C:\Program Files\CRHM\ QdroD QdfoD Qdro Qdfo SunMax global CalcHr Qsi calcsun hru_t hru_rh hru_ea hru_u hru_p hru_rain hru_snow hru_SunAct hru_tmax hru_tmin hru_tmean hru_eamean hru_umean hru_rhmean hru_newsnow t rh ea u p ppt Qsi Qso Qn Qln SunAct form_data obs net_rain net_snow intcp_evap intcp net cum_net netall Rn Qg Qs net_rn hru_evap transp_on evap pb Cold Regions Hydrological Model Platform, CRHM: Brief Introduction Chris Marsh and John Pomeroy Centre for Hydrology University of Saskatchewan Saskatoon Cold Regions Hydrological Cycle Snowfall Sublimation Blowing Snow Ice Snowmelt Infiltration Frozen Ground Permafrost Evaporation Rainfall Evapotranspiration Sublimation Runoff Interflow Cold Regions Hydrological Model Platform: CRHM Modular – purpose built from C++ modules Modules based upon +45 years of hydrology research at Univ. of Saskatchewan No provision for calibration or optimization; parameters set by knowledge Hydrological Response Unit (HRU) basis landscape unit with characteristic hydrological processes single parameter set horizontal interaction along flow cascade matrix Model tracks state variables and flows for HRU HRUs assumed to represent one response type, basis for coupled energy and mass balance HRUs connected aerodynamically for blowing snow and via dynamic drainage networks for streamflow Incorporate wetlands directly using fill and spill algorithm Building Physically-based, Distributed Hydrological Models with CRHM uses a library of physically-based hydrological and energy balance process modules; handles the following aspects of the modelling process: data pre-processing, module and model building, results analysis is easy to use: employs a Windows environment with pull-down menus. has an extensive HELP file and open module code Cold Regions Hydrological Model DATA COMPONENT Preparation of spatial and meteorological data. Spatial data (e.g. basin area, elevation, location, cover type) is analyzed using an external Geographic Information System (GIS) that assists the user in basin delineation, characterization and parameterization of Hydrological Response Units (HRU). CRHM takes in ArcGIS files with this information. The user can also simply enter this information in a menu for less complex basins Time-series meteorological data include air temperature, humidity, wind speed, precipitation and radiation. Adjustments for elevation (lapse rate), snowfall versus rainfall, interpolation between input observations (stations) Filters permit adjustment to data, changing time interval, creating synthetic data using mathematical functions, interpolating data Unit conversions to consistent SI units Visualization of input data allows checking for quality Observation Files ASCII file created using weather station, atmospheric model or other outputs from Excel, Matlab, IDL, etc. Obs file sets model time step interval Possible to have multiple obs files with varying time steps Interpolation, synthesis tools to fill in missing data or create synthetic data Observations are interpolated onto HRU by CRHM Visualization tools useful in assessing reliability of observations Parameters Parameters describe basin, define HRU and set operation of process modules (examples: basin area, elevation, tree height, soil type, fresh snow albedo) Parameters set based upon understanding of basin and HRU (limits imposed in model) Assumption that substantial transferability of process parameters exists for similar HRU If not known from basin surveys then can be looked up or guessed at No formal facility to calibrate parameters exists in CRHM Calibration possible using external programs such as DDS. Cold Regions Hydrological Model MODEL COMPONENT Utilizes Windows-based series of pull-down menus linked to the system features. Modules, (process algorithms) are selected from the library and grouped together by the CRHM processor. Modules have a set order of execution with a common set of variables and parameters. Modules are created in C++ programming language. Macro modules can be created from within the model using a simple macro language. Hydrological Response Units A HRU is a spatial unit in the basin that has 3 groups of attributes biophysical structure - soils, vegetation, drainage, slope, elevation, area (determine from GIS, maps) hydrological state – snow water equivalent, snow internal energy, intercepted snow load, soil moisture, depressional storage, lake storage, water table (track using model) hydrological flux - snow transport, sublimation, evaporation, melt discharge, infiltration, drainage, runoff. Fluxes are determined using fluxes from adjacent HRU and so depend on location in a flow sequence. HRU need not be spatially continuous but must have some approximate geographical location or location in a hydrological flow sequence HRU Delineation Driving meteorology: temperature, humidty, wind speed, snowfall, rainfall, radiation Blowing snow, intercepted snow Snowmelt and evapotranspiration Infiltration & groundwater Stream network HRU Delineation CRHM Routing HRU routing conceptualizes more complex reality in characteristic sequences HRU to HRU Can include lake, wetland, forest stand Blowing snow and groundwater routed separately from near surface and surface water Flexible – HRU can route sequentially or accumulate in an outflow HRU HRU2 HRU5 HRU3 HRU4 HRU1 HRU0 HRU Routing Example Fallow Stubble Grassland Woodland Wetland Open Water (a) River Channel RB outlet Groups A collection of modules executed in sequence. module Define group: Model incorporation: module module Group Group ‘A’ Module n Module i Group ‘B’ Groups E.g. estimate sub-canopy SWE for forests of differing leaf-area-index Using Groups to define many sub-basins Representative Basins (RB) RB1 RB1 RB2 RB3 RB2 RB4 RB1 Permits upscaling of CRHM to large, complex basins using groups to describe sub-basins RB sub-basins determined in detail as assemblies of HRU RB types repeated with identical module structure (Groups), similar parameters but differing geometry Many RB types allowed in the larger basin Muskingum routing module routes RBs through streams, lakes, wetlands Basin model is a network of RBs linked by a routing module. Representative Basin Routing Example RB 1 RB 2 RB 3 RB 5 RB 4 (b) Smith Creek basin outlet Cold Regions Hydrological Model ANALYSIS COMPONENT Used to display, analyze and export results (Excel, ASCII, Obs). Statistical and graphical tools are used to analyze model performance, allowing for decisions to be made on the best modelling approach. Sensitivity-analysis tools are provided to optimize selected model parameters and evaluate the effects of model parameters on simulation results. Mapping tools use ArcGIS files to map outputs for geographical visualization. CRHM Modules PROCESSES DATA ASSIMILATION Data from multiple sites Interpolation to the HRUs SPATIAL PARAMETERS Basin and HRU parameters are set. (area, latitude, elevation, ground slope, aspect) Infiltration into soils (frozen and unfrozen) Snowmelt (open & forest) Radiation – level, slopes Wind speed variation – complex topo Evapotranspiration Blowing snow transport Interception (snow & rain) Sublimation (dynamic & static) Soil moisture balance Pond/depression storage Surface runoff Sub-surface runoff Routing (hillslope & channel) Radiation α, Ts Diffuse and Direct Slopes Longwave Forest canopy Albedo estimation Limited data requirements References: Brunt, Brutsaert, Garnier & Ohmura, Granger & Gray, Gray and Landine, Pomeroy et al., Satterlund, Sicart et al. Forest Cover Modules New integrated “canopy” module Snow Interception & Sublimation Snow Water Equivalent mm 140 Forest 120 Clearing 100 80 60 40 20 0 North South East Jim MacDonald, MSc research West Interception: snow and rain Sublimation Evaporation Rainfall Snow Snowfall interception Rainfall Interception Storage Throughfall Throughfall Unloading Drip References: Liu, Granger & Pomeroy, Hedstrom & Pomeroy, Parviainen & Pomeroy, Pomeroy et al 1998 Snowmelt dU , Qm + Qn + Q H + Q E + QG + Q D = dt α Qm M= , ρw B hf -Daily EB -Hourly EB -Advection -SCA Depletion -Meltwater Flow -Degree Day -Radiation Index References: Gray & Landine, Kustas et al., Essery, Shook, Marks et al. 1999 Infiltration into Frozen Soils Snowmelt Water INF = (1 − θ p ) SWE 0.584 or Parametric Equation Unlimited Infiltration Limited Infiltration Soils References: Granger et al., Gray et al., Zhao & Gray Restricted Infiltration Runoff Infiltration into Unfrozen Soils Green Ampt Infiltration Depends on Ponding Time Iterative Solution New module considers Ayers infiltration rates References: Green & Ampt; Ogden and Saghafian; Pietroniro in Pomeroy et al; Gray Evaporation Granger-Gray QN or Priestly-Taylor or Penman-Monteith or ShuttleworthWallace G[ s (Q * −QG ) + C vdda / ra ] QE = sG + γ Ta, ea, uz QE QH QA=QN-QG es = f (ea, Ta-Ts) Ts, es, z0 Surface Vegetation & Soil QG Water drawn from 1) canopy 2) recharge zone 3) deep soil References: Granger & Gray, Granger & Pomeroy, Priestly & Taylor Soil - Depressional storage - sub-HRU - can form subsurface runoff or ground water recharge or fill and spill. - transfer of flows between HRUs - Pond storage all of HRU water covered. - parameterization of maximum pond storage. - possible to: (i) leak to subsurface flow or groundwater recharge (ii) fill and spill. Interflow between HRU - subsurface flow can enter downhill HRU as surface or subsurface flow. - - “Soil”: permits dryland or pond water balance and accounts for sub-HRU depressional storage Routing - Muskingum The Muskingum method is based on a variable discharge-storage relationship and is used to route the runoff between HRUs in the RB. The routing storage constant is estimated from the averaged length of HRU to main channel and averaged flow velocity; the average flow velocity is calculated by Manning’s equation based on averaged HRU length to main channel, average change in HRU elevation, overland flow depth and HRU roughness; Reference: Chow (1959, 1964) CRHM Test - Yukon Modular structure HRU based INF = 5 ⋅ (1 − θp ) ⋅ SWE 0.584 INF = C ⋅ S 2.92 0 ⋅ (1 − S I ) 1.64 273.15 − TI ⋅ 273.15 −0.45 ⋅ t0 0.44 Modelling Approach Aggregated vs. Distributed Basin discharge 2002 2003 1.0 Obs Aggregated Distributed 0.4 Q [m3/s] Q [m3/s] 0.8 0.5 0.6 0.4 Obs Aggregated Distributed 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.0 5/01/02 5/09/02 5/17/02 5/25/02 6/02/02 6/10/02 0.0 4/17/03 4/26/03 5/05/03 5/14/03 5/23/03 6/01/03 Time [days] Time [days] CRHM Mountain Structure Model Structure Model Tests - SWE Streamflow Prediction 2006 Mean Bias = -0.13 all parameters estimated from basin data Streamflow Prediction 2007 Mean Bias = -0.068 all parameters estimated from basin data Conclusions CRHM has been a useful modelling platform to explore the influence of model structure, basin discretization, and process parameterisation on hydrological cycle prediction. The physical basis and parameter identifiability of many modules in CRHM permits hydrological prediction with minimal calibration. Recent research has applied CRHM at larger scales and to environments in South America, Europe and Asia as well as agricultural, boreal, mountain and arctic basins throughout Canada. http://www.usask.ca/hydrology/CRHM.php
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