Prions Inactivation Through Composting Process Shanwei Xu & Tim A McAllister Agriculture and Agri‐Food Canada Compost Matters in Alberta February 25 2014 Edmonton Alberta TSE Disease Scrapie – Sheep and goats CWD – Deer and elk BSE – Cattle PrPC CJD – Humans PrPTSE Alpha helix Pleated sheet 2 CWD and BSE in Canada • 19 BSE cases in Canada • 17 cases – typical BSE (Feed contamination) • 2 cases – atypical BSE (Spontaneous mutation) • 173 CWD cases in Alberta • Economic losses 1. Cattle industry – $6 billion 2. Cervid industry – $43 million 3 Specified Risk Materials Tonsils Dorsal root ganglia Skull Brain Eyes Tonsils Trigeminal ganglia Dorsal root ganglia Vertebral column Spinal cord Distal ileum 4 Specified Risk Materials 250,000 tonnes SRM in Canada 74,000 tonnes SRM in Alberta 50,000 cervid carcasses from farms and road kills SRM are rendered, dehydrated and disposed of in landfills $300/tonne cost for disposal 5 Methods for Prion Inactivation Alkaline or thermal hydrolysis pH 14 and 150-180°C at 4-12 atmospheric pressure for 1-3 h Incineration Prion Inactivation Two stages at 850°C and 1000°C for 16 h Sodium hydroxide 2 N for 1 h Autoclaving 134°C for 1 h in saturated steam 6 Enzymes Effective Against Prion Composting? Enzyme reaction Enzymes Source microbes Keratinase Bacillus licheniformis 50 8 Alcalase Bacillus licheniformis 35 7.2 Proteinase K Tritirachium album 50 7.2 Properase, protease M Bacillus spp. 60 12 Alkaline proteinase Streptomyces sp. 60 11 Protease E Thermus sp. 80 7 Keratinolytic protease Nocardiopsis sp. 60 10 Temp. (°C) pH Susuki et al. (2006) 7 Outline Lab-Scale Composting Biocontainment laboratory level 3 Approx. 40 kg Composted for 28 days; Two 14 day cycles SRM; Scrapie 263K, CWD, BSE (WB & PMCA) Field-Scale Composting Approx. 85,000 kg; Composted for 230 days 16 cattle mortalities; SRM; Scrapie 263K (Bioassay) 8 Laboratory Compost Lethbridge Research Centre (AAFC) Level 3 laboratory (CFIA) 9 Laboratory Compost - Sampling 1 ml 10% TSE BH SRM or manure sphere 1 g dry manure sphere 10 Methods for Prion Detection Western blot (WB) Protein misfolding cyclic amplification (PMCA) PrPC PrPTSE growth PrPTSE Sonication Incubation Colby and Prusiner (2011) 11 Field Compost Layout All dimensions in cm 12 Baker Retrieval Pyramid 13 Binding to Stainless Steel Beads 440C Stainless Steel; Hamster 263K Mass: ~0.5 mg; Diameter: 0.5 mm Surface area: 0.8 mm2; Density: 7.68 g cm-3 Syrian hamster model – IC implant Clean beads Beads coated with brain homogenate 14 Temperature Lab-scale compost Field-scale compost 70 Ambient Control Feather Temperature °C 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 7 14 21 28 46 92 138 184 230 Days of composting 15 SRM Degradation Dry Matter Degradation 100 Control compost 80 Feather compost DMD (%) Lab-scale 60 40 20 0 7 DMD(%) Field-scale 14 21 28 120 P80 DMD% 100 P160 DMD% 80 60 40 20 0 0 7 14 28 56 84 Days of composting 112 230 147 16 Microbial Invasion Brain Day 7 Brain Day 14 Brain 17 Bacterial Characterization Rubrobacter radiotolerans (U65647) Actinomycetospora succinea (AB514514) 54 Keratinase activity F-7-3 (JN596831) 99 Saccharomonospora viridis (AB588632) 98 85 Saccharomonospora Al-Zarban (2002) C-7-1 (JN596829) F-14-6 (JN596834) 100 74 80 Actinobacteria F-7-4 (JN596832) C-7-2 (JN596830) Thermobifida fusca (AB562472) Keratinase activity F-21-10 (JN596838) 82 Actinomadura Puhl et al. (2009) Actinomadura sp. (FN178409) 70 88 F-28-12 (JN596840) Actinomadura hallensis (AM932278) F-14-7 (JN596835) 55 Thermoactinomycetaceae bacterium (AB362280) 58 Firmicutes Thiohalospira alkaliphila (EU169227) 50 C-14-5 (JN596833) 95 C-21-9 (JN596837) 50 51 55 52 C-28-11 (JN596839) Proteobacteria Pseudomonas pertucinogena (EF673695) C-21-8 (JN596836) 50 Enterobacter sp. (HM461153) F-28-13 (JN596841) 0.1 18 Fungal Characterization Mortierellales sp. (EF126342) Trichaptum abietinum (U63475) F-28-15 (JN596856) 51 F-21-13 (JN596854) C-21-11 (JN586952) Lipase activity Trichaptum Goud et al. (2009) C-21-12 (JN596853) 90 C-28-14 (JN596855) Basidiomycota F-28-16 (JN596857) Udeniomyces megalosporus (D31657) 96 Udeniomyces puniceus (DQ836006) Day0-1 (JN596842) Day0-2 (JN596843) Ascomycete sp. (EF469670) 100 Chaetomium sp. (FJ646600) 88 F-7-7 (JN596848) Proteinase activity Chaetomium Breuil and Huang (1994) F-7-6 (JN596847) C-14-9 (JN596850) 67 F-14-10 (JN586951) Ascomycota C-14-8 (JN596849) Dothideomycetes sp. (HQ418433) 57 C-7-3 (JN596844) 74 C-7-5 (JN596846) Cladosporium cladosporioides (EU263604) 62 C-7-4 (JN596845) 0.1 Proteinase activity Cladosporium Li and Li (2009) 19 Scrapie 263K Degradation Lab-scale compost – WB % Dilution (a) M 10 5 2.5 1.3 0.6 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.04 0.02 30 kDa 2 log10 20 kDa Day 0 (b) M IBH Day 14 C1 C2 F1 F2 Day 28 C1 C2 F1 F2 Day 2 C F 30 kDa 20 kDa 20 Scrapie 263K Degradation Lab-scale compost – PMCA Day 0 VS Day 14 NBH NBH 1:108 1:107 1:106 1:105 1:104 No PK Day 0 Detected at 6 log Day 14 Control Detected at 5 log NBH 1:108 1:107 1:106 1:105 1:104 No PK 1:108 1:107 1:106 1:105 1:104 PK No PK Ladder 1:108 1:107 1:106 1:105 1:104 1:103 1:102 1:101 PK No PK Amplification Control Day 14 Feather Detected at 4 log 21 Scrapie 263K Degradation Lab-scale compost – PMCA Day 0 VS Day 28 NBH NBH 1:108 1:107 1:106 1:105 1:104 No PK Day 0 Detected at 7 log Day 28 Control Detected at 5 log NBH 1:108 1:107 1:106 1:105 1:104 No PK 1:108 1:107 1:106 1:105 1:104 PK No PK Ladder 1:108 1:107 1:106 1:105 1:104 1:103 1:102 1:101 PK No PK Amplification Control Day 28 Feather Detected at 5 log 22 Bioassay – Stainless Steel Bead Steel Bead IC implant Syrian hamsters Dilution Clinical DPI (mean ± SD) No. of sick hamsters/total no. of hamsters 10-1 107 ± 2 3/3 10-2 119 ± 6 5/5 10-3 109 ± 4 4/4 10-4 133 ± 10 4/4 10-5 196 ± 38 3/4 10-6 179 ± 32 3/5 10-7 >330 0/5 10-8 >330 0/4 Infectivity titre: 106 ID50 / bead = 100 ng brain tissue (Reed and Muench 1938) 23 Scrapie 263K Degradation Field-scale compost Compost Day 0 11/11 clinical disease at 103 ± 3 dpi Compost Day 112 2/5 clinical disease at 123 ± 0 dpi Compost Day 230 1/5 clinical disease at 252 ± 0 dpi 24 Summary - Scrapie 263K Lab-scale compost Field-scale compost • Total 28 days • Total 230 days • ≥ 55°C for 3 days • ≥ 55oC for 75 days • Feather > Control after 14 days • Effective to reduce infectivity • Approx. 2 log after 28 days • 4.8 log* after 230 days *Four-parameter logistic regression model (SAS) 25 CWD Degradation Lab-scale compost – WB % Dilution (a) M IBH 10 5 2.5 1.3 0.6 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.05 30 kDa 1-2 log10 20 kDa Day 0 (b) M IBH Day 14 C1 C2 F1 Day 28 F2 C1 C2 F1 F2 30 kDa 20 kDa 26 CWD Degradation Lab-scale compost – PMCA Day 0 VS Day 14 1:1010 1:109 1:108 1:107 1:106 1:105 No PK Day 14 Control Detected at 8 log Ladder 1:1010 1:109 1:108 1:107 1:106 1:105 No PK 1:1010 1:109 1:108 1:107 1:106 1:105 No PK NBH NBH NBH 1:1010 1:109 1:108 1:107 PK No PK Day 0 Detected at 9 log Amplification Control Day 14 Feather Detected at 8 log 27 CWD Degradation Lab-scale compost – PMCA Day 0 VS Day 28 1:1010 1:109 1:108 1:107 1:106 1:105 No PK Day 28 Control Detected at 6 log Ladder 1:1010 1:109 1:108 1:107 1:106 1:105 No PK 1:1010 1:109 1:108 1:107 1:106 1:105 No PK NBH NBH NBH 1:1010 1:109 1:108 1:107 PK No PK Day 0 Detected at 9 log Amplification Control Day 28 Feather Detected at <5 log 28 BSE Degradation Lab-scale compost – WB % Dilution (a) M IBH 10 5 2.5 1.3 0.6 0.3 30 kDa 1 log10 20 kDa (b) Day 0 M IBH C1 Day 14 C2 F1 F2 Day 28 C1 C2 F1 F2 30 kDa 20 kDa 29 Future Directions Composting degrades: • SRM completely • Prions at the logarithmic level • CWD elk at field-scale after 230 days? • BSE at lab-scale after 25 cycles (=230 days of field-scale composting)? 30 Acknowledgements • Brandon Gilroyed – University of Guelph • Tim Reuter – Alberta Agriculture • Norman Neumann, Mike Belosevic, Jerry Leonard – University of Alberta • Aru Balachadran, Stefanie Czub, Catherine Graham – Canadian Food Inspection Agency • APRI, AAFC, NSERC 31 Thank you
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