SUPPLEMENT TO THE-LONDON GAZETTE, 4 MAY,-1948 2748 R.U, Rif. • .. ' Capt. '(Actg. Maj.) C.' A. F. GIBBS, M..C.- (6213147), ' to be Maj.; 4th May, ig^S, -with, 'seniority," ist May 1947 ^ ' . '• J?. Ir. Pus.' . . and Lt. (War Suibs. Capt.) "-Michael-Henry ARMSTRONG ' {3127 550) •' -from If. • G'ds., Einerg. Commn., to foe Lt., i6th Jan. 1948, with- seniority, • 6th"'May' '19417. ' (Substituted for the. inqtifn. in Gazette (Supplement), dated 9th Apr. -194(8.) • A. arid S.H. •' • • '2nd Lt. (War Subs. • «Lt.) T. S. LUCAS, - M.'C. (76262), 'from K.R:R.C. to be Capt., 2ist. Feb.1948: . . . ' ' ' " ARMY AIR CORPS. • - G.P.R: . . i2nd'Lt. •(War.S.ulbs. Lt.) J. M. WALKER (86932) relinquishes his. commit., 5th May I94i8, and is granted the hbri. raiitk of Capt. P.R. Capt. I. N. 'N. BEADLE, M.C, (384086), is granted the actg. rank of Maj., ist Mar.. 19418. .2fld> Lt. (Actg. Lt.) A. G. MAGEE (38667,1) to foe Lt., 25±h Apr. 1948, with seniority, 6th Dec. 1947. . 2nd Lt. (War. Suibs. Lt.) Peter Alick "Edgar HERRING (369328) tfoom Border 'R., Emerg. Commn. to be .2nd Lt., 24th (Feb. '1948,,' with seniority, 28th Apr. 19-46. • • • S.A.S. • Lt. E. H. OWEN (116512) to be Maj., i2th Nov. 1947' • - -Maji. (Hon.) .Grant St , John HIBBERT, D.S.O. (2149-54), late II.A., D&merg. Commn., to be Lt., ist Oct. 1947, iwith seniority, ist J-uly 1943. •R.QYAL.ARMY CHAPLAINS' DEPARTMENT.. 'Rev. J. <M. ROBSON; M.A. '(8-531818), Chapln..'to the Forces, 4th Cl.' (iC.E.) from T.A. Res', of "Offrs., to be Chapln. to -the -Forces, 4ith Cl., ist Apr. 194:8. • Rev. ' W. PICKERING- (ii'5Oi2i2i) Chapln. to .the -Forces, 4th Cl. (C.-E.) from Emerg. Commn: to be Chapln. to the Forces, 4th Cl., ist Apr. 194-8.. ROYAL ARMY SERVICE CORPS. .The- undermentioned . 2nd- Lts. from Emerg. Coinmns. -to 'be Capt.:—. 2'5th Feb: i94'S:— >(WaT Subs. Capt.) Arthur (Flraneis BROWN (20741813:) with .seniority', ist .May 11943-. (iWar Subs'. Capt.) ' Geoffrey Josiah PRICE (•353i888) with seniority, i2th Feb. 1946.' (IWar Subs. Lt.). John William Douglas PEARCEY -(24151066) . . . „ • . ' • ROYAL ARMY ORDNANCE CORPS. Capt. H.. J. FARRER (i897'3ii) to be Maj., 28th Apr. 194®, with seniority, ist May 1947. Lt.-A. C.-SHAW (256713) to be Capt., ist Mar. 1948. . 2nd Lt. (War Subs. Lt.) Alan Raymond KENT (260060.)' from Emerg: Commn., to.'be Lt., 9th Mar. 1948, with seniority, i2th' Apr. 1943. > 76031034 : Serjt. John MoCAiG (388913) to be 2nd Lt.; 2n-dVFeb. .ixyqS.. ROYAL' ELECTRICAL AND MECHANICAL ENGINEERS. Capt. (Actg. Maj.) H. H. BROADBENT, D.S.O. (518695), to be Maj., 26th Apr. 1948, with seniority, ist. May -i9'47. .. • • f Capt. D. FORGAN, M./B.E. (882031), to be Maj., 3Oth Apr. -1948, with • seniority,~ ist May 1947. .Capt. (Qr.-Mr.) F. HARGADON, M.B.E.- (79134). ,to be Maj. (Qr.-Mr.), "ist Mar. 1947. ] The undermentioned to ibe Capts.:— Lt. J. H. HICKMAN (357665), ^oth Jan. 1948. 20id-Lt. '(War {Subs. Lt.) Nicholls George CARPENTER (324763) from .Emerg. Commn., I5th Mar. 1948. . , . 2nd Lt. (War Subs. Lt.) Robert GREENWOOD (•2i2'5i6o) from 'Emerg. Commn., to Ibe Lt., 3rd Feb. 194)8, with seniority, ist Oct. 19412. 2nd' Lt. (War Subs. Lt.) George 'Alan ERSKINE (205901) from Emesrg. .Commn!. to be Lt., i8th .Feb. 1948, with seniority, ist Oct. 11942. The .notifn. • regarding Lt. J. S. COYNE (317120) in Gazette (Supplement), dated 4th Nov.. 1947,-is cancelled. CORPS OF ROYAL MILITARY POLICE. - ' ": • • '2nd Lt. (War Subs. Capt.)'- 'Rex -'Frede'ridk Bernard BROWN ' (i^ziS) from Gen. "List Emerg. Commn. to be Lt.,- 29th Jan. 11948, iwith seniority, loth Feb. .INTELLIGENCE .CORPS. 2nd"Lt. (War Subs.. Lt.). -Frederick. St. Julien BARBER• (284052) (from Gen. List Emerg. Comma'.,-to foe- C-apt., -ist May 11947. 2nd Lt. ('War Snubs.- (Lt.) Thomas Frederick MILLER (205762) .from Gen. List Emerg. Commn. to''be Capt'., a2ndi Jan. 19418'. . TERRITORIAL AiRMY RESEiRVE OF OFFICEiRS. GENERAL- LIST. ROYAL 'ARMY SERVICE CORPS. ' . "' • Maj. E. C. P.t.WHiTELEY (49668) from Active List to be Ma'j.^ 3ist Mar. 19481, retaining his present seniority." ' " •: REGIMENTAL LIST. CORPS OF ROYAL ENGINEERS. Capt-. J. C. TALBOT (210288) from Active List tobe Capt., iSth Oct. 1947, and to retain his present seniority, and is granted the hon. rank of Maj. ' SPECIAL LIST. (For service with the Army Cadet Force.) •Berkshire. Lt. O. FRANK (351054) relinquishes his commn.' i8th Mar. 1948. Cambridge &> Isle of. Ely. 2nd Lt. L. W. FRANCE (272280) relinquishes hiscommn., 5th Dec. 1947. • Cheshire. . .War Subs. Lt. C. W. WHITEFORD (129693) 'relinquishes his commn., i7th Jan..1948. , War Subs. Lt. H. N."M.ORLEY (280103) relinquishes his commn., i6th Feb. 1948. 2nd Lt. -H.-F. DICKINSON (367418) relinquishes his commn., 4th Mar. "1948. Cumberland. • War'Subs. Lt. H. N. BEGGS (280277) relinquishes his Qommn., 24th Mar.- 1948. '• Dundee, City of. 2nd Lt.- A. M. MENZIES (374583) relinquishes his commn., 3ist Mar. 1948. •Durham. War Subs.'Lt. J. O. DOWELL (310146)'relinquishes his commn., 2Oth Mar.. 1947. 2nd Lt. R. AYRE (319755) relinquishes his commn"., nth Mar. 1947. 2nd Lt. E. ADAMSON (351458) relinquishes his commn., 2Oth Mar. 1948. Edinburgh, City of. 2nd Lt. G. D. KNIGHT (381192) relinquishes his commn., Jan. 1948. 2nd Lt. W. R. 'SMITH (347300) relinquishes his commn., 30th Mar. 1948. • Herts. The undermentioned 2nd Lts. relinquish their commns.:— : ' R. A. D. APPLEBEE (381816), i4th Feb. 1948. . A. T..FRY (374641), i8th Feb. 1948. -, A. A. A. .PRYOR, D.C.M.- (310512), ist Mar. 1948. .- » A. E. WARD.(361017), loth Mar. 1948. Kincardine, City, .of. . The undermentioned War Subs. Lts. relinquish their commns. :-^- • " ' A. F. Me. Pi SHEPHERD (319612), 3oth Jan. 1947. E. MACDONALD (351531), i5t!h Dec. 1947. G. BANNERMAN (319613), i6th Feb. 1948. 2nd Lt. W. MCLENNAN (361020) relinquishes his commn., 28th Jan. 1948. Lanark. War Subs. Lt. S. R. MILLAR (298415) relinquishes his commn., 22nd Mar. 1948. and Lt. J. PRIMROSE (374682) .relinquishes his •commn., 28th Feb. 1948. 2nd Lt. T. L. BRUCE (347878) relinquishes- his commn., 26th Mar. 1948. Lancashire (West). The undermentioned 2nd Lts. relinquish .theh cbmmns.: — J: W-. FOSTER (374686), i6'th Mar. 1948. . \ J. E. BROUGHTON (.351677), i7th Mar. 1948. ' \ • ' G". MASHITER (367545), 23rd Mar. 1948: • i ' V. J.-BUR'R'OWS.(310833), 3ist Mar, 1948. . Lothian' (East). , . 2nd-Lt.'-J. W. McCRAN (344795) relinquishes his commn., 2ist Mar. 1948. . • .
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