Curriculum Vitae - institut für politische wissenschaft aachen

Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Kai Koddenbrock
Lecturer (Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter)
Institute for Political Science
Mies-van-der-Rohe-Straße 10
RWTH Aachen
+49 (0)241 / 80-26123
One son (4 years old)
[email protected]
2009 – 2013
Ph.D. in Political Science, University of Bremen, supervisors: Klaus Schlichte and David Chandler.
Columbia University, New York, Department of Middle Eastern, South Asian and African Studies,
Visiting Scholar, at the invitation of Mahmood Mamdani.
2002 - 2008
International Cultural and Economic Studies (Diplom-Kulturwirtschaft). University of Passau.
1992 – 2001
Bodelschwingh-Gymnasium Herchen, Abitur.
Koddenbrock K (under contract) The practice of humanitarian intervention: Aid workers, agencies and institutions
in the DR Congo, Routledge.
Koddenbrock K (2008) Smart Sanctions against Failed States – Strengthening the State through UN Smart
Sanctions in Angola and the Democratic Republic Of Congo, Vdm Verlag Dr. Müller.
Edited Volumes
Heins, V, Koddenbrock K, Unrau C (forthcoming) Humanitarianism and challenges of cooperation, Routledge
Herborth B, Koddenbrock K (under preparation) Theory, Inquiry and Critique, for Palgrave
Peer-reviewed articles
Koddenbrock K (forthcoming) Interventionen kritisieren: Eine Diskussion der Beziehung von Beschreibung und
Kritik anhand der aktuellen Kongointervention, Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen
Koddenbrock K (2014) Strategies of critique in IR: From Foucault and Latour towards Marx. European Journal of
International Relations, online first 26 August 2014
Koddenbrock K (2014) Bored of politics: The government as blind spot in the International Crisis Group’s analysis
of the Democratic Republic of Congo. Third World Quarterly, Vol 35, No 4, pp. 669-685
Koddenbrock K (2012) Recipes for Intervention – Western policy papers imagine the Congo, International
Peacekeeping, Vol. 19, No.5, pp. 549-564.
Peer-reviewed book chapters
Koddenbrock K (2015) Die Unentrinnbarkeit des Staates? Der Staat als Norm und Verständnisprinzip unter
Interventionspersonal in Goma und New York, in: Engelkamp, Stephan, Katharina Glaab und Antonia Graf (Hrsg),
Kritische Normenforschung als Metatheorie und politische Praxis. Neue Wege in den Internationalen
Beziehungen, Nomos.
Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Kai Koddenbrock
Koddenbrock K and Schouten P (2015) Intervention as Ontological Politics: security, pathologization, and the
failed state effect in Goma, in: Bachmann, Jan; Colleen Bell, Caroline Holmqist, The New Interventionism –
Perspectives on war:police assemblages, Routledge.
Non-peer reviewed book chapters or reports
Koddenbrock K (2013) Strategic essentialism and the possibilities of critique in peacebuilding, Center for Global
Cooperation Global Dialoge Series No. 2.
Binder A and Koddenbrock K and Horvath A (2013) Reflections on the inequity of humanitarian assistance:
possible courses of action for Germany, Discussion paper, Global Public Policy Institute, Berlin, available at:
Koddenbrock K (2013) The ‘Failed-State’ Effect: Statebuilding and State Stories from the Congo, in: Chandler,
David / Sisk, Timothy, Routledge Handbook of Statebuilding, Routledge, pp. 118-130.
Koddenbrock K (2013) The International Self and the humanitarianization of politics – A case-study of the DR
Congo in: Bliesemann de Guevara (Ed.). Statebuilding and State-Formation – The political sociology of
intervention, London, pp. 214-229.
Koddenbrock K (2009) The Will to Bridge? EC and U.S. approaches to linking relief rehabilitation and
development, in: Steets, Julia/ Dan Hamilton: Humanitarian Assistance: Improving U.S.-European Cooperation,
Johns Hopkins University Press.
Koddenbrock K (2009) EC and U.S. approaches to linking relief rehabilitation and development in DR Congo
(2009), in Steets, Julia/ Dan Hamilton: Humanitarian Assistance: Improving U.S.-European Cooperation, Johns
Hopkins University Press.
Book reviews
Koddenbrock K (2012) Intervention as Indirect Rule, Veit, Alex (2010), African Affairs, Vol. 112, No. 446, pp. 162164.
Koddenbrock K (2012) International-Statebuilding – The Rise of Post-Liberal Governance, Chandler, David (2010),
Peripherie, No.125, pp. pp. 115-117.
RWTH Aachen, Institute for Political Science, MA-Seminars.
The rise of humanitarian aid: History, actors, controversies.
Critical IR: Foucault, Latour and Marx in contemporary International Relations.
University of Duisburg-Essen, Institute for Political Science, BA seminar.
Forms and Spaces of Intervention: From colonialism to peacekeeping, from Namibia to Greece.
Perspectives on colonialism, de-colonization and development in the Congo.
Villigst Summer School, Facilitator, Workshop.
Political economy of the financial crisis.
Harvard University and Swedish International Development Agency,
Advanced Training Program on Humanitarian Action: Expert facilitator on integration of
humanitarian and development assistance.
University of Magdeburg, MA Seminar.
International Aid as Intervention: Making use of Foucault and Agamben.
Global Learning Network for Young Europeans. Facilitator. Preparation seminars of Germans
French and Polish participants of internship programme with West African NGOs.
Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Kai Koddenbrock
ASA-Programme, Tutor for the group of German and French participants going to Togo.
Selected Conferences and Workshops
Theory and Critique of Cpitalism, Section convenor, with Wanda Vrasti, 9th Pan-European
Conference of International Studies, Giardini Naxos, September
Strategies of critique in IR, paper giver at the Bonn International Center for Conversion 20 years
conference ‘Facing organized violence’, 27 October.
Intersektionale Interventionsforschung, panel convenor and discussant, Open conference of
the IR Section of the DVPW (German Political Science Association), Magdeburg, 24.-26
Reconfiguring Goma: The political economy of humanitarianism and peacekeeping in Eastern
Congo, paper giver, conference on Humanitarianism and Changing Cultures of Global
Cooperation, KWI Essen, 5-7 June.
Theory, Inquiry and Critique: Re-invigorating the ‘sociological imagination’ in International
Relations, workshop facilitator (with Benjamin Herborth) European Workshop of International
Studies, Izmir, Turkey, 21-24 May.
After modernity into complexity: Possibilities for critique, workshop facilitator (mit Jessica
Schmidt, Mario Schmidt and Pol Bargués Pedreny), Käte Hamburger Kolleg, Duisburg, 8 May.
The rise of humanitarian aid: Social policy and structural change in world society, paper
giver, Symposion of the Forum on International Science, University of Bonn, 23 January.
Reclaiming external critique: Resistant intervention scholarship from Foucault to Latour and
Beyond, paper giver, 8th Pan European Conference on IR, Warsaw. 21 September
Totality and Practices: The Dangers of empiricism and the promise of a ‘logic of reconstruction’
in IR, paper giver, From ‘praxis turn’ to ‘praxeological mainstream’, Institute for Advanced Studies,
Sociology, Vienna, 6-7 June
Democratic Intervention and Local Legitimacy, Invited speaker at the workshop on
Peacbuilding organized by the Käte Hamburger Kolleg Duisburg and the University of
Queensland, Australia, Duisburg, 22-23 May.
The government as blind spot: How think tanks like the ICG disregard the strategic dilemmas
and rationality of the Congolese government, paper giver Annual Convention of the International
Studies Association, San Francisco, USA, 3-6 April.
Democracy, Visibility and Resistance, Discussant at the Käte Hamburger Lecture by Prof.
David Chandler, Duisburg, 6 February.
Producing the Congolese State - An Ethnography of the State in Intervention, paper giver
Workshop Anthropology and IR, HSFK/ University of Frankfurt, 29-30 November.
Performing the Congo, with Peer Schouten, paper giver, Millenium conference, London School
of Economics, 27-29 October.
Bringing the State back out – Ein Versuch anhand der Produktion und Infragestellung von
Staatlichkeit im Kongo, paper giver Bi-annual conference of the German Political Science
ssociation, Tübingen, 28 September.
Out of many, one – Plural norms and reigning rationalities among intervention in the Congo,
paper giver, European Association of Social Anthropologists, Paris, 12 July.
Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Kai Koddenbrock
Norms and rationalities of intervention: Confronting Foucault to the African condition, paper
giver, Workshop critical norm research, University of Münster, 27-29 June.
Producing and Questioning the State – International Intervention and the Legacy of the State,
paper giver, Annual Convention of the International Studies Association, San Diego, USA, 2 April.
Perspectives on Intervention – Rationalities and translation, resistance and effects, panel
convenor (with Chandra Milena-Danielzik and Daniel Bendix), Annual Convention of the
International Studies Association (ISA), San Diego, USA, 31 March – 4 April.
Postcolonial power and capitalism - Critical approaches to contemporary international aid,
panel convenor with Olivia Rutazibwa, Frankfurt Research Center on Postcolonial Studies,
University of Frankfurt, 16 -18 June.
Research projects
2013 – 2014
Käte Hamburger Kolleg/ Center for Global Cooperation Research, Duisburg, Postdoc-Fellow,
Research project: ‘The democratic ethos of intervention? Attitudes towards political struggles in
Western humanitarianism and peacebuilding’ and ‘The role of critique for cooperation and conflict’
Global Public Policy Institute (GPPi), Berlin, Senior Researcher for a study on the imbalances of
humanitarian action for the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
2008 – 2009
Global Public Policy Institute (GPPi), Berlin, Research associate. Study group leader of study
on European Commission and United States approaches to linking relief, rehabilitation and
development. Case studies: Chad, South-Sudan, DR Congo, Afghanistan. Conception und launch
of the study ‚Truly Universal?‘ on emerging donors Saudi Arabia, South Africa, India and China.
Consulting and other Work Experience
2014 – 2015
World Food Programme (WFP), Rome, Senior-Evaluator, Strategic evaluation of the Programme
for Emergency Response and Preparedness, with Julia Steets und James Darcy für GPPi.
Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit, (GTZ), Eschborn, Germany
Consultant. Participation in the development of the GTZ-strategy on development-oriented
emergency aid in the DR Congo.
United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), New York, USA.
Consultant. Conception und co-management of the study “The Effectiveness of Foreign Military
Assets in Natural Disaster Response”, undertaken in cooperation with the Stockholm International
Peace Research Institute (SIPRI). Case studies: Pakistan, Indonesia, Haiti und Mozambique.
2006 - 2007
United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), New York, USA.
Fellow of the Carlo-Schmid-Program. Policy Development and Studies Branch. Contributions to
study on sanctions in the DR Congo. Participation in evaluations and strategic planning.
German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), Bonn,
Germany Intern. Section: Central America and the Caribbean. Study on small and medium
enterprises and strategies to support them
Groupe d’Action Recherche pour le Développement Global Integré (Gardegi), Notsè, Togo.
Fellow of the ASA-Program. Qualitative study for the NGO on the reasons of poverty among 20
rural households and with key donors in the capital Lomé
2005 - 2006
University of Passau, Chair for Political Science I Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Heinrich Oberreuter,
Research Assistant.
Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Kai Koddenbrock
2001 – 2002
Camphill School for Handicapped Youngsters, Hermanus, South Africa
Civil service as educator of two teenagers, thirteen and fifteen years old. Assistant teacher in the
fourth and fifth grade.
2009 – 2013
2005 – 2006
2004 – 2008
Ph.D. scholarship by the Heinrich-Böll Foundation.
Fellow of the Carlo-Schmid Programme for an internship at UN Headquarters, New York, USA.
Fellow of the ASA-Programme for an internship at Gardegi, Notsè, Togo.
Fellow of the German National Academic Foundation (Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes).
Language Skills
English, French, Spanish: Very good; Portuguese: Basic
Interview for IPS News Services New York, on ‘Congolese Wronlgy Branded as Pathological’, 19 September 2013
Interview for Deutsche Welle-World about conflict in the DR Congo, 3 December 2009
Interview on the BBC „The World Today“ about the MONUC troop increase in the DR Congo, 20 November 2008
„Deutschland soll im Kongokonflikt vermitteln“, Op-ed, ConText, December 2008
„Wie Obama unser Amerikabild beschädigt – Und damit Deutschland unter Zugzwang setzt“ – Op-ed, ConText,
February 2008
„Weniger Entwicklungspolitik, mehr Außenpolitik“, Op-ed, ConText, June 2007
Memberships, Reviews, Grant applications
Memberships: German Association of Political Science, European Association of Social Anthropology, German
Association of Sociology, International Studies Association, British International Studies Association
Reviewer for Constellations, International Studies Review, Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding;
Peacebuilding; Resilience; Ethical Perspectives
Functions: Speaker of the AK Orders of Violence of the German Association for Political Science (DVPW) with
Sonja Grigat and Bettina Engels.
Grant applications: ‘Protecting civilians in civil war: How international organizations deal with local conflict causes
to save lives effectively’ mit GPPi, Amount 174, 709 (2012: Deutsche Peace Foundation, voll förderungswürdig declined)‘; State-Effect and Peacebuilding Practices in Internationalised Cities: How the Ascription of Authority
Shapes Land Conflict Resolution and the Establishment of Infrastructure Projects in Goma and Hargeisa’ mit
Universität Duisburg, Amount: 100.000 (2012: Gerda-Henkel-Foundation, declined).
Prof. Mahmood Mamdani
Herbert Lehman Professor of
Government and Professor of
Columbia University
606 West 122nd Street
New York , NY 10027
[email protected]
Prof. David Chandler
Centre for the Study of
University of Westminster
32-38 Wells Street,
London, W1T 3UW
+44 (0)207-911-5000
+44 (0)776 525 3
[email protected]
Prof. Klaus Schlichte
Institut für Interkulturelle und
Internationale Studien
Universität Bremen
Mary-Somerville-Straße 7
28359 Bremen
0421 218 67475
[email protected]