Molecular Line Surveys of nearby active galaxies Rebeca Aladro (ESO/ALMA fellow-‐Chile) 3mm survey of eight nearby acCve galaxies Chemical EvoluCon of Starburst Galaxies Young (M83) HOC+ HNCO CH3OH SiO CH3CCH Intermediate (NGC253) Old/post (M82) c-‐C3H2 HOC+ HNCO CH3OH SO2 SiO SO CH3CCH OCS HOCO+ HCO HOC+ CH3CCH HC3N SiO c-‐C3H2 HCO v Common shock/grain-‐ and dense gas tracers v Only HOC+ as PDR tracer v No Hα recombinaCon lines v Shock/grain-‐ and dense gas tracers(including “rare” species) v PDR tracers v Bright Hα recombinaCon lines v PDR tracers v Some shock/grain-‐ and dense gas tracers v Very bright Hα recombinaCon lines We found no molecular raCo that characterises the AGNs HCN/C18O, HNC/C18O, CN/C18O, C2H/C18O: low in M51, high in NGC1068 and NGC7469 HCO+/HCN, CN/HCN: Do not correlate with AGN acCvity SpaCal resoluCon is more criCcal in the AGNs case. But also…. Mix of Sy1 and Sy2, low-‐ and high-‐luminosity, excitaCon effects…. ULIRGs are characterised by 13CO/C18O ~ 1 Log10[[ N(13CO) / N(C18O) ] 1 Arp220 Mrk231 Factor 5 -‐1 -‐3 GHz Also seen in higher-‐J transiCons (Matsushita+09, MarCn+11, Henkel+14) High opaciCes of 13CO : I(12CO)/I(13CO)=~20 Overabundance of C18O Less diffuse and more enriched gas in ULIRGs ULIRGs are characterised by high abundances of HC3N and H13CN Factor 4 -‐2.5 -‐3.0 -‐3.5 -‐4.0 Log10 [ N(H13CN) / N(C18O) ] Log10 [ N(HC3N) / N(C18O) ] -‐2.0 -‐2.5 -‐3.0 Factor 20 -‐3.5 -‐4.0 -‐4.5 HC3N (see also Aalto+07, Costagliola+11, Lindberg+11) H13CN More warm dust in ULIRGs allows high abundances of these species Differences between Arp220 and Mrk231 point to different nuclear powering sources TMB (mK) mid-‐IR pumping? Arp220: HNC > HCN High HNC XDRs? Mrk231: HNC < HCN -‐2.5 Factor 3 -‐3.0 -‐3.5 -‐2.0 -‐2.5 Factor 2 Factor 3 -‐2.5 -‐4.0 -‐3.0 -‐3.0 -‐4.5 -‐3.5 -‐3.5 H13CN/C18O HCN/C18O HCO+/C18O Factor 3 -‐3 -‐4 CN/C18O Differences between Arp220 and Mrk231 point to different nuclear powering sources TMB (mK) mid-‐IR pumping? High HNC Arp220: HNC > HCN XDRs? CO 12 C CH O 3C N HN 3N ï vib ï 3N CH HC HC 3C CH HC 3N ï CH vib 3O H ro t Mrk231: HNC < HCN Arp220: HC3N vibraConally excited à Tvib=190 ± 20 K. Massive star-‐forming regions HCN/CS: the acCvity discriminator? See Takuma Izumi et al. 2013 4 3 AGNs AGNs HCN/CS 2 1 0.000 0.002 0.004 0 -‐0.002 Starbursts Starbursts CS/C18O 0.006 0.008 0.010 Summary ² Shocks and UV fields vary with starburst evoluCon and shape starbursts galaxies chemistry: HNCO, CH3OH, CH3CCH, c-‐C3H2…. ² ULIRGs are chemically characterised by C18O, 13CO, HC3N and H13CN. ² Mrk231 chemistry resembles AGNs: high abundances of H13CN, HCN, and CN. Arp220 chemistry resembles SBs: low abundances of HCN, CN. CH3CCH detected. ² This needs to be compared to interferometric results, mulC-‐ transiCon observaCons, and chemical models.
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