Homes and Communities Agency (HCA) Affordable Housing Programme 2011-15 Expenditure: April to June 2014 (Quarter 1) DISCLOSURE OF PAYMENTS OVER £500 ON HCA FUNDED PROJECTS SCHEME ABBEY STREET EXPENDITURE TYPE WORKS SUPPLIER Allen Build Ltd LEGAL FEES DEVELOPMENT EMPLOYERS AGENT OTHER CONSULTANT Winckworth Sherwood LLP Calford Seadon Partnership Cyril Silver & Partners SITE SUPERVISOR Goodman Mann Broomhall GKR Associates Qualitas Inspection Services Ltd WORKS Linden Partnership Limited LEGAL FEES DEVELOPMENT EMPLOYERS AGENT SITE SUPERVISOR Lewis Silkin Baily Garner LLP Qualitas Inspection Services Ltd WORKS Countryside Properties (in Partnership) Ltd EMPLOYERS AGENT Gardiner Theobald SITE SUPERVISOR Qualitas Inspection Services Ltd WORKS St George South London Ltd STAMP DUTY LEGAL FEES DEVELOPMENT EMPLOYERS AGENT Orrick Herrington & Sutcliffe Orrick Herrington & Sutcliffe EC Harris WORKS Telford Homes Plc EMPLOYERS AGENT DELOITTE & TOUCHE CANONBURY SITE SUPERVISOR WORKS BPM Project Management Ltd Ardmore Construction Limited CARTERHATCH EMPLOYERS AGENT SITE SUPERVISOR SAFETY MANAGEMENT WORKS Cyril Silver & Partners Qualitas Inspection Services Ltd Network Rail Infrastructure Ltd Kier Construction Ltd EMPLOYERS AGENT AECOM Professional Service LLP SITE SUPERVISOR Qualitas Inspection Services Ltd SURVEYORS FEES WORKS Bunch & Duke Durkan Limited ARCHITECT'S FEES EMPLOYERS AGENT PRP Architects Ltd Calford Seadon Partnership COLINDALE NBS SITE SUPERVISOR EMPLOYERS AGENT SITE SUPERVISOR BPM Project Management Ltd Cyril Silver & Partners Qualitas Inspection Services Ltd CROFT WAY EDMUND EMPLOYERS AGENT WORKS BPM Management Ltd Ardmore Construction Limited LEGAL FEES DEVELOPMENT EMPLOYERS AGENT Lewis Silkin AECOM Professional Service LLP SURVEYORS FEES VALUATION ADVICE SITE SUPERVISOR Savills Jones Land Lasalle Qualitas Inspection Services Ltd RESIDENT MEMBERSHIP FEE WORKS Zipcar Bugler Development Ltd S106 / CIL EMPLOYERS AGENT London Borough of Lambeth Deloitte & Touche OTHER CONSULTANTS Gary Gabriel Associates Cyril Silver & Partners ALLEN COURT BARHAM PARK BATTERSEA REACH BLACK PRINCE CHEVIOT GARDEN LANE TOTAL 169,325.67 67,333.50 138,460.86 1,850.00 5,307.62 1,100.00 1,100.00 3,062.50 575.00 1,113.32 1,113.84 1,113.84 324,536.36 341,050.45 421,174.98 643.00 7,573.46 977.27 977.27 977.27 129,290.00 182,899.00 198,907.00 84,594.35 4,200.00 4,200.00 4,200.00 813.00 813.00 813.00 1,551,875.00 558,675.00 95,500.00 7,149.57 1,660.00 1,540.00 1,660.00 1,660.00 453,551.40 260,158.44 1,250.00 1,250.00 1,250.00 1,400.00 178,047.17 298,727.19 6,281.82 1,076.44 4,051.39 774,477.71 888,498.60 1,392,825.13 4,780.00 4,780.00 4,780.00 7,428.00 2,428.56 2,428.56 555.00 168,192.15 333,329.44 251,951.17 1,500.00 6,425.01 6,424.99 4,400.00 3,600.00 600.00 600.00 600.00 4,950.00 1,325,526.74 1,363,528.20 1,265,154.54 2,000.00 2,851.21 2,851.21 2,851.21 882.46 1,617.85 2,213.05 2,213.04 11,628.72 98,455.19 84,232.22 202,449.06 138,878.95 6,534.45 1,029.60 1,029.60 900.00 950.00 GRANGE WALK HAMMERSMITH HILLDENE KEW BRIDGE KINGSGATE LEIGHAM LOWER RICHMOND CONVERSION MARINE WHARF MYATTS NCR Site 1, 15 NCR Site 5, 13 NCR Ph3 Site 11 WORKS United House Ltd EMPLOYERS AGENT AECOM Professional Service LLP RESIDENT MEMBERSHIP FEE WORKS Zipcar United House Ltd EMPLOYERS AGENT EC Harris OTHER CONSULTANTS HOMELOSS & DISTURBANCE WORKS David Maycox & Co Sam Pearce Countryside Properties (in Partnership) Ltd EMPLOYERS AGENT Calford Seadon Partnership SITE SUPERVISOR Baily Garner LLP Qualitas Inspection Services Ltd REMOVAL COSTS J. A. Steel & Son WORKS Bugler Developments Ltd EMPLOYERS AGENT SITE SUPERVISOR EMPLOYERS AGENT SITE SUPERVISOR MARTIN ASSOCIATES Robson Walsh LLP Deloitte & Touche JBA Management Ltd S106 / CIL WORKS London Borough of Lambeth Collier Constracts Ltd EMPLOYERS AGENT ARCHITECT'S FEES EMPLOYERS AGENT Cyril Silver & Partners MEPK Architects MDA Consulting LTd PLANNING SUPERVISOR SITE SUPERVISOR WORKS MDA Consulting LTd Jones Land Lasalle Berkeley Homes (East Thames) EMPLOYERS AGENT Deloitte & Touche SITE SUPERVISOR WORKS Calford Seadon Partnership Higgins Construction Plc EMPLOYERS AGENT BPM Project Management Ltd S106 / CIL WORKS Upside London Limited Bugler Developments Ltd SITE SUPERVISORS BPM Project Management Ltd WORKS Kingsbury Construction Ltd LEGAL FEES DEVELOPMENT WARRANTY COSTS S106 / CIL WORKS Orrick Herrington & Sutcliffe NHBC Upside London Limited Allen build Ltd LEGAL FEES DEVELOPMENT OTHER CONSULTANTS NCR Ph3 Site 12 WORKS Orrick Herrington & Sutcliffe CgMs Consulting GVA Grimley Kingsbury Constructions Ltd NCR Ph3 Site 14 WARRANTY COSTS S106 / CIL WORKS NHBC Upside London Limited Bugler Developments Ltd S106 / CIL LEGAL FEES DEVELOPMENT ARCHITECT'S FEES OTHER CONSULATANTS Upside London Limited Orrick Herrington & Sutcliffe Stock Woolstencrfot Calford Seadon Partnership CgMs Consulting NCR Ph3 Site 6 JMP Consultants Ltd Savills (L&P) Limited TDS Technical and Devlelopment Services Ltd Kendal Facility Ltd (Kendal Security) FARRER HUXLEY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS London Borough of Enfield WARRANTY NHBC 627,598.12 403,547.99 206,516.04 1,784.86 1,784.86 1,784.86 12,656.34 55,684.86 101,740.61 93,368.02 805.49 805.48 862.35 791.60 795,333.29 775,585.17 768,046.97 9,562.50 9,562.50 884.50 1,826.00 1,826.00 1,826.00 1,826.00 600.00 600.00 58,957.84 59,044.10 1,903.35 4,727.71 2,000.00 540.00 900.00 89,072.73 131,573.37 229,968.91 4,630.81 11,550.00 4,500.00 1,450.00 500.00 850.00 485,332.25 333,967.05 450,864.42 4,333.20 4,333.20 6,144.60 750,022.00 435,375.55 243,075.00 9,489.52 34,285.32 4,560.00 409,804.24 333,002.50 440,457.45 5,600.00 1,204.00 52,926.47 44,121.06 3,696.25 1,494.93 610.72 63,273.38 78,016.56 95,917.41 21,061.00 750.00 2,384.97 52,964.31 12,025.36 2,238.81 1,558.05 95,752.92 80,010.00 107,984.31 156,587.14 1,644.92 3,696.25 12,882.11 700.00 750.00 2,178.43 1,528.73 1,089.22 3,049.80 1,786.31 1,012.96 5,372.71 5,372.70 4,605.18 4,605.18 993.36 926.14 1,780.30 1,158.38 1,780.30 1,780.30 1,780.30 1,780.30 1,780.30 14,165.71 RATHBONE LAND ACQUISITION WORKS ECF Citis Fund Limited English Cities Fund EMPLOYERS AGENT EC Harris SITE SUPERVISOR Qualitas Inspection Services Ltd LAND ACQUISITION WORKS LEGAL FEES DEVELOPMENT WORKS LEGAL FEES DEVELOPMENT EMPLOYERS AGENT Countryside Annington Limited (Mill Hill) Countryside Annington Limited (Mill Hill) Orrick Herrington & Sutcliffe Berkeley Homes (East Thames) Winckworth Sherwood LLP Martin Associates THE BRIAR SITE SUPERVISOR WORKS JBA Management Ltd Hill Partnerships UNION LEGAL FEES DEVELOPMENT EMPLOYERS AGENT SITE SUPERVISOR WORKS Winckworth Sherwood LLP Cyril Silver & Partners Calford Seadon Partnership Durkan Ltd EMPLOYERS AGENT SITE SUPERVISOR S106 / CIL WORKS Deloitte & Touche Gage-Tuper & Associated Ltd London Borough of Haringey Bugler Developments Ltd WORKS Allen build Ltd LEGAL FEES DEVELOPMENT SITE SUPERVISOR Lewis Silkin Qualitas Inspection Services Ltd OTHER CONSULTANT Cyril Silver & Partners RIDGEMONT ROYAL ARSENAL WEST GREEN WESTGATE GVA Grimley Jacobs YABSLEY STREET Grand Total LAND ACQUISITION Telford Homes Plc STAMP DUTY WORKS Winckworth Sherwood LLP Telford Homes Plc LEGAL FEES DEVELOPMENT Winckworth Sherwood LLP EMPLOYERS AGENT Deloitte & Touche 380,177.00 287,675.20 463,418.60 502,647.04 2,478.00 2,478.00 855.00 855.00 540,000.00 93,035.00 540.00 118,450.60 2,078.21 6,600.00 31,077.90 1,280.00 987,450.78 1,165,145.42 1,476,866.72 660.00 10,786.39 6,313.33 377,615.30 438,415.85 419,120.30 2,454.81 869.70 100,000.00 215,117.68 134,546.83 292,353.93 309,231.48 331,832.16 7,038.28 698.17 837.80 735.79 687.14 2,982.43 2,882.21 653.93 36,329.14 5,726.24 972,000.00 1,110,000.00 9,720.00 298,760.00 276,450.00 1,160.00 910.00 2,200.00 2,200.00 34,727,391.03
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