Order of Service - Unitarian Universalist Metro Atlanta North

The Ordination of
Patricia Kim Palmer
into the Unitarian Universalist Ministry
Sunday, November 23, 2014 at 4:00 pm
Unitarian Universalist Metro Atlanta North
“Respond to every call that excites your spirit.”
Mr. Huu Mai
Processional Hymn #126 Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing
Come thou fount of ev’ry blessing, tune our hearts to sing thy grace.
Streams of mercy never ceasing call for songs of loudest praise.
While the hope of life’s perfection fills our hearts with joy and love,
Teach us ever to be truthful, may we still thy goodness prove.
Come thou fount of ev’ry vision, lift our eyes to what may come.
See the lion and the young lamb dwell together in thy home.
Hear the cries of war fall silent, feel our love glow like the sun.
When we all serve one another, then our heaven is begun.
Come thou fount of inspiration, turn our lives to higher ways.
Lift our gloom and desperation, show the promise of this day.
Help us bind ourselves in union, help our hands tell of our love.
With thine aid, O fount of justice, earth be fair as heav’n above.
Welcome and Call to Worship Chalice Lighting The Rev. Cynthia Prescott
Ms. Linda and Mr. Lawton Etheridge
From the UUA
Southern Region From the Chaplaincy
The Rev. Robin Brown-Haithco
Sacred Text Readings
Matthew 25:34-40
Ms. Maggie Lovins
Apostle Maureen Williams
Bhagavad Gita 3:19-20 & 6:29, 32 Ms. Diantha Horton
Prayer Pastor Pamela Richardson
Offertory Hallelujah, Leonard Cohen Sermon [Title to be determined]
Anthem Be Thou My Vision
Mr. Dave Hudson
Mr. Huu Mai
The Rev. Greg Ward
The UUMAN Chalice Choir
Act of Ordination
Mr. John Wheeler, UUMAN President
Mr. John Wheeler: Will the members of the Unitarian Universalist
Metro Atlanta North Congregation please rise in body or spirit?
In our Unitarian Universalist tradition, the authority to ordain
ministers lies wholly with the congregation. Ordination is the
setting apart of one from among us, the act by which a person is
vested with special ministerial authority. It is a rite of passage in
which the congregation places one under orders as a minister. Kim
Palmer, this congregation has sponsored you and walked beside
you on your journey to ministry. In our eyes and in our hearts, you
are a minister. Today, we confirm your calling. Are you ready to
formally and fully enter upon this ministry?
Kim: I am.
Members of the Congregation: We, the members of the Unitarian
Universalist Metro Atlanta North Congregation, do hereby ordain
you, Patricia Kimberley Palmer, to the Unitarian Universalist
ministry. We send you forth into this ministry to speak truth in
courage and wisdom, celebrate the mystery and wonder of life, walk
with people in their joys and sorrows, embody the principles of our
faith, and above all serve the world with compassion and love.
Kim: Mindful of its privileges and responsibilities, I take up the
ministry to which you ordain me.
Presentation of the Stole
The Rev. Terry Davis and Ms. Marty Harvey
Laying on of Hands Choral Response Sevenfold Amen
The Rev. Jan Taddeo
The UUMAN Chalice Choir
Charge to the Minister The Rev. Jeff Jones
Extending the Hand of Fellowship The Rev. Joan Armstrong Davis
Extinguishing the Chalice
Benediction Ms. Caren Connelly
The Rev. Kim Palmer
Recessional Hymn
#29 Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee
Mr. Huu Mai is the Music Director at Unitarian
Universalist Metro Atlanta North.
Mr. David Hudson is on the ordination committee and is a
lay leader at Unitarian Universalist Metro Atlanta North.
The Reverend Cynthia Prescott serves as the Interim
Minister at Unitarian Universalist Metro Atlanta North.
The Reverend Greg Ward serves as the Interim Minister at
Unitarian Universalist Church of Berkeley and is a former
Minister of Unitarian Universalist Metro Atlanta North.
Ms. Linda Etheridge is on the ordination committee and
is the Special Projects Trustee on the Board of Trustees at
Unitarian Universalist Metro Atlanta North.
Dr. John Wheeler is the President of the Board of Trustees
at Unitarian Universalist Metro Atlanta North.
Mr. Lawton Etheridge is a respected elder and member of
Unitarian Universalist Metro Atlanta North.
The Reverend Terry Davis serves as the Minister at
Northwest Unitarian Universalist Congregation.
Ms. Maggie Lovins is Congregational Life Staff of the
Southern Region of the Unitarian Universalist Association.
Ms. Marty Harvey is Kim’s life partner.
The Reverend Robin Brown-Haithco is the Director of
Spiritual Health and Staff Support, and ACPE Clinical
Pastoral Educator at Emory University Hospital.
Apostle Maureen Williams is the Church Leader of Oasis
International Worship Center.
Ms. Diantha Horton is a respected elder and member of
Unitarian Universalist Metro Atlanta North.
Pastor Pamela Richardson is the Pastor of Community
Relations at St. Timothy United Methodist Church.
The Reverend Jan Taddeo serves as the Parish Minister for
the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Gwinnett.
The Reverend Jeff Jones serves as the Minister at Emerson
Unitarian Universalist Congregation.
The Reverend Joan Armstrong Davis is an Affiliated
Community Minister with the Northwest Unitarian
Universalist Congregation.
Ms. Caren Connelly is Kim’s sister-in-law.
I once asked a bird,
“How is it that you fly in this gravity
Of darkness?”
She responded,
“Love lifts
Special Thanks
To the members, friends, and leadership of Unitarian
Universalist Metro Atlanta North: you introduced me to
Unitarian Universalism, nurtured me, encouraged me, and
now send me forth into ministry. A special thanks to Bill
Horton, who started me on my spiritual journey with a
pointed question that opened my heart to introspection.
To the faculty, staff, and students of Candler School of
Theology who fostered my learning and challenged me
to spiritual growth, especially the class of 2013 and most
especially Pamela, Maureen, Brenda, Ella, and Chan.
To my cluster colleagues, especially my mentor Joan
Armstrong Davis and advisers Jeff Jones, Paul Daniel, and
Terry Davis, who taught me how to be a UU minister by
their example.
To my chaplain colleagues, especially CPE supervisors
Tim Park and Robin Brown-Haithco, colleagues Krisha
Arvin, Pamela Randall, and Wendy Wyche, and peers
Elias, Zack, Hye Jin, Caroline, and Sam. I appreciate
the learning and the journey. Thanks also to my UUA
Internship Committee: Heather Collins, Terry Davis,
Debra Greenwood, Tessie Mandeville, and Gene Robinson.
To the medical and support staff of Emory University
Hospital who partnered with me in my ministry and to
the countless patients who touched my heart, especially
the back-slid Pentecostal, the atheist with brain cancer, the
Catholic whose mother was in ICU, the Rastafarian, and
the couple who asked me to bless their union. May you all
repose in the Source of all healing.
To my ordination committee: Joe Creech, Linda Etheridge,
Dave Hudson, Barb Sample, and Sue Tromblee, who have
each supported me over the years and joyfully helped
make today’s celebration happen with their generosity and
their time. Thanks also to Margot Bogue for designing
the invitation and Order of Service, Karen Reagle for the
hand-made guest book, Arthur McIntyre for arranging
the flowers, Carlton Harrington and the hospitality team
for making the reception a success, and the myriad people
who contributed in other ways.
To all who participated in today’s service including the
members of the UUMAN Chalice choir. I am honored.
To Marty, who not only supported me on my journey but
joined me so that we could journey together.
Stained glass window artist:
Jim Woodruff, Athens, GA