Article Does Nominal Devaluation Improve Income Distribution? Evidence from Bangladesh South Asian Survey 19(1) 61–77 © 2012 ICSAC SAGE Publications Los Angeles, London, New Delhi, Singapore, Washington DC DOI: 10.1177/0971523114539586 SE Muhammad Shahbaz Mohammad Mafizur Rahman FO R C O M M ER C IA L U Abstract The article aims to investigate the impact of nominal devaluation on income distribution in Bangladesh both in short and long runs. In doing so, Auto Regressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) bounds testing has been employed for cointegration, and Error Correction Model (ECM) has been used for short-run dynamics. The empirical psychology has confirmed the existence of long-run relationship between the variables. Furthermore our estimated results reveal that nominal devaluation tends to decrease income inequality. Though economic growth appears to improve income distribution, non-linear link between both the variables, however, depicts Kuznets’ inverted-U curve (1955). Financial development causes further deterioration in income distribution. Trade openness contributes to income inequality as discussed in Leontief Paradox. N O T Keywords Devaluation, income inequality, cointegration, economic growth, financial development, trade openness, Bangladesh Introduction Kuznets’ hypothesis has been repeatedly investigated by numerous researchers in economics literature. Authors utilise not only cross-sectional data but also time series data to prove it. Kuznets’ hypothesis is basically a relationship between economic growth and income distribution: ‘an increase in per capita income worsens (through unequalizing effect) impact on income distribution first, then lowers (through income equalizing channel) income inequality with passage of time Muhammad Shahbaz is Research Fellow, Management Sciences, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Lahore, Pakistan. Mohammad Mafizur Rahman is Senior Lecturer, Economics, University of Southern Queensland, Toowoomba, Australia. E-mail: [email protected] 62 Muhammad Shahbaz and Mohammad Mafizur Rahman N O T FO R C O M M ER C IA L U SE (years)’. For example, Ahluwalia (1974), Berry (1974), Fields (1980) and Papanek and Kyn (1986) conclude that economic growth deteriorates income inequality, but the link between the two is not robust. Exploring the importance of capacity utilisation, Mohtadi (1988) argues that insignificant relationship between income per capita (economic growth) and income distribution is due to the ignorance of capacity utilisation in growth–income inequality equation. He documents that without excess capacity utilisation, economic growth worsens income distribution in the economy and vice versa. Several studies pertaining to the literature show unequal effect of economic growth on income distribution and confirm the existence of Kuznets’ inverted-U shaped curve. They use cross-country evidence in the absence of adequate longitudinal data on income distribution (Barro 2000; Bourguignon 1994; Doyle 1996; Forbes 2000; Jha 1996; Milanovic 1995; Ram 1997; Stephen 2003; Wan 2002). Devaluation is a major policy option for many developing countries including Bangladesh as they have been facing a persistent balance of payment deficit. The economic arguments of devaluation, which is related to fixed exchange rate system, are that it makes domestic goods and services cheaper relative to foreign goods and services. Therefore, exports will increase and imports will decrease; thus, balance of trade and balance of payment will improve. Domestic output will move to higher level with higher employment; there will be initially an excess demand for money due to the rise in transactions accompanying the output increase. This will push the home interest rate above the world interest rate if the central bank does not interfere in the foreign exchange market. Official reserves will also increase. Therefore, a government devalues its currency mainly because of the following three benefits: (i) devaluation improves the current account, at least in the short run, which the government may believe to be desirable; (ii) devaluation mitigates unemployment problem (e.g., if government spending and budget deficits become politically unpopular, the government considers devaluation as the most convenient way of boosting aggregate demand); and (iii) devaluation causes a rise in the central bank’s foreign reserves (Krugman and Obstfeld 2003). However, devaluation has also harmful effects on an economy. A country like Bangladesh imports more goods and services than it exports. Its list of imports consists of many consumer and capital goods which are essential for the very survival and growth of the economy, and as such it is very difficult to reduce them substantially. Hence, devaluation increases import payments. Devaluation can only improve the balance of payment if Marshall–Lerner condition is satisfied, but evidence shows that in many circumstances devaluation has not been successful (Bahmani-Oskooee 1985). The work of Bahmani-Oskooee and Alse (1994) showed that devaluation had no long-run effects on trade balance of 14 countries out of 20 countries studied. Devaluation may also cause inflation in the economy at least in the long run. It also raises the burden of foreign debt and debt service liability. Although studies on various effects of devaluation exist, the impact of devaluations on income inequality has been least investigated in the economics literature. Therefore, this study will be a significant contribution in economic literature as a South Asian Survey, 19, 1 (2012): 61–77 63 Does Nominal Devaluation Improve Income Distribution? case study for Bangladesh. This research is considered important for three reasons. First, the study has applied advanced Auto Regressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) bounds testing approach for cointegration. Second, Ng-Perron unit test is used to investigate integrating order of variables. Finally, Error Correction Model (ECM) explores the short-run behaviour of variables over the period 1985–2008. The rest of the article is organised as follows. Section II briefly reviews the literature; section III describes the model; section IV explains the methodological framework; section V clarifies data sources and presents empirical analysis; section VI details sensitivity analysis; and section VII concludes the article. SE Literature Review N O T FO R C O M M ER C IA L U Alexander (1952) examined the relationship between devaluation and income inequality. He found that if there is a counter-cyclical movement between wages and prices (wages are behind prices), then nominal devaluation causes inflationary effects, and then nominal profits might be obtained at the cost of nominal wages. This phenomenon purely leads to transfer of income from wage earners (high marginal propensity to absorb) to profit makers (low marginal propensity to absorb).1 Similarly, Diaz-Alejandro (1965) demonstrates that the income inequality is caused by devaluation, particularly in the short run. He further argues that devaluation not only lowers wages but also raises unemployment in the country that hurts poor segment of population disproportionately. The same argument is advanced by Twomey (1983). Furthermore, Lindert (1986) concludes that the impact of devaluation through its inflationary effects is different on different groups of people in the short run. He explains that devaluation hurts the group more that receives its income by selling non-traded goods and services. In this scenario, devaluation increases the cost of living of the poor group of population without an increase of their income. On the same route, an increase in the relative price of traded goods favours the groups that are tied most closely to producing traded goods. The same notion has been supported by Edwards (1989) and Bigsten and Collier (1995). Similarly, BahmaniOskooee (1997) finds unequalising effect of devaluation on income distribution using cross-sectional data from 24 countries, but Sarel (1997) shows equalising effect of real depreciation on income distribution in low-income countries. Haughton and Kinh (2003) use two approaches (income per capita and expenditure) to investigate the impact of devaluation on income distribution in Vietnam utilising household’s data. They explain that devaluation benefits the poor and the rich while hurting the middle class. Using time series data, Bahmani-Oskooee and Gelan (2008) also document that currency devaluation increases income inequality in the US. Shahbaz and Islam (2012) also apply ARDL-OLS to examine the relation between devaluation and income inequality for the case of a transitional economy like Pakistan. The empirical results reveal that nominal devaluation tends to worsen income distribution in the country. South Asian Survey, 19, 1 (2012): 61–77 64 Muhammad Shahbaz and Mohammad Mafizur Rahman The Model The article aims to investigate the impact of devaluation on income distribution in Bangladesh. For this purpose, initially the OLS approach has been employed on the degree of devaluation for the measure of income distribution. In such a way, we can see whether nominal devaluation affects income inequality. Like most researchers, income per capita (proxy for economic growth) has been included in the model to test the Kuznets’ (1955) hypothesis that an increase in per capita income worsens income distribution first; then, it slowly improves with the passage of some time. In formulating the model, other determinants are also included as control variables to avoid the problem of misspecification. These variables are financial development and trade openness. Finally, an empirical equation is being moulded as given below:2 SE LGINI a1 a2 LDEV a3 LPGDP a4 LFD a5 LTR t (1) U N O T FO R C O M M ER C IA L where GINI = Gini coefficient which is used as a proxy of income inequality, DEV = nominal devaluation, PGDP = per capita income, FD = financial development proxied by domestic credit to private sector as share of GDP, TR = trade openness defined as trade–GDP ratio and L stands for log. As argued earlier, an increase in devaluation or rate of depreciation lowers the share of the poor while benefits the rich. This situation leads to worsening income distribution in the country. It is expected that coefficient of a2 > 0, a3 > 0, if economic growth benefits elite class of population. This shows no trickle-down effect of economic growth to poor population of the country. Economic growth equalises income distribution when there is trickle-down effect in the country. In such an environment, a3 < 0. Development of informal credit, which is often the only source of borrowing for poor people, is made easier by the growth of the formal financial system which offers opportunities of profitable investments to informal financial institutions or agents. Finally, in a framework of competitive markets of goods and production factors, credit may improve the well-being of the poor and decline income inequality (Beck et al. 2004; Shahbaz 2009a, 2009b; Shahbaz and Islam 2011). It may be documented that a4 < 0. The estimate of a5 > 0, because openness of trade may lead to deterioration of income distribution in case of developing economies. The main reason is that exporting firms demand some educated workers, because trade does not benefit workers without education, who account for the bulk of low-income households in poor countries (Bensidoun et al. 2005; Shahbaz et al. 2007). To find out the non-linear relation between economic growth and income inequality, squared term of GDP has been included in basic model. The modified version of equation (1) is as follows: LGINI g1 g 2 LDEV g 3 LPGDP g 4 LPGDP 2 g 5 X mt South Asian Survey, 19, 1 (2012): 61–77 (2) 65 Does Nominal Devaluation Improve Income Distribution? The inequality-widening hypothesis predicts g2 > 0 and g3 = 0, and inverted U-shaped hypothesis predicts if g2 > 0 and g3 < 0. The inequality-narrowing hypothesis predicts g2 < 0 and g3 = 0; if g2 < 0 and g3 > 0, U-shaped hypothesis predicts. Methodological Framework Ng-Perron Unit Root Test SE Ng-Perron (2001) developed a test statistics wherein GLS is applied to de-trend the series Dtd. The critical values of the tests are based on those of Phillips-Perron (1988) Za and Zt statistics, Bhargava (1986) R1 statistics and Elliot et al. (1996). The following annotations are used: (3) IA L t2 U T k ( Dtd1 ) 2 / T 2 MZ ad (T 1 ( DTd ) 2 f ) / (2k ) M R C 2 2 MPTd ( c k cT 1 ( DTd ) 2 / f , and , ( ck (1 c)T 1 ( DTd ) 2 / f (4) FO O MSB d (k / f )1/ 2 M MZ td MZ a MSB ER C The de-trended GLS tailored statistics is given by: O T ARDL Approach for Cointegration N The estimation of the impact of devaluation on income distribution is based on the traditional view which indicates that devaluation leads to transfer of income from wage earners (high marginal propensity to absorb) to profit makers (low marginal propensity to absorb). In this study, Gini coefficient (GINI) for income inequality is measured as a function of economic growth (GDP per capita), nominal devaluation (DEV), FD and trade openness (TR/GDP). Here, we have used one of the most advanced approaches such as the bounds testing to verify the presence of cointegration among the relevant macroeconomic variables; where xt is time series vector xt = {DEV, PGDP, FD, TR} with yt = GINI, this approach is being begun with an unrestricted vector autoregression: q zt m d j zt et j1 (5) South Asian Survey, 19, 1 (2012): 61–77 66 Muhammad Shahbaz and Mohammad Mafizur Rahman where Zt = [yt, xt]'; m is showing vector of constant term, m = [my, mx]' and d are indicating matrix of vector autoregressive (VAR) parameters for lag j. As mentioned by Pesaran, Shin and Smith (PSS) (2001), two time series yt and xt can be integrated at either I(0) or I(1) or mutually co-integrated. In this case, time series vector xt, devaluation, economic growth, FD and trade openness can also be integrated at different orders. The error terms vector et = [ey,t, ex,t]' ~ N (0, W), where W is definitely positive. Equation 7 in modified form can be written as a vector error correction model as given below: q1 Dzt m gzt1 j Dzt et j1 (6) U q yy, j yx, j j jk xy, j xx, j k j1 SE where D = 1–L, and (7) IA L ER C Here, g is the multiplier matrix in long run as following: M q g yy g yx g j ( I j j ) g xy g xx j1 (8) O M N O T FO R C I is indicating an identity matrix. The diagonal essentials for said matrix are left unrestricted. This implies that each of the series can be stationary either at I(0) or I(1). This approach enables to examine the maximum cointegrating vectors that include both yt and xt. This would investigate that either gyx or gxy can be non-zero but not both of them. In this article, our main objective is to examine the long-run impact of devaluation, economic growth, FD and trade openness on income distribution. Here, the restriction that is imposed is gxy = 0, which indicates that devaluation economic growth, FD and trade openness have no long-run impact on income distribution. Under the said assumption, that is, gxy = 0, equation 1 can be rewritten as follows: q1 q1 j1 j1 Dyt b b1 yt1 b 2 xt1 by, j Dyt j bx, j Dyt j jDxt mt (9) where; b m y ' mx ; b1 yy ; b 2 yx ' xx ; b y , j yy , j ' xy , j and b x. j yx , j ' xx , j yx ' xx ; b y , j yy , j ' xy , j and b x. j yx , j ' xx , j South Asian Survey, 19, 1 (2012): 61–77 67 Does Nominal Devaluation Improve Income Distribution? This is called ARDL model which is denoted by Unrestricted Error Correction Model (UECM) (PSS 2001). Empirical evidence on coefficients of equation 9 can be investigated by ordinary least squares and non-existence of long-run link between the said variables can be tested by calculating F-statistics for the null hypothesis of b1 = b2 = 0. Under the alternative hypothesis b1 ≠ b2 ≠ 0, stable relationship in long run between said variables can be described as following: yt j1 j2 xt t (10) M ER C IA L U SE where j1 = –b° / b1, j2 = b2 / b1 and vt is a stationary process having zero mean. PSS (2001) reveal that the distribution of F-statistics is based on the order of integration of the empirical data series. The ARDL method estimates (p + 1)k number of regressions in order to obtain optimal lag length for each variable, where p is the maximum number of lags to be used and k is the number of variables in the equation. To establish the stability of the ARDL model, sensitivity analysis is also conducted, which examines the serial correlation, functional form, normality and heteroscedasticity associated with the model. The stability test is conducted by employing the cumulative sum of squares of recursive residuals (CUSUMsq). Examining the prediction error of the model is another way of ascertaining the reliability of the ARDL model. O M Data and Empirical Analysis R C Data N O T FO Annual data span is started from 1985 up to 2008. The time series data on Giniinequality (proxy for income inequality) is unavailable from 1971, but available from 1985 onwards. We have combed World Development Indicators (WDI 2008) for time series data of GDP per capita, FD proxied by domestic credit to private sector as share of GDP and trade as share of GDP. Finally, exchange rate (currency or nominal devaluation) is used from International Financial Statistics (IFS 2008). The ARDL technique has the advantage of avoiding the classification of variable into I(0) or I(1) as there is no need for unit root pre-testing. According to Sezgin and Yildirim (2002) and Ouattara (2004), in the presence of I(2) variables, the computed F-statistics provided by PSS (2001) become invalid, because bounds test is based on the assumption that the variables I(0) or I(1) are mutually cointegrated. Therefore, the implementation of the unit root test in the ARDL procedure might still be necessary to ensure that none of the variables is integrated of order 2, that is, I(2) or beyond. For this purpose, Augmented DickeyFuller (ADF) unit root test has been employed to find out order of integration of the concerned actors in the study. The results in Table 1 show that Gini-inequality (GINI) is stationary at I(0) while economic growth (GDPC), nominal or currency devaluation (DEV), FD and trade openness (TR) are integrated of order 1, that is, South Asian Survey, 19, 1 (2012): 61–77 68 Muhammad Shahbaz and Mohammad Mafizur Rahman Table 1. Unit-Root Estimation Ng-Perron at Level with Intercept and Trend MZa Variables LGINI –20.9608 MZt MSB MPT –3.1818 0.1518 LDEV –9.13360 –2.1011 0.2300 10.104 LPGDP –4.92975 –1.3566 0.2751 17.3004 LFD –9.54033 –2.1736 0.2278 9.5920 –2.5146 0.1968 7.2000 b LTR –12.7720 4.6687 Ng-Perron at 1st Difference with Intercept and Trend –21.6266b –3.2883 0.1520 4.2135 LDEV –23.7053 b –3.4019 0.1435 4.0781 –120.5751a –7.7642 0.0643 0.7567 LFD –22.9788 b –3.3888 0.1474 3.9702 LTR –27.0299a –3.6246 0.1341 3.6613 show significance level at 1% (5%). U C Note: a (b) IA L LPGDP SE LGINI N O T FO R C O M M ER I(1). This dissimilarity in the order of integration of the variables lends support for the implementation of the ARDL bounds testing approach rather than one of the alternatives of cointegration tests. The sample size is small (data span is from 1985 up to 2008). In such small sample data set, we cannot take lag more than 1 on the basis of minimum value of Akaike information criterion (AIC) and Schwartz Bayesian criterion (SBC). Literature reveals that the calculation of ARDL F-statistics is very sensitive with the selection of lag order in the model (Bahmani-Oskooee and Brooks 1999; Bahmani-Oskooee et al. 2006; Bahmani-Oskooee and Harvey 2006; Shahbaz and Rahman 2010). The inclusion of intercept and trend is based on the assumptions of PSS (2001). Now, let us turn to the two-step ARDL cointegration (see PSS 2001) procedure. In the first stage, the order of lag length on the first difference estimating the conditional error correction version of the ARDL model for equation 11 is usually obtained from unrestricted vector autoregression (VAR) by means of AIC, which is 1 based on the minimum value of AIC as shown in Table 2. The total number of regression models is estimated following the ARDL method in equation 2 is (1 + 1)5 = 32. The results of the bounds testing approach for cointegration posit that the calculated F-statistics is 20.049, which is higher than the upper level of the bounds critical value of 9.630 at 1 per cent level of significance while value of lower bounds is 8.740.3 This implies that the null hypothesis of no cointegration cannot be accepted and that, there exists a cointegrated relationship among the variables. Next step is to find a long-run relationship. Partial long-run links are shown in Table 3 through ARDL-OLS investigation. Empirical results suggest that there exists negative link between nominal or currency devaluation and income inequality. The impact of currency devaluation South Asian Survey, 19, 1 (2012): 61–77 69 Does Nominal Devaluation Improve Income Distribution? Table 2. Lag Length Criteria and ARDL Cointegration VAR Lag Order Selection Criteria Lag F-Statistics for ARDL Cointegration FPE AIC SC 0 3.09e–13 –14.61682 –14.36789 7.221 1 8.66e–17* –22.89127* –21.39767* 20.049* Notes: *indicates lag order selected by the criterion. FPE: Final prediction error; AIC: Akaike information criterion; SC: Schwarz information criterion. Diagnostic Test-Statistics: Serial Correlation LM, F = 0.0624 (0.0.9398); ARCH Test = 0.3892 (0.5415); Normality J-B Value = 1.6854 (0.4305); Heteroscedasticity Test, F = 0.5956 (0.7906). Dependent Variable = LGINI LTR 0.0000 Coefficient –58.1975 –3.3935 0.0040 –0.2350 –2.4983 0.0246 –0.5759 –4.5150 0.0004 0.2880 6.0653 0.0000 3.1243 0.0070 U Prob. Value 5.7922 0.1718 4.8157 0.0002 0.0873 1.4357 0.1716 –0.4097 –2.2275 0.0416 20.7640 3.5730 0.0028 LPGDP — — — –1.7057 –3.6024 0.0026 R-Squared = 0.97188 C Adjusted R-Squared = 0.96438 M 2 M 0.3487 LPGDP O LFD T-Statistic 4.7422 IA L LDEV Coefficient T-Statistic Prob. Value C Constant ER Variable SE Table 3. Long-run Results R-Squared = 0.983043 Adjusted R-Squared = 0.977391 S.E. of Regression = 0.014103 Akaike information Criterion = –5.1258 Akaike information Criterion = –5.4498 Schwarz Criterion = –4.8768 Schwarz Criterion = –5.15141 F-Statistic = 129.6287 F-Statistic = 173.9224 O T FO R S.E. of Regression = 0.01677 Prob(F-statistic) = 0.0000 Durbin-Watson = 1.502 Durbin-Watson = 1.592 N Prob(F-statistic) = 0.0000 is reasonable to improve income distribution in Bangladesh. It may be documented that devaluation has beneficial effect on income distribution. This strongly contradicts Alexander (1952) hypothesis. Findings are consistent with view claimed by Haughton and Kinh (2003) that devaluation benefits the poor class of population. Trade openness increases income inequality in the country. There is a positive link between trade openness and income inequality. This demonstrates that increased trade benefits the elite class rather than the poor.4 In the case of Bangladesh, the coefficient of FD suggests that financial sector development (easy access to credit for the private sector) increases income inequality, supporting the inequality-widening argument and rejecting the South Asian Survey, 19, 1 (2012): 61–77 70 Muhammad Shahbaz and Mohammad Mafizur Rahman IA L U SE inequality-narrowing hypotheses. It may be posited that income distribution is worsened by 0.35 per cent for every 1 per cent increase in credit to the private sector (FD). Inequality is significantly negatively associated with GDP per capita, suggesting that improvements in economic growth redistribute income and make the society more egalitarian. It is revealed that a 9 per cent growth rate will reduce income inequality by almost 3.6 per cent. Finally, linear term of real per capita GDP (PGDP) carries positive and significant estimate (significant at 1 per cent) and squared term (PGDP2) carries a negative and significant coefficient (significant at 1 per cent) supporting the Kuznets’ inverted-U hypothesis. The empirical estimation shows that income inequality increasing impact is greater than income inequality decreasing trend as shown by coefficients of linear and squared terms of PGDP. Table 4 confirms the short-run association between nominal devaluation and income inequality in the case of Bangladesh. This reports the short-run coefficient estimate which has been obtained from the ECM version of the ARDL model. The ecmt-1 coefficient indicates how quickly/slowly variables return to equilibrium C Table 4. Short-run Behaviour (2, 1, 1, 1, 1) DLGINIt–1 0.4964 0.7970 3.1171 0.0089 –3.3894 0.0054 2.2719 0.0423 0.1724 3.1765 0.0080 0.2343 0.7937 0.4428 –0.8936 –2.9069 0.0132 R T DLPGDP Prob. Value –0.2630 0.1952 FO DLTR T-Statistic –0.3924 C DLDEV DLFD ecmt–1 M –0.0033 M Coefficient Constant O Variable ER Dependent Variable = DLGINI N O R-squared = 0.79931 Adjusted R-squared = 0.69897 Mean dependent var = 0.01237 S.D. dependent var = 0.02332 S.E. of regression = 0.01279 Akaike information criterion = –5.60223 Sum squared residual = 0.00196 Schwarz criterion = –5.25427 Log likelihood = 60.2211 F-statistic = 7.9659 Prob(F-statistic) = 0.001255 Durbin-Watson stat = 1.726 South Asian Survey, 19, 1 (2012): 61–77 71 Does Nominal Devaluation Improve Income Distribution? FO R C O M M ER C IA L U SE and it should have a negative sign with high significance. The error correction term, ecmt-1, shows the speed of modification required to re-establish equilibrium in the short-run model. Bannerjee et al. (1998) argue that the error correction term is significant at the 5 per cent level of significance. The coefficient of ecmt–1 is equal to –0.8936 for the short-run model and implies that deviation from the long-term inequality is corrected by 89.36 per cent over each year. The lag length of the short-run model is selected on the basis of SBC. Table 4 demonstrates the short-run impacts of explanatory variables on the dependent variable. Income distribution is also deteriorated by its differenced lag by more than 0.49 per cent significantly. Nominal devaluation causes to improve income distribution in short span of time. This finding seems to reject the hypothesis by Lindert (1986) that nominal devaluation increases the cost of living of the impoverished people without an increase in their income. Increase in domestic credit to private sector is positively linked with income inequality. This indicates that development of financial sector increases income inequality in Bangladesh. The coefficient of trade openness also worsens income distribution. This empirical evidence supports the Leontief Paradox, that is, fruits of trade openness are being reaped up by elite class of population at the cost of poor segment of population in Bangladesh in the short run. Surprisingly, GDP per capita seems to increase income inequality insignificantly. These types of short-run dynamic impacts are maintained in the long run. The estimated value of correction coefficient value is –0.8936, which is significant at 5 per cent level and has the correct sign. This implies a fair speed of adjustment to the equilibrium level after a shock. Approximately, 89.36 per cent of disequilibrium from the previous year’s shock converges back to the long-run equilibrium in the current year. O T Sensitivity Analysis N Diagnostic tests for serial correlation, normality, autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity and heteroscedasticity are considered, and results are shown in Table 2. These tests show that the short-run model passes through all diagnostic tests except Ramsey reset test in the first stage. The results indicate that there is no evidence of autocorrelation and the model passes the test for normality. There is no existence of white heteroscedasticity and autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity in the model. Finally, when analysing the stability of the long-run coefficients together with the short-run dynamics, the cumulative sum (CUSUM) and the cumulative sum of squares (CUSUMsq) are applied. According to PSS (2001), the stability of the estimated coefficient of the error correction model should also be empirically investigated. A graphical representation of CUSUM and CUSUMsq is shown in Figures 1 and 2. Following Bahmani-Oskooee and Nasir (2004), the null hypothesis (i.e., that the regression equation is correctly specified) cannot be rejected, if the plot of these statistics South Asian Survey, 19, 1 (2012): 61–77 72 Muhammad Shahbaz and Mohammad Mafizur Rahman remains within the critical bounds of the 5 per cent significance level. As it is clear from Figures 1 and 2, the plots of both the CUSUM and the CUSUMsq are within the boundaries, and hence, these statistics confirm the stability of the long-run coefficients of regressors that affect the income distribution in the country. The stability of selected ARDL model specification can also be evaluated using the CUSUM and the CUSUMsq of the recursive residual test for the structural stability (Bahmani-Oskooee and Nasir 2004). The model appears to be stable and correctly specified, given that neither the CUSUM nor the CUSUMsq test statistics exceed the bounds at the 5 per cent level of significance (see Figures 1 and 2). SE 12 8 U 4 IA L 0 C –4 95 96 97 M 94 98 99 00 M –12 ER –8 02 03 04 05 04 05 5% Significance C O CUSUM 01 R Figure 1. Plot of Cumulative Sum of Recursive Residuals FO Note: The straight lines represent critical bounds at 5 per cent significance level. O T 1.6 N 1.2 0.8 0.4 0.0 –0.4 94 95 96 97 98 99 CUSUM of Squares 00 01 02 03 5% Significance Figure 2. Plot of Cumulative Sum of Squares of Recursive Residuals Note: The straight lines represent critical bounds at 5 per cent significance level. South Asian Survey, 19, 1 (2012): 61–77 73 Does Nominal Devaluation Improve Income Distribution? Conclusions IA L U SE The investigation of the correlation between economic growth and income inequality is one of the recent routes that have been followed to study the developments in income distribution. This scrutiny has invigorated old issues such as the Kuznets’ inverted-U curve (1955) in Bangladesh. This has also contributed to hot debates about the pattern of income distribution during the time of market liberalism. In this article, the impact of devaluation on income distribution has been discussed and investigated in the long run as well as in the short run. The empirical psychology has confirmed the existence of cointegration among the variables in our model. The estimated results reveal that nominal devaluation tends to improve income distribution in the country. Economic growth is negatively associated with income distribution while a non-linear link is found between both variables of the Kuznets’ inverted-U curve (1955). FD seems to worsen the income distribution in the country. Trade openness deteriorates income inequality as discussed in detail in Leontief Paradox. With regard to policy implications, the following points can be made based on the obtained results: N O T FO R C O M M ER C 1. Bangladesh government should devalue its currency to remain competitive in international market and to reduce income inequality. However, appropriate care must be taken to keep the domestic inflation low, and devaluation should not be continued for a long time (year after year) as it may have some adverse effects. 2. Attempts must be made to increase domestic production to meet increased demand and to reduce import dependency. 3. Government, business communities and non-government organisations should work hard and together to achieve higher growth as economic growth improves income distribution and thus makes the society more egalitarian. 4. Poor people and small and medium businesses/enterprises must have access to the institutional credit facilities to increase income equality. Microfinance institutions such as Grameen Bank, BRAC can play an important role in this regard. Bangladesh Agriculture Bank should provide easy term loan to the farmers, especially small farmers, as the economy is agri-dominant. This will improve the financial power of majority population which will, in turn, improve the income distribution of the country. 5. The economy should be opened phase by phase with careful consideration for its infant industries. Some sorts of protection are still needed to make the industries more viable and competitive, and to save the jobs of workers and poor people. This will improve income distribution of Bangladesh. Notes 1 As supported by Krugman and Taylor (1978). 2 We use log-linear modelling specification. Bowers and Pierce (1975) suggest that Ehrlich’s (1975) findings with a log-linear specification are sensitive to functional South Asian Survey, 19, 1 (2012): 61–77 74 Muhammad Shahbaz and Mohammad Mafizur Rahman form. However, Ehrlich (1977) and Layson (1983) argue on theoretical and empirical grounds that the log-linear form is superior to the linear form. Both Cameron (1994) and Ehrlich (1996) suggest that a log-linear form is more likely to find evidence of a deterrent effect than a linear form. This makes our results more favourable to the deterrence hypothesis. 3 Critical values generated by Narayan (2005) can also be compared with our calculated F-statistics for cointegration. 4 For more details, see Shahbaz et al. (2007). References N O T FO R C O M M ER C IA L U SE Ahluwalia, Montek S. 1974. ‘Income Inequality: Some Dimensions of the Problem’, in Hollis Burnley Chenery et al. (eds), Redistribution with Growth: Policies to Improve Income Distribution in Developing Countries in the Context of Economic Growth. New York: Oxford University Press, 3–37. Alexander, Sidney S. 1952. ‘Effects of Devaluation on a Trade Balance’, Staff Papers– International Monetary Fund 2 (2), April: 263–78. 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