2014 Webpage Fellow Members Registry The Association for Music & Imagery The Association for Music & Imagery (AMI) is an organization of facilitators, trainers, students, and supporters of The Bonny Method of Guided Imagery and Music. AMI’s purpose is to advance the application and understanding of The Bonny Method and its adaptations. AMI promotes ethical training and practice, supports research and publication, guides professional development, facilitates networking for its members, and provides public education and outreach. AMI was created in 1986 to maintain and uphold the integrity of The Bonny Method of Guided Imagery and Music and to nurture and support its members. The Bonny Method of Guided Imagery and Music, also known as GIM, is a music-centered transformational therapy that uses specifically programmed classical music to stimulate and sustain a dynamic unfolding of inner experiences, in support of physical, psychological, and spiritual wholeness. A practitioner is granted the designation as Fellow in recognition of completion of AMI-endorsed training requirements and demonstrated expertise in The Bonny Method of Guided Imagery and Music. The Section One of this Registry is a listing of Fellows who are members of the Association for Music & Imagery for the 2014 membership year. Fellows who are current members of AMI agree to adhere to the principles contained in the AMI Code for Ethical Conduct and Standards of Practice (2003) which includes voluntarily meeting the Continuing Education Guidelines (2009) that support ongoing professional growth. Fellows who have also received AMI-endorsement as a Primary Trainer or Associate Trainer are identified as such. Section Two of this Registry is a listing of International Affiliate Organization members. Additional copies of the Registry are available from: Association for Music & Imagery 37551 Tail Feather Dr. North Ridgeville, Ohio 44039 Please send $10.00 for printing, postage and handling. Please Note: (P) denotes the Member’s Phone Number Revised April 18, 2014 2014 Webpage Fellow Members Registry SECTION ONE Elaine A. Abbott, PhD, MT-BC, FAMI Associate Trainer 1419 Alverdo Ave., Pittsburgh, PA 15216 (412)531-1568 (P) [email protected] I am a music psychotherapist who uses The Bonny Method and other music therapy techniques in a private practice setting. Brian Abrams, PhD, MT-BC, LPC, LCAT, FAMI John J. Cali School of Music, Montclair State University, 1 Normal Ave., Montclair, NH 07943 (973)655-3458 (P) [email protected] I practice The Bonny Method privately, and I am trained to utilize Mandala Assessment (MARI). I am available for supervisions and consultations for those in The Bonny Method and/or Mandala Assessment training. Christina Achter, FAMI Primary Trainer Allacher Str. 279A, München, 80999, GERMANY 089-812 7145 (P) [email protected] I work in private practice in The Bonny Method with MARI and in Homeopathy. I am also available for supervisions. www.gim-musiktherapie.de Deb Addis, RN, MSW, FAMI 2497 Hare Circle, Buford, GA 30519 (770)287-4433 (P) [email protected] As a “seasoned” registered nurse and licensed clinical social worker, Deb is available for individual and supervision sessions. 2 Revised June 30, 2014 2014 Webpage Fellow Members Registry Dr. Heidi Ahonen, FAMI Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, ON, Canada (519)884 0710 ext. 2431 (P) [email protected] Psychotherapist, Group Analyst, Music Therapist (MTA) Specialization: Psychological Trauma, PTSD, Vicarious Traumatization, Compassion Fatigue, Burn Out, Clinical supervision. www.heidiahonen.net Dr. Carolyn L.R. Arnason, MTA, FAMI Faculty of Music, Music Therapy, Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, ON, CANADA (519) 884-0710, ext. 2154 (P) [email protected] I am an accredited music therapist, educator, arts-based research supervisor and performer (improvisation, piano 4 hands). I am available for GIM supervision and personal therapy. My practice is with adults, focusing on existential psychotherapy, archetypes, feminist perspectives and musical identity. Maria Guadalupe Avelar Salgado, FAMI Lopez Cotilla 1023, Col. Del Valle Delegacion Benito Juarez, CP 03100 Mexico DF, MEXICO (55) 55591113 (P) [email protected] Lidia Ayllon Ramos, FAMI Guillem Tell, 14 1° D, 08006 Barcelona, SPAIN (+34) 673 27 22 33 (P) [email protected] Music Therapist and Bonny Method Therapist in Barcelona (SPAIN). Mi Hyun Bae, PhD, FAMI [email protected] Min-Jeong Bae, MME, MT-BC, FAMI Unit 7330 Box 0338, DPO, AP 96521-0338 86186-1403-3633 (P) [email protected] Music Therapist in private practice. I incorporate music therapy, mindfulness meditation, and GIM to enhance occupational and general wellness in adults. 3 Revised June 30, 2014 2014 Webpage Fellow Members Registry Jennie P. Band PhD, LPC/S, MT-BC, FAMI 102 Twin Falls Lane, Irmo, SC 29063 (803)348-0638 (P) [email protected] I work in private practice as a music therapist and counselor. I use GIM with individuals of all ages, including children and adolescents. www.drbandcounseling.com Gudrun Bassarak, FAMI Adam-Scharrer-Weg 7, Schwerin, 19053, GERMANY (+49) 385 794688 (P) [email protected] Music Therapist DMTG, Family Therapist and Systemic Child and Adolescent Therapist (SG, DGSF) Musician. Works in Sozialpädiatrisches Zentrum Mecklenburg gGmbH (SPZ) as well as in the Department of Child and Adolescent Psychosomatics of the C.F. Flemming Clinic of the Helios Clinics in Schwerin, Mecklenburg-West Pomerania, Germany. www.spz-mecklenburg.de Lindsey Beaven, MFT, FAMI San Rafael, CA 94901 (San Francisco Bay Area) (415)902-1304 (P) [email protected] Using GIM and expressive arts, I work with clients of all ages as they explore their rich inner worlds in personal journeys through life’s transitions. PhD Candidate in Depth Psychotherapy through Pacifica Graduate Institute, Santa Barbara. Bolette Daniels Beck, MT, FAMI Smedegardsvej 3 E, Kirke Hyllinge 4070, DENMARK +45 27283692 (P) [email protected] PhD, AMI Fellow, Music Therapist, Moving Cycle Therapist. Assistant professor at the music therapy education at Aalborg University. Private GIM practice. Working at Filadelfia Epilepsy Hospital with patients with psychogene nonepileptic seizures. Research Interests: work-related stress, trauma, refugees, embodiment, and spirituality. www.lydcirklen.dk 4 Revised June 30, 2014 2014 Webpage Fellow Members Registry Sr. Donna Marie Beck, PhD, MT-BC, FAMI Gallitzin Commons #408, 1081 State. St., Baden, PA 15005 (412)508-2113 (P) [email protected] Available for individual sessions. Incorporate GIM theory and my personal experience of The Bonny Method into spiritual direction sessions at the West Virginia Institute of Spiritual Formation at Charleston, West Virginia and in Pittsburgh. Sigrid Beck, FAMI AM Martinsfeld 16, 86911 Diessen, GERMANY 0049(0)-8807 9495274 (P) [email protected] Private Practice and groups in the local Adult Education Programs. www.sigridbeck.de Camino Bengoechea, FAMI C/ Pío Baroja 1-10 3° D, Boadilla del Monte, 28660 Madrid, SPAIN +34627500440 (P) [email protected] Musician & Masters in Psicopedagogy – 1997 Post Graduate qualification in Music Therapy – 2001 GIM training and Fellow of the Association for Music and Imagery – 2008 Full time Music Therapist of the Pediatric Oncology Unit at Monteprinicipe Hospital, Madrid, Spain. www.oncopediatrialopezibor.es Lars Rye Bertelsen, FAMI Ligustervej 3, 9000 Aalborg, DENMARK (0045) 20 40 60 25 (P) [email protected] MA Music Therapy, Senior Partner at “Musikterapeuterne I/S”, a private music therapy clinic started in 1999. Currently also holding a part time position at Aalborg Psychiatric Hospital and at Music Therapy Institute for Communications, Aalborg University. www.musikterapeuterne.dk 5 Revised June 30, 2014 2014 Webpage Fellow Members Registry Mariano Betés de Toro, MD, PhD. PharmD., FAMI Alberto Aguilera, 27-4º izda, 28015 Madrid, SPAIN (+34) 679477115 (P) [email protected] Physician- psychiatrist. Degree in Musicology. Degree in Psychology. Degree in Philosophy. Degree in Biological Sciences. Degree in Art History. Director of the Master of Music Therapy at the University of Alcalá (Madrid, Spain). Noele Bird, MMT, MTA, RCC, FAMI Associate Trainer #425 12639 No 2 Rd. Richmond, BC, V7E 6N6, CANADA (778)232-8272 (P) [email protected] I am a Registered Clinical Counselor and Accredited Music Therapist. I specialize in grief work where I use a variety of verbal and expressive arts therapies in my private practice including GIM, mandala drawing and sandplay. www.noelebird.com Agnete Birktoft, FAMI Annasvej 2, 2. Tv, 2900 Hellerup, DENMARK +45 60937871 (P) [email protected] I am a GIM Fellow since 20013. I am a trained nurse, and I have been working Psychiatry since 1994. Since 2004, I have been assistant trainer with the Danish GIM trainer Torben Moe. I amusing GIM, working with psychiatric outpatients for the last one and a half years, and I have a private practice in Copenhagen, Denmark. www.gimterapi-birktoft.dk Amy Blair, M MUS., FAMI 10508 Walpole Ln., Austin, TX 78739 (512)288-2787 (P) [email protected] 6 Revised June 30, 2014 2014 Webpage Fellow Members Registry Blenkinsop, Jennifer, FAMI P.O. Box 433, Parklands, 2121 SOUTH AFRICA (+27)-82-828-7024 (P) [email protected] BSC (Occupational Therapist), Complex Lymphoedema Therapist (Casely-Smith), Certified Hand Therapist (USA), GIM Fellow. I work with GIM in the fields of oncology, rehabilitation, chronic pain and illness, personal and spiritual growth. The journey of transformation can enable us to better manage and experience our relationships, our spiritual lives, health problems, our life and our death. www.jenniferblenkinsop.co.za Lars Ole Bonde, FAMI Primary Trainer Rued Langgaards Vej 23, 3mf, DK-2300, København S, DENMARK #45-27821051 (P) [email protected] I am a certified music therapist, and clinical supervisor, university professor and researcher. Primary GIM trainer. I train GIM music therapy students at Aalborg University in GIM and Group Music and Imagery (GrpMI). Research projects and research supervision in GIM related topics: e.g. GrpMI with psychiatric outpatients. www.gimterapi.dk Erich Bonny, LCSW-C, FAMI 2903 Evening Dew Dr., Woodstock, MD 21163 (410)552-0773 x13 (P) [email protected] A focus on fostering the growth of Helen Bonny’s pioneering work with GIM on a national and international basis. Support the spirit and energy of the Bonny Method of GIM in all it has touched. Personal consultations, evaluations and presentations. Joanna Marian Booth, B.Sc., B. Mus., LTCL, AIRMT, Dip.Tchg., FAMI 9 Mozeley Avenue, Devonport, North Shore City 0624, Auckland, NEW ZEALAND 64-9-4457647 (P) [email protected] Retired. 7 Revised June 30, 2014 2014 Webpage Fellow Members Registry James E. Borling, MM, MT-BC, FAMI Primary Trainer 2205 Carter Rd., Roanoke, VA 24015 (540)343-2724 (P) [email protected] Although my primary job is directing the music therapy program at Radford University, I use GIM in private practice with any population, but have a special interest in addictions and men’s issues. Chris Boyd Brewer, MA, FAMI Primary Trainer 4915 Samish Way #110, Bellingham, WA 98229 (336)207-7505 (P) [email protected] I provide personal GIM sessions and, as a Primary Trainer, give supervision sessions for trainees. I am a certified MARI instructor and offer trainings and client sessions. I authored “Soundtracks for Learning: Using Music in the Classroom” and work with integrating music into learning. www.musicinhealth.net Darlene M. Brooks, PhD, MT-BC, LPC, LCAT, FAMI 2001 North 13th St., Temple University, Philadelphia, PA 19122 (215)204-8340 (P) [email protected] I have a small private practice in GIM primarily utilizing The Bonny Method. I offer supervisions in The Bonny Method and in Music Therapy. Leslie Bunt, MBE, PhD, LGSM (MT), FAMI, FRSA Primary Trainer 24 Manor Park, Redland, Bristol BS6 7HH, UNITED KINGDOM 0044-(0) 7974 356 540 (P) [email protected] I use GIM primarily in cancer care and personal growth work. GIM is introduced to music therapy students in training. Currently I run GIM trainings in the UK, Ireland and Italy. www.lesliebunt.com 8 Revised June 30, 2014 2014 Webpage Fellow Members Registry Brenda E. Burgner, LCSW, FAMI 14 South Auburn Ave., Richmond, VA 23221 (804)852-2311 (P) [email protected] My abiding belief is that deep within each of us there is a blueprint of our own innate wholeness. I use GIM, traditional therapy and other experiential therapies to help people grow and recover from trauma, addictions, anxiety and depression. www.turningpointcommunity.com Carol A. Bush, FAMI 564 Anchor Drive, Bracey, VA 23919 (434)636-3013 (P) [email protected] I maintain a small private GIM practice, and am available for intensive weekends for out of towners. Those interested would fly into the Raleigh/Durham International Airport. As Co-director and Primary Trainer of Mid-Atlantic Institute, I also travel internationally teaching GIM. www.atlantisicm.com Louise Cadrin, BA BMT, MTA, FAMI 2504 Broder St., Regina, SASK, S4N 3T3, CANADA (306)585-0301 (P) [email protected] I am a music therapist/GIM practitioner with over 10 years experience in Palliative Care/End-of-Life issues and grief. I also have worked as a music therapist with Autistic children. www.meccamassage.ca Marisol Cassola Iglesias, FAMI Paseo de los Laureles 458-402A, Bosques de las lomas, MEXICO DF (+521) 55 13 90 96 47 (P) [email protected] Private Practice in GIM including mandala drawing. Supervise students in GIM. I have a wide experience facilitating the process exploring deep subconscious dynamics in the Family System successfully reaching expanded awareness and healing. 9 Revised June 30, 2014 2014 Webpage Fellow Members Registry Rev. Jenny Martin Caughman, MA, MDiv., FAMI 125 B Montana Ave., Oak Ridge, TN 37830 [email protected] I offer GIM and Spiritual Direction for groups and individuals. Jorge Cavia Pérez, FAMI Calle Maldonadas nº7, 5ºC (La Latina), CP:28005 Madrid, SPAIN (+34) 609 479 015 (P) [email protected] Musician, Music Therapist, GIM Therapist and supervisor. Private Sessions. From 1997 work for NGO’s. Formation of volunteers in creative therapies for social exclusion. www.fundacionhugopomar.org Ho Jung Chang, FAMI #1-1303 Jamwon Hansin Apt., 150 Jamwonro, Seocho-gu, Seoul, 137-907 SOUTH KOREA [email protected] Music Therapist Linda Chitty, MA, BSN, FAMI 8728 14th Ave. NW, Seattle, WA 98117 (206)491-9998 (P) [email protected] Retired Yurhee Choi, FAMI Sonamoo Psychotherapy Center 172, Osan-ro, Mohyeon-myeon, Cheoin-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, 449-852, SOUTH KOREA 82-10-3035-3124 (P) [email protected] I am working at Sonamoo Psychotherapy Center in Korea. The clients are from 20 to 60 years old and are Catholic. Through GIM I help them to find their Self, freedom and real meaning of life. 10 Revised June 30, 2014 2014 Webpage Fellow Members Registry Hyun Ju Chong, PhD, MT-BC, FAMI Suh dae mun goo, Dae hyun dong, Ewha Yeodae gill 50-12, 107-602 Lucky Apt., Seoul 120-757, SOUTH KOREA 82-2-3277-3562 (P) [email protected] Hyun Ju Chong teaches music therapy at Ewha Woman’s University. She trained with Fran Goldberg. Prof Chong works with adults with mood disorders and narcissistic issues with trauma. home.ewha.ac.kr/~hju Marilyn F. Clark, MS, LCPC, FAMI Primary Trainer Baltimore, MD 21212 [email protected] I practice and teach the original Bonny Method form using classical music programs within a two-hour extended session format. Music and imagination can heal and transform those who have a readiness in heart and spirit. Sessions, supervisions, workshops, retreats, trainings. www.invitedbymusic.com Ginger Clarkson, MT-BC, FAMI Primary Trainer 3511 Yupon St., Houston, TX 77006 (832)291-8848 (P) [email protected] My GIM private practice incorporates Vipassana meditation, subtle energy healing, core energetics and Gestalt psychotherapy. I conduct all levels of GIM trainings internationally, bilingually in Mexico and Colombia. My books “I Dreamed I Was Normal” and “A Silent Cure: Transforming Pre-Verbal Trauma Through Meditation” are available through amazon.com www.gingerclarkson.com 11 Revised June 30, 2014 2014 Webpage Fellow Members Registry Amy Clements-Cortes, PhD, MT-BC, MTA, FAMI 56 Destino Crescent, Woodbridge, Ontario L4H 3E1, CANADA (905)417-4487 (P) [email protected] I am an accredited music therapist, clinical supervisor, educator and researcher. I specialize in cancer and palliative care, older adults, mental health, grief work, pain and anxiety. I have a small private practice in Ontario, Canada www.notesbyamy.com Virginia Coffey, LPC, FAMI 590 Explorers Rd., Charlottesville, VA, 22911 (434)987-2445 (P) [email protected] Licensed Professional Counselor in Private Practice. Integrates GIM, MARI with strength based counseling. Client issues deal with life transitions, grief/loss, relationships, and personal and spiritual growth. www.empoweringchoicescounseling.com Nicki S. Cohen, PhD, MT-BC, FAMI Associate Trainer 1505 Laurelwood Dr., Denton, TX 76209 (940)391-3538 (P) [email protected] My Bonny Method-GIM practice focuses on group and individual sessions which center around music and imagery. I offer sessions in traditional and modified formats and am available for sessions, supervisions, and workshops. Professor of Music Therapy at Texas Woman’s University. www.musictherapyandimagery.com Pat Moffitt Cook, PhD, FAMI 3112 Vista Sandia, Santa FE, NM, 87506 (206) 618-0024 (P) [email protected] Director, Open Ear Center. OEC provides individual and group programs in the Tomatis Method, Listening Fitness Training (LiFT) and GIM, and facilitates international professional workshops and educational trainings in cross-cultural sound and musical healing methods. OEC provides advanced institutes in Sacred Sound and Chant practices. www.openearcenter.com 12 Revised June 30, 2014 2014 Webpage Fellow Members Registry Jeannine Reese Cosentino, FAMI 12890 Harbor Dr., Woodbridge, VA 22192 (703)490-3210 (P) [email protected] Licensed professional counselor and certified substance abuse counselor working with individuals and couples using traditional and transpersonal modalities, including GIM and assessment tools such as MARI card and M.B.T.I. Evenings and Saturday availability. Soozie Cotter-Schaufele, MA, MT-BC, FAMI 9441 Margail Rd., Des Plaines, IL, 60016 (847)373-2613 (P) [email protected] I am a Music Therapy Supervisor at a large hospital near Chicago, Illinois. I utilize live harp, voice, music and imagery and mandalas with patients, students, staff and families. I provide GIM in my private and educative practice for individuals and small groups. Barbe Creagh, PhD, LCSW, FT, FAMI 5028 W. Dakin St., Chicago, IL 60641 (224)558-4548 (P) [email protected] Transpersonal psychologist and licensed psychotherapist in The Bonny Method in both traditional and modified formats. Specialization: End-of-life care, grief and loss, spiritual emergence and other transformative processes, Individuals, groups, workshops and retreats. Training: FT (Fellow in Thanatology), MARI/Mandala, Biospirtuality, HeartMath and Reiki. Jeanne Creekmore, PhD, ATR-BC, FAMI The Capitol Hill Center For Individual and Family Therapy, 50 E St., SE, Washington, DC 20003 (703)463-8820 (P) [email protected] Board Certified Art Therapist and Clinical Psychologist that uses a Jungian oriented approach. Private Practice, also available for groups and retreats. 13 Revised June 30, 2014 2014 Webpage Fellow Members Registry Barbara H. Davis, LPC, FAMI Primary Trainer 11055 Old Washington Hwy., Glen Allen, VA 23059 (804)339-2404 (P) [email protected] As a Licensed Professional Counselor and Fellow in The Bonny Method of Guided Imagery and Music, Barbara integrates traditional talk therapy with experiential therapies, GIM, EMDR and Reiki, to create a safe, yet powerful place for clients to create change in their lives. www.turningpointcommunity.com Diane W. Davis, FAMI Davidsonville, MD(Annapolis/Washington DC/Baltimore Area) (410)798-9989 (P) [email protected] I use GIM, REIKI, and MIND/BODY Energy Techniques in my private practice which is devoted to helping those who seek healing, balance, personal fulfillment, and assistance in life transformations. I also lead workshops, residential retreats and small soul-work groups with focus on deep inner work. www.OvooLLC.com Leire de Diego, FAMI Artekale 52, 4, Bilbao, 48005 SPAIN 644357600 (P) [email protected] Advanced Training in the Bonny Method of Guided Imagery and Music. Music Therapist, studied I Musica, Arte y Processo Institute in Vitoria-Gasteiz (Spain). Practice as a Music Therapist in Autism, Down Syndrome, ADHD, learning disability. Practice as a Bonny Method GIM Therapist. 14 Revised June 30, 2014 2014 Webpage Fellow Members Registry Marc-André Demers, FAMI 137 Rue Père-Arnaud, Quebec City, Quebec, G1N 3T7 CANADA (418)660-2656 (P) [email protected] Only FAMI in Quebec City, CANADA. (French/English) MTA: Music Therapist Accredited Practices: Palliative Care/Intellectual discopacities (Private/Institutional/Individuals/Groups) The Bonny Method Medium: Therapeutic/Educational/Developmental; Supports/Stimulates imagination. Affects: Emotions/Physical/Mental/Spiritual. Contact for more information. www.demersmusical.blogspot.ca Ana Diaz-Cano Ramirez, FAMI (+34) 617 763 328 (P) [email protected] Master Music Therapy, Professor of Music. Bonny Method Therapist in León, SPAIN. Kundalini Yoga Teacher. Dr. Med. Cordula Dietrich, FAMI Käthe-Niederkirchner-Strasse 5, 10407 Berlin, GERMANY (0049) 3041724948 (P) [email protected] Psychiatrist, Psychotherapist and Relaxation Therapist. Private practice in Berlin, Germany. In my treatments, I integrate GIM and Trance Therapy with monochrome sounds, especially the body tambura. www.corduladietrich.de Louise Dimiceli-Mitran, MA, LCPC, MT-BC, FAMI Primary Trainer Chicago, IL (773)426-3142 (P) [email protected] Licensed psychotherapist in private practice centering on GIM in both traditional and modified formats. Transformative work with music and mandalas with a focus on wellness. Specialties include depression, anxiety, loss, physical disease, spirituality and stress. Training, consultation and supervision. www.louisedmitran.com 15 Revised June 30, 2014 2014 Webpage Fellow Members Registry Sharon E. Doss, LCSW-C, FAMI Berlin, MD 21811 [email protected] I have a small practice in Worcester and Dorchester counties in Maryland’s Eastern Shore. I use mandala assessment and The Bonny Method with persons in transition, especially those with cognitive and speech limitations. Our waterfront farm is available for GIM student supervisions, and working retreats. (AKA “Aura Bands) Alicia Duek, PhD, FAMI Primary Trainer 315 Laurel St., San Diego, CA 92101 (858)361-4597 (P) [email protected] I’m a bilingual therapist that integrates the Bach Flower therapy, Arts, and the Manadalas’ work with GIM, tapping into the inner wisdom and resources of clients so they can overcome traumas, find solutions to their problems, and live healthier lives. I’m available for sessions with individuals, couples, families and groups, as well as supervision. www.DrAliciaAbadi.com Dorothea Dṻlberg, FAMI Freiligrathwall 28, 59494 Soest, GERMANY 02921/3191630 (P) [email protected] Certified Music Therapist (DMTG). Diplom - Religionpadagogin. Private practice with young and adult individuals and groups. Clinical work with children and adolescents. Justine R. Dunnavant, FAMI PO Box 25212. Greenville, SC 29616 (864)552-9890 (P) [email protected] Private Music Therapy practice in Greenville, South Carolina, serving individuals and groups including children with special needs, adolescents with substance abuse issues, and adults managing depression, anxiety, and medical related pain. Assists with workshops and GIM trainings offered by Turning Point Counseling Community based in Richmond, VA. 16 Revised June 30, 2014 2014 Webpage Fellow Members Registry Judy V. Embleton, MEd, FAMI 26 Ellis Rd., Orleans, MA 02653 (508)255-5840 (P) [email protected] The Bonny Method of GIM is the core element in my holistic work with individuals who present a variety of issues including: maintaining health, living with chronic or terminal illness, understanding and improving relationships, work satisfaction and spiritual growth. Sonia Escudero, FAMI Calle Reiseñor nº 1 bajo. C. P. 36205 VIGO, SPAIN. (+34)669697608 (P) [email protected] Psychotherapist with a gestalt and transpersonal orientation. Specialist in Methodology of analysis, intervention, investigation and clinic in Music therapy. Master in Music Therapy. Pianist and Professor of Music. Sound therapist with Tibetan Singing Bowls. Certificate in the Advanced Training in the Bonny Method of Guided Imagery and Music. Arantza Etxebarria Romaniega, FAMI Martxoak 8-Nº 19-Bajo C, Sopelana-Bizkaia, Basque Country, SPAIN (+34) 629211138 (P) [email protected] Music Therapy in Special Education. GIM – The Bonny Method of Music and Imagery with adults in a therapeutic context. Lillian Eyre, PhD, MT-BC, MTA, LPC, FAMI 5446 Wayne Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19144 (215)844-2457 (P) [email protected] I have a small private practice in GIM and adapted GIM incorporating Mandala techniques. I work primarily with well adults using The Bonny Method and with persons with mental illness using adapted GIM. 17 Revised June 30, 2014 2014 Webpage Fellow Members Registry Georgene Kormos Fayssoux, MT-BC, FAMI Aberdeen, NC (910)944-9477 (P) [email protected] I am a music therapist in private practice and I have experience working individually, and in groups with children, adolescents and adults. I am available for sessions, supervision and workshops. Linda Flinkman, LPC, MT-BC, FAMI Boulder, CO (303)817-5888 (P) [email protected] I am a music therapist and psychotherapist in private practice. My practice integrates GIM with music therapy, mindfulness, transpersonal and body centered psychotherapy. Focus on issues including life transitions, grief/loss, relationships, personal and spiritual growth. Anita Forsblom, PhD, MT, FAMI Ojahaanrinne 4, Vantaa, 01600, Finland +358405722974 (P) [email protected] or [email protected] Music therapy clients and Dance Movement therapy clients of any ages are welcome to my therapy clinic in South Finland, near Helsinki. Therapy Clinic: Ojahaanrinee 4, 01600 VANTAA, Finland Carla Fox, RN, BSN, FAMI 8424 Monaco Dr., Port Richey, FL 34668 (727)378-7277 (P) [email protected] Specializing in addictions and codependency issues. I invite trainees of The Bonny Method of GIM to spend a weekend at my home for an intensive personal weekend or for supervisions. Erin Fox, MA, MT-BC, FAMI 4985 Georgia Ln., White Bear Lake, MN 55110 (651)428-6553 (P) [email protected] Board Certified Music Therapist available for individual and group GIM sessions. 18 Revised June 30, 2014 2014 Webpage Fellow Members Registry Tamara L. Franz, FAMI Box 83, Altona, AB, R0G 0B0 CANADA (204)324-6790 (P) [email protected] Each of us has been given a unique and beautiful song to sing. The song of a fulfilling soulful life. As a Soul Coach/Spiritual Guidance Mentor, I use GIM to help clients discern and fully claim their own Soul-song. Urs Friedrich, Drmed, FAMI Obere Bahnhofstrasse, 22C, Spiez, CH-3700 SWITZERLAND +41-33-654-72-20 (P) [email protected] Specialize in Psychiatry and Psychotherapy FMH in eigener Praxis. Psychiatrist and Psychotherapist in own practice. KB (KIP Therapy (Leuner) SAGKB/KIP, Fellow in guided affective imagery (Leuner). Prof. Dr. Isabelle Frohne-Hagemann, FAMI Primary Trainer Forststr 50, D-12163 Berlin, GERMANY 0049-(0)30-7436719 (P) [email protected] [email protected] Professor for Music Therapy, Director of Institut für Musik, Imagination und Therapy (IMIT). www.imitberlin.de Svein Fuglestad, FAMI Norbygata 3, Oslo 0187, NORWAY +47 93008840 (P) [email protected] Assistant Professor, Bachelor Programme in child Care and Welfare, Faculty of Social Sciences Oslo University College. Also: Cultural Director at Aksept - Center for all affected by HIV. GIM Group therapy at Center for sexually abused men in Oslo. www.sveinfuglestad.no 19 Revised June 30, 2014 2014 Webpage Fellow Members Registry Claire Gamstedt, FAMI Herrgårdsvägen 50A, Karlskrona, 37142, SWEDEN 0455-24949 (P) [email protected] Private practice in Bonny Method of Guided Imagery and Psychosynthesis for personal growth, dealing with loss and grief, healing and integration. I also work with counseling parents of children with neuropsychological difficulties Maria Hilda Garcia Avendaño, FAMI Guayacán Tablaje 01070 x Ceiba y Cedro, Cholul, Mérida, Yucatán, CP 97300, MEXICO (999) 921 51 57 (P) [email protected] Private Practice of The Bonny Method-Guided Imagery Music, Mandalas, focusing on client-centered issues, life transitions personal growth, healing and spiritual development. Berenice Garrido-Hernández, FAMI Av. San Miguel # 485, Col. Jardines de los Arcos, Guadalajara, Jalisco, 44500 MEXICO (52) 33 15 92 08 92 (P) [email protected] I work as a Music Therapist, integrating The Bonny Method of GIM, the Circles of the Self (Mandalas) and clinical applications of drawn mandalas. Montserrat Gimeno, EdD, MT-BC, FAMI 151 State Route 32 S. Apt. 27, New Paltz, NY 12561 (209)670-6299 (P) [email protected] Doctorate in Counseling Psychology, offering Music/Imagery, and GIM sessions with specialty in Oncology. Bilingual, English as well as Spanish. 20 Revised June 30, 2014 2014 Webpage Fellow Members Registry Frances Smith Goldberg, MA, MFT, MT-BC, FAMI Primary Trainer 12438 Crystal Pointe Circle, Indianapolis, IN 46236 (317)823-4799 (P) [email protected] Licensed psychotherapist, private practice. GIM, interwoven with instrumental and vocal improvisation, art, poetry, and journal writing with individuals and groups. Orientation: psychodynamic, Jungian and transpersonal within the framework of the transformational power of music. Insurance accepted. Training, consultation and supervision. www.therapeuticartsinstitute.com Beatriz Gonzalez Gonzalez, FAMI San Lorenzo 223, 03100, Mexico DF, MEXICO (+52 55)5575-4548 (P) [email protected] Laurie Greenwood, BMT, MTA, FAMI 904 East 40th Ave., Vancouver, B.C. V5W 1M3, CANADA (604)876-9340 (P) [email protected] I have been a practicing Music Therapist since 1980 in the field of geriatrics. GIM sessions are offered privately to individual adult and elder clients. Denise Grocke, PhD, MT-BC, FAMI Primary Trainer 517a Balcombe Rd., Black Rock, Victoria, 3193, Australia +61-402-579-819 (P) [email protected] I have a small private practice in GIM and am Course Director of the Graduate Diploma in GIM at the University of Melbourne. Alfhild Gruvstad, FAMI Nøkken 38, N-9016 Tromsø, NORWAY +47 47 16 99 50 (P) [email protected] Music Therapist education in Stockholm (1998-2001), musician education in Trondheim (1979-1983) Danish GIM training program (DIGU) (2010-2014). Work in a mental hospital. Private practice, MusicA since 2009. www.musicatromso.no 21 Revised June 30, 2014 2014 Webpage Fellow Members Registry Nicole Hahna, PhD, MT-BC, FAMI 7115 Church Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15202 (412)761-0751 (P) [email protected] www.musicjourney.net Beth Kingsley Hawkins, MA, Retired MT-BC, FAMI Sedona Hummingbird Gallery and Spirit Center, 6560 SR 179, Suite 126, Sedona, AZ 86351 (928)284-0339 (P) [email protected] GIM Psychotherapist offering sessions at her Sedona Hummingbird Gallery and Spirit Center – specializing in Personal Totem Pole Sessions with music and special applications of GIM for creativity, creative writing and memoir, with Jungian and transpersonal orientation. www.hummerlady.com Maureen C. Hearns, MA, MT-BC, FAMI 211 East Center Street, Hyde Park, UT 84318 (435)770-8884 (P) [email protected] Associate Professor, Utah State University / Director, Music Therapy Program. Private Practice in GIM Annie Heiderscheit, Ph.D, MT-BC, FAMI 2211 Riverside Ave. Minneapolis, MN 55454 (612)330-1422 (P) [email protected] Utilizing GIM with clients in eating disorder treatment and with mental health and general medical concerns. Provide individual sessions for trainers as well as supervision Ruth Susanne Hertrampf, FAMI Europaallee 29, 60327 Frankfurt, GERMANY (+49)179 7713441 (P) [email protected] Diploma in curative education, MA Music Therapy, certified member of DMtG, Psycho-Oncologist (PSO/dapo), Mobility Stipendiate for PhD on GIM with female cancer patients at Aalborg University. I integrate GIM in psychotherapeutic work with adult patients in a hospital and in private practice. 22 Revised June 30, 2014 2014 Webpage Fellow Members Registry Cecilia Herzfeld-Stern, MM, MT-BC, MA, MFT, FAMI Primary Trainer 1713 Catalpa Rd., Carlsbad, CA 92011 (760)438-0827 (P) [email protected] As an evolving humanity, we learn through our struggles as well as through our awareness of the Divine. Both are reflected in the mirrors of our experiences of the world around and within us. I utilize GIM and all the arts processes in the exploration of this deeper relationship with the spiritual aspects of being human, and facilitating the inner wisdom accessed into daily life. Licensed arts psychotherapist available for sessions with individuals, couples and groups, spiritual direction, supervisions and retreats. Susan Hess, LPC, MT-BC, FAMI P.O. Box 1582, Evergreen, CO 80437 303-246-5162 (P) [email protected] Private psychotherapy practice in the foothills near Denver, focusing on issues of cancer trauma, loss, grief & bereavement, life transitions, psychospiritual growth and wellness. A creative holistic approach is used with GIM, MARI, meditation, expressive arts and professional counseling. www.maitrimusictherapy.com Barbara Hesser, CMT, LCAT, FAMI Primary Trainer 2 Washington Square Village No. 15-I, New York, NY 10012 (212)420-9337 (P) [email protected] Private practice in GIM and other forms of music psychotherapy. Ingrid Hockeler, FAMI Franz-Wolter Str. 15, München, 81925, GERMANY 42 089 952502 (P) [email protected] GIM – Psychotherapist offering individual sessions with focus on individual development and inner growth. www.hockeler.com 23 Revised June 30, 2014 2014 Webpage Fellow Members Registry Gudrun Hofsten, FAMI Odengatan 87, S-11322 Stockholm, SWEDEN (+46)706739615 (P) [email protected] Stockholm, SWEDEN Ingrid Hogan, FAMI Vinggatan 34, Skarpnäck, 12836, SWEDEN (+46)(0) 73-721 3896 (P) [email protected] Authorized psychologist and psychotherapist. Working at Kris och Traumacentrum. Also have a private practice for GIM therapy, consultation and supervision. Participating as teacher and facilitator in the Swedish GIM Training Florence Holligan, SSJG, RMT, FAMI Primary Trainer, Retired 4/48-50 Ann St. Dandenong, VIC 3175, AUSTRALIA 61 407 888 568 (P) [email protected] I have a small private practice in GIM, and a particular interest in using GIM as an aid to spiritual growth. Tomoka Howard, MA, MT-BC, FAMI 22 Asnebumskit Rd., Paxton, MA 01612 (508)272-5173 (P) [email protected] Private practice in Bonny Method of GIM, combined with music therapy and other expressive arts modalities. Background in end-of-life care with adults and children. Bilingual in English and Japanese. www.musictherapystudio.com Andrea McGraw Hunt, PhD, MT-BC, FAMI 126 E. 6th Street, Media, PA 19063 (610)627-0670(P) [email protected] or [email protected] 24 Revised June 30, 2014 2014 Webpage Fellow Members Registry Yoana-Magdalena B. Ilcheva, MA, MSc., FAMI 46 Tsar Ivan Assen II Str. Sofia 1124, BULGARIA +359 888 88 94 77(P) [email protected] I work in “Adaptatsia” Outpatient Service for Mental Health and in private practice in Sofia, Bulgaria. www.transformia.org Roman Ilgauskas, FAMI 2/17 Cowderoy Street, St. Kilda West VIC 3182, AUSTRALIA 613 99424422 (P) [email protected] Roman is an experienced psychotherapist, completing his training in G.I.M. from Melbourne University in 2009 and specializing in group music and imagery programs exploring the five elements earth, water, fire air, and metal, the hero/ines journey and stress and anxiety reduction using process experiential emotion focused therapy. He has a Master of Counseling from La Trobe University Australia, and been in private practice since 2000. His formal training and experience embraces a variety of expressive, existential, narrative and client centered humanistic approaches that also incorporate dream work, art therapy and sandplay. www.judithayre.com.au/therapist_romanilgauskas.htm Joy Indomenico, MT-BC, FAMI PO Box 247, West Barnstable, MA 02668 (508)280-8618 (P) [email protected] In-Harmony Music Therapy, Private Practice. Working with special patients (ages 5-90) with multiple neurological disability, stroke patients with aphasia, hospice (in-home) with VNA of Cape Cod. www.inharmonymusictherapy.com 25 Revised June 30, 2014 2014 Webpage Fellow Members Registry Elizabeth M. Jacobi, PhD, RMT, FAMI Primary Trainer P.O. Box 15624, Savannah, GA 31416 [email protected] Founder/Director of the Music Medicine Institute in affiliation with St. Joseph’s/Candler Health System in Savanna, GA offering a music therapy in-patient program in addition to education, clinical care, and research in GIM for persons with chronic illness throughout the community. www.musicmedicine.org Leigh E. Jenks, FAMI 115 Cool Spring Dr., Stephens City, VA 22655 (540)868-0851 (P) [email protected] Leah is a Hospice and Palliative Care Music Therapist for a hospice in Virginia, where she works with terminally ill and bereaved clients. She privately practices GIM with any population, but has a special interest in grief and loss, anxiety and depression, and personal growth/healing. Jin Hee Jeong, FAMI 4-310 (Hagye-dong Hansin Apt.) 351, Gongneung-ro, Nowon-Gu, Seoul, SOUTH KOREA 82-10-8339-6181 (P) [email protected] I’m in the doctorate program in Sookmyung Women’s University and have GIM sessions with adolescent, university and graduate students working with building and self realization with their selves. Eun Mi Ji, MA, MMT, FAMI, Primary Trainer Primary Trainer 1-208 (Galhyeon-dong Dongik Apt) 20, Seooreung-Ro 21 gil, Eunpyung-gu, Seoul, SOUTH KOREA 82-10-2260-0573 (P) [email protected] I practice GIM for general people, and also I treat the most social problem which is multicultural families and families who defected from North Korea which we deal with the social conflict and emotional conflicts that they have www.jieum.kr 26 Revised June 30, 2014 2014 Webpage Fellow Members Registry Erin Johnson, LPC, FAMI Primary Trainer 100 East South Street, Suite 5, Charlottesville, VA 22902 (434)971-4747 x105 (P) [email protected] Private practice integrating GIM, MARI, mindfulness meditation and solution-focused therapy for personal, career, and spiritual transformation. I provide all levels of training in GIM as well as workshops on stress reduction and on awakening creativity. www.erinjohnsonlpc.com Catherine Jolly, MFT, FAMI 3725 Coolidge Ave, Oakland, CA 94602 (510)207-9491 (P) [email protected] Private practice. Background in music composition, cello performance, and cello teaching. I specialize in multi-cultural issues, woman’s issues, grief, trauma, substance abuse, and spiritual growth. I particularly enjoy working with LGBT people, elders, activists, teens, young adults and musicians. www.musicchangesthings.com EunJoo Jung, (Julie Jung) FAMI 116-dong 2001 Parktown Samik Apt Sunae 2-dong, Bundang-gu Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, 463-729, SOUTH KOREA 010-8635-4317 (P) [email protected] I mainly work with adults and adolescents. They have trouble with personal relationships in many ways. Of course, through sessions they had found they have some problems in the past. I loved GIM sessions with them. They found some solution in their ways, and they have happier lives. I believe they have their own power and I enjoy helping them reset their life. I hope I can help more people with their problems. Soojin, Jung FAMI Keumho Richensia C-402, YongSan-Gu, Hannam-1 Dong 72-1, Seoul, SOUTH KOREA 82-6383-3444 (P) [email protected] Jieum Psychological Research Institute 27 Revised June 30, 2014 2014 Webpage Fellow Members Registry Roberta W. Justice, MM, MT-BC, FAMI Editor in Chief, AMI Newsletter 1485 Lloyd Rd, Dundee, MI, 48131-9505 (734)637-4354 (P) [email protected] Academic setting for music therapy. Private practice with psychiatric individuals and others interested in self growth. Prof. Dr. Gina Kaestele, FAMI Primary Trainer Athener Platz 5, 81545, Munich, GERMANY 004989645500 (P) [email protected] I am a Primary Trainer for GIM, offering GIM trainings in Munich (Germany) and in Pretoria (South Africa). Besides this, I enjoy giving supervisions and individual sessions. I am also a trainer for teaching the Mari Mandala Assessment. www.GIM-trainings.com Sheila M. Killoran, MA, MTA, FAMI 4232 Terwillegar Vista NW, Edmonton, AL, T6R 3E2, CANADA (780)932-5235 (P) [email protected] An accredited Music Therapist and instructor, with a Masters of Creative Arts Therapies, I am available for personal sessions. My clinical practice supports individuals with life transitions, grief, depression, anxiety, and includes adapted GIM for person in palliative care. www.transitionsmusictherapy.ca Angie Kim, FAMI #402 29-6 Sajik-ro Jongno-gu, Seoul 110-091, SOUTH KOREA 010-5599-3492 (P) [email protected] Music Therapist (MA) Jungian Analytic Candidate. 28 Revised June 30, 2014 2014 Webpage Fellow Members Registry Kyung-hye Kim, FAMI Hyundai Prime APT 14-2701, Guui3-dong, Gwangjin-gu, Seoul, SOUTH KOREA 010-6219-7688 (P) [email protected] I’m a music therapist. I graduated from Graduate School of Music Therapy of Sookmyung Women’s University. I’m working as a supervisor in music therapy practices. So Jin Kim, MMT, BCMT-KOER, FAMI Primary Trainer Beautiful Music Therapy Center, 5F, Consta Bd, 228, Guwoliam-ro, Namdong-gu, Incheon, SOUTH KOREA +82 32 432 5550 (P) [email protected] I’m a director of Music Therapy Center. I offer individual GIM with clinical approaches for adults and young people, focusing on client-centered issues, personal growth and spiritual development, life transitions. I offer GIM and consultation for Maladjusted Students on mild and high school. Also, I offer teaching and supervisions to all Levels of GIM Trainees as a trainer in Korea. www.beautifulmt.com Sung Hee Kim, FAMI Hyundai I-park 404-1305, Shinbong-dong, Suji-gu, Yongin-city, Gyunggi-do, SOUTH KOREA 010-5227-2180 (P) [email protected] Master Degree and Doctoral course in Sookmyung Women’s University, Korea. Running a private Music Therapy Clinic in Seoul, Korea. Teaching professor at several universities and public institutions in Korea. www.kmtherapy.or.kr Yeon Jung Kim, FAMI #101-701 Hegarden the Classic Apt, Misan-ro 100beon-gil 11, Siheung-si, Gyeonggi-do, 429-8237, SOUTH KOREA [email protected] 29 Revised June 30, 2014 2014 Webpage Fellow Members Registry Kevin Kirkland, PhD, MTA, FAMI 201, 1640 11 Avenue W., Vancouver BC, V6J 2B9, CANADA (778)875-9959 (P) [email protected] I am currently working in a concurrent disorders setting where I use GIM in shortened format for individual work with clients on specific issues and am gathering evidence on this approach. I am also available for supervisions. Andreas Klaus, FAMI Solmsstrasse 13, Berlin 10961, GERMANY 01799724601 (P) [email protected] Guided Imagery and Music: Integrative Body Psychotherapy; Consultation for Archetypic medicine; Katathym-Imaginative Psychotherapie: Therapeutic work with dreams. www.klassikmeditation.de or www.andreasklaus.berlin.de Dag Körlin, MD, PhD, Specialist in General Psychiatry, FAMI Primary Trainer Gustaf Bergs väg 17 A, # 1503, Täby, S-18370, SWEDEN +46-707132423 (P) [email protected] Private GIM practice in Stockholm, Primary Trainer, of European Bonny Method Trainings. Offering The Bonny Method training in Sweden and Europe. Currently giving Level I and II trainings in Greece. Lecturing and publishing on GIM and related areas within neuropsychology, developmental psychology, psychiatry, psychotraumatology, archetypal and transpersonal psychology (spiritual emergencies). For a complete literature list contact Dag by email. Atsuko Kotake, MS, FAMI 4-18 3 Bancho Koshien, Nishinomiya, Hyogo 663-8173 JAPAN 011-81-798-40-2536 (P) [email protected] I provide GIM sessions in Osaka, Japan. My special focus is culture shock and acculturation for people living in foreign countries long-term. 30 Revised June 30, 2014 2014 Webpage Fellow Members Registry Annbritt Kronlund, FAMI Kulladalsvägen 12, Vaxholm, 18537 SWEDEN +46 070 7507367 (P) [email protected] Music Therapist, authorized psychologist and psychotherapist. I use GIM in my own private practice. Special interest in GIM and trauma Bernadette E. Kutarna, MA, MTA, FAMI Regina, SASK S4X 2C5, CANADA (306)525-0049 (P) [email protected] Music Therapist Accredited with 34 years experience, including recently, GIM. Please email or telephone for information Annette Moller Larsen, FAMI Wolthersvej 5, 3450 Allerød, DENMARK +45 26573850 (P) [email protected] I work with patients with traumatic brain injury, patients with Tourettes Syndrome, and patients with pain. www.aml-musikterapi.dk Ellery Latorre, FAMI Vis Amendola nº66, 66020 San Giovanni Teatino (CH), ITALY (+39) 349 4710473 (P) [email protected] Psychologist, Licensed Psychotherapist, Music Therapist offering integrated verbal psychotherapy, music therapy and GIM in private practice to patients suffering anxiety, depression, Parkinson disease. In public institutions, he uses music therapy on clients affected by developmental disorder. Ellery is a Musician and Opera singer. 31 Revised June 30, 2014 2014 Webpage Fellow Members Registry Martin Lawes, FAMI Primary Trainer Flat 2, 7 Prince of Wales Rd., Dorchester, Dorset DT1 1PW, UNITED KINGDOM 01305-260263 (P) [email protected] AMI Fellow and Primary Trainer. I have worked for 14 years as a music psychotherapist in the UK in the field of special needs education. I also worked for 5 years in adult mental health. I am a registered music therapy supervisor and have been visiting lecturer on 3 of the MA level training courses. My GIM work is in palliative care and in private practice. As a trainer, I work with Leslie Bunt the other UK Primary Trainer. www.weld-ospice.org.uk/patients-family-and-friends/how-we-help/guidedimagery-and-music Ju Young Lee, PhD, FAMI Primary Trainer Main Bldg., 115, Sookmyung Women’s Univ., Chungpa-Dong, Yongsan-gu, Seoul SOUTH KOREA 82-10-5503-9479 (P) [email protected] Teaching Professor at the graduate school for music therapy at Sook Myung Women’s University. MBSI (Mind, Body, Spirit Integration) Primary Trainer, GIM therapist and Researcher at Sook Myung Music Therapy Center. Nan Bok Lee, PhD, MT-Korea, DVC, FAMI Primary Trainer Daemyoung Zest Bd. #408, 156-3, Junga-dong, Bundang-gu, Sungnam-si, Gyoung gi-do, 463-838, SOUTH KOREA 82-31-716-1212 (P) [email protected] A music therapist in South Korea. I offer GIM with clinical approaches to Support personal/spiritual growth with any population as the head of the Lee Nan-bok Music Therapy Institute. I am especially interested in using GIM for women's issues and for the victimized women of domestic violence. I am also capable to give supervisions to all levels of GIM trainings and workshops. Faculty of Sookmyung Women's University Graduate School. nanbokmt.co.kr 32 Revised June 30, 2014 2014 Webpage Fellow Members Registry Sang-Eun Lee, PhD, FAMI 507-1301, 102 Pangyoyeok-Ro, Bundang-Gu, Sungnam-Si, Kyeonggi-Do, 463885, SOUTH KOREA 82-10-4606-2711 (P) [email protected] Private GIM practice & Lecturer in Graduate Schools in Korea. Sang Eun Lee, FAMI #332-206 Sinbanpo Hanshin Apt. Jamwon-dong, Seocho-gu, Seoul, 137-951, SOUTH KOREA [email protected] Music Therapist Sheila E. Lee, BA, BMT, MTA, NMT, FAMI 509-5811 No. 3 Rd., Richmond, BC, V6X 4L7, CANADA (778)960-1196 (P) [email protected] Accredited Music Therapist focusing on children, youth, and families. I also have a keen interest in neurorehabilitation. GIM sessions are offered individually for adults as well as adapted GIM sessions for individuals and groups of all ages in the Greater Vancouver area. www.sheleemusic.com Jaana Lehikoinen, FAMI Sammonkatu 22-24, 33540 Tampere, FINLAND (+358)405441869 (P) [email protected] Music Therapist, MA and psychiatric nurse using GIM in private practice. Twelve years experience working as a music therapist with children, adolescent and adults in the mental health area. Working with individuals and groups. Available for GIM sessions. Private practice is located in Tampere, Finland. Idoia Lekue, FAMI Andoain, 27-3° C, 20009, San Sebastián (Gipuzkoa), SPAIN 943210990 (P) [email protected] I work in Clinical Music Therapy both in individual and group sessions with Children of diverse disabilities. With adults, I organize group workshops and individual sessions using GIM. As a trainer, I teach Music Therapy modules to educators and health staff. I have done supervisor formation. 33 Revised June 30, 2014 2014 Webpage Fellow Members Registry Ian Leslie, FAMI Chestnut View, Newtown Donore, Naas, Co. Kildare, IRELAND 0035 387 7914581 (P) [email protected] Music Therapist, primarily in area of special needs. ENGIM Committee Member. Assistant Trainer for GIM training in Ireland. Research contemporary music in new GIM programs. Recently released (crossover) music CD with Tommy Hayes entitled “Almost Music” (Claddagh Records/Itunes). www.ianlesliemusic.ie Peter Lester, FAMI Calle Bustos Tavera 10, Portal 1, 3ºA, 41003, Sevilla, SPAIN (0034)627 474102 (P) [email protected] I am a Psychologist (British Psychological Society) and Bonny Method Therapist and work in private practice in Seville, Spain. I use GIM with individuals of all ages in Spanish or English. www.musicoterapiagim.com Ruth Liesert, FAMI i.d. Psychotherap. Praxengemeinschaft, Alsterdorferstrasse 2a, 22299 Hamburg, GERMANY 04020948840 (P) [email protected] Dipl Music Therapist, hospital (Psychosomatic) and private praxis, integrating GIM. I am also doing research in GIM. Harmon B. Logan, MA, MT-BC, FAMI 1905 Fendall Ave., Charlottesville, VA 22903 (434)973-1489 (P) [email protected] Private Practice utilizing GIM, Celtic harp, and insight meditation for small groups and individuals. Background in cancer and hospice care. Haizea Loira Matxińena, FAMI Pasaia (Gipuzkoa) and Malerreka (Nauarra) (0034)655 74 76 95 (P) [email protected] I’m a Music Therapist and Bonny Method Therapist providing individual and group sessions in Basque and Spanish. 34 Revised June 30, 2014 2014 Webpage Fellow Members Registry Alfonso López, FAMI C.P. 30570 Beniaján, Murcia, SPAIN 0034 625 066 193 (P) [email protected] Music Therapist; GIM Therapist; Expert in behavioral and emotional disorders in children and adolescents; NLP Practitioner; PhD Student at Department of Psychiatry and Social Psychology at University of Murcia (Spain). Carol Lotter, MMus, HPCSA, FAMI Music Therapy Unit, Dept. Music, University of Pretoria, Pretoria 0002 SOUTH AFRICA (+27) 83 4626173 (P) [email protected] Based in Pretoria, South Africa, Carol Lotter registered Music Therapist, CoDirects the Masters Music Therapy training at the University of Pretoria. She has a private practice and is currently busy with a PhD in Mental Health. Jone Miren Luna Miranda, FAMI Nafarroa, 7 4º D, Portugalete (Vizcaya), SPAIN (+34) 619 86 80 61 (P) [email protected] PhD in Anthropology, Master in Music Therapy and Master in Psychotherapeutic Intervention Therapist GIM. Working as Music Therapist in special education, pregnancy, geriatric and personal growth. www.joneluna.com Claudia Mailahn, FAMI Sant Antoni Maria Claret 65.6°.1ª 08025 Barcelona, SPAIN 0034 934367793 (P) [email protected] V. Alejandro March Luján, FAMI Calle Vilafamés, n º 7, 46940 Manises Valencia, SPAIN (0034) 615 413 139 (P) [email protected] Providing individual and group session at a private consulting music therapist’s office in Manises (Valencia - Spain). www.musicoterapiagimvalencia.com. 35 Revised June 30, 2014 2014 Webpage Fellow Members Registry Cara Marinucci, LPC, FAMI Primary Trainer 1008 E. Jefferson St. Charlottesville, VA 22902 (434)960-2327 (P) [email protected] Private practice integrating GIM, MARI and mandalas, creative writing, and meditation. Extensive experience with addiction, families, adolescents and anxiety. Provide all levels of GIM training as well as workshops on meditation, integrative therapies, creativity, and spiritual retreats. www.caramarinuccilpc.com Diane L. Maris, FAMI 5 St. Patrick’s Road, Claremont, Cape Town, 7708, SOUTH AFRICA (+27) 21 683 9009 (P) [email protected] Diane has a special interest in the therapeutic value of the creative arts. She uses GIM and MARI with individuals and groups of all ages to stimulate creativity, selfawareness, and deep personal transformation. www.dianemaris.com Ann Marshall, LPC, FAMI 1325 Quincy Street NE, Washington, DC 20017 (202)526-4445x708 (P) [email protected] I work with adults, mostly individuals, providing pastoral counseling, GIM, or both. My primary theoretical orientation is existential, and I see GIM as a way to help clients create healing visions for their lives. www.annmarshalllpc.com Katarina Mårtenson-Blom, FAMI Associate Trainer Hockertsvägen 12, Brommà 16850, SWEDEN +46-703138663 (P) [email protected] 36 Revised June 30, 2014 2014 Webpage Fellow Members Registry Elvira Martin Martin, FAMI Calle Agustin de Carreras n° 2. 1° C.C, P, 22004 Huesca, SPAIN 639324747 (P) [email protected] Elvira Martin Martin is a music therapist and psychologist. She works with people with diversity of ages, capacities and difficulties in the areas: mental health, mental disability, spectrum autistic discord, oncology and community programs. She is a teacher in Music Therapy Master of “MAP” Institute, Vitoria. www.soneria.org Birgitt H. Marx, FAMI Crayerstrasse 14, 92224, Amberg, GERMANY (+49) 9621 761930 (P) [email protected] Nice meeting you! Since 2010 I’m a Fellow of GIM and I’m looking forward to travel with you on a wave of music to uncharted inner lands. I work in my own practice and I also offer Kinesiology, Systemic Constellation work, Spagyrik, and more. www.bm-sequoia.de Maija Leena Matikainen, FAMI Telkäntie 3 A 25, F-40400 Jyväskylä, FINLAND (+358)-400-541 695 (P) [email protected] GIM, Solution-Focused Therapy, Music Therapy, Art Interpretation Therapy, Art Therapy, Hypnotherapy, and Suggestotherapy. www.viridaria.com Linda Mattern, MEd, LPC, MT-BC, FAMI Greenville, SC (864)593-8922 (P) [email protected], I work in private practice as a music therapist and counselor. I use GIM with adults seeking personal growth or facing life transitions and challenges. I have worked in a variety of settings as a music therapist. I also enjoy providing personal sessions to GIM trainees and music therapists. 37 Revised June 30, 2014 2014 Webpage Fellow Members Registry Beate McCarroll, FAMI (Beate Ulbrich) Angelnstr. 3, Suederbrarup 24392, GERMANY 011-49-4641-9891375 (P) [email protected] Private practice in GIM: emphasis is on development of awareness, self-esteem and creativity, on personal and spiritual growth. www.musik-fuer-die-seele.de Rita Kennedy McGovern, MEd, FAMI 6204 N. 12th St., Arlington, VA 22205 (703)994-1460 (P) [email protected] With deep respect for the healing power of Spirit, I am witness, partner and guide as individuals travel the path of soul work and increasing awareness. I also offer workshops, retreats and esoteric healing. Cathy McKinney, PhD, LCAT, MT-BC, FAMI Editor in Chief, AMI Journal Primary Trainer Boone, NC 28607 (828)262-6444 (P) [email protected] As Director of the Music Therapy Program at Appalachian State University, I teach GIM and other music and imagery methods. My private practice serves adults seeking personal growth or facing medical or psychological challenges. www.music.appstate.edu/faculty-staff/dr-cathy-mckinney-mt-bc Nancy McMaster, FAMI No. 6-131 W. 15th Avenue, Vancouver, BC V5Y 1X8, CANADA (604) 876-9688 (P) [email protected] Tony Meadows, FAMI 326 W. Willow Grove Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19118 (215)242-9164 (P) [email protected] Private practice in GIM, incorporating Mandala techniques and Reiki II. Supervisions and consultations for GIM trainees are available. 38 Revised June 30, 2014 2014 Webpage Fellow Members Registry Kelly Meashey, MMT, MT-BC, AVPT, FAMI 1924 Witler St., Philadelphia, PA 19115 (215)464-5044 (P) [email protected] In my practice I use GIM in its pure form. I also use alternative methods of imagery. As a professional vocalist, I am drawn to using voice as a tool for therapy. I work largely with trauma, anxiety disorders and depression. www.kellymeashey.com Carol Merle-Fishman, MA, CMT, LCAT, LMHC, FAMI 51 Lakeview Avenue West, Cortlandt Manor, NY 10567 (914)736-0218 (P) [email protected] Private Practice in Integrative Psychotherapy, Music Psychotherapy, and GIM for individuals, groups and couples/families. Clinical supervision also available in Integrative Psychotherapy, Music Psychotherapy and GIM. Main office located in Northern Westchester, NY. Also available by appointment in New York City. www.carolmerlefishman.com Dawn McDougal Miller, MME, MT-BC, FAMI 4550 Rainer Court N. Plymouth, MN 55446 (763)-478-2924 (P) [email protected] I am a music therapist who utilizes The Bonny Method and other music imagery and music therapy techniques within hospice and cancer care. I have a small private BMGIM practice in addition to my hospice and cancer center work. Sue Mistretta, MA, FAMI Box 152, Silverton, BC V0G 2B0, CANADA (250)358-2177 (P) [email protected] Through SOULGARDEN, I provide counseling sessions which include GIM, MARI as well as Expressive Arts Therapy Processes and Reiki. I facilitate Expressive arts workshops and group series which incorporate music, imagery and art to support personal and transpersonal growth and awareness. www.handandsoul.ca 39 Revised June 30, 2014 2014 Webpage Fellow Members Registry Torben Moe, PhD, Music Therapist MA, FAMI Primary Trainer Skydebanegade 32 2th, 1709 Copenhagen V, DENMARK (+45) 40 33 24 76 (P) [email protected] I work in psychiatry and have a private practice where I work with GIM from an eclectic perspective. I also do GIM trainings in Scandinavia and the United Kingdom. www.musikpsykoterapi.dk www.torben.moe.dk Elizabeth (Liz) Moffitt, BMus, MA, MTA, RCC, FAMI Primary Trainer 642 Plymouth Dr., N. Vancouver, BC V7H 2H6, CANADA (604)924-1449 (P) [email protected] I am a music therapist and a certified gestalt therapist. My main focus is GIM, which I frequently use in conjunction with musical improvisation and gestalt therapy. I also offer all levels of GIM trainings in Canada. www.innerjourneywithGIM.ca Heidemarie Fischer v. Mollard, FAMI Brillkamp 8a, Hamburg 22339, GERMANY 0049-040-5381240 (P) [email protected] The main interest of my practice is working with groups. Focusing on spiritual work, grieving, as well as abuse. Erin Montgomery, BMus, MTA, FAMI [email protected] I am a Music Therapist completing an MEd in Counseling. I include music and imagery (MI), as well as Bonny Method GIM in my palliative care work and private practice. Strong interest/focus on enhancing health through spiritual/transpersonal experiences. 40 Revised June 30, 2014 2014 Webpage Fellow Members Registry Jung Pyo Moon, FAMI SeungbukHillstate Apt101 dong, 1609 ho, Hawolgok-dong, Seungbuk-gu, Seoul, SOUTH KOREA 82-10-4149-6723 (P) [email protected] I am working as a clinical supervisor and lecturer at the graduate school for music therapy of Sungshin Women’s University. I have a studio for GIM group and personal sessions Dorothea Mueller, FAMI Traubengasse 11, D-93059 Regensburg, GERMANY +49 170 280 48 46 (P) [email protected] As Music Therapist, GIM-Therapist and systemic counselor I am working in private practice with individuals and groups, as well as in clinical contexts (oncology, palliative-care, psychotherapy, eating disorders). As an assistant lecturer I offer classes and workshops in music therapy. www.musiktherapie-regenburg.de & www.kurze-musik-reisen.de Alysa M. Muller, PsyD, Lic. Clinical Psychologist, FAMI Primary Trainer West Friendship, MD (410)782-5279 (P) [email protected] Specialty: working with people who desire growth, healing and transformation. I combine psychotherapy and GIM with many healing modalities including mandala and mandala/life cycle assessments, dreamwork, mindfulness, and mind/body techniques. Available for trainings, individual sessions, supervisions and groups. Insurance reimbursable. www.dralysamuller.com Gillian Murphy, FAMI 27 Old Connaught House Ferndale Rd, Rathmichael, Bray, Co. Wicklow, IRELAND (+353)86 8540906 (P) [email protected] 41 Revised June 30, 2014 2014 Webpage Fellow Members Registry Atsuko Nadata, MT-BC, FAMI, CG-C 3-43-4 #201 Uehara, Shibuya, Tokyo, 151-0064 JAPAN +81 80 3725 8275 (P) [email protected] I currently work with elderly people and special needs kids in addition to providing private GIM sessions. I am also specialized in Grief counseling. www.musicing.jp Laura Lee Nastri, MHP, FAMI 51 Beach Dr., Nordland, WA 98358 (360)670-3363 (P) [email protected] Laura Lee is currently practicing GIM in the context of intuitive healing work. Using music and imagery, Reiki, mandala and other visual arts, movement, sound healing, and creative arts therapies. Laura Lee creates a synthesis of elemental, spiritual tools for awakening. Julie Parker Neal, MS, MT-BC, FAMI 1590 Smith Creek Rd., Christiansburg, VA 24073 (540)588-0771 (P) [email protected] Julie is a full-time Music Therapist working for the Montgomery County Public Schools in Virginia, where she works with students with special needs. She privately practices The Bonny Method in the Roanoke and New River Valleys of Virginia. Julie M. Nelson, FAMI 2232 Santa Fe Arch, Virginia Beach, VA 23456 (757)301-7260 (P) [email protected] I am a licensed clinical social worker and a certified music practitioner. I have a small private practice working with primarily, but not limited to, children, adolescents, young adults and families 42 Revised June 30, 2014 2014 Webpage Fellow Members Registry Wai Man Ng, MA, Music Therapist, FAMI Room 3407, Un Fung House, Un Chau Estate, Sham Shui Po, Kowloon, HONG KONG (852)90181231 (P) [email protected] I offer The Bonny Method and Music Therapy in the Professional Music Therapy Centre In Hong Kong. I also facilitate introductory GIM workshops and music therapy training courses in the Chinese districts with speaking Cantonese, Mandarin, and English www.mtpro.com.hk/bio.htm Henrik V. Nielsen, FAMI Fasanvej 21, DK-3200 Helsinge, DENMARK 0045-48798050 (P) [email protected] MD – Psychiatrist – Certified in Hypnotherapy. Works as a Psychotherapist and practices The Bonny Method in Psychiatric Practice. Especially interested in relationship problems and in PTSD. Carme Nonell Burrull, FAMI C/Joan Güell, 108-112, ent.2 Izquierda, Barcelona, SPAIN 934913927 (P) [email protected] I worked with a pregnant woman in my final case study. I use GIM in the birthing center with pregnant women. I also work with victims of child abuse and other areas. My office is open for other cases. I am available for supervision and consulting studies from Spain. www.gimcarmenonell.es Jung Sook Oh, FAMI Primary Trainer A-4203,The Classic 500, Neungdong-ro 90, Kwangzin-gu, Seoul, SOUTH KOREA 82-10-6271-3660 (P) [email protected] I’m a primary trainer. I provide GIM therapy and Music therapy to all kinds of people. I’m especially interested in using GIM for middle-aged woman’s depression and general people. 43 Revised June 30, 2014 2014 Webpage Fellow Members Registry Catherine O’Leary, MA, FAMI The Old Manor House, 3 Gregory St., Old Lenton, Nottingham NG7 2LR, UNITED KINGDOM 0044-7804623543 (P) [email protected] Patricia Ortega Henderson, FAMI Primary Trainer Lanz Duret 76, México D.F., 11220, MEXICO 52-55 5557-3107 (P) [email protected] Licensed in Philosophy. Specialized in Couple Psychotherapy with Jungian orientation. My work with GIM includes mandalas and dreams and conduct retreats on aspects of The Feminine Principle in Oaxaca, Mexico, where I practice with Zapotec indigenous women. Sumi Paik-Maier, FAMI UNITED KINGDOM [email protected] Private practice in London, UK. Co-Director at Ewha-Anna Maria MI/GIM Training, Seoul, South Korea. Evangelia Papanikolaou, MA, Msc, FAMI Primary Trainer 16A Herodou Attikou Str., Maroussi, Athens 15124, GREECE 0030 210 8025536 (P) [email protected] Primary Trainer, Music Therapist and GIM Practitioner. Director of the Multidisciplinary Society for Music Therapy and Research, Adjunct Professor (Music Therapy), Hellenic American University. Manchester US/Athens. GIM for people with emotional difficulties, adolescents with eating disorders (Athens University School of Medicine), and group work in psychiatric rehabilitation. Coordinator of the European Bonny Method of GIM Training Program (Director: Dag Körlin). www.gimtherapy.eu 44 Revised June 30, 2014 2014 Webpage Fellow Members Registry Ji Eun Park, FAMI #1 10-105 Doosan We’ve Apartment, Jangsa-ri, Geumsan-myeon, Junju City, SOUTH KOREA (82)10 4145 7512 (P) [email protected] Private Music Therapy office. Working with teenagers and adults (mentally disabled persons, psychic trauma). www.musicandmind.blog.me Anne B. Parker, MA, MHSA, MT-BC, FAMI Tucson, AZ [email protected] Wellness Counselor and Supervisor of Wellness Programming at Miraval Resort. Practice is oriented toward wellness, mind/body medicine, and psychospiritual growth. Integrate GIM with other expressive arts modalities and mindfulness approaches. Jan Pearce, FAMI Calgary, Alberta, CANADA [email protected] I am an accredited music therapist and AMI Fellow, currently specializing in the area of oncology and palliative care. I offer GIM sessions for individuals in my private practice, with a focus on personal growth and wellness. Christine A. Pearson, FAMI 11 West Lynn Ave., Toronto, M4C 3V7, CANADA [email protected] I am a Music Therapist working with various client populations including those in palliative care and long term care. In addition I work at the Music Therapy Centre where I provide GIM services. 45 Revised June 30, 2014 2014 Webpage Fellow Members Registry Christiana Pell, RN, FAMI Certified Psychotherapist, Ordained Pastoral Counselor, Certification in Hypnotherapy, Northern California (201)240-4321 (P) [email protected] My practice engages mind-body-spirit, using Guided Imagery and Music psychospiritual therapy, Mandala/MARI assessment, guided imagery, mind/body work and upon request, guidance in meditation and living healthfully. I see clients in Northern California and Hilo, Hawaii area. Ĭratxe Pérez Elizalde, FAMI C/Duque De Wellington Nº 35 4ºA, Talavera De La Reina, Toledo 45600, SPAIN 658514585 (P) [email protected] I am working at a Dance and Music School. I use Music Therapy with pregnant women and disabled people. In the future, I hope to continue using GIM with these groups of people. Jose Ignacio Perez Fernandez, PhD, FAMI Dept. of Personality, Assessment & Psychological Treatment Faculty of Psychology – University of the Basque Country Avda de Tolosa 70, 20018 San Sebastián, SPAIN. 34-943-015641 (P) [email protected] Psychologist and Music-Therapist. Professor at the Department of Personality, Assessment and Psychological Treatment in the Faculty of Psychology-University of the Basque Country. www.sc.ehu.es/joseignacio Rossitsa Petrova, FAMI 31, Liulinska Str., Sofia 1362, BULGARIA 011-359-2-928-22-55 (P) [email protected] I work in private practice: Atelier for Personal and Spiritual Development, Sofia Bulgaria, www.transformia.org 46 Revised June 30, 2014 2014 Webpage Fellow Members Registry Alicia Picazo, FAMI Primary Trainer Monte Camerún 145-303, Mexico D.F., 11000, MEXICO (55) 5560 9235 (P) [email protected] Private practice of The Bonny Method of GIM including Mandala drawing. Over the years of experience as Thanatologist, I focus on grief, loss and transitions, as well as psycho spiritual issues. Primary Trainer in Mexico and Spanish speaking countries. Gloria María Picón Gómez, FAMI Froschhäuser Straße, 17 30.G, 65933 Frankfurt – Griesheim GERMANY (0049) 1784108872 (P) [email protected] Musicologist/Music Therapist and FAMI. She is living in Frankfurt and she is working as a music and Spanish teacher for a Montessori School. Linda T. Powell, MM, FAMI 55 Laurel Ave., Tryon, NC 28782 (828)859-8351 (P) [email protected] Individual and group sessions help children and teens deal with challenges by growing their heart qualities and inner wisdom. My book, Stories, Music and Imagery: A Doorway to a Child’s Self Esteem, is an adaptation of The Bonny Method for children ages 8-12. www.storiesmusicandimagery.com Karmele Prat Mendizabal, FAMI Nafarroa Plaza1B-6C, Deba, Gipuzkoa, 20820, SPAIN [email protected] Pia Preissler, FAMI Maacksgasse 3A, 22303 Hamburg, GERMANY 0049-40-27164836 (P) [email protected] I integrate GIM and modified GIM in the clinical music therapy and research work I do with patients under or after oncological treatment and in palliative care at the university clinic where I work as a music therapist. 47 Revised June 30, 2014 2014 Webpage Fellow Members Registry Sherry Raley, PhD, MT-BC, FAMI 3354 Sacramento St. Suite F, San Francisco, CA 94118 (415)252-7828 (P) [email protected] Private practice combining traditional psychotherapy, GIM, music therapy and other expressive arts modalities, specializing in recovery from childhood abuse and trauma. Mary Reher, MTA, FAMI 5900 Pirates Rd., Pender Island, BC V0N 2M2, CANADA (250)629-6431 (P) [email protected] I have a small community-based private practice, offering music therapy, education and GIM. I am available for GIM intensives, especially appropriate for people wishing to combine this work with time spent in a natural rural environment. Susan Rickman, MA, FAMI 7057 Hidden Lane, Granite Bay, CA 95746 (916)791-2635 (P) [email protected] University Learning Specialist & Disabilities Counselor, Yoga Instructor Mandala Spiritual Center www.mandalahealingartscenter.com My interest is in the integrative healing and transformation of body/mind/spirit. I offer The Bonny Method and Music Imagery sessions for personal growth and spiritual development. I include MARI/Mandala Assessment. I also offer Hatha Yoga, Meditation and CranioSacral Therapy. Meri Rizzi, FAMI Via Vito Aimi 29, 43036 Fidenza (Parma), ITALY 3473779561 (P) [email protected] or [email protected] I am a Medical Doctor, Psychiatrist, Group-Analyst and member of International Group Analytic Society (London). I am Vice-Director of a public mental health service in Fidenza, Italy. In my private practice I work as a psychotherapist and Bonny Method GIM Therapist. 48 Revised June 30, 2014 2014 Webpage Fellow Members Registry Ruth J. Roberts, FAMI 1504 Zion Line, Millbrook, ON, L0A 1G0, CANADA (705)932-5627 (P) [email protected] I have been a Clinical Music Therapist for 16 years. My GIM practice offers the opportunity for self-exploration and development, spiritual growth, recovery from trauma, and integrating loss and grief. Sabine Rosenberg, FAMI Watzmann Str. 12, D-83209 Prien am Chiemsee, GERMANY (+49) (0) 8051-62879 (P) [email protected] Employee of the Goethe-Institut/Germany in the head office, organizing a youth program. Sessions, supervision, coaching Gabriella Rudstam, FAMI Lövholmsvägen 19, 11765, Stockholm SWEDEN 070 2449054 (P) [email protected] I am a licensed Psychotherapist, Hypnotherapist, Music Therapist, Expressive Art Therapist and Certificated EMDR Therapist. I work at Kris and Traumacentrum with traumatized clients and as a teacher and supervisor at the Music Therapy and Expressive Art Educations. Laurie Rugenstein, EdD., LPC, FAMI Primary Trainer 43 Silver Spruce, Boulder, CO 80302 (303)546-3590 (P) [email protected] Music Therapist and Licensed Professional Counselor. My GIM practice is shaped by my work in transpersonal psychology and contemplative practice. I incorporate musical improvisation, vocal toning, body-centered approaches, mindfulness, and mandala work. I am available for personal sessions, supervisions and training. Mary H. Rykov, PhD, MTA, FAMI 1-14 Rusholme Dr. Toronto, ONT M6J 3J9, CANADA (416)538-2271 (P) [email protected] www.maryrykov.com 49 Revised June 30, 2014 2014 Webpage Fellow Members Registry Patxi Del Campo San Vicente, FAMI Paseo de la Zumaquera, Nº 35 bajo, 01006 Vitoria-Gasteiz, Álava, SPAIN 0034 945 143 311 (P) [email protected] Psychotherapist, Music Therapist. Work as a therapist in a private center through The Bonny Method together with other disciplines. Head of the Music Therapy Centre “Music, Art and Process” in Vitoria (Spain). www.agruparte.com Susanne R. Schirmer, MD, FAMI Schlossfeld Str 20, Aystetten 86482 GERMANY 0177-7885119 (P) [email protected] Licensed Psychotherapist. Coming from internal medicine/occupational health. I use GIM/Humanistic Psychotherapy especially for people and their relatives coping with cancer/psychosomatic illness/pain/trauma/burnout. Personal sessions for GIM trainees. Heidi Schock-Corall, FAMI Gumbsheimer Weg 23, 55599 Siefersheim, Rheinhessen, GERMANY (+49)170 58 65 900 (P) [email protected] Music Therapist DMTG (Deutsche Musiktherpeutische Gesellschaft). Working with GIM in a clinic (psychiatric and psychotherapeutic / adults), further in a children’s hospice (grieving process) and in private practice (self-awareness). Lecturer advanced training palliative care (meaning of music). www.musik-klang-therapie.de Dorothea Schönhals-Schlaudt, FAMI Kirchgasse 10, 65529 Waldems, GERMANY 06126-91535 (P) [email protected] I work as a Music Therapist in a hospital and private practice using GIM in group and single therapy sessions. My client focus is oncology patients. I also work with Music and GIM Therapy education. www.klangwerkstatt-musiktherapie.de 50 Revised June 30, 2014 2014 Webpage Fellow Members Registry Suzannah Scott-Moncrieff, MA, MT-BC, LCAT, FAMI 202 W. 40th St. Suite 403, New York, NY 10018 (347)323-9765 (P) [email protected] I have a private music psychotherapy practice in New York City, working with adults with mood and anxiety disorders, histories of trauma, and performance stress. GIM is one of several methods I use including singing, improvisation, and other listening practices. www.asoundspace.com Thea Segner, FAMI Portenstraße 21, 81379 München, GERMANY 089/7235148 (P) [email protected] Jane Selinske, EdD, LCSW, LP, MT-BC, FAMI 49 Park St., Montclair, NJ 07042 280 Madison Ave, Suite 1403A NY, NY 10016 (201)615-2889 (P) [email protected] Jungian analytic orientation (Licensed Jungian Analyst), Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Reiki Master, MARI/Mandala Practitioner, Individual, Group, Workshops, and Supervisions available. Insurance reimbursable. Alison Short, PhD, FAMI Primary Trainer, Inactive P.O. Box 433, Engadine, NSW 2233, AUSTRALIA [email protected] Barbara J. Smith, MC, MFT, CCMHP, FAMI 3114 Vista Grande, Carlsbad, CA 92009 (760)652-5606 (P) [email protected] With offices in San Diego and Orange counties, I specialize in the use of GIM with issues of grief, loss and bereavement. I also use GIM with a diverse population of individuals and groups with chronic or life threatening illnesses. 51 Revised June 30, 2014 2014 Webpage Fellow Members Registry Sybil R. Smith, FAMI 2762 E. Center St., Kingsport, TN 37664 (423)341-6245 (P) [email protected] I run a small private practice, specializing in trauma and anxiety issues. GIM and MARI techniques blend seamlessly within counseling to help people gain insight and hope for healing. www.sybilrsmith.com Carolyn Sonnen, MM, MT-BC, FAMI Primary Trainer, Inactive 726 Broadmoor Drive, Annapolis, MD 21409 (443)254-1545 (P) [email protected] As a musician and music therapist, my personal and professional life centers in music. I have worked in clinical practice using music, GIM and expressive arts therapies with a wide range of clients. Mary Ann “Cookie” Spaeth, MA, FAMI 1307 Peachwood Lane, Bowie, MD 20716 (301)218-6094 (P) [email protected] My holistic, eclectic practice in Music and Healing for women offers The Bonny Method of GIM, Usui Reiki, World Drumming Empowerment, and Health Rhythms. I use the power of Music to express creativity, and deepen mind-bodyspirit wellness with my clients. Catherine Staples, B.Mus, BMT, MTA, FAMI 1840A Cousins Ave., Courtenay, BC, V9N 3N3, CANADA (250)338-0857 (P) [email protected] Music Therapist with community based practice, serving the greater Edmonton, AB Area. Christa Steingruber, FAMI Grand-Rue 98, CH-1110 Morges, SWITZERLAND (+41) 21 802 33 15 (P) [email protected] Music Therapy and GIM Therapy for individuals and groups 52 Revised June 30, 2014 2014 Webpage Fellow Members Registry Linda Stoer-Scaggs, PhD. LPCC, LICDC, FAMI 98 Wexford Drive. Granville, OH 43023 (614)638-4752 (P) [email protected] My scope of practice includes diagnostic assessment and treatment of mental and emotional illness including a comprehensive focus on all addictions. GIM and psychotherapy are my modes of treatment. M. Elizabeth Stokes, PsyD, FAMI 1528 Walnut St. Ste. 815, Philadelphia, PA 19102 (215)266-4066 (P) [email protected] In my private practice I provide psychotherapy and GIM, working with a wide range of issues and concerns. Sara Jane (Sierra) Stokes-Stearns, PhD, MT-BC, FAMI Primary Trainer 130 Arbor Way, Church Hill, MD 21623 (301)346-3634 (P) [email protected] Sierra is Co-Founder and Co-Director of Atlantis Institute for Consciousness and Music. She has a private practice specializing in mind body healing, and psychotherapy with a Jungian emphasis. She teaches at the C.J. Jung Institute in Zurich, Switzerland. She also leads women’s retreats in Mexico thru myth and music. www.atlantisicm.com Maya Story, MS, MT-BC, FAMI AMI President Portland, OR (503)200-0079 (P) [email protected] Assistant Professor, Marylhurst University Private practice mayastory.org 53 Revised June 30, 2014 2014 Webpage Fellow Members Registry Lin Su, FAMI 157E, Zhong Hai Fu Yuan, Zeng Guang Road #37, Hai Dian District, Beijing, CHINA (+86)13701014201 (P) [email protected] I’m a psychotherapist and a music therapist. I practice MI and GIM with anxiety, depression and trauma. I assist Lisa Summer with Level I, Level II and Level III in Beijing. Lisa Summer, PhD, LMHC, MT-BC, FAMI Primary Trainer 15 Brewster Road, Worcester, MA 01602 (508)849-3454 (P) [email protected] Director of the Institute for Music and Consciousness, offering music and imagery and GIM training (Levels I, II, III, Music and the Self, Group Training). Private practice with a psychodynamic and transpersonal approach. Kobie Temmingh Swart, MMT, FAMI P.O. Box 5179, Weltevredenpark, 1715 SOUTH AFRICA (+27) 83 656 4737 (P) [email protected] I am a Music Therapist and GIM Fellow based in Johannesburg, South Africa. I lecture in Music Therapy at the University of Pretoria and offer therapy and workshops, using GIM and Music Therapy and the combined arts therapies. Péter Szil, FAMI [email protected] I am a psychotherapist working with individuals, couples, groups and supervision in Spain and Hungary. I easily alternate in my work, as well as in my dreams, between four languages: English, Hungarian, Spanish and Swedish. www.szil.info 54 Revised June 30, 2014 2014 Webpage Fellow Members Registry Lennie Tan, MTA, LLB, FAMI #317, 1425 West 6th Ave., Vancouver, BC V6H 4G5, CANADA (604)734-9876 (P) [email protected] I believe in the power of sound, music and vibration. Working intuitively, I use GIM, as well as other music therapy modalities, to facilitate the unfolding of individuals. www.lennietan.com Sandra Tan, FAMI 1423 West Laburnum Ave., Richmond, VA 23227 (204)432-1523 (P) [email protected] Denise Tanguay, MA, ATR, FAMI 14 Chemin des Sentiers, Saint-Sauveur, QC, J0R 1R7, CANADA (450)227-4600 (P) [email protected] Aaron K. Teague, MA, MT-BC, FAMI 7115 Church Ave., Ben Avon, PA 15202 (412)761-0751 (P) [email protected] I am a music therapist and I provide GIM sessions, GIM supervisions and other music therapy services. www.musicjourney.net Ellen Thomasen, FAMI Primary Trainer, Retired Rued Langgaards Vej 23, 3mf, DK-2300, København S, DENMARK #45-60759130 (P) [email protected] GIM Therapist, private practice, Primary Trainer, Retired. As a trainer, I have led several GIM Level I courses and one Level II course for music therapists trained at Aalborg University, AAU. However, I have now decided to stop taking responsibility for further training courses. I’ll enjoy concentrating my GIM activities on sessions, supervisions, workshops and lectures. www.gimterapi.dk 55 Revised June 30, 2014 2014 Webpage Fellow Members Registry Kay Thompson, FAMI 10-137 McGill Rd., Kamloops, BC, V2C 1L9, CANADA (250)374-4990 (P) [email protected] Retired. Esperanza Torres Serna, FAMI Primary Trainer Paseo de la Zumaquera, Nº 35 bajo, 01006 Vitoria-Gasteiz, Álava, SPAIN 0034 945 14 33 11 (P) [email protected] I am working in a private practice with GIM and/or verbal psychotherapy. I am teaching in Music Therapy Training in Musica, Arte y Proceso Institute (VitoriaSpain). I am interested in the research in GIM with fibromyalgia patients (in individual format and/or adaptation for group) www.agruparte.com Gro Trondalen, PhD, MA-MT, FAMI Seterveien 10, 1162, Oslo, NORWAY + 47 918 47 700 (P) [email protected] www.nmh.no Celia Tudor-Evans, FAMI Pinetree Cottage, Hockley Rd. Shrewley, Warick, CV345 7AT UNITED KINGDOM 01926842955 (P) [email protected] Dr. Gert Tuinmann, FAMI Dehnhaide 120, 22081 Hamburg, Germany +49 40 2092-7201 (P) [email protected] Physician (Internal Medicine, Oncology and Hematology), Music Therapist. I work with patients with psychosomatic illnesses in the clinical context. www.schoen-kliniken.de 56 Revised June 30, 2014 2014 Webpage Fellow Members Registry Annie Tyhurst, FAMI Park Cottage, Tidenham Chase, NP16 7JR, UNITED KINGDOM 01291 680291 (P) [email protected] I am a HCPC register music therapist and Associate Partner on European GIM Training Programme. I offer GIM in private practice. www.musicandimagery.org Regula Ursprung, SFMT, MA, FAMI Rorschacherstrasse 109A, 9000 St, Gallen, SWITZERLAND 0041-71-280-0641 (P) [email protected] Music Therapist and Expressive Therapist working with both children and adults at Atelier für Music und Gestaltung. My main areas of practice are: autism, neo-natology, and oncology. I also supervise Music Therapy students. Guylaine Vaillancourt, PhD, MTA, FAMI 295 des Ardennes #102, Saint-Lambert, QC J4S 1P1 CANADA (450)466-4654 (P) [email protected] Music Therapist, Concordia University Assistant Professor. Bilingual (FrenchEnglish) practitioner in Montréal (Canada) metropolitan area. I use GIM with cancer patients and other medical conditions. MARI/Mandala Level 1 Training. Carolyn Van Dort, FAMI 11 Greenwich Court, Glen Waverley, Victoria 3150 AUSTRALIA 61 3 9561 3447 (P) [email protected] Carolyn has a private practice with a special interest in working with people who have experienced childhood abuse trauma. She has also facilitated groups with outpatients in a drug and alcohol facility since 2007. www.musicpsychotherapy.com.au 57 Revised June 30, 2014 2014 Webpage Fellow Members Registry Maudie van Klaveren, FAMI 4312 Houlihan Place, Victoria, BC V8N 3T1, CANADA (250)477-3370 (P) [email protected] As a Music Therapist and currently the first and only certified practitioner of Guided Imagery and Music on Vancouver Island, I incorporate GIM into my private practice with those seekers of personal and spiritual healing and growth. Diane Ritchey Vaux, PhD, FAMI Port Townsend, WA 98368 (360)344-4321 (P) [email protected] Retired. Madelaine Ventre, MS, LCAT, MT-BC, FAMI Primary Trainer 1107 Plank Rd., Forestburgh, NY 12777 (845)796-2554 (P) [email protected] In addition to teaching GIM as part of the graduate and LCAT licensure tracks in NYS universities and colleges, I teach and supervise in other GIM trainings. I have a general private practice grounded in psychodynamic and transpersonal theories. Michael D. Viega, PhD, MT-BC, FAMI 20 Cambridge Dr., Red Hook, NY 12571 (215)837-5768 (P) [email protected] Michael is an experienced Board-Certified Music Therapists (MT-BC) with specific clinical interest working with children and adolescents who have had adverse childhood experiences. He uses GIM with adolescents and adults who have a wide range of therapeutic challenges. Michael is available to provide GIM sessions, GIM supervision, and other music therapy services. 58 Revised June 30, 2014 2014 Webpage Fellow Members Registry Santiago Vilá, FAMI Calle 145 #19-88 APTO. 503, Bogotá, COLOMBIA (57) 3168700512 (P) [email protected] I use GIM as a method to help those who want to achieve more meaning in their lives. I offer workshops and conferences in order to disseminate this method throughout South America. Currently, I’m promoting a complete GIM training in Bogota, Colombia and receive training to be a Primary Trainer. My web site is www.takim.co where you can find more information about my work. Heather Wagner, MMT, MT-BC, FAMI Berlin, CT 06037 (860)550-4884 (P) [email protected] As a music therapist and GIM Practitioner, I believe in the importance of resource oriented practice in addition to issue-oriented work. I offer individual and group sessions, workshops, and self-care for helping professionals. Karlyn M. Ward, PhD, LCSW, BCD, FAMI P.O. Box 1088, Mill Valley, CA 94942 (415)388-5976 (P) [email protected] Certified Jungian Analyst. Have a general practice of psychotherapy with emphasis on Jungian analysis and GIM. Supervision and consultation available. www.anchoredintheheart.com Margareta Wärja, FAMI Primary Trainer Folkunggatan 108, Stockholm 11630, SWEDEN 011-46-86441993 (P) [email protected] Private practice in Stockholm. Primary Trainer. Teaching staff at Therapeutic Arts, USA (Fran Goldberg). Sessions and supervisions. Combine GIM and Expressive Arts therapy. Member of the Steering Committee of ENGIM (European Network of Guided Imagery and Music) PhD Candidate at Aalborg University in Denmark www.expressivearts.se 59 Revised June 30, 2014 2014 Webpage Fellow Members Registry Dalena Watson, LPC, MT-BC, FAMI 90 S Kyrene Rd. # 4, Chandler, AZ 85226 (602)686-3723 (P) [email protected] Private practice with adults for mental health, sexual abuse, trauma, grief, and GBLT issues. I use counseling techniques, GIM, and EMDR. www.musicandimagery.com Susan B. Wesley, PhD, MT-BC, FAMI, (NMT), LCPC/ME 338 Bryant St. #2, Buffalo, NY 14222 (716)270-3172 (P) [email protected] Susan Bray Wesley, PhD, MT-BC, LCPC is employed as an MT-BC with Hospice Buffalo in Western New York. She also maintains a small GIM practice. Therese West, PhD, MT-BC, FAMI 19725 River Rd. #69, Gladstone, OR 97027 (503)913-5500 (P) [email protected] 30 years clinical experience in psychiatric, medical, oncology, hospice settings, and recovery from trauma and abuse. Multicultural and integrative theoretical perspectives inform her Bonny Method consultation, supervision, practice, and adaptations for persons facing medical challenges. Private practice in Portland, OR. Anne Winther-Rasmussen, MT, FAMI Hosle, NORWAY +47 936 38 570 (P) [email protected] I am a Music and GIM Therapist with a private practice. I offer individual and group therapy for personal growth and development, depression, life changing experiences, bereavement, low self esteem, life transitions and stress. www.annesgimterapi.com Jennifer Worthen, LPC, MT-BC, FAMI 18 Cherokee Rd. Asheville, NC 28806 (828)216-4079 (P) [email protected] I have a small private practice in Asheville, NC working with adults. www.musictransforms.com 60 Revised June 30, 2014 2014 Webpage Fellow Members Registry Ruta Yawney, MA, RCC, FAMI 1591 Tunstall Blvd., Bowen Island, BC, V0N 1G2, CANADA (604)928-0883 (P) [email protected] I have a private practice as a Registered Clinical Counselor in West Vancouver, Canada. I provide counseling for individuals experiencing anxiety and stress from life transitions. My integrative approach weaves together mind, body and spirit, empowering clients to find their heart’s centre and create new ways of being. www.rutayawney.com Nami Yoshihara, MS, MT-BC, FAMI Yokohama, JAPAN (81)80-5049-1737(P) [email protected] Private practice in GIM and music therapy. Sessions are available in English and Japanese. www.musicure-mt.com Dr. Laurel Young, PhD, MTA, FAMI 6205 Somerled #705, Montreal, Quebec, H3X 2B5 CANADA (514)757-9508 (P) [email protected] Private Practice – Group and Individual Sessions and GIM Supervision. Located in Montreal but may be able to provide sessions in Eastern Ontario. Traditional approach. Focus on health and well-being. Karen Zagayko, PhD, LCP, FAMI 1503 Santa Rosa Rd. Suite 105, Richmond, VA 23229 (804)673-1-0100 x 209 (P) [email protected] I utilize GIM in psychotherapy to promote growth and change. Mandala and MARI assessments are also conducted. I accept some insurance plans. www.wfphelp.com 61 Revised June 30, 2014 2014 Webpage Fellow Members Registry Barbara Zanchi, FAMI Via Brugnoli n. 11, Bologna 40122, ITALY (+39)0514075352 (P) [email protected] Music Therapist and Psychologist using GIM in private practice and in centers of the National Health Service. Director of Post Graduate Training Course in Music Therapy, MusicSpace, Italy, Bologna. Associated Lecturer in Music Therapy at the University of the West of England – UWE, Bristol (UK). 62 Revised June 30, 2014 2014 Webpage Fellow Members Registry SECTION TWO International Affiliate Organization Members Japanese Association for Guided Imagery and Music - JAGIM c/o Nami Yoshihara 1654 Shimokurata-cho, Totsuka-ku, Yokohama 244-0815, JAPAN +81-80-5049-1737 (P) [email protected] Japanese Association for Guided Imagery and Music (JAGIM) is the primary organization advancing GIM in Japan. Our purpose is to diffuse knowledge of GIM and to support the development of GIM. We also wish to promote training programs in the future. www.jagim.org Korean Association for Music and Imagery - KAMI c/o Mi Hyun Bae SK Hub-blue 315 ho Ahyundong, Mapogu 121-010 Seoul SOUTH KOREA 82-10-8724 0279 (P) [email protected] Korean Association for Music and Imagery (KAMI) is a South Korean Organization of Bonny Method GIM practitioners, trainers, trainees, and supporters. KAMI aims to advance the understanding and application of the Bonny Method GIM and its adaptations as well as to contribute to the domestic public health and the global development of the GIM community. Since 2003, when it was launched, KAMI has made efforts to enhance clinical practice, related publication, professional development, and public education here in Seoul, Korea. www.gimkorea.or.kr 63 Revised June 30, 2014 2014 Webpage Fellow Members Registry Music and Imagery Association of Australia - MIAA c/o Denise Grocke 517a Balcombe Rd., Black Rock, Victoria, 3193, Australia +61-402-579-819 (P) [email protected] MIAA Inc was established in 1994 with Dr. Helen Bonny as the patroness to promote GIM, provide GIM training, provide professional standards and registration and a forum for exchange and communication about GIM within Australia and internationally. MIAA has a list of practicing registered GIM therapists on our website. www.musicandimagery.com.au 64 Revised June 30, 2014
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