.r Wife Viln<l " K<lte" Cockbutn-F<lhie Mother Gl<~~ys F<~hie Sons Bren~<ln "An~y" F<~hie Br<~nson "Tony" F<~hie Dikembe "Kimbo" F<~hie D<~ughter Johnnei"J<~y" Cockburn Gr<~n~son J<~teb<l (reese Nieces Keliciq Hqzell Reishqr Fqhie Priscillq Meeks Uncles Boyce Fqhie Percy Fqhie Mqxie Fqhie "lJSA" Alcie Fqhie "lJSA" Orqlqo Fqhie Ashielc\ Fqhie Joseph Smith Henry Smith "St.Thomqs" Gre<~t Uncles Justin F<~hie lshm<~el F<~hie Aunts Son-in-L<lw Ateb<l (reese Bwthers Alb<~to "Fox" F<~hie Alce~o "Piper" F<~hie Sisters M<~Hiyn F<~hie M<lu~ F<~hie MuHel F<~hie M<~riol'ie F<~hie Gweneth F<~hie Girlette Meeks Nephews Nort"is & Viqql Dickson Aiqirie & Jqbqri Smith Alcec\o Jr .& Dqmiqn Fqhie Beryl Fqhie "St. Thomqs" lJnq Scqtliffe Merq Lettsome "St. Thomqs" Elenq Fqhie lonq Fqhie-Collins lc\rena Fqhie Loenq Fqhie-Turnbull Aronq Fqhie-Forbes llenq Fqhie Mqvis Williqms "St.Thomqs" (qroline Smith "St.Thomqs" Gre<~t Aunt Anest<l F<~hie Step-Mother Florrie F<~hie Mother-in-L<~w Hilene Richqrds (qleb Meeks Kenroy Hqzell Jr. Fqmily members of Glqdys Fqhie qnq the lqte Loius Fqhie. Frienc\s qnq members of the Royql Virgin lslqnqs Police Force. 2 .. ............... • - - s Brothet"s-in-L<lw Vincent Clive Meeks M<1tth~w Cockburn "BVI " Lenfotd, Von & Louis Rich<ltds Ron<lld, Alvon & Osbone Cockburn Sistet"s-in-L<!w Betty Rich<ltds ' BVI " Rose B<1bb "B<ltb<ldos" Ann<l & M<lvis Coeburn Joycelyn Rich<ltds "St.Vincent:" Cousins C<1rmen ,Ch<1rlene ,Kelvin, Altura ,Brend<l ,)<}sin ,Jilli<ln, M<lcklin ,St<lci<l ,M<ldlyn ,Kqtrin<l, Montez ,Teion, Ashell<l ,Ashellicq, Ashmor Apostle Curn<ll fuhie, Kevin Spr<luve, Kensley Dennis, Kishm<l, Corte! P<1yne, Cortez Forbes, Edison ,Ericson Penn, Elson Bovell, Lt. Dustine F<1hie, D<ln<le, Devin F<1hie ,K<lde<lu ,Kqlind<l Colins, Chevon Turnbull, Curlyn F<lhie-Hodge, Goq Chilqt"en Kytinse Sh<1llow M<ll<lchi Jennings Letin Pope Sh<lmique Robinson N<lime Gt<lnt Atdith Herbert M<ll<lchi Willi<lms Din<lti Willi<lms Vshet"s Rhoncl<l Smith T<:lm<lt"<l Hoclge Tene!Q At"thut" Michelle Ft"eem<:ln-But"ke Shem<:l P<:lyne-Robinson l<.qmicq H<:lt"t"is Je<:lnette Scqtliffe-Boynes Speci<:ll Ft"ienqs Sgt. Hendrickson Willi<lms Sgt. Roger Willi<lms Insp. D<lriel Robinson Sgt. Joseph Ch<lpm<ln Sgt. Fr<1nci<1 J<1mes-Liburd PC. otis M<lrtin WPC. M<lry Phillip Ariel C<1meron Devon Doh<lrty Nigel Forem<ln Etrol Flemming Ruben Rqbs<ltt Glenn C<1llwood Stress Hon. Juli<ln Fr<}ser D<lnci<l Penn-Sal ah Sgt. Westmot"e Jeffet"s Also sut"Viveq by the qesencl<:lnts of Ros(lmonq F<:lhie, Eclmuncl Heqt"ington J<:lmes Smith, Evqn F<:lhie, Rit<l Gt"<:lh<:lm, Cl<:ll'"it<l Hoqge, C<:lroline Flemming <:lncl Emm<:l (t"<:lbbe P<:lll Be<:lt"et"s No. 48 Insp. M<1rlon Ch<1rles, 1/C No. 90 Insp. Rol<lnd J<1ckson No. 128 Insp. Bill Johnney No. 47 Insp. lsre<}l Serge<lnt No. 116 Insp. George M<1son No. 155 Insp. Bew<ldney Howe No. 199 Insp. Adri<ln K<lrtick No. 40 Insp. Rec<1ldo Noel No. 64 Insp. D<lriel Robinson No. 24 Insp. Ernest Gumbs No. Insp. Joel Gumbs Honot"<lt"Y P<:lll Be<:lt"et"s Alb<1to F<1hie Alcedo F<1hie Hon. Juli<ln Fr<}ser Sgt. Hendrickson Willi<lms Sgt. Roger ' M<1ltm<1n" Willi<lms Ariel C<1meron Ruben R<lbs<ltt Nigel Forem<ln J<1mie Pickering St<:lnley Heqt"ington 3 5
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