33⁄8-in HSD High Shot Density Perforating Gun System High shot density with optimal phasing and featuring PowerJet deep penetrating shaped charges APPLICATIONS ■■ Natural, stimulated, and sand control completions ■■ Completion restrictions ■■ Deep penetration ■■ Multiple-interval perforating The 33⁄8-in HSD* high shot density perforating gun system is for operations in 4½- to 5½-in casing but has applications in completions where downhole restrictions limit gun size, including through-tubing, dualcompletion, monobore, and extended-reach operations. The standard 33⁄8-in HSD gun has a 60° spiral hole pattern and can be loaded with a choice of charges up to 6 spf. This configuration is ideally suited for fracture stimulation operations that require 120° or 60° phasing and charges that provide a large entrance hole. A 4-spf, 180°-phased gun is also available for alignment with the preferred fracture plane (PFP). For sand control, the 33⁄8-in HSD gun can be used at 12 spf with 135°/45° phasing and PowerFlow* slug-free big hole shaped charges to maximize the area open to flow. For sand prevention, the optimized phasing prevents failure of the sand around the perforation cavity and minimizes perforation-to-perforation collapse. Where deep penetration is critical—for natural completions, penetrating beyond formation damage, or in hard formations—the PowerJet* 3406 deep penetrating shaped charge is used. Specifically developed for perforating operations in formations with high compressive strength, the charge penetrates deeper than 19 in into Nugget sandstone targets. The 33⁄8-in HSD guns can be conveyed using wireline, slickline, tubing, or coiled tubing. Multiple guns are easily aligned with intercarriers. Mechanical Specifications Outside diameter, in Shots per foot (spf), phasing, ° Shot spacing, in Temperature rating, degF [degC] Pressure rating, psi Min. casing size, in Nominal lengths, ft Interval missed between guns, in Max. outside diameter including burrs, in Loaded 20-ft gun weight in air, lbm Tensile load, lbf 3.275 With fin standoffs: 4.4 4, 60; 4, 180; 5, 180 6, 60; 12, 135/45 4 spf: 3; 5 spf: 2.4 6 spf: 2; 12 spf: 1 400 [204]† 20,000 4½ 5, 10, 20, 30 12 Shot in liquid: 3.66 Shot in gas: 3.70‡ 351§ 147,000†† † With high-temperature explosives and seals for gas using UltraJet* deep penetrating shaped charges and HyperJet* casing perforating charges § Depends on gun configuration and charge type †† Based on worst-case material and machining tolerances ‡ Rated 3 3⁄8-in HSD gun, 12 spf, 135°/45° phasing. 33⁄8-in HSD High Shot Density Perforating Gun System 180° 45° 60° 12 spf 6 spf 180° 270° 0° 90° 180° 0 in 180° 270° 0° 0 in 4 spf 90° 180° 180° 270° 0° 90° 180° 0 in 1 in 2 in 12 in 12 in 24 in 24 in 6 spf, 60° Phasing 3 in 12 in 24 in 12 spf, 135°/45° Phasing 51⁄ 2-in Casing 4 spf, 180° Phasing Shot patterns for the 3 3⁄8-in HSD gun system for 4½- and 5½-in casing. API Statistics† API RP 19B shot in 4½-in 11.6-lbm/ft casing (PowerFlow charge shot in 5½-in, 17.0 lbm/ft-casing) Charge Explosive Burr Shots Entrance Area Penetration, Type, Max. per Foot, Hole, in Avg./Max., Open in Weight, g Phasing,° in to Flow, in2/ft PowerJet 3406‡ HMX, 22.7 6, 60 0.37 0.06/0.09 – 36.5 PowerJet 3406‡ HNS, 25.0 6, 60 0.31 0.05/0.10 – 28.8 UltraJet 3406‡ HMX, 22.7 6, 60 0.44 0.06/0.13 – 31.4 HyperJet 3406 RDX, 22.7 6, 60 0.49 0.06/0.11 – 23.5 34B CleanSHOT* RDX, 21.7 6, 60 0.31 0.04/0.08 – 18.5 34JL UltraJet HMX, 21.7 6, 60 0.37 0.06/0.09 – 28.9 PowerFlow 3412‡ HMX, 14.2 12, 135/45 0.64 0.07/0.10 3.86 4.5 PowerFlow 4621‡ HMX, 19.4 5, 120 0.81 0.08/0.11 2.58 5.9 Temperature, degF Target Strength, psi Test Date 1 h: 400 100 h: 300 1 h: 500 100 h: 460 1 h: 400 100 h: 300 1 h: 340 100 h: 240 1 h: 340 100 h: 240 1 h: 400 100 h: 300 1 h: 400 100 h: 300 1 h: 400 100 h: 300 6,868 04/2004 7,782 09/2004 7,051 01/2007 6,030 06/2000 5,991 04/1996 6,404 08/1996 7,131 01/2003 5,992 03/2006 † Entrance ‡ API hole, penetration, temperature 19B Registered Perforation Systems www.slb.com/perforating *Mark of Schlumberger Copyright © 2014 Schlumberger. All rights reserved. 13-PE-0012
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