syhxzke@Telegram: e@ ^ Hkfo"; fuf/k ^@‘Bhavishyanidhi’ ^@ nwjHkk"k@Tele:0422-2240045-48 bZ- esy@Email: [email protected] nwjHkk"k@Tele:0422-2244260 SDl @Fax :0422-2247724 deZpkjh Hkfo"; fuf/k laxBu / EMPLOYEES’ PROVIDENT FUND ORGANISATION ¼Je ea=ky;] Hkkjr ljdkj½ / (GOVT. OF INDIA, MINISTRY OF LABOUR) {ks=h; dk;kZy;]Hkfo"; fuf/k Hkou] iks- ckW- la- & 3875] / Regional Office, Bhavishya Nidhi Bhavan, P.B. No. 3875, MkW- ckylqanje jksM] dks;acRrwj & 641 018] / Dr.Balasundaram Road, Coimbatore – 641018 ruk@dks;a@{ksdk@iz’kk-AA@th@2014 fnukad@ Dated: 27.05.2014 No.TN/RO/CBE/ADM-II/G/2014 fufonk lwpuk@TENDER NOTICE d-Hk-fu-la- dh vksj ls {ks=h; dk;kZy;] dks;acRrwj ds fy, eqnz.k rFkk ys[ku lkexzh dh vkiwfrZ gsrq izfrf"Br daifu;ksa ls eqgjcan fufonk,a vkeaf=r fd;k tkrk gS A Sealed Tenders are invited on behalf of EPFO from the reputed firms for supply of printing & stationery items to Regional Office, Coimbatore: fufonk nLrkost dh fcdzh & MkmuyksM djus dh vafre rkjh[k 12.06.2014 Last Date for Sale & Downloading of Tender Document fufonk nLrkost izLrqr djus dh vafre rkjh[k 18.06.2014 Last Date for Submission of Tender Document fufonk nLrkost [kksyus dh vafre rkjh[k 19.06.2014 Date of opening of Tender Document foLr`r fufonk lwpuk@fufonk nLrkost vkSj vU; fooj.k vkSj osclkbZVksa esa ls MkmuyksM fd;k tk ldrk gS A dksbZ 'kqf)i=@la’kks/ku dsoy mi;qZDr osclkbVksa esa izdkf’kr fd;k tk,xk vr% cksyhnkrk,a v|ruhdj.k ds fy, fu;fer :i ls osclkbV ns[ksa A fdlh Hkh Li"Vhdj.k@lansg ds fy, O;fDrxr :i esas ;k bl dk;kZy; dk ySaMykbu uacj esa 0422&2242705 laidZ djsa A The detailed Tender Notice / Tender Document & and other details can be downloaded from the website Any corrigenda / Amendments will be published in the above mentioned websites only and hence the bidders should watch websites regularly for updations. For any clarifications / doubts the authorised persons of the firms should contact this office in person or through landline No.0422-2242705. Sd/Sd/- dks;acRrwj Coimbatore Coimbatore (vkjvkj- xksfoanjktu@ R.GOVINDARAJAN) {ks=h; Hkfo"; fuf/k vk;qDr&AA Regional Provident Fund Commissioner-II 1 Vsyhxzke@Telegram: e@ ^ Hkfo"; fuf/k ^@‘Bhavishyanidhi’ ^@ nwjHkk"k@Tele:0422-2240045-48 bZ- esy@Email: [email protected] nwjHkk"k@Tele:0422-2244260 SDl @Fax :0422-2247724 deZpkjh Hkfo"; fuf/k laxBu / EMPLOYEES’ PROVIDENT FUND ORGANISATION ¼Je ea=ky;] Hkkjr ljdkj½ / (GOVT. OF INDIA, MINISTRY OF LABOUR) {ks=h; dk;kZy;]Hkfo"; fuf/k Hkou] iks- ckW- la- & 3875] / Regional Office, Bhavishya Nidhi Bhavan, P.B. No. 3875, MkW- ckylqanje jksM] dks;acRrwj & 641 018] / Dr.Balasundaram Road, Coimbatore – 641018 TENDER DOCUMENT S.L.No. of the Tender Document : Name of the work : Providing and Supply of Stationery & Printing Items to Regional Office, Coimbatore. Year : 2014-15 Address of Regional Office : Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation, Regional Office, Dr.Balasundaram Road, Coimbatore – 641 018. Stationery Items & Printing Items Application Cost : For Each Category Rs.500/- EMD Cost for Supply of Stationery Items & Printing Items : 01 (Demand Draft) For Each Category Rs.30,000/- (Demand Draft) Demand Draft should be in favour of REGIONAL PROVIDENT FUND COMMISSIONER Payable at COIMBATORE 2 Vsyhxzke@Telegram: e@ ^ Hkfo"; fuf/k ^@‘Bhavishyanidhi’ ^@ bZ- esy@Email: [email protected] nwjHkk"k@Tele:0422-2240045-48 nwjHkk"k@Tele:0422-2244260 SDl @Fax :0422-2247724 deZpkjh Hkfo"; fuf/k laxBu / EMPLOYEES’ PROVIDENT FUND ORGANISATION ¼Je ea=ky;] Hkkjr ljdkj½ / (GOVT. OF INDIA, MINISTRY OF LABOUR) {ks=h; dk;kZy;]Hkfo"; fuf/k Hkou] iks- ckW- la- & 3875] / Regional Office, Bhavishya Nidhi Bhavan, P.B. No. 3875, MkW- ckylqanje jksM] dks;acRrwj & 641 018] / Dr.Balasundaram Road, Coimbatore – 641018 TN/RO-CBE/ADM-II/TENDER/2014-15 Date: 27.05.2014 TENDER NOTICE (TENDER FOR SUPPLY OF STATIONERY & PRINTING CONSUMABLES) Sealed quotations are invited from competent and eligible supply agencies /Firms for supply of STATIONERY Items furnished in ANNEXURE -A and PRINTING Items furnished in ANNEXUREB to EPFO, Regional Office, Coimbatore for the year 2014-2015. The Tender document should be forwarded to the above office address on fulfillment of the following terms and conditions. The rate of contract shall remain valid for one year from the date of the Rate Contract. TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. Tender Document can be downloaded from EPFO’s website and or by hand from the Caretaker, Regional Office, Bhavishya Nidhi Bhavan, Dr.Balasundaram Road, Coimbatore – 641018. 2. The VAT Registration, Trade License & IT PAN should be enclosed with the Quotation. 3. The Employees P.F. Organisation has reserves the right to accept or reject any or all tender offers, without assigning any reason thereof. 4. The validity of the rates for supply of Stationery items related to RO, CBE and Printing will be for ONE YEAR. However, extension of another ONE YEAR can be given with Mutual Agreement. 5. The interested agency shall quote rate for all the items of each category i.e. annexure. The agency may submit Tender for one or more Categories. 6. The cost of items should not exceed MRP inclusive of Taxes wherever applicable. 7. Rates quoted for articles mentioned in the Tender if not found as per our requirement/specification will be summarily rejected. 8. Quotation with overwrite and without proper attestation will be considered invalid. 9. The envelope should be superscribed “QUOTATION FOR STATIONERY/PRINTING ITEMS” and should reach the undersigned on or before 18.06.2014 by 04:30 P.M. The quotations will be opened on 19.06.2014 at 03:00 P.M. in the presence of Purchase Committee and respective suppliers, if present. This Office reserves the right to reject or cancel the tender without assigning any reasons therof and the decision of the Competent Authority shall remain final. 3 10. The samples of the forms / Registers and specification of printing items can be seen during the office hours on or before 05.06.2014. 11. Bidders should quote item-wise rates/prices in the prescribed proforma (Annexure). 12. All the statutory duties and taxes (including Excise & Customs) VAT, etc should be clearly specified and would be subject to change and payable on actual basis. 13. Price once quoted shall be firm and no variation in rates, prices or terms & conditions shall be allowed subsequently. 14. Quotation must be inclusive of packing, forwarding, freight or any other charges. 15. Quotation received later than the date specified will not be considered for bidding. 16. The civil firm shall not offer, or give, or agree to give, to any person in Government of India Service, any gift or for consideration of any kind as an inducement or reward for doing or for bearing to do or for having done, or for borne to do, any act in relation to the obtaining or execution of this or any contract for Government of India or for showing or for bearing to show favour or disfavour to any person relation to this or any other contract for Government of India Service. 17. Please ensure to specify in your quotation whether all the terms and conditions mentioned above are acceptable and whether the items offered are strictly as per the required specification. Non-conformation of these may lead to outright rejection of your quotation. 18. Please annotate ‘QUOTATION DATE OF OPENING’ on your envelope. 19. The quality, brand, GSM & other specifications should be exactly the same as mentioned by this Office / samples produced by the bidders, the samples should be enclosed in respect of all items. Serial Number. and company name should be pasted in every sample as per listed stationery items, if samples are not enclosed, the tender will not be entertained. 20. Quote rate as per order of serial number only for particular brand mentioned in the list. In case the particular brand not available leave it as blank. 21. Rates may be quoted for the particular brand only as furnished in the quotation and not for any other brand. 22. Xerox copy of the TNGST/CST/TIN/VAT certificate has to be enclosed. 23. Along with your lowest quotation, the maximum retail price (MRP) printed on each product should be furnished in your quotation invariably, if not the tenders will not be considered. 24. Serial number should be printed in each sheet of computer papers. 25. Supplier name, order number, quantity and date should be printed in side punching. 26. Single part should be only in 3000 Nos. in each box. 27. Two & three part should be 1000 Nos. in each box. 28. Box should be 5ply carton box. 29. Label should be exact what we quoted. 30. Self certificate label should be pasted in every bundle. 31. Specification of items for every bundle label should be pasted all sides of the bundle. (5ply carton box) 4 32. If the tender is approved, there should not be any delay in supply of items. If supplier is not in a position to supply or if the EPFO, CBE is not satisfied with quality and quantity, the EMD amount will not be returned. Your company name will be kept in the default list and your tender will not be considered in future. 33. Payment is normally made within 60 days of receipt of stores in sound condition by means of a cheque. PENALTY FOR DELAYS IN SUPPLY: The Successful bidder must supply the items as per work order issued from time to time within 7 days of entrustment of the work order. Failure to supply all or some of the item(s) on or before the stipulated date will entail a penalty equal to 1% of the value of contracted package price per week subject to maximum 5% of total contract value. In case of delay in compliance with the order beyond 8 days of the stipulated time period, EPFO has the right to cancel the order and procure the items from open market and the difference in such price shall be recovered from the bidder from bills payable to him. *Note : The Government Agencies as well as Kendriya Bhandar & NCCF are exempted from payment of Earnest Money Deposit. Sd/(R.GOVINDARAJAN) Regional PF Commissioner - II 5 TENDER BIO-DATA (USE BOLD LETTERS ONLY) Name of the owner : Name of the Company / Estd. : Full Postal Address : Telephone : Fax : Mobile : Emergency Contact No. : E-mail : TNGST Certificate No. & Date : UNDERTAKING I, __________________________________________________, Managing Director of M/s.______________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ Is hereby undertake that if the goods/materials supplied by me is not satisfied by the Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation. On later date, the entire goods/materials will be replaced my own risk at any time (or) otherwise the entire amount of purchase value will be refunded, as decided by the EPF Organisation. Further, I assured that any rules and regulations as specified by the Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation, Coimbatore, I will also abide by the rules. Yours faithfully, (Signature of the bidder with rubber stamp) Date : Station : 6 ANNEXURE -A Sl No 1 SCHEDULE OF REQUIREMENT – STATIONERY ITEMS MRP Particulars Quantity Rs. SHEET 80 GSM MYSORE KRAFT 1 REAM 2 CANDLE No.5 MEDIUM 1 No. 3 CARBON PENCIL DFS KORES 1 PKT 4 CARBON PENCIL FS KORES 1 PKT 5 CD-R EMBLEM PRINTED WITH COVER 1 No. 6 CLIP GEM CLIP 26mm BELL 1 PKT 7 CLIP GEM CLIP 36mm BELL 1 PKT 8 CLIP YIHAI BINDER CLIP 25mm 1 PKT 9 CLIP YIHAI BINDER CLIP 32mm 1 PKT 10 CORRECTION LIQUID KORES ERAZ EX 1 No. 11 CORRECTION LIQUID PEN TYPE REYNOLDS 1 No. 12 DVD-R EMBLEM PRINTED WITH COVER 1 No. 13 ERASER APSARA 1 No. 14 FEVI STICK 8gm 1 No. 15 FEVI STICK 15gm 1 No. 16 FILE BOXFILE NJS 1025 1 No. 17 FILE EDP FILE 10x12 1 No. 18 FILE EDP FILE 15x12 1 No. 19 FILE L-FOLDER A4 SOLO 1 No. 20 FILE L-FOLDER FS SOLO 1 No. 21 FILE PUNCHLESS FILE FS SOLO 1 No. 22 FILE STICK FILE A4 SOLO 1 No. 23 FILE STICK FILE A4 SOLO BROAD STICK 1 No. 24 FILE STICK FILE FS SAYA 1 No. 25 FILE STICK FILE FS SOLO BROAD STICK 1 No. 26 GUM BROWN 150 ml CAMLIN 1 No. 7 Supply Rate Rs. ANNEXURE -A Sl No SCHEDULE OF REQUIREMENT – STATIONERY ITEMS MRP Particulars Quantity Rs. 27 GUM BROWN 300 ml CAMLIN 1 No. 28 GUM BROWN 700 ml CAMLIN 1 No. 29 GUM TUBE 30 ml CAMLIN 1 No. 30 INK BLACK 700 ml BRIL 1 No. 31 INK BLUE 700 ml BRIL 1 No. 32 INK GREEN 700 ml BRIL 1 No. 33 INK RED 700 ml BRIL 1 No. 34 MARKER HIGHLIGHTER FABER-CASTELL 1 No. 35 MARKER PERMANENT MARKER LUXOR 1 No. 36 MARKER WHITEBOARD MARKER LUXOR 1 No. 37 MARKER OHP MARKER FABER-CASTELL 1 No. 38 NEEDLE BIG SIZE 1 No. 39 NUMBERING INK KORES 1 No. 40 NUMBERING INK SPONCH 1 No. 41 NUMBERING MACHINE 12 DIGIT ODDY 1 No. 42 NUMBERING MACHINE 8 DIGIT MAX 1 No. 43 PAD 4 SIDE CLOSING PAD 1 No. 44 PAD URGENT/ORDINARY PAD 1 No. 45 PAPER DUPLICATING SPB 72 GSM 1 REAM 46 PAPER GREEN BOND FS 90 GSM JK LEDGER 1 REAM 47 PAPER WEIGHT GLASS FANCY 1 No. 48 PAPER WEIGHT RUBBER 1 No. 49 PAPER WHITE A3 TNPL 70 GSM 1 REAM 50 PAPER WHITE FS TNPL 70 GSM 1 REAM 51 PAPER COPIER PAPER A3 75 GSM JK 1 REAM 52 PAPER COPIER PAPER A3 80 GSM TNPL 1 REAM 8 Supply Rate Rs. ANNEXURE -A Sl No SCHEDULE OF REQUIREMENT – STATIONERY ITEMS MRP Particulars Quantity Rs. 53 PAPER COPIER PAPER A4 75 GSM JK 1 REAM 54 PAPER COPIER PAPER A4 80 GSM TNPL 1 REAM 55 PAPER COPIER PAPER FS 75 GSM JK 1 REAM 56 PAPER COPIER PAPER FS 80 GSM TNPL 1 REAM 57 PEN ADDGEL PEN GREEN 1 No. 58 PEN ADDGEL REFILL GREEN 1 No. 59 PEN ADDGEL PEN BLACK 1 No. 60 PEN ADDGEL REFILL BLACK 1 No. 61 PEN REYNOLDS TRIMAX 1 No. 62 PEN REYNOLDS TRIMAX REFILL 1 No. 63 PEN BALL PEN BLACK REYNOLDS BRITE 1 No. 64 PEN BALL PEN BLUE REYNOLDS BRITE 1 No. 65 PEN BALL PEN RED REYNOLDS BRITE 1 No. 66 PEN GEL PEN BLACK REYNOLDS MERAGEL 1 No. 67 PEN GEL PEN BLUE REYNOLDS MERAGEL 1 No. 68 PEN GEL PEN RED REYNOLDS MERAGEL 1 No. 69 PEN GEL PEN GREEN FLAIR HYDRAgel 1 No. 70 PEN PILOT V5 HITEC 1 No. 71 PEN PILOT V7 HITEC 1 No. 72 PEN BALL PEN VIOLET REYNOLDS 0.40 1 No. 73 PEN UNIBALL EYE 1 No. 74 PENCIL APSARA 1 No. 75 PENCIL STENO PENCIL APSARA 1 No. 76 PIN 26 mm 100gms BELL 1 PKT 77 PIN 36 mm 100gms BELL 1 PKT 78 PIN CUSHION MAGNETIC OMEGA 1 No. 9 Supply Rate Rs. ANNEXURE -A Sl No SCHEDULE OF REQUIREMENT – STATIONERY ITEMS MRP Particulars Quantity Rs. 79 POKER STEEL WITH PLASTIC HANDLE 1 No. 80 PUNCHING MACHINE DOUBLE DP 480 KANGAROO 1 No. 81 PUNCHING MACHINE SINGLE KANGAROO 1 No. 82 REGISTER CHITTA 1 QR JAYALAKSHMI 1 No. 83 REGISTER CHITTA 2 QR JAYALAKSHMI 1 No. 84 REGISTER LEATHER BOUND 2 QR JAYALAKSHMI 1 No. 85 REGISTER LEATHER BOUND 3 QR JAYALAKSHMI 1 No. 86 REGISTER RULED 1 QR JAYALAKSHMI 1 No. 87 REGISTER RULED 2 QR JAYALAKSHMI 1 No. 88 REGISTER RULED 3 QR JAYALAKSHMI 1 No. 89 REGISTER RULED 4 QR JAYALAKSHMI 1 No. 90 REGISTER RULED 5 QR JAYALAKSHMI 1 No. 91 ROOM FRESHNER 200 ml TRESCO 1 No. 92 RUBBER BAND 3” SUZUKI BRAND 1 KG 93 SCALE 12” PLASTIC CAMLIN 1 No. 94 SCALE 12” STEEL SHARP 1 No. 95 SCISSOR BIG SIZE KANGAROO 1 No. 96 SCISSOR MEDIUM SIZE KANGAROO 1 No. 97 SCRIBBLING PAD NEELGAGAN No.33 1 No. 98 SCRIBBLING PAD NEELGAGAN No.44 1 No. 99 SCRIBBLING PAD NEELGAGAN No.55 1 No. 100 SEALING WAX BLUE BIRD (8 NOS.) 1 BOX 101 SHARPNER APSARA 1 No. 102 SHORTHAND NOTE NEELGAGAN 1 No. 103 SKETCH PEN 12 COLOUR CAMLIN 1 PKT 104 SKETCH PEN BLACK LUXOR(10 Nos.) 1 PKT 10 Supply Rate Rs. ANNEXURE -A Sl No SCHEDULE OF REQUIREMENT – STATIONERY ITEMS MRP Particulars Quantity Rs. 105 STAMP PAD BIG CAMLIN 1 No. 106 STAMP PAD MEDIUM FABER-CASTELL 1 No. 107 STAMP PAD SMALL CAMLIN 1 No. 108 STAMP PAD INK 350 ml BRIL 1 No. 109 STAPLER BIG KANGARO HD-45 1 No. 110 STAPLER SMALL KANGARO 1 No. 111 STAPLER SMALL MAX HD-10 1 No. 112 STAPLER PIN MAX No.10-1M (1000 Nos.=1Pkt) 1 PKT 113 STAPLER PIN 23/6 6mm(1/4”) (1000 Nos.=1Pkt) 1 PKT 114 STAPLER PIN 24/6 KANGARO (1000 Nos.=1Pkt) 1 PKT 115 STAPLER PIN 26/6 KANGARO (1000 Nos.=1Pkt) 1 PKT 116 STAPLER PIN 23/13-H 13mm(1/2”) (1000 Nos.=1Pkt) 1 PKT 117 STAPLER PIN REMOVER KANGARO SR-100 1 No. 118 STICK ON PAD 3x3 3 COLOUR POST-IT 1 No. 119 STICK ON PAD 3x3 3 COLOUR STICK-N-STICK 1 No. 120 TAG 8” GOOD QUALITY AS PER SAMPLE 1 No. 121 TAPE BROWN 2” K WONDER 555 (50 metre) 1 No. 122 TAPE BROWN 3” K WONDER 555 (50 metre) 1 No. 123 TAPE CELLO 1” K WONDER 555 (50 metre) 1 No. 124 TAPE CELLO 2” K WONDER 555 (50 metre) 1 No. 125 TAPE CELLO 3” K WONDER 555 (50 metre) 1 No. 126 TAPE CELLO TAPE DISPENCER 1” OMEGA 1 No. 127 TWINE THREAD 8/8 K.S.T.&Co. 1 No 128 WATER DAMPER OMEGA 1 No 129 56 MM THERMAL PAPER ROLL 1 Roll 130 COTTON WASTE CLOTH 1 Kg 11 Supply Rate Rs. ANNEXURE -A Sl No 131 SCHEDULE OF REQUIREMENT – STATIONERY ITEMS MRP Particulars Quantity Rs. MOSQUITO REPELLANT MACHINE WITH LIQUID (ALL OUT) 1 NO. 132 SOLO FANCY DOCUMENT BAG 1 NO. 133 8”*10” PACKING SLIP TRANSPARENT 1 KG 134 PACKING SLIP TRANSPARENT BIG SIZE 1 KG 135 PACKING SLIP TRANSPARENT SMALL SIZE 1 KG 136 PLASTIC FILE POUCH 1 NO 137 CALCULATOR MEDIUM SIZE (CITIZEN) 1 NO 138 CALCULATOR SMALL SIZE (CITIZEN) 1 NO 12 Supply Rate Rs. TENDER FOR COMPUTER PAPER TNPL ANNEXURE -B COMPANY NAME : SL. NO. COMPUTER FORMS TNPL PAGE NO : 1 QTY PER 1 10x12x1 60 Gsm 1000 2 10x12x2 60+60Gsm 1000 3 10x12x3 60+60+60 Gsm 1000 4 15x12x1 60 Gsm 1000 5 15x12x2 60+60Gsm 1000 6 15x12x3 60+60+60 Gsm 1000 7 10x12x1 70 Gsm 1000 8 10x12x2 70+60Gsm 1000 9 10x12x3 70+60+60 Gsm 1000 10 15x12x1 70 Gsm 1000 11 10x12x1 80 Gsm 1000 12 15x12x1 80 Gsm 1000 13 10x12x1 100 Gsm 1000 14 15x12x1 100 Gsm 1000 15 10x12x1 60 Gs 6HP (Centre Perharation) 1000 Serial No. should be printed in each sheet of computer papers. 13 MFG. MONTH/YEAR 06/2014 06/2014 06/2014 06/2014 06/2014 06/2014 06/2014 06/2014 06/2014 06/2014 06/2014 06/2014 06/2014 06/2014 06/2014 M.R.P.RATE RATE WITH PRINTING SINGLE SIDE RATE WITH PRINTING DOUBLE SIDE TENDER FOR PRINTING FORMS ANNEXURE -B COMPANY NAME : SL. NO. 14 PAGE NO : 2 NAME QTY PER 1 A3 SIZE - SINGLE SIDE – SINGLE COLOUR PRINTING 1000 2 A3 SIZE - DOUBLE SIDE – SINGLE COLOUR PRINTING 1000 3 A4 SIZE - SINGLE SIDE – SINGLE COLOUR PRINTING 1000 4 A4 SIZE - DOUBLE SIDE – SINGLE COLOUR PRINTING 1000 5 FS SIZE - SINGLE SIDE – SINGLE COLOUR PRINTING 1000 6 FS SIZE - DOUBLE SIDE – SINGLE COLOUR PRINTING 1000 7 DFS SIZE - SINGLE SIDE – SINGLE COLOUR PRINTING 1000 8 DFS SIZE - DOUBLE SIDE – SINGLE COLOUR PRINTING 1000 WHITE PAPER 60 GSM TNPL OR SPB 100 PADS BUNDLE AND EACH PAD CONTAINS 100 FORMS 100 PADS BUNDLE AND EACH PAD CONTAINS 100 FORMS 100 PADS BUNDLE AND EACH PAD CONTAINS 100 FORMS 100 PADS BUNDLE AND EACH PAD CONTAINS 100 FORMS 100 PADS BUNDLE AND EACH PAD CONTAINS 100 FORMS 100 PADS BUNDLE AND EACH PAD CONTAINS 100 FORMS 100 PADS BUNDLE AND EACH PAD CONTAINS 100 FORMS 100 PADS BUNDLE AND EACH PAD CONTAINS 100 FORMS MFG MONTH/ YEAR 06/2014 06/2014 06/2014 06/2014 06/2014 06/2014 06/2014 06/2014 MRP SUPPLIED RATE TENDER FOR PRINTING FORMS ANNEXURE -B COMPANY NAME : SL. NO. PAGE NO : 3 NAME QTY PER 9 A3 SIZE - SINGLE SIDE – SINGLE COLOUR PRINTING 1000 10 A3 SIZE - DOUBLE SIDE – SINGLE COLOUR PRINTING 1000 11 A4 SIZE - SINGLE SIDE – SINGLE COLOUR PRINTING 1000 12 A4 SIZE - DOUBLE SIDE – SINGLE COLOUR PRINTING 1000 13 FS SIZE - SINGLE SIDE – SINGLE COLOUR PRINTING 1000 14 FS SIZE - DOUBLE SIDE – SINGLE COLOUR PRINTING 1000 15 DFS SIZE - SINGLE SIDE – SINGLE COLOUR PRINTING 1000 16 DFS SIZE - DOUBLE SIDE – SINGLE COLOUR PRINTING 1000 15 WHITE PAPER 70 GSM TNPL OR SPB 100 PADS BUNDLE AND EACH PAD CONTAINS 100 FORMS 100 PADS BUNDLE AND EACH PAD CONTAINS 100 FORMS 100 PADS BUNDLE AND EACH PAD CONTAINS 100 FORMS 100 PADS BUNDLE AND EACH PAD CONTAINS 100 FORMS 100 PADS BUNDLE AND EACH PAD CONTAINS 100 FORMS 100 PADS BUNDLE AND EACH PAD CONTAINS 100 FORMS 100 PADS BUNDLE AND EACH PAD CONTAINS 100 FORMS 100 PADS BUNDLE AND EACH PAD CONTAINS 100 FORMS MFG MONTH/ YEAR 06/2014 06/2014 06/2014 06/2014 06/2014 06/2014 06/2014 06/2014 MRP SUPPLIED RATE TENDER FOR PRINTING FORMS ANNEXURE -B COMPANY NAME : SL. NO. PAGE NO : 4 NAME QTY PER 17 A3 SIZE - SINGLE SIDE – SINGLE COLOUR PRINTING 1000 18 A3 SIZE - DOUBLE SIDE – SINGLE COLOUR PRINTING 1000 19 A4 SIZE - SINGLE SIDE – SINGLE COLOUR PRINTING 1000 20 A4 SIZE - DOUBLE SIDE – SINGLE COLOUR PRINTING 1000 21 FS SIZE - SINGLE SIDE – SINGLE COLOUR PRINTING 1000 22 FS SIZE - DOUBLE SIDE – SINGLE COLOUR PRINTING 1000 23 DFS SIZE - SINGLE SIDE – SINGLE COLOUR PRINTING 1000 24 DFS SIZE - DOUBLE SIDE – SINGLE COLOUR PRINTING 25 FORM 10 D – 21.3 BUFF PAPER - A4 SIZE 8 PAGES + 8Kgs WHITE PAPER 16 1000 1000 SIRUPUR COLOUR MAPLITHO 80 GSM 100 PADS BUNDLE AND EACH PAD CONTAINS 100 FORMS 100 PADS BUNDLE AND EACH PAD CONTAINS 100 FORMS 100 PADS BUNDLE AND EACH PAD CONTAINS 100 FORMS 100 PADS BUNDLE AND EACH PAD CONTAINS 100 FORMS 100 PADS BUNDLE AND EACH PAD CONTAINS 100 FORMS 100 PADS BUNDLE AND EACH PAD CONTAINS 100 FORMS 100 PADS BUNDLE AND EACH PAD CONTAINS 100 FORMS 100 PADS BUNDLE AND EACH PAD CONTAINS 100 FORMS 250 BOOK BUNDLE AND EACH BOOK CONTAINS 12 PAGES MFG MONTH/ YEAR 06/2014 06/2014 06/2014 06/2014 06/2014 06/2014 06/2014 06/2014 06/2014 MRP SUPPLIED RATE TENDER FOR PRINTING FORMS ANNEXURE -B COMPANY NAME : SL. NO. 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 17 PAGE NO : 5 NAME SPF CARD 35X25Cms SIRUPUR COLOUR BOARD 17 Kgs (BLUE COLOUR) IN DOUBLE SIDE PRINTING ACKNOWLEDGEMENT CARD 15X10 Cms POSTAL 10.1 Kgs SPB BOARD DOUBLE SIDE PRINTING TAG FILE THICK QUALITY WITH 40Kg SINGLE SIDE PRINTINGQ FOLDER WING 9X60Cms SINGLE SIDE PRINTING IN MYSORE KRAFT WITH PASTING IN PANKAJ CALICO, 1 Mtr COTTON NADA INSERT THE WING WORK DIARY FS SIZE 60GSM SPB PAPER 272 PAGES WITH CALICO BINDING F 21 B REGISTER 80 GSM SIRUPUR LEDGER PAPER FS 500 PAGES WITH REXINE BINDING CHEQUE CANCELLATION REGISTER 80 GSM SIRUPUR LEDGER PAPER FS 200 PAGES PRINTING WITH REXINE BINDING TRANSFER IN AND OUT REGISTER 70 GSM SIRUPUR LEDGER PAPER 200 PAGES PRINTING WITH REXINE BINDING POSTAL REGISTER SPB 60 GSM PAPER (1+1=50 SET) SINGLE SIDE PRINTING WITH CALICO BINDING MFG MONTH/ YEAR 06/2014 QTY PER 1000 500 CARDS BUNDLE 1000 250 CARDS BUNDLE 100 06/2014 06/2014 06/2014 1000 25 BOOKS 25 BOOKS 06/2014 06/2014 06/2014 25 BOOKS 06/2014 25 BOOKS 06/2014 25 BOOKS MRP SUPPLIED RATE TENDER FOR PRINTED COVERS & FOLDERS COMPANY NAME : SL. NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 SL. NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 SL. NO. 1 2 18 WINDOW COVERS NORMAL USING 80 GSM WEST COAST PAPER 6.5 X 4.5 INCH 9 X 4 INCH 10.5 X 4.5 INCH 11 X 5 INCH 15 X 6 INCH 12 X 10 INCH WHITE COVERS NORMAL USING 80 GSM WEST COAST PAPER 6.5 X 4.5 INCH 9 X 4 INCH 10.5 X 4.5 INCH 11 X 5 INCH 15 X 6 INCH 12 X 10 INCH KRAFT COVERS NORMAL USING 90 GSM MYSORE KRAFT PAPER 12 X 10 INCH 15 X 11 INCH ANNEXURE -B PAGE NO : 6 QTY PER 1000 NOS. 1000 NOS. 1000 NOS. 1000 NOS. 1000 NOS. 1000 NOS. QTY PER 1000 NOS. 1000 NOS. 1000 NOS. 1000 NOS. 1000 NOS. 1000 NOS. QTY PER 1000 NOS. 1000 NOS. MFG MONTH/ YEAR 06/2014 06/2014 06/2014 06/2014 06/2014 06/2014 MFG MONTH/ YEAR 06/2014 06/2014 06/2014 06/2014 06/2014 06/2014 MFG MONTH/ YEAR 06/2014 06/2014 MRP DOUBLE COLOUR WITH DOUBLE SIDE PRINTING PER 1000 NOS. MRP DOUBLE COLOUR WITH DOUBLE SIDE PRINTING PER 1000 NOS. MRP DOUBLE COLOUR WITH DOUBLE SIDE PRINTING PER 1000 NOS. TENDER FOR PRINTED COVERS & FOLDERS COMPANY NAME : SL. NO. 1 2 3 4 5 ANNEXURE -B PAGE NO : 7 CLOTH LINE COVERS GREEN 90 GSM PAPER & CLOTH THICH GOOD QUALITY 10 X 8 INCH 12 X 10 INCH 15 X 11 INCH 16 X 12 INCH 18 X 16 INCH QTY PER 1000 NOS. 1000 NOS. 1000 NOS. 1000 NOS. 1000 NOS. MFG MONTH/ YEAR 06/2014 06/2014 06/2014 06/2014 06/2014 MRP DOUBLE COLOUR WITH DOUBLE SIDE PRINTING PER 1000 NOS. FOLDER 17 KG SIRPUR FILE BOARD WITH TWO EYELET TOP LEFT CORNER AND CENTRE CALICO PASTING (PANKAJ CALICO) WITH SCREEN PRINTING-COLOUR (GREEN, YELLOW AND PINK) MFG. MRP SINGLE SIDE DOUBLE SIDE THREE SIDE PRINTING FOUR SIDE NAME QTY DATE PRINTING PRINTING PRINTING FOLDER 19 1000 NOS. 06/14
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