The need to achieve effective military airworthiness in the context of ensuring wider aviation safety MAWA Forum _ 23-24 Sep 2014 Brig. Gen. Guy-Daniel MARY SCOPE Military Airworthiness 11. Why a military airworthiness regulation ? 12. Assessment 13. What remains to do ? The new context of SES 21. Overview of SES objectives 22. Impact of SES regulation on EU military aviation 23. What can we do ? How to ensure a wider aviation safety ? 31. Potential areas to reinforce MIL cooperation & harmonization 32. EDA future possible role : 321. RPAS regulation 322. Military pilot licensing system 323. EU future OAT watch 33. The implementation of EMARs in national regulations 23-24 Sep 2014 MAWA Forum F22 2 SCOPE Military Airworthiness 11. Why a military airworthiness regulation ? 12. Assessment 13. What remains to do ? The new context of SES 21. Overview of SES objectives 22. Impact of SES regulation on EU military aviation 23. What can we do ? How to ensure a wider aviation safety ? 31. Potential areas to reinforce MIL cooperation & harmonization 32. EDA future possible role : 321. RPAS regulation 322. Military pilot licensing system 323. EU future OAT watch 33. The implementation of EMARs in national regulations 23-24 Sep 2014 MAWA Forum F22 3 SUBJECT THE NEED TO ACHIEVE EFFECTIVE MILITARY AIRWORTHINESS IN THE CONTEXT OF ENSURING WIDER AVIATION SAFETY 23-24 Sep 2014 MAWA Forum F22 4 CIVIL & MIL AVIATIONS : INTERLINKED SYSTEMS WITH SAFETY IN COMMON 23-24 Sep 2014 MAWA Forum F22 5 The NEED of a DEDICATED AUTHORITY to MIL AIRWORTHINESS Training Operating Air accident Investigation Bureau Date Name Airworthiness Air Traffic Mgt France 2011 DSAE SAA X X United Kingdom 2011 MAA X X X Sweden 1997 MAA FLYGI X X X Minister 2004 MAA X X X Minister 2015 MAA X X X 1993-1998 MAA X (1993) X(1998) X CAS X CAS by delegation from CHOD Netherlands Germany Australia Canada ? 23-24 Sep 2014 MAA X X MAWA Forum F22 Subordination Ministers X X Minister CHOD 6 A EURO MIL AIRWORTHINESS SYSTEM = the first step to insure wider aviation safety in the context of SES EMAR 145 2011 23-24 Sep 2014 EMAR 21 EMAR 2012 147 EMAR 2013 MAWA Forum F22 2014 66 EMAR M 2015 7 EMAR implementation 4 possibilities for EMAR implementation Adopt Comply with Partially adopt Partially comply with DSAÉ decided to adopt the EMAR 145, 147 and in the future when they are approved by the MAWA Forum the EMAR 66 and M The EMARs have to be translated into the sole French language to be published in the French regulation Nevertheless, working documents for contracts will be bilingual French / English with minor adaptations : EMAR 145 to EMAR(FR) 145 replace NMAA by the actual authority : “DSAE” (or “DGA”) replace “EMAR 66 licence or national equivalent” by “FRA 66 licence” until EMAR 66 is available Replace “EMAR M” by “FRA M” “B1, B2 and B mil” to “BE1, BE2 and BE arm” French airworthiness regulation structure Interdepartmental level Order « Duties » Authorities level Decree 2013-367 (superseding the decree 2006-1551) Order « Conditions » Order « Registration » Order « Continuing airworthiness » Order « RPAS » documents : - applicable to State organisations and personnel - applicable to industry through contracts Instruction « Initial airworthiness » Instruction « Report of technical occurrences » - Essential airworthiness requirements - Regulations considered as acceptable means of compliance - FRA 21 - FRA Forms Instruction « Civil ADs and TCH technical directives » DGA Technical Authority Instruction « Stores and equipment excluded from continuing airworthiness » Instruction « Continuing airworthiness » - FRA M - FRA 145 - FRA 147 - FRA 66 - FRA Forms - EMAR(FR) M (provision) - EMAR(FR) 145 - EMAR(FR) 147 - EMAR(FR) 66 (provision) - EMAR Forms DSAÉ State Aviation Safety Authority AMC & GM for all FRA Internal documents Mementos and procedures 23-24 Sep 2014 MAWA Forum F22 9 SCOPE Military Airworthiness 11. Why a military airworthiness regulation ? 12. Assessment 13. What remains to do ? The new context of SES 21. Overview of SES objectives 22. Impact of SES regulation on EU military aviation 23. What can we do ? How to ensure a wider aviation safety ? 31. Potential areas to reinforce MIL cooperation & harmonization 32. EDA future possible role : 321. RPAS regulation 322. Military pilot licensing system 323. EU future OAT watch 33. The implementation of EMARs in national regulations 23-24 Sep 2014 MAWA Forum F22 10 OVERVIEW 23-24 Sep 2014 MAWA Forum F22 11 SES REGULATION 23-24 Sep 2014 MAWA Forum F22 12 SES DOES NOT REGULATE BUT STRONGLY IMPACTS MIL AVIATION SINGLE EUROPEAN SKY Transport Council - Commission - Parliament Technology Airports SESAR Safety Performance Human Resources EASA FAB Network Manager Social issues IMPACT OPS HIGH HIGH MEDIUM MEDIUM TBD IMPACT BUDGET HIGH HIGH TBD TBD TBD 23-24 Sep 2014 MAWA Forum F22 13 FROM EASA TO A « EUROPEAN CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY » 23-24 Sep 2014 MAWA Forum F22 14 CIVIL AVIATION – MIL AVIATION : A PERMANENT and TOTAL INTERLOCKING CIVIL-MIL INTERLOCKING A COMMON INTEREST: AIR SAFETY Peace Time Peace/Crisis? « WAR» MIL THEATRE for AIR OPERATIONS 23-24 Sep 2014 MAWA Forum F22 15 MILITARY AVIATION IN EUROPE 23-24 Sep 2014 MAWA Forum F22 16 MIL AVIATION REGULATIONS: WHO IS IN CHARGE? 23-24 Sep 2014 MAWA Forum F22 17 SCOPE Military Airworthiness 11. Why a military airworthiness regulation ? 12. Assessment 13. What remains to do ? The new context of SES 21. Overview of SES objectives 22. Impact of SES regulation on EU military aviation 23. What can we do ? How to ensure a wider aviation safety ? 31. Potential areas to reinforce MIL cooperation & harmonization 32. EDA future possible role : 321. RPAS regulation 322. Military pilot licensing system 323. EU future OAT watch 33. The implementation of EMARs in national regulations 23-24 Sep 2014 MAWA Forum F22 18 POTENTIAL AREAS TO REINFORCE COOPERATION / HARMONIZATION ATM DOMAINS OTHER DOMAINS • OATProcedures • MIL Airworthiness requirements • OAT Surveillance • RPAS regulation & employment • MIL ATC Licenses • MIL pilot basic license • MIL airport certification • OAT Rules • MIL ATM performance • Diplomatic clearances • FAB governance • Accident investigation Continued & continuing Fixed-wing, Helos, RPAS • CNS equipment • SESAR Deployment 23-24 Sep 2014 MAWA Forum F22 19 MIL HALE/MALE IN EUROPEAN AIRSPACE: a need to harmonize regulation 23-24 Sep 2014 MAWA Forum F22 20 23-24 Sep 2014 MAWA Forum F22 21 RPAS AIRWORTHINESS REGULATORY FRAMEWORK - WG EUROPEAN DEFENCE AGENCY COMMUNICATION Brussels, 11 February 2014 No. EDA 2014 02 000024 To NAD PoCs and CAP PoCs CALLING NOTICE TO REMOTELY PILOTED AIRCRAFT SYSTEM (RPAS) AIRWORTHINESS REGULATORY FRAMEWORK WORKING GROUP KICK-OFF MEETING Annexes: 1 - Draft Agenda for RPAS Airworthiness Regulatory Framework Working Group Kick-Off Meeting; 2 - Draft RPAS REG Conceptual Paper. References: A - 60th Ministerial Steering Board meeting 19th November 2013 decision sheet; B - SB Doc 2013/022 Preparations for the December 2013 European Council 13th December 2013; C - MAA Executive strategy meeting on Remote Piloted Air Systems (RPAS) 4th November 2013 meeting notes. At Reference A, the EDA Ministerial Steering Board approved a key Roadmap Document (Reference B Annex 2) relating to Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS) and also a Political Declaration on Certification and Airworthiness (Reference B Annex 6). On 4th November 2013, a meeting of national Military Airworthiness Authority (MAA) Executives was held to prepare contributions to the RPAS Roadmap and Political Declaration documents. One of the outcomes of this meeting was the identification of the need to establish a dedicated Working Group/Task Force of RPAS certification and airworthiness experts to analyse the current military regulatory structure in light of RPAS specificities and to share experiences gained from existing national military regulations for RPAS. 23-24 Sep 2014 MAWA Forum F22 22 Uppsala Saab 105 Military flight training in Europe Linköping (+Hlo) Saab T 17 Karup (+ Hlo) Saab T 17, Fennec Baldonnel PC-9M 22 countries 51 training centres Linton Tucano Shawbury Cranwell (+ transport) Squirrel, Griffin Valley Grob 115, King air Bremen Hawk T2 Barkston H. Outsourcing Grob 115 Woensdrecht Lufthansa Wyton PC-7 Bückeburg Grob 115 EC 135 Beauvechain SF 260 Cazaux Alpha-jet Dax Colibri Matacan CN 235 Sintra Epsilon Beja Alpha-Jet Emmen PC 21 Avord E 121 Xingu Linz Saab 105 Alpnach EC 635 Zeltweg DA 40, PC 7 Locarno PC 7 Presov Mil Mi-2 Sliac L-39 Malacky L-410 Boboc IAK 52, IAR 99, Alouette III Cerklje Zlin, PC 9, Bell 206 Le Luc Fennec Pise C-27J, C-130J Salon de Provence Ecole de l’air Cirrus SR20-SR22 Latina SF 260 Talavera F5 23-24 Sep 2014 Radom PZL-130 Pardubice (+transport+Hlo) Outsourcing Z-142, L-410,Mi-2 / 17 Langenlebarn Alouette III Tours Alpha-jet Cognac Epsilon, Grob Deblin (+Hlo) TS-11, SW-4 Dolna Mitropolia L29, L39, PC-9M Krumovo Bell 206 Frosinone TH 500B Lecce MB 339 MAWA Forum F22 23 MIL FRAGMENTATION/HARMONIZATION Example: FROM NATIONAL OAT TO EURO OAT 23-24 Sep 2014 MAWA Forum F22 24 Diplomatic Clearances Portal for Military Transport Aircraft 23-24 Sep 2014 MAWA Forum F22 25 MAA pillars to ensure wider aviation safety A military total aviation system approach like EASA AIRWORTHINESS INITIAL CERTIFICATION CONTINUED AIRWORTHINESS CONTINUING AIRWORTHINESS MISSIONS: •REGULATION •OVERSIGHT 23-24 Sep 2014 AIRCREW TRAINING & OPERATIONS ATM/ASM AIRPORTS CNS AIR ACCIDENT INVESTIGATION MISSIONS: MISSIONS: MISSIONS: • REGULATION WATCH & HARMONIZATION MAWA Forum F22 • REGULATION WATCH & HARMONIZATION • REGULATION WATCH & HARMONIZATION 26 The Airworthiness Controlled Environment in the EASA world The Design Organisation (DO) has a Part-21 J approval National CAA The Production Organisation (PO) has a Part-21 G approval PRODUCTION A Type Certificate (TC) is issued: - Aircraft TC - Engine TC - Propeller TC - STC DESIGN The Type Certificate Holder (TCH) is the Design Organisation A Certificate of Airworthiness (CoA) and a Certificate of Registration (CoR) are issued for each individual aircraft AIRWORTHINESS MANAGEMENT The Civil Operator has a Continuing Airworthiness Management Organisation (CAMO) holding a Part M approval MAINTENANCE TRAINING The aircraft is maintained in a Part 145 approved maintenance organisation (MO), manned by technicians holding a Part 66 licence (mandatory for certifying staff) 23-24 Sep 2014 Technicians are trained in Part 147 approved Maintenance Training Organisation (MTO) MAWA Forum F22 27 The Airworthiness Controlled Environment in the EU military world The Production Organisation (PO) has a EMAR-21 G approval PRODUCTION A Type Certificate (TC) is issued: - Aircraft TC - Engine TC - Propeller TC - STC The Design Organisation (DO) has a EMAR-21 J approval A Certificate of Airworthiness (CoA) and a Certificate of Registration (CoR) are issued for each individual aircraft MAA DESIGN The Type Certificate Holder (TCH) is the Design Organisation AIRWORTHINESS MANAGEMENT The military operator has a Continuing Airworthiness Management Organisation (CAMO) holding a EMAR-M approval MAINTENANCE TRAINING The aircraft is maintained in a EMAR145 approved maintenance organisation (MO), manned by technicians holding a EMAR-66 licence (mandatory for certifying staff) 23-24 Sep 2014 Technicians are trained in EMAR-147 approved Maintenance Training Organisation (MTO) MAWA Forum F22 28 THE NEED TO ACHIEVE EFFECTIVE MILITARY AIRWORTHINESS IN THE CONTEXT OF ENSURING WIDER AVIATION SAFETY 23-24 Sep 2014 MAWA Forum F22 29
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