Integrating Micro Seismic and Conventional Seismic Data for Characterizing Fracture Network: A California Case Study > Debotyam Maity > Principal Engineer (E&P) > Gas Technology Institute OUTLINE * Fracture Zone Identifier Introduction Optimized passive seismic survey design Microseismic derived property estimation Seismic derived property estimation Hybrid FZI* attributes for identifying fractures Integrated interpretations through case study Conclusions Footer goes here 2 PROBLEM DEFINITION Motivation? Enhanced cross-disciplinary technology applications. How to work in highly data constrained & geologically challenging environments? Novel workflows to tackle said challenges. Maximize/ optimize use of available data. Improved algorithms to support analysis. Fracture zone characterization Improved velocity models Footer goes here MEQ – Seismic joint interpretation Discontinuity mapping 4D characterization framework 3 CHARACTERIZATION WORKFLOW A-priori information on fracture zones Well Logs Image logs/ production data, etc. Footer goes here Passive seismic Data conditioning Data formatting Dip steered filtering Auto-picking Well to seismic ties Phase detection Seismic attribute analysis Event locations Multiattribute/ ANN ANN classification algorithm Fracture zone identification framework 3D seismic Reservoir property estimates Tomographic inversion Inversion uncertainty COSGSIM Estimation uncertainty Vp & Vs (high resolution) Rock properties FZI maps 4 PASSIVE ARRAY OPTIMIZATION 1 3 QF = W1 × QF1 + W2 × QF2 (W1 = 1.0 & W2 = 0.0) QF = W1 × QF1 + W2 × QF2 (W1 = 1.0 & W2 = 0.0) 2 4 QF = W1 × QF1 + W2 × QF2 (W1 = 0.0 & W2 = 1.0) Footer goes here QF = W1 × QF1 + W2 × QF2 (W1 = 0.0 & W2 = 1.0) 5 LOCATION & VELOCITY INVERSION Sample Vp and Vs maps at 1 Km depth level after SimulPS run Footer goes here 6 IMPROVED VELOCITY MODELS Better estimate velocity (primary) based on seismic derived impedance (secondary) Microseismic Data VP & VS Inverse Normal Score Transformation Footer goes here Seismic Data Normal Score Transformation Impedance Maps Normal Score Transformed VP & VS Secondary Variable Primary Variable COSGSIM VP Realizations (Gaussian Domain) VS Realizations (Gaussian Domain) Final VP Realizations Final VS Realizations 7 COSGSIM – INPUTS & RESULTS PDF & CDF of normal score transformed VPS Footer goes here 8 ROCK PROPERTY ESTIMATES Anisotropic Lame’s Elastic StressParameters Properties Estimates Weakness Fracture Aperture Rutqvist et al., 2003 Mavko et al., 2003 Tokosoz et al., 1981 Beer et al., 2009 Footer goes here Hsu et al., 1993 9 PROPERTY ESTIMATION Normalized fracture aperture - FE Tangential Normal Extensional Hydrostatic Bulk Modulus weakness weakness stress--expandability K-σ -Δμ Poisson’s Ratio λΔKNE T Lame’s Parameter -V Footer goes here 10 3D SEISMIC DERIVED ATTRIBUTES density Footer goes here discontinuity frequency 11 CHARACTERIZATION FRAMEWORK Martakis et al., 2006; Berryman et al., 2002; Berge et al., 2001; Boitnott, 2003, Downton et al., 2008 Effective pressure Fractures ↑ Vp & K ↓ Vp & Vs Fluid Saturation ↓ Vs or ↑ Vp/Vs & σ Fracture opening Porosity ↑ VE & ↓ K ↓ Vp/Vs & K Lithification ↑ Vp/Vs, μ & K or ↓ σ Pore pressure Gas ↓ Vp, Vs & K ↓ Vp Fracture density ↑ ΔT Footer goes here 12 HYBRID FZI ATTRIBUTE TRAIN FZI3 TEST FZI4 Footer goes here 13 MAPPED FRACTURE ATTRIBUTES FZI kFi4A3 Footer goes here 14 OUTPUT UNCERTAINTIES INVERSION COSGSIM (VP) FZI UNCERTAINTY COSGSIM (VS) MAPPED FRACTURE ATTRIBUTES A C Footer goes here B A B C D D 16 FRACTURED ZONES (VE, ΔT & FZI4) 13(Training) Horizon Horizon2 (Testing) Footer goes here 17 DISCONTINUITY INTEGRATED FZI FZI4 integrated with discontinuity at 500m & 1000m depths Footer goes here 18 DISCONTINUITY INTEGRATED FZI DISCONTINUITY, VE & EDGE Footer goes here 20 FZI, STRESS GRADIENT, & EDGE Footer goes here 21 RESULTS & CONCLUSIONS Introduced workflow to use passive & active seismic data to characterize fractures in unconventional settings. Highlights: High resolution velocity modeling with poor MEQ data quality (using seismic derived constraints & geostatistical simulation). Framework for improved passive seismic survey design Geomechanical property estimates for fracture zone identification using available rock physics framework (valid for sedimentary systems). Introduction of newly defined hybrid “FZI” attributes to delineate fractured zones. Framework for integrated analysis & interpretation to better understand reservoir behavior & plan future field development. Footer goes here 22 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This work was supported by funding from both government and private entities. We would like to acknowledge Ormat Inc. and GTI (RPSEA) for providing us with the necessary data and other resources to conduct this study. We would like to thank dGB Earth Sciences and Mathworks for providing academic licenses for their software packages. We would also like to acknowledge continued support from ISC and RMC consortium members towards our research goals. QUESTIONS? Footer goes here 23
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