5350 COURTROOM SCHEDULE Monday - July 7th, 2014 #NAME? Defendant Name PID # Case Number(s) Attorney ADA 10:00 Anthony, Nyakeh 367616 12-232267 Kabakoff, M PRJ 10:00 Buckner, Summer Deramgazin, Nader Delucia, J Panyanouvong, P PRE 10:00 10:00 Harrod, Chelsey 393017 14-9564-65 12-244517-18, 20, 22, 24-28, 30271557 37; 12-244538-47, 49-56, 59 13-217204-05; 13-227598, 601, 407499 04, 07 Butler, N PRK 10:00 Paige, Ontario 429293 13-230697-700 PRM 10:00 Phillips, Shenetta 430966 13-238758, 60-61 Delucia, J Panyanouvong, S 10:00 Ray, Teresa 157432 13-207409-11 Jackson, L PRK 10:00 Stitt, Gage 338167 13-232565-66; 13-42586 Oldham, C PRJ 10:00 Townsend, Lester 279617 14-206752, 54-55 Blanton, J PRK 10:00 Velez, Zenovia 432843 13-248016; 14-12577-79 PRE 10:00 Xiong, Bon 426563 13-217000 Nicholson, P Panyanouvong, S PRM 10:00 Xiong, David 426564 13-216989 Gilchrist, J PRM Outcome PRJ PRE Bond Hearings - Property Team Defendant 2:00 Bishop, Kevin Draxton, Shareena 2:00 Powell, Keyona 2:00 PID # Case Number(s) 262655 09-244307-333, 343, 381-82 413276 13-215692-94, 96-97,99 434684 14-222465-67, 69 Attorney Emehel, J Panyanouvong, S Gilchrist, J ADA Outcome HMD PRK EM Modification PRC 2:00 2:00 #NAME? Defendant PID # 3:00 Gibbs, Nicolaus 3:00 Price, Luther 197443 13-204108-10 Delucia, J PRJ 3:00 Blackshear, Elijah 436232 14-222408-9 Nicholson, P PRM Motion for Eval 3:00 3:00 Page 1 of 12 Attorney ADA Outcome Case Number(s) 13-247918-19; 13-249249, 51-53, 432810 57, 59 Delucia, J PRJ 5350 COURTROOM SCHEDULE #NAME? Defendant PID # Case Number(s) Attorney ADA Outcome Attorney ADA Outcome 2:30 #NAME? Defendant PID # Case Number(s) 2:00 Crawford, Andrew 388752 14-205111-12 2:00 Garlins, Reese 2:00 Inman, Dionta 403551 13-238982 Nicholson, P 13-246915, 23, 25-26; 13-247334- Panyanouvong, 432569 35 S 2:00 Jenkins, Zeb 2:00 Jones, Vieron 427925 13-223312-13 2:00 Purser, David 2:00 Reed, Marcus 426073 13-214699 Rawls, E 14-207962-64; 13-208149-50, 59434876 61 Roberts, D PRE 341020 14-207115, 17, 19-20 Saxton, K PRK Gsell, S PRM Thompson, 2:00 Deshawn 2:00 Sanders, C 13-237400-02 Washington, Michael 398736 14-10645-47 PRJ PRE PRM Jackson, L PRK Jetton, M PRK PRJ #NAME? Defendant PID # Case Number(s) Attorney ADA Outcome 2:00 Blackshear, Elijah 436232 14-211881, 82, 83 El-Khouri, C PRM vd 6/3/14 2:00 Buckner, Summer Delucia, J PRE arr 7/7/14 2:00 Green, Lakeisha 393017 14-20694 13-249383, 84, 250468, 14195812 202946, 47, 48 2:00 Hanson, Jaleel 420559 14-211993, 95, 96 2:00 Jennings, Antonio 253208 13-248420, 21, 22, 23 Nicholson, P Panyanouvong, S Panyanouvong, PRM switched teams 2:00 Martin, Brittany 425599 13-245650, 51, 750 S PRE 2:00 McManus, Vanus 386745 13-249881, 82 Bach, E PRE ARR 8/5/14 PRK PRK PRK 2:00 Miles, Connie 246743 13-246083-99, 100-56 Panyanouvong, S 2:00 Moree, John 71309 14-202957, 58, 59, 60 Nicholson, P PRK 2:00 Robinson, Robert 330007 14-210926, 29 Joseph, M PRM vd 4/23/14 2:00 Rodriguez, Raul 407000 13-229040 Jackson, L PRK Page 2 of 12 5350 COURTROOM SCHEDULE 2:00 Tonga, Mele 387182 13-245751, 52 Wilson, R Page 3 of 12 PRK 5350 COURTROOM SCHEDULE Tuesday - July 8th, 2014 #NAME? Defendant Name PID # Case Number(s) Outcome 9:30 Abraham, Anthony 371749 14-201355-58 Attorney ADA Panyanouvong ,S PRM 9:30 Brown, Orriadnie 430875 13-237763-65, 67 Klein, L PRK 9:30 Clary, Yatsilyah 429556 13-232036 Smith, T PRE 9:30 Elliott, Timothy Tin, N PRJ 9:30 Funderburk, Catoine 418551 14-4421-22 Michel, A PRK 9:30 Gatewood, Yaphia 269399 13-232037 Smith, T PRE 9:30 Harrington, Steven 426036 13-214779-81 Brotherton, A PRJ 9:30 Hood, Malik 431722 13-248994, 96, 99 9:30 Little, Luther 329907 13-247616, 19 Delucia, J McClure, D PRM PRJ 9:30 McKay, Lacharles 266375 12-213431-34 Brooks, T PRM 9:30 Rackley, Darren 315481 13-247682-85 Jetton, M PRK 9:30 Tate, Latravius 285512 14-2410-18 Michel, A PRJ 9:30 Thrasher, Jeremy 13-228424, 37, 43, 57, 60, 64, 66, 69, 71, 73, 75, 79, 82, 85, 87, 89, 424512 91, 93; 13-233709; 13-232934 Okwara, C PRK 9:30 Mobley, Dominique 376451 13-228044; 14-22498 Blackwood, T PRK 8/18/14 trial 14-200269-72 ARR 8/4/14 9:30 Bond Hearings - DPT/HFT Defendant 2:00 PID # Case Number(s) Rodriguez, Eduardo 438224 14-221352-53, 55, 57 Attorney ADA Heroy, R DRH Margolis, L DRH Strike OFA Thompson, R HFH Address Counsel 2:00 Lewis, Autrail 209627 13-243827, 29 13-035416, 13-226941-42, 46-51, 74-75, 78-79, 12-221300, 12376743 252579-80 2:00 Patterson, Myleick 433297 13-250021, 23-24, 33-35 Blackwood, T DRF 2:00 Strickland, Rajai 302265 14-020734-39 Huntly, B HXD 2:00 Bankhead, Aaron 120082 14-12523 St. Aubin, J HFD Attorney ADA 2:00 McDowell, Demarco D. Outcome #NAME? Defendant PID # Case Number(s) Outcome 2:30 Arnold, JaJuan 418834 14-207710-11, 14; 14-207698-99 Jackson, L PRM arraignment 2:30 Arrington, Brittney 423259 13-1994 Gilchrist, J PRM arraignment Page 4 of 12 5350 COURTROOM SCHEDULE 2:30 Browning, Jessica 417454 13-241760-62 Panyanouvong ,S 2:30 Browning, Kane 431538 13-241884-85, 98 Joseph, M PRE 2:30 Burns, Jennell 431177 13-239522-24 Jackson, L PRF GP 6/4/14 2:30 Byers, Nakia 423017 12-255783, 86 Joseph, M PRC arraignment 2:30 Chavis, Alton 423216 13-250319, 21, 23-25, 28 Nicholson, P PRE arraignment 2:30 Dabbs, Lisa Olsinski, R PRK 2:30 Davis, Jackques 182836 13-245085, 87-88 Nicholson, P PRF 2:30 Henagan, Roxann 420717 12-242258-59; 12-246677-79 Blanton, J PRE 2:30 Hopson, Lonnie 319419 13-229653 Butler, N PRC 2:30 Johnson, John 427771 13-213561, 65 Dubs, L PRD 2:30 McManus, Patrick 433442 13-250272-73 Trobich, R PRF 2:30 Parker, Britton 185550 13-213562, 64 Dubs, L PRD 2:30 Patton, Maurice* 383228 14-11623; 14-204757-58* Nicholson, P PRC 2:30 Phillips, Devohn Goodman, T PRF 2:30 Reynolds, Christian 418831 12-233177-79 Everhart, R PRM 2:30 Roberge, Dylan 432781 13-247148-50 Greene, M PRM 2:30 Sparks, Ryan 399812 13-245637-40 Anderson, C PRK 2:30 Tucker, Richard 96807 13-233324 Goodman, T PRB Attorney ADA 13-240677 13-38182-86 PRE #NAME? Defendant 2:00 Bethea, Larry 2:00 Chapman, Samuel 2:00 Case Number(s) PRM Prentiss, Vasean 363431 13-245744; 13-246075 Smith, B 13-249207-14, 910, 12, 15-16, 19433105 20, 23-24, 28-29 Clark, Jeffers-D 416137 14-15598-99; 14-207091-92 Nelson,M 2:00 Radcliff, Jamaar 421736 14-207503-06 Osho, L PRE 2:00 Rea, Nahum Coulter, J PRK 2:00 Tarvarez, Calvin Kolb, M PRM 2:00 Wells, Mark 419480 14-3173-77 13-246564, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 72, 74, 247316, 17, 18, 248949, 50, 403612 14-207829, 30 13-249215-22, 913-14, 17-18, 21380680 22, 25-26, 30-31 Brotherton, A PRE Attorney ADA Outcome PRE PRK #NAME? Defendant PID # Case Number(s) Page 5 of 12 Outcome 5350 COURTROOM SCHEDULE 2:00 Allen, Traivon 2:00 Covington, Taylor 2:00 14-210480, 83, 85, 86, 14210685, 86, 87, 211449, 50, 51, 52, 14-211998, 99, 2000, 14212001, 02, 03, 14-215298, 99, 300, 301, 307, 14-216787, 88, 92, 188974 93, 94, 95, 96, 97 Blanton, J PRM Nicholson, P PRM Coxton, Brandon 324305 14-211100, 101, 14-211222 14-206812, 13, 14, 18,19, 20, 14370553 207042, 43, 44 Hoel, C PRK 2:00 Graham, John 397061 14-204561, 62, 63 Delucia, J PRK 2:00 Howard, Jaylen 433591 13-251493 Smith, B PRK 2:00 Mathis, Kahlil Trobich, R PRM 2:00 McManus, April 434380 14-210990 13-245580, 81, 246162, 63, 64, 297859 293, 94 El-Khouri, C PRE 2:00 Nesbitt, Kinani 188454 14-212021, 22 Nicholson, P PRE 2:00 Rann, Dennis PRK 2:00 Scales, David 2:00 Smith, Bucky 258849 14-12562, 63 Williams, A 14-206815, 16, 17, 21, 22, 23, 14407365 207036, 37, 38 Rynne, B 13-245583, 84, 85, 621, 22, 227275 246140, 50, 57 Hoel, C 2:00 Thompson, Antonio 219138 14-213153, 54, 57 El-Khouri, C PRJ 2:00 Whitehead, Robert El-Khouri, C PRE 431535 14-4450, 51 Page 6 of 12 PRK PRE ARR 7/3/14 PM 5350 COURTROOM SCHEDULE Wednesday - July 9th, 2014 #NAME? Defendant Name PID # Case Number(s) Attorney ADA Outcome 9:30 Alphonso, Joandry 14-204753, 55; 14-205866-68; 14434667 206503-16 Jackson, L 9:30 Bercini, Douglas 423895 13-237059, 62-64 9:30 Cannon, Joshua 429792 13-233216-18 Blanton, J Panyanouvong ,S 9:30 Fowler, Michael 90100 13-236799; 13-237730 Delucia, J PRD 9:30 Graham, Keith 113251 13-208863 Blanton, J PRD 9:30 Jones, Willie 430226 13-235305-07 Blanton, J PRG 9:30 Keziah, Connie 258713 13-237624-25; 13-238778, 88 PRB 9:30 Malave, Romon 433843 14-203874, 76-77 Davis, R Panyanouvong ,S 9:30 McCoy, Christian 412906 14-8781; 14-202837-39 Trotman, Y PRC 9:30 President, Whitney 431176 13-239935-37 Laughrun, G PRG 9:30 Simmons, Tomonta 13-232778-79, 81; 13-234488, 90375324 91; 13-234671-76; 13-238935, 37 Armstrong, P PRF 9:30 Simmons, Tomonta 375324 13-232969, 71-74 Rogers, M PRF 9:30 Stowe, Scottie 408305 13-244922-23 Wilson, R PRC 9:30 Thorne, Michael 398080 13-200344-45 Hoel, C PRG 9:30 Williams, Matthew 360675 14-6279-80 Delucia, J PRC ft gp 6/27 PRC PRC PRC PRD Bond Hearings - Persons' Team Defendant PID # Case Number(s) Attorney Gsell, S ADA Outcome 2:00 Cruz, Zaibeth 422482 12-252824 PSG Sentencing 2:00 Jackson, K'Shune 2:00 Miller, Corey 435205 14-212114-15 Snow, K 14-212593-94, 96-97; 14-220721115452 22 Oldham, C 2:00 Love, George 57038 14-213234 McCallum, K 2:00 Faison, Lasean 376956 14-218879-81 Everhart, R PSG EM Modification PSD/ FIR 2:00 Erwin, Avion 423359 14-15592-95 Jackson, S PSC PSG PSF Motion to Revoke Bond #NAME? Defendant PID # Case Number(s) Page 7 of 12 Attorney ADA Outcome 5350 COURTROOM SCHEDULE 3:00 Harper, Shyheem 429357 13-231086-87 Racine, R PRG 3:00 3:00 3:00 3:00 #NAME? Defendant PID # Case Number(s) Attorney ADA Outcome ADA Outcome 2:30 #NAME? Defendant PID # 2:00 Harris, Phillip Case Number(s) Attorney 13-215244; 13-218708, 10, 12-13, 282802 16, 18-19 Jackson, L 2:00 Hilty, Amy 422036 12-249804 Brotherton, A PRF 2:00 Leggett, Travis 397907 13-247051 Nicholson, P PRD 2:00 Lewis, Davante 434543 14-204210-13; 14-204568 PRD 2:00 Lomax, Marlon 414025 13-229674-75 Emry, T Panyanouvong ,S 2:00 McQueary, Rondrico 13-243594, 96, 99, 600; 14330644 12557; 14-209557; 14209564-65 Jackson, L PRB 2:00 Williams, Arkell 426168 13-215352-54 Trotman, Y PRD Attorney ADA PRF VD 5/1/14 PRC #NAME? Defendant PID # Case Number(s) 2:00 Bullock, Shanna 430305 14-204636 McCallum, K PRC 2:00 Chisholm, Travion 435932 14-210458, 97, 98, 99, 500 Nicholson, P PRC 2:00 Clyburn, Kenneth 14-211068-76, 14-210828-29, 14125566 212019-20, 423-24 Jackson, L 2:00 Cooper, Bryce 2:00 PRC switched teams Herbert, Jesse 435041 14-12531, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37 14-207003-05; 14-209536; 14408761 210645 El-Khouri, C Long-Hardin, C PRD 2:00 Hill, Donte 341349 14-204848, 50, 52, 14-17940 Havelka, P PRC 2:00 Ingram, Damon 262226 14-201190, 91 Huntley, B PRC Page 8 of 12 Outcome PRF 5350 COURTROOM SCHEDULE 2:00 Jackson, Daquarius 415850 14-210110, 11, 12 Walker, B PRE 2:00 Johnson, Franklin 389984 14-10624, 25, 26, 27 Field, E PRC 2:00 McManus, Donte 369920 14-10632, 33 Jackson, L PRC GP 6/5/14 2:00 Murphy, Londan 371325 14-210250, 51 PRD 2:00 Newton, Joshua 415796 14-208941, 42; 14-206662-63 El-Khouri, C Panyanouvong ,S 2:00 Wall, Tajarvis 329476 13-242957, 58, 59 Trobich, R PRC Page 9 of 12 PRC 5350 COURTROOM SCHEDULE Thursday - July 10th, 2014 #NAME? Defendant PID # Case Number(s) Attorney ADA 9:30 Banks, Kevin 429355 13-231059-60, 62-65 Hoel, C PRG 9:30 Byers, Germany* 215133 13-241630-32; 14-4407-12* Snow, K PRD 9:30 Clinton, Phillip 246361 13-249883-84, 86-89, 936 Roberts, M PRB Galloway, Diamonte 420475 14-200793-95 Gilchrist, J 13-220682, 85; 13-221066-67; 13Blackwood, T 9:30 Green, Christopher 399298 221061-64 9:30 PRC PRB 9:30 Hendricks, Andre 374812 13-242782-91; 13-243585-90 Wilson, R PRC 9:30 Hinson, Sheena 312012 14-8775-76 PRG 9:30 Kanu, Shanitra Thompson, R Panyanouvong, S Saxton, K PRB 12-225098-99 Outcome PRF 9:30 Miller, Briana 14-201381, 84-85, 87, 93, 96, 98; 374224 14-201402, 06, 08-09, 11, 13-15 9:30 Moses, Tommy 266957 14-9578-79 Corbett, R PRD 9:30 Staton, Dominick 410558 13-47832-33 Michel, A PRD 9:30 Stewart, Jermaine 180582 13-234646-47 Stading, M PRF 9:30 Strachan, Kristine 331968 12-236203, 06 Oldham, C PRF 9:30 Watts, Monwazee 431718 13-249878-80 Saxton, K PRG 9:30 Weiland, Ward 130144 14-204973-74 Butler, N PRG Bond Hearings - Homicide Team Defendant 2:00 Kelly, Jason PID # Case Number(s) 250523 14-217856-8, 94 Attorney Clark, H ADA DVF Outcome Attorney ADA Outcome 2:00 #NAME? Defendant McDaniel, Tyrell McCullough, 3:00 Candace 3:00 PID # Case Number(s) 301541 14-1084-86 Blackwood, T PRC 418703 12-232615 Kabakoff, M PRG Notice of Appeal ADA Outcome 3:00 3:00 3:00 #NAME? Defendant PID # Case Number(s) Page 10 of 12 Attorney 5350 COURTROOM SCHEDULE 2:00 Anode, Obina 422008 12-250123 Roseman, B PRF 2:00 Bradley, Billy 424879 13-208862 Kearney, S PRD 2:00 Brooks, Denzel 401627 13-231045-49, 51 Olsinski, J PRG 2:00 Young, Deangelo 434430 14-203266-68, 73-75 Mackey, N PRB #NAME? Defendant PID # Case Number(s) Attorney ADA Butler, N Panyanouvong, S PRC Surles, S PRF Blackwood, T PRC Outcome 2:00 Blakeney, Dequon 367533 14-209434-35; 14-21637 2:00 Daye, Tony 2:00 Evans, Aaron 393760 13-250436 14-207463, 64, 208523, 24, 25, 405685 26, 27, 28 2:00 Jones, Ajewan 409644 14-213461, 62, 64 2:00 Loney, Decodar 2:00 Moore, Donovan 426547 13-216931, 33, 35 14-214054, 55, 56, 57, 14-217378, 384011 79, 80 Diamond, C PRC vd 6/2 2:00 Prophet, Shellie 434852 12-224586, 87, 88 Nicholson, P PRG 2:00 Robinson, Lathan 435703 14-209701, 03, 04 Jackson, L PRD 2:00 Roseboro, Loretta Standing PRG 2:00 Ross, LaJames 285064 13-245579 14-204697, 98, 99, 835, 36, 395685 207617, 18, 19, 210452, 53 Blanton, J PRF vd 5/2 Page 11 of 12 PRC PRF 5350 COURTROOM SCHEDULE Friday - July 11th, 2014 #NAME? Defendant PID # Case Number(s) Attorney ADA Outcome Attorney ADA Outcome 9:30 9:30 9:30 9:30 9:30 9:30 9:30 9:30 9:30 9:30 9:30 9:30 9:30 9:30 9:30 #NAME? Defendant PID # Case Number(s) 2:00 2:00 2:00 2:00 2:00 2:00 Page 12 of 12
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