al Phone 22751975 : 22758570 MEDIA CLIPPING BUREAU 25, Street No. 12, Pratap Nagar, Mayur Vihar Phase-I, (Behind Mona Lisa Public School) Delhi-110091 Name of Paper : DAILY POST Published at : NEW DELHI ated 2 3 JUL 2014 EPFO TO PROVIDE UAN TO CONTRIBUTING MEMBERS Retirement fund body EPFO has decided to work in mission mode to provide portable Universal Account Number (UAN) to contributing members initially and seed it with KYCs like Aadhaar and PAN to make it more secure. "The Employees' Provident Fund Organization (EPFO) has decided to allot a UAN to all members of the fund. To start with, UAN will be provided to the members who are presently contributing to the fund," said an office order. According to available information, 3.1 crore members contributed towards social security schemes run by EPFO in June this year. However total members of EPFO were 11.78 crore as on March 31, 2014. The EPFO has. planned to provide UAN to its subscribers by October 15 this year. The allotment of UAN would link all employments of the EPF members thus facilitating portability. "...field offices have very less time to get the work completed...It is, therefore, necessary for you to work in a mission mode. A lot NEW DELHI: 3.1 crore members contributed towards social security schemes run by EPFO in June this year of passion is required at your end to accomplish this task," it added. The UAN will be portable throughout the working career of members and can be used anywhere in India. Thus, the workers in organised sector would not need to apply for transfer of PF account claim on changing jobs. Finance Minister Arun Jaitley in his budget speech had announced about allotting UAN to EPFO subscribers. According to the office order, the Labour Ministry has committed that the seeding of KYCs to the UAN number would be completed by 15th October, 2014. EPFO has constituted a special team to oversee the progress of UAN project. The team will also visit regional offices to deal with problems faced by field staff in implementation of the UAN programme. EPFO field offices are also asked to apprise employers about the their role in the entire project. The head office told field staff to impress upon the,employers that Aadhaar/ NPR must be seeded wherever available as it would be useful. In places where Aadhaar/NPR is not available, the local UIDAI office should be contacted so that it can send a team for registration of the employees for Aadhaar, it said. According to the order, KYC (know-your-customer) selected for the purpose are Aadhaar/ NPR, PAN and bank account number. Though, the portal provides for seeding of other KYCs such as election card, ration card, passport, driving license etc; which are not mandatory in a way but seed ing of the same would definitely give more security to the UAN of a particular member, it added. PTI I Phone : 22751975 '22758570 MEDIA CLIPPING BUREAU 25, Street No. 12, Pratap Nagar, Mayur V har Phase-I, (Behind Mona Lisa Public School) Delhi-110091 ; Name of Paper Published at : PUNJAB KESARI : NEW DELHI Dated 2 3 JUL 2014 TfrITT7 3frriTrTe t 737 7,7777070773 (tut): a quit? ifargfiftt (ttcrcF3-14. ) qt,N3Tral4 31-cr 3#1t1ITA Nicir ta-T (779) mi-icm4 -wrcnii-tfcr7ri Fci > qjk, cm4t-t' trrtt' 7TM ' (tWt#1) 4P-icti ' ff 74 ,3115f Rill f7TR4 Trw.1-1144i7i41d, 3T1vt T1 .1.)t 70,'+ iiius4,3-ft44))4t -mfr rd7:7-11 a-crcri rib7zrif-,w4ft I qj ,ks3im -47' Rbzii sTiR II ftTrwt cilbr 14 3iqiqi-i -Ttt 1" d ,40 ,ART-9-9-r 31--ITuT TR +um +i-r4trocr Tv! 41•71.-aA -4 3.1 moil . 7:i7P11 34qlqiifwzri I w- fr-T. 31 H14, 2014 tficrtF3i1t IK4TWZ11141(seif 11.783" tittrITTA 41 ,4-11 314 3#141T-A +11615,3T-4T47 177i SI511 ct,(4 tI - Phone :22751975 22758570 MEDIA CLIPPING B UREAU 25, Street No. 12, Pratap Nagar, Mayur Vihar Phase-I, (Behind Mona Lisa Public School) Delhi-110091 Name of Paper : BUSINESS STANDARD Published at : NEW DELHI ted 23 JUL 2014 PF account holders t6 soon receive universal numbers OM E H HA N wD h uY F tom October 15, employees will not have to apply for transfer of their provI .■ idea F accounts while Conditions for UAN service • Employee has to obtain Universal Account Number (UAN) from emu! (31 03UPJ10101 aq pinoqs sanssi 'PLOZ 'OE JecluleldeS pue otoz `1, kienuer uaamqaq peoicie JO eipui u! uogiiiisu! piuuapeoe luaieNnba JO AlISJOAILIn e LUOJJ aialopoo Jo pieme Jo; palciaxe ao aleuolpoa e parueme uaaq seq t.piqm 6uipueuld mei% pue Iuaiudolanaci ape/A . 'S3ituouo33 ieuonewalui ul sieuo4eu tisnyul tq >uom go/eased :til.qua Jo An1iqi6q3 e 1 0 3S NJOMLIOJE3S9J snouas alowo/r1 of pie/Nike ienuue sncuEuisaid e '(V2:131) ()Amy Li3Jeasa8 oiwouo.o3 leuoneu/alui aL11 Ponllsul >Nee Luix3 '6961 ul luawtsanu! pue aped uoqoLuoicl /Weld ita)i e pue )sAleieo e qloq se pas!u600al kounoo aqi Jo uouninsu! optieull VOdxa Jame/el Nues ullx3) epui to *leg uldwi-podx3 Phone : 22751975 22758570 MEDIA CLIPPING BUREAU c,(A' (-7)1)9, (‘') 25, Street No. 12, Pratap Nagar, Mayur Vihar Phase-I, (Behind Mona Lisa Public School) Delhi-1 10091 N ame of Paper ti t-cbt o! Published at 23 JUL 2014 Dated tkulc51 110-1-4T 1-4— t N4t-fpiTgrartt T f Py FikrTi (tkrEF3t) 47g,3114 34#4 afTRITTA raNF T (A kir 4-4T 4-4 .1:4-A mat, (7c-TA)4T114-m-f cb(=f tiAzitfiltiT4TT1 34E14 mTT w144 (*aff41), riFfF# 341tTR 4'4-Rem fzrrn$ Tflw3fr-dfq A ttvR ZM.#T $ ftq- r? 3tRTR9efdw4 (Wzft olcif #if) tr •31151 311%. cHie4f7T T- 1-419-431*41 14111 1TzfT t, ItcrEF31141, .m-44 $f 7#1ficrqi tC 31Y? ttVfq WiT1 $ smit;11, art *rIcrc74331-4fta a-4 4rat *173;m if 71 ki*faitarr-4raT R1r6-rocA ,f1434Tw4q3u01' . 71F3.1 t*IT *31FR Tff t#17}324'r 1(4, Ti-4rfeali14111:1*Ip1iTtp-aT311 14 3.1 T(-1-4 TR* 4 347.7R -RAT I 7aifT 31 1-114, 2014 kT- zh `1 deb 1 7524 kicalT 11.78 qR)01 TIM iii 5q TR f ra4l4Jl tf "Pc1)41 't‘rIllt filkrW tft7Eff311 .4 ZIM1 3P1EINcP1 $1 TR:1 4141 15 3Td1 Z1,7 IT-4R TT# t I V-I4 tkr$311 $ :1-4-4;11tittfe-e-J1 WIT 361 I:11C77l I tIlritt$11 tr“14,q1$1arcr4417q5u1A $ 7-21-Rh-Hui $tfdt 31*# 48 ,?•1 01,1/4).?ci i 0-411 t I kl)31.rigi7 TT-1# $ c16d 4 1r6C1 t4T-4 et7R firkr13 (T4KM) Jid-17#117f $ rtf30341:A alrrF$ fear mg, af$ vAtikRI$ uifcl tiHco1$ - ‘94)1 cmoft rrrt t 39-g? 7#41CM i q Z117#1# 4:1 414*101(.4 1 1E2721)$ 4T5 +11-1-441TIRTIETR 611 If I [117T3TR-gtq $ 01441g$ 31a14131141 .d#1# '747-41‘,C illq14:13TR-g1Q TI tiR-41- 1141a4fta1tIzigtivRU, Ucizr Reg (#3TR7) 3'R A$14,31‘4 (lite) (1Aci 3R1*1 7Arafilosi TR -1,J17-8#11 PziTITT #rq14)144# 311“IttifiT1 ‘11r4 0 1)'41-TU $f4 1fry ~r21f~z1Tl IvRtb-g, tricitul 4 cwt. tiA$F-ea Ufa diI `41Ttlilltkli5311-417 (tIVR fnwi, 2014 $ 31TIRI)Y1-11:63. $1 11-qIT6IRT71MR4MT1 R .44)1401 T <NA 4*13#7317rwei 11EzRzil $1 yrdri(N.4$Le-g$ .Rwtittoll<Nuf 061711 t fob 4g- 41-{ T3 TT ft 7T 011 3trilfic1) ,tur 0110 foci ~l tiVR W48114 11f004 , 111 • Phone : 22751975 22758570 MEDIA CLIPPING BUREAU 25, Street No. 12, Pratap Nagar, Mayur Vihar Phase-I, (Behind Mona Lisa Public School) Delhi-1 10091 Name of Paper Published at C NAVODAYA TIMES •Ncif,; DELHI 23 JUL 2014 ignitiENTIVRIEttit.7.0. 1 iqmif, 22 ril ( 14.71): fifti #-Tr37 (1.71.7F.3T1.) 71F3-Tru -43T94 3#rETRAVrtrYeztlatgicii •4-4T(17.7)153Taw UWA-dTicbt4TMI:f PRI-1 tVq 1471FGrAVIciiil t I kik4 (4%64 tid-ti 411,34 rid W•1 9T I zrit -qu4'crt 3 -111.75-. air-4-<9 .Rc,‹ -Tett IT(zik--rq-4` 330 siwzb Vr (t.'41t.1:11) 4 iHcsi1f 3ITU1 a f-4t:R4 74 ativT TRia Trk I 1.1:117F.A. cbla 'RA Trd7z11 zp.7. 3Ta 41(4 fRii9T 1) 441 t I qp3-Trd 3374fTd fiAt sltRift 4.41-1q .0t1 .14 3isf-qqTttt I -377w tab rf 337177:1-4419 4rirl1cf+imirAch TAIT -4R-9134 14 3.1 ciltick.41 3tYgr9 Icnelf I W" 31M -4, 2014 UW 1)(4 11.78 cfAstl • Phone : 22751975 22758570 MEDIA CLIPPING BUREAU 25, Street No. 12, Pratap Nagar, Mayur Vihar Phase-I; (Behind Mona Lisa Public School) Delhi-110091 Name of Paper 617-11-1 Published at Dated Li1JIi'1 it{' ffrA. 3f1111re /p3IT UAN IMF frt Mtn' EPFO AILkI111 -11 -4Ttm *rr ' ,347g19 ,*( *f -.4c147-1 T--4-4r* 3fiVTIT .37T ,711t1 74-9. A' EPFO rf T9-r ,im1r3if 7 3.1 1111,'i 44d.14f 3-lt`4Kri 4 ,11111(-Iii-4), 31 I-11 -4, 2 .014 1 zn14'4 (4A1 .:; 4) 4197 14 7.4 7,74 f'44 ,,:t 1.1V-11 3U ktte 4)74-07 - .*-gi r 111,441 :n cf 11.7$ EPFO .r-1 3#17•4141 art-T t 1 54:1;71 1 41-491 4:11c1 "9-19 EPFO EPFO -4 LikT,46z1 c1-,11`4T 1,0,(!,-f • 11 ,44t qe,d4 •731 fi ,v:st 7-FT 4•61( "Td7.-4 - 111.4 -cfmth—g0 7,4'.11.-ficRur 3-i1;4` Tf1r* 11 ,3.1.7f F5iifti • • Phone : 22751975 22758570 MEDIA CLIPPING BUREAU 25, Street No. 12, Pratap Nagar, Mayur Vihar Phase-I, (Behind Mona Lisa Public School) Delhi-110091 Name of Paper ublished at Dated : : BUSINESS STANDARD NEW DELHI 2 6 JUL 2014f EPFO allocates universal a/c number to 41.7 mn members SOMESH JHA seminated to respective employers non-active accounts. through the online transfer claim portal With this facility, employees will (OTCP) of the EPFO. merely need to update their employee The Employees Provident Fund Employees will be able to operate the identity numbers provided by the new Organisation (EPFO) has rolled out uni- UAN once these are made operational employer in their UANs when versal account number (UAN) for 41.7 mil- from October 15. The EPFO has request- switching jobs and their accounts will be lion subscribers - a move aimed at easing ed employers covered under it to seed the automatically shifted, reducing time in transfer of provident fund (PF) accounts on know-your-customer (KYC) documents transfer of PF. switching jobs, besides claim settlements. such as Aadhar, National Population On allotment of UAN, an employee "UAN stands allocated to all 4.17 crore Register (NPR) number and bank account need not go through his or her employer (41.7 million) members who have made jietails of their employees with UANs by to provide details to EPFO, unlike now. contribution to EPFO in any one of the September 15. The EPFO has allocated Their claims would also be settled last six months;' EPFO said in a circular to the UAN to active members at present faster once savings bank accounts are its field officers.The UAN has been dis- and will soon roll out the facility for the seeded with UANs. New Deihl, 25July 1 • Phone : 22751975 22758570 MEDIA CLIPPING BUREAU 25, Street No. 12, Pratap Nagar, Mayur Vihar Phase-I, (Behind Mona Lisa Public School) Delhi-110091 Name of Paper : Published at :. Dated : THE FINANCIAL EXPRESS NEW DELHI 26 JUL 2014 EPFO issues 4.17 cr UANs for seeding with workers KYC does New Delhi, July 25: Initia ing the process of providing portable Universal Account Numbers (UAN) to mem bers, retirement fund bod: EPFO on Friday issued 4.1' crore UANs to firms for seed ing them with workers' KYC: like Aadhaar and bank ac count number. An EPFO official said however that UANs would be operational in October as the process of seeding with the Know- your-customer (KYC) documents like Aadhaar would be completed by September 15. UAN will improve the quality of service provided to workers in the organised sector as they would not have to apply for transfer of PF account claims on changing jobs. It will also help workers in the construction sector who often work at different locations with different contractors. "UAN stands allocated to all 4.17 crores members who have made contribution to EPFO in any one of the last 6 months. All these UANs have been disseminated to respectiveemployers through OTCP (Online Transfer Claim) Por••••• twa, al," an E PFO offi ce order for thefield staff stated. " It said employers are supposed to log on to OTCP portal to collect the UAN allotted to their employees and disseminate that to the individual workers. Besides, the employers, who maintain computerised database of workers' relating to KYC like Aadhaar/NPR, PAN card or bank account number, can seed those through the UAN Portal by sending a text file in pre-defined format. The KYC data will automatically be seeded against the UAN of the members upon receipt of this information. The EPFO wants that the firms must provide Aadhaar/NPR number of workers wherever available and bank A/c number as part of the KYC detail because it will enable EPFO in future to provide services directly to the beneficiaries without intermediation of the employers. In case where employers does not maintain database of workers' KYC details, the EPFO has created a facility for individual members to upload the details on UAN portal through a personal log in on the member portal. The individual subscribers are also expected to upload a scanned copy of the documents relied upon for quoting KYC on the Portal. The KYC furnished by individual members will be automatically captured by UAN database for seeding. Asking field formations to expedite the work on UAN, the order said: "We have set an ambitious target for seeding of KYC which has to be concluded at the earliest by September 15. 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E..= o 4 1. ..-0" 4) g ig e. 5 a) E a .c . a o .= 0 g r, 0 • •-■ u.. ot c 4.. af. g g •B ..Q 2. al Phone : 22751975 - 22758570 MEDIA CLIPPING BUREAU 25, Street No. 12, Pratap Nagar, Mayur Vihar Phase-I, (Behind Mona Lisa Public School) Delhi-110091 Name of Paper Published at Dated : : NAV BHARAT TIMES NEW DELHI 27 JUL 2014 It4-147 Wit-6' #41ttc1cF3t 3TO 311t TE<R711 3T-C-AZ 1-07 (zikrm tm-TkRi-Jrfzirtrg 4ret 4z-d4 Er? zir solor za-TIT4 7 VFW TT-4 f44rg Ipi 3TrETR-, t19 317 t u1)5 ,) zfr7- f t I 411-il 71 7-6153T-OW Ocl) 71g TrIrd '?N 711 I Zr6 *IF TA 411 1 114 6) , IT tZfr TiTT utrzfrTr tr4.F wet '11 47111 ,6\1,1 320 (
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