Ell' Registeredposr l v l - l i 51/ 4 i 3 / 2 C t 1 4 Room No" 2l{i Soutir Blocik h*eu'Delhi 3 No,,'2014 Tcr ,Sirri RerrLesh ltanchoddias Jos 4uru*o,, ::,"df;;, *+il"*,€br4re+A wt's*ni "Jk. r'cf'-1L1 ' w.*w*l fi:tr;:flllHTffl Subject: Rghrt to I'r'rmation ,A.ct,2oo5_tu,o Applications Ramesh Ra:rchocidasj;,til b' Srr.:i ci:atea zo"t tilzoro regardinLg giv,:n by G.rrernment roans of IndL* to other countries. Sir, KJr:Lc1i1 ref,:r t' 1',ourapptication dated 26/11r2014, u,hereirr ')/c'uhia'e' scuflht irefo.imation-,eg"rding loans given b1,,Go'ernmenj: of I'dia to other ccunrries, \'our applications \vere fc,ru,ardecl Division 'l'e' \'A'es;t to this; Asia a''cl North Aiijca Division (wlrNA Dir.ision)ol, the Mtinistn' of Exterrrra-l l.iir.ir. oy nit-i"1, Minist* of E)xterneLl .Affairsr'i<ieo.rM,N,c.Rftii-iz 11534/2014/dated 26.rr.2or,q. :2' '{s the sulrject rnatter of'the infbrmation sor_rght lnore r:1.5sh' corfnec:t,ed bl.vou irs to D'.A,-I Division & .ni. Ministn-, th" tro.o epplicrations re':ferred,-u reavebeen tra'sf.rred to the uncie,: cpro in this "0,^.. Mini*t,v :il:lfille<l for sendirrg i,o, rh,einformatic,n. Str,:i S, K l{irarb, Ur.,derSecretan,(DPA_I), Javrahar fat Veiriu Bhau.an, Room No. 30{36 Ne',uDelhi- I 10001 Yours I'arthfu,llr. ' / - ii .a lReiirrRarrar..l '\ j Ccpbultant (WAtiA) \ . V\J/ .]'oi: lSihris' K Kharb, .rnder llihql*"rr,Room rvo,so'o, siecretarl,(D'A-I), Jau.ahar Lal Nehru rr,,r,,DelhLi-iiobor. It is ''€prlv rna\'' r're',se bt: requestodtha' a sent to ,l: uppii.r*t I)i'isi.n, rtra.r'intimertion-ii, dir.ectr' b.v srr.t, l,t..rl'si'r'dia, us (RTI), Dpl\,1 MEA. inlbrmatlqsr to_ ll="31.u* smt. Xleera*!_for Sisodiaj;S fnif i, frlee -'' , .--:, - ' - . . . : :. ,--..- a' '.-).)\ ,>:. t\ -;.a - i i :-,i ir.., n ..: - I , " 4 . - c ' . . a . ; c c ( i ? , c ,: i cy,,jq?,.y!.tiUio ---j--- -'^ ' - ' q . ' 1 . - rr : : ' . .,t.i ^ l,j,-.. I l-i.', r i ,.'/ ElqJl\ j.--. _*__ --,P: ,t-' c:j ..) r l\, ! j idia -_ tc;. ) ;: 3q;T'z ' f,EiTiz * .l'u,i *-- i e--li;-n3=i $i tsqn:=,,3Tj -- ' \ \ _ ?,. 3 i; /- / .,, :.ir*"i .'ri;j , j-ft=i salC: '-- i i ll 1,1 -I' (L lit't; Tni ? _._ c\ I 1a\" i l .;:-..:-., !:3: J- -J-'$:rr ;t -- :"1 11-), ta?) x:- --'r 'q a;IF; ::-iti o i= :litFn ;; ;-;= 1.o{ El ;:,,;i.. :_-or7;f -; riif l; ___. :__:__ -_: -: ,,1.:- I-z i:i: l;,rq?l= 1{ -: :ri.: =. _.___+:r______ :.r=.f *._: ;_ :.;' ,:==, ' ''"J1 -; "' : l -,t a ! I "' a . , i fi. q Jr.+, { T,.;i' .E +{ i."i r. i i i (,; /- , ,, r;,1/-l 6"/'n" ': --{f"&;irtltlrtot4 F',( .,/ - ; ( _ ^)rt--rD. r i . ; _ , : r * :, _ 1 E j --, -i r ! c --- -_---- i l ',\: tq i \ :-..-.:_ -1 ' ','a : 1 : .i ',-': - 1* _ - r . l ":- i ; .. -i;_.-:. ::--.-* :-;:--- =-=:-::- :-- ii?'.,,: =-r{;- :-TG ! {TT. I l: ;--1;:= ",.j - - i :ii ) e:E;, ir:;', r; ':') :; ai.il:n-i .'' -"g-i -;-*=,il;];$:l:_:,,HJT ;,::1.=.j :=:,1. #:= :.-?:-:l a. -:-.--'.a i i ,t,r-Ii.r=;;e;T :=-:;;; ::-;-- i -tr /,L- (.;Q l {t 7 / t: / t ,l ,/ (,r '!,'(a L / sl,-i-i; sill Fteir:,-i'e i
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