Institut for Idræt og Ernæring THE LANGUAGE OF THE BODY IN PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE - contact, presence, embodied leadership and personal communication Daring to make an impact Qualitative Conference Keele University Associate Professor , ph.d. Helle Winther University of Copenhagen. 25. marts 2014 Dias 1 Institut for Idræt og Ernæring The language of the body An overseen factor in professional practice & Education ? How can it be trained? 25. marts 2014 Dias 2 Institut for Idræt og Ernæring The body is always speaking Human beings “speak” first through and with the body. The flow of words may stop, but the body is always in movement – always communicating. Still, the body, and certainly movement, is an often overlooked potential in many forms of education . (Winther, 2012; Sabetti & Freligh, 2001; MerleauPonty, 2006; Thornquist, 2005). 25. marts 2014 Dias 3 Institut for Idræt og Ernæring Tacit Consciousness The language of the body in professional practice and leadership is thus often lived through .....a tacit consciousness (Meekums, 2007). 25. marts 2014 Dias 4 Institut for Idræt og Ernæring THE BODY- a paradox ? Earlier disregard of the body may have been due to the formerly dominant dualistic view of the body and of humanity, which has characterised Western society. Thus we may gather inspiration from phenomenology, philosophy of the senses, body psychology and movement psychology in the attempt to shed light on the meaning of the body in dialogue processes and professional practice. 25. marts 2014 Dias 5 Institut for Idræt og Ernæring The language of the body in professional practice Trust Contact Presence Empathy Leadership Authenticity & Crisis management in professional practice Editor: Winther Contributors: Per Fibæk Lauersen, Per Schultz Jørgensen, Mia Herskind ,Tom Andersen Kjær, Charlotte Svendler Nielsen; Betina Hansen; Mette Schmidt, Lars Emmerik Knudsen; Balder Brøndsted, Christina Madsen, Linda Hejselbak Jensen, Poula Helth; Christa Amhøj, Mathias Berg, Tina Thilo 25. marts 2014 Dias 6 Institut for Idræt og Ernæring The embodiment of leadership Covering leadership in the arts and humanities, this volume explores the notion that leadership situated in a body that moves, acts, has emotions and desires, ages, experiences, hurts, and senses. 25. marts 2014 Dias 7 Institut for Idræt og Ernæring Projects: EMBODIMENT IN EDUCATION 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ? PE education. University of Copenhagen. Dance teaching and high school teacher training. University of Copenhagen. Teacher education. University College. The hospital field Nurse education. ”The dancing nurses”, The professionals: doctors, nurses physiotherapists,) Leaders. Financial Sector, Copenhagen –Business School and contact to the international leadership organisation. Post graduate education - different types of experienced professionals Dancing nurses Embodied leaders Moving Teachers 25. marts 2014 Dias 8 Institut for Idræt og Ernæring Three communication dimensions What? The content of words HOW? The tone of the voice The language of the body 25. marts 2014 Dias 9 Institut for Idræt Resonans To meet through the third dimension THE LANGUAGE OF THE BODY? Institut for Idræt og Ernæring Body language is our mother tounge The language of the body develops in the small child long before spoken language. In all human relationships, bodily communication is both a personally and culturally toned mother tongue (Halprin,2002; Winther, 2009). 25. marts 2014 Dias 11 Institut for Idræt og Ernæring Trust Trust beyond words The bodily is also of great importance in professions which involve confidentiality, trust building, and senses-based attention to patients or clients. In these professions, all bodies, the professionals’ included, become more visible, and the body language dynamics, which always exist, are experienced more distinctly (Andersen Kjær, 2011; Meekums, 2007; Payne, 2008; Winther, 2012). 25. marts 2014 Dias 12 Institut for Idræt og Ernæring The personal in the professional The personal in the professional is an area which in later years has been given more and more attention and relevance (Avolio & Gardner, 2005; Ladkin & Taylor, 2009; Nielsen, Marrone & Slay, 2010; Avolio, Walumbwa & Weber, 2010; Plauborg, Andersen, Ingerslev & Fibæk Laursen, 2010). In spite of the fact that increasingly more focus has been given to personal, emotional and relational work in the professional room, the importance of soma for this dynamic, paradoxically enough, has been given relatively little attention –also in leadership studies (Ledkin & Taylor, 2010; Meekums, 2007). 25. marts 2014 Dias 13 Institut for Idræt og Ernæring The magnified bodily communication .. Professionals who work with others as such, taking into account their profession, position, responsibility and authority, receive a form of magnified attention to their bodily and emotional communication (Winther, 2012; Andersen Kjær, 2011). 25. marts 2014 Dias 14 Institut for Idræt og Ernæring Embodied professionality Professional communication finds itself, in a constantly present triad which is at once bodily, personal and professional (Winther, 2009). One does not exist without the other, but may display itself with varying strength. 25. marts 2014 Dias 15 Institut for Idræt og Ernæring Embodied professional competence 1. Self-contact and somatic awareness 2. Communication reading and contact ability. 3. Leadership in groups or situations. 25. marts 2014 Dias 16 (Winther, 2012; 2013) Institut for Idræt og Ernæring Level 1 . Self contact and somatic awareness Contact with one’s own body and personal feelings; the ability to be focused and present; the ability to include one’s heart and still keep a professional focus and a private boundary 25. marts 2014 Dias 17 Institut for Idræt og Ernæring Bodyawareness The better the professional knows him- or herself And their own bodily signals In various situations The easier it will be to keep or find selfcontact. GROUNDING CENTERING 25. marts 2014 Dias 18 Institut for Idræt og Ernæring LEVEL 2 Communication reading and contact ability The ability to see, listen, sense and notice; the ability to read both verbal and bodily communication; the ability to create trustful and empathic contact with others; the ability to contain and manage conflicts (Winther, 2012; 2013) 25. marts 2014 Dias 19 Institut for Idræt og Ernæring The body as Sounding board It is the professional, There with his or her body Who must create a sounding board for the other ... not the opposite. The professional who can see, read, listen and be in movement may react with competence, presence and efficacy to both verbal and non-verbal processes, because this person also senses what is not said in the tone of voice, and when to catch the body’s duets and stories. Using the senses can also be trained 25. marts 2014 Dias 20 Institut for Idræt og Ernæring TUNING IN The body is always communicative and multi-sensing, and often the body expresses something that is not told completely in words (Andersen Kjær, 2011; Fuchs, 2012; Lowen, 2006; Winther, 2009). Finding the tone between two or more people is described in various contexts by concepts related to harmony (Løgstrup, 1983) and resonance (Sabetti and Freligh, 2001). Micromovements 25. marts 2014 Dias 21 Institut for Idræt RESONANCE & DissonanS the sensual & energetic dimension (Sabetti, 2001, Winther, 2012). Institut for Idræt og Ernæring Eyecontact .. one of the individuals most meaningull tools for contact. The eyes can lit up with love, but they can also express distance, power or lack of empathy. To clients or patients the energy in the professional´s gaze can be what decides whether the feel, seen, stripped, watched or overlooked. Therefore professionals must also train their ability to See 25. marts 2014 Dias 23 (‘winther,2013) Institut for Idræt og Ernæring THE ART OF TOUCHING In all societies, touch is connected to closeness, intimacy and care, and body contact is one of humanity’s most basic forms of communication. In hospital contexts, the professional therefore must know the art of touching both as a source of care, security, setting limits, and respect. (Argyle, 2006; Moberg, 2006; Winther, 2009) . 25. marts 2014 Dias 24 Institut for Idræt Bodycontact Institut for Idræt MOVEMENTREADING & MICRO-MOVEMENTS & MICRO-MOVEMENTS Institut for Idræt TERRITORIALZONES -..subcodes in embodied communication Dynamic,feelable, energetic, universal and yes cultural influenced zones * intimate zone, * personal zone * social zone (Gebauer & Wulf 2001; Hall 1973; Winther, 2012). No leadership without followership ”… there is no leadership without followership, no leader without a follower” (Burge, Batchelor, & Cox, 2013, p. 3). 25. marts 2014 Dias 28 Institut for Idræt og Ernæring LEVEL 3 Leadership in groups or situations Professional overview, radiation, centering, clear leadership of the group or situation; the ability to enter or hold a space with a trustworthy and body-based authority and humility (Winther, 2012; 2013) 25. marts 2014 Dias 29 Institut for Idræt og Ernæring 3. Entering and creating a Space To create and hold the professional space is important for credibility, authority and creating relationships. In teaching or leadership contexts, it may be important to be able dare to be “on.” To be personal, powerful, bodily and professionally present. It is important to be able to bear such magnified bodily communication, for it is through the body that authority in the room is negotiated (Thornquist,2005). To be personal, powerful, bodily and professionally present - 25. marts 2014 Dias 30 autority Institut for Idræt og Ernæring 3. Holding a space – about humility Here too, the professional must fill the room with his or her sensed presence This entails both professional humility and an ability to remain in oneself, so that another person can notice that there is room to be there too, with them. In these contexts, the professional should primarily take the lead in the situation and go into the possibly fragile room with great respect. (Winther, 2012) 25. marts 2014 Dias 31 Institut for Idræt POWERPOSITIONS Status …høj og lav status i kropssproglig HIGH kommunikation Institut for Idræt og Ernæring THE LARGE DANCE & THE TINY DANCE 25. marts 2014 Dias 33 THE LARGE AND THE TINY DANCE dance Movement with inspiration from and martial arts Grounding and centering Institut for Idræt og Ernæring Body awareness Awareness of own breath and voice Territorialzones Awareness of micromovements Tuning in Silence Touch and body contact Movementreading Courage to be on Taking, creating and holding a space Status traning Training of both flexible and powerfull bodymovements/energy. Consciosusness, narrative embodied stories, 25. marts 2014 Dias 34 Institut for Idræt og Ernæring THE DILEMMA The work in a e.g. a hospital does involve to a large degree body communication presence and contact (Andersen Kjær, 2012). On the other hand many students struggle with a personal bodily 25. marts 2014 Dias 35 modesty when they start this course of study. Institut for Idræt og Ernæring Unfolding the now ..from body to language Rich moments research ‘ A phenomenological and narrative-inspired approach to data collection (Merleau-Ponty, 1962/2002; Dadds, Hart & Crotty, 2001 Todres, 2007; Thomas & Pollio 2002; Sparkes, 2002). Builds on the principle of sharing stories and that of elucidating what is essential in a phenomenon by focusing on important situations and filled moments (Dadds, Hart & Crotty, 2001). Kairos moments (Stern, 2004) 25. marts 2014 Dias 36 Institut for Idræt Kairos & Kronos Kairos Intense presence Awareness Felt experience Short Wholistic experience Connested to experience of self. Some kairos moments can change your life (Stern, 2004) Institut for Idræt og Ernæring Kairos moments. Meaningfull moment descriptions 25. marts 2014 Dias 38 Institut for Idræt og Ernæring Co- researchers 1. First person perspective 2. Presence… (e.g. I walk quitly..story of the now). 3. Poetic- to get in touch with the experienced 4. Not about.. but through the body – Sensual lived pre-reflecsive embodied level. Beyond evaluations, analyses, beliefs, theoretical concepts (Sparkes 2002, Les Tordres, 2007, Nagbøl, 1994;Winther, 2013) 25. marts 2014 Dias 39 Institut for Idræt og Ernæring Embodied professional leadership competence 1. Self-contact and somatic awareness 2. Communication reading and contact ability. 3. Leadership in groups or situations. (Winther, 2012; 2013) Embodied professional leadership competence is a constantly moving and also very personal competence which may be developed, made more aware, and matured. 25. marts 2014 Dias 40 Institut for Idræt og Ernæring A journey not a guided tour It can be trained. From the first day as a student & for the rest of one’s professional life. ... with the body as teacher More research is needed about Embodiment in Education 25. marts 2014 Dias 41 Institut for Idræt og Ernæring Relevante publikationer om kroppens fortællinger References Andersen Kjær, T. (2012a). Løgstrup og samtalens kunst i sygeplejen in K. Martinsen, Løsgtrup og sygeplejen. Klim. Andersen Kjær, T. (2012b). Mennesker taler først med kroppen in. H. Winther, Kroppens sprog i professionel praksis. København: Billesø og Baltzer. Argyle, M. (2002). Körpersprache und Kommunikation. Das Handbuch zur nonverbalen Kommunikation. Paderborn: Junfermann Verlag. Benner, P. (1994). Interpretive Phenomenology: Embodiment, Caring, and Ethics in Health and Illness Thousand Oaks. Sage. Berg, M & Thilo, T. (2012). At blive kastet for de sultne løver I H. Winther Kroppens sprog i professionel praksis- kontakt, nærvær, lederskab og personlig kommunikation. København: Billesø og Baltzer p. 142-153. Borgháll, J. Laban og jeg. Institut for solskin. Odense. Dadds, M., Hart, S., & Crotty, T. (2001). Doing practitioner research differently. London: Routledge/Falmer. Engelsrud, G. (2006). Hva er kropp? Oslo: Universitetsforlaget. Galwin, K. & Todres L. (2012). Caring and wellbeing. A Lifeworld Approach. London, UK: Karnac Books Halprin, D. (2002). The Expressive Body in Life, Art, and Therapy: Working With Movement, Metaphor, and Meaning. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers. Hoppe, S. H. (2005). Spirituality and Leadership. New Directions for Teaching and Learning, 2005(104), 83. Ilkjær, I. (2012). Åndenød. En undersøgelse af eksitentielle og åndelige fænomners betydning for alvorligt syge patienter med kronsik obstruktiv lungelidelse. Afdelingen for systematisk teologi. Det teologiske fakultet. Københavns Universitet. København. Jarvis, P. (1999). The practitioner-researcher: Developing theory from practice. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Laban, R. (1980). The mastery of movement. Plymouth: Macdonald & Evans, Ltd. Ladkin, D., & Taylor, S. (2010). Enacting the true Towards a theory of embodied authentic leadership. The Leadership Quarterly, 21(1), 64-74. Lowen, A. (2006). The Language of the Body: Physical Dynamics of Character Structure. Alachua, Fla: Bioenergetic Press. Lumsden, M (2010) The moving self in life, art, and community in Body, Movement and Dance in Psychotherapy: An International Journal for Theory, Research and Practice Vol 5,3 , 231.243 Løgstrup, K. E. (1983). Kunst og erkendelse. Metafysik II. (1st ed.). Haslev: Gyldendal. Martinsen, K. (2012). Løgstrup og sygeplejen. Århus Denmark. Klim Melina, L., Burgess, G., & Falkman, L. (2013). The embodiment of Leadership: Building leadership bridges. San Francisco: Jossey Bass. 25. marts 2014 Dias 42 Institut for Idræt og Ernæring References Sparkes, A. (2002). Telling tales in sport and physical activity: A qualitative journey. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics. Thomas, S. P. & Pollio, H. R. (2002). Listening to Patients: A Phenomenological Approach to Nursing Research and Practice. New York. Springer Publishing Company Inc. Todres, L. (2007). Embodied Enquiry: Phenomenological Touchstones for Research, Psychotherapy and Spirituality. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. Winther, H. (2009). Bevægelsespsykologi – kroppens sprog og bevægelsens psykologi med udgangspunkt i danseterapiformen Dansergia. Ph.d. Afhandling. København: Institut for Idræt, Københavns Universitet. Winther, H. (2012). Kroppens sprog i professionel praksis- kontakt, nærvær, lederskab og personlig kommunikation. København: Billesø og Baltzer. Winther, H. (2013). Professionals Are Their Bodies. The Language of the Body as Sounding Board in Leadership and Professional Communication. In L. Melina, G. Burgess & L. Falkman. The embodiment of Leadership:Building leadership bridges (217-239). San Francisco: Jossey Bass. 25. marts 2014 Dias 43 Institut for Idræt og Ernæring Udvalgte Publikationer . Winther, H. (2006a). From crocodile to woman. The multidimensionality and energy dynamics of movement seen in the light of the dance therapy form Dansergia. In S. C. Koch, & I. Bräuninger (Eds.), Advances in Dance/Movement Therapy. Theoretical perspectives and empirical findings (pp. 154-166). Berlin: Logos. Winther, H. (2008b). Body Contact and Body Language: Moments of Personal Development and Social and Cultural Learning Processes in Movement Psychology and Education. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qual-it-ative Social Research, 9(2). Art. 63. (2008, September 24) Retrieved from Winther, H., & Stelter, R. (2008). Gypsy or hedgehog? Movement, energy and change in dance therapeutic processes in Dansergia. Body, Movement and Dance in Psychotherapy, 3(1), 45-56. 25. marts 2014 Dias 44
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