DOUBLE COLUMN MACHINING CENTER HNK Double Column Machining Centers ʥBringing dynamic productivity to your businessʦ HPM-L S SERIES <DA!($< <DA!($< HPM-H SERIES HPM-M SER SERIES I 02 HNK Double Column Machining Centers hĴp:// MAIN APPLICATIONS These machiness are used for machining various components in the industries such as : ■ Marine & Stationary Engine ■ Machine Tools ■ Pump & Valve Casting ■ Textile Machine ■ Power Plant Equipment ■ Construction Equipment ■ Rolling Stock Equipment ■ Die & Mold for Casting, Plastic, etc. ■ Mill Line Equipment ■ LCD-related Components ■ Wind Mill HNK MACHINE TOOL CO., LTD. 03 DOUBLE COLUMN MACHINING CENTER HPM-L series HPM-series, CNC Large-sized Double Column Maching Center, offers wide range of machining capability and heavy duty machining jobs. DOUBLE COLUMN MACHINING CENTER HPM-L SERIES Equipped with various optional attachments, HPM-series is capable of diverse job applications at one set-up. Above all, its heavy duty structure is most suitable for the large-sized component cutting related to ship engines, power generators and steel mill facilities. Powerful Spindle 55/45kW spindle motor HPM-30L 75/60kW spindle motor HPM-40L, HPM-45L 100kW spindle motor HPM-50L, HPM-60L Heavy Duty Machining Rigid body construction and heavy duty square ram Ram size 500mm x 500mm 600mm x 600mm HPM-50L/60L model High Accuracy, Superior Reliability User Frendly Operating System HNK LARGED-SIZED DOUBLE COLUMN MACHINING CENTER 04 HNK Double Column Machining Centers ĴDZȦȦ ǯǯ Superior rigidity for your heavy duty machining HPM-30L HPM-40L HPM-45L HPM-50L HPM-60L [ This machine has optional accessories ] HNK MACHINE TOOL CO., LTD. 05 DOUBLE COLUMN MACHINING CENTER Specifications {OPTION} ITEM UNIT HPM-30L 30 × 80 HPM-40L HPM-45L HPM-50L mm 3,850 4,850 5,000 5,600 7,500 Distance between table surface and spindle end mm 3,000 {3,500} 4,000{4,500} 5,000{5,500} 6,200 7,800 Table Table travel (X-axis) mm Spindle Head Travel (Y-axis) mm 4,850 5,850 6,000 6,600 8,500 12,000 10,250 12,000 17,000 20,000 24,000 30,000 mm 1,000{1,200} 2,000{2,200} 2,000{2,200} 2,200{2,500} 3,000{3,500} mm 2,500 2,800 3,100 4,000 4,300 Table size, Width×Length mm Max. allowable weight on table* kg 3,000 × 8,000 3,000 × 10,000 50,000 4,000 × 10,000 4,000 × 12,000 4,500 × 10,000 80,000 4,500 × 12,000 5,000 × 17,000 120,000 ISO No.50 5,000 × 20,000 170,000 6,000 × 24,000 6,000 × 30,000 300,000 400,000 ISO No.60{50} mm Ø 130 Ø 160 Ø 160 Ø 190 Ø 190 Ram size mm 500 × 500 500 × 500 500 × 500 600 × 600 600 × 600 Speed* rpm 2,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 kW 55 / 45 {75 / 60} 75 / 60 75 / 60 100 100 mm/min 10,000 Motor Power (30min/cont.)* Rapid traverse (X, Y) Feedrate 8,000 (Z) mm/min 6,000 (W) mm/min 3,000 mm/min 1 ~ 3,600 mm/min 1 ~ 3,000 Q’ ty 24/40 / 60 / 90 / 120 Cutting Feed (X, Y & Z) (W) Magazine capacity {option} CNC 10,250 Ram travel (Z-Axis) Spindle diameter ATC (Optional item) 10,250 Crossrail travel (W-axis) Spindle taper Spindle Head 8,250 Tool shank / Pull stud MAS P50{60}T-I{45˚} Max. tool diameter mm Ø250 Max. tool length mm 400 {600} Max. tool weight kg 25 {30} Control system FANUC 31iB, SIEMENS 840D Ⲽ The items with star mark(*) can be changed according to the customers’ requirements Standard accessories Optional accessories ⷅAutomatic Attachment indexing ⷃAuto Attachment indexing, 72x5° index. ⷃRight Angular Attachment 500mm, 1000mm ⷃUniversal Angular Attachment 600mm ⷃExtension Attachment 600mm ⷃompact Angular Attachment 600mm ⷃOffset Angular Attachment 700mm ⷃDual Spindle Attachment 600mm ⷃSpecial Attachment ⷃCenter Swing Universal Attachment ⷃ5HV Attachment (5face cutting Head) 650mm ⷃAAC (automatic attachment changer) ͑͑͑͑ػ4 ػ5 ػ6 ػ7 - pots ⷃHinged belt type chip conveyor ͑͑͑͑ػ2pcs ػ3pcs (4x90° indexing) ⷅExternal coolant system ⷅExternal air blow system ⷅCovers for slideways ⷅHydraulic power unit ⷅFanuc/Siemens CNC control system ⷅManual pulse generator ⷅPendant type operation box ⷅWork light (fluorescent) ⷅWarning light ⷅMaintenance tool kit ⷅLevelling block and anchor bolts ⷃChip box ⷃAPC (automatic pallet changer) ⷃATC (automatic tool changer) ͑͑͑͑ػ24 ػ40 ػ60 ػ90 ػ120 tools ⷃAutomatic NC power OFF ⷃAutomatic Tool length measuring device ⷃAuto. Workpiece measuring device (work probe) ⷃScale feedback system for X, Y, Z & W-axis ⷃTSC (thru-the-spindle-coolant-device) ⷃSplash guard Ⲽ If you are interested in accessories not listed above, please contact your local distributor for more information 06 HPM-60L 40 × 100 40 × 120 45 × 100 45 × 120 50 × 170 50 × 200 60 × 240 60 × 300 Effective distance between columns* Travel DOUBLE COLUMN MACHINING CENTER HPM-L SERIES 30 ×100 HNK Double Column Machining Centers ĴDZȦȦ ǯǯ Dimensions Top view E F Front view G C D H Side view HPM-L Models 30×80 30×100 40×100 40×120 45×100 45×120 50×170 50×200 60×240 60×300 A 3,000 4,000 4,500 5,000 6,000 B 3,850 4,850 5,000 5,600 7,000 C 1,330 1,330 1,480 1,600 1,800 D 3,000 4,000 4,600 6,200 7,000 E 10,000 11,000 12,000 14,000 15,000 F 21,500 25,500 25,500 29,500 28,500 29,000 42,000 48,000 48,000 G 22,700 26,700 26,700 30,700 29,000 29,300 43,500 51,000 51,000 H 9,800 10,800 11,000 15,000 56,000 59,000 16,500 5000 7590N.m TORQUE kW 80 70 7590N.m N.m 8000 7000 576 75kW 328 kW 80 70 N.m 6000 POWER 94 TORQUE 576 POWER TORQUE 328 55kW POWER 94 576 94 kW 60 5580N.m 55 50 328 Spindle Power-Torque Diagram 75kW N.m 4 400 3 300 20 2000 (1240N.m) 10 1000 5 500 4 400 3 300 3500 SPINDLE TORQUE 3000 POWER OF SPINDLE MOTOR 800 30 SPINDLE TORQUE (912N.m) POWER OF SPINDLE MOTOR 1000 10 8 SPINDLE TORQUE POWER OF SPINDLE MOTOR 1000 2000 20 955 2 1 10 100 300 SPINDLE SPEED HPM-30L (45/55kw) 1000 100 2000 MIN^-1 100 200 300 1000 100 2000 MIN^-1 100 300 SPINDLE SPEED SPINDLE SPEED HPM-40L, HPM-45L(60/75kw) HPM-50L, HPM-60L(100kw) 100 2000 MIN^-1 HNK MACHINE TOOL CO., LTD. 07 DOUBLE COLUMN MACHINING CENTER HPM-H series DOUBLE COLUMN MACHINING CENTER HPM-H SERIES Evolved from its heavy cutting structure, HPM-H series becomes the latest and advanced CNC machine tool model with its high speed spindle and feed rate. Together with its high speed spindle and feed rate, the various attachments get HPM-H series to attain the widest job applications in rage of industries such as automobile, plastic or press parts. High speed spindle & Feedrate 25/22kW, Built in spindle motor Designed for heavy duty machining job at high speed (6,000 rpm, Option : 8,000 rpm) Providing high precision cutting at high feedrate Heavy Duty M/C Structure Rigid body construction and heavy duty square ram Ram size 380mm x 380mm / 400mm x 400mm Flexible table loading capacity (10~35tons) High Accuracy, Superior Reliability User Frendly Operating System HNK HIGH SPEED DOUBLE COLUMN MACHINING CENTER 08 HNK Double Column Machining Centers hĴp:// Special application in Die/Mold industry HPMHPM-15H M-15H HPMHPM-20H M-2 -20 20 20H 0 HPM--25H 2 25 HPM-25H 5 HP HPM HPM-3 -3 30 30H 3 0H 0H HPM-30H HP -3 3 5H HPM-35H 35 HPM-40H HPM-40 HPM M--40H M-40 40 4 0H 0H HNK MACHINE TOOL CO., LTD. 09 DOUBLE COLUMN MACHINING CENTER Specifications {OPTION} ITEM UNIT HPM-15H HPM-20H HPM-25H HPM-30H HPM-35H HPM-40H 15×30 15×40 20×40 20×60 25×50 25×60 30×60 30×80 35×60 35×80 40×80 40×100 Effective distance between columns* mm 2,200 2,700 3,200 4,000 4,500 5,000 Distance between table surface and spindle end mm 1,500 {1,800} 1,800 {2,000} 1,800 {2,000} 2,000 {2,350} 2,000 {2,350} 2,000 {2,350} Table travel (X-axis) mm 3,250 6,250 6,250 8,250 Spindle Head Travel (Y-axis) mm Ram travel (Z-Axis) mm Crossrail travel (W-axis) mm Table size, Width × Length mm Max. allowable weight on table* kg Spindle taper ISO Spindle diameter mm DOUBLE COLUMN MACHINING CENTER HPM-H SERIES Travel Table Spindle Head 6,250 5,250 6,250 3,700 4,200 1,000 1,200 1,200 10,000 15,000 20,000 1,500 1,500 1,500 25,000 50,000 400×400 kW 25 / 22 mm/min 20,000 (Z) mm/min 15,000 (W) mm/min 3,000 mm/min 1 ~ 10,000 (Z) mm/min 1 ~ 5,000 (W) mm/min 1 ~ 3,000 Q’ ty 24 / 40 / 60 / 90 / 120 MAS BT.50 / MAS P50 T-I(45°) Tool shank / Pull stud M ax. tool diameter mm 250 Max. tool length mm 400 Max. tool weight kg 25 Fanuc 31iB , Simens 840D Control system Ⲽ The items with star mark(*) can be changed according to the customers’ requirements Standard accessories Optional accessories ⷅAutomatic Attachment indexing ⷃRight Angular Attachment 350mm ⷃUniversal Angular Attachment 600mm ⷃExtension Attachment 600mm ⷃSpecial Attachment ⷃ30°Angular Attachment 600mm ⷃCenter Swing Universal Attachment ⷃAAC (automatic attachment changer) ͑͑͑͑ػ2 ػ3 ػ4 - pots ⷃHinged belt type chip conveyor ͑͑͑͑ػ2pcs ػ3pcs ⷃChip box ⷃAPC (automatic pallet changer) ⷃATC (automatic tool changer) ͑͑͑͑ػ24 ػ40 ػ60 ػ90 ػ120 tools (72x5° indexing) ⷅExternal coolant system ⷅExternal air blow system ⷅSpindle cooling unit ⷅCovers for slideways ⷅHydraulic power unit ⷅFanuc/Siemens CNC control system ⷅManual pulse generator ⷅPendant type operation box ⷅWork light (fluorescent) ⷅWarning light ⷅMaintenance tool kit ⷅLevelling blocks and anchor bolts ⷃAutomatic NC power OFF ⷃAutomatic Tool length measuring device ⷃAuto. Workpiece measuring device (work probe) ⷃScale feedback system ⷃTSC (thru-the-spindle-coolant-device) ⷃSplash guard Ⲽ If you are interested in accessories not listed above, please contact your local distributor for more information 10 30,000 Ø 100 380×380 6,000 (8,000) Magazine capacity {option} 10,250 6,000 No.50 rpm Cutting Feed (X, Y & Z) 8,250 5,500 1,500× 1,500× 2,000× 2,000× 2,500× 2,500× 3,000× 3,000× 3,500× 3,500× 4,000× 4,000× 3,000 4,000 4,000 6,000 5,000 6,000 6,000 8,000 6,000 8,000 8,000 10,000 Speed* Feedrate 8,250 5,000 800 mm Rapid traverse (X, Y) CNC 4,250 Ram size Motor Power (30min/cont.)* ATC (Optional itm) 4,250 3,200 HNK Double Column Machining Centers ĴDZȦȦ ǯǯ Dimensions Top view E F G Front view wk41 ,m.N 57 ,Si0003/05@ Side view @50/3000iS, 75 N.m, 14kw H B C A D HPM-H Models 15×30(H) 15×40(H) 20×40(H) 20×60(H) 25×50(H) 25×60(H) 30×60(H) 30×80(H) 35×60(H) 35×80(H) 40×60(H) 40×80(H) 2,000 1,500 A 2,500 3,000 3,500 4,000 B 2,200 2,700 3,200 4,000 4,500 5,000 C 1,500 {1,800} 1,800 {2,000} 1,800 {2,000} 2,000 2,000 2,000 D 830 830 920 1,020 1,020 1,300 E 7,800 8,200 8,500 9,000 9,500 10,000 F 8,650 10,650 10,650 14,850 12,850 14,850 14,850 19,050 14,850 19,050 14,850 G 11,150 13,150 13,150 17,350 15,350 17,350 17,350 21,550 17,350 21,550 17,350 H 6,200 {6,500} 6,500 {6,700} 6,700 {6,900} 6,900 6,900 19,050 21,550 7,200 Spindle Power-Torque Diagram POWER TORQUE kW 30 N.m 800 600N.m DOUBLE COLUMN 25 250 8 200 50 10 0 0 0 350 1,000 1,300 6,000 MIN^-1 SPINDLE TORQUE POWER OF SPINDLE MOTOR 500 22 HIGH SPEED MACHINING CENTER t4QJOEMF4QFFESQN0QUJPOSQN t.PUPS1PXFSNJODPOU L8 SPINDLE SPEED HPM-H series(22/25kw, Built-in) HNK MACHINE TOOL CO., LTD. 11 DOUBLE COLUMN MACHINING CENTER Five-face precision machining system DOUBLE COLUMN MACHINING CENTER HPM-M SERIES HPM-M series HPM-M series, Double Column Machining Center, is designed for precision and heavy-duty machining of wide range of workpieces. With its rigid body construction, HPM-M series offers unparalleled machine longevity and machining productivity. HPMHPM-15M H PM-15M P M 15M M-15M 20 HPM-20M 0 HPMM-2 -25 25 25M HPM-25M HPMM-3 -30 30 30M HPM-30M HPM-35M 3 HPM-35M HPM-3 HPM-35 35 5M M HPM--40M 40 HPM-40 HPM-40M 0M Ram Type Spindle Head Ram size 380x380 / 400x400mm 37 / 30kW spindle motor Ram stroke 800mm, HPM-15M, HPM-20M, HPM-25M model Ram stroke 1,000mm, HPM-30M, HPM-35M, HPM-40M model Balance weight inside column providing stability 12 HNK Double Column Machining Centers ĴDZȦȦ ǯǯ Specifications ITEM UNIT HPM-15M HPM-20M HPM-25M HPM-30M HPM-35M HPM-40M 15 × 30 15 × 40 20 × 60 20 × 80 25 × 60 25 ×80 30 × 80 30 ×100 35 × 80 35×100 40 × 80 40×100 Effective distance between columns* mm 2,200 2,700 3,200 4,000 4,500 5,000 Distance between table surface and spindle end mm 1,500 {1,800} 1,850 {2,350} 2,350 {2,850} 3,250 {3,550} 3,500 {3,850} 3,500 {3,850} Table travel (X-axis) mm 3,250 6,250 6,250 8,250 10,250 8,250 8,250 10,250 Spindle Head Travel (Y-axis) mm Ram travel (Z-Axis) mm Crossrail travel (W-axis) mm Table size, Width × Length mm Travel Table Spindle Head 1,000 1,500 8,250 4,200 5,000 2,000 2,500 800 15,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 kg Spindle diameter mm Ram size mm Speed* rpm 3,000 50,000 60,000 400 × 400 kW 10,000 (Z) mm/min 6,000 (W) mm/min 3,000 mm/min 1 ~ 3,600 mm/min 1 ~ 3,000 Magazine capacity {option} 2,800 Ø 130 380 × 380 mm/min (W) 2,800 No.50 37 / 30 (45/37) Cutting Feed (X, Y & Z) 6,000 1,500× 1,500× 2,000× 2,000× 2,500× 2,500× 3,000× 3,000× 3,500× 3,500× 4,000× 4,000× 3,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 6,000 8,000 8,000 10,000 8,000 10,000 8,000 10,000 ISO Feedrate 10,250 5,500 1,000 Max. allowable weight on table* Rapid traverse (X, Y) CNC 8,250 3,700 Spindle taper Motor Power (30min/cont.)* ATC (Optional item) 4,250 3,200 Q’ ty Tool shank / Pull stud 24 / 40 / 60 / 90 / 120 MAS BT.50 / MAS P50 T-I(45°) M ax. tool diameter mm Ø 135 / Ø 250 Max. tool length mm 400 Max. tool weight kg 25 Control system FANUC 31iB / SIEMENS 840D Ⲽ The items with star mark(*) can be changed according to the customers’ requirements Standard accessories Optional accessories ⷅ Automatic Attachment indexing ⷃRight Angular Attachment 350mm ⷃUniversal Angular Attachment 600mm ⷃExtension Attachment 600mm ⷃCompact Angular Attachment 600mm ⷃOffset Angular Attachment 500mm ⷃSpecial Attachment ⷃAAC (automatic attachment changer) ͑͑͑͑ػ2 ػ3 ػ4 ػ5 ػ6 ػ7 - pots ⷃHinged belt type chip conveyor ͑͑͑͑ػ2pcs ػ3pcs ⷃChip box ⷃAPC (automatic pallet changer) ⷃATC (automatic tool changer) ͑͑͑͑ػ24 ػ40 ػ60 ػ90 ػ120 tools (72X5˚ indexing) ⷅ External coolant system ⷅ External air blow system ⷅ Covers for slideways ⷅ Fanuc/Siemens CNC control system ⷅ Manual pulse generator ⷅ Pendant type operation box ⷅ Work light (fluorescent) ⷅ Warning light ⷅ Maintenance tool kit ⷅ Levelling blocks and anchor bolts ⷃAutomatic NC power OFF ⷃAutomatic Tool length measuring device ⷃAuto. Workpiece measuring device (work probe) ⷃScale feedback system ⷃTSC (thru-the-spindle-coolant-device) ⷃSplash guard Ⲽ If you are interested in accessories not listed above, please contact your local distributor for more information HNK MACHINE TOOL CO., LTD. 13 Top view E Dimensions F G Front view H Side view B C B A D A )1...PEFMT Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y A 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000 3,500 4,000 B 2,200 2,700 3,200 4,000 4,500 5,000 C 1,500 1,850 2,350 3,250 3,500 3,500 D 1,000 1,000 1,010 1,240 1,240 1,330 E 8,000 9,000 10,500 11,000 12,000 13,000 F 8,500 10,500 19,000 21,000 19,000 21,000 21,000 25,000 21,000 25,000 21,000 25,000 G 10,500 12,000 21,000 23,000 21,000 23,000 23,000 27,000 23,000 27,000 23,000 27,000 H 6,000 6,500 6,800 7,300 8,000 8,500 9,500 9,800 10,500 10,850 10,500 10,850 4QJOEMF1PXFS5PSRVF%JBHSBN POWER HNK MIDDLE-SIZE 1944 116 545 TORQUE Kw 37kW 3,041 Nm DOUBLE COLUMN 648 Nm 30 600 Nm 2 180 Nm 1.2 120Nm 0 116 545 1,944 3,000 SPINDLE SPEED HPM-M-serise (30/37kw) 14 MIN^-1 SPINDLE TORQUE POWER OF SPINDLE MOTOR 37 MACHINING CENTER t4QJOEMF4QFFESQN0QUJPOSQN t.PUPS1PXFSNJODPOU L80QUJPOL8 HPF - series (Crossrail Fixed Type) Multi - purpose, High Efficient, Crossrail Fixed-type Machining Center Optimum machining Center for LCD chamber and Die & Mold Specifications HPF-H Series ITEM UNIT Effective distance between columns Distance between table surface and spindle end (Max.) Table travel(X-Axis) Travel Spindle Head Travel(Y-axis) Ram travel(Z-axis) mm mm mm mm mm Table Table size, Width x Length Max. allowable weight Spindle taper Spindle diameter Spindle Ram size Head Speed Motor Power(30min/cont) Rapid traverse(X,Y) Feedrate (Z) Cutting Feed(X,Y&Z) Magazine capacity Tool shank/Pull stud Max. tool diameter ATC Max. tool length Max. tool weight CNC Control system mm kg ISO mm mm rpm kw mm/min mm/min mm/min Q’ty mm mm kg HPF-15H HPF-20H 15x30 15x40 2,200 20x40 20x60 2,700 HPF-25H HPF-30H HPF-35H HPF-40H 25x50 25x60 30x60 30x80 35x60 35x80 40x80 40x100 3,200 4,000 4,500 5,000 1,000 3,250 4,250 4,250 6,250 5,250 6,250 6,250 8,250 6,250 8,250 8,250 10,250 3,200 3,700 4,200 5,000 5,500 6,000 800 1,500x 1,500x 2,000x 2,000x 2,500x 2,500x 3,000x 3,000x 3,500x 3,500x 4,000x 4000x 3,000 4,000 4,000 6,000 5,000 6,000 6,000 8,000 6,000 8,000 8,000 10,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 30,000 35,000 No. 50 Ø100 380x380 400x400 6,000 25/22 20,000 15,000 1~10,000 24/40/60/90/120 MAS BT50/MAS P50T-I(45°) Ø135/Ø250 400 25 FANUC 31iB , SIEMENS 840D HPF-M Series ITEM UNIT Effective distance between columns Distance between table surface and spindle end (Max.) Table travel(X-Axis) Travel Spindle Head Travel(Y-axis) Ram travel(Z-axis) mm mm mm mm mm Table Table size, Width x Length Max. allowable weight Spindle taper Spindle diameter Spindle Ram size Head Speed Motor Power(30min/cont) Rapid traverse(X,Y) Feedrate (Z) Cutting Feed(X,Y&Z) Magazine capacity Tool shank/Pull stud Max. tool diameter ATC Max. tool length Max. tool weight CNC Control system mm kg ISO mm mm rpm kw mm/min mm/min mm/min Q’ty mm mm kg HPF-15M HPF-20M 15x30 15x40 2,200 20x40 20x60 2,700 3,250 4,250 3,200 HPF-25M HPF-30M 25x50 25x60 30x60 30x80 3,200 4,000 1,200 5,250 6,250 6,250 8,250 4,200 5,000 HPF-35M HPF-40M 35x60 35x80 4,500 40x80 40x100 5,000 4,250 6,250 6,250 8,250 8,250 10,250 3,700 5,500 6,000 800 1,000 1,500x 1,500x 2,000x 2,000x 2,500x 2,500x 3,000x 3,000x 3,500x 3,500x 4,000x 4000x 3,000 4,000 4,000 6,000 5,000 6,000 8,000 10,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000 60,000 No. 50 Ø130 380x380 400x400 3,000 37/30 (45/37) 10,000 6,000 1~3,600 24/40/60/90/120 MAS BT50/MAS P50T-I{45°} Ø135/Ø250 400 25 FANUC 31iB , SIEMENS 840D ※The items with star mark(*) can be changed according to the customer’s requirements Standard accessories Optional accessories ● Automatic Attachment indexing (72X5˚ indexing) ● External coolant system ● External air blow system ● Covers for slideways ● Fanuc/Siemens CNC control system ● Manual pulse generator ● Pendant type operation box ● Work light (fluorescent) ● Warning light ● Maintenance tool kit ● Levelling blocks and anchor bolts ○ Right Angular Attachment 350mm ○ Universal Angular Attachment 600mm ○ Extension Attachment 600mm ○ Compact Angular Attachment 600mm ○ Offset Angular Attachment 500mm ○ Special Attachment ○ AAC ( automatic attachment changer ) □2 □3 □4 □5 □6 □8 - pots ○ Hinged belt type chip conveyor □2pcs □3pcs ○ Chip box ○ APC ( automatic pallet changer) □24 □40 □60 □90 □120 tools ○ Automatic NC power OFF ○ Automatic Tool length measuring device ○ Auto. Workpiece measuring device (work probe) ○ Scale feedback system ○ TSC (thru-the-spindle-coolant-device) ○ Splash guard 15 DOUBLE COLUMN MACHINING CENTER Optional Accessories Automatic Attachment Changer (A.A.C) DOUBLE COLUMN MACHINING CENTER HPM-L SERIES AAC automatically attatches/detatches attachements to/from the spindle and places them on to the storage rack. Attachement is provided with curvic coupling for maintaining high accuracy. It automatically rotates 90deg. x 4directions thereby facilitating 5-face machining at one time setting. AAC for 4,5,6 or 7 attachements is available. Various Attachments Right Angular Attachment Universal Angular Attachment Extension Attachment Dual Spindle Attachment Offset Angular Attachment Compact Angular Attachment [ For more effcient job application, customers can consult with us about different types of attachments. ] 16 HNK Double Column Machining Centers Automatic Tool Changer (A.T.C) HNK’s latest ATC is positioned on the left of a machine. It’s change-arm mounted on the crossrail saves dramatically tool-change time by achieving easy random-tool-change. ● 24, 40, 60, 90, 120 tools ● Change tools in both vertical and horizontal directions Note : Various pull stud types and special ATC magazine design are also available per customers’ request. Automatic Pallet Changer (A.P.C) APC greatly reduces machine idle time during a set-up and increases overall machine productivity. HNK MACHINE TOOL CO., LTD. 17 Heavy Cutting Performance Face Milling ●Material : SM45C Cutter dia. mm Cutting width. mm Cutting depth. Spindle speed. mm rpm Feedrate. mm/min Removal Rate. Ram expansion. cm³/min mm HPM-L SERIES(25,30L) 200 140 7 400 1,200 1,176 500 HPM-L SERIES(40,45,50,60L) 250 175 7 400 1,200 1,470 1,000 HPM-H SERIES 200 140 6 400 640 536 500 HPM-M SERIES 200 140 6 400 1,100 924 500 Cutter dia. mm Cutting width. mm HPM-L SERIES(25,30L) 200 140 8 400 1,600 1,792 500 HPM-L SERIES(40,45,50,60L) 250 175 9 400 1,600 2,520 1,000 HPM-H SERIES 200 140 7 400 800 784 500 HPM-M SERIES 200 140 7 400 1,00 1,372 500 Cutter dia. mm Cutting width. mm HPM-L SERIES(25,30L) 63 63 55 400 320 1,108.8 500 HPM-L SERIES(40,45,50,60L) 80 80 55 400 320 1536 1,000 HPM-H SERIES 63 63 35 500 240 529 500 HPM-M SERIES 63 63 40 400 320 806.4 500 Cutter dia. mm Cutting width. mm HPM-L SERIES(25,30L) 63 63 70 400 320 1,764 500 HPM-L SERIES(40,45,50,60L) 80 80 70 400 320 2,457 1,000 HPM-H SERIES 63 63 50 500 240 756 500 HPM-M SERIES 63 63 50 400 320 1,008 500 ●Material : GC300 Cutting depth. Spindle speed. mm rpm Feedrate. mm/min Removal Rate. Ram expansion. cm³/min mm End Milling ●Material : SM45C Cutting depth. Spindle speed. mm rpm Feedrate. mm/min Removal Rate. Ram expansion. cm³/min mm ●Material : GC300 Cutting depth. Spindle speed. mm rpm Feedrate. mm/min Removal Rate. Ram expansion. cm³/min mm * The measured value is based on HNK Machine Tool Co., Ltd standard. * The measured value could be fluctuated depends on test condtions. 18 ĴDZȦȦ ǯǯ B 500 640m Total 1000/2000 HNK MACHINE TOOL CO., LTD. 19 :VOPF(POHEBOHJM#FPCTPP.ZVO )BNBO(VO,ZVOHOBN,PSFB 1SJOUFEJO,PSFB"QSJM
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