08.10.2014, Page 1 / 26 Ramsar National Focal Points for Communication, Education, Participation, and Awareness (CEPA) Albania Government Focal Point - Ms Silvamina Alshabani, Expert of Protected Area and National Parks, Biodiversity Directorate, Sector of Protected Area and National Parks, Ministry of Environment, Rruga e Durrësit, Nr.27, 1000 Tirana, Tel +355 67 20 47 923, E-mail Silvamina.Alshabani[at]moe.gov.al Algeria Government Focal Point - Mlle Nadjiba Bendjedda, Bureau des Zones Humides, Direction Générale des Fôrets, BP n° 232, Chemin Doudou Mokhtar, Ben Aknoun, Alger 16036, Tel +213 21 91 52 86, Tel +213 5 55 45 32 82 NGO Focal Point - M Ahmed Bendahhou, Association pour la Protection et l'Amélioration de l'Environnement, Rue Khedim Slimane, Méchéria Wilaya Naama, Tel +213 49 77 61 39, Fax +213 49 77 61 39, Tel +213 7 73 17 28 65, E-mail antar1947[at]gmail.com NGO Focal Point - Mlle Souad Bouacida, Présidente, Association de promotion des femmes rurales - Skikda, Direction des services agricoles de Skikda, Rue Brahim Maiza, Wilaya de Skikda, 21000 Skikda, Tel +213 38 75 15 10, Fax +213 38 75 39 16, Tel +213 5 59 37 75 74, E-mail dsanouajaa[at]yahoo.fr Andorra Government Focal Point - Sra. Natàlia Rovira, Assessora del Departament de Medi Ambient, Ministeri de Turisme i Medi Ambient, Departament de Medi Ambient, c\ Prat de la Creu, 62-64, AD500 Andorra la Vella, Tel +376 875 707 x 1292, Fax +376 869 833, E-mail Natalia_Rovira[at]govern.ad Antigua and Barbuda Government Focal Point - Mr. Philmore James, Deputy Chief Fisheries Officer, Fisheries Division, Ministry of Agriculture, Lands,, Marine Resources and Agro Industry, Point Wharf Fisheries Complex, St. John's 00029, Antigua W.I., Tel +1 268 462 6106, Fax +1 268 462 1372, E-mail fisheriesantigua[at]gmail.com NGO Focal Point - Dr. Karron James, Presiden, Environment Awareness Group, Museum of Antigua and Barbuda, Long and Market Streets, St. John's, Tel +1 268 462 6236, Fax +1 268 773 1159, E-mail eag[at]candw.ag Argentina Government Focal Point - Sra. Sara Beatriz Sverlij, Asesora del Grupo de Trabajo de Recursos Acuáticos, Subsecretaría de Planificación y Política Ambiental, Secretaría de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sustentable, San Martín Nº 451, piso 2, of. 264, 1004 Buenos Aires, Tel +54 11 4348 8520, Fax +54 11 4348 8438, E-mail ssverlij[at]ambiente.gob.ar NGO Focal Point - Sra. Marta Inés Andelman, Coordinadora de Comunicación, Fundación Humedales / Wetlands International, 25 de Mayo 758 10 I, 1002 Buenos Aires, Tel +54 911 4531-7272, E-mail marta.andelman[at]gmail.com Page 1 / 26 08.10.2014, Page 2 / 26 Ramsar National Focal Points for Communication, Education, Participation, and Awareness (CEPA) Armenia Government Focal Point - Mr. Ashot Avalyan, Deputy Head of Administration, Ministry of Nature Protection, 5th Floor, 3rd Government House, Republic Square, Yerevan 0010, Tel +374 10 585 403, Fax +374 10 561 075, Tel +374 94 400 410, E-mail a_avalyan[at]mail.ru NGO Focal Point - Dr Susanna Hakobyan, Senior Researcher, Institute of Hydroecology and Ichthyology, Scientific Center for Zoology and Hydrobiology, 7 Paruyr Sevak St.,, 0037 Yerevan, Tel +374 10 207 591, Fax +374 10 207 591, Tel +374 91 921 541, E-mail susohakob[at]yahoo.com Australia Government Focal Point - Ms Jenny Tomkins, Assistant Director, Wetlands Policy and Legislation Section, DSEWPaC, GPO Box 787, Canberra ACT 2601, Tel +61 2 6274 2720, Fax +61 2 6274 2186, E-mail jenny.tomkins[at]environment.gov.au NGO Focal Point - Ms Christine Maria Prietto, Director, Hunter Wetlands Centre, 47 King Street, Stockton, NSW 2295, Tel +61 2 4928 2966, Fax +61 2 4950 1875, Tel +61 425 377 526, E-mail christine.prietto[at]gmail.com Austria Government Focal Point - Dr Gerhard Schwach, Ministry Expert, Nature Conservation & National Parks, Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment, and Water Management, Division I/8, Stubenbastei 5, 1010 Vienna, Tel +43 1 51522 1416, Fax +43 1 51522 7402, E-mail gerhard.schwach[at]bmlfuw.gv.at NGO Focal Point - Mag. Gernot Neuwirth, General Secretary, Naturschutzbund Österreich, Museumsplatz 2, 5020 Salzburg, Tel +43 662 642 909 20, Fax +43 662 643 734 4, E-mail gernot.neuwirth[at]naturschutzbund.at Azerbaijan Government Focal Point - Mr. Arzu B. Mustafayev, Director, Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources, Binagadi ave 13, Baku, Tel +994 12417 63 64, Fax +994 1785 6825, Tel +994 50235 63 63, E-mail arzu.mustafayev[at]rec-caucasus.org Bahamas Government Focal Point - Ms Samantha Miller, The Bahamas Environment, Science and Technology (BEST) Commission, P.O.Box N-7132, Nassau, Tel +1 242-322-4546, Fax +1 242-326-3509, E-mail bestnbs[at]bahamas.gov.bs NGO Focal Point - Ms Shelley Cant, Education Officer, The Bahamas National Trust, PO Box N-4105, The Retreat, Village Road, Nassau, Tel +1 242 393 1317, Fax +1 242 393 4978, E-mail scant[at]bnt.bs Page 2 / 26 08.10.2014, Page 3 / 26 Ramsar National Focal Points for Communication, Education, Participation, and Awareness (CEPA) Bahrain Government Focal Point - Ms Suhad Al-Shehabi, Environmental Specialist, Public Commission for the Protection of Marine Resources,, Environment and Wildlife, PO Box 32657, Isa Town, Tel +973 1 787 5150, Fax +973 1 787 4351, E-mail suhads[at]env.gov.bh NGO Focal Point - Dr Saeed Abdullah, President, Bahrain Natural History Society, PO Box 40266, Isa Town, Tel +973 1 764 0814, Fax +973 1 771 0678, E-mail saeed[at]alreem.com Bangladesh Government Focal Point - Mr. Md. Shafiqur Rahman Patwari, Secretary, Ministry of Environment and Forests, Building #6, Level 13, Room #1309, Bangladesh Secretariat, Dhaka 1000, Tel +88 02 95 40 481, Fax +88 02 95 40 210, E-mail secretary[at]moef.gov.bd Belarus Government Focal Point - Ms Natalia V. Minchenko, Head, Biological & Landscape Biodiversity Department, Ministry of Natural Resources & Environmental Protection, 10 Kollectornaya St., 220048 Minsk, Tel +375 17 200 53 34, Fax +375 17 200 72 42, E-mail n_minchenko[at]tut.by NGO Focal Point - Mr. Yuri V. Solovjev, Chairman of Council, Ecological Initiative, Ministry of Natural Resources & Environmental Protection, 10, Str. Kollektornaya, office 537, 220048 Minsk, Tel +375 17 306 53 67, Fax +375 17 306 53 67, E-mail ecoin[at]tut.by Belize Government Focal Point - Mr. Ismael Fabro, Chief Environmental Officer, Department of Environment, Ambergris Avenue, Belmopan, Tel +501 822 2616, Fax +501 822 2862, E-mail envirodept[at]btl.net Bolivia (Plurinational State of) Government Focal Point - Ing. Teresa Araleny Chávez Pérez, Directora General, División Biodiversidad y Areas Protegidas, Viceministerio de Medio Ambiente y Agua, Plaza España Edif. Barcelona Piso 6 - Sopocachi, La Paz, Tel +591 2 212 42 21, Fax +591 2 214 6371, E-mail teresaaralenyperez[at]gmail.com NGO Focal Point - Ing. Teresa Araleny Chávez Pérez, Directora General, División Biodiversidad y Areas Protegidas, Viceministerio de Medio Ambiente y Agua, Plaza España Edif. Barcelona Piso 6 - Sopocachi, La Paz, Tel +591 2 212 42 21, Fax +591 2 214 6371, E-mail teresaaralenyperez[at]gmail.com Botswana Government Focal Point - Ms Dolina Malepa, Chief Natural Resources Officer, Ministry of Environment, Wildlife and Tourism, Department of Environmental Affairs, Private Bag 0068, Gaborone, Tel +267 390 2050, Fax +267 390 2051, E-mail dmalepa[at]gov.bw NGO Focal Point - Mr. Felix Monggae, Chief Executive Officer, Kalahari Conservation Society, PO box 859, Plot 112, Independence Avenue, Gaborone, Tel +267 397 4557, Fax +267 391 4259, E-mail felixMonggae[at]kcs.org.bw Page 3 / 26 08.10.2014, Page 4 / 26 Ramsar National Focal Points for Communication, Education, Participation, and Awareness (CEPA) Brazil Government Focal Point - Mr. Jader Alves Oliveira, Ministry of the Environment, Secretariat for Institutional Coordination and Citizenship, Esplanada dos Ministérios, Bloco B, 9 Andar, CEP 70.068.900, Brazilia DF, Tel +55 61 2066 1560, E-mail n_blankalex.bernal[at]mma.gov.br Bulgaria Government Focal Point - Ms Aylin Hasan, Chief Expert, National Nature Protection Service, Ministry of Environment and Water, 22 Maria Louisa Blvd., 1000 Sofia, Tel +359 2 940 6103, Fax +359 2 940 6127, E-mail ahasan[at]moew.government.bg NGO Focal Point - Ms Neli Arabadzhieva, Communications officer, Green Balkans NGO, 1 Skopie Str. Floor 1, office 9 and 10, Plovdiv 4004, Tel +359 884257711, Fax +359 896614312, Tel +359 88 425 7711, E-mail narabadzhieva[at]greenbalkans.org Burkina Faso Government Focal Point - M Valentin Tiendega, Directeur Général, Direction Générale des Forêts et de la Faune, 03 BP 7044, Ouagadougou 03, Tel +226 50 35 60 34, Tel +226 70 23 07 40, E-mail tvalentinp[at]yahoo.fr NGO Focal Point - Mr. Patrice T. Da, Chargé de Communication, Fondation des Amis de la Nature (NATURAMA), 01 BP 6133, Ouagadougou 01, Tel +226 503 732 40/62, Fax +226 503 728 86, E-mail info[at]naturama.bf Cambodia Government Focal Point - Dr Sunleang Srey, Director, Department of Wetlands and Coastal Zones, Ministry of Environment, #48, Preah Sihanouk St., Tonle Bassac, Khan Chamcarmon, Khan Chamkarmon, Phnom Penh, Tel +855 61 333 456, Fax +855 232 165 10, Tel +855 77 333 456 or +855 86 333 456, E-mail kampongspeu[at]yahoo.com NGO Focal Point - Mr. Vorsak Bou, Cambodia Programme Manager, BirdLife International in Indochina - Cambodia Programme, # 9, Street 29, Tonle Basac, Chamkar Morn, PO Box: 2686, Phnom Penh, Tel +855 23 993 631, Fax +855 23 993 631, Tel +855 12 222 073, E-mail vorsak[at]birdlifecambodia.org Cameroon Government Focal Point - M Marc Gabriel Lima Mahop, Assistant, chargé d'études, Direction des Normes et du Contrôle, Ministère de l'Environnement et Protection de la Nature, et du Développement Durable, Route Mvog Bi, avant monté Zoé, Immeuble siege CIDE, Yaoundé, Tel +237 99 88 92 04, E-mail limamahop[at]yahoo.fr NGO Focal Point - Mme Yapelle Bessem, Ministère de l'Environnement, de la Protection de la Nature, et du Développement Durable, B.P. 493, Yaoundé Cape Verde Government Focal Point - Ms Ana Veiga, Biologist (GEF Focal Point / Ramsar Focal Point), Directorate General of Environment, Achada Santo António, C.P - 332-A, Cidade da Praia, Ilha de Santiago, Tel +238 261 8984, Fax +238 261 7511, Tel +238 951 4012, E-mail veiga.anav[at]gmail.com Page 4 / 26 08.10.2014, Page 5 / 26 Ramsar National Focal Points for Communication, Education, Participation, and Awareness (CEPA) Central African Republic Government Focal Point - Mr. Serge Maxime Kolika, Chef de Service d'Etudes d'Impact Environnemental, Ministère de l'Environnement et de l'Ecologie, BP 686, Bangui, Tel +236 75 04 71 69, E-mail emkolika[at]yahoo.fr NGO Focal Point - M Patrice Passe-Sanand, Secrétaire exécutif, Géographe, Organisation Centrafricaine pour, la Défense de la Nature, BP 3259, Bangui, Tel +236 7097 3129, Tel +236 75 56 47 02, E-mail passesanand[at]yahoo.fr Chile Government Focal Point - Sr Juan Carlos Torres-Mura, Investigador, Museo Nacional de Historia Natural, Quinta Normal S/N Interior, Santiago - Chile, Casilla 787, Santiago, Tel +56 2 680 46 00, Fax +56 2 680 46 02, E-mail jtorres[at]mnhn.cl China Government Focal Point - Ms Yan Fang, Division Chef, The Convention on Wetlands Management Office, State Forestry Administration, 18 Hepingli Dongjie, Dongcheng District, 100714 Beijing, Tel +86 10 84239335, Fax +86 10 84239335, E-mail ramsarfang[at]hotmail.com NGO Focal Point - Ms Lei Wang, Freshwater Officer, WWF China Programme Office, #1609 Wenhuagong, Laodong Renmin Wenhuagong Dongmen, Beijing 100006, Tel +8610 6511 6222, Fax +8610 6511 6222, E-mail Lwang[at]wwfchina.org Colombia Government Focal Point - Ms Marcela Moncada, Subdirectora, Oficina de Educación y Participación, Ministerio de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sostenible, Calle 37 # 8-40, Piso 2, Santafé de Bogotá, D.C., Tel +57 1 332 3400, Fax +57 1 288 9816, E-mail marmoncada[at]minambiente.gov.co NGO Focal Point - Director Ejecutivo, Fundación Humedal La Conejera, Carrera 135 D # 153-14, Oficina 202, Bogotá D.C., Tel +571 688 0768, Fax +571 535 0977, E-mail humedalconejera[at]yahoo.com Comoros Government Focal Point - M Said Mmadi Abdallah, Direction Générale de l'environnement et des forêts, BP N°41, Moroni, Tel +2696 3284448, E-mail bedja8[at]yahoo.fr NGO Focal Point - M Hachime Abderemane, Directeur Exécutif, ONG Ulanga, BP 514, Moroni, Tel +269 333 65 08, E-mail hachimeabder[at]gmail.com Page 5 / 26 08.10.2014, Page 6 / 26 Ramsar National Focal Points for Communication, Education, Participation, and Awareness (CEPA) Congo Government Focal Point - M Joseph Ganongo, Chef de Bureau qualité de vie à l'Environnement, Direction Générale de l'environnement, Ministère de l'Economie Fôrestière et du Developpement Durable, Bp 98 (Face Blanche GOMES), Brazzaville, Tel +242 6.995.59.19, E-mail josephganongo[at]yahoo.fr NGO Focal Point - M Isaac Moussa, Président, Alliance Nationale pour la Nature (ANN), BP 5697, Brazzaville, Tel +242 556 54 43, Fax +242 556 54 43, E-mail is-moussa[at]voila.fr Costa Rica Government Focal Point - Sra Lilliana Piedra Castro, Universidad Nacional, Escuela de Ciencias Biológicas, Apdo 86-3000, Heredia, Tel +506 2548 0037, Fax +506 2548 0035, E-mail lpiedra[at]una.ac.cr NGO Focal Point - Dra. Melissa Marín Cabrera, Fundación para la Gestión Ambiental Participativa, FUNGAP-Grupo Antigua, 1350-99 San Sebastián, San José, Tel +506 280 6609, Fax +506 573 5603, Tel +1 506 8386 1886; +1 506 34 626 0450 22, E-mail mmarincr[at]gmail.com Côte d'Ivoire Government Focal Point - Commandant Elvire Joëlle Zouzou-Mailly, Directeur, Direction de la Faune et des Ressources Cynégétiques, Ministère des Eaux et Forêts, BPV 178, Abidjan 01, Tel +225 20 21 07 00, Fax +225 20 21 09 90, Tel +225 0778 09 25/01 98 22 23, E-mail elzouz[at]yahoo.fr NGO Focal Point - Dr Wadja Mathieu Egnankou, Président, ONG SOS Forêts, 22 BP 582, Abidjan 22, Tel +225 07 76 92 02, E-mail wadjaegnankou[at]hotmail.com Cuba Government Focal Point - DraC. Odalys Caridad Goicochea Cardoso, Directora, Dirección de Medio Ambiente, Calle Línea No 8, entre N y O, Plaza de la Revolución, La Habana, Tel +537 835 5561(ext.129), E-mail goicochea[at]citma.cu NGO Focal Point - Sr. Angel Valdez Mujica, Presidente, Pronaturaleza (ONG), Inmoviliaria HIDI e/ Desamparado y Dama, Ciudad Habana, Tel +537 860 2655, E-mail pro_naturaleza[at]gte-bh.cu Cyprus Government Focal Point - Ms Elena Stylianopoulou, Senior Environment Officer, Department of Environment, Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources & Environment, 1498 Nicosia, Tel +357 22 408 929, Fax +357 22 774 945, E-mail estylianopoulou[at]environment.moa.gov.cy Czech Republic Government Focal Point - Dr Libuse Vlasáková, Ramsar Administrative Authority, NFP, Department of Species Protection & Implementation of, International Commitments Ministry of Environment, Vrsovická 1442/65, 100 10 Prague 10, Tel +420 267 122 372, Fax +420 267 310 328, Tel +420 72 41 50 503, E-mail libuse.vlasakova[at]mzp.cz Page 6 / 26 08.10.2014, Page 7 / 26 Ramsar National Focal Points for Communication, Education, Participation, and Awareness (CEPA) Democratic Republic of Congo Government Focal Point - M Louis Lungu, Chef de Division, Ministere de l'Environnement,Conservation de la Nature et Tourisme, Direction des Ressources en Eau, Av. Pumbu n. 35, Kinshasa/ Gombe, Tel +243 0 998472531, E-mail lungumalutshi[at]gmail.com NGO Focal Point - M Josué Aruna, Société Civile Environnementale et Agro-Rural du Congo, 90, avenue kibombo, Commune Ibanda, Ville de Bukavu Sud Kvu, Tel +243 0 994013754, Fax +243 0 853736270, E-mail josuearuna[at]gmail.com Denmark Government Focal Point - Mr. Lars Lundgaard Dinesen, Head of Section, Nature Planning and Biodiversity Section, Danish Ministry of Environment, Danish Nature Agency, Haraldsgade 53, 2100 Copenhagen Ø, Tel +45 72 54 4830, Tel +45 21 796 230, E-mail ladin[at]nst.dk NGO Focal Point - Mr. Knud Flensted, Conservation Officer, Dansk Ornitologisk Forening, BirdLife Denmark, Vesterbrogade 140, 1620 Copenhagen V, Tel +45 3331 44 04, Fax +45 3331 24 35, E-mail Knud.Flensted[at]dof.dk Denmark Government Focal Point - Mr. Andreas Lysholt Mathiasen, Advisor, Ministry of Environment and Nature, Imaneq 1A. 8th Floor, 3900 Nuuk, Greenland, Tel +299 345466, E-mail alma[at]nanoq.gl NGO Focal Point - Mr. Knud Flensted, Conservation Officer, Dansk Ornitologisk Forening, BirdLife Denmark, Vesterbrogade 140, 1620 Copenhagen V, Tel +45 3331 44 04, Fax +45 3331 24 35, E-mail Knud.Flensted[at]dof.dk Dominican Republic Government Focal Point - Lic. Ramona Checo, Direccion de Educacion Ambiental, Ministerio de Medio Ambiente, Avenida Luperón, Esquina Calletano Germosén, Santo Domingo, Tel +1 809 5674300 (ext. 7491), Fax +1 809 567 4300, E-mail ramona.checo[at]ambiente.gob.do NGO Focal Point - Lic. Yvonne Arias, Directora Ejecutiva, Grupo Jaragua, inc., Calle El Vergel No. 33, Ensanche el Vergel, Santo Domingo, Tel +809 472 1036, Fax +809 412 1667, E-mail yvonne.arias2[at]gmail.com Ecuador Government Focal Point - MS Fernanda Coello, Ing. Forestal, Ministerio del Ambiente, Calle Madrid 1159 y Andalucía, 4º piso, Quito, Tel +593 2 3987600 (ext. 1403), Fax +593 2 3987600 (ext. 1401), E-mail delia.coello[at]ambiente.gob.ec NGO Focal Point - Ms Daniela Cruz, Lic. Ciencias Biológicas. Master Desarrollo Sostenible, manejo de recursos naturales, Centro de Educación y Promoción Popular CEPP, Eduardo Salazar Gómez N36-04 y Juan de Dios Martínez, CP: 170135, N36-04 y Juan de Dios Martínez, Tel +593 2 2248090, E-mail daniela.cruz[at]ceppecuador.org Page 7 / 26 08.10.2014, Page 8 / 26 Ramsar National Focal Points for Communication, Education, Participation, and Awareness (CEPA) Egypt Government Focal Point - Mr. Adel Abd Alla Soliman, Information Technology & Public Awareness Officer, Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency, 30 Misr Helwan El-Zyrae Rd., 7th Floor, PO Box 11728, Maadi, Cairo, Tel +20 2 2527 4700, Fax +20 2 2527 4700, Tel +20 2 010 339 2756, E-mail adelnbu[at]yahoo.com NGO Focal Point - Mr. Gabriel Mikhail, CEPA Expert, IMAGE HOUSE, 13 Road 9, Maadi, Cairo, Tel +202 380 6527, Fax +202 380 6527, E-mail helpdesk[at]egyptcd.com El Salvador Government Focal Point - Ingeniera Rosalba Alvarenga, Técnica en humedales, Especialidad en Comunicación, Educación, Concienciación y Participación, Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales, Col. y Calle Las Mercedes, Anexo Ista, San Salvador, Tel +503 2132 9922, Fax +503 2132 9420, E-mail rparada[at]marn.gob.sv Estonia Government Focal Point - Ms Maris Kivistik, Head, Environmental Education Department, Environmental Board, Narva mnt 7a, 15172 Tallinn, Tel +372 7821841, Tel +372 518 3249, E-mail Maris.Kivistik[at]keskkonnaamet.ee NGO Focal Point - Ms Marika Kose, Member of the Board, Estonian Wetland Society, Pärnu mnt 40, 86001 Häädemeeste, Tel +372 56 56 13 73, E-mail marika.kose[at]mail.ee Finland Government Focal Point - Sari Airas, Senior Advisor, Metsähallitus Natural Heritage Services, Jukupolku 5, 85100 Kalajoki, Tel +358 40 5016127, Tel +358 40 501 6127, E-mail sari.airas[at]metsa.fi NGO Focal Point - Mr. Hannu Klemola, Conservation, Finnish Association for Nature Conservation, Luonnonsuojelukeskus, Martinkatu 5, 20810 Turku, Tel +358 2 2355255, Tel +358 40 3725301, E-mail varsinais-suomi[at]sll.fi France Government Focal Point - Mme Ghislaine Ferrere, Chargée de mission zones humides et convention de Ramsar, Bureau des milieux aquatiques (EN4), Ministère de l'écologie, du développement durable et de l'énergie, DGALIN/ Direction de l'Eau et de la Biodiversité, Arche de la Défense, Paroi Sud, 7ème étage, 92055 La Défense Cedex, Tel +33 1 40 81 31 30, E-mail Ghislaine.Ferrere[at]developpement-durable.gouv.fr NGO Focal Point - M Grégoire Macqueron, Chargé de mission Zones humides, Société nationale de protection de la nature, 9 rue Cels, 75014 Paris, Tel +33 1 43 20 15 39, Fax +33 1 43 20 15 71, E-mail zhi-gzh[at]snpn.fr Page 8 / 26 08.10.2014, Page 9 / 26 Ramsar National Focal Points for Communication, Education, Participation, and Awareness (CEPA) Gabon Government Focal Point - M Jean François Allogho, Chargé d'Etudes, Direction de l'Environnement et de la nature, BP 3903, Libreville, Tel +241 05 19 54 60, E-mail jf_allux[at]yahoo.com NGO Focal Point - M Constant Allogho, Responsable, Centre d'Action pour le Développement Durable, et l'Environnement, BP 5496, Libreville, Tel +241 06 11 95 07, Tel +241 07 35 20 74, E-mail allogoba[at]yahoo.fr Gambia Government Focal Point - Mr. Kawsu Jammeh, Cadet Wildlife Officer, Department of Parks & Wildlife Management, Ministry of Environment,Climate Change,Water and Wildlife, GIEPA House,Kairaba Avenue, Banjul, Tel +220 759 90 86, Fax +220 308 05 30, E-mail kjammehsopee[at]yahoo.com NGO Focal Point - Mr. Babucarr Mbai, Stay Green Foundation, Kanuma village, Niumi District, Tel +220 9946991, Fax +220 7748234 Germany Government Focal Point - Dr. Christiane Schell, Federal Agency for Nature Conservation, Konstantinstraße 110, 53179 Bonn, Tel +49 228 8491 1710, Fax +49 228 8491 1709, E-mail Christiane.Schell[at]bfn.de NGO Focal Point - Mr. Stefan Stübing, Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten e.V., An den Speichern 4a, 48157 Münster, Tel +49 6008 918 241, Fax +49 6008 918 465, Tel +49 175 402 6540, E-mail stefan.stuebing[at]dda-web.de Ghana Government Focal Point - Mr Joseph Yaaw Oppong, Wildlife Division of Forestry Commission, Wildlife Division of Forestry Commission, Ministries Post Office, Accra, Tel +233 244 090 974, Fax +233 206 111 418, E-mail joseoppong[at]yahoo.com NGO Focal Point - Mr Reuben Ottou, Ghana Wildlife Society, PO Box 13252, Accra, Tel +233 244 893528, E-mail reubenott[at]yahoo.co.uk Guatemala Government Focal Point - Mr. Oskar Valenzuela, Director, Depto. Educacion y Fomento Consejo Nacional de Áreas Protegidas, Consejo Nacional de Areas Protegidas, 5ta calle 6-06 zona 1 Edificio IPM 5to – 7mo nivel, Ciudad de Guatemala, Tel +502 24226700, Fax +502 22534141, E-mail ovalenzuela[at]conap.gob.gt Guinea Government Focal Point - M Bakary Keita, Ingénieur des Eaux et Forêts, Direction Nationale des Eaux et Forêts, Ministère de l'Environnement, BP 624, Conakry, Tel +224 60 30 03 72, E-mail bakeita2002[at]yahoo.fr NGO Focal Point - Ibrahima Sory Conte, ONG Guinée-Ecologie, Bati. 210, Rue D1 501 Dixinn, BP 3266, Conakry, Tel +224 62 51 46 14 Page 9 / 26 08.10.2014, Page 10 / 26 Ramsar National Focal Points for Communication, Education, Participation, and Awareness (CEPA) Honduras Government Focal Point - Ing. Kessel Rosales, Dirección de Gestión Ambiental DGA, Col. Tepeyac, Avenida Juan Manuel Galves, Tegucigalpa, Tel +504 2235 9823, Fax +504 2235 9792, E-mail serna_dga[at]yahoo.es NGO Focal Point - Ing. Ana Paz, Coordinadora FUCSA, Bo. El Centro, Calle 11, Entre Avenida San Isidro y Avenida La República,, Frente a Edificio Lovable, Bazar y Cafetería Claudia, donde antiguamente era la DNIC, Segunda Planta, Edificio color Crema, Tel +504 2443 0329, E-mail pazana30[at]yahoo.es Hungary Government Focal Point - Mr. Botond Bakó, Department for Nature Conservation, Ministry of Agriculture, Kossuth Lajos tér 11, 1055 Budapest, Tel +36 1 795 2399, Fax +36 1 795 0080, E-mail zoltan.botond.bako[at]fm.gov.hu NGO Focal Point - Mr. László Musicz, Által-ér Association, Erzsébet királyné tér 13, 2890 Tata, Tel +36 34 383 393, Fax +36 34 588 620, E-mail fabalis[at]gmail.com Iceland Government Focal Point - Ms Hildur Vésteinsdóttir, Advisor, Environment Agency of Iceland, Borgum við Norðurslóð, 600 Akureyri, Tel +345 5912000, Fax +354 5912020, E-mail hildurv[at]Umhverfisstofnun.is NGO Focal Point - Guðmundur Ingi Guðbrandsson, COE, Landvernd, Icelandic Environment Association, Skúlatún 6, 105 Reykjavík, Tel +354 552 5242, E-mail landvernd[at]landvernd.is India Government Focal Point - Dr Shri Brijesh Sikka, Adviser, Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India, Paryavaran Bhawan, GCO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi 110 003, Tel +91 11 2436 5020, E-mail b_sikka[at]yahoo.com NGO Focal Point - Dr P. A. Azeez, Director, Salim Ali Centre for Ornithology & Natural History, (SACON), Anaikatty P.O., Coimbatore 641 108, Tel +91 422 265 7101, Fax +91 422 265 7086, E-mail salimalicentre[at]gmail.com Indonesia Government Focal Point - Dr.Ir. Bambang Dahono Adji, Director, Ministry of Forestry, Manggala Wanabakti Blok 1 / Lt. 3, Jl. Gatot Subroto,, Senayan, Jakarta Pusat 10270, Tel +62 21 570 4501 04, Fax +62 21 572 0229, Tel +62 811 834 472, E-mail lahanbasah[at]gmail.com NGO Focal Point - Mr. Nyoman Suryadiputra, Program Director, Wetlands International-Indonesia Program, Jl. Ahmad Yani No. 53, Bogor 16161, West Java, Tel +62 251 831 2189, Fax +62 251 832 5775, E-mail nyoman[at]wetlands.or.id Page 10 / 26 08.10.2014, Page 11 / 26 Ramsar National Focal Points for Communication, Education, Participation, and Awareness (CEPA) Iran (Islamic Republic of) Government Focal Point - Mr. Arezu Ashrafizadeh, Senior Wetlands Expert, Natural Environment and Biodiversity Section, Department of the Environment, Pardisan Eco-Park, Shahid Hemmat Highway, PO Box 5181, Tehran 15875, Tel +98 21 8823 3241, Fax +98 21 8826 9294, Tel +98 91 2358 1474, E-mail a_ashrafizadeh[at]yahoo.com Iraq Government Focal Point - Mr. Tahseen Ali Mohammed Reem Naeem Abdalnabi, Center for Restoration of Iraqi Marshes and wetlands (CRIM), Ministry of Water Resources, Al-Nidhal Street, Baghdad, Tel +964 790 128 0913, E-mail ramcepa.iq12[at]yahoo.com NGO Focal Point - Mr. Jassim Mohammed Al-Asadi, Director, Chybaish Office, Nature Iraq, Main Road, Near Chibayish police center, Thi-Qar-Chybaish, Tel +964 780 531 4413, Tel +964 770 281 6201, E-mail jassim.alasadi[at]natureiraq.org Israel Government Focal Point - Ms Tammy Keren-Rotem, Director, Environmental Education Programme, Nature and Parks Authority, 3 Am Ve'Olamo St, Givat Shaul, 95463 Jerusalem, Tel +972 2 500 5400, Fax +972 2 652 9232, E-mail tammyk[at]npa.org.il NGO Focal Point - Ms Orit Skutelsky, Coordinator of Water and Streams, Environmental Protection Division, Society for the Protection of Nature, 2 Hanegev St.,, Tel Aviv 66186, Tel +972 3 638 8744, Fax +972 3 639 0580, E-mail orit.skutel[at]gmail.com Italy Government Focal Point - Italian Ministry for the Environment and Territory and Sea, Via Cristoforo Colombo, 44, 00147 Rome, Tel +39 06 57223428, Fax +39 06 57223470, E-mail pnm- div4[at]minambiente.it Jamaica Government Focal Point - Ms Dionne Rose, Manager, Public Education and Corporate Communications Branch, National Environment and Planning Agency, 10 & 11 Caledonia Avenue, Kingston 5, Tel +1 876 754 7540, Fax +1 876 754 7595, E-mail dionne.rose[at]nepa.gov.jm NGO Focal Point - Ms Ingrid Parchment, Caribbean Coastal Area Management Foundation, PO Box 33, Lionel Town, Clarendon, Tel +1 876 986 3327, Tel +1 876 986 3956, E-mail iparchment[at]yahoo.com Japan Government Focal Point - Ms Kaori Tsujita, Section Chief, Wildlife Division, Nature Conservation Bureau, Ministry of the Environment, Kasumigaseki 1-2-2, Chiyoda-Ku, Tokyo 100-8975, Tel +81 3 5521 8284, Fax +81 3 3581 7090, E-mail kaori_tsujita [at]env.go.jp NGO Focal Point - Ms Miki Sasaki, Secretary General, Wetlands International - Japan, 6F NCC Ningyocho Building, 3-7-3 Ningyo-cho, Nihonbashi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-0013, Tel +81 3 5614 2150, Fax +81 3 6806 4187, E-mail info[at]wi-japan.org Page 11 / 26 08.10.2014, Page 12 / 26 Ramsar National Focal Points for Communication, Education, Participation, and Awareness (CEPA) Kazakhstan Government Focal Point - Mr. Khairbek Shahvalievich Mussabayev, Vice-Chairman, Committee on Forestry and Hunting Management, Ministry of Agriculture, House of Ministries, entrance No5, Orenburgskaya str., 010000 Astana city, Tel +7 7172 74 28 35, Fax +7 7172 74 28 35, Tel +7 701 727 64 88; +7 701 723 79 29, E-mail cites[at]minagri.kz NGO Focal Point - Dr Sergey Sklyarenko, Conservation and Science Director, Association for Conservation of Biodiversity of Kazakhstan, (ACBK), Off. 203, 40, Orbita-1, 050043 Almaty, Tel +7 272 220 38 77, Fax +7 272 220 38 77, Tel +7 701 350 8749, E-mail sergey.sklyarenko[at]acbk.kz Kenya Government Focal Point - Ms Jane M. Macharia, Research Scientist/ Wetlands Programme Coordinator, National Museums of Kenya, Wetlands & Marine Department, P.O Box 40658, Nairobi 00100, Tel +254 2 3742 164, Fax +254 2 741 424, Tel +254 722 473 410, E-mail jmacharia[at]museums.or.ke NGO Focal Point - Mr. Hadley Becha, Director, Community Action for Nature Conservation, PO box 13642, Nairobi 00800, Tel +254 728 607 519, Fax +254 72 068 8634, E-mail becha.canco[at]gmail.com Kyrgyzstan Government Focal Point - Ms Nazgul Turdumatova, Chief specialist, Biodiversity and Protected Areas Department, State Agency on Environment Protection & Forestry, 228 Toktogul str., Bishkek 720001, Tel +996 312 564 195, Tel +996 770 410 091, E-mail nazgultk[at]hotmail.com Lao People's Democratic Republic Government Focal Point - Ms Chithanom Ounsida, Head, Environmental Promotion Division, Department of Environment - WREA, Prime Minister's Office, Vientiane, Tel +856 21 218 712, Fax +856 21 218 712, Tel +856 20 9996 1390, E-mail chithanom[at]gmail.com NGO Focal Point - Mr Raphaël Glémet, Senior Programme Officer, Water and Wetlands, Natural Resources Group, Asia, C/o IUCN Lao PDR Country Office, 326/25 Sibounheuang 26 Rd, Ban Sibounheuang, Chanthabouly District, P.O. Box 4340, Vientiane, Tel +856 21 216 401 (Ext. 110), Fax +856 21 216 127 NGO Focal Point - Mr. Banethom Thepsombath, Program Officer (MEAs), IUCN Lao PDR, PO Box 4340, 082/01 Fa Ngum Road, Ban Watt Chan, Vientiane, Tel +856 21 216 401, Fax +856 21 216 127, Tel +856 20 569 6986, E-mail banethom.thepsombath[at]iucn.org Latvia Government Focal Point - Ms Skaidrite Ruskule, Director, The Nature History Museum of Latvia, K. Barona Str. 4, 1712 Riga, Tel +371 6735 6023, Fax +371 6760 3100, E-mail skaidrite.ruskule[at]dabasmuzejs.gov.lv Page 12 / 26 08.10.2014, Page 13 / 26 Ramsar National Focal Points for Communication, Education, Participation, and Awareness (CEPA) Lesotho Government Focal Point - Mr. Molefe Mokhatla, Department of Water Affairs - Wetlands Unit, Ministry of Natural Resources, PO Box 772, Maseru 100, Tel +266 22 312 383, Fax +266 2231 7516, E-mail mlfmokhatla42[at]gmail.com NGO Focal Point - Mr. Thato Konstabole, Lesotho Council of Non Governmental Organisations, Private Bag A445, Maseru 100, Tel +266 22317205, Fax +266 58081751, E-mail aenrc[at]lcn.org.ls Liberia Government Focal Point - Ms Eunice N. Dagbe, Environmental Protection Agency, PO Box 4024, 4th Street Tubman Blvd. Sinkor, 1000 Monrovia 10, Tel +231 886 523797, Fax +231 7 703 2175, Tel +231 6 523 797, E-mail dagbeeunice[at]yahoo.com NGO Focal Point - Mr. Michael F. Garbo, Society for the Conservation of Nature for Liberia (SCNL), Monrovia Zoo, Lakpazee, SCNL Box 2628, 1000 Monrovia 10, Tel +231 657 2377, Tel +231 886 573612, E-mail formicgar[at]yahoo.com Libya Government Focal Point - Mr. Mohamed O. Saeed, Environment General Authority, Elbaida, Tel +218 924 328 097, E-mail Mohamed.elbarassi[at]hotmail.com NGO Focal Point - Mr. Othman Mukhtar Al Amin Mohamed, Friends of the Desert Environment, Protection of Monuments and Wildlife Society, Sabha, Tel +218 923 349 868, E-mail Othman860[at]yahoo.com Libya Government Focal Point - Mr. Mohamed Abubaker Abuzanin, Researcher, Protected Areas Section, Natural Conservation Department, Environment General Authority, PO Box 83618 Tripoli, Algehran, Tripoli, Tel +218 21 487 3764, Fax +218 21 487 2160, Tel +218 91 372 0980, E-mail abuzenine[at]yahoo.com NGO Focal Point - Mr. Othman Mukhtar Al Amin Mohamed, Friends of the Desert Environment, Protection of Monuments and Wildlife Society, Sabha, Tel +218 923 349 868, E-mail Othman860[at]yahoo.com Liechtenstein Government Focal Point - MSc Oliver Müller, Leiter der Abteilung Natur und Landschaft, Office of Environment, Dr. Grass-Strasse 12, P.O. Box 684, 9490 Vaduz, Tel +423 236 6409, Fax +423 236 6411, E-mail Oliver.Mueller[at]llv.li NGO Focal Point - Ms Monika Gstöhl, Director, Liechtensteinische Gesellschaft für Umweltschutz, Dorfstrasse 46, 9491 Ruggell, Tel +423 232 52 62, E-mail monika.gstoehl[at]lgu.li Page 13 / 26 08.10.2014, Page 14 / 26 Ramsar National Focal Points for Communication, Education, Participation, and Awareness (CEPA) Madagascar Government Focal Point - MS Fara Mihanta Andriambelo, Ministère de l'Environnement, de l'Ecologie et des Forêts, BP 243, Nanisana -101- Antananarivo, Tel +261 34 73 085 83, E-mail mihanta.dcbsap[at]mef.gov.mg NGO Focal Point - Ms Voninavoko Raminoarisoa, Asity Madagascar, BP 1074, Antananarivo 101, Tel +261 33 12 047 37, E-mail vonyr[at]birdlife-mada.org Malawi Government Focal Point - Mr. Ramosh M. Jiah, Deputy Director, Department of National Parks and Wildlife, Ministry of Information and Tourism, PO Box 30131, Lilongwe 3, Tel +265 1 759 832, Fax +265 1 759 832, Tel +265888 834 220, E-mail dpw[at]wildlifemw.net NGO Focal Point - Mr. Gervazio Thamala, The Wildlife and Environmental Society of Malawi, Private Bag 578, Limbe, Tel +265 1 643 502, Fax +265 1 643 765, Tel +265 888 357 893, E-mail wesm-hq[at]africa-online.net Malaysia Government Focal Point - Wan Hasmah Binti Wan Mohd, Under Secretary, Division of Biodiversity & Forestry Management, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MoNRE), Level 12, Wisma Sumber Asli, No. 25 Persiaran Perdana, Precint 4, 62574 Putrajaya, Tel +603 8886 1442, Fax +603 8888 4505, Tel +60 19 233 3944, E-mail hasmah.nre[at]1govuc.gov.my NGO Focal Point - Mr. Choong Hay Wong, Wetlands Preogramme Manager, Malaysian Nature Society (MNS), JKR 641, Jalan Kelantan, Bukit Persekutuan, 50480 Kuala Lumpur, Tel +603 2287 9422, Fax +603 2287 8773, E-mail conservation2[at]mns.org.my Mali Government Focal Point - M Amidou Traore, Chef de Département, Gestion de l'Information Environnementale, Agence de l?environnement et du Développement Durable, BP 2357, Rue 311, Porte 328, Bamako, Tel 223 20231074, Fax +223 20235867, Tel +223 66784407, E-mail amtraore22[at]yahoo.fr NGO Focal Point - M Moriba Nomoko, Président, Association Malienne pour la Conservation de la Faune, et de l'Environnement, AMCFE BP 2921, Bamako, Tel +223 20285179, Fax +223 223 51 79, Tel +223 66718233, E-mail amcfe[at]afribonemali.net Marshall Islands Government Focal Point - Mr. Julian Alik, Chief, Education, Awareness and Information Division, RMI Environmental Protection Authority, PO Box 1322, Majuro 96960, Tel +692 625 3035, Fax +692 625 5202, E-mail julianalik[at]ntamar.net NGO Focal Point - Mr. Albon Ishoda, Executive Director, Marshall Islands Conservation Society, PO Box 649, Majuro 96960, Tel +692 625 6427, E-mail taishoda[at]gmail.com Page 14 / 26 08.10.2014, Page 15 / 26 Ramsar National Focal Points for Communication, Education, Participation, and Awareness (CEPA) Mauritania Government Focal Point - Mr. Sidi Mohamed Lehlou, Directeur des Aires Protégées et du Littoral, Direction Aires Protégées et du Littoral, Ministère délégué auprès du Premier Ministre,, Chargé de l'environnement et du développement durable, BP 170 Nktt-RIM, Nouakchott, Tel +222 45 24 31 39, Fax +222 47 51 31 33, Tel +222 22 12 22 10, E-mail lehlou2007[at]yahoo.fr NGO Focal Point - M A Amadou Diam, Association Naforé, NOT 749 Moughataa Tévrag-Zein, PO Box: 3212, Nouakchott, Tel +222 22 15 76 33, E-mail nafore[at]nafore.org Mauritius Government Focal Point - Ms Houshna Banu Naujeer, Scientific Officer (Wetland Conservation), National Parks & Conservation Service, Ministry of Agroindustry and Food Security, Floreal, Réduit, Tel +230 464 40 53, Fax +230 466 04 53, E-mail naujeerhb[at]gmail.com Mexico Government Focal Point - Sr. Felipe Nemer Naime, Coordinador General, Centro de Educación y Capacitación para el Desarrollo, Sustentable (CECADESU/SEMARNAT), Progreso No. 3, Colonia del Carmen Coyoacan, C.P. 04100, México D.F, Tel +5255 56 58 33 80 (ext. 15572), Fax +5255 56 58 33 81, E-mail felipe.nemer[at]semarnat.gob.mx NGO Focal Point - Mr. David Ocampo Peraza, Consejo Ecológico de Mazatlán, A.C., CEMAZ, Bugambilias 202, Fracc. Jacarandas Mazatlán Sin., Tel +52 669 984 4807, E-mail dop_00[at]yahoo.com.mx NGO Focal Point - Sr. Sergio D. Jiménez Lezama, Organización Vida Silvestre A.C., Av. Ricardo Margain # 440, Col. Valle del Campestre, C.P. 66265 Garza García, Nuevo León, Tel +52 81 8863 1327, Fax +52 81 8863 1260, E-mail mmedrano[at]ovis.org.mx NGO Focal Point - Biól. Arturo García Lozano, Director, Cuerpos de Conservación Guanajuato, A.C., Calle Alhóndigas 68 int. 1,, Col. San Javier, CP 36020 Guanajuato, Tel +52 473 732 3515, E-mail ccgtoac[at]yahoo.com NGO Focal Point - Biol. Ann Snook, Amigos del Manatí, Calle Guerreo #410, Entre Tlaxcala y Tamaulipas, Calderitas, Quintana Roo, México CP 77900, Tel +52 983 834 2336, E-mail asnook06[at]msn.com Monaco Government Focal Point - Mr. Jérémie Carles, Chef de Section, Direction de l'Environnement, 3, avenue de Fontvieille, 98000 Monaco, Tel +377 98 98 81 79, Fax +377 92 05 28 91, E-mail jcarles[at]gouv.mc Page 15 / 26 08.10.2014, Page 16 / 26 Ramsar National Focal Points for Communication, Education, Participation, and Awareness (CEPA) Mongolia Government Focal Point - Mr. Dorjgurkhem Batbold, Director, International Cooperation Department, Ministry of Nature, Environment and Tourism, Government Bldg - 2, United Nations Street 5/2, Ulaanbaatar - 210646, Tel +976 51 26 61 97, Fax +976 11 321 401, Tel +976 9904 1022, E-mail dbatbold[at]mne.gov.mn NGO Focal Point - Ms Khulan Munkh-Erdene, Communication Manager, WWF Mongolia Programme Office, Amar Street-4, SBD-8, PO Box 115, PO-20a, Ulaanbaatar 210620a, Tel +976 11 311 659, Fax +976 11 310 237, Tel +976 9908 1716, E-mail khulan[at]wwf.panda.org Morocco Government Focal Point - M Hayat Mesbah, Chef de Service, Conservation de la Flore et de la Faune Sauvages, Haut Commissariat aux Eaux et Forêts et à la Lutte Contre la Désertification, 3, Rue Haroun Errachid, Agdal, Rabat NGO Focal Point - M Mohammed Aziz El Agbani, Enseignant-Chercheur (Professeur), Unité de Recherche pour la Gestion des Zones Humides du Maroc (URGZHM), Groupe de Recherche pour la Protection des Oiseaux au Maroc, Avenue Ibn Battota, BP 703 CP, 10090 Rabat Agdal, Tel 212 37 77 45 48, Fax +212 37 77 45 50, Tel + 212 661 391 909, E-mail melagbani[at]grepom.org Mozambique Government Focal Point - Mr. Eliseu Chiandela, Ministry for the Coordination of Environmental Affairs, Av. Acordos de Lusaka, 2115, PO Box 2020, Maputo, Tel +258-825974134, Fax +258-21465849 NGO Focal Point - Mr Hilario Sitoe, WWF Mozambique, Av. Kenneth kaunda, n.1174, PO Box: 4560, Maputo, Tel +258823138029, Fax +258821310244 Myanmar Government Focal Point - U Maung Maung Than, Director, Training & Research Development Division, Ministry of Environmental Conservation and Forestry, Building 39, Forest Department, Nay Pyi Taw, Tel +95 67 405 395, Fax +95 67 405 112, E-mail trdd.fd[at]gmail.com NGO Focal Point - U Zau Lunn, Executive Committee Member, Biodiversity and Nature Conservation Association, 145 (B), Thirimingalar Lane, Pyay Road, Mayangone Township, Yangon, Tel +95 95 182 841, Tel +95 9 7309 4308, E-mail zaulunn[at]gmail.com Nepal Government Focal Point - Dr Maheshwar Dhakal, Ecologist, Dept. of National Parks and Wildlife Conservation, Ministry of Forest and Soil Conservation, PO Box 860, Babar Mahal, Kathmandu, Tel +977 1 422 0850, Fax +977 1 422 0912, Tel +977 98 5114 2405, E-mail maheshwar.dhakal[at]gmail.com NGO Focal Point - Dr Yam Bahadur Malla, Country Representative, IUCN Nepal, PO Box 3923, Bakhundole, Lalitpur, Kathmandu, Tel +977 1 552 8781, E-mail yam.malla[at]iucn.org Page 16 / 26 08.10.2014, Page 17 / 26 Ramsar National Focal Points for Communication, Education, Participation, and Awareness (CEPA) Netherlands Government Focal Point - Drs. Anja J. Pel-Roest, Policy Officer, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Postbus 20401, 2500 EK The Hague, Tel +31 6 467 146 94, E-mail a.j.pel[at]minez.nl NGO Focal Point - Ir. Luc Hoogenstein, Senior Wetlands Coordinator, Vogelbescherming Nederland, PO Box 925, 3700 AX Zeist, Tel +31 30 693 7773, Fax +31 30 691 8844, E-mail Luc.Hoogenstein[at]vogelbescherming.nl New Zealand Government Focal Point - Ms Jan Simmons, Community Relations Officer, Waikato Conservancy Office, Department of Conservation, Private Bag 3072, Hamilton 3240, Tel +64 7 858 1010, Fax +64 7 838 1001, E-mail jsimmons[at]doc.govt.nz Nicaragua Government Focal Point - Licda. Aura M. Izquierdo Munguía, Coordinadora Nacional, Corredor Biológico Mesoamericano, Ministerio del Ambiente y Recursos Naturales, Km. 12 1/2 Carretera Norte, A.P. 1501, Managua, Tel +505 263 2083, Fax +505 875 9690, E-mail mireyaizquierdo[at]hotmail.com NGO Focal Point - Sra. Karla Espinoza Hernández, Encargada de CeCOP, Asociación AUDUBON, Apdo: SV-82, Managua, Tel +505 22 44 32 39, Fax +505 22 44 32 39, E-mail audubondenicaragua[at]turbonett.com.ni Niger Government Focal Point - M Ibrahim Nakata Bello, Chargé de Programme, Ingénieur Eaux et Forêts, Direction de la Faune, de la Chasse et Aires Protégées, BP 721, Niamey, Tel +227 96 49 55 62, E-mail belloibrah[at]yahoo.fr NGO Focal Point - Elhadj Mamane Abdou, Alliance Niger Nature, BP 729, PLCE/BN, Niamey, Tel +227 9687 8198, Fax +227 9687 8198, Tel +227 9687 8198/91 17 6585, E-mail abdou_em[at]yahoo.fr Nigeria Government Focal Point - Mr. Abdullahi Yakubu, Forestry Officer II, Federal Ministry of Environment, Forestry Department, Plot 393/394, Aikhomo Way, Utako District, Abuja, Tel +234 8036532129, E-mail abkakat[at]gmail.com Norway Government Focal Point - Ms Maja Stade Aaronaes, Adviser, Norwegian Environment Agency, PO Box 6672 Sluppen, 7485 Trondheim, Tel +47 73 580 500, Fax +47 73 580 501, E-mail msa[at]miljodir.no Oman Government Focal Point - Ms Aida Khalaf AL Jabri, Marine Environment Conservation Specialist, Ministry of Environement and Climate Affairs, PO Box 323, Muscat PC 100, Tel +968 2440 4512, Fax +968 2460 2283, E-mail marinegirl3308[at]gmail.com Page 17 / 26 08.10.2014, Page 18 / 26 Ramsar National Focal Points for Communication, Education, Participation, and Awareness (CEPA) Oman Government Focal Point - Ms Mariam M. AL Busaidi, Nature Reserves Specialist, Ministry of Environment and Climate Affairs, PO Box 323, Muscat PC 100, Tel +968 249 512 74, Fax +968 246 022 83, E-mail m.busaidi[at]hotmail.com Pakistan Government Focal Point - Mr. Mohammed Shafiq Mian, Deputy Conservator Wildlife, Pakistan Forest Institute, University Town, Peshawar, NWFP, Tel +92 91 921 6192, Fax +92 91 921 6203, E-mail mmshafiq1[at]yahoo.com NGO Focal Point - Ms Marriyum Aurangzeb, Coordinator, Awareness Raising Programme, Pakistan Wetlands Programme, House No. 62, St. No. 25, Sector F-10/1, Islamabad, Tel +92 51 287 9245 9, Fax +92 51 287 9267, E-mail maurangzeb[at]wwf.org.pk Palau Government Focal Point - Ms Pua Michael, Head of Forestry, Bureau of Agriculture, Ministry of Natural Resources, Environment, and Tourism, PO box 460, Koror 96940, Tel +680 544 5804, Fax +680 544 5090, E-mail palauforestry[at]palaunet.com NGO Focal Point - Mr. Yalap P. Yalap, Education Coordinator, Palau Conservation Society, PO Box 1811, Bai ra Maibrel, Madalaii, Koror 96940, Tel +680 488 3993, Fax +680 488 3990, E-mail Yyalap[at]palauconservation.org Panama Government Focal Point - Sra. Judith Jaén, Directora, Fomento a la Cultura Ambiental.Directora de Fomento de la Cultura, Albrook, edificio 804, República de Panamá, Apartado C, Zona 0843, Balboa, Ancón, Tel +507 500 0855, E-mail ijaen[at]anam.gob.pa NGO Focal Point - Sra. Rosabel Miró R., Directora Ejecutiva, Sociedad Audubon de Panamá, Estafeta 0843, CP 03076, Ciudad de Panamá, Tel +507 315 232 5977, Fax +507 232 5977, Tel +507 6616 8954, E-mail rosabelmiro[at]mac.com Papua New Guinea Government Focal Point - Mr. Robert Rage, Manager, Media & Public Relations, Department of Environment and Conservation, PO Box 6601, Boroko, NCD, Tel +675 325 01 94, Fax +675 325 0182, E-mail ragerobert[at]yahoo.com.au NGO Focal Point - Dr Eric Verheij, Conservation Director, WWF Western Melanesia Programme, PO Box 8280, Port Moresby, NCD, Tel +675 320 0149, Fax +675 320 0519, E-mail everheij[at]wwfpacific.org.pg Paraguay Government Focal Point - Lic. Biol. María Teresa Florentín Peña, Directora, Secretaria del Ambiente- SEAM/Py, Ruta Mcal. Estigarribia, Km 10,5, San Lorenzo, Tel +595 21 583649, E-mail musgosflorentin[at]gmail.com Page 18 / 26 08.10.2014, Page 19 / 26 Ramsar National Focal Points for Communication, Education, Participation, and Awareness (CEPA) Peru Government Focal Point - José M. Gayoso Velásquez, Especialista en Didáctica Ambiental, Ministerio del Ambiente - Dirección General de, Educación, Cultura y Ciudadanía Ambiental, Av Javier Prado Oeste 1440, San Isidro, Lima, Tel +511 6116000 (ext 1327), E-mail jgayoso[at]minam.gob.pe NGO Focal Point - Ing. Antonio Tovar Narvaez, Profesor Universitario, Ingeniero Forestal, Facultad de Ciencias Forestales, Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina, Aptdo 12-056, Lima 12, Tel +51 1 349 6102, Fax +51 1 349 6102, E-mail latn[at]lamolina.edu.pe Philippines Government Focal Point - Mr. Nelson G. Castillo, Chief, Interpretation and Nature Conservation Education Section, Biodiversity Management Bureau (BMB) - DENR, NAPWNC Compound, North Avenue, Diliman, Quezon City 1101, Tel +632 924 6031 35, Fax +632 925 8948, Tel +63 921 429 7676, E-mail pasunapwc[at]yahoo.com NGO Focal Point - Ms Amy Lecciones, Vice President, Society for the Conservation of Philippine Wetlands, Inc., Unit 208 Grand Emerald Tower F., Ortigas Jr. Road, Ortigas Center, Pasig City 1600, Metro Manila, Tel +63 2 637 2409, Tel +63 91 7830 1105, E-mail wetlands[at]psdn.org.ph; amyml[at]psdn.org.ph Republic of Korea Government Focal Point - Ms Hyun-Joo Lee, Public Awareness and Training Officer, National Wetlands Center, Ministry of Environment, 1-12, Byeoryang-dong, Gwacheon-si, Gyeonggi-do 427-800, Tel +82 2 509 7961, Fax +82 2 509 7967, E-mail baikalteal[at]empal.com NGO Focal Point - Ms Ji-Young Jang, Principal Researcher, Eco-Horizon Institute, Tel +82 2 338 9572, Fax +82 2 338 9575, E-mail ecojangjy[at]gmail.com Rwanda Government Focal Point - Ms Rachael Tushabe, Director, Environmental Education and Mainstreaming Unit, Rwanda Environment Management Authority, PO Box 7436, Kacyiru, Kigali, Tel +250 252 580 101, Fax +250 252 580 017, E-mail rtushabe[at]rema.gov.rw NGO Focal Point - Mr Oscar Nzabonimpa, President, Rwanda Environmental Non-Governmental Organisation Forum, PO Box 6344, Kigali, Tel +250 788 305 736, E-mail fenvironment[at]yahoo.com Samoa Government Focal Point - Ms Juney Ward, Principal Marine Conservation Officer, Division of Environment and Conservation, MNRE, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Private Bag, Apia, Tel +685 67200, Fax +685 67262, E-mail juneyward[at]mnre.gov.ws NGO Focal Point - Dr Walter Vermullen, Director, Matuaileoo Environmental Trust, Incorporation (METI), Private Bag, Apia, Tel +685 305 50, E-mail walter[at]meti.ws Page 19 / 26 08.10.2014, Page 20 / 26 Ramsar National Focal Points for Communication, Education, Participation, and Awareness (CEPA) Sao Tome and Principe Government Focal Point - M Lourenço Monteiro de Jesus, Directeur, Direction de la Statistique et, de l'Education Environnementale, PO Box 1023, São Tomé, Tel +239 222 52 71, E-mail monteiro.dejesus[at]yahoo.com.br NGO Focal Point - Mme Alzira Maria Rodrigues, Présidente, Association des Biologistes de Sao Tomé et Principe, PO Box 546, ISP - Bairro Quinta de Santo António, Tel +239 222 38 76, E-mail alzirarodrigues42[at]yahoo.com Senegal Government Focal Point - Commandant Abdou Salam Kane, Chef, Division Zones Humides, Direction des Parcs Nationaux, BP 5135, Dakar Fann, Tel +221 33 832 2309, Fax +221 33 832 2311, Tel +221 77 631 18 48, E-mail ak7salam[at]gmail.com NGO Focal Point - Mr. Pape Diomaye Thiare, Chargé de communication et Coordonnateur Média, Wetlands International Afrique, Rue 111, villa 39 B, Zone B, BP 25581, Dakar-Fann, Tel +221 3386910 92, E-mail pthiare[at]wetlands-africa.org Serbia Government Focal Point - Ms Natasa Panic, Head, Department for Education and Publishing, Institute for Nature Conservation, Dr Ivana Ribara 91, 11070 Belgrade, Tel +381 11 2093 801, Fax +381 11 2093 867, E-mail natasa.panic[at]zzps.rs Seychelles Government Focal Point - Mr. Jean-Claude Labrosse, Wetlands Coordinator, Coastal Adaptation & Management Section/ CAAID/ E&E, Department of Environment, PO Box 1145, English River, Mahé, Tel +248 467 0400, Fax +248 467 0638, Tel +248 723 325, E-mail j.labrosse[at]env.gov.sc NGO Focal Point - Mr. Jean-Claude Labrosse, Wetlands Coordinator, Coastal Adaptation & Management Section/ CAAID/ E&E, Department of Environment, PO Box 1145, English River, Mahé, Tel +248 467 0400, Fax +248 467 0638, Tel +248 723 325, E-mail j.labrosse[at]env.gov.sc NGO Focal Point - Dr. Pugazhendhi Murugaiyan, Senior Project Officer, Coastal Adaptation & Management Section/ CAAID/ E&E, PO Box 1145, English River, Victoria, Mahé, Tel +248 467 0400, Fax +248 467 0638, Tel +248 2722 159, E-mail p.murugaiyan[at]env.gov.sc Sierra Leone Government Focal Point - Mr. Edward P. Bendu, Head, Information, Education and Communication Department, Environment Protection Agency, 3rd Floor, West Wing, Youyi Building, Freetown, Tel +232 76 749 024, E-mail edwardpbendu[at]yahoo.co.uk NGO Focal Point - Mr. Sheikh Sowa, Project Coordinator, Wetlands International, The Conservation Society of Sierra Leone, 18B Becklyn Drive, Off Wilkinson Road, Congo Cross, Freetown, Tel +232 78 424 159, E-mail sheikhsiddysowa[at]gmail.com Page 20 / 26 08.10.2014, Page 21 / 26 Ramsar National Focal Points for Communication, Education, Participation, and Awareness (CEPA) Slovakia Government Focal Point - Ms Alena Badurová, State Nature Conservancy of the Slovak Republic, Administration of Malá Fatra National Park, Hrnciarska 197, 01303 Varín, Tel +421 41 507 1413, Tel +421 903 298 131, E-mail alena.badurova[at]sopsr.sk NGO Focal Point - Mgr. Milan Janák, DAPHNE - Institute of Applied Ecology, Podunajská 24, 821 06 Bratislava, Tel +421 2 455 240 19, Fax +421 2 456 402 01, E-mail janak[at]daphne.sk Slovakia Government Focal Point - Ms Miriam Balciarová, State Nature Conservancy of the Slovak Republic, Administration of Malá Fatra National Park, Hrnciarska 197, 01303 Varín, Tel +421 41 507 1414, Tel +421 903 298 407, E-mail miriam.balciarova[at]sopsr.sk NGO Focal Point - Mgr. Milan Janák, DAPHNE - Institute of Applied Ecology, Podunajská 24, 821 06 Bratislava, Tel +421 2 455 240 19, Fax +421 2 456 402 01, E-mail janak[at]daphne.sk Slovakia Government Focal Point - Ms Tereza Thomson, State Nature Conservancy of the Slovak Republic, Tajovského 28B, 97401 Banská Bystrica, Tel +421 48 429 9948, Fax +421 48 472 2036, Tel +421 911 062 364, E-mail tereza.thompson[at]sopsr.sk NGO Focal Point - Mgr. Milan Janák, DAPHNE - Institute of Applied Ecology, Podunajská 24, 821 06 Bratislava, Tel +421 2 455 240 19, Fax +421 2 456 402 01, E-mail janak[at]daphne.sk Slovenia Government Focal Point - Ms Minka Vicar, Senior Advisor for Education/Biology, Institute of the Republic of Slovenia for Education, Parmova 33, 1000 Ljubljana, Tel +386 1 236 3146, Fax +386 1 236 3150, E-mail minka.vicar[at]zrss.si NGO Focal Point - Mr. Milan Ogrin, Society for the Study of Birds and Nature Protection, Zg Hajdina 83c, 2288 Hajdina, Tel +386 41 699 268, E-mail milan.vogrin[at]guest.arnes.si South Africa Government Focal Point - Mr. Stanley Tshikonelo Tshitwamulomoni, Control Biodiversity Officer Grade B: Bio Policy Implementation Management, Department of Environmental Affairs, Private Bag X447, Pretoria 0001, Tel +27 12 3999589, Fax +27 12 320 2844, Tel +27 82 643 0623, E-mail stanleyt[at]environment.gov.za Sri Lanka Government Focal Point - Mr. Sarathnayaka R.B. Dissanayake, Deputy Director (Research and Training), Department of Wildlife Conservation, No. 811/A Jayanthipura Road, Jayanthipura, Battaramulla, Tel +94 11 287 1529, Fax +94 11 288 3355, E-mail sarathdisa[at]gmail.com NGO Focal Point - Mr. Udaya Sirivardana, National Coordinator, Wetlands International, Committee Member, Ceylon Bird Club, 127, Nawala Road, Colombo 5, Tel +94 11 276 9872, Fax +94 11 236 8708, E-mail jingo.webmail[at]yahoo.com Page 21 / 26 08.10.2014, Page 22 / 26 Ramsar National Focal Points for Communication, Education, Participation, and Awareness (CEPA) Sudan Government Focal Point - Ms Nadia Hassan Omer, Higher Council for Environment and Natural Resources, PO Box 10488, Khartoum, Tel +249 183 784 279, Fax +249 183 787 617, E-mail nadiahassan2004[at]yahoo.com NGO Focal Point - Prof. Muawia Hamid Shaddad, Sudan National Discourse Forum, PO Box 114, Khartoum Centre, Tel +249 912 359317, E-mail shaddadmhsh[at]yahoo.com Suriname Government Focal Point - Mr. Ashok Pherai, Acting Coordinator Education Section, Nature Conservation Division, Ministry of Physical Planning, Land and Forest Management, Cornelis Jongbawstraat 10-14, PO Box 436, Paramaribo, Tel +597 47 1641, Fax +597 422 555, E-mail ashok63[at]hotmail.nl NGO Focal Point - Mr. Lucien Tholen, Acting Director, Foundation for Nature Preservation in Suriname, Cornelis Jongbawstraat 10-14, Paramaribo, Tel +597 42 7103, Fax +597 421850, E-mail stinasu[at]sr.net Swaziland Government Focal Point - Mr. Bhekithemba Thusi, Swaziland National Trust Commission, PO box 100, Lobamba H107, Tel +268 2416 1489, Fax +268 2416 1875, E-mail neep[at]sntc.org.sz NGO Focal Point - Mr. Zidumo Mkhatshwa, Community Forestry Network, PO Box 531, Manzini, Tel +268 2473 6124, Fax +268 7611 1780, E-mail zbmmkhatshwa[at]hotmail.com Sweden Government Focal Point - Ms Jenny Lonnstad, Advisor, Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, Valhallavägen 195, 106 48 Stockholm, Tel +46 10 698 1592, E-mail jenny.lonnstad[at]naturvardsverket.se NGO Focal Point - Mr. Lennart Gladh, Baltic project coordinator, WWF-Sweden, Ulriksdals Castle, 170 81 Solna, Tel +46 8 624 74 00, Tel +46 70 221 0367, E-mail lennart.gladh[at]wwf.se Switzerland Government Focal Point - Ms Sabine Herzog, deputy head of section, head of Wildlife protection & process management Sector, Federal Office for the Environment, Species, Ecosystems, Landscapes Division, 3003 Bern, Tel +41 58 463 03 40, Fax +41 58 463 89 74, E-mail sabine.herzog[at]bafu.admin.ch Syrian Arab Republic Government Focal Point - Mr. Mohamad Walid Issa, Advisor, Ministry of Irrigation, PO Box 4451, Damascus, Tel +963 11 222 1401/2/3, Fax +963 11 274 1644, E-mail mamoun-m[at]scs-net.org NGO Focal Point - Dr. Mohamad Kayyal, Associate Professor, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Damascus University, PO Box 3510, Damascus, Tel +963 11 312 1180, Fax +963 11 311 7730, Tel +963 944 281 802, E-mail kayyalm[at]scs-net.org Page 22 / 26 08.10.2014, Page 23 / 26 Ramsar National Focal Points for Communication, Education, Participation, and Awareness (CEPA) Tajikistan Government Focal Point - Dr/Ms Ada Tsoy, Principal Officer, State Directorate for Protected Areas, State Committee on Environment Conservation & Forestry, PO Box 138, 734025 Dushanbe, Fax +992 372 252 421, E-mail eldar[at]tajik.net NGO Focal Point - Mr. Eldar Shafiyev, Chief of Tourism & International Contacts Dept., Tajik National Park, Ministry of Nature Protection, PO Box 138, 734025 Dushanbe, Fax +992 372 213 332, E-mail eldar[at]tajik.net Thailand Government Focal Point - Ms Pataraporn Somanus, Official, Office of Natural Resources & Environmental Policy and Planning, Ministry of Resources and Environment, 60/1, Soi Phibul Wattana 7, Rama VI Road, Phayathai, Bangkok 10400, Tel +662 265 6636, Fax +662 265 6638, Tel +668 6177 8868, E-mail patasom99[at]hotmail.com NGO Focal Point - Dr Anuwat Nateewathana, Sirindhorn International Environmental Park Foundation, 63/3 Petchakasem Road, Tambol Omnoi, Amphoe Kratum Ban, Samut Sakorn 74130, Tel +668 11 731 151, E-mail anuwat007[at]gmail.com The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Government Focal Point - Mr. Pejo Kirovski, State Inspector, State Inspectorate of Environment, Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning, Bul. Goce Delcev bb MTV XII, 1000 Skopje, Tel +389 2 3251 400, Fax +389 2 3220 165, E-mail p.kirovski[at]moepp.gov.mk NGO Focal Point - Prof. Branko Micevski, President of National Ramsar Committee, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Gazi Baba str b.b., PO Box 162, 1000 Skopje, Tel +389 2 2432 071, Fax +389 2 2432 071, Tel +389 78 254 736, E-mail brankom[at]ukim.edu.mk Togo Government Focal Point - Ms Kossiwavi Ogoua Abamy, Chef Section Zone Humide, Direction de la Faune et de la Chasse, Ministère de l'Environnement et Ressources Forestières, 52 rue de la Kozah, BP 355, Lomé, Tel +228 2221 40 29, Fax +228 2221 03 33, Tel +228 9012 22 54, E-mail direfaune[at]yahoo.fr NGO Focal Point - Dr Hoinsoudé Segniagbeto, ONG Agbozegue, BP 6057, Lomé, Tel +228 227 59 32, Fax +228 22 22 09 87, Tel +228 900 99 659, E-mail h_segniagbeto[at]yahoo.fr Trinidad and Tobago Government Focal Point - Mr. Gerard McVorran, Chairman, National Wetlands Committee, Ministry of Housing and the Environment, Forestry Division, Long Circular Road, St. James, Port of Spain 1000, Tel +1 868 622 4860, Fax +1 868 628 5503, E-mail gerardtmcvorran[at]gmail.com NGO Focal Point - Ms Molly Gaskin, President, The Pointe-à-Pierre Wildfowl Trust, 38 La Reine Townhouse, Flagstaff Hill, Long Circular Road, St James, Trinidad, Tel +1 868 628 4145, Fax +1 868 628 4145, E-mail molly.gaskin[at]petrotrin.com Page 23 / 26 08.10.2014, Page 24 / 26 Ramsar National Focal Points for Communication, Education, Participation, and Awareness (CEPA) Tunisia Government Focal Point - M Tahri Jamel, Direction Générale des Forêts, 30 rue Alain Savary, Tunis 1002, Tel +216 95 689 688, E-mail tahri_jamel[at]yahoo.fr NGO Focal Point - Mr. Zafzaf Hichem, Président, Association les Amis des Oiseaux, Avenue 18 Janvier, Ariana Centre, Bureau C 208/209, 2080 Ariana, Tunis, Tel +216 71 717 860, E-mail aao[at]topnet.tn Turkey Government Focal Point - Mr. S. Serhan Cagirankaya, Agricultural Engineer, Wetlands Division, G.D. Nature Conservation & National Parks, Ministry of Forestry and Water Affairs, Sögütözü Caddesi No:14/E, 06560 Bestepe, Yenimahalle, Ankara, Tel +90 312 207 59 07, Fax +90 312 207 59 59, Tel +90 532 7766 784, E-mail c.serhan[at]gmail.com NGO Focal Point - Ms Buket Bahar Divrak Durmaz, Conservation Manager, WWF Turkiye Dogal Hayati Koruma Vakfi, Anafartalar Caddesi No: 17 / 3, 06250 Ulus / Ankara, Tel +90 312 310 3303, Fax +90 312 310 6642, Tel +90 530 787 62 47, E-mail bdurmaz[at]wwf.org.tr Uganda Government Focal Point - Ms Regina Ceali Namakula, Information, Education and Communication Officer, Wetlands Management Department, Ministry of Water and Environment, PO Box 9629, Kampala, Tel +256-414-254706, Fax +256 4142 51375, Tel +256-785-417720, E-mail ceali22[at]gmail.com NGO Focal Point - Mr. Douglas Lugumya, Director, Entebbe Wildlife Association, PO Box 712, Entebbe, Tel +256 772 43 3024, E-mail edwaug[at]yahoo.co.uk Ukraine Government Focal Point - Ms Olesya Petrovych, Chief Specialist, Department of Protected Areas, Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine, 35 Mytropolyta Vasylia Lypkivs’kogo Str., Kyiv 03035, Tel +380 44 206 21 93, Fax +380 44 206 21 93, E-mail petrovych.o[at]gmail.com NGO Focal Point - Dr. Gennadiy Marushevskyi, Deputy Head, National Ecological Centre of Ukraine, 6A Pankivska Street, Kyiv 01033, Tel +380 44 238 62 59, E-mail gbmarush[at]gmail.com Page 24 / 26 08.10.2014, Page 25 / 26 Ramsar National Focal Points for Communication, Education, Participation, and Awareness (CEPA) United Arab Emirates Government Focal Point - Mr. Mohammed AbdulRahman Hassan Abdulla, Head, Marine Environment & Wildlife Section, Environment Department, Dubai Municipality, PO Box 67, Dubai, Tel +971 4 606 6818, Fax +971 4 703 3532, Tel +971 50 644 0390, E-mail marabdulla[at]dm.gov.ae NGO Focal Point - Ms Ida Tillisch, Acting Director, Emirates Wildlife Society-WWF UAE, WWF United Arab Emirates Project Office, PO box 454891, Dubai, Tel +971 4 354 9776, Fax +971 2 634 1220, E-mail itillisch[at]ewswwf.ae NGO Focal Point - Ms Lisa Perry, Program Director, Emirates Wildlife Society - WWF, WWF United Arab Emirates Project Office, PO box 454891, Dubai, Tel +971 4 354 9776x212, Fax +971 4 354 9774, Tel +971 2 634 1220?, E-mail lperry[at]ewswwf.ae United Republic of Tanzania Government Focal Point - Mr. Erasmus M. Tarimo, Director, Wildlife Division, Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism, PO Box 1994, Nyerere Road, Ivory Room, Dar es Salaam, Tel +255 22 2866 375, Fax +255 22 2865836, Tel +255 754 592 702, E-mail director[at]wildlife NGO Focal Point - Mr. John Chikomo, Executive Director, Journalists' Environmental Association of Tanzania, PO box 15674, Dar es Salaam, Tel +255 22 218 2240, Fax +255 22 218 2240, Tel +255 787 263 965, E-mail jet[at]africaonline.co.tz United States of America Government Focal Point - Ms Krishna Kali Roy, Chief, Global Branch, Department of the Interior, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 5275 Leesburg Pike, MS :IA, Arlington, VA 22180, Tel +1 703 358 2645, Fax +1 703 358 2115, E-mail Krishna_Roy[at]fws.gov NGO Focal Point - Mr. William J. Mitsch, Eminent Scholar and Director, Everglades Wetland Research Park, Juliet C. Sproul Chair, for Southwest Florida Habitat Restoration and Management, Florida Gulf Coast University, 110 Kapnick Center, 4940 Bayshore Drive, Naples, FL 3411, Tel +1 239 325 1365, E-mail wmitsch[at]fgcu.edu Uruguay Government Focal Point - Lic. MSc. Victor Cantón, Dirección Nacional de Medio Ambiente, Galicia 1133 piso 1, C.P11100, Montevideo, Tel +598 2917 0710 (ext 4456), E-mail vicatana[at]yahoo.com Uzbekistan Government Focal Point - Mr. Aleksandr Grigoryants, Deputy Chief, Biological Control Department, State Committee for Nature Protection, 21-a, Chashtepinskay str., 100149 Tashkent, Tel +998 71 215 7035, Fax +998 71 215 7936, E-mail a.grigor50[at]mail.ru Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) Government Focal Point - Lic Javier Hernández, Director de Linea de Áreas Naturales Protegidas, Oficina Nacional de Diversidad Biológica, Ministerio del Poder Popular para el Ambiente, Centro Simón Bolivar, Torre Sur, Piso 9, El Silencio, Caracas 1010, Tel +58 212 408 2150, Fax +58 212 408 4756, E-mail areasestrategicasondb[at]gmail.com Page 25 / 26 08.10.2014, Page 26 / 26 Ramsar National Focal Points for Communication, Education, Participation, and Awareness (CEPA) Viet Nam Government Focal Point - Dr Ngoc Cuong Tran, Director of Ecology Division, Biodiversity Conservation Agency, Vietnam Environment Administration (VEA), Ministry of Natural Resources & Environment, #10 Ton That Thuyet Str., Cau Giay dist., Hanoi, Tel +84 4 3795 6900 ext 3111, Fax +84 4 3941 2028, Tel +84 9820 50376 / 9320 31976, E-mail tranngoccuong1962[at]gmail.com NGO Focal Point - Dr Van Thang Hoang, Director, Center for Resources & Environmental Studies, Vietnam National University, Hanoi, 19 Le Thanh Tong, Hanoi, Tel +84 4 8326 2932, Fax +84 4 834 0724, E-mail tvhoang[at]cres.edu.vn Zambia Government Focal Point - Mr. Godwin Fishani Gondwe, Chief Environment Officer, Environment Department, Ministry of Local Government, PO Box 34011, Lusaka, Tel +260 211 229 417, Fax +260 211 223 930, E-mail figogmel[at]yahoo.co.uk NGO Focal Point - Mr. Moses Amos Nyirenda, WWF, P.O.Box 50551, Lusaka, Tel +260 211 250 404, Fax +260 211 253 74, E-mail nyirendamoses[at]yahoo.com Zimbabwe Government Focal Point - Mr. Steady Kangata, Environmental Education and Publicity Manager, Environmental Management Agency, 285/6 Lorraine drive, Bluffhill Harare, Tel +263 4 305543, E-mail skangata[at]gmail.com NGO Focal Point - Mr. Enos Shumba, Country Director, WWF Zimbabwe Country Office, PO Box CY 1409, Causeway, Harare, Tel +263 4 252 533/4, Fax +263 4 730 589, E-mail eshumba[at]wwf.co.org Page 26 / 26
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