PERSONAL NOTES <Wid act!vities of W . MORRIS PEOPLE Mr. and Mrs. Louis Scura and family, Mr. and Mrs. Angclo F. Scura and family and Mr. and Mrs. George Scura and family of this village were Christmas Day dinner guests at the home of Mrs. Philomena Scura at GreigsvUfe. ***• and Mrs. Fraffl|t Martello enter^ ^ C h m t m a s Eva, Supt of I * g h W » - Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth Schumaker and son and Miss Joan McMaster of Nunda, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Barnes and family M l w " ' 1 * ? ? ^ *«cCaltery « * Mr. of Silver Springs, Mr. and Mrs. Ben^ " *•**. Stanley Friedman. jamin Ma hew of Perry and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Swanson, Begble Road were S L 1 ! ! ^ 1 ^ "s t-m Fa ns i I l k VDc A n ««*o. Main Christmas Day guests at the home of DJ^EL ^? 5 * * Christmas Mr. and Mrs. David Swanson and family, Church Road. Mr. and Mrs. William Blair of Rochester were Christinas Day dinnet guests k« Stre^ ^ C^h r iSs t a f ? E ! * "<*" S L Y^JT* " « Day dinner at the home of Dr. and Mrs.. A. V. geste at the hpme of their son, Frank Vickers, Main Street JJ«acc and Mrs. Gerace and family, •arouc Avenue. Mr. and Mrs. James Estradt and family, Mr. and Mrs. Sarge Santini and son The Messrs. Joe Buchanan and John and Mr. and Mrs. Angelo Zingaro and McCauley of Groveland spent Christmas 'family of this village and Miss Jennie way at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Casper Spicciati of Buffalo were guests ChristGerace, Oak Grove, may Day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Patty Zingaro and daughter, Rita, State Mr and Mrs. Sidney GUlcanAMrs. Strlet. John Hurley and Mr. and Mrs. Vred jjttbane and son, Bob, all of Lima and Mr. and Mrs. George* W. Richmond of Mrs. Arthur Edwards of this village were Groveland and Mrs. Inez M. Haywood, Christmas Day dinner guests at the home Genesee Street, were Christmas Day sup« Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Pfeil, Barone per guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth C. Haywood, Stanley Street. M • 7 • MT. MORRIS ENTERPRISE Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Kemp, Genesee Mrs. Louise Weaver of Warwick, Va^ Mrs. Maye Marsh of Nanda and Richard Donovan <rf Coral Gables, Fhu, were street, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Price and fam- is spending the holidays at the home of Christmas Day dinner guests at the home ily of Perry and Mr. and Mrs. Marty her daughter, Mrs. James K. Brown and of Mr. and Mrs. Rkhard Donovan, Bar- Toolcof Waylanf were guests on Christ- the Rev. Brown, Stanley Street. mat Day at the of Mr. and Mrs. one Avenue. Leon Brooks, Road. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Argenta and son, . -ifrs. Liborio Bonadonna, Main Street, entertained the following guests j * " Mr. and Mrs. lack Cicero and family, Grove Street were Christmas Day guests Christmas Day: Mr. and Mrs. Lonia Genesee Street, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Brick, at the home of his father, Frank ArBonadonna and family, Mr. and Mrs.Mr, and Mrs. Flank Radesi and family genta, at Piffard Joseph Bonadonna and family, Mr. and of Cuylervillej I f r . and Mrs. Arthur — Mrs. Philip Bonadonna, Mr. and Mr*. Jones and famirt of Leicester, Mr. and Joseph Cipolla and daughter and Mr*Mra. Danny Radesi and family and Mr. and Mrs. Frank DiGioia and family, all and Mrs. Anthony Radesi and family of this village; Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bona- and Mr. and Mis. Ignatius Radesi and donna and family of Nunda, Russell family of Wadsworth were dinner guests Bonadonna, student at Notre Dame Uni* Christmas Day »t the home of Peter versity, South Bend, Indiana, Mr. andRadesi in Cuytefville. Mrs. Charles Bonadonna, Mr. and Mrs. Barton Bonadonna, and Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. psalter Schery and Mr. Wayne Becker and family of Wayland; and Mrs. Vic CJeero and family of this Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Bonadonna and village were Christmas Day dinner family of Batavia, Mr. and Mrs. John guests of Mrs. Rose Cicero and Miss Bonadonna and family of Greece and Agnes Cicero, ilurray Street. Mr. and Mrs. James Quait and family of Groveland. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Onorati and daughter of Greigsville were Christmas Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Argenta and son, Day dinner guests at the home of her Grove Street, were guests of his father, parents, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Rathburn Frank Argenta at Piffard on Christmas- at Leicester. Day. Dr. and Mrs. C. T. Andolina and famMr. and Mrs. Herbert Conklin and ily, Main Street, and Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Schultz and son, Frank Andolina and family of Wellsville Tommy of Rochester spent Christmas at were guests on Christmas Day at the the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Conk- home of Mr. and Mrs. Knute Andolina, North Main Street. lin, Sr., Genesee Street. -Most drownings occur within about ten yards of the shore. \, REO and WE wish to thank you for your confidence in the past. May this New Year be good to you! ! PARMELEE ! The Mower Man M - J F iMi w , < ^R dQ°bnc rWcn " W l d f a m i l y l Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Erwin and famMr t Weu a n d f a m Mr. and Mrs. Andrea Adonnino, HopLt and Mrs. John S. Ruffo and son S~k i ™f ?* " fly of Groveland spent Christmas Day uy, both of Nunda were guests on Christ-1 a t t h e hon^ <* M r and Mrs* David kin Street, entertained at Christmas din- of Vktorville, Calif., Richard Ruffo of mas Day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. • L o v e i n Groveland. ner, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Adonnino and Buffalo, Mr. aid Mrs. Frank Barrett Robert E. Weir, Barone Avenue. _ • daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Adonnino and Rose Vizzini and Mrs. Mark Hari- -, • ', m Mr. and Mrs. Raymond F. Holcomb and family, Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Adon- ris and daughter of this village spent Mrs ~ "" -Charles Stoker, Barone' and family of Geneteo spent Christmas? nino, Mr. and Mrs. John Lallucci and Christmas Day at the home of Mr. were Christmas Day dinner at the home of hit grandmother, Mrs. daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Boz- and Mrs. John Ruffo, Lackawanna Aveat the home-of Mr. and Mrs. John Teresa Fort at Albany. zette and family of this village and Mf. nue, Jr., at Spencerport. and Mrs. Frank Savino and son of Niagara Falls. Lt John Ruffo, who has been visiting —_.— Robert E. Murphy of East Orange, at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Roberts of N . j . t & visiting at the home of his Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Pellicanc and Mrs. John Ruffo. Lackawanna Avenue, Dansvdle were Christmas Day dinner parents. Dr. and Mrs. G, B. Murphy, son of Baldwin were Christmas Day left Friday enroute to Squadron Offiat the home of their son, Harold Main Street. Roberts and Mrs. Roberts and family. guests at the home of her father, John cer's School at Maxwell Air Force Base Clark Street.. in Alabama where he will train for four Mr, and Mrs. Ray Biondolillo and Andolina, North Main Street. months. «*..»*. *~A Mrs. u r> r* Shurtleff, «•> -*t ** son * ainHMUss Mary Loncao of this vilMayor and Craig C. .lage, „ _ • . _ Mrs. Francis Andolina and Mr. and M r anA M n c m A minA f a m and Mrs. Sam Amico and famGlen-Morris Ave., spent Christmas it the ily ofMr. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Scorsone and Rochester and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Mrs. Sam Zaso, Eagle Street were Christof their daughter, Mrs. Regmald ( ^^Wo f , ^ ^ mas Day dinner guests at the home of daughter of Near York City, Mr. and m d Q( were fcosse and Mr. Grosse and family at chratmfc Day dinner guests at the home Mr. and Mrs. Santo Annalora, Stanley Mrs. Frank Berardine of Massepequa, Nunda. L. L, Jerry Scorsone of Rochester and of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Monte sa no. Street. Mr. and Mrs. John Radesi of this village Mr. and Mrs. Addison Masten, Gen- Main Street. Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Ricotta, Main were Christmas Day guests at the home esee Street, were guests on Christmas Street, were Christmas Day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs* Joseph Scorsone, State Day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mat- #„„;i" _# rk.—*—«. »„* w , . ^ I * J _ at the home of her parents, Mr. andStreet faml,y thew Nichok in I^ic^ter <* ° s w c 8 ° ' a n d M r and Mrs. Mrs. Joseph Cappadonia, Chapel Street Mas Rita Miftretta, student nurse at mew nKnots in Leicester. Ignatius Palermo and daughter, Nunrio Mr. and Mrs. Claude Webb of Fulton, Nathan Littauer Hospital, Gloversville \JI A \M \A k i vi • AM Coniglio and daughter and "Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Webb and family of spent the weekend at the home of her M Tu TV!!' 5 ? ' S T ? "T'iFred Barraco and family of this village LeRoy and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Conparents, Mr. and Mrs. .Michael Mistretta, € Mrs. inomas Migncmi family, w c f t C n r i s t i n a $ rjay d i n n e r g^^ a t Ion and family of Seneca Falls were State Street village and Miss Patricia Essand of Rochesraco, Breen^ Street. Mr.were andChristmas Mrs. Joseph of this ter Day Migneim dinner guests at m home ^ M a n d M r M Bar. Christmas Day dinner guests at the the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Ess, Walhome of Mr. and Mrs. John Zangerle, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred McCarthy and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond DiPasquale nut Street Barone Avenue. children of Watertown spent the weekand sons, Mr. and Mrs. James Hughes end at the home of her parents, Mr. and and son and Charles DiPasquale of this Mr. and Mrs. Angelo Trippe and fam- village were Christmas Day dinner Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mistretta and Mrs. Alex Chichester, Elm Street ily, Lackawanna Avenue, were guests on guests at the home of Mr. and, James Mistretta and Mr. and Christmas Day at the home of her par- Frank DiPasquale, Eagle Street. Mr. and Mrs, Clayton Williams and Mrs. Louis Vitale of this village, Mr. ents, Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Vitak, Sr., family of Dansvflle were Christmas Day and Mrs. Evans Sisson and family of at Piffard dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Robert Croston, a junior at Oklahoma Leicester, Miss Jo Mistretta of Geneseo State University; Stillwater, Oklahoma, and Mr. and Mrs. Dominic Nasca and Mra Herbert Rnaney, Barone Avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Panel: and fam- is spending two weeks with his wife, son of Buffalo were guests on Christmas Miss Joyce Knhn of Batavia and Mr. ily of TivolL Mr. and Mrs. Robert Di-' M r a . Gertrude Croston, and son, Gen- Day at the home of Mrs. Lena Misand Mrs. Richard Kuhn, State Road, Franco and daughter of Gcneaeo, Mr. e s e e 5 ^ ^ a n d j ^ parent*, Mr. and tretta, North Main Street. were Christmas Day guests at the home and Mrs. Ronald Chasey and famuy of j M rs. Arthur Croston, Sr., Chapel Street. of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey S. Nunda, and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mann Mr. and Mrs. Sam S. Biondolillo, son and family of this village were ChristMr. and Mis. DeMerlc Hoag and Thomas and daughter Mary Ann, Da- Kuhn, Murray Street mas Day dinner guests at the home of family of Dansville, Mr. and Mrs. Rob- monsville Street, spent Christmas Day Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mann, Cherry St. ert Dennison and family of Groveland at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Miss Msrjorie Kuhn, student nurse in the Cornell School of Nursing, New Bioridolillo and family at Elmira. and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Croston, Jr., Mr. and Mrs^. Frank J. Biondolillo and and family. Chapel Street, were ChristYork City, spent the past weekend *i Mr. and Mrs. Vincent J. Loncao and son mas Day supper guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Lombard©, the home of bet parents, Mr. and Mrs. of this village spent Christmas at the Mr. and- Mrs. Richard Donovan, Barone Genesee Street were Christmas Day Harvey S. Kuhn, Murray Street home of Mr. and Mrs. James Biondol- Avenue. dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Gullo of Falls illo and family, Kenmore. Mrs. Francis Christiano and family, Church, Va. spent the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Colegero Gullo, Leicester. Mr. and Mrs. Charles LaDelfa, Stan- Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bozzette and Hopkin Street Lane. ley Street, were guests on Christmas Day family and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bozzette and family of this village were ChristMr. and Mrs. Andrew Bianchi and at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel mas Joseph Zingaro of Oneida spent the Day dinner guests at the home of family of Rochester spent Christmas Day Perriello at Na^kf* Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bozzette, North Main at the borne of Mr. and Mrs. Constantine holidays with hit parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Zingaro, Clinton Street Street, DeVico and family. Murray Street. Mrs. Margaret DiGioia and Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hughes of AtMra. Frank Comardo and family, North tica spent the holidays at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Colvin and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Lombardo and sons, Main Street, entertained the following her mother, Mr* Anthony Palme, Main guests on Christmas Day: Mr. and Mrs. Anne Berg of Rochester, Mrs. Mary Genesee Street were Christmas Day din- Street. Mike DiGioia and family of Glovers- Marsh and children of Canandaigua, Mr. ner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ville, Mr. and Mrs. Sam DiPasquale of and Mrs. Sam MonteSeone and family of Rons Id Lombardo, Main Street Marine Pvt 1st class Johnny Macaluso Niagara Falls, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Pal- Perry and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Monteof Camp LeJeune, N. C , spent the holileone and children of this village were Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Sipperley of Tusermo, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Andolina days at the home of his parents, Mr. and •ail family, Mr. and Mrs. William Spi- Christmas Day dinner guests at the home carora spent Christmas Day at the home Mrs. Nick J. Maaahiso, Mt Morria-Nuntale and family and Mr. and Mrs. Rob- of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Esposito and of his sister, Mrs. C. L. Harden at Ripda Road at "The Ridge." ley. ert Lindsay, all of Rochester, Mr. andchildren, Main Street. i^p. Joseph DiGioia of Buffalo and Mr. and Mrs. James LaGioia and family and Frank DiGioia and family of this vil- 1 TECHNICOLOR, ROD StBfflTiUHTA MONTKL BRIAN KEITH - RALPH KEKEI , J » C FUfWI-6HARIE5 • an MM nenss • * QUsf CAREY •oast TONY MARISA Ffc Robert Croston, stationed at Loring Air Force Base, Maine, with the U.S. Army is visiting his wife, Mrs. Shirley Croston at Leicester and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy J. Croston, Hopkin Mr. and Mrs. Reed Kyle, Murray Street, were Christmas Day dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Everett Kyle at West Webster. Mr. and Mrs, Bart Bella and family of Depew were Christmas Day dinner s at the home of her parents, Mr. Mrs. Joseph Lachuisa, Damonsville ^ Street , Mr. and Mrs. Roy J. Croston, Hopkin Street, entertained/ the following guests at Christmas dinner: 'Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Goodenow and Mrs. Carolyn Zeliff of Syracuse, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer TfrjMF of Hunts, Mr. and Mrs. Francis murantt and son of Attica, Mr. and Mrs. Chancey Zeliff of Akron, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Zeliff of Warsaw, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Everetts and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Everetts of Rochester and Mr a m J Mrs. Edward- Willsey of D r . and Mrs. G. E. Murphy and Robert were Christmas D a y dinner guests at the home of Dr. and Mrs. M. A. Hare at Caledonia. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Croston and Mnrray »reet. weenCfcsssjnnn^I^ osv guests at the home of Mi parents, Mr. and Mrs. ^naur v^rmivu, /" ,«t**s,diBi Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 GILBERT CURT1S-PAVAN-R0LAND • J W C a f f t E N • ARGENTINA SRUNETn URWLRSN. artftWIOKAt. PICTURE Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, January 5-6-7 Continuous from 3 p.m. on Sundays Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Bush, Murray Street, left Saturday for Sarasota, Florida, where they will spend the winter. 7 U 1958 , HAPPY NEW YEAR Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brady, Mr. and Mrs. Myron Brady and children and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Donegan and family of this village were guests Christmas Day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Hastings, Clark Street \
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