Wh ite Pa p er 7 04 2 3 Evaluation of Various Anion-Exchange Chemistries for the Analysis of Haloacetic Acids in Drinking Water Using 2-D Matrix Elimination Ion Chromatography and Suppressed Conductivity Detection Kannan Srinivasan, Rong Lin, and Christopher Pohl Thermo Fisher Scientific, Sunnyvale, CA, USA Executive Summary Table 1. What Are HAAs? Haloacetic acids (HAAs) are drinking water disinfection byproducts that are regulated due to their potential carcinogenicity. Analysis of trace levels of HAAs in high ionic strength drinking water matrices is challenging. Traditional GC methods require laborious and timeconsuming sample preparation and derivatization steps prior to analysis. Direct injection IC-MS-based methods are highly sensitive and selective, and obviate the need for extensive sample pretreatment and derivatization, but ESI-MS instrumentation may not be readily available in routine monitoring laboratories. Two-dimensional matrix elimination IC (MEIC) with suppressed conductivity detection is a simple and cost-effective alternative for sensitive and selective quantitative determination of ppb levels of HAAs in drinking water samples. Optimization of anion-exchange chemistry is critical for maximum method performance. Abbreviation Chemical Formula pKa Boiling Point °C Monochloroacetic Acid MCAA* ClCH2CO2H 2.86 187.8 Dichloroacetic Acid DCAA* Cl2CHCO2H 1.25 194 Acid Trichloroacetic Acid TCAA* Cl3CCO2H 0.63 197.5 Monobromoacetic Acid MBAA* BrCH2CO2H 2.87 208 Dibromoacetic Acid DBAA* Br2CHCO2H N/A 195 Tribromoacetic Acid TBAA Br3CCO2H 0.66 245 Bromochloroacetic Acid BCAA BrClCHCO2H N/A 103.5 Dibromochloroacetic Acid DBCAA Br2ClCCO2H N/A N/A Dichlorobromoacetic Acid DCBAA Cl2ClCCO2H N/A N/A * MCAA, DCAA, TCAA, MBAA, and DBAA are collectively referred to as HAA5. Keywords Abstract Haloacetic acids, Water analysis, 2-D ion chromatography, ICS-3000 Disinfecting water is an important step when processing drinking water. However, commonly used disinfectants, such as chlorine, chlorine dioxide, chloramine, and ozone, react with naturally occurring organic and inorganic matter in the source water to form disinfectant byproducts that are potentially harmful to humans. The U.S. EPA has regulated five haloacetic acids referred to as HAA5, which include monochloroacetic acid, dichloroacetic acid, trichloroacetic acid, monobromoacetic acid, and dibromoacetic acid. Stage 1 Disinfectants/Disinfection Byproducts Rule regulates the HAA5 at 60 μg/L annual average. U.S. EPA Methods 552.1, 552.2, and 552.3 are presently used for analyzing the HAAs. These methods are labor intensive and require multiple extraction and derivatization steps. Recently, a direct injection IC-MS and IC-MS-MS method that uses a high capacity Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ IonPac™ AS24 anion-exchange column showed excellent separation of nine HAAs and bromate with greater than 90% recovery in the presence of high concentrations of matrix ions such as chloride and sulfate. In this analysis, we evaluated a direct injection suppressed conductivity detection method for analyzing HAAs. Additionally, we evaluated the use of two-dimensional MEIC in conjunction with various column chemistries such as Dionex IonPac AS11-HC, AS16, AS19, and AS24. 2 U.S. EPA Regulation Current: Stage 2 Disinfection Byproducts Rule (DBPR) • Monitoring of HAA5 at all plants that disinfect with chlorine – Total MCAA, MBAA, DCAA, DBAA, and TCAA – Maximum contamination level (MCL) = 60 µg/L annual average • Maximum contamination level goal (MCLG) – DCAA should not be present – TCAA less than 30 µg/L •Bromate – MCL = 10 µg/L – MCLG = not present Drinking Water Matrix Sulfate in drinking water currently has a secondary maximum contaminant level (SMCL) of 250 mg/L, based on aesthetic effects (i.e., taste and odor). This regulation is not a federally enforceable standard, but is provided as a guideline for states and public water systems. U.S. EPA estimates that about 3% of the public drinking water systems in the country may have sulfate levels of 250 mg/L or greater. • Chloride 250 mg/L • Nitrate 20 mg/L • Ammonium chloride 100 mg/L Current Methods • U.S. EPA 552.1, 552.2, and 552.3 Liquid-liquid microextraction, derivatization, and gas chromatography with: (a) Electron capture detection (b) Mass spectrometry detection • Suppressed ion chromatography with MS or MS-MS detection: – Direct injection method – Matrix diversion setup – No need for liquid-liquid extraction or sample pretreatment – No need for derivatization – Fully automated – Coelution not an issue since MS is a selective detector – Recovery >90% Table 2. Column chemistry details. Functionality Capacity µeqv/ Column Hydrohobicity Dionex IonPac AS16, 4 × 250 mm Alkanol quaternary ammonium 170 Ultralow Dionex IonPac AS19, 4 × 250 mm Alkanol quaternary ammonium 240 Low Dionex IonPac AS20, 4 × 250 mm Alkanol quaternary ammonium 310 Low Dionex IonPac AS24, 2 × 250 mm Alkanol quaternary ammonium 140 Ultralow Column 3 Peak Identification: 1. Fluoride 2. Acetate 3. MCAA 4. Bromate 5. Chloride 6. MBAA 7. Nitrite 8. Nitrate 1.5 5 1 10 9. Bromide 10. DCAA 11. Chlorate 12. DBAA 13. Carbonate 14. TCAA 15. Sulfate 8,9 µS 55.00 13 Peak Identification: 1. Fluoride 11. Chlorate 2. Acetate 12. Benzoate 3. MCAA 13. Bromide 4. Chlorite 14. Nitrate 5. MBAA 15. TCAA 6. Bromate 16. Carbonate 7. Chloride 17. Sulfate 8. DCAA 18. Phosphate 9. DBAA 10 10. Nitrite 7 15 11 1 2 10 6 9 18 14 11 13 8 12 16 15 Concentration: 6.00 mM 10.00 3 2 36 5 12 4 µS 4 17 65.00 14 7 –1 0 4 8 12 16 20 Minutes 24 28 32 35 25585 Figure 2. Analysis of HAA5 in the presence of inorganic matrix ions using a Dionex IonPac AS19 column at 15 ºC. HAA5 is poorly resolved or coelutes with matrix ions as shown above (colored labels). 10.00 Concentration: 4.00 mM 0.3 0 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 12.5 15.0 17.5 20.0 22.5 25.0 27.5 30.0 Minutes 25584 Figure 1. Analysis of HAA5 in the presence of inorganic matrix ions using a Dionex IonPac AS16 column at 30 ºC. HAA5 is poorly resolved or coelutes with matrix ions as shown above (colored labels). 7 Peak Identification: 1. Fluoride 9. DBAA 2. Acetate 10. Nitrite 13 3. MCAA 11. Chlorate 4. Chlorite 12. Bromide 5. MBAA 13. Nitrate 6. Bromate 14. TCAA 7. Chloride 15. Carbonate 8. DCAA 4 Peak Identification: 1. Fluoride 11. Chlorate 2. Acetate 12. Carbonate 3. MCAA 13. Bromide 4. Chlorite 14. Nitrate 5. MBAA 15. TCAA 6. Bromate 7. Chloride 4 8. DCAA 9. DBAA 10. Nitrite 3 16.90 µS 4 10 µS 5 1,2 10 12 11 13 6 3 6 14 65.00 7 11 8 5 1,2 12 7 15 8 9 18.00 15 Concentration: 7.00 mM 9 14 0 0 Concentration: 7.00 mM 0 0.0 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 12.5 15.0 17.5 20.0 22.5 25.0 27.5 30.0 Minutes 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 Minutes 32 36 40 44 47 25587 25586 Figure 3. Analysis of HAA5 in the presence of inorganic matrix ions using a Dionex IonPac AS20 column at 15 ºC. HAA5 is poorly resolved or coelutes with matrix ions as shown above (colored labels). Figure 4. Analysis of HAA5 in the presence of inorganic matrix ions using a Dionex IonPac AS24 column at 15 ºC. HAA5 is poorly resolved or coelutes with matrix ions as shown above (colored labels). 4 Matrix Elimination Ion Chromatography Features • Allows for large loop injection in the first dimension (4 mm column): – Possible to inject a larger loop than the standard approach since the capacity and selectivity of the analytical column in the first dimension dictates the recovery, and the analyte of interest is analyzed in the second dimension • Focus the ions of interest in a concentrator column after suppression in the first dimension: – Hydroxide eluent suppressed to deionized (DI) water, thus providing an ideal environment for focusing or concentrating the ions of interest • Pursue analysis in the second dimension using a smaller column format with a smaller crosssectional area, leading to sensitivity enhancement that is proportional to the flow rate ratio: – For example, for a 4 mm column operated in the first dimension at 1 mL/min and a 1 mm column operated in the second dimension at 0.05 mL/min, the enhancement factor is 20 • Pursue analysis in the second dimension using a different chemistry: – Enhanced selectivity • Easy implementation on the Thermo Scientific Dionex ICS-3000 system 2.2 1 10 3 12 1st Dimension 17 75.001516 Waste 14 13 18 Peak Identification: 10. Phosphate 1. Fluoride 11. DCAA 2. Acetate 12. Nitrite 3. Chlorite 13. Benzoate 3. MCAA 14. DBAA 5. MBAA 15. Bromide 6. Bromate 7. Carbonate 16. Chlorate 17. Nitrate 8. Chloride 18. TCAA 9. Sulfate 6 7–9 2 0.1 5 Concentration: 20.00 mM 0 10 20 1st Dimension Column (4 mm) 30 40 Minutes 50 60 Waste CD 2 Injection Valve 1 CRD 2 External Water Diverter Valve Waste Suppressor 2 Injection Valve 2 Waste 50.00 µS Autosampler 1 EG Large Loop Load Inject 65.00 11 4 2nd Dimension Pump CD 1 2nd Dimension Column (2 mm) External Water Waste Suppressor 1 CRD 1 Pump Concentrator Column (UTAC-ULP1) Transfer to 2-D Load Concentrator EG Waste 25589 Figure 6. Diagram of an MEIC 2-D system setup. 70 75 25588 Figure 5. Analysis of HAA5 in the presence of inorganic matrix ions using a new prototype anion-exchange chemistry at 15 ºC. Excellent resolution of all HAA5 was achieved in the presence of matrix ions. 5 Figure 7 shows analysis of HAA5 in reagent water (DI water). The top chromatogram shows the analysis in the first dimension of the MEIC setup using a 4 mm Dionex IonPac AS19 column. Excellent resolution of HAA5 can be inferred. The bottom chromatogram shows the analysis in the second dimension of the MEIC setup using a 2 mm Dionex IonPac AS19 column. In Figure 8, conditions are similar to Figure 7, except the sample is high-ionic-strength water (HIW). Under these conditions, the matrix ions overwhelm the analytes, as shown in the top chromatogram. The bottom chromatogram shows the analysis in the second dimension using the MEIC setup. Performance is similar to what was shown in Figure 7B. The above example demonstrates the utility of the MEIC methodology for this work. Columns: Flow Rate: Suppressor: Current: Inj. Volume: Concentrator: Temperature: Samples: 1. Dionex IonPac AG19, AS19, 4 mm 2. Dionex IonPac AG19, AS19, 2 mm 1. 1.0 mL/min 2. 0.25 mL/min 1. Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ ASRS™ ULTRA II 4 mm 2. Dionex ASRS ULTRA II 2 mm 1. 161 mA 2. 41 mA 1000 µL UTAC-LP1 30 °C 1) MCAA 2) MBAA 3) DCAA 4) DBAA 5) TCAA Time Gradient (mM) 0 8 10 8 10.1 12 28 12 28.1 65 35 65 42 65 42.1 65 60 65 60.1 65 65 65 Gradient (mM) 65 65 7 7 7 7 7 12 12 65 65 Columns: 1. Dionex IonPac AG19, AS19, 4 mm 2. Dionex IonPac AG19, AS19, 2 mm 1. 1.0 mL/min 2. 0.25 mL/min Suppressor: 1. Dionex ASRS ULTRA II 4 mm 2. Dionex ASRS ULTRA II 2 mm Current: 1. 161 mA 2. 41 mA Loop: 1000 µL Concentrator: UTAC-LP1 Oven: 30 °C Samples: 1) MCAA 2) MBAA 3) DCAA 4) DBAA 5) TCAA 1800 Flow Rate: Time 0 10 10.1 28 28.1 35 42 42.1 60 60.1 65 Gradient Gradient (mM) (mM) 8 65 8 65 12 7 12 7 65 7 65 7 65 7 65 12 65 12 65 65 65 65 SO4 A. First Dimension: 10 ppb HAA5 in HIW 0.35 A. First Dimension: 10 ppb HAA5 in RW Cl µS 3 µS 1 NO3 2 12.00 –0.05 EGC_1.Concentration: 8.00 mM 0 10 20 Minutes B. Second Dimension: 10 ppb HAA5 in RW µS 12.00 –200 EGC_1.Concentration: 8.00 mM 0 10 20 Minutes 5 4 1.2 30 2 –0.2 30 40 30 35 B. Second Dimension: 10 ppb HAA5 in HIW 1.2 65.00 65.00 3 µS EGC_2.Concentration: 7.00 mM 5 4 –0.2 50 Minutes PO4 CO3 35 3 EGC_2.Concentration: 12.00 7.00 mM 1 65.00 65.00 60 65 25590 Figure 7. MEIC analysis of HAA5 in reagent water (deionized water). 30 40 1 12.00 2 4 50 Minutes 5 60 65 25591 Figure 8. MEIC analysis of HAA5 in HIW (high ionic strength water). Conclusion www.thermoscientific.com/dionex ©2012 Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. All rights reserved. ISO is a trademark of the International Standards Organization. All other trademarks are the property of Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. and its subsidiaries. Specifications, terms and pricing are subject to change. Not all products are available in all countries. Please consult your local sales representative for details. Australia +61 3 9757 4486 Austria +43 1 616 51 25 Benelux +31 20 683 9768 +32 3 353 42 94 Brazil +55 11 3731 5140 WP70423_E 12/12S China +852 2428 3282 Denmark +45 36 36 90 90 France +33 1 39 30 01 10 Germany +49 6126 991 0 India +91 22 2764 2735 Ireland +353 1 644 0064 Italy +39 02 51 62 1267 Japan +81 6 6885 1213 Korea +82 2 3420 8600 Singapore +65 6289 1190 Sweden +46 8 473 3380 Thermo Scientific Dionex products are designed, developed, and manufactured under an ISO 9001 Quality System. Switzerland +41 62 205 9966 Taiwan +886 2 8751 6655 UK +44 1276 691722 USA and Canada +847 295 7500 Wh ite Pa p er 7 04 2 3 An MEIC method was developed for the analysis of HAAs in drinking water matrices. HAA5 were detected at low ppb levels in reagent water and in high-ionic-strength water. Several column chemistries were evaluated and a new high capacity stationary phase was found to optimize separation selectivity and method performance. MEIC is a (potentially) simple and economical alternative to current GC- and IC-MS techniques for routine monitoring of HAAs in drinking water.
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