IGC Completed Research Papers 2010-2013 1. Ackah, C. Morrissey, O. and Osei, R. (2013) “Managing the Macroeconomy in an Oil Rich Country – Ghana” IGC Working Papers 2. Asiedu E. (2013) “Natural resources, institutions and foreign direct investment” IGC Working Papers 3. Bawakyillenuo, S. Ahiadeke, C. Osei Akoto, I and Bortei-Doku Ayeetey, E (2013) “Tertiary education and industrial development in Ghana” IGC Working Papers 4. Kehinde, A. and Telli, H. (2013) “Imperfect information and school choice” IGC Working Papers 5. Osei, R. and Busse, M. (2013) “How important is the local private sector as a driver of good governance?” IGC Working Papers 6. Misch, F. and Ley, E. (2013) “The Implications of Output Growth Revision for Fiscal Management in Ghana: Challenges and Policy Recommendations” IGC Working Papers. 7. Quartey , P. Udry, C. and Al-hassan, S. (2012) “The Role of Middlemen in Marketing and Credit Outcomes in Ghana.”. IGC Working Papers 8. Hainmueller J. Hiscox, M. and Sequeira, S (2010) “Impact of Fair Trade Certification on Rural Livelihoods.” IGC Working Papers 9. Niels-Hugo, B. Osei, R. and Portner, C.C. (2010). “Examining the Impact of Adult Literacy Programs on Literacy, Numeracy, Health, and Economic Well-Being in Ghana.” IGC Working Papers 10. Bandiera, O. and Fischer G. (2013) “Can “good” HR practices be exported? Evidence from a field experiment in Ghana” IGC Working Papers 11. Sutton, J. and Kpentey, B. (2012), An Enterprise Map of Ghana. Internatioinal Growth Centre and London Publishing Partnership 12. Aragon, F. and Rud J.P. (2012) Modern industries, pollution and agricultural productivity: Evidence from Ghana, Fernando IGC Working Papers 13. Berry, J. Fischer, G. and Guiteras, R. (2012) Eliciting and utilizing willingness to pay: Evidence from field trials in northern Ghana IGC Working Papers 14. van der Ploeg, R. Stefanski, R. and Wills, S. (2012) Harnessing Oil Revenues in Ghana IGC Working Papers 15. Thomas Walker (2011) Community Involvement in Public Goods Provision: Evidence From a Field Experiment in Ghana IGC Working Papers 16. Masters, W. Kuwornu, J and Sarpong, D. (2011) Improving Child Nutrition through Quality Certification of Infant Foods: Scoping Study for a Randomized Trial in Ghana IGC Working Papers 17. Adam smith. 2, volume ( London W. Strahan & T. Cadell, 1776): An inquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations. 18. Paul Robin Krugman, Spantial economy (1999) Cities regions and international trade. 19. Thomas Oaltley (2010) political institutions and foreign debt in the developing world: international studies Quarterly. 20. Christopher Udry (2008) the profits of power: land rights and agricultural investment in Ghana: journal of political economy, university of Chicago press vol 116(6). IGC working paper 21. Ernest ayertee & Chistopher Udry, 2000, Saving in sub-saharan Africa: CID working paper 22. Prof. Nii Kwaku Sowa,(1992) ‘’Overseas development institute’’( London, England), University of Ghana. Department of economics igc working paper 23. Paul Collier (2009) ‘’Wars, guns and votes: democracy in dangerous places’’. Harper. IGC working paper 24. Keith Palmer, (2010) Agricultural growth and poverty reduction in Africa: the case for patient capital briefing paper 25. G. Botchie, T. Akabzaa, E.A. Gyasi, and D. Sarpong (2007). Land Tenure, Land Use and the environment in Ghana: Technical Publication No.72. Institute of Statistical, Social and Economic Research (ISSER), University of Ghana 26. Francesco Caselli, Douglas Gollin & Richard Rogerson (2013), Agricultural productivity growth and economic development in an open economy: The case of Ghana. IGC working paper. 27. Masters, William A., Kuwornu, John and Sarpong, Daniel (2011) Improving child nutrition through quality certification of infant foods: scoping study from a randomized trial in Ghana. 28. Gertrude Torkonoo, (2012) Article: Creating Capital from culture – Re- thinking the provisions on expressions of folklore in Ghana’s copyright law. 29. Koyama T, Mendes. C.C Mirth C.K (2013) ‘’Mechanisms regulating nutrition-dependent developmental plasticity through organ- specific effects in insects’’. 30. Carlin, Wendy & Mayer, Colin, 2003. " Finance, investment, and growth’’ Journal of financial Economics, , Elsevier, vol. 69(1). 31. Asare, Bossman (2012) ’’ Unitarism and Presidentialism: Political Institutions and Corruption in Public Management in Ghana’’. Journal of Public Administration and Policy Research 32. Jonh Sutton (2012) ‘’An Interprise map of Ghana’’. (LSE). IGC working paper 33. Elizabeth Asiedu (2013)’’ Foreign direct investment, natural resources and institutions, macroeconomics’’. IGC working paper 34. Ishac Diwan & James Robinson (2013) ‘’Financial development and the collapse of clientelism in Ghana’’. IGC working paper. 35. Chris Udry, Ernest Aryeetey, Dean Karlan, Robert Darko Osei(2013) ’’ Examining the underinvestment in agriculture: capital constrain and risk’’. IGC working paper 36. Juan Pablo Rud & Fernando Aragon (2013) ‘’Gold mining and Living standards in Ghanaian household. ‘’ IGC working paper. 37. Esther Duflo, Michael kremer & Pascaline Dupas (2013) ‘’Estimated benefits to secondary school in Africa: evidence from Ghana’’. IGC working paper. 38. Robert Darko Osei, (2013) ‘’Public goods experiment in Ghana( Governance programme and agriculture programme)’’. IGC working paper 39. Francis Teal, (2013) ‘’Growth and informality in Urban Africa’’. IGC working paper. 40. Jeny Aker, Paul collier & Pedro Vicente, ( 2010) ’’ Counteracting illicit behavior during elections: The role of observers and cell phones in a Field Experiment: ( Governance, Accountability and political economy and political economy programme)’’. IGC working paper. 41. Eric Werker, (2013) ’’Learning from double-digit growth experiences: Governance, accountability and political economy’’. IGC working paper 42. Kelsey Jack (2012) Food constrains, yield uncertainty and ‘’Ganyu’’ labour: A pilot study.IGC working paper 43. Justice Sanderfour (2010)’’Law without justice improving acces to justice in Liberia and Sierra Leone’’. IGC working paper 44. Catherine E cassei, Rachel Glennester & Edward Miguel, (2010)Community- driven development in Post- conflict Sierra Leone IGC working paper. 45. Rachel Glennester, (2010) Agriculture technology adoption and infrastructure: What are the returns and who do they accrue to? Evidence from Sierra Leone. IGC working paper. 46. Chris Blattman & Stefan Dercon, (2011) experimental study of pro-poor growth: Factories and wage work Versus self-employment. IGC working paper 47. Pushkar Maitra, Sadip Mitra,Dilip Moorkjerjeer & Sujata Visaria, (2010) ‘’ Middleman margins, credit and informantion constraints: potato markets in west Bengal, India’’. IGC working paper 48. Michael Callen, Syed Ali hasanain, Said Guizar & Yasir Khan, (2011) ‘’Monitoring the monitors: Using ICT to improve government in Pujan, Pakistan’’. IGC working paper 49. Ila Patnaik, Ajay Shan, Nirvikar Singh (2013)’’ Foreign investors under stress: An event study for India’’. IGC working paper. 50. Jacob Shapiro, Christine Fair & Rasul Baksh Rais, (2012)’’Political violence in Pakistan 19882010: Patterns and trends’’. IGC working paper 51. Mohammed Helal Uddin, (2012) ‘’Marketing institutions and food price volatility in developing countries: Assessment of competition in sugar market of Bangladesh’’. IGC working paper 52. Mohammad A Razzaque & Selim Raihan ( 2012 ) ‘’Is an agriculture-focussed development strategy the right choice of Bangladesh? An empirical assessment of farm-nonfarm growth linkages’’. IGC working paper 53. Jonathan Argent, James A. Hanson & Maria Paula Gomez (2013) ‘’The regulation of mobile money in Rwanda’’. IGC working paper 54. Innovation for poverty Action Zambia, (2013) ‘’The impact of teaching negotiation skills on girls’ education and health outcomes’’. IGC working paper. 55. Krista Tuomi (2013) ‘’Review of investment incentives: Best practice in attracting investment’’. IGC working paper 56. E. Somanathan, Jagdish Krishnaswamy, Fracois Libois & Jean-Marie Baland (2013) ‘’Exploratory research on the impact of the forest rights Acts, 2006, on deforestation, tribal welfare and poverty with implications for implementation strategies’’. IGC working paper. 57. Farzana Afridi, Vegard iversen & M.R Sharan (2013) ‘’ Women political leaders, corruption and learning: evidence from evidence from a large public program in India’’. IGC working paper 58. Ram Singh, (2013) ’’ Litigation over eminent Domain compensation’’. IGC working paper. 59. Amelia Sharman, (2013) ‘’IGC India central Phase I research Output’’. IGC working paper. 60. Christopher Adam, David Kwimbere,Wilfred Mbowe & Stephen O’ Connell (2012) ‘’Food prices and inflation in Tanzania’’. IGC working paper. 61. Bidisha Barooah (2013) ‘’Information provision and the quality of quality of education in rural India’’. IGC working paper 62. Keith Jefferis (2013) ‘’Macroeconomic management in a mineral-rich economy’’.IGC working paper 63. Mans Soderbom & Sophia Kamadureen (2013) ‘’Constraints and opportunities in Rwanda’s industrial sector’’. IGC working paper 64. Syed Zahid Ali, Kashif Zaheer, Malik Syed & Muhammad Hussain (2013) ‘’Inflation and interest rate policy’’. IGC working paper. 65. Karen El Beyrouty (2011) ‘’Pakistan floodMAPS’’. IGC working paper 66. Ato Newai Gebre-ab (2013) ‘’Economic policy and planning formulation: lessons from Ethiopia for South Sudan’’. IGC policy brief 67. Eric Weker(2013)’’ Learning from double-digit growth experiences’’. IGC rapid response 68. Taz Chaponda(2013) ’’ Public private partnerships: Key institutional decisions’’. IGC policy brief 69. Dean Yang & Catia Batista ( 2012 )‘’Mobilizing migrant remittances for agricultural modernization in Mozambique’’. IGC policy brief. 70. Bernardo Diaz de Astarloa, Jonathan Eaton, Kala Krishna, Bee yan Aw-Roberts, Andres Rodriguez-Clare & James Tybout, (2013) ‘’Born-to-export firms: Understanding export growth in Bangladesh’’. IGC working paper 71. Jonathan Argent, Britta Augsburg & Imran Rasul ( 2013) ‘’Livestock asset transfers with and without training: Evidence from Rwanda’’. IGC working paper. 72. Keith Jefferis (2013) ’’Macroeconomic policy issues in South Sudan’’. IGC working paper 73. Manju Kedia Shah, (2012) ‘’The informal sector in Zambia: Can it disappear? Should it disappear?’’ IGC working paper 74. Herryman Moono & Neil Rankin(2013) ‘’Education and employement in Zambia: Evidence from a Scoping exercise’’. IGC working paper 75. Timothy J.& Torsten Persson (2010). ‘’State capacity, conflict, and development’’.Econometric society 76. Torsten Persson &Guido Tabellini,(2009).’’Democratic capital: The nexus of political and economic change’’, working papers 77. Torsten Persson & Guido Tabellini, (2003) ‘’How do electoral rules shape party structures, government coalitions, and economic policies?’’ NBER working papers 78. David von Below & Torsen Persson, (2008) ‘’Uncertainty, climate change and the global economy’’. NBR working papers 79. Esther Duflo & Abhijit V. Banerjee( 2011) ‘’Poor Economics’’. 80. Bruno Crepon, Florencia Devoto, Esther Duflo & William Pariente (2012) ‘’Evaluation of the impact of microfinance in rural areas of Morroco’’. IGC working paper 81. Esther Duflo, Abhijit Banerjee & Nancy Qian (2011) ‘’Acces to transportation infrastructure and economic growth in China’’. IGC working paper. 82. Esther Duflo, Michael Greenstone, Rohini, Pande & Nicholas Ryan (2013) ‘’Introducing Indian plants to Abate pollution’’. IGC working paper. 83. Imran Rasul & Daniel Rogger (2013)’’Management of bureaucrats and public service delivery: Evidence from Nigerian civil service’’. IGC working paper 84. Jen Hainmueller, Michael J. Hiscox & Maja Tampe (2012)’’Sustainable development for cocoa farmers in Ghana’’.IGC working paper 85. Ronald Fisher (2013) ‘’Infrastructure PPPs: Lessons from Latin America for Africa’’. IGC working paper. 86. Mekhala Krishnamurthy, (2013) ‘’Understanding Mandis: Market towns and the Dynamics of India’s rural and urban transformations’’. IGC working paper 87. P.P Krishnapriya, (2013) ‘’Information and fuel choices in unequal rural household’’. IGC working paper 88. Kenneth Reinert, Ammar Annes Malik & Sasidaran Gopalan (2013) ‘’The imperfect substitutes model in South Asia: Pakistan-India trade liberalization in the negative list’’. IGC working paper 89. Lawrence Edwards, Robert Lawrence (2013) ‘’Zambian regional integration policy challenges’’. IGC working paper 90. ECI Africa consulting (2013) ’’Potential of Non-traditional exports in ZambiaGrowth,employement and distribution of wealth and income’’. IGC working paper 91. Sachin Gathani & Dimitri Stoelinga (2012)’’Understanding Rwanda’s exports sector’’.IGC working paper 92. Dave Donaldson (2011) ‘’Who’s getting globalized? Intra National trade costs and world price pass-through in South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa’’.IGC working paper 93. Kalina Manova (2011) ‘’Product quality and export success’’. IGC working paper 94. Gordon Hanson, Jeffrey Grogger & Craig McIntosh (2010) ‘’High Skilled and low Skilled emigration from low income countries’’.IGC working paper 95. Rocco Macchiavello & Ameet Morjaria (2010) ‘’Development Blossoming: Industrial policy and the revolution of the Kenyan and Ethiopian Floriculture exports’’. IGC working paper 96. Anjum Altaf (2012) ’’Association of small cities’’. IGC working paper 97. Marianna Belloc & Michele Di Maio ,(2011) ‘’Survey of literature on successful strategies and practices for export promotion by developing countries’’. IGC working paper 98. Andrew Beath,Fortini Christia & Ruben Enikolov (2013) ’’Without a clearly defined mandate,democracy can backfire’’. IGC working paper 99. Henrik Kleven, Claus Thustrup Kreiner & Emmanuel Saez (2012) ‘’Why can modern governments tax efficiently?’’. IGC working paper 100. Tessa Bold, Mwangi, S. Kimenyi, Germano Mwabu & Justin Sandefur (2013)’’Private schooling cheaper and more effective than public alternative’’. IGC working paper
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