Page 2 Tuesday, September 23, 2014 Pub lic N otices Daily Court Review Houston's Daily Legal and Business Newspaper News 713.869.5434 Subscriptions 713.869.5434 Advertising 713.869.5434 Public Notice 713.869.5434 Fax 713.869.8887 Office Daily Court Review 8 Greenway Plaza, Suite 101 Houston, Texas 77046 Publisher/President Tom Morin [email protected] Director of Operations Alaine Provine [email protected] Executive Assistant Samantha Erickson [email protected] Administrative Coordinator Maricruz Gonzalez [email protected] Public Notices Coordinator Ashley Faltisek [email protected] Design Editor Zack Zwicky [email protected] Publisher Emeritus E. Milton Morin, Jr. (1941-2009) Daily Court Review (ISSN 0740-1949) (USPS 146-660) Daily Court Review (ISSN 0740-1949) (USPS 142-660) is published daily, except Saturday, Sunday and legal holidays, by the Daily Court Review, Inc. The address is 8 Greenway Plaza, Suite 101, Houston, Texas 77046. Periodical Postage paid at Houston, Texas 77201 Office hours are Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Daily Court Review is a registered trademark of the Daily Court Review, Inc. Postmaster: Send change of address to Daily Court Review, 8 Greenway Plaza, Suite 101, Houston, Texas 77046. Special Notice: The records published are from public records and do not necessarily reflect the financial standing of the parties involved. Explanations will be made upon notification by proper correspondence. Affiliations / Awards: This paper is a member of the Texas Press Assn., Texas Daily Newspaper Assn., Texas Mini Storage Assn., Self Storage Assn., National Newspaper Assn., and American Court & Commercial Newspapers. Cited by the Houston Bar Assn. for the advancement of jurisprudence in the greater Houston area. Certifications: Sections 2051.041 through 2051.053 of Subchapter C of the General Govt. 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Daily Court Review, its affiliates, directors, officers, employees, agents and third party content providers (i) make no warranty as to the results that may be obtained from use of the Compilation or as to the accuracy, reliability or content of the Compilation, (ii) shall not be liable for any loss or damage caused by reliance on information obtained through the Compilation, and (iii) shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, punitive or consequential damages arising out of the use of content provided in the Compilation. Daily Court Review Submit Public Notices by E-mail: [email protected] or call 713.869.5434 n Citations – Divorce/Adoption CITATION BY PUBLICATION No. 2013-23395 Plaintiff: Soraya Mendoza Castro vs. Defendant: Luis Enrique Castro Cruz In The 245th Judicial District Court of Harris County, Texas The State Of Texas County Of Harris To: Luis Enrique Castro Cruz, and to all whom it may concern, whose residence and whereabouts are unknown, Respondent(s): You have been sued. You may employ an attorney. If you or your attorney do not file a written answer with the Clerk who issued this citation by 10:00 a.m. on the Monday next following the expiration of 20 days after you were served this citation and Third Amended Petition For Divorce By Publication Petition, a default judgment may be taken against you. The Petition of Soraya Mendosa Petitioner, was filed in the 245th Court of Harris County, Texas, on the 1st day of August, 2014, against Luis Enrique Castro Cruz, Respondent(s), and the said suit being numbered 2013-23395 on the docket of said Court, and entitled “In the Matter of the Marriage of Soraya Mendoza Castro and Luis Enrique Castro Cruz and in the interest of the child(ren): Theresa Janay Castro, 01/16/2004; Luis Enrique Castro, 01/16/2004, the nature of which suit is a request to Petitioner Request To Third Amended Petition For Divorce By Publication And For Appointment As Joint Managing Conservator. “The Court has authority in this suit to enter any judgment or decree dissolving the marriage and providing for the division of property and custody and support of the children, which will be binding on you.” Issued and given under my hand and seal of said court at Houston, Texas, on this the 5th day of August, 2014. Issued at request of: Lynette Aguilar Martinez, Attorney For Petitioner, 601 First St, Humble, TX 77338, Bar No. 00783520. (Seal) Chris Daniel, District Clerk, 201 Caroline, Harris County, Texas. By: (S) Deputy: Lizbeth Sanchez. Houston, Texas, Sept. 19, 2014. I hereby order this writ published in the Daily Court Review for the time specified there- in. Alan Rosen, Constable Precinct #1, Harris County, Texas. By: (s) G. Hirschhorn, #1166, Deputy n Citations – CPS CITATION BY PUBLICATION No. 2014-04614J In the Interest of Kayla Marie Falcon Child In The District Court Of Harris County, Texas 314th Judicial Juvenile District The State Of Texas County Of Harris To The Sheriff, Constable, Harris County Attorney’s Investigators, Or Other Person Authorized By Law: To: Adriana Yvette Pena, Mother Of Kayla Marie Falcon; Kyle Falcon AKA Arthur Kyle Falcon, Alleged Father Of Kayla Marie Falcon, and The Unknown Father Of Kayla Marie Falcon Respondent(s) And To All Whom It May Concern. You have been sued. You may employ an attorney. If you or your attorney do not file a written answer with the District Clerk who issued this citation by 10:00 a.m. on the Monday next following the expiration of 20 days after you were served this citation and First Amended Petition for Protection of a Child for Conservatorship, and for Termination in Suit Affecting the Parent-Child Relationship, a default judgment may be taken against you. The Petition of Department Of Family and Protective Services, Petitioner, was filed in the 314th Court of Harris County, Texas, The Juvenile Justice Center, 1200 Congress, Houston, Texas, on the 12th day of September, 2014, against Respondent(s) Adriana Yvette Pena, Mother Of Kayla Marie Falcon; Kyle Falcon AKA Arthur Kyle Falcon, Alleged Father Of Kayla Marie Falcon, and The Unknown Father Of Kayla Marie Falcon numbered 2014-04614J and entitled “In The Interest of Kayla Marie Falcon, a child”. The suit requests orders for the protection of the child, for appointment of conservators, and for termination of the parent-child relationship. The date and place of birth of the child who is the subject of the suit: Kayla Marie Falcon, Female, 04/23/2013, Baytown, Texas. “The Court has authority in this suit to render an order in the child’s interest that will be binding on you, including the termination of the parent-child relationship, the determination of paternity, and the appointment of a conservator with authority to consent to the child’s adoption.” Issued and given under my hand and seal of said court at Houston, Texas, on this the 18 day of September, 2014. (Seal) Chris Daniel, District Clerk, Harris County, Texas, 1200 Congress, 6th Floor, Houston, Texas 77002, By: (S) Deputy: T. Chandler. Houston, Texas, Sept. 22, 2014. I hereby order this writ published in the Daily Court Review for the time specified therein. Alan Rosen, Constable Precinct #1, Harris County, Texas. By: (s) G. Hirschhorn, #1166, Deputy CITATION BY PUBLICATION No. 2014-04122J In the Interest of Freedom Sky Raven Conner Child In The District Court Of Harris County, Texas 314th Judicial Juvenile District The State Of Texas County Of Harris To The Sheriff, Constable, Harris County Attorney’s Investigators, Or Other Person Authorized By Law: To: Annette L. Conner, Mother Of Freedom Sky Raven Conner, Michael Franklin, Alleged Father Of Freedom Sky Raven Conner, and Unknown Father Of Freedom Sky Raven Conner Respondent(s) And To All Whom It May Concern. You have been sued. You may employ an attorney. If you or your attorney do not file a written answer with the District Clerk who issued this citation by 10:00 a.m. on the Monday next following the expiration of 20 days after you were served this citation and Second Amended Petition for Protection of a Child for Conservatorship, and for Termination in Suit Affecting the Parent-Child Relationship, a default judgment may be taken against you. The Petition of Department Of Family and Protective Services, Petitioner, was filed in the 314th Court of Harris County, Texas, The Juvenile Justice Center, 1200 Congress, Houston, Texas, on Sep 17 2014, against Respondent(s) Annette L. Conner, Mother Of Freedom Sky Raven Conner, Michael Franklin, Alleged Father Of Freedom Sky Raven Conner, and Unknown Father Of Freedom Sky Raven Conner numbered 2014-04122J and entitled “In The Interest of Freedom Sky Raven Conner, a child”. The suit requests orders for the protection of the child, for appointment of conservators, and for termination of the parent-child relationship. The date and place of birth of the child who is the subject of the suit: Freedom Sky Raven Conner, Female, 09/23/1998, Houston, Harris County, Texas. “The Court has authority in this suit to render an order in the child’s interest that will be binding on you, including the termination of the parent-child relationship, the determination of paternity, and the appointment of a conservator with authority to consent to the child’s adoption.” Issued and given under my hand and seal of said court at Houston, Texas, on this the 18 day of September, 2014. (Seal) Chris Daniel, District Clerk, Harris County, Texas, 1200 Congress, 6th Floor, Houston, Texas 77002, By: (S) Deputy: T. Chandler. Houston, Texas, Sept. 22, 2014. I hereby order this writ published in the Daily Court Review for the time specified therein. Alan Rosen, Constable Precinct #1, Harris County, Texas. By: (s) G. Hirschhorn, #1166, Deputy CITATION BY PUBLICATION No. 2005-22284 In the Interest of Serenity Neva MiltonRobinson Child In The District Court Of Harris County, Texas 245th Judicial Family District The State Of Texas County Of Harris To The Sheriff, Constable, Peace Officer, Or Other Person Authorized By Law: To: Ronnie D. Milton, Jr., Father Of Serenity Neva Milton-Robinson Respondent And To All Whom It May Concern. You have been sued. You may employ an attorney. If you or your attorney do not file a written answer with the District Clerk who issued this citation by 10:00 a.m. on the Monday next following the expiration of 20 days after you were served this citation and Original Motion to Modify for Conservatorship, and for Termination in Suit Affecting the Parent-Child Relationship, a default judgment may be taken against you. The Petition of Department Of Family and Protective Services, Petitioner, was filed in the 245th Court of Harris County, Texas, Juvenile Justice Center, 1200 Congress, Houston, Texas, on the 8th day of November, 2013, against Respondent Ronnie D. Milton, Jr., Father Of Serenity Neva Milton-Robinson numbered 2005-22284 and entitled “In The Interest of Serenity Neva Milton-Robinson, a child”. The suit requests orders for the protection of the child, for appointment of conservators, and for termination of the parent-child relationship. The date and place of birth of the child who is the subject of the suit: Serenity Neva Milton-Robinson, Female, 10/29/2004, Houston, Harris County, Texas. “The Court has authority in this suit to render an order in the child’s interest that will be binding on you, including the termination of the parent-child relationship, the determination of paternity, and the appointment of a conservator with authority to consent to the child’s adoption.” Issued and given under my hand and seal of said court at Houston, Texas, on this the 19 day of September, 2014. (Seal) Chris Daniel, District Clerk, Harris County, Texas, 1200 Congress, 6th Floor, Houston, Texas 77002, By: (S) Deputy: Sonia Castro. Houston, Texas, Sept. 19, 2014. I hereby order this writ published in the Daily Court Review for the time specified therein. Alan Rosen, Constable Precinct #1, Harris County, Texas. By: (s) G. Hirschhorn, #1166, Deputy n Citations – Civil Suits CITATION BY PUBLICATION Cause No. 1049078 Houston Independent School District, Plaintiff, v. Isabel Oates; Theresa Evans; Elijah Brown, Jr; Jimmie L. Brown; Perry Brown; Ruby Miller; Thomas L. Prescott; The Unknown Heirs Of Elijah Brown And Mattie Brown; The Taxing Authorities Of Harris County, The City Of Houston, Harris County Flood Control District, Port Of Houston Authority, Harris County Hospital District, Harris County Education Department, Houston Community Daily Court Review College And Houston Independent School District Defendants. In The County Civil Court At Law No. 1 Of Harris County, Texas The State Of Texas TO:Any Sheriff or Constable Within the State of Texas You are hereby commanded to cause to be published once a week for four consecutive weeks, the first publication to be at least twenty-eight days before the return date thereof, in a newspaper printed in Harris County, Texas, the accompanying citation, of which the following is a true copy: CITATION BY PUBLICATION TO:All persons claiming any title or interest in land and improvements on any portion of the property known as: Lot 9, in Block 7 of DOUGLAS HEIGHTS, an addition in Harris County, Texas according to the map or plat thereof recorded in Volume 6, Page 17 of the Map Records of Harris County, Texas. You and each of you are hereby notified that on the 7th day of October, 2014, at 10:00 a.m. the undersigned parties, as Special Commissioners in the condemnation proceeding styled Cause No. 1049078; Houston Independent School District v. Isabel Oates; Theresa Evans; Elijah Brown; Jimmie L. Brown; Perry Brown; Ruby Miller; Thomas L. Prescott; the Unknown Heirs of Elijah Brown and Mattie Brown; and the Taxing Authorities of Harris County, the City of Houston, Harris County Flood Control District, Port of Houston Authority, Harris County Hospital District, Harris County Education Department, Houston Community College and Houston Independent School District. In the County Civil Court, at Law No. 1, Harris County, Texas, will conduct a hearing at Edison, McDowell and Hetherington, 3200 Southwest Freeway, Suite 2100 E., Houston Texas 77027, to determine the market value of the aforementioned property, which is being condemned by the Houston Independent School District. The petition in the abovementioned cause discloses that the suit is a proceeding in condemnation, where the Houston Independent School District is Plaintiff and the parties identified above are the Defendants. The purpose of this hearing will be to determine the amount of damages, if any, to be paid to the Defendants, and to give said Defendants an opportunity to be heard and present evidence. If this citation is not served within ninety (90) days after date of this issuance, it shall be returned unserved. ISSUED on this the 27th day of August, 2014, at Harris County, Texas. (s) Lynden Rose, (s) Jim Gustafson, (s) Jack Rains, SPECIAL COMMISSIONERS CITATION BY PUBLICATION No. 2014-20303 Plaintiff: EMC Mortgage LLC Vs. Defendant: Al McZeal In The 157th Judicial District Court Of Harris County, Texas The State Of Texas County Of Harris To: Al McZeal Whose Residence and Whereabouts Are Unknown You Are Hereby Commanded to be and appear before the 157th Judicial District Court of Harris County, Texas in the Courthouse in the City of Houston, Texas at or before 10:00 o’clock A.M. Monday, the 27th day of October, 2014, being the Monday next after the expiration date of fortytwo days after this citation is issued, and you are hereby commanded and required then and there to appear and file written answer to the Plaintiff’s Original Petition, filed in said Court on the 11th day of April, 2014, in a suit numbered 201420303 on the docket of said court, wherein EMC Mortgage LLC, is Plaintiff(s) and Al McZeal, is Defendant(s), the nature of plaintiff’s demand being and the said petition alleging: On or about September 4, 2007, EMC Mortgage LLC purchased at a foreclosure sale a certain property, which is the subject of this lawsuit, described by its physical address of 7307 Crescent Bridge Court, Humble, TX 77396 (the “Property”). Defendant is a trespasser of the Property and has tried a variety of bad faith tactics in order to occupy the Property. This is in spite of the fact that Defendant was never an owner, debtor or good faith lien holder of the Property. Although Defendant was never hired or approached to perform any work on the Property, Defendant fraudulently recorded a Mechanic’s Lien in order to encumber the Property. EMC Mortgage LLC files this action seeking equitable and legal relief, including, but not limited to, a declaratory judgment removing Defendant’s Mechanic Lien and declaring that Defendant has no legal interest in the Property. Notice hereof shall be given by publishing this Citation once a week for four consecutive weeks previous to the 21st day of Octo- ber, 2014, in some newspaper published in the County of Harris, if there be a newspaper published therein, but if not, then the nearest county where a newspaper is published, and this Citation shall be returned on the 21st day of October, 2014, which is forty two days after the date it is issued, and the first publication shall be at least twenty-eight days before said return day. Herein Fail Not, but have before said court on said return day this Writ with your return thereon, showing how you have executed same. Witness: Chris Daniel, District Clerk, Harris County, Texas. Given Under My Hand And Seal Of Said Court at Houston, Texas this 9th day of September, 2014. Issued at the request of: Eric C. Mettenbrink, 1415 Louisiana, 36th Floor, Houston, TX 77002, Bar Number: 24043819. (Seal) Chris Daniel, District Clerk, Harris County, Texas, 201 Caroline, Houston, Texas 77002, P.O. Box 4651, Houston, Texas 77210. By (S) M. Cox, Deputy District Clerk. Houston, Texas Sept. 12, 2014. I hereby order this writ published in the Daily Court Review for the time specified therein. Alan Rosen, Constable Precinct #1, Harris County, Texas. By: (s) G. Hirschhorn, #1166, Deputy n City Ordinances NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL, OF THE CITY OF HOUSTON, TEXAS, HELD IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBER, CITY HALL, ON WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 2014, WHICH CONVENED AT 9:00 A.M., ORDINANCES WERE PASSED OF WHICH THE FOLLOWING ARE THE CAPTIONS: 2014-841 – AN ORDINANCE adopting the third amended and restated Administrative Guidelines for the City’s Homebuyer Assistance Program; containing findings and other provisions relating to the foregoing subject; and declaring an emergency. 2014-842 – AN ORDINANCE approving and authorizing the acceptance of grant awards from the UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES for grant assistance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for the Striving To Reduce Youth Violence Everywhere Program (“STRYVE”) in Greater Houston; declaring the City’s eligibility for such grant; authorizing the Director of the Houston Department of Health and Human Services or his designee to act as the City’s representative in the application process, with the authority to approve, accept the grant and expend the grant funds, as awarded, and to apply for and accept all subsequent grant awards, pertaining to the STRYVE Program; containing provisions related to the subject; and declaring an emergency. 2014-843 – AN ORDINANCE relating to the Fiscal Affairs of the MEMORIAL-HEIGHTS REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY on behalf of REINVESTMENT ZONE NUMBER FIVE, CITY OF HOUSTON, TEXAS (MEMORIAL HEIGHTS ZONE); approving the Fiscal Year 2015 Operating Budget for the Authority and the Fiscal Years 2015-2019 Capital Improvement Projects Budget for the Zone; containing findings and other provisions relating to the foregoing subject; and declaring an emergency. 2014-844 – AN ORDINANCE relating to the Fiscal Affairs of HARRISBURG REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY ON BEHALF OF REINVESTMENT ZONE NUMBER TWENTY-THREE, CITY OF HOUSTON, TEXAS (HARRISBURG ZONE); approving the Fiscal Year 2015 Operating Budget for the Harrisburg Redevelopment Authority; containing findings and other provisions related to the foregoing subject; and declaring an emergency. 2014-845 – AN ORDINANCE relating to the Fiscal Affairs of the EAST DOWNTOWN REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY ON BEHALF OF REINVESTMENT ZONE NUMBER FIFTEEN, CITY OF HOUSTON, TEXAS (EAST DOWNTOWN ZONE); approving the Fiscal Year 2015 Operating Budget for the Authority and the Fiscal Year 2015-2019 Capital Improvement Projects Budget for the Zone; containing findings and other provisions related to the foregoing subject; and declaring an emergency. 2014-846 – AN ORDINANCE relating to the Fiscal Affairs of the OLD SIXTH WARD REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY ON BEHALF OF REINVESTMENT ZONE NUMBER THIRTEEN, CITY OF HOUSTON, TEXAS (OLD SIXTH WARD ZONE); approving the Fiscal Year 2015 Operating Budget for the Authority and the Fiscal Years 2015-2019 Capital Improvement Projects Budget for the Zone; containing findings and other provisions related to the foregoing subject; and declaring an emergency. 2014-847 – AN ORDINANCE appropriating the Tuesday, September 23, 2014 sum of $1,150,713.03 out of Equipment Acquisition Consolidated Fund for purchase of Capital Equipment for the Houston Fire Department; containing provisions relating to the subject; and declaring an emergency. 2014-848 – AN ORDINANCE consenting to the addition of 7.3677 acres of land to ENCANTO REAL UTILITY DISTRICT, for inclusion in its district; and declaring an emergency. 2014-849 – AN ORDINANCE consenting to the addition of 8.3416 acres of land to HARRIS COUNTY MUNICIPAL UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 5 OF HARRIS COUNTY TEXAS, for inclusion in its district; and declaring an emergency. 2014-850 – AN ORDINANCE consenting to the addition of 83.17 acres of land to HARRIS COUNTY MUNICIPAL UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 153, for inclusion in its district; and declaring an emergency. 2014-851 – AN ORDINANCE consenting to the addition of 156.15 acres of land to HARRIS COUNTY MUNICIPAL UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 495, for inclusion in its district; and declaring an emergency. 2014-852 – AN ORDINANCE consenting to the addition of 4.910 acres of land to NORTH BELT UTILITY DISTRICT, for inclusion in its district; and declaring an emergency. 2014-853 – AN ORDINANCE approving and authorizing first amendment to contract between the City of Houston and HOUMA ARMATURE WORKS HOUSTON, LLC, for Large Submersible Pump Repair Services for Public Works & Engineering Department; containing provisions relating to the subject; and declaring an emergency. 2014-854 – AN ORDINANCE appropriating the sum of $232,000.00 out of the Street & Traffic Control and Storm Drainage DDSRF as an additional appropriation to the Professional Engineering Services Contract between the City of Houston and R.G. MILLER ENGINEERS, INC for Local Drainage Projects Negotiated Work Orders (Approved by Ordinance No. 2013-0032); providing funding for CIP Cost Recovery relating to construction of facilities financed by the Street & Traffic Control and Storm Drainage DDSRF; containing provisions relating to the subject; and declaring an emergency. 2014-855 – AN ORDINANCE awarding contract to CES UTILITIES, INC (Formerly COMPLETE ELECTRICAL SERVICES OF TEXAS, INC) for Waterline Wrap Repairs; setting a deadline for the bidder’s execution of the contract and Page 3 delivery of all bonds, insurance, and other required contract documents to the City; holding the bidder in default if it fails to meet the deadlines; providing funding for engineering and testing services and contingencies relating to construction of facilities financed by the Water & Sewer System Operating Fund; containing provisions relating to the subject; and declaring an emergency. 2014-856 – AN ORDINANCE appropriating the sum of $5,011,250.00 out of Reimbursement of Equipment/Projects Fund for Purchase of Automated Recycling Containers for the Solid Waste Management Department; containing provisions relating to the subject; and declaring an emergency. 2014-857 – AN ORDINANCE consenting to the addition of 114.0426 acres of land to NORTHWEST HARRIS COUNTY MUNICIPAL UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 5, for inclusion in its district; and declaring an emergency. Anna Russell City Secretary n Storage Notices Notice Of Public Sale Pursuant to Chapter 59 of the Texas Property Code, 1st American Storage, located at 1001 So. Mason, Katy, TX 77450 will hold a public auction of property being sold to satisfy a landlord’s lien. The sale will begin at 10:00 on September 26, 2014. Property will be sold to the highest bidder for cash. Deposit for removal and clean up is temporarily required. Seller reserves the right to not accept any bid and to withdraw any property from the sale. All spaces contain household items, toys, tools, boxes, totes, clothing or etc. unless otherwise noted. Name and Unit number of Tenant, General description of property. CASH ONLY. B113-Jerry Knowles, A142- Miguel A .Salinas, B330-John R. Barnes, B130- John R Barnes, B304-Johnny L Childress, A355- Virgil McCray, A326 -Jerrell C Pannell. 9-16-14;9-23-14-2-af Notice of Public Sale Extra Space Storage Ken Garcia Auctioneers 8452 & 11986 Extra Space Storage, pursuant to Chapter 59 of the Texas Property Code, will conduct a public sale by competitive bidding, of the contents of the storage units listed below, to satisfy a Landlord’s Lien. The personal goods stored therein may include, but are not limited to general house- Page 4 Tuesday, September 23, 2014 hold goods, furniture, misc. boxes, clothes & appliances, unless otherwise stated. In the event that a vehicle is listed for sale, it is understood that the vehicle is to be sold for parts only. The terms of the sale will be cash only & paid at the time of the sale. All sales are final, all goods are sold as is & must be removed at the time of purchase. Extra Space Storage reserves the right to refuse any & all bids. The sale to be conducted on October 8th, 2014, starting at 10:00am, beginning at 5236 East Freeway, Baytown, TX 77521 and will continue until all units are sold. No one under 18 years old admitted. Sale is subject to adjournment. Property #8157 5236 East Freeway Baytown, TX 77521 1309 Rolando Estrada; 1378 Sheri Shutter; 1395 Liliana Garza; 1406 Malone Brian; 1415 Richard Whittaker; 2022 Rick Turner; 2025 Aboushaban Esam; 2095 Shelley Porier; 2322 Gabriel Villarreal; 2343 Lionel Citizen; 2382 Paige Garrett; 2384 Martin Ramirez; 2520 Eddie Maxey; 2575 Tina Pursley; 2633 Kayla Simmons; 2637 Angela Seale; 2646 Jamon Lewis; 2657 Misty Nevills; 3029 Amanda Felton; 3071 Michael Graddy; 3094 Christopher Roe Property #1456 4402 Underwood Road LaPorte, TX 77571 354 Robert Arrington; 450 Sean Waltz; 451 Christopher Daily Court Review Telles; 458 Cynthia Culli; 504 Erica & Johnathan Cameron; 542 Daniel Schophfer; 610 Reginald Hatter; 634 Alexandra Seeser; Property #0521; 1402 Spencer Highway; South Houston, TX 77587; H21 Odessey Ortega; J14 Paula Hodges; K38 Richard Martinez Jr; N22 Jesus Trevino; N29 Ubaldina Sanchez; RV32 Ramiro Moreno Property #1457 12620 Ryewater Drive Houston, TX 77089 97 Leticia Gonzalez; 102 Nathaniel Luna; 115 Nathaniel Williams; 234 Sally Quiceno; 252 AutoEquation; 335 Donald Givens Property #1490 15800 Space Center Blvd Houston, TX 77062 84 Charles Johnson; 268 Courtney Edmonds; 297 Nicole Standly Property #8073 2811 Bay Area Blvd Houston, TX 77058 415 Sayer Evans; 528 Chano Groce; 1107 Freddy Sosa Property #8269 217 FM 517 Road West Dickinson, TX 77539 01-00337 Austin Ezelle; 01-03033 01-05051 Leroy Arredondo 9-23-14;9-30-14-2-af with 5601 Avenue I, Rosenberg, TX 77471. The sale will continue to each designated address location listed below after the completion of each location sale. CubeSmart will conduct a public sale by public auction for each unit in its entirety to the highest bidder for cash, of the contents, of the following units, at the following addresses, to satisfy a landlord’s lien. Landlord will not proceed with the sale if payment in full is made in cash, money order or credit card prior to sale, which includes unpaid rent, late charges and costs incurred to date. Seller reserves the right to refuse any bid and to withdraw any property from sale. CUBESMART AUCTION DATE: OCTOBER 8, 2014; AUCTION START TIME: 10:00 A.M. 5601 Avenue I, Rosenberg, TX 77471 Sharon Cannon – A014; Carolyn Delgado – A108; Tammy Lynn Miller – A521; Marcus Alaniz – A562; Barbara Stoddard – A762; Michael Cook – A814; Recliner, cedar chest, dishes, luggage, mirror, air hockey board, yard tools, dolly, outdoor items, sleeping bags, lawn chairs, coffee table, misc. household items, bags, boxes and totes 1450 Hwy 6, Sugarland, TX 77478 Allison Guinn – B007; David Kennedy – C037; Antique china cabinet, antiques, tools, bee hives, books, golf clubs, dining room set, dresser, furniture, turkey fryer, misc. household items, bags, boxes and totes 11935 Hwy 6, Fresno, TX 77545 Charles Robertson – 035; Marion Patterson – 060; Jessica Aguirre – 133; Verronda Flannagan – 254; Chandra Davis – 322; Eric Jordan – 503; Nikeshia Hurbert – 725; Kimberley CadeCunningham – 730; Melvin Wright – 750; Washing machine, dryer, refrigerator, scooter, ambulance equipment, funeral equipment, misc. household items, bags, boxes and totes 17512 Hwy 6, Manvel, TX 77578 Steve Prejean – A004; Joseph A Pittman – A011; Jeffrey Dale Gentry – D335; Cheyne Parker Williams – E119; Tanning bed, ladder, dresser, misc. household items, bags, boxes and totes 3045 Business Center Dr., Pearland, TX 77584 Shirley Marina Harris A115 and C046; Harold Wilkins – C042; Verschelle Moore – C188; Annetta Scott – D107; Benjamin Ashton – D025; 1990 Nissan 240 SX Vin# JN1HS34P7LW101630, tag TX HRR173 (as is where is), Appliances, decorations, electronics, toys, clothing, misc. household items, bags, boxes and totes 10401 Broadway, Pearland, TX 77584 Selest Owens – 049 ; Evelyn Jackson – 068; Annette Volair – 171; Gerardo Jerez – 253; Micah Daniels – 256; Felicia Henley – 257; Tamika Higgins – 260; Alexis Higgins – 263; Lisa Addison – 362; Makisha Chevis – 565; Tamara Gobin – 570; Patrick Allen – 571; Frannolia Marresa Henry – 575; Misc. household items, bags, boxes and totes 12955 S Freeway, Houston, TX 77047 James Miller – C101; Georgia Hailey – A427; Erica Benea (Ward) – A321; Audrey Bledsoe – F124; Zita Williams – B017; Gentry Minor – A193; Kimberly Bell – A001; Christopher White – B008; Kenwyn Bernard – E123; Tommy Jackson – C129; Sade Patterson – C026; Robert Gonzales – A389; Lawanna Reed – A136; Andrew Codia – A179; Issac Harrison – F107; Tara Sam – F136; Rharles Coleman – A182; Reginald Brew II – A185; Lisia Jackson – A306; Blake Green – F122; Kimberly Woods – A329; Misc. household items, bags, boxes and totes CUBESMART AUCTION DATE: OCTOBER 9, 2014; AUCTION START TIME: 10:00 A.M. 9900 Rowlett Rd., Houston, TX 77075 Perla G Gutierrez – 3007; Misc. tools 11616 Beamer Rd., Houston, TX 77089 Hung Tran – B213; Jonathan Scott – B246; Maverick Whirl – B275; Martha Flores – F180; Kokelyn Joyce Jones – F205; Daphine Charles – F209; Pamela Elaine Jackson – G011; Ashley Boozer – H002; 1998 Chevrolet Malibu VIN# 1G1NE52MOW6221603 (as is where is), furniture, exercise equipment, bicycles, misc. household items, bags, boxes and totes 10030 Blackhawk Blvd, Houston, TX 77089 Kristina Kelley – 313; Ronaldo Soliz – 435; Maricruz Flores – F114; Roger Brumley – B008; 1977 Robalo boat serial # SLK972950177 (as is where is), 1988 Mercury boat motor 150 hp serial # 0B382776 (as is where is), 2001 boat trailer tag number TX 2466WS (as is where is), wooden fence, poles, tools, fishing pole, bicycle, speakers, dresser, book case, misc. household items, bags, boxes and totes 1525 N Main St., Pearland, TX 77581 Ruth Puente-Rodrigues – C015; Reginald Jean Jacques – C103; Mark McCray/ Mark Anthony McCray – C156; Robert Cantu – F108 ; Robert Garcia – N007; Riding lawn mower, bird bath, love seat exercise equipment washing machine, misc. household items, bags, boxes and totes 8206 Broadway, Pearland, TX 77581 Anthony Davis – A120; Christopher Boykins – C165; Freddis Jones – E020; Rayfanette Guidry – G043; Justin Smith – J205; Golf clubs, bike, washing ou Have Arrived Notice Of Public Sale CUBESMART CubeSmart, under Chapter 59 of the Texas Property Code, hereby gives Notice of Sale under Said Act, to wit: On October 8th & 9th, 2014 will begin at 10:00 AM Ma rke tingy g e t a r t S Daily Court Review machine, misc. household items, bags, boxes and totes 1919 E Broadway, Pearland, TX 77581 Michael Amaraz – D103; Evan D Jackson – D224; Claudia Gallardo – H108; Thuy G Pham – J123; Kevin McDonald – J131; Travel bike rack, wooden desk, hutch, ice chests, ladder, shovel, toys, misc. household items, bags, boxes and totes 9-23-14;9-30-14-2-af n Notice to Creditors NOTICE TO CREDITORS No. 433,573 Notice is hereby given that original Letters Testamentary for the Estate of Ruth Pulaski Berman, a/k/a Ruth Pulaski Lack, Deceased were issued to Joseph Robert Pulaski, Independent Executor on September 16, 2014, in Docket No. 433,573, pending in Probate Court Number One (1) of Harris County, Texas. The address of the Independent Executor is Joseph Robert Pulaski, Independent Executor of the Estate of Ruth Pulaski Berman a/k/a Ruth Pulaski Lack, Deceased, c/o Weycer Kaplan Pulaski & Zuber, P.C., Eleven Greenway Plaza, Suite 1400, Houston, Texas 77046. All persons having claims against this Estate which is currently being administered are required to present them within the time and in the manner prescribed by law. DATED this 16th day of September, 2014. Weycer, Kaplan, Pulaski & Zuber, P.C. By: /s/ Walker Hanson (TBA# 24078627), Attorneys for the Independent Executor. NOTICE TO CREDITORS No. 433,503 On the 22nd day of September, 2014, Letters Testamentary upon the Estate of Danny Raymond Reed, Deceased were issued to Patrick Reed, Independent Executor by the Probate Court #Three (3) of Harris County, Texas, in cause number 433,503 pending upon the docket of said Court. All persons having claims against said Estate are hereby required to present them within the time prescribed by law at the address shown below. The name where claims may be sent is Donald Sepolio, whose address is P O Box 458, Pasadena, TX 77501, Telephone: 281-488-9006, Fax: none, (s) Donald Sepolio, TX Bar Number: 18029850 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Cause Number 433,254 On the 11th day of September, 2014, Letters of Admin- istration upon the Estate of Archie E. Anderson, Jr., Deceased, were issued to James Daniel Culpepper, Independent Executor by the Probate Court #2 of Harris County, Texas, in cause number 433,254 pending upon the docket of said Court. All persons having claims against said Estate are hereby required to present them within the time prescribed by law at the address shown below. The name where claims may be sent is Doré Law Group, P.C., whose address is 17171 Park Row, Suite 160, Houston, TX 77084, Telephone: 281-829-1555, Fax: 281-2000751, (s) Meg Banahan, TX Bar Number: 24078188 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Cause Number 433,255 On the 11th day of September, 2014, Letters of Administration upon the Estate of Arcadia Elois Morse Smith, Deceased, were issued to Dale Bruce Smith, Independent Executor by the Probate Court #2 of Harris County, Texas, in cause number 433,255 pending upon the docket of said Court. All persons having claims against said Estate are hereby required to present them within the time prescribed by law at the address shown below. The name where claims may be sent is Doré Law Group, P.C., whose address is 17171 Park Row, Suite 160, Houston, TX 77084, Telephone: 281-829-1555, Fax: 281-2000751, (s) Meg Banahan, TX Bar Number: 24078188 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Cause Number 429,326 On the 11th day of August, 2014, Letters of Administration upon the Estate of Lydia Alice GodoyAlvarez, Deceased, were issued to Amanda Lucinda Alvarado Ruiz, Independent Administrator by the Probate Court # One of Harris County, Texas, in cause number 429,326 pending upon the docket of said Court. All persons having claims against said Estate are hereby required to present them within the time prescribed by law at the address shown below. The name where claims may be sent is David West, whose address is 3818 Fox Meadow Lane, Pasadena, TX 77504, Telephone: 713-222-9378, Fax: 713-222-9397, (s) David West, TX Bar Number: 21209500 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Cause Number 432,990 On the 17th day of September, 2014, Letters Testamentary upon the Estate of C. Addison McElroy, Deceased, were issued to Paul McElroy, Mark McElroy, and Brian McElroy, Independent Co-Executors by the Probate Court #3 of Harris County, Texas, in cause number 432,990 pending upon the docket of said Court. All persons having claims against said Estate are hereby required to present them within the time prescribed by law at the following address: Roberts Markel Weinberg Butler Hailey PC, Attn: Rahila Sultanali, 2277 Plaza Drive, Suite 290, Sugar Land, TX 77479, Telephone: 281-2077697, Fax: 713-840-9404, TX Bar Number: 24068886, (s) Rahali Sultanali NOTICE TO CREDITORS No. 14-31,666-P Notice is hereby given that original Letters Testamentary for the Estate of Hazel B. Peterson, Deceased, were issued on September 18, 2014, in Cause No. 14-31,666-P, pending in the County Court at Law No. 2, Montgomery County, Texas, to: Jill Peterson Ilski. All persons having claims against this Estate which is currently being administered are required to present them to the undersigned within the time and in the manner prescribed by law. c/o: James P. Dossey, Attorney at Law, 25025 I-45 North, Suite 410, The Woodlands, TX 77380. Dated the 18th day of September, 2014. (s) James P. Dossey, Attorney for Jill Peterson Ilski, State Bar No.: 24085287, Dossey & Jones, PLLC, 25025 I-45 North, Suite 410, The Woodlands, TX 77380, Telephone: (281) 362-9909, Facsimile: (281) 476-7045, E-mail: [email protected] NOTICE TO CREDITORS Cause Number 431,678 On the 6th day of August, 2014, Letters Testamentary upon the Estate of Ismael Laureano, Deceased, were issued to Mary Nancicgail Laureano, Independent Executrix by the Probate Court #2 of Harris County, Texas, in cause number 431,678 pending upon the docket of said Court. All persons having claims against said Estate are hereby required to present them within the time prescribed by law at the address shown below. The name where claims may be sent is John Wayne Beard, whose address is 7810 FM 1960 E., Suite 103, Humble, TX 77346, Telephone: 281-852-6171, Fax: 281-852-9112, (s) John Wayne Beard, TX Bar Number: 01973550 NOTICE TO CREDITORS No. 2014-432,633 Notice is hereby given that original Letters Testamentary for the Estate of Sally Ann Halliday Thompson, Deceased, were issued on August 21, 2012, in Cause No. 2014-432,633, pending in the Probate Court No. Four (4), Harris County, Texas, to: Aubrey Joe Thompson. All persons having claims against this Estate which is currently being administered are required to present them to the undersigned within the time and in the manner prescribed by law. c/o: Van H. Hendrix, Attorney, P.O. Box 800369, Houston, TX 77280-0396,. Dated the 19th day of September, 2014. (s) Van H. Hendrix, Attorney for Aubrey Joe Thompson, State Bar No.: 09461000, P.O. Box 800369, Houston, TX 77280-0396, Telephone: (713) 463-5061, Facsimile: (713) 463-5061 NOTICE TO CREDITORS No. 429,421 Guardianship Of The Person And Estate Of Bruce E. Methner, An Incapacitated Adult Person In The Probate Court Number One (1) Of Harris County, Texas Notice Of Appointment Of Permanent Guardian Of The Person And Estate Notice is hereby given that on the 8th day of September, 2014, Letters of Guardianship were issued as Permanent Guardian of Bruce E. Methner, were granted to Jason A. Methner by the Honorable Probate Court Number One of Harris County, Texas, in Cause No. 429,421. All persons having claims against the Estate are hereby required to present the claim within the time prescribed by law, addressed in care of the representative’s attorney, as follows: Permanent Guardian of the Person and Estate of Bruce E. Methner, c/o Linda C. Goehrs, 5020 Montrose, Suite 500, Houston, Texas 77006 NOTICE TO CREDITORS No. 433,401 Estate Of Birdell Butson, Deceased, In The Probate Court Number One (1) Of Harris County, Texas Notice Of Appointment Of Independent Executor Notice is hereby given that on the 15th day of September, 2014, Letters Testamentary as Independent Executor upon the Estate of Birdell Butson, Deceased, were granted to the Gary R. Butson, by the Honorable Probate Court Number One (1) of Harris County, Texas, in Cause Number 433,401 pending upon the Docket of said Court. All persons Tuesday, September 23, 2014 having claims against the estate are hereby required to present the claim within the time prescribed by law, addressed in care of the representative’s attorney, as follows: Estate of Birdell Butson, Deceased, c/o Douglas A. Edwards, 5020 Montrose, Suite 500, Houston, Texas 77006 NOTICE TO CREDITORS No. 433,632 Estate Of Annie M. DeGaugh, Deceased, In The Probate Court Number One (1) Of Harris County, Texas Notice Of Appointment Of Independent Executor Notice is hereby given that on the 16th day of September, 2014, Letters Testamentary as Independent Executor upon the Estate of Annie M. DeGaugh, Deceased, were granted to the Rita Arlene DeGaugh Davis, by the Honorable Probate Court Number One (1) of Harris County, Texas, in Cause Number 433,632 pending upon the Docket of said Court. All persons having claims against the estate are hereby required to present the claim within the time prescribed by law, addressed in care of the representative’s attorney, as follows: Estate of Annie M. DeGaugh, Deceased, c/o Douglas A. Edwards, 5020 Montrose, Suite 500, Houston, Texas 77006 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Cause Number 433,509 On the 10th day of September, 2014, Letters Testamentary upon the Estate of Angela Broxson Strange, Deceased, were issued to Ricky Lee Strange, Independent Executor by the Probate Court # Two (2) of Harris County, Texas, in cause number 433,509 pending upon the docket of said Court. All persons having claims against said Estate are hereby required to present them within the time prescribed by law at the address shown below. The name where claims may be sent is Estate of Angela Broxson Strange, c/oTheresa M. Frierson, whose address is 3555 Timmons, Suite 1020, Houston, TX 77027, Telephone: (713) 621-7007, Fax: (713) 621-6009, TX Bar Number: 07476100 n Miscellaneous Notices EBI Project #61146036 Cellco Partnership and its controlled affiliates doing business as Verizon Wireless (Verizon Wireless) is proposing to build a 101 foot Monopole Telecommunica- Page 5 tions Tower in the vicinity of 3508 Reed Road, Houston, TX 77051. Public comments regarding potential effects from this site on historic properties may be submitted within 30-days from the date of this publication to: Project 61146036-MAT c/o EBI Consulting, 6876 Susquehanna Tr. S, York, PA 17403, [email protected] or via telephone at (781) 418-2325. n TABC Notices Notice is hereby given in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Code that Club Arlo’s, LLC DBA Arlo’s has filed application for Mixed Beverage Permit, Mixed Beverage Late Hours Permit. Said business to be conducted at 2119 Leeland, Houston (Harris County), Texas 77003. Club Arlo’s, LLC DBA Arlo’s Sara V. Supak, Mgr/ Mbr; Ryan D. Supak, Mgr/Mbr Notice is hereby given in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Code that Laiza & Lizeth Inc. DBA La Cueva Sports Bar has filed application for Mixed Beverage Permit, Mixed Beverage Late Hours Permit. Said business to be conducted at 6419 1/2 Hillcroft, Houston (Harris County), Texas 77081. Laiza & Lizeth Inc. DBA La Cueva Sports Bar Walter Lopez, Pres/Secy Notice is hereby given in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Code that NCL (Bahamas) Ltd. DBA Norwegian Cruise Line (Bahamas) Ltd. has filed application for Mixed Beverage Permit, Mixed Beverage Late Hours Permit, Food and Beverage Certificate. Said business to be conducted at Bayport Cruise Terminal, 4700 Cruise Road, Suite 100, Pasadena (Harris County), Texas 77586. NCL (Bahamas) Ltd. DBA Norwegian Cruise Line (Bahamas) Ltd. NCL (Bahamas) Ltd., Owner; Kevin M. Sheehan, CEO/President; Daniel S. Farkas, Vice President/Secretary/General Counsel; Wendy A. Beck, Executive Vice President/CFO Notice is hereby given in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Continued on page 16 Page 16 Tuesday, September 23, 2014 Notices Continued from page 5 Texas Alcoholic Beverage Code that Blue Bell Mart has filed application for Wine and Beer Retailer’s Off-Premise Permit. Said business to be conducted at 1315 Blue Bell Road, Houston (Harris County), Texas 77038. Blue Bell Mart Noorani Business LLC, Limited Liability Company; Altaf K Kasowadia, President/Mgr; Rafiq R Sunesra, Member/Mgr; Anish A Maredia, Member/Mgr NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TERMS AND PROVISIONS OF THE TEXAS ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE CODE THAT THE DRAFT NP, HAS FILED APPLICATION FOR PRIVATE CLUB REGISTRATION PERMIT, PRIVATE CLUB LATE HRS PERMIT, AND BEVERAGE CARTAGE PERMIT. SAID BUSINESS TO BE CONDUCTED AT 23692 EASTEX FWY SUITE D, KINGWOOD, MONTGOMERY COUNTY, TEXAS 77339. THE DRAFT NP HUY TUONG HUYNH - PRESIDENT/DIRECTOR; LANCE MICHAEL CORDER - SECRETARY/ DIRECTOR; BRYAN MORGAN CORDER DIRECTOR Notice is hereby given in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Code that Dilara Hoq d/b/a Nasa Stop N Shop has filed application for Beer Retail Dealers Off Premise License and Package Store Permit. Said business to be conducted at 18055 Point Outlook, Nassau Bay (Harris County), TX 77058 Dilara Hoq d/b/a Nasa Stop N Shop Dilara Hoq - owner. Notice is hereby given in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Code that Fast Development Business Inc. d/b/a Little D’s has filed application for Beer Retail Dealers Off Premise License and Wine Only Package Store Permit. Said business to be conducted at 10104 Tidwell Road, Houston (Harris County), TX 77078 Fast Development Business Inc. d/b/a Little D’s Rahul P. Varma - Pres/ Sec. Notice is hereby given in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Code that Bay Area Liquors Inc. d/b/a D & B Liquor has filed application for Beer Retail Dealers Off Premise License and Wine Only Package Store Permit. Said business to be conducted at 1139 S Broadway Street, La Porte (Harris County), TX 77571 Bay Area Liquors Inc. d/b/a D & B Liquor Daily Court Review Dilipkumar C. Patel President; Nital D. Patel Secretary; Rameshbhai C. Patel - Vice President. Notice is hereby given in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Code that Blue Star Business Inc. d/b/a Fuel Maxx #12 has filed application for Wine & Beer Retailer’s Off-Premise Permit. Said business to be conducted at 4940 Katy Hockley Cut Off Road, Katy (Harris County), TX 77493 Blue Star Business Inc. d/b/a Fuel Maxx #12 Rahim N. Maknojia - Vice Pres/Sec; Mahendi N. Maknojia - President. Notice is hereby given in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Code that Saaniya, Sofia, Alisha Investments, Inc. d/b/a Shop N Go Food Store has filed application for Wine & Beer Retailer’s Off-Premise Permit. Said business to be conducted at 1100 Decker Drive, Baytown (Harris County), TX 77520 Saaniya, Sofia, Alisha Investments, Inc. d/b/a Shop N Go Food Store Saleem Hirani - Pres; Khairunissa Popatiya - Secretary. Notice is hereby given in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Code that El Greco Greek Restaurant, LLC d/b/a El Greco Greek Restaurant has filed application for Wine and Beer Retailer’s Permit. Said business to be conducted at 5420 Lawndale “500”, Houston (Harris County), Texas 77023. El Greco Greek Restaurant, LLC d/b/a El Greco Greek Restaurant Matthew Petrou, Member NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TERMS AND PROVISIONS OF THE TEXAS ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE CODE THAT CORDER WC STORE LLC dba FRESH START #3, HAS FILED APPLICATION FOR WINE & BEER RETAILER’S OFF-PREMISE PERMIT. SAID BUSINESS TO BE CONDUCTED AT 9241 WILL CLAYTON PKWY, HUMBLE, HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS 77338. CORDER WC STORE LLC dba FRESH START #3 LANCE M. CORDERMEM/MGR; BRYAN M. CORDER-MEM/MGR; JOHN M. CORDERMEM/MGR; HUY T. HUYNH-MEM/MGR Daily Court Review Perry Continued from front page teeth removed. Should we outlaw wisdom teeth removal?” said Heather Busby, executive director of NARAL Pro-Choice Texas in an email. Perry was responding to a question from the audience during a wide-ranging interview at the Texas Tribune Festival in Austin. The event was a rare instance of Perry, the longest-serving governor in Texas history, reflecting on 14 years of state policy, after spending the past year whipping up conservative crowds around the U.S. for another potential White House run. Rather than a fiery speech blasting President Barack Obama, an easygoing Perry mused on his record on schools and jobs. Texas is now asking a federal appeals court in New Orleans to let the state fully enforce its sweeping anti-abortion law, known as HB2. That same appeals court previously upheld a section of the law that requires doctors who perform abortions to have admitting privileges at nearby hospitals. U.S. District Judge Lee Yeakel of Austin ruled last month that making Texas abortion clinics spend millions of dollars on hospital-level upgrades was less about safety than making access to abortion difficult. Opponents of the law repeatedly extolled the safety of abortion clinics during a four-day trial in Austin, arguing that that only one of more than 500 deaths from pregnancy-related causes from 2008-2012 in Texas was attributed to abortion. Jan Soifer, an Austin attorney representing abortion providers in the lawsuit, said in an email Sunday she didn’t know the circumstances of Rivers’ death, or if Perry knew whether that clinic would have met Texas’ proposed ambulatory surgical center requirements. Waste Continued from front page Lakes and the people that depend on them for their livelihood.” The resolution, co-sponsored by Sens. Debbie Stabenow, D-Mich.; Mark Kirk, R-Ill.; and Tammy Baldwin, D-Wis., urges President Barack Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry “to take appropriate action to work with the Canadian government” to prevent building of a permanent nuclear waste repository within the Great Lakes Basin. U.S. Rep. Dan Kildee, D-Flint., sponsored a similar measure in the House earlier this month. Siemens Continued from front page between the two companies for 3 billion euros ($3.85 billion). The deal for BSH Bosch und Siemens Hausgerate must still be approved by regulators. It’s expected to be finished in the first half of next year. Port Continued from front page trained partners with better vessels than the 20-year-old boats patrolling the waters at the time, Graham said. Coast Guard Sector Long Island Sound is the largest operational field command in the nation and assumes command during any major incident on the water. “When it comes to risk, it’s a very challenging area,” Graham said. “That’s where the port partners come in. It’s not just security. It’s accidents, crime or natural disasters.” The Coast Guard assesses grant applications for need before they are approved and sent to the Federal Emergency Management Agency for a second layer of approval, Graham said. Waterford Police Chief Murray Pendleton, co-chairman of the Port Area Marine Group, said when the town secured a $520,000 port security grant for a patrol boat and associated costs,it was as a regional asset to be shared with East Lyme and potentially other towns. Pendleton said Waterford has long been involved in regional planning through the Millstone Nuclear Power Plant Security Working Group and by participating in drills associated with a potential incident at Millstone, “both accidental and otherwise.” “In order to participate in these (port security) grants, there had to be an operational plan put together that dealt with a multitude of issues like hurricanes, fires, hazardous spills,” Pendleton said. “Working with the Coast Guard and others, we were able to do that. It’s all about working together and utilizing one’s resources to provide the appropriate protection measures.” Regional thinking has led to cooperation in planning for such events as New London’s Sailfest and training with partners such as Cross Sound Ferry, which has also benefited from federal grants. Boats obtained through grant funds, aside from regular enforcement patrols funded by the towns, are often called on for special events. Capt. Jeff Dziedzic, owner of TowBoatUS and co-chairman of the Port Area Marine Group, said training has been essential in getting agencies, even volunteers such as the Coast Guard Auxiliary, together in joint responses.
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