SIERRA-SACRAMENTO VALLEY EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES AGENCY Serving the counties of Placer, Yuba, Sutter, Nevada, Colusa, Butte, Shasta, Tehama, Siskiyou AGENDA/MEETING ANNOUNCEMENT JOINT POWERS AGENCY GOVERNING BOARD Public Hearing Fee Schedule Sierra-Sacramento Valley EMS Agency Friday, September 12, 2014 – 1:00pm-3:00pm MEETING LOCATIONS PRIMARY ALTERNATE 5995 Pacific St. Rocklin, CA 95677 2775 Bechelli Lane Redding, CA 96002 Pursuant to Government Code Section 54953, Subdivision (b), the JPA Governing Board meeting will include teleconference participation from the Rocklin office, location at 5995 Pacific St., Rocklin, CA. This Notice and Agenda will be posted at the teleconference location. A. CALL TO ORDER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ................................................................ MOTY B. WELCOME AND INTRODUCTIONS ....................................................................................... ALL C. APPROVAL OF AGENDA .................................................................................................. MOTY D. PUBLIC COMMENT ............................................................................. COMMUNITY MEMBERS Persons may address the Board on items not on this agenda. Please limit comments to 3 minutes per person since the time allocated for Public Comment is 15 minutes. If all comments cannot be heard within the 15-minute time limit, the Public Comment period will be taken up at the end of the regular session. The Board is not permitted to take any action on items addressed under Public Comment E. BOARD MEMBER ANNOUNCEMENTS........................................................... BOARD MEMBERS 5995 Pacific Street Rocklin, CA 95677 916-625-1702 916-625-1720 (fax) 2775 Bechelli Lane Redding, CA 96002 530-722-6617 530-222-3007 (fax) SIERRA-SACRAMENTO VALLEY EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES AGENCY F. CONSENT AGENDA ......................................................................................................... MOTY All items on the Consent Agenda (1-6) will be approved by a single roll call vote. Anyone may ask to address Consent items prior to the Board taking action, and the item may be removed for discussion. 1. Approval of the minutes dated July 11, 2014 2. Revenue and Expenditure Report through 7/31/14 3. Air ambulance contract extensions for the following: Enloe, Careflight, (REACH, PHI, and CalStar – under separate cover) 4. 2014/15 State General Fund (Multi County Local Emergency Medical Services Agency) Contract 5. HPP YR13 Emergency Preparedness Office (EPO)Yuba and Sutter Contract 6. 2014/15 LEMSA HPP Contract G. PUBLIC HEARING 1. 1:15 p.m. Public Hearing: Conduct a Public Hearing and adopt a Resolution to approve adjustments to the S-SV EMS Agency Fee Schedule. Please limit comments to 3 minutes per person since the time allocated for Public Comment is 15 minutes. Close Public Hearing Board will take action H. INFORMATION UPDATE – verbal update...................................................................... PINETTE 1. Response times 2. Trauma System Status Overview – presentation by staff 3. Public Comment documents 4. Audit update I. OLD BUSINESS ................................................................................................................ MOTY J. NEW BUSINESS............................................................................................................... MOTY 1. Resolution to allow Director to sign Cal Fire Cooperative Fire Protection agreement – for approval 2. Resolution to allow Director to sign the 2014/15 State General Fund (Multi County Local Emergency Medical Services Agency) Contract – for approval 3. Resolution to allow Director to sign the HPP YR13 Emergency Preparedness Office (EPO)Yuba and Sutter Contracts– for approval 4. Resolution to allow Director to sign the 2014/15 LEMSA HPP Contract– for approval September 2014 JPA Governing Board of Directors Meeting Agenda Page 2 of 4 SIERRA-SACRAMENTO VALLEY EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES AGENCY 5. Resolution to allow Director to sign the RDMHS contract with EMSA for FY 2014/2016– for approval K. EMCC/COUNTY COMMITTEE REPORTS – verbal report................................................. PINETTE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. L. Bi-County EMCC – Placer County – Nevada County EMCC Colusa County EMCC Butte County EMCC – Siskiyou EMAG – Shasta EMAG Tehama EMAG - LEGISLATION ............................................................................................................... PINETTE M. MEDICAL DIRECTOR’S REPORT........................................................................................ FALCK N. CLOSED SESSION ............................................................................................................ MOTY No closed session. O. CORRESPONDENCE ..................................................................................................... PINETTE (Available at the meeting) 1. 7-1-14 Letter to Mike McDounough (NCTI) regarding routine site visit to the Santa Barbara Paramedic Training Program. 2. 7-1-14 Letter to California Department of Public Health (EPO Office) regarding: LEMSA Letter of Collaboration-HPP Grant FY 2014/2015 Placer County. 3. 7-1-14 Letter to California Department of Public Health (EPO office) regarding: LEMSA Letter or Collaboration-HPP Grant YR 2014/15 Yuba County. 4. 7-1-14 Letter to California Department of Public Health (EPO office) regarding: LEMSA Letter or Collaboration-HPP Grant YR 2014/15 Sutter County. 5. 7-1-14 Letter to California Department of Public Health (EPO office) regarding: LEMSA Letter or Collaboration-HPP Grant YR 2014/15 Nevada County. 6. 7-1-14 Letter to California Department of Public Health (EPO office) regarding: LEMSA Letter or Collaboration-HPP Grant YR 2014/15 Butte County. 7. 7-1-14 Letter to California Department of Public Health (EPO office) regarding: LEMSA Letter or Collaboration-HPP Grant YR 2014/15 Colusa County. 8. 7-1-14 Letter to California Department of Public Health (EPO office) regarding: LEMSA Letter or Collaboration-HPP Grant YR 2014/15 Siskiyou County. 9. 7-1-14 Letter to California Department of Public Health (EPO office) regarding: LEMSA Letter or Collaboration-HPP Grant YR 2014/15 Shasta County. September 2014 JPA Governing Board of Directors Meeting Agenda Page 3 of 4 SIERRA-SACRAMENTO VALLEY EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES AGENCY P. 10. 7-1-14 Letter to California Department of Public Health (EPO office) regarding: LEMSA Letter or Collaboration-HPP Grant YR 2014/15 Tehama County. 11. 7-1-14 Letter to California Department of Public Health (EPO office) regarding: LEMSA Audit Promissory Letter-HPP Yuba and Sutter Grant Application FY 2014/2015. 12. 7-1-14 Letter to California Department of Public Health (EPO office) regarding: Waiver Request for HPP Consultants FY 2014-15 (Year 13). 13. 7-16-14 Letter to Yuba County Board of Supervisors regarding County Contributions. 14. 7-16-14 Letter to Bill Goodwin (Tehama County) regarding County Contributions. 15. 7-16-14 Letter to Jim Arkens (Sutter County) regarding County Contributions. 16. 7-16-14 Letter to Terry Barber (Siskiyou County) regarding County Contributions. 17. 7-16-14 Letter to David Boesch (Placer County) regarding County Contributions. 18. 7-16-14 Letter to Donnell Ewert (Shasta County) regarding County Contributions. 19. 7-16-14 Letter to Stewart Knox (Nevada County) regarding County Contributions. 20. 7-16-14 Letter to Elizabeth A Kelly (Colusa County) regarding County Contributions. 21. 7-16-14 Letter to Cathy Raevsky (Butte County) regarding County Contributions 22. 7-25-14 Letter to Debbie Cox, RN (Oroville Hospital) regarding hospital trauma program timeline reminder. 23. 7-29-14 Letter to Rick Wood (IOT) regarding campus suspension. 24. 7-29-14 Letter to Kirk Eadie (Happy Camp Volunteer Ambulance) regarding investigation. 25. 8-13-14 Letter to Christy Slattery (NCTI) regarding routine site visit of the NCTI Riverside Paramedic Training Program. 26. 8-22-14 Letter to Rick Wood (IOT) regarding revocation of EMT training program. 27. 8-25-14 Letter to Clayton Thomas regarding approval of training of option EMT skills. S-SV EMS AGENCY ACTIVITIES – July through August 2014 ........................................... PINETTE Attached Q. NEXT JPA GOVERNING BOARD MEETING ........................................................................ MOTY Friday, November 14, 2014, 1pm-3pm, 5995 Pacific St., Rocklin, CA R. ADJOURNMENT ............................................................................................................. MOTY A full agenda packet will not be provided at the meeting; however, you can print a full packet, including the agenda from the Agency’s website at This event will be held in an accessible facility. Individuals with disabilities requiring auxiliary aids or services to ensure accessibility such as language interpreting, assisted listening device, materials in alternate formats or accommodations should contact S-SV at 916-625-1702, no less than 7 days prior to the meeting. September 2014 JPA Governing Board of Directors Meeting Agenda Page 4 of 4
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