Rajshahi Cadet College Period Calculation, Block Syllabus, Detailed Syllabus & Check Sheet 2nd Term-2014 Class: VII Form: A Form Motto: Labour is Triumph Form Master: Md. Nazir Uddin 1 Period Calculation 1. Duration : From 26 April 2014 to 26 June 2014 & 09 Aug 2014 to 30 Sep 2014 2. Total days : 115 3. Total holidays : 22 (Friday 16 & others 6 days) 4. Parents visiting day : 04 (Including special PD & Novices Drill) 5. Study Tour : 01 4. Total working days : 88 5. Total period per day : 07 6. Total periods : (86 7) + (2 4) = 610 2 Summary of Block Syllabus Block Syllabus nd 2 Term-2014 Class-VII Form-A S/L Subject Total Periods Remarks 1 Bangla 1st paper 37 New comer, HA 2 Bangla 2nd paper 26 SA, KH 3 English 1st paper 38 SM, AS 4 English 2nd paper 38 HK, RK 5 Mathematics 53 MAH, SIR, NU, MR 6 General Science 61 KR, MA, NN 7 Bangladesh and Global Studies 53 SZ, TH, MDR, AK 8 Agricultural Studies 21 HUK, SHI 9 Inform. and Comm. Technology 13 MAJ 10 Islam and Moral Education 50 SU, MRM 11 Arts and Crafts 34 MSH 13 Physical Education 27 SI, HUM 14 Library Class 13 MSH 15 CSC\Form Meeting 13 OIC 16 Public Speaking\IELTS 19 OIC 17 Examination 115 Total Classes 610 3 Detailed Syllabus 2nd Term 2014 Class –VII Form – A Subject: Bangla 1st Paper Code: Bang 1st S/L 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Code Bang 1st Bang 1st Bang 1st Bang 1st Bang 1st Bang 1st Bang 1st Bang 1st Bang 1st Bang 1st Bang 1st Bang 1st Bang 1st Bang 1st L/N 1,3,39 2,5 4,6,49 8,11 10 12,13 14,17,20 15,18 23,26,29 21,24 25,27 28,30,31 33,34,36,37 35,38,41,47,50 Topic/lesson Bolai Bangladesher Redroy Library Anando Class test Mallo daan Banghubandhu Laal Ghora Kolimojur Lokher Ekush Srijonshil Aalochona Sobir Rong Rokea Sakhawat Bangla Kobitar Adyopanto Total Class= Period 3 2 3 2 1 2 3 2 3 2 2 3 4 5 37 Remarks HA New Comer HA New Comer HA HA New Comer HA New Comer HA HA HA HA New Comer 4 Detailed Syllabus 2nd Term 2014 Class –VII Form – A Subject: Bangla 2nd paper Code: Bang 2nd S/L 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Code Bang 2nd Bang 2nd Bang 2nd Bang 2nd Bang 2nd Bang 2nd Bang 2nd Bang 2nd Bang 2nd Bang 2nd Bang 2nd Bang 2nd Bang 2nd Bang 2nd Bang 2nd Bang 2nd Bang 2nd L/N Topic 1,3 2 12 5,9 11,13,15,17 14 18 19,21 20,22 23,25 24,26 27,33 28 34 4 8 16 Chithi/ Vashariti, Bayakoron Dhonni Abedonpotro Bonganubad Dhoni O Borno Shondhi Sharansho o shermormo Shondhi, shodo O pod Vabsomprosharon Shobdorup, shondhi Essay Karok O Bivokti Bisheshoner Abong, O Shando Gathon Bakyo, Biramchinho Banan Total class = Period 2 1 1 2 4 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 27 Remarks SA KH KH SA SA KH KH SA KH SA KH SA KH KH KH KH KH 5 Detailed Syllabus 2nd Term 2014 Class –VII Form – A Subject: English 1st Paper Code: Eng1st S/L 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Code st Eng1 Eng1st Eng1st Eng1st Eng1st Eng1st Eng1st Eng1st Eng1st Eng1st Eng1st Eng1st Eng1st Eng1st Eng1st Eng1st Eng1st Eng1st Eng1st Eng1st Eng1st L/N 1,4 2 3,5 7,13,16 6 9,11 19,22,25 12 14,15 17 18,20 23 24,26 28,31,34 27 29,30 37,40,49 32 33,36 38,39 48 Topic/lesson Rapid Reader Unit 1, Lsn:1-3 Unit 1, Lsn:4-5 Rapid Reader Unit 2, Lsn:1-2 Unit 3, Lsn:1-3 Rapid Reader Unit 3, Lsn:4-5 Unit 4, Lsn:1-3 Unit 4, Lsn:4-5 Unit 4 Review Unit 4, Lsn:7-9 Unit 4, Lsn:10-11 Rapid Reader Unit 5, Lsn:1-2 Unit 5, Lsn:3-4 Rapid Reader Unit 6, Lsn:1-4 Unit 6, Lsn:9 Unit 6, Lsn:10-11 Review Unit 5, 6 Total= Period 2 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 2 1 38 Remarks AS SM SM AS SM SM AS SM SM SM SM SM SM AS SM SM AS SM SM SM SM 6 Detailed Syllabus 2nd Term 2014 Class –VII Form – A Subject: English 2nd paper Code: Eng 2nd S/L 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Code Eng 2nd Eng 2nd Eng 2nd Eng 2nd Eng 2nd Eng 2nd Eng 2nd Eng 2nd Eng 2nd Eng 2nd Eng 2nd Eng 2nd Eng 2nd Eng 2nd Eng 2nd Eng 2nd Eng 2nd Eng 2nd Eng 2nd Eng 2nd Eng 2nd Eng 2nd Eng 2nd C/N 1,2 9,12 4,5 3,6 8,10 13,14 21,24 16,17 20 25,26 28,29 27 31,34 35 30,33 38 36 37 41 39,51 49,50 18 42 Topic Use of Tense Voice Parts of Speech(Noun) Transformation Pronoun Preposition Verb Conjunction Proverb Paragraph Application Paragraph Dialogue Composition Letter Composition Review Voice Composition Review Tense Review Transformation Review Parts of Speech Adjective Composition Total class= Period 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 38 Remarks HK RK HK RK HK HK RK HK HK HK HK RK HK HK RK HK RK HK HK RK HK RK RK 7 Detailed Syllabus 2nd Term 2014 Class –VII Form – A Subject: Mathematics Code: Math S/L 1 Code Math 2 Math 3 4 Math Math 5 Math 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Math Math Math Math Math Math Math Math Math Math Math Math Math Math Math Math Math Math Math C/N 4 Topic/lesson Ale: Algebraic expression (multiplication)Ex-4.1 9 Ale: Division of Algebraic expression, Ex-4.2 19 Ale: Simplify : Ex-4.3 24,29,39,44 Algebraic Formulae and Applications Ex-5.1 49,54,59,64 Algebraic Formulae and Applications Ex-5.2 2,7,12,22,27,32 Ale: Algebraic fraction 42,47,57,62,67,82 Algebraic Equation 1 Geo:Chapter-8(discussion) 6 Geo:Theorem-1 21,41 Geo: Exercise -8(solve) 46 Geo: Median, altitude, Exterior angle 51,56 Geo: Angle (sum property), Theorem-1 61,81 Problem 3 Arth: Fundamental class 8,10 Arth: Square and square roots 15 Arth: Square root through factor 20 Arth: Square root by division 25 Arth: Exercise 1.1 28 Arth: Square root of a fraction 30 Arth: Rational and irrational numbers 38,40 Arth:Ex.1.2 43,45 Arth: Proportion 48,50,53,55,58 Arth: Ratio and proportion 60,63,65,68,83 Loss, Profit & % Total class Period 1 Remarks MAH 1 MAH 1 4 MAH MAH 4 MAH 6 6 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 5 5 54 SIR SIR MR MR MR MR MR MR NU NU NU NU NU NU NU NU NU NU NU Detailed Syllabus Class –VII Form – A 8 2nd Term-2014 Subject: General Science Code: GS Code GS C/N 4,8 Topic Work, power and energy Period 2 Remarks KR 2 GS 16,20 Transformation of energy 2 KR 3 GS 24,28 Renewable energy 2 KR 4 GS 32,36 Non-renewable energy 2 KR 5 GS 40,44 Alternative source of energy 2 KR 6 GS 48,52 Sound and origin of sound 2 KR 8 GS 1,2,5,6,10,14,17,18,22 9 MA 9 GS 8 MA 10 GS Structure of matter(lesson16) 26,30,33,34,37,38,41,42 Structure of matter(lesson78) 45,46,49,50,53,54,65,66 Chapter11(lesson1-10) 8 MA 12 GS 3,7,68,69 Lower organisms 4 NN 13 GS 15,70,19,71 ALGAE and fungi 4 NN 14 GS 23,72,73 Plant tissue 3 NN 15 GS 31,74,35 Animal tissue 3 NN 16 GS 75,39,76 Modified root 3 NN 17 GS 43,77,47,78 Modified stem 4 NN 18 GS 51,79,82 Modified leaves 3 NN Total class = 61 S/L 1 9 Detailed Syllabus 2nd Term 2014 Class –VII Form – A Subject: Bangladesh and Global Studies Code: BGS S/L 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 Code BGS BGS BGS BGS BGS BGS BGS BGS BGS BGS BGS BGS BGS BGS BGS BGS 11 12 BGS BGS L/N 2 6 10 14 18,22 26,30 34 38 42 46 50,54 66 4 8 16,20 24,32 36 40 44,48 52 1,5 Topic/lesson Koibarta rebellion Fakir-sayasi Rebellion Indigo Rebellion Santal Rebellion Language Movement 21points Programmed Election of 1954 Significance Election of 1954 Discrimination in east Pakistan The Six points programmed Mass uprising in 1969 Discussion Economy of Bangladesh Informal economic activities Role of industry in the economy of BD Export and import items of Bd Population of Bangladesh Causes of Popn increase Probleme due to over Popn Revision Election system of Bangladesh Period 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 Remarks TH TH TH TH TH TH TH TH TH TH TH TH MDR MDR MDR MDR MDR MDR MDR MDR SZ 13 BGS 9,13 National level election 2 SZ 14 BGS 17,21 Local level election 2 SZ 15 BGS 25,29 Social problems in Bangladesh 2 SZ 16 BGS 33,37 Law against dowry 2 SZ 17 BGS 45,49 Question session 2 SZ 18 BGS 53,65 Lecture on creative method 2 SZ 19 20 21 22 BGS BGS BGS BGS 3,7,15,23 27,31,35 39,43,47 51,55,67 Introduction on climate of Bangladesh Climatic nature of Bangladesh Causes behind climate change in BD Lecture on creative method Total class 4 3 3 3 53 AK AK AK AK 10 Detailed Syllabus 2nd Term 2014 Class –VII Form – A Subject: Agricultural Studies Code: Ag S/L 1 Code Ag C/N 2 Topic/lesson Introduction of chapter one Period 1 Remarks Mr. Shafiq 2 Ag 4,12 Agriculture for family and society 2 Mr. Shafiq 3 Ag 16 Dependency of human on agriculture 1 Mr. Shafiq 4 Ag 18 Varieties of crops 1 Mr. Shafiq 5 Ag 20 Fish, poultry, goat, cow, Duck, buffalo 1 Mr. Shafiq 6 Ag 24 Agricultural production 1 Mr. Shafiq 7 Ag 28 Agriculture and culture 1 Mr. Shafiq 8 Ag 34 Diversity in agriculture 1 Mr. Shafiq 9 Ag 22,26 Chapter-2 2 Mr. Shafiq 10 Ag 1 Agricultural inputs(lesson1,2) 1 Mr. Humayun 11 Ag 3 Agricultural inputs(lesson3,4) 1 Mr. Humayun 12 Ag 9 Agricultural inputs(lesson5,6) 1 Mr. Humayun 13 Ag 17,19 Agricultural inputs(lesson7,8,9) 2 Mr. Humayun 14 Ag 21 Agricultural inputs(lesson10,11,12) 1 Mr. Humayun 15 Ag 23 Revision Lesson (1-5) 1 Mr. Humayun 16 Ag 25 Revision Lesson (6-12) 1 Mr. Humayun 17 Ag 27,33 Agricultural production 2 Mr. Humayun Total Class 21 11 Detailed Syllabus 2nd Term 2014 Class –VII Form – A Subject: Islam and Moral Education Code: IME S/L 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Code IME IME IME IME IME IME IME IME IME IME IME IME IME IME IME IME IME IME IME IME IME IME IME IME C/N 1,4 5,8 13,17,24 32,33 36,37 40,41 44,45,48 49,52 56 65 68 2,3 6,7,10 11,14,15 18,19 22,23 26,27 30,31 34,35,51 38,39,50 43,46,47 54,55 66 67 Topic/lesson Chapter 1(Lesson:1) Chapter 1(Lesson:2) Chapter 1(Lesson:3) Chapter 1(Lesson:4) Chapter 1(Lesson:5) Chapter 1(Lesson:6) Chapter 1(Lesson:7) Chapter 1(Lesson:8) Chapter 1(Lesson:9) Revision (1-5) Revision (6-9) Chapter 2(Lesson:1) Chapter 2(Lesson:2) Chapter 2(Lesson:3) Chapter 2(Lesson:4) Chapter 2(Lesson:5) Chapter 2(Lesson:6) Chapter 2(Lesson:7) Chapter 2(Lesson:8) Chapter 2(Lesson:9) Chapter 2(Lesson:10) Revision (1-3) Revision (4-7) Revision (8-10) Total class= Period 2 2 3 2 2 2 3 2 1 1 1 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 2 1 1 50 Remarks MRM MRM MRM MRM MRM MRM MRM MRM MRM MRM MRM SU SU SU SU SU SU SU SU SU SU SU SU SU 12 Detailed Syllabus nd 2 Term-2014 Class –VII Form – A Subject: Information and Communication Technology Code: ICT S/L Code C/N Topic 1 ICT 1,2 Concept of Computer 2 ICT 3,4,5,6 Concept of MS word 3 ICT 7,8,9,10 Introduce title bar and menu bar 4 ICT 11,12,13 Font style and font size 5 ICT 16 Revision Total class Period 2 4 4 3 1 14 Remarks MAJ MAJ MAJ MAJ MAJ Detailed Syllabus 2nd Term 2014 Class –VII Form – A Subject: Arts and Crafts Code: Art S/L 1 Subject Art C/N 1,2 2 Art 3,4,5 3 Art 6,8,10 4 Art 12,13,14 5 Art 17,18,20,21 6 Art 24,25,26,27 7 Art 28,29,30,31 8 Art 33,34,35,36 9 Art 37,38,39 10 Art 41 11 Art 49 12 Art 50,51 Topic/lesson The history of teaching: Fine Arts in Bangladesh(L:1,2) The history of teaching: Fine Arts in Bangladesh(L:3,4) The history of teaching: Fine Arts in Bangladesh(L:6,7,8) Fine Arts and Crafts in Language of all people of all age (L:1,2) Fine Arts and Crafts in Language of all people of all age (L:3,4) Fine Arts and Crafts in Language of all people of all age (L:5,6) The folk Art and Handicrafts of Bangladesh(L:1) The folk Art and Handicrafts of Bangladesh(L:2,3) The folk Art and Handicrafts of Bangladesh(L:4,5) The folk Art and Handicrafts of Bangladesh(L:6) Different medium of Drawing Picture(L:1-4) Various interesting Practices of Drawing Pictures Total class= Period 2 Remarks MSH 3 MSH 3 MSH 3 MSH 4 MSH 4 MSH 4 MSH 4 MSH 3 MSH 1 MSH 1 MSH 2 MSH 34 13 Detailed Syllabus 2nd Term 2014 Class –VII Form – A Subject: Physical Education Code: PE S/L 1 Subject PE C/N 1 Topic/lesson Rules of Assembly, Period 1 Remarks SI 2 PE 3,5 Effects of physical exercise 2 SI 3 PE 7 Demerits of exercise, 1 SI 4 PE 9 1 SI 5 PE 11,13,15 3 SI 6 PE 17,19,21 Exercise with and without instruments Educational gymnastic, Exercise Scouting and girl guide 3 SI 7 PE 23,25 Pionering and lashing 2 SI 8 PE 4 Primary Aid 1 HUK 9 PE 6,8,10,12 Exercise-1 4 HUK 10 PE 14,16,18,32,20,22 Exercise-2 6 HUK 11 PE 31 Review chapter one 1 HUK 12 PE 24,30 Review chapter two 2 HUK Total Class= 27 14
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