Fuji Intelligent Color Enhancement Spectral Endoscopic Image Processing Technology Spectral endoscopic image processing technology has been developed to estimate spectral information from RGB image data obtained through a routine endoscopy and to better characterize mucosal tissue structures. This is Fuji’s Spectral Endoscopic Image Processing Technology FICE TM (Fuji Intelligent Color Enhancement). C O N T E N T S Physicians' name Facility Page Dr. Hiroyuki Osawa Jichi Medical University, Tochigi, Japan Dr. Masahito Inoue Chiba University, Chiba, Japan Dr. Chen Xing People's Hospital of Shan Xi Province, Shan Xi, China 11-14 Dr. Juergen Pohl Dr.-Horst-Schmidt-Kliniken, Wiesbaden, Germany 15 -19 Dr. Herbert Burgos Gastro Clinica, San Jose, Costa Rica 20 -26 3-6 7-10 Early Gastric Cancer Conventional R550 G500 B470 Early gastric cancer, IIc, Well differentiated adenocarcinoma Photograph provided by Dr.Osawa, Jichi Medical University, Japan. 3 Early Gastric Cancer Conventional R550 G500 B470 Early gastric cancer, IIc, Well differentiated adenocarcinoma Photograph provided by Dr.Osawa, Jichi Medical University, Japan. 4 Early Gastric Cancer Conventional R550 G500 B470 Early gastric cancer, IIc, Well differentiated adenocarcinoma Photograph provided by Dr.Osawa, Jichi Medical University, Japan. 5 Early Gastric Cancer Conventional R550 G500 B470 Early gastric cancer, IIc, signet ring cell carcinoma Photograph provided by Dr.Osawa, Jichi Medical University, Japan. 6 Early Gastric Cancer Conventional R520 G500 B405 Early gastric cancer tub1, IIa+IIc Photograph provided by Dr.Inoue, Chiba University, Japan. 7 Early Gastric Cancer Conventional R520 G500 B405 Early gastric cancer operation : sig, IIa+IIc, SM2 Photograph provided by Dr.Inoue, Chiba University, Japan. 8 Early Gastric Cancer Conventional R520 G500 B405 Early gastric cancer ESD:tub1,m,ly0,v0 Photograph provided by Dr.Inoue, Chiba University, Japan. 9 Early Gastric Cancer Conventional R520 G500 B405 Early gastric cancer IIa+IIc biopsy:tub1 Photograph provided by Dr.Inoue, Chiba University, Japan. 10 Rectal polyp Conventional R520 G500 B405 Rectal polyp which seems to be a tubular adenoma, IIIL pit pattern Photograph provided by Dr. Chen Xing, People's Hospital of Shan Xi Province, China. 11 Polyp Conventional R520 G500 B405 A polyp which seems to be a Laterally spreading tumor ( LST ), IV pit pattern Photograph provided by Dr. Chen Xing, People's Hospital of Shan Xi Province, China. 12 Rectal Ulcer Conventional R520 G500 Rectal Ulcer, regular vessel Photograph provided by Dr. Chen Xing, People's Hospital of Shan Xi Province, China. 13 B405 Rectal Cancerous Change of Adenoma Polyp Conventional R550 G500 B400 Rectal cancerous change of adenoma polyp, irregular vessel Photograph provided by Dr. Chen Xing, People's Hospital of Shan Xi Province, China. 14 Early Gastric Cancer Conventional R500 G480 B420 Clear differentiation between neoplastic and non-neoplastic tissue Photograph provided by Juergen Pohl, MD, PhD, Dr.-Horst-Schmidt-Kliniken, Wiesbaden, Germany 15 Early Barrett’s cancer Conventional R500 G480 B420 Enhanced neo-vascularisation of the early cancer Photograph provided by Juergen Pohl, MD, PhD, Dr.-Horst-Schmidt-Kliniken, Wiesbaden, Germany 16 Gastro-esophageal junction Conventional R500 G480 B420 Normal capillary network in the region of the gastroesophageal junction Photograph provided by Juergen Pohl, MD, PhD, Dr.-Horst-Schmidt-Kliniken, Wiesbaden, Germany 17 Gastro-esophageal junction with Barrett’s tongue Conventional R500 G480 B420 Clear demarcation of the Barrett’s tongue with gyriform structure of the epithelium Photograph provided by Juergen Pohl, MD, PhD, Dr.-Horst-Schmidt-Kliniken, Wiesbaden, Germany 18 Colonic adenoma Conventional R520 G500 B405 Enhanced pit pattern of the adenoma which allows a better classification Photograph provided by Juergen Pohl, MD, PhD, Dr.-Horst-Schmidt-Kliniken, Wiesbaden, Germany 19 Non-Erosive Oesophagitis Conventional R540 G490 B420 Multiple intrapapillary capillary loops are related with mild inflammation Photograph provided by Dr. Herbert Burgos, Gastro Clinica, San Jose, Costa Rica 20 Complete Intestinal Metaplasia in Antral Mucosa Conventional R540 G415 B415 The incomplete Intestinal metaplasia is shown as a light blue border over the nodules Photograph provided by Dr. Herbert Burgos, Gastro Clinica, San Jose, Costa Rica 21 Chemical Gastritis Conventional R520 G500 B405 Superficial vascular pattern with normal crypts, related with gastritis Photograph provided by Dr. Herbert Burgos, Gastro Clinica, San Jose, Costa Rica 22 Gastric Metaplasia in Duodenum Conventional R520 G500 B405 The presence of Helicobacter sp. can increase the risk of duodenal ulcer Photograph provided by Dr. Herbert Burgos, Gastro Clinica, San Jose, Costa Rica 23 Ileal Lymphoid Hyperplasia Conventional R540 G490 B420 The FICE pattern shows regular elevated mucosa without inflammation Photograph provided by Dr. Herbert Burgos, Gastro Clinica, San Jose, Costa Rica 24 Tubular Adenoma with High Grade Dysplasia (HGD) Conventional R550 G500 B470 The polyp has HGD in the depressed and less vascular border Photograph provided by Dr. Herbert Burgos, Gastro Clinica, San Jose, Costa Rica 25 Colonic Adenoma Conventional R550 G500 B470 Type I-sp polyp with Kudo III-L pattern, biopsy revealed a tubular adenoma Photograph provided by Dr. Herbert Burgos, Gastro Clinica, San Jose, Costa Rica 26 FICE is a trademark of Fujinon Corporation. Due to a continuous process of product improvement, specifications are subject to change without notice. ATLAS 2007・07・LA / 1a-5000 SGE-076-00
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