce – 1 No. Patties – 1 No. Tea – 1 No. Mineral Water – 1000 ml. for GOs Mineral Water – 500 ml. for staff Sohanpapri (Sweet) – 1 No. Sandwich with sauce – 1 No. Patties – 1 No. Tea – 1 No. Mineral Water – 1000 ml. for GOs Mineral Water – 500 ml. for staff Sohanpapri (Sweet) – 1 No. Sandwich with sauce – 1 No. Patties – 1 No. Tea – 1 No. The Supplier shall be required to supply the above mentioned items in hygienic packing in the same cost to be quoted by him. The above refreshment will be provided to GOs/staff as per dates and venues mentioned above in c/w Written Test - 2014. The time of supply shall be 07.00 A.M. to 08.00 A.M. Therefore, interested supplier dealing in the trade may submit their Tenders for providing refreshment to the officers/staff during written test for the recruitment to the post of Ct. (Exe.) Male/Female, HC (Min.), HC (AWO), Ct. (Dog Handler) and ASI (Finger Print) in Delhi Police-2014 to this office on or before 03.03.2014 at 03.00 PM. The tender will be opened at 03.30 PM on the same day i.e. 03.03.2014 in the office chamber of Asstt. Commissioner of Police, R.Cell, Delhi in the presence of willing tenderers. The interested tenderers may send their tender by speed post/ Courier/Regd. Post or put in the tender box which will be placed for the purpose in the office of Dy. Commissioner of Police, 1st Bn. DAP, Admn. Block, New Police Lines, Kingsway Camp, Delhi-110009. The quotations received late shall not be entertained. The word “Quotation for providing refreshment to the officers/staff during written test for the recruitment to the post of Ct. (Exe.) Male/Female, HC (Min.), HC (AWO), Ct. (Dog Handler) and ASI (Finger Print) in Delhi Police-2014” may be mentioned on the quotation envelope. The terms and conditions of the tender are also enclosed for ready reference. The same may be returned alongwith the quotation/Tender duly signed in token of having understood and agreed. The rates of item and sales/ service tax (if any) should be mentioned separately in the Price Bid. Thereafter no claim will be entertained. The sales tax registration number should also be mentioned in the quotations/Tender. The detail of tender notice along with terms and conditions of the tender can also be downloaded from Delhi Police website i.e. . ACP/HQ FOR DY. COMMISSIONER OF POLICE 1st BN. DAP, DELHI Encls:- As above The terms and conditions of the tender for Providing refreshment to the officers/staff during written test for the recruitment to the post of Ct. (Exe.) Male/Female, HC (Min.), HC (AWO), Ct. (Dog Handler) and ASI (Finger Print) in Delhi Police-2014. 1. Separate envelope should be used for TECHNICAL BID as well as for PRICE BID. The word TECHNICAL BID/ PRICE BID for Providing refreshment to the officers/staff during written test for the recruitment to the post of Ct. (Exe.) Male/Female, HC (Min.), HC (AWO), Ct. (Dog Handler) and ASI (Finger Print) in Delhi Police-2014 should be prominently marked on the top of each envelope. 2. The tender should reach this office by 03.00 PM on 03.03.2014. 3. The TECHNICAL BIDS will be opened first on 03.03.2014 at 3.30 PM and the PRICE BIDS will be opened only after scrutiny of technical bids. The price bids of those firms will be opened who will qualify in the technical bid. 4. No tender will be accepted by hand and tenders received late will not be entertained. 5. Tenders found incomplete, conditional or without required documents shall not be accepted. 6. Tenders of those firms will be entertained who deposit earnest money of Rs. 15,000/- (Rupees Fifteen Thousand only) in the shape of Account Payee Demand Draft or Fixed Deposit, Receipt from a Commercial Bank or Banker’s Cheque or Bank Guarantee from any Commercial Banks in an acceptable form in favour of “Dy. Commissioner of Police, 1st Bn. DAP Delhi-09” payable at Delhi. No interest is payable on this amount. 7. The firm whose tender is accepted will have to deposit a sum of Rs. 35,000/- (Rupees Thirty Five thousand) in the shape of Account Payee Demand Draft or Fixed Deposit Receipt from a Commercial Bank or Bank Guarantee from any of the Commercial Bank in an acceptable form as security money in favour of DCP/1st Bn. DAP, Delhi on demand within 3 days. No interest is payable on this account. 8. In case the firm fails of supply the required items within the stipulated period as mentioned in the supply order of the department, the same will be procured from open market and the difference of the cost, if any will be recovered from the EMD/ Security money in addition to other legal action against the firm without any further notice. 9. The firm will have to bear the cost of damage that may occur during transportation etc. 10. All the items which will be supplied by the firm should be fresh and of best quality, hygienic and as per no circumstances, sub-standard un-hygenic material/article will be accepted. 11. The quantity of the items can be increased or decreased by 5 to 10 % fixed according to the requirements, if any. 12. The tendering firm will deposit the papers of past performance with various Govt./ Semi Govt. Deptt. if any. 13. The competent authority (DCP/1st Bn. DAP and Spl.C.P./Genl.Admn., PHQ, Delhi) reserves the right to reject any tender without assigning any reason. 14. The tenderers may represent themselves personally or through their authorized representative, if any at the time of opening of tender. 15. The purchase committee, in order to satisfy itself can order a spot enquiry to verify soundness, capability, and availability of the firms before opening of Price Bids. 16. The Competent Authority also reserves the right to relax any terms and conditions in the Govt interest. 17. The rates should be quoted by the tenderers as per detail given in the tender notice. 18. The firms will quote the rate clearly without any cutting/ overwriting and give the detail of all taxes. The tenders having cutting/over writing in the Price Bids, may be rejected. 19. A copy of the terms and conditions duly signed by the tenderers in token of having understood and agreed to the same should be attached along with the tender. 20. No request for the increase in the rates approved in any case will be entertained. The bills (in triplicate) will be submitted by the contracting firm to the DCP/1st Bn. DAP, Delhi for payment after completion of the job. No advance payment shall be made under any circumstances. 21. All disputes are subject to the jurisdiction of Courts in the National Capital Territory of Delhi. In case of breach of any term by the tenderer, a SCN/explanation will be issued. In case of nonsatisfaction, the DCP/1st Bn. DAP, Delhi or Spl. C.P./Genl.Admn., Dehi can forfeit the security money; stop the payment and black list the firm for future dealing with the Delhi Police Department for 03 (Three years). 22. Blacklisted firm from any Govt./Semi Govt. may not participate the Tender at any cost. 23. In case of any difference, DCP/ 1st Bn. can call the firm for negotiations to patch up the matter amicably before approaching court. Note:A) THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENTS SHOULD BE SUBMITTED WITH THE ENVELOPE MARKED AS TECHNICAL BID:1. EARNEST MONEY OF RS.15,000/- (Rupees Fifteen Thousand only) ACCOUNT PAYEE DEMAND DRAFT OR FIXED DEPOSIT RECEIPT FROM A COMMERCIAL BANK OR BANKER’S CHEQUE OR BANK GUARANTEE FROM ANY OF THE COMMERCIAL BANK IN AN ACCEPTABLE FORM IN FAVOUR OF “DY. COMMISSIONER OF POLICE, I BN. DAP, DELHI” PAYABLE AT DELHI. 2. PAPERS OF PAST PERFORMANCE WITH VARIOUS GOVT./ SEMI-GOVT. DEPTT. ETC. IF ANY. 3. ANY OTHER RELEVANT IMPORTANT INFORMATION IF ANY. 4. COPY OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS DULY SIGNED WITH SEAL OF THE FIRM, IN TOKEN OF ACCEPTANCE OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS. 5. COPY OF THE REGISTERATION OF SALES TAX/SERVICE TAX/VAT ETC. B) PRICE BID SHALL CONTAIN PRICE ONLY FOR THE REFRESEHMENT ARTICLES AND DETAIL OF TAXES, IF ANY AND NO OTHER DOCUMENTS SHALL BE ENCLOSED WITH THE PRICE BID. ACP/HQ FOR DY. COMMISSIONER OF POLICE 1ST BN. DAP, DELHI SIGN. OF TENDERER__________________________ NAME IN BLOCK LETTERS____________________ FULL ADDRESS_______________________________
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