1 OF 18 Faculty Data (CHED e-Form E7) . 1. HEIs without MS Access may use MS Excel format in accomplishing the faculty form. It is highly recommended that HEI should keep a copy of this form for the next data collection period. 2. Please type the complete Name of your Institution (no abbreviation please), and Region at the space provided, and the assigned Unique Institutional Identifier inside the box. 3. Please type the current Academic Year (AY) inside the box for this data collection period. Example: 2004-2004. 4. Kindly follow the format or template in entering the requested information and double check your entries before you submit the accomplished Form stored in diskette to the concerned CHED Regional Office. 5. Please use one row for each faculty or teaching staff in higher education programs for data entry. 6. For Educational Credential Earned column, input the degree program (both in baccalaureate and graduate level) attained by the faculty. Please do not use any abbreviation. If the faculty has earned master's or doctorate units, kindly put them under the Column of the master's or doctorate indicating the number of units taken. 7. Please enter the name of the staff who accomplished this form, his designation and the date it was accomplished and in like manner, the name of the official that certified the correctness of entries at the space provided. Definition of Terms: Employee ID - A unique personal identifier assigned to each person employed by the institution whether full-time or part-time, temporary or permanent. Primary Teaching Discipline (FACDIS) - For the faculty members, i.e. employees whose primary job is teaching, this element will capture the primary discipline of the subjects the faculty member usually teaches. For instance, using the Discipline Code, FACDISC is 140102 for faculty whose subjects are grouped in Secondary Education. Full-Time/Part-Time - This classifies the faculty into full-time or part-time. Code: FT - Full-time PT - Part-time 9 - Not Known Professional Licensure Passed - This refers to the professional licensure earned by the faculty. If two or more professional licenses have been earned, record those licenses. For instance, if a faculty is an accountant and the same time a lawyer, the codes 01, 40 should be entered. Code: 01 - Accountancy or the equivalent from another jurisdiction 02 - Aeronautical engineering or the equivalent from another jurisdiction 03 - Agricultural engineering or the equivalent from another jurisdiction 04 - Architecture or the equivalent from another jurisdiction 05 - Chemical Engineering or the equivalent from another jurisdiction 06 - Chemistry or the equivalent 07 - Civil Engineering or the equivalent 08 - Criminology or the equivalent 09 - Customs Brokerage or the equivalent 10 - Dentistry or the equivalent 11 - Electrical Engineering or the equivalent 12 - Electronics & Communication Engineering or the equivalent 13 - Forestry or the equivalent 14 - Geodetic engineering or the equivalent 8/18/2014 11:19 AM 2 OF 18 15 - Geology or the equivalent 16 - Library Science or the equivalent 17 - Marine Transportation (Deck Officer) or the equivalent 18 - Marine Engineering (Engine Officer ) or the equivalent 19 - Master Plumber or the equivalent 20 - Mechanical Engineering or the equivalent 21 - Medical Technology or the equivalent 22 - Metallurgical Engineering or the equivalent 23 - Midwifery or the equivalent 24 - Mining Engineering or the equivalent 25 - Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering or the equivalent 26 - Nursing or the Equivalent 27 - Nutrition & Dietetics or the equivalent 28 - Optometry or the equivalent 29 - Pharmacy or the equivalent 30 - Medicine (Physician) or the equivalent 31 - Physical/Occupational Therapy or the equivalent 32 - Radiologic Technology & X-Ray Technology or the equivalent 33 - Sanitary Engineering or the equivalent 34 - Social Work or the equivalent 35 - Sugar Technology or the equivalent 36 - Veterinary Medicine or the equivalent 37 - Interior Design or the equivalent 38 - Landscape Architecture or the equivalent 39 - PBET or Civil Service (prior to 1995) in Teacher Education 40 - Bar Examinations or the equivalent 41 - LET in Elementary Education 42 - LET in Secondary Education 43 - Agriculture 44 - Fisheries Technology 90 - No license earned. 99 - No record or not known. Tenure of Employment - This classifies the employee into permanent, probationary, casual or contractual. Permanent means the faculty cannot be fired except for a cause, otherwise the employment is defined for a fixed duration only or is "at the pleasure" of some executive. Code: 1 - Permanent 2 – Probationary 3 - Casual 4 - Contractual Faculty Rank - This refers to the academic rank of the faculty. Code: 20 – Instructor 30 - Assistant Professor 40 - Associate Professor 50 - Full Professor 99 - Not known Teaching Load - This refers to the actual teaching load of a faculty in the current semester/trimester. If faculty is in study leave but has equivalent load, please indicate also the teaching load. 8/18/2014 11:19 AM 3 OF 18 Code: 00 - No teaching load 10 - 1.0 - 6.0 units per semester 20 - 7.0 - 12.0 units per semester 30 - 13.0 - 18.0 units per semester 40 - 19.0 - 24.0 units per semester 50 - more than 24 unitsper semester 99 - Not known. Subjects Taught - This refers to all the subjects being taught by the faculty in that particular semester. Please do not use abbreviations. Annual Salary - This refers to the actual annual basic salary of the faculty. Assign one code for each faculty within the range of his/her annual basic salary. Code: 1 - 60,000 below 2 - 60,000 - 69,999 3 - 70,000 - 79,999 5 - 90,000 - 99,999 6 - 100,000 - 149,999 7 - 150,000 - 249,999 8 - 250,000 - 499,999 9 - 500,000 - UP 8/18/2014 11:19 AM AS REVISED 14 OCT 2004 FORM E-2 PAGE 4 OF 18 PROFILE OF EACH TERTIARY LEVEL FACULTY FORM E-2: PROFILE OF EACH TERTIARY FACULTY IN AN SUC CAMPUS ( As of July 1, 2013) Unique Institutional Identifier: N/A Name of Institution: ZAMBOANGA CITY STATE POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE Region (Main Campus): 09 Geographic campus or site: ZAMBOANGA CITY STATE POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE EXTENSION PROGRAM IMPORTANT: THIS FORM IS ONLY FOR FACULTY MEMBERS TEACHING AT THE TERTIARY LEVEL. FACULTY DATA COVERS: AS OF FIRST SEMESTER, AY 2013/14 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 NAME OF FACULTY ( Last name, first name, middle initial) GENERIC FACULTY RANK HOME COLLEGE HOME DEPT TERTIARY FACULTY ONLY Use code. A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 A11 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 C1 C2 IS THE FACULTY MEMBER TENURED? SSL SALARY GRADE ANNUAL BASIC SALARY ON LEAVE WITHOUT PAY? FULL-TIME EQUIVALENT OF THE FACULTY SEX ( M/F) HIGHEST DEGREE ATTAINED ACTIVELY PURSUING NEXT DEGREE? SPECIFIC DISCIPLINE OF PRIMARY TEACHING LOAD (1) SPECIFIC DISCIPLINE OF PRIMARY TEACHING LOAD (2) SPECIFIC DISCIPLINE OF BACHELORS DEGREE SPECIFIC DISCIPLINE OF MASTERS DEGREE SPECIFIC DISCIPLINE OF DOCTORATE MASTERS DEGREE WITH THESIS? PHD WITH DISSERTATION? LAB CREDIT UNITS TEACHING Undergrad LECTURE CREDIT UNITS TEACHING Undergrad Use code Use code. Use code Use 6-digit code Use 6-digit code Use code. Use code. Use code. Use code. Use 6-digit code Use 6-digit code CREDIT UNITS CREDIT UNITS C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 LECTURE HOURS TEACHING Undergrad TOTAL TEACHING HOURS Undergrad (Lab+Lect) STUDENT CONTACTHOURS LAB Undergrad STUDENT CONTACTHOURS LECTURE Undergrad STUDENT CONTACTHOURS Undergrad (Lab+Lect) HOURS PER WEEK HOURS PER WEEK HOURS PER WEEK CONTACTHOURS CONTACTHOURS CONTACTHOURS 802 6 527603 527603 140801 NO MASTERS NO DOCTORAL DEGREE 0.75 4.5 5.25 1.5 4.5 6 24 72 96 NO MASTERS NO DOCTORAL DEGREE 6 8 14 24 8 32 180 68 248 Use code Use 6-digit code C4 LAB HOURS TEACHING Undergrad 1 Use code Use 3-digit code C3 TOTAL TEACHING CREDIT UNITS Undergrad (Lab+Lect) CREDIT UNITS D1 D2 D3 LAB CREDIT UNITS TEACHING Graduate Level CREDIT UNITS LECTURE CREDIT UNITS TEACHING Graduate Level CREDIT UNITS TOTAL TEACHING CREDIT UNITS Graduate (Lab+Lect) CREDIT UNITS D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 E8 LAB HOURS TEACHING Graduate Level LECTURE HOURS TEACHING Graduate Level TOTAL TEACHING HOURS Graduate (Lab+Lect) Student ContactHrs LAB Graduate level Student ContactHrs LECTURE Graduate level Student ContactHrs GRADUATE Level (Lab+Lect) OFFICIAL RESEARCH LOAD Official EXTENSION SERVICES LOAD OFFICIAL STUDY LOAD OFFICIAL LOAD FOR PRODUCTION OFFICIAL ADMINISTRATI VE LOAD OTHER OFFICIAL LOAD CREDITS TOTAL WORK LOAD 1st SEM 2013/14 REMARKS HOURS PER WEEK HOURS PER WEEK HOURS PER WEEK CONTACTHOURS CONTACTHOURS CONTACTHOURS CREDIT UNITS CREDIT UNITS CREDIT UNITS CREDIT UNITS CREDIT UNITS CREDIT UNITS CREDIT UNITS PLEASE READ INSTRUCTIONS GROUP A1: FULL-TIME FACULTY MEMBERS WITH THEIR OWN FACULTY PLANTILLA ITEMS REMARKS: Every full-time faculty memb er with his/her own PS item, even if on leave without pay, should b e listed here. 1 LIMEN, FREDERICK B. 30 ZCSPC Vitali Extension 1 15 7 2 1.00 12 17.25 Completed academic requirements in Master of Arts in Teaching major in Electrical Technology. Designated as the Administrator of the ZCSPC Extension Program in Vitali Technical Vocational School 14 With 12 units earned in Master of Arts in Teaching Vocational Education. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 SUBTOTAL GROUP A1 GROUP A2: HALF-TIME FACULTY MEMBERS WITH THEIR OWN FACULTY PLANTILLA ITEMS REMARKS: Every half-time faculty memb er with his/her own PS item, even if on leave without pay, should b e listed here. 1 START LISTING HERE. 2 SUBTOTAL GROUP A2 GROUP A3: PERSONS OCCUPYING RESEARCH PLANTILLA ITEMS BUT CLASSIFIED AS REGULAR FACULTY. REMARKS: Please see instructions. 1 START LISTING HERE. 2 SUBTOTAL GROUP A3 GROUP B: FULL-TIME FACULTY MEMBERS WITHOUT ITEMS BUT DRAWING SALARIES FROM THE PS ITEMS OF FACULTY ON LEAVE WITHOUT PAY. REMARKS: Popularly known as "sub stitutes", these are the faculty memb ers who take over temporarily the PS item of someb ody on leave without pay. 1 START LISTING HERE. 2 SUBTOTAL GROUP B GROUP C1: FULL-TIME FACULTY MEMBERS WITHOUT ITEMS DRAWING SALARIES FROM GAA PS LUMP SUMS. REMARKS: Full-time without PS items. Salaries are paid from GAA PS Lump Sums. 1 START LISTING HERE. 2 3 SUBTOTAL GROUP C1 GROUP C2: FULL-TIME FACULTY MEMBERS WITHOUT ITEMS PAID DRAWING SALARIES FROM SUC INCOME. REMARKS: Sometimes known as "contractual faculty", these are full-time faculty with no plantilla items. Salaries are paid from SUC income. 1 START LISTING HERE. 2 3 SUBTOTAL GROUP C2 GROUP C3: FULL-TIME FACULTY MEMBERS WITH NO PS ITEMS DRAWING SALARIES FROM LGU FUNDS REMARKS: Faculty memb ers who have no PS items b ut teach full-time, with salaries paid from LGU funds. 1 START LISTING HERE. 2 3 SUBTOTAL GROUP C3 GROUP D: TEACHING FELLOWS AND TEACHING ASSOCIATES ( but not Graduate Assistants) REMARKS: Technically, TA/TF are not faculty memb ers. However, they do teach and study on official time. 1 START LISTING HERE. 2 SUBTOTAL GROUP D GROUP E: LECTURERS AND ALL OTHER PART-TIME FACULTY WITH NO ITEMS ( e.g. PROFS EMERITI, ADJUNCT/ AFFILIATE FACULTY, VISITING PROFS, etc.) REMARKS: List only the lecturers and/or part-time faculty who have actual teaching loads in First Sem 2012/13. ABANICO, RYAN D. 13 Vitali Extension Vitali Extension 3 90 6 2 0.250 1 801 5 544208 544208 544208 2 ALVAREZ, ROGELIO P. 13 Vitali Extension Vitali Extension 3 90 6 2 0.250 1 803 4 460100 423203 541601 460100 7.5 6 13.5 30 6 36 300 60 360 13.5 3 AQUINO, MARICOR D. 13 Vitali Extension Vitali Extension 3 90 6 2 0.250 2 801 5 221102 464104 221102 NO MASTERS NO DOCTORAL DEGREE 0.75 8 8.75 3 8 11 30 398 428 8.75 With 6 units earned in Master of Arts in Education major in English. 4 GURREA, ELMER R. 13 Vitali Extension Vitali Extension 3 90 6 2 0.250 1 802 5 542205 464104 542205 NO MASTERS NO DOCTORAL DEGREE 0.75 1.5 2.25 1.5 1.5 3 94.5 94.5 189 2.25 Completed academic requirements in Master of Arts in Teaching Vocational Education. 5 HERMOSILLA, CELINA A. 13 Vitali Extension Vitali Extension 3 90 6 2 0.250 2 801 5 622201 622201 622201 NO MASTERS NO DOCTORAL DEGREE 3 5 8 12 5 17 432 180 612 8 With 9 units earned in Master of Arts in Teaching Vocational Education. 6 LANIPA, ALEX D. 13 Vitali Extension Vitali Extension 3 90 6 2 0.250 1 803 4 460100 460100 544205 460100 0 6 6 0 6 6 0 207 207 6 7 TACURIAN, JONALYN S. 13 Vitali Extension Vitali Extension 3 90 6 2 0.250 2 504 7 429902 300101 420202 NO MASTERS NO DOCTORAL DEGREE 0.75 13 13.75 3 13 16 18 528 546 13.75 1 NO DOCTORA 1 NO DOCTORA 1 SUBTOTAL GROUP E GRAND TOTAL THIS FORM WAS FILLED IN BY: SIGNATURE: PRINTED NAME POSITION TITLE DATE: 05. SUC_NF_2013 FORM-E2 ZCSPC Extension Program at Vitali Technical Vocational School/ HGN JOCELYN P. REMOTO SPECIAL CONCERNS & LINKAGES DIRECTOR August 22, 2013 DATA CERTIFIED CORRECT BY: SIGNATURE: PRINTED NAME POSITION TITLE DATE: CARINA M. ABIDIN HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT DIRECTOR August 22, 2013 PRINTED 8/18/2014 11:19 AM CHED DISCIPLINE CODES ( AS OF OCTOBER 2004) PAGE 5 OF 18 Appendix B CODES FOR SPECIFIC DISCIPLINES UNDER MAJOR DISCIPLINES As of October 13, 2004 2-DIGIT CODE OF MAJOR DISCIPLINE NAME OF MAJOR DISCIPLINE EDUCATION SCIENCE AND TEACHER TRAINING FINE AND APPLIED ARTS HUMANITIES RELIGION AND THEOLOGY SOCIAL AND BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION AND RELATED LAW AND JURISPRUDENCE NATURAL SCIENCE MATHEMATICS IT-RELATED DISCIPLINES MEDICAL AND ALLIED TRADE, CRAFT AND INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING AND TECH ARCHITECTURE AND TOWN PLANNING AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY, FISHERIES HOME ECONOMICS SERVICE TRADES MASS COMMUNICATION AND DOCUMENTATION OTHER DISCIPLINES GENERAL MARITIME 14 18 22 26 30 34 38 42 46 47 50 52 54 58 62 66 78 84 89 00 90 REMARKS: Elementary and secondary students should not be classified in any of the above disciplines. A separate categery "BASIC EDUCATION" will be set up for them. 2-DIGIT 6-DIGIT NAME OF NAME OF SPECIFIC DISCIPLINE CODE FOR CODE FOR MAJOR MAJOR SPECIFIC DISCIPLI 14 EDUCATION SCIENCE AND TEACHER TRAINING 140101 140102 140104 140106 140108 140109 140110 General Teacher Training Elementary Education Secondary Education with no specialization Elementary and Secondary Education w/ no specialization Pedagogy Education Teaching Educational Foundation 140401 140402 140403 140404 140405 140406 140407 140408 140409 140410 140411 140412 140413 140414 140415 140416 140417 140418 140419 Teacher Training with Specialization in a Non-Vocational Subject Chemistry Education Christian Education English Education Mathematics Teaching Physics Teaching Religious Education (Character/Value Education) Arabic Education (teaching Arabic) Physical Education Biology Education College Teaching Sports Science (Sports Officiating/Coaching) Economics Education Bilingual Education Filipino Education General Science Education Health Education Home Economics Education Language Education/Language Teaching Music Education 05. SUC_NF_2013 FORM-E2 ZCSPC Extension Program at Vitali Technical Vocational School/ OCT 8 2004/ hgn ADTA PRINTED 8/18/2014 11:19 AM CHED DISCIPLINE CODES ( AS OF OCTOBER 2004) 2-DIGIT CODE FOR MAJOR 6-DIGIT CODE FOR SPECIFIC 140420 140421 140422 140423 140424 140425 140426 140427 140429 140431 NAME OF MAJOR DISCIPLI PAGE 6 OF 18 NAME OF SPECIFIC DISCIPLINE Art Education Reading Education Computer Education (teaching Computer Science) Science Education (teaching Science) Social Studies Education Spanish Education (teaching Spanish) Teaching Behavioral Science Communication Arts (Pilipino, English) Science and Health Education Physical Science Education 140801 140802 140804 140805 140806 140807 140808 Teacher Training for Teaching Practical or Vocational Subjects Industrial Education Industrial Arts Practical Arts Education Vocational/Technical Education Technician Teacher Education Teaching Elementary Agriculture Non-Formal Education 141201 141202 141203 Teacher Training for Teaching Pre-school or Kindergarten Childhood Education Early Childhood Education Kindergarten Education 141601 Teacher Training for Adult Education Adult Education 142201 142202 142203 Teacher Training for Teachers in Special Education Special Education Teaching Handicapped Children Applied Deaf Studies 145001 145002 145003 145004 Educational Administration and Supervision Educational Administration/Management Vocational School Administration/Management Educational Programs Management School Principalship 147201 147202 147203 147204 147205 147206 147207 147208 Education Science in Support of Teaching Guidance and Counselling Measurement and Evaluation Research and Evaluation Curriculum and Instruction Educational Guidance and Family Education Educational Psychology Educational Technology Library Science Education 149901 149902 149903 149904 149905 149906 149907 149908 149909 149910 149911 149912 149913 149914 149915 Other Education Science and Teacher Training Agricultural Development Education Agricultural Education Agricultural Extension Education Agricultural Homemaking Education Business Education Commercial Education Extension Education Fisheries Education Nursing Education Secretarial Education Basic Agricultural Education/Elementary Agriculture Health Professional Education Development Education Engineering Education Occupational Education 05. SUC_NF_2013 FORM-E2 ZCSPC Extension Program at Vitali Technical Vocational School/ OCT 8 2004/ hgn ADTA new 4 Feb 2001 PRINTED 8/18/2014 11:19 AM CHED DISCIPLINE CODES ( AS OF OCTOBER 2004) 2-DIGIT CODE FOR MAJOR 6-DIGIT CODE FOR SPECIFIC NAME OF MAJOR DISCIPLI 149916 149917 149918 149919 149920 149921 149922 149999 18 PAGE 7 OF 18 NAME OF SPECIFIC DISCIPLINE Human Ecology Education Agricultural Technology Education Environmental Education Maritime Education Population Education Nutrition and Dietetics Teaching History Education Other Education Science and Teacher Training new 4 Feb 2001 FINE AND APPLIED ARTS 180101 180104 General Art Studies Fine Arts Practical Arts 180201 History and Philosophy of Arts Art History 180400 Drawing and Painting 180800 Sculpturing Music 182201 182203 182204 182205 182206 182207 182208 182209 182210 182211 182212 182213 Music Music in Musical Sciences Music Liturgy Piano/Keyboard Strings Voice Winds and Percussion Creative and Performing Arts Choral/Orchestral Conducting Ethnomusicology Musicology Composition Drama 183201 183202 183204 183205 Speech and Drama Speech and Theater Arts Theater Arts (Performance; Malikhaing Pagsulat; Technical Theater Mgt.) Production Design 185200 Interior Design 189902 189904 189905 Other Fine and Applied Arts Fashion Design and Merchandising Visual Communication Dance 22 HUMANITIES 220100 General Humanities 221101 221102 221103 221107 221108 Current or Vernacular Language and its Literature Pilipino/Filipino English Philippine Literature English Literature Pilipino Literature 221501 221502 221503 Other Living Languages and their Literature European Languages Spanish Language and Literature 05. SUC_NF_2013 FORM-E2 ZCSPC Extension Program at Vitali Technical Vocational School/ OCT 8 2004/ hgn ADTA PRINTED 8/18/2014 11:19 AM CHED DISCIPLINE CODES ( AS OF OCTOBER 2004) 2-DIGIT CODE FOR MAJOR 6-DIGIT CODE FOR SPECIFIC NAME OF MAJOR DISCIPLI 221504 222100 PAGE 8 OF 18 NAME OF SPECIFIC DISCIPLINE Modern Languages "Dead" Languages and their Literature Linguistics 223101 Linguistics 224101 224102 Comparative Literature Comparative Literature Literature History 225101 225103 History Development Studies 226100 Archeology 227100 Philosophy 229900 Other Humanities 26 RELIGION AND THEOLOGY 260001 260002 260004 260005 260006 260009 260010 260011 260012 30 Religion and Theology Arts (Classical/Philosophy) Divinity Religion/Spiritual Life Theology/Theological Studies Evangelical Ministry Pastoral Ministry Comparative Religions Religious Formation Biblical Studies SOCIAL AND BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES 300101 300102 300103 300104 300105 General Social and Behavioral Sciences Social Science Behavioral Science Human Behavior Technology Social Studies Applied Social Research 301 301201 301202 301205 301206 301207 301208 301209 Economics 302 302201 302202 302203 302204 Political Science Political Science Foreign Service International Relations Political Economy Applied Economics Economics Business Economics Development Economics Management Economics Economic Research Industrial Economics Sociology 303201 303202 303203 303204 303205 Sociology Rural Sociology Sociology and Anthropology Pastoral Sociology Applied Sociology 05. SUC_NF_2013 FORM-E2 ZCSPC Extension Program at Vitali Technical Vocational School/ OCT 8 2004/ hgn ADTA PRINTED 8/18/2014 11:19 AM CHED DISCIPLINE CODES ( AS OF OCTOBER 2004) 2-DIGIT CODE FOR MAJOR 6-DIGIT CODE FOR SPECIFIC NAME OF MAJOR DISCIPLI PAGE 9 OF 18 NAME OF SPECIFIC DISCIPLINE 303301 303302 303303 Demography Demography Population Communication Population Studies 304200 Anthropology Psychology 305201 305202 305204 305205 305206 Psychology Industrial Psychology Counseling Psychology Applied Psychology Clinical Psychology Geography 306201 306202 306203 Geography Economic Geography Physical Geography 307201 307202 307203 307204 307205 307207 307208 307209 307210 307211 Studies of Regional Cultures Islamic Studies Philippine Studies/Arts Asian Studies/Asian Culture International Studies Interdisciplinary Studies Oriental Religion and Culture Regional Studies Philippine Muslim Personal Laws Folklore Southeast Asian Studies 309900 Other Social and Behavioral Science 34 BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION AND RELATED 340101 340102 340104 340106 340107 340108 340113 General Business Administration (Commerce) Business Administration Commercial Science/Arts Business Management Entrepreneurial Management Commerce Administration Management Secretarial 340401 340402 340404 340406 340407 Secretarial/Medical Secretarial/Clerical Office Administration/Management Secretarial Administration/Management Secretarial Science Computer Secretarial 342601 342602 Electronic Data Processing Business Data Processing Data Processing 343201 343205 343206 343207 Accountancy Accountancy Accountancy and Bookkeeping Government Accounting and Auditing Business Administration/Management & Accountancy 343401 343402 Business Administration w/ Specialization in Marketing Marketing Advertising Business Administration/Mgt. w/ Specialization in Finance & Investment 05. SUC_NF_2013 FORM-E2 ZCSPC Extension Program at Vitali Technical Vocational School/ OCT 8 2004/ hgn ADTA PRINTED 8/18/2014 11:19 AM CHED DISCIPLINE CODES ( AS OF OCTOBER 2004) 2-DIGIT CODE FOR MAJOR 6-DIGIT CODE FOR SPECIFIC 343601 343602 343603 NAME OF MAJOR DISCIPLI PAGE 10 OF 18 NAME OF SPECIFIC DISCIPLINE Banking and Finance Real Estate Computational Finance 343901 343902 343903 343904 343905 343906 343907 343908 343911 343912 343913 343914 343915 343916 343917 343919 343920 343922 343923 343924 343926 343927 343928 Business Administration/Mgt. with Other Specialization Distributive Arts Agri-Business Agri-Business Management/Administration Labor-Management Relations Business Technology/Engineering Economics and Cooperatives Fishery Business Management Industrial Management International Trade Management Transportation Management Labor Policy and Administration Industrial Relations Construction Mangement Legal Management Livelihood Management Home Arts Entrepreneurship Computer Management Export Management Commerce in Taxation Business Entrepreneurship Technology Communications Management Technology Management Church Administration 345201 345202 345203 345204 345205 345206 345207 Public Administration Public Administration/Management Fiscal Administration/Studies Local Government & Regional Development Public Policy and Program Administration Organization Analysis and Management Public Enterprise Management Public and Business Administration 346201 346202 346204 346205 346206 346209 346210 346211 346212 346213 346214 346215 346216 346217 346218 346219 346220 346221 346222 346222 Institutional Administration/Management Hotel and Restaurant Management Airline Business Administration/Management Educational Administration and Supervision Food Service Administration Hospital Administration Industrial Cafeteria Management Institutional Food Administration Postal Administration Shipping Management and Accountancy Small Industry Management Media Management Police Management Vocational School Management School Administration/Management Agricultural School Administration Elementary School Management Institutional Development Management Nursing Administration/Management Customs Administration Port Administration 347201 347203 347204 347206 347207 Other Administration/Management and Related Cooperative Management Recreation and Parks Administration Supply Administration/Management Extension Administration Resource Management 05. SUC_NF_2013 FORM-E2 ZCSPC Extension Program at Vitali Technical Vocational School/ OCT 8 2004/ hgn ADTA PRINTED 8/18/2014 11:19 AM CHED DISCIPLINE CODES ( AS OF OCTOBER 2004) 2-DIGIT CODE FOR MAJOR 6-DIGIT CODE FOR SPECIFIC NAME OF MAJOR DISCIPLI 347208 347209 347210 347212 347213 347214 38 PAGE 11 OF 18 NAME OF SPECIFIC DISCIPLINE Development Management/Administration Administration and Supervision Organizational Development and Planning Maritime Management Developmental Administration/Management Livelihood Management LAW AND JURISPRUDENCE 380101 380102 General Law Laws Jurisprudence 380201 Jurisprudence and History of Law Civil Laws 380400 International Law 380600 Labor Law 380800 Maritime Law 389901 389902 389903 Other Law and Jurisprudence Laws in Taxation Criminal Justice Economic Law 42 NATURAL SCIENCE 420201 420202 420203 420204 420205 420206 420207 420208 420209 420210 420212 420213 420214 420215 420216 420217 Biological Science Biological Science Biology Bio-Chemistry Botany Entomology Human Biology Marine Biology Microbiology Pharmacology Physiology Zoology Applied Biology Biotechnology Molecular Biology and Biotechnology Applied Zoology Genetics Chemistry 421201 421202 421203 421204 422201 422202 422203 422204 Chemical Research Chemical Technology Chemistry Industrial Chemistry Geological Science Geology Volcanology Geological Techniques Marine Geology Physics 423201 423203 423204 423202 Applied Physics Physics Physics-Mathematics Metallurgy 05. SUC_NF_2013 FORM-E2 ZCSPC Extension Program at Vitali Technical Vocational School/ OCT 8 2004/ hgn ADTA PRINTED 8/18/2014 11:19 AM CHED DISCIPLINE CODES ( AS OF OCTOBER 2004) 2-DIGIT CODE FOR MAJOR PAGE 12 OF 18 6-DIGIT CODE FOR SPECIFIC NAME OF MAJOR DISCIPLI 424200 Astronomy 425200 Meteorology 426201 426202 426203 426204 Oceanography Marine Science Oceanography Marine Physical Science Marine Bio-Diversity 429901 429902 429904 Other Natural/Applied Science General Science Natural Science Applied Science 46 NAME OF SPECIFIC DISCIPLINE new 13 Aug 2001 MATHEMATICS 460100 General Mathematics Statistics 461101 461102 461103 461104 Applied Statistics Experimental Statistics Statistics Operations Research 462100 Actuarial Science 463901 463902 463903 Other Mathematics Applied Mathematics Mathematical Science Actuarial Mathematics 47 IT-RELATED 464101 464102 464104 464105 464106 464107 464108 50 Computer Science/Information Technology Computer Science Computer Data Processing Management Computer Technology Information and Computer Science Computer Applications Information Management Information Technology MEDICAL AND ALLIED Hygiene 500201 500202 500203 500205 500206 Sanitary Science Community Health Public Health/Medical Health Health and Social Science Community Health Development and Management Medicine 500601 500602 500603 500604 500801 500802 500803 Medicine Anesthesiology Internal Medicine Clinical Medicine (Epidemiology, Surgery) Rehabilitation Medicine Occupational Therapy/Health Physical Therapy Speech Pathology 05. SUC_NF_2013 FORM-E2 ZCSPC Extension Program at Vitali Technical Vocational School/ OCT 8 2004/ hgn ADTA PRINTED 8/18/2014 11:19 AM CHED DISCIPLINE CODES ( AS OF OCTOBER 2004) 2-DIGIT CODE FOR MAJOR 6-DIGIT CODE FOR SPECIFIC NAME OF MAJOR DISCIPLI 500804 500805 500806 PAGE 13 OF 18 NAME OF SPECIFIC DISCIPLINE Respiratory/Pulmunary Therapy Human Kinetics Physio-Therapy 501200 Nursing 501500 Midwifery 501701 Medical X-ray Techniques Radiologic Technology 503001 503002 Medical Technology Medical Technology Medical Microbiology 504201 504202 504203 Dental Medicine Dental Medicine Dental Public Work Orthondontics Pharmacy 505201 505202 505203 505204 Industrial Pharmacy Pharmaceutical Chemistry Pharmacy Hospital Pharmacy 506200 Optometry 507200 Nutrition and Dietetics 509901 509902 509903 Other Medical Diagnostic and Treatment Rural Medicine Paramedics Health Science Education (15 May 2000 for Asso in HSE program) 52 TRADE, CRAFT AND INDUSTRIAL 527601 527602 527603 54 Clothing and Related Trades Garment Technology Clothing Technology Trade Technology ENGINEERING 540301 Basic Engineering 540401 540402 540403 540404 540405 540406 540407 Aeronautical Engineering Aeronautical Engineering Aerospace Engineering Aviation Electronics/Electrical Engineering Avionics Engineering/Technology/Civil Aviation Air Transportation Aircraft Maintenance Technology Aircraft/Avionics Technology 541201 541202 541203 541204 541205 Chemical Engineering Ceramics Engineering Chemical Engineering Chemical Engineering Technology Textile Engineering Biochemical Engineering 05. SUC_NF_2013 FORM-E2 ZCSPC Extension Program at Vitali Technical Vocational School/ OCT 8 2004/ hgn ADTA PRINTED 8/18/2014 11:19 AM CHED DISCIPLINE CODES ( AS OF OCTOBER 2004) 2-DIGIT CODE FOR MAJOR 6-DIGIT CODE FOR SPECIFIC NAME OF MAJOR DISCIPLI PAGE 14 OF 18 NAME OF SPECIFIC DISCIPLINE 541601 541602 541603 541604 Civil Engineering Civil Engineering Construction Technology Building Technology Structural Engineering 541801 541802 Geodetic Engineering Geodetic Engineering Mineral Land Surveying 542201 542202 542203 542205 542206 542207 542209 542210 542211 542212 542213 Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering Radio and Electronics Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Electrical Technology Electronics Engineering/Technology Electronics and Communications Engineering Radio Communication Technology Applied Electrical Science Software Engineering/Technology Instrumentation and Control Technology Remote Sensing 542601 542602 542604 542605 542606 542607 542608 Industrial Engineering Industrial Design Industrial and Management Engineering Industrial Engineering Industrial Technology Management Engineering Manufacturing/Production Engineering Industrial Development and Technology 543200 Metallurgical Engineering 543601 543602 543603 Mining Engineering Mining Engineering Mineral Processing Technology Mining Technology 544205 544206 544208 544209 Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Technology Automotive Technology Geothermal Engineering 545001 545002 545003 Sanitary Engineering Environmental and Sanitary Engineering Sanitary Engineering Public Health Engineering 545300 Agricultural Engineering 546301 Forestry Engineering Forest Products Engineering 549901 549903 549904 549907 549908 549909 549911 549912 549913 549915 Other Engineering Engineering Technology Plumbing Engineering Energy Engineering Food Engineering Water Resources Engineering Materials Science and Engineering Genetics Engineering Transport Engineering Nuclear Engineering Engineering Design 05. SUC_NF_2013 FORM-E2 ZCSPC Extension Program at Vitali Technical Vocational School/ OCT 8 2004/ hgn ADTA PRINTED 8/18/2014 11:19 AM CHED DISCIPLINE CODES ( AS OF OCTOBER 2004) 2-DIGIT CODE FOR MAJOR 6-DIGIT CODE FOR SPECIFIC NAME OF MAJOR DISCIPLI 549916 549919 549921 58 PAGE 15 OF 18 NAME OF SPECIFIC DISCIPLINE Meteorological Engineering Technology/Engineering Petroleum Engineering ARCHITECTURAL AND TOWN-PLANNING 580101 580102 580103 General Architecture and Town Planning Architecture Architectural Drafting Architectural Science/Technology 580200 Architectural Design 581201 581202 Landscape Architecture Landscape Architecture Tropical Landscape Architecture 582201 582202 582203 582204 582205 582206 582207 Town Planning Town and Country Planning Urban and Regional Planning Community Architecture Land Use Planning Transportation Planning Estate Planning Development Public Works Planning and Development 62 AGRICULTURAL, FORESTRY, AND FISHERIES 620101 620102 620103 General Agriculture Agricultural Technology Agricultural Science Agriculture 620301 620302 620303 Animal Husbandry Animal Husbandry Animal Science Animal Technology Horticulture 620601 620602 620603 620604 Horticulture Plant Pathology Plant Science Horticulture Management Agronomy 620801 620802 620803 620804 620805 620806 620807 Agronomy Plant Breeding Seed Science Weed Science Grain Science Crop Science Crop Protection 621200 Agricultural Economics 622201 622203 622204 622205 Food Sciences and Technology Food Technology Food Science Food Science and Technology Food Processing Soil and Water Sciences 05. SUC_NF_2013 FORM-E2 ZCSPC Extension Program at Vitali Technical Vocational School/ OCT 8 2004/ hgn ADTA PRINTED 8/18/2014 11:19 AM CHED DISCIPLINE CODES ( AS OF OCTOBER 2004) 2-DIGIT CODE FOR MAJOR 6-DIGIT CODE FOR SPECIFIC NAME OF MAJOR DISCIPLI 622601 622602 622603 PAGE 16 OF 18 NAME OF SPECIFIC DISCIPLINE Soil Science Soils/Water Development Soil Conservation and Management 623201 623202 623203 623204 Veterinary Medicine Veterinary Medicine Veterinary Parasitology Veterinary Pathology Veterinary Technology 624902 624903 624904 624905 624906 624907 624908 624909 624911 624912 624913 624915 624918 624919 Other Agriculture Agricultural Chemistry Agricultural Development Agricultural Extension Agricultural Homemaking Agricultural Management Development Communication Agricultural Technology Management Agrometeorology Farming System Sugar Technology Rice Technology Agrarian Studies/Reform Agro-Industrial Technology Mgt. Sericulture Forestry 626201 626202 626204 626205 626206 626207 626208 626209 627201 627202 627204 627205 627206 627207 627208 627209 66 Forestry Agro-Forestry Forest Ranger Forest Biological Science Forest Entomology Forest Resource Management Wild Life Studies Wood Science and Technology Fishery Science and Technology Fisheries Fisheries Technology Fishery Farming Extension Fishing Technology Inland Fisheries Aquaculture Fish Processing Technology Fisheries Biology HOME ECONOMICS 660101 660102 660103 660104 660105 660106 General Home Economics Family Life and Child Development Home Economics Human Ecology Family Life Family Resource Management Early Childhood Development 661201 661202 661204 661206 661207 HE w/ Emphasis on Household & Consumer Food Research; Nutrition Foods and Nutrition Community Nutrition Nutrition Applied Nutrition Nutrition and Food Planning 663200 Home Economics with Emphasis on Household Arts 05. SUC_NF_2013 FORM-E2 ZCSPC Extension Program at Vitali Technical Vocational School/ OCT 8 2004/ hgn ADTA PRINTED 8/18/2014 11:19 AM CHED DISCIPLINE CODES ( AS OF OCTOBER 2004) 2-DIGIT CODE FOR MAJOR 6-DIGIT CODE FOR SPECIFIC 669901 669902 669903 78 NAME OF MAJOR DISCIPLI PAGE 17 OF 18 NAME OF SPECIFIC DISCIPLINE Other Home Economics Home Extension Home Technology Homemaking SERVICE TRADES 787201 787203 787204 84 Tourist Trade Tourism Tourism and Travel Management Tourism and Hotel & Restaurant Mgt. MASS COMMUNICATION AND DOCUMENTATION 840101 840102 840103 General Communication Arts Communication Speech Communication Writing Journalism 840201 840202 840203 Business Journalism Journalism Literature in Journalism 840401 840402 Radio and Television Broadcasting Broadcast Communication Broadcast 840700 Public Relations and Media Management 840901 840908 840909 840910 840911 840912 Other Communications Arts Mass Communication Communication Research Film and Audio Visual Communication Maikling Pagsulat Organizational Communication Christian Communication 842201 842202 Library Science Library and Information Science Library Science 89 OTHER DISCIPLINES 891301 891303 Criminology Criminology Criminology and Police Administration 891900 Other Civil Security and Military 893201 893202 893203 Social Welfare Social Services Social Work Social Development 893301 893302 893303 893304 893305 893306 893307 Community Development Community Development Livelihood Management Community Organizing Extension Service Management Rural Development Multicultural Community Development Participatory Development 05. SUC_NF_2013 FORM-E2 ZCSPC Extension Program at Vitali Technical Vocational School/ OCT 8 2004/ hgn ADTA PRINTED 8/18/2014 11:19 AM CHED DISCIPLINE CODES ( AS OF OCTOBER 2004) 2-DIGIT CODE FOR MAJOR 6-DIGIT CODE FOR SPECIFIC NAME OF MAJOR DISCIPLI PAGE 18 OF 18 NAME OF SPECIFIC DISCIPLINE 895201 895202 895203 895204 Environmental Studies Environment Ecology Environmental Planning/Management Environmental Science 898201 898202 Human Resource Development Human Resource Development and Planning Personnel and Human Resources Management 899900 Women Development 899999 Other Education not elsewhere coded (NEC) 90 MARITIME 897201 897202 549922 549923 01 Nautical Science Marine Transportation Nautical Science Marine Engineering/Technology Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering GENERAL 001003 001004 001005 001006 001007 001008 Arts Science Liberal Arts-Liacom Pre-Dental Letters Professional Studies REMARKS: 13 OCT 2004 The original "MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTER SCIENCE" has been split into 2 major disciplines MATHEMATICS ( 2-digit code = 46) IT-RELATED (2-digit code = 47) MARITIME now appears as a major discipline with its 2-digt code 90. 05. SUC_NF_2013 FORM-E2 ZCSPC Extension Program at Vitali Technical Vocational School/ OCT 8 2004/ hgn ADTA PRINTED 8/18/2014 11:19 AM
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