6$03/(%$//27 GENERAL ELECTION NOVEMBER 4, 2014 ST. FRANCOIS COUNTY, MISSOURI DEMOCRATIC - (DEM); REPUBLICAN - (REP); LIBERTARIAN (LIB); CONSTITUTION (CST); INDEPENDENT - (IND) NOTICE OF ELECTION Notice is hereby given that the November General Election will be held in the County of 6W)UDQFRLV on Tuesday, November 4, 2014 as certified to this office by the participating entities of 6W)UDQFRLV. The ballot for the Election shall be in substantially the following form. FOR STATE AUDITOR Vote for ONE TOM SCHWEICH SEAN O'TOOLE RODNEY FARTHING REP FOR ASSOCIATE CIRCUIT JUDGE DIVISION 4 Vote for ONE LIB SHAWN McCARVER DEM WRITE-IN MISSOURI SUPREME COURT JUDGES FOR PRESIDING COMMISSIONER Vote for ONE FOR U.S. REPRESENTATIVE DISTRICT 8 Vote for ONE BARBARA STOCKER DEM JASON SMITH REP LINDA R. DICKERSON DEM HAROLD GALLAHER REP TERRY HAMPTON IND YES Shall Judge PAUL CAMPBELL WILSON of the Missouri Supreme Court be retained in office? WRITE-IN CST Shall Judge LAURA DENVIR STITH of the Missouri Supreme Court be retained in office? NO LIB DOUG ENYART FOR COUNTY CLERK Vote for ONE MARK L. HEDRICK DEM JOHN ROBINSON REP WRITE-IN FOR STATE REPRESENTATIVE DISTRICT 115 Vote for ONE DEM FOR CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT Vote for ONE VICKI J. WEIBLE ELAINE FREEMAN GANNON REP JERRY DOLLAR JR. CST DEM NO Shall Judge ANGELA TURNER QUIGLESS of the Eastern District Court of Appeals be retained in office? YES NO WRITE-IN FOR RECORDER OF DEEDS Vote for ONE WRITE-IN YES MISSOURI COURT OF APPEALS JUDGES, EASTERN DISTRICT WRITE-IN DAN DARIAN VOTE ON EACH JUDGE CST WRITE-IN RICK VANDEVEN OFFICIAL JUDICIAL BALLOT Submitting to the voters whether the Judges named below, whose terms expire December 31, 2014, shall be retained in office for new terms. STEVE GRIDER DEM MICHAEL LUDWIG REP Shall Judge LISA S. VAN AMBURG of the Eastern District Court of Appeals be retained in office? YES NO FOR STATE REPRESENTATIVE DISTRICT 116 WRITE-IN Vote for ONE KEVIN ENGLER REP CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT NO. 2 FOR PROSECUTING ATTORNEY Vote for ONE JERROD D. MAHURIN DEM WRITE-IN Shall the Missouri Constitution be amended so that it will be permissible to allow relevant evidence of prior criminal acts to be admissible in prosecutions for crimes of a sexual nature involving a victim under eighteen years of age? WRITE-IN FOR STATE REPRESENTATIVE DISTRICT 117 FOR COUNTY AUDITOR Vote for ONE LINDA BLACK Vote for ONE DEM Proposed by the 97th General Assembly (First Regular Session) SCS HJR 16 CONNIE S. BLACK DEM BRET BURGESS REP WRITE-IN If more resources are needed to defend increased prosecutions additional costs to governmental entities could be at least $1.4 million annually, otherwise the fiscal impact is expected to be limited. WRITE-IN FOR ASSOCIATE CIRCUIT JUDGE DIVISION 3 FOR COLLECTOR OF REVENUE Vote for ONE Vote for ONE WENDY WEXLER HORN WRITE-IN DEM YES PAMELA J. WILLIAMS WRITE-IN DEM NO CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT NO. 3 Proposed by Initiative Petition Shall the Missouri Constitution be amended to: • require teachers to be evaluated by a standards based performance evaluation system for which each local school district must receive state approval to continue receiving state and local funding; • require teachers to be dismissed, retained, demoted, promoted and paid primarily using quantifiable student performance data as part of the evaluation system; • require teachers to enter into contracts of three years or fewer with public school districts; and • prohibit teachers from organizing or collectively bargaining regarding the design and implementation of the teacher evaluation system? Decisions by school districts regarding provisions allowed or required by this proposal and their implementation will influence the potential costs or savings impacting each district. Significant potential costs may be incurred by the state and/or the districts if new/additional evaluation instruments must be developed to satisfy the proposal's performance evaluation requirements. YES NO CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT NO. 6 Proposed by the 97th General Assembly (Second Regular Session) SS SCS HCS HJR No. 90 Shall the Missouri Constitution be amended to permit voting in person or by mail for a period of six business days prior to and including the Wednesday before the election day in general elections, but only if the legislature and the governor appropriate and disburse funds to pay for the increased costs of such voting? State governmental entities estimated startup costs of about $2 million and costs to reimburse local election authorities of at least $100,000 per election. Local election authorities estimated higher reimbursable costs per election. Those costs will depend on the compensation, staffing, and, planning decisions of election authorities with the total costs being unknown. YES NO CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT NO. 10 Proposed by the 97th General Assembly (Second Regular Session) HJR No. 72 Shall the Missouri Constitution be amended to require the governor to pay the public debt, to prohibit the governor from relying on revenue from legislation not yet passed when proposing a budget, and to provide a legislative check on the governor's decisions to restrict funding for education and other state services? State governmental entities expect no direct costs or savings. Local governmental entities expect an unknown fiscal impact. YES NO COUNTY OF ST. FRANCOIS COMBINED 911 CALL TAKING/DISPATCH TAX Shall the County of St. Francois, Missouri replace the current St. Francois County 911 telephone tariff/tax levy and enact a County Sales tax of three-eighths (3/8) of one percent (1%) for the purpose of funding the operation and maintenance, central calltaking, providing of dispatching of fire protection, emergency services, law enforcement, emergency telephone services, and other emergency services in lieu and to replace the current telephone tariff tax, pursuant to RSMo 190.335 which would have a sunset clause (end) in seven years, at which time a new vote would be required to reinstitute or extinguish the new tax? (If this is passed, the current telephone tariff tax would be extinguished December 31, 2015. The new County sales tax would be implemented January 1, 2015.) YES NO SPECIAL SCHOOL BOND ELECTION SCHOOL DISTRICT OF THE CITY OF DE SOTO JEFFERSON COUNTY, MISSOURI PROPOSITION K.I.D.S. Shall the School District of the City of De Soto, Jefferson County, Missouri Board of Education borrow money in the amount of Nine Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($9,500,000), a portion of which may be funded by a previously approved application for Qualified Zone Academy Bonds by the State of Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE), resulting in no estimated increase to the debt service property tax levy, for the purpose of providing funds for the site development, construction, equipping and furnishing of a fine arts auditorium at the secondary campus, a new kitchen/cafeteria, Americans with Disabilities Act compliance elevators and other improvements at the junior high school and five new classrooms, gymnasium, and other renovations for library and instructional space at Vineland Elementary; to complete other renovations, repairs and security system improvements to the existing facilities of the District including heating, ventilation, air conditioning and parking upgrades at Athena Elementary; and issue bonds for the payment thereof? If this proposition is approved, the adjusted debt service levy of the School District is estimated to remain unchanged at $0.8707 per one hundred dollars of assessed valuation of real and personal property. YES NO CITY OF PARK HILLS PROPOSITION A Shall the sale of intoxicating liquor by the drink at retail for consumption on the premises where sold be authorized within the city limits of the City of Park Hills? YES NO PROPOSITION B Shall the City of Park Hills impose a new sales tax of one half of one percent of all retail sales made in the city for the purpose of providing revenues for the establishment, administration and maintenance of local parks and for storm water control and repeal, effective the same date that the newly passed sales tax becomes effective, the current one half cent sales tax authorized under Missouri statute 644.032? Whether a majority of votes are cast for "yes" or "no", the amount of the tax imposed shall not change from the current amount imposed. A majority "no" vote would simply maintain the current limitation imposed by the voters of the City of Park Hills on April 2, 2002 that "The Park and Recreation Department will afterward receive no General Funds and an amount equal to the revenue collected from the Park and Storm Water tax each year shall be used for street improvements." A majority "yes" vote would delete this limitation. YES NO PROPOSITION C Shall the City of Park Hills impose a sales tax of one fourth of one percent of all retail sales made in the city for a period of ten (10) years for the purpose of providing revenues for the operation of the City of Park Hills Fire Department, including the purchase, or other financing, of a pumper/tanker fire truck? YES NO
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