I :-'*t!^iilyi!;,I1i1;. .i *rr ,t :_: . ,1r . ,".,, , ',,,1, |":,1 :ii;: rJ' n::,tr : ::rr:il:i iii::,,:r Mahatma Basaveshwar Education Society,s HsI l$g$.$f 'Hfi Sfr n*er* n $ Ambaiogai - 431 517, Dist. Besd {M.S.} o"*$t,6iEill4 1i. ''" F'ORMATION OF' GRIEVANCE REDRESSAL CELL Af.Cfe flgS-u]8tion for Establishnrcnt of a Grievance Redrersal Coqmiueg & appointmenr of Ombudsmarr, ty ttre fecnnotogical & Afliliaring UnivqsitievAlCTE fuproved Institurions & Letter from AICTE No. l -t0t/Dp6/Atcit or,aguosvrANlzor z'oit"o juiy,'iorz. [*..: s,; . Following faculty rnembers and student repr€sentatives of the Institute are appointed as Grievance Redressal committe€ memhrs for the aeademic year20l4-20i5. Accordingly, you are hereby informra io ioflr* g,;tr;6il"* given by the AICTE from time to time. ts/'grievances shall contact any of the following membsrs of the Grievance N"ttt'sm{qtt t Sr. No. "", ,,qV." St*ff Namc 0f the 0t. Dr. B. I. Khadakbhsvi 02. Brof, P- A,. K.ulkarri Desigaation and Ad (ress cell ,doDointed as Prlncipal MBE Society's. College of Engineering, Ambajogai Cellg?65!3g8t8, E.Mai i i ttradatbhaviOiaellrai i:com Head, ECT Department MBE Society's, College of Engineering, Ambqjogai C.hair-man Merrber Ceth 9673228888, E-Mail: pakuttarni t :Odraiifrnail.com Dean PG Y9P lo.,rty :, College of Engirieering, Ambajogai Member Dn Y. S, Rajamanya Head, Civil Department MBE Sociay's, Collegc of Engineering Ambajogai Member 05. Prof,R S,Eavinal Cell: 8806660291. E-Moil: raiarnsnylv$6r*uil-i-on Heatl, CSE Department MBE Society's, College of Engineering Ambajogai C,qll: 8806660253, E-Mail: rshavinal{r}reditTrnait,com 06. Frsf, V. Y. Yeiigeri 07. Prof. N A. Rar+bawetc Dr. V. G. Kasobegoudar 03, Cell : 8806660280, E-Mail :[email protected] 04. 08. Prof. $, S, Sankeshwari 09, Prof; C. R. Shivf,murthy Member Htad, Insfru rueutation Dept MEE So-ciety's, College of Engineering, Ambajogai Cell: 8806660252, E-Mail: vaiianathverisetApmait Member Head, Mechanical Dept. MBt Society's, College of Engineering, Ambajogai Mernber Cell: S806660255, E-MailUar_l 446)rldifiinairt.cim Head, Electrical Dept. !IB-E_sociay'g, College of Engineering. Ambajogai Cell: 8806650254, E-Maill: sankeswariOsmait.corn Boys' Ilostel Superintenden MBE Society's, College of Engineering, Ambaiosai Cel I : 880666025 I, E-Mai I : crshivamurii(rDe*uit. Girls' Hostel Warden MBE Society's" College of Engineering, Ambajogai CeIl: 8806660263, E-Mail: vmjain@,gmail.com Member Member i- 10. Prof. ll llls Mr.V- M. Jein Anjan Sirilpa Pandurang !E (Blectrical, Elecronics and @ *:"ryf _Ypl-s1clerrs,.Cglegeof Cell t 1387 I 66 I E-Mail :shilpaan 4 Mernber Engineering]Ambajogai. iau@emaiL Student c;; Member I W"n""a**' PfficML. copyto:, l. 2. 3. i: Committee Members All Notice Boards and Web Administrator Establishment Section Pria.clfral fl, B. E. soe-iaty'e Cotleg* ol Englnrering AttEAJOtslt atrliated to Dr' Eabasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada UniversiS, Aurangabad & Approved Uv nicrf, ro** ""**"-.. , .. .. A'Off | +gt-2446-Z4tZ6Z,24BgB2, Resi. : Z4l3A7, Fax : +91-2446_249408 o*;" -- '
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