Domain: d01 d02 d03 Raw model output data dx 22500m Nx/Ny dz/Nz 97/97 7500m 2500m 97/97 202/121 25-780m/44 25-780m/44 25-780m/44 dt 150s 50s 16.6s Post-processed output data dx 0.10135135 x 0.01126126 Nx/Ny 356/215 x 620/262 dz/Nz 50m/60 x 50m/60 Dt/Nt 3600s/26 x 300s/301 3D/2D 330M/11M x 9.8G/333M sfc/geog 5.5M/216K x 167M/566K Changes: run_1 run_2 MP 3 WSM3 6 WSM6 LW 1 RRTM 4 RRTMG SW 1 Dudhia 4 RRTMG SFC 1 oldMM5 11 revMM5 LSM 2 Noah 2 Noah PBL 9 UW 1 YSU CU 1 KF 6 Tiedtke physics micro-physics 6 WRF Single-Moment 6-class scheme, with ice, snow and graupel processes suitable for Rad long wave 4 RRTMG, includes the MCICA method of random cloud overlap. high-resolution simulations Rad short wave 4 RRTMG shortwave, with the MCICA method of random cloud overlap Surface layer 1♦ Revised MM5 surface layer scheme. Remove limits and use updated stability functions. LSM 2♣ Noah LSM: Unified NCEP/NCAR/AFWA scheme with soil temperature and moisture in PBL 1 Yonsei University scheme: Non-local-K scheme with explicit entrainment layer and convection 6 Tiedtke scheme (U. of Hawaii version) Mass-flux type scheme with CAPE-removal time ♦ ♣ four layers, fractional snow cover and frozen soil physics. Better represent processes over ice sheets and snow covered area, w/ sub-tiling option number of tiles in a grid box is 3. parabolic K profile in unstable mixed layer scale, shallow component and momentum transport. Opt 11 prior to v3.6. After upgrade sub-tilting option should be turned ON (sf_surface_mosaic = 1), w/ number of tile (mosaic_cat =) 5. Z0T ~ vegetation height: iz0tlnd = 1. dynamics Diffusion opt 1 Simple diffusion: Gradients are simply taken K option 4 2d Deformation: K for horizontal diffusion is along coordinate surfaces diagnosed from just horizontal deformation. The vertical diffusion is assumed to be done by the PBL scheme Damping opt 0 No damping at top boundary Khdif, Kvdif 0 Horizontal and vertical diffusion coeficient is zero. RAW data output netCDF data fields from WRF model Met fields /3D/ U "x-wind component" ; V "y-wind component" ; W "z-wind component" ; P "perturbation pressure" ; PB "BASE STATE PRESSURE" ; QVAPOR "Water vapor mixing ratio" ; QCLOUD "Cloud water mixing ratio" ; QRAIN "Rain water mixing ratio" ; T "perturbation potential temperature (theta-t0)" ; Met fields /2D/ Q2 "QV at 2 M" ; T2 "TEMP at 2 M" ; TH2 "POT TEMP at 2 M" ; PSFC "SFC PRESSURE" ; U10 "U at 10 M" ; V10 "V at 10 M" ; CLDFRA "CLOUD FRACTION" ; PBLH "PBL HEIGHT" ; energy budget components /sfc/ SWDOWN "DOWNWARD SHORT WAVE FLUX AT GROUND SURFACE" ; GLW "DOWNWARD LONG WAVE FLUX AT GROUND SURFACE" ; SWNORM "NORMAL SW FLX AT GND SFC (SLOPE-DEPENDENT)" ; OLR "TOA OUTGOING LONG WAVE" ; NOAHRES "RESIDUAL OF THE NOAH SURFACE ENERGY BUDGET" ; UST "U* IN SIMILARITY THEORY" ; HFX "UPWARD HEAT FLUX AT THE SURFACE" ; QFX "UPWARD MOISTURE FLUX AT THE SURFACE" ; LH "LATENT HEAT FLUX AT THE SURFACE" ; GRDFLX "GROUND HEAT FLUX" ; TSK "SURFACE SKIN TEMPERATURE" ; static fields /geog/ LU_INDEX "LAND USE CATEGORY" ; IVGTYP "DOMINANT VEGETATION CATEGORY" ; ISLTYP "DOMINANT SOIL CATEGORY" ; VEGFRA "VEGETATION FRACTION" ; HGT "Terrain Height" ; ALBEDO "ALBEDO" ; ALBBCK "BACKGROUND ALBEDO" ; EMISS "SURFACE EMISSIVITY" ; POSTPROCESSED output from ARWpost post-processor (GrADS compatible format) 3D pressure 60 0 Model pressure (hPa) tc 60 0 Temperature (C) td 60 0 Dewpoint Temperature (C) ♠ wdir 60 0 Wind Direction (Degrees) umet 60 0 Rotated wind component (m s-1) vmet 60 0 Rotated wind component (m s-1) 2D T2 1 0 TEMP at 2 M (K) RAINC 1 0 ACCUMULATED TOTAL CUMULUS PRECIPITATION (mm) RAINNC 1 0 ACCUMULATED TOTAL GRID SCALE PRECIPITATION (mm) PBLH 1 0 PBL HEIGHT (m) td2 1 0 Dewpoint Temperature at 2m (C) ♠ clflo 1 0 Low Cloud Fraction (%) clfmi 1 0 Mid Cloud Fraction (%) clfhi 1 0 High Cloud Fraction (%) wd10 1 0 Wind Direction at 10 M (Degrees) u10m 1 0 Rotated wind component (m s-1) v10m 1 0 Rotated wind component (m s-1) slp 1 0 Sea Levelp Pressure (hPa) sfc GRDFLX 1 0 GROUND HEAT FLUX (W m-2) SWDOWN 1 0 DOWNWARD SW FLX AT GND SFC (W m-2) GLW 1 0 DOWNWARD LW FLX AT GND SFC (W m-2) OLR 1 0 TOA OUTGOING LONG WAVE (W m-2) HFX 1 0 UPWARD HEAT FLUX AT THE SURFACE (W m-2) LH 1 0 LATENT HEAT FLUX AT THE SURFACE (W m-2) geog IVGTYP 1 0 DOMINANT VEGETATION CATEGORY (-) ISLTYP 1 0 DOMINANT SOIL CATEGORY (-) VEGFRA 1 0 VEGETATION FRACTION (-) HGT 1 0 Terrain Height (m) ALBEDO 1 0 ALBEDO (-) EMISS 1 0 SURFACE EMISSIVITY (-) Vertical grid levels # sfc 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ♠ hgt dh # hgt dh 85 0 11 1921 258 112 27 12 2305 384 177 65 13 2810 505 266 89 14 3316 505 379 113 15 3821 506 521 142 16 4328 507 703 181 17 4835 507 926 223 18 5342 507 1167 242 19 5847 505 1412 244 20 6349 503 1663 251 21 6850 501 # 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 hgt 7349 7846 8344 8844 9352 9870 10401 10944 11498 12063 12639 dh 499 497 498 501 508 519 531 543 554 565 575 # 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 hgt 13224 13821 14430 15054 15694 16351 17027 17724 18443 19190 19968 dh 585 597 610 624 640 657 676 696 720 747 778 For Rh relative humidity: Rh = 100 – 5(t – td) (for Rh > 50%, see: M. G. Lawrence, Bull Am Meteorol Soc, 2005) or Magnus(-Tettens) formula with parameters a = 6.112hPa; b = 17.67; c = 243.5°C (for -35 °C ≤ T ≤ 35 °C & 1% ≤ Rh ≤ 100%, see: D. Bolton, Mon Wea Rev, 1980).
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