CV: Tranter; p1 CURRICULUM VITAE: Professor Martyn TRANTER (1) PERSONAL DETAILS AGE: 57 DATE OF BIRTH: 17.11.56 MARITAL STATUS: Married with 2 children. (2) PRESENT APPOINTMENT 2000- (3) Professor, School of Geographical Sciences, University of Bristol. PREVIOUS APPOINTMENTS 1993-99 Reader in Physical Geography at the Department of Geography, University of Bristol. 1992-93 Lecturer in Physical Geography at the Department of Geography, University of Bristol. 1986-92 Lecturer in Geochemistry at the Department of Oceanography, University of Southampton. 1985-6 Lecturer in Sedimentary Geochemistry at the School of Environmental Sciences, University of East Anglia (UEA). 1984-5 Post-doctoral Research Fellow at the School of Environmental Sciences, UEA. (4) QUALIFICATIONS 1982 Ph. D., UEA. 1978 B. Sc. (Hons.) in Environmental Sciences, UEA. (5) 2011- SPECIAL AWARDS, HONOURS AND DISTINCTIONS Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society CV: Tranter; p2 2010-11 Senior Leverhulme Research Fellow. 2010 Awarded the Polar Medal. 1996-99 Visiting Professor, INRS-Eau, Université du Quebec. 1996-97 University of Bristol Research Fellow. (6) POST-GRADUATE SUPERVISION (26 post-graduates and 19 post doctoral research fellows supervised) a) Post-graduates 26. 2011- J. Hawkings (NERC) Fe cycling beneath the Greenland Ice Sheet. Jointly supervised with Professor J. L. Wadham 25. 2010- S. Nixon (NERC-AUORORA). REDOX couples and the search for life on mars. Jointly supervised with Professor C. Cockell and Dr. M. Balme (Open University). 24. 2010- C. Butler (EPSERC) Biogeochemistry of runoff from the Greenland Ice Sheet. Jointly supervised with Professor J. L. Wadham. 23. 2009-13 W. Harris (NERC) Hydrochemistry of Subglacial Lake Ellsworth. Jointly supervised with Professors M. J. Siegert and J. Woodward. 22. 2008-12 E. Lawson (NERC CASE) Trace organic species in glacial meltwater. Jointly supervised with Professor J. L. Wadham, in partnership with Dionex UK Ltd. 21. 2005-08 M. Stibal (EU BIOTRACS) Interactions between microbial activity and geochemical processes in cryoconite holes. 20. 2005-08 E. A. Bagshaw (NERC NER/S/A/2005/13257) Accumulation of N and P in glacial cryoconite holes, Taylor Valley, Antarctica. 19. 2002-06 G. Royston-Bishop (NERC NER/S/A/2002/10332) Chemical weathering in subglacial Lake Vostok. Jointly supervised with Professor M. J. Siegert. 18. 2001-04 A-L Kivimaki (University of Bristol Studentship) Presence and activity of microbial populations in glaciers and their impact on rock weathering at glacial beds. Jointly supervised with Professor John Parks. 17. 2000-04 F. Senia (University of Bristol Studentship) Laboratory analogues of subglacial chemical weathering. 16. 1999-03 A. Jackson (NERC GT4/99/FS/15) Geochemical characteristics CV: Tranter; p3 of suspended sediment in runoff from large crystalline ice masses. 15. 1998-01 R. J. Cooper. (NERC GT24/98/ARCI/8). Geochemical weathering reactions in proglacial zones. Jointly supervised with Dr. J. L. Wadham. 14. 1998-01 P. Mitchell (NERC GT4/98/262/FS). Processes of nutrient transport through Arctic glaciated terrain. Jointly supervised with Dr. A. J. Hodson and based at Geography, University of Sheffield. 13. 1997-00 I. W. Jones (University of Bristol Studentship). The role of terrestrial ice in global geochemical cycles. 12. 1995-99 M. J. Gardiner (NERC GT4/95/27/F). Modelling snowmelt quality and quantity. Jointly supervised with Professor M. G. Anderson and Dr. C. Ellis-Evans (BAS). 11. 1995-98 A.-M. Bremner (University of Bristol Studentship). Seasonal variations in the trace metal concentration in wetland rhines, Avonmouth. Jointly supervised with Dr. M. Martin. 10. 1994-97 J. L. Wadham (NERC GT4/94/116). Hydrochemistry and CO2 drawdown by glacial runoff from a polythermal-based glacier, Spitsbergen. 9. 1993-94 M. Nielsen (Self Financing). Design and construction of instrumentation for boreholes in Alpine glaciers. Registered for and awarded a M. Res. 8. 1993-97 A. Cauklett (Open University). The geochemistry of freshwater and lakewater on Signy Island, Antarctica. Jointly supervised with Dr. C. Ellis-Evans (BAS), and based at BAS. 7. 1993-96 6. 1993-97 C. Evans (University of East Anglia Studentship). Episodic acidification of freshwaters. Jointly supervised with T. D. Davies (UEA), and based at Environmental Sciences, UEA. H. R. Lamb (NERC GT4/93/113). The chemical composition of meltwaters in Alpine subglacial environments. 5. 1993-97 L. B. Ratcliffe (Self Financing, with a contribution from USGS, Atlanta). Short term variations in the composition of rainfall, throughfall, soil water and streamwater. 4. 1990-94 A. J. Hodgson (NERC GT4/90/AAPS/53). Sources of solute and water routing through glacierised, sub-polar catchments Jointly supervised with MC Clarke, AM Gurnell (GeoData Institute) and JO Hagen (Norsk Polarinstittut). 3. 1989-93 O. Algan (University of Istanbul). Geochemistry of fine grained sediments in the Solent. Jointly supervised with MB Collins CV: Tranter; p4 (Southampton). 2. 1988-91 G. H. Brown (NERC GT4/88/AAB/56). Provenance of sediment and solute in glacierised catchments. Jointly supervised with A Barker, MJ Clarke and AM Gurnell (Southampton). 1. 1988-92 A. J. Peters (NERC GT4/88/AAPS/45). PAH content of urban and rural snows. Jointly supervised with MS Varney (Southampton). b) Post Doctoral Research Fellows 19. 2009-12 Dr. R. De’Ath (Leverhulme) Modelling iceberg Fe fertilisation in the Southern Ocean. 18. 2009-12 Dr. J. Telling (NERC) Greening of Svalbard glaciers. 17. 2008-10 Dr. M. Stibal (NERC). Microbial utilisation of organic matter in subglacial environments. 16. 2008-9 Dr. R. De’Ath (NERC). Ice berg inputs to the oceans. 15. 2007-10 Dr. G. Lys (NERC). Microbial utilisation of organic matter in subglacial environments. 14. 2007 Dr. A. LeBroq (NERC). Global geochemical weathering fluxes 13. 2001-4 Dr. V. Lee (NERC). Modelling the hydrochemistry of Lake Vostok. 12. 1999-02 Dr. M. L. Skidmore (NERC). Runoff chemistry from ice caps and ice sheets. 11. 1998-01 Dr. G. Munhoven (NERC). Role of terrestrial ice on global geochemical cycles. 10. 1997 Dr. J. L. Wadham (NERC). Glacier runoff isotope geochemistry. 9. 1997 Dr. R. Hodgkins (NERC). Nutrient release from glacial flour. 8. 1995 Dr. A. J. Hodson (EU) Glacier hydrology and suspended sediment transport. 7. 1993 Prof. S. Tsiouris (UK-Greece Exchange Scheme and NERC). Snowmelt geochemistry. 6. 1992-4 Dr. B. Hubbard (NERC). Glacier hydrology (based at Geography, Cambridge). CV: Tranter; p5 5. 1992-5 Dr. S. B. de Haan (NERC). Geochemical processes in the Chalk. 4. 1991-4 Dr. G. H. Brown (NERC). Glacial geochemistry. 3. 1990 Ing. Z. Zeman (2 month Royal Society Exchange). Snow chemistry. 2. 1988-92 Dr. F. L. Muller (MAFF). Mn-cycling in the Clyde system. 1. 1987-88 Dr. J. Pomeroy (1 year NATO Fellowship). Snow chemistry and wind transport. (7) RESEARCH GRANTS 20 NERC grants, 2 US EPA grants, 3 NATO grants, 2 Royal Society grants, 2 MAFF grants, 1 Leverhulme grant) 30. 2012-16 29. 2011-14 28. 2009-12 27. 2009-14 26. 2009-12 25. 2007-10 24. 2006-08 23. 2004-06 22. 2002-04 NERC (NE/J02399X/1) Microbial succession from ice to vegetated soils in response to glacial retreat (with A. Anesio, G. Barker, L. Benning, J. LaybournParry, J. Wadham and M. Yallop). £567,011. NERC (NE/I008845/1) DELVE: DEveLopment and Validation of first generation chemical sensors for glacial Ecosystems (with JL Wadham and MA Mowlem). £468,855 Leverhulme Trust (F/00182/BY) Impact of iceberg sediment release to the Southern Ocean to CO2 drawdown (with R Raiswell and A Ridgwell) £162,370 NERC (NE/G005028/1) Direct measurement and sampling of Subglacial Lake Ellsworth: a multidisciplinary investigation of life in extreme environments and ice sheet history (Consortium Grant, with MJ Siegert, J Parnell, M Bentley, M Mowlam, D Pearce and D Blake) £6,244,625 NERC (NE/G00496X/1) Greening of retreating glaciers: storage versus export of autochthonous organic matter (with AM Anesio, JL Wadham and AJ Hodson) £604,386 NERC (NE/E004016/1) Biogenic production of climatic amplifiers under ice (with JL Wadham, RD Pancost and ERC Hornibrook). £445,342 NERC (NE/D001676/1) Quaternary QUEST: Regulation of atmospheric carbon dioxide and climate on glacial-interglacial timescales (with AJ Payne, MJ Siegert and PJ Valdes). £95,293 NERC (NER/B/S/2003/00762) Chemical variations in accreted ice from Lake Vostok: artefacts of sample processing or evidence of volume change? (with MJ Siegert). £20,237 NATO (EST.CLG.979468) Glacio-geochemical characteristics of cryoconite CV: Tranter; p6 holes in the Dry Valleys, Antarctica (with AG Fountain and A Salamatic). £6,323 21. 2001-04 NERC (NER/A/S/2000/01144) Modelling the physical and chemical dynamics of Antarctic subglacial lakes (with MJ Siegert, PD Bates and JC Ellis-Evans). £140,588 20. 1999-02 NERC (GR3/11689). The hydrochemistry of runoff from large terrestrial ice masses on crystalline bedrock (with SH Bottrell, R Raiswell, PW Nienow and PJ Statham). £187,927 19. 1998-02 NERC (GST/02/2204). Geochemical weathering reactions in the proglacial plain of Finsterwalderbreen, Svalbard (with JL Wadham, SH Bottrell, R Hodgkins and R Raiswell). £97,879 18. 1998-99 Royal Society (574006.G503). Glacial perturbation of oceanic carbon cycle stimulation of oceanic release of CO2. £9,546 17. 1997-00 NERC (GR3/11080). Perturbation of atmospheric CO2 concentrations by glacial fluxes of water and solute during the last glacial cycle. £100,561 16. 1997-98 NERC (GR9/2657). A laboratory study of the release of nutrients from glacial flour - implications for oceanic release of CO2. £24,040 15. 1996-99 NERC (GR9/2550). Source of excess CO2 in glacial runoff, Finsterwalderbreen, Svalbard, (with SH Bottrell, JA Dowdeswell and RW Raiswell). £24,913 14. 1993-95 NERC (GR9/1126). Stable isotope variations of coupled chemical weathering reactions beneath alpine glaciers, (with S Bottrell, GH Brown, RW Raiswell and MJ Sharp). £11,897 13. 1993-95 NATO (CRG930545). Seasonal snowcover and the Boreal Forest; response to global climatic and atmospheric change, (with JW Pomeroy, TD Davies, HG Jones, P Marsh and NE Peters). £4,623 12. 1993-94 NERC (GR9/946). The routing of snowmelt through Spitzbergen glaciers, (with JA Dowdeswell). £14,724 11. 1993-94 NERC (GR9/1018). The oxygen content of snowmelt: hydro-glacial implications, (with GH Brown, TD Davies and MJ Sharp). £18,302 10. 1992-93 NERC (GR9/679). Turbid plumes derived from glacial meltwaters: dynamics, forcing factors and sedimentation, (with J A Dowdeswell). £14,487 9. 1992-95 Ministry of Agriculture, Foods and Fisheries (CSA 2227) The regulation of dissolved trace metal concentrations in major Scottish estuaries - an applied field and laboratory study, (with JD Burton and PJ Statham). £181,543 CV: Tranter; p7 8. 1991-95 7. 1991-95 6. 1991 5. 1990-91 4. 1989-92 3. 1988-90 2. 1987-90 1. 1986-88 NERC (GR3/8114). Water storage, drainage evolution and water quality in Alpine glacial environments, (with MJ Sharp and IC Willis). £216,720 NERC (GST/02/589). Geochemical processes in the Chalk at the marine groundwater interface, (with MW Edmunds). £79,711 Royal Society (521003.K502). Interactions of glacial meltwaters with the fjordic surface waters. £2,500 US Environmental Protection Agency. Episodes Research Programme Regionalisation, (with TD Davies). £21,000 Ministry of Agriculture, Foods and Fisheries (CSA 1499). The cycling and fate of potentially toxic trace metals within the Clyde estuary and the Firth of Clyde: the role of particulates enriched in manganese, (with JD Burton and PJ Statham). £81,700 US Environmental Protection Agency. Episodes Research Programme, (with TD Davies). £42,500 NATO (0244/87) . Chemical dynamics in seasonal snowcover in Western Europe and North America, (with TD Davies and HG Jones). £3,250 NERC (GST/02/205). Origin and chemistry of black cloudwater and precipitation episodes, (with TD Davies, P Brimblecombe & P Abrahams). £14,900 (8) RESEARCH GENERAL RESEARCH INTERESTS: Biogeochemical processes in the cryosphere. Latterly, this work has evolved to consider the impact of glacial solute and debris on global geochemical cycles and the biogeochemistry of subglacial lakes. My research has spanned the geochemistry of the full range of Earth surface waters, from atmospheric precipitation, soil-, stream- and ground-waters, through to estuarine and coastal waters, and has been conducted in environments spanning temperate, Alpine, high Arctic and Antarctic locales. The unifying theme to my research is how water routing and life impact on solute and pollutant transfer. SPECIFIC RESEARCH AREAS: I have three areas of specialism, namely snow and snowmelt chemistry/episodic acidification, biogeochemical processes in the cryosphere, and the impact of cryospheric solute and sediment fluxes on global biogeochemical cycles. a) Snow and snowmelt chemistry/episodic acidification of stream waters Acidic deposition is stored in seasonal snow packs and much is flushed out (or eluted) with the first snowmelt. Hence, there is a concentration of pollutants into the first snowmelt, that may give rise to elevated concentrations of pollutants in stream waters. My research pioneered the notion that there is differential elution of ions from snowcover, and documented how certain types of snowfall exacerbated the release of acids from snowpack. CV: Tranter; p8 Laboratory experiments were undertaken to confirm the mechanisms and processes deduced from field data. Episodic acidification of stream waters during hydrological events occurs throughout the Northern Hemisphere in both pristine and polluted environments, and is stimulated by snowmelt and rainfall. The US Environmental Protection Agency invited me to two Peer Review Meetings, prior to my enlistment as a formal consultant to, first, co-author a comprehensive review of the occurrence and causes of the worldwide, short-term acidification of stream waters which often follows rainstorms and snowmelt, and second, to oversee the data analysis and synthesis of data gathered by a multi-million dollar programme, ERP, the Episodes Research Project. b) Glacier biogeochemistry: microbial life throughout glaciers and ice sheets The routing of snowmelt and ice melt through glaciers is a key determinant of the morphology, dynamics and erosive properties of glaciers. Understanding of subglacial water routing largely arose from the chemical variations in glacial runoff. My research has examined the fundamental chemical weathering processes which operate in subglacial environments and has provided a theoretical basis for interpretation of the chemical signatures in glacial runoff. A new theme for glaciology is the existence of a flourishing microbial life atop, within and beneath glaciers and ice sheets. I have helped to pioneer an understanding of the likely subglacial energy sources for microbial life, and to document the chemical and stable isotopic signatures that life imparts on glacial runoff and accretion ice at the base of the Vostok Ice Core. My current fieldwork is based in the Antarctic Dry Valleys, as part of the NSF-funded Long Term Ecological Research Program, where I am examining how englacial microbial consortia maximise their capacity to extract and recycle nutrients from glacial debris. My current research also includes a large component of work on the biogeochemistry of subglacial lakes. I am a Steering Committee member of the Lake Ellsworth Consortium, which aims to be the first group to sample waters and microbial life from a subglacial lake beneath the Antarctic Ice Sheet. c) Cryospheric fluxes of solute and sediment: impact on global biogeochemical cycles The direct influence of major ion fluxes from glacier and ice sheet runoff to the oceans is likely to be small in terms of influencing atmospheric CO2 concentrations over glacialinterglacial timescales. However, my recent work focussing on the chemical properties of suspended sediment shows that there is great potential for glacial debris to fertilise the oceans. Reactive and bioavailable Fe inputs to the Southern Ocean, via runoff and ice bergs, are likely large enough to perturb the draw down of CO2 by globally significant amounts. Additionally, there is a significant flux of bioavailable P to the oceans via glacial debris, and the magnitudes derived from my recent estimates of glacial sediment fluxes to the oceans have stimulated a raft of new work. The ice sheets that covered the Northern Hemisphere during the last glacial cycles also buried globally significant quantities of organic matter, which is partially converted to CO2 and CH4 over time. My current research is also aimed at quantifying the magnitude and timing of the release of these climate amplifying gases during glacial-interglacial cycles. CV: Tranter; p9 (9) PUBLICATIONS (1 Book, 5 Edited Books,14 Edited work: Contributions, 1 internationally peer-reviewed Official Report, 35 Conference Contributions, refereed, 114 Academic Journal Papers) BOOKS 1 Laybourn-Parry J, Tranter M and Hodson AJ 2012. The Ecology of Snow and Ice Environments. Oxford University Press. EDITED BOOKS 6 Hambrey MJ, Barker PF, Barrett PJ, Bowman V, Davies B, Smellie JL and Tranter M 2013. Antarctic Palaeoenvironments and Earth-Surface Processes. Geological Society Special Publication 381. 5 Hodson AJ, Laybourn-Parry J and Tranter M 2010. Microbial Processes in the Cryosphere. Annals of Glaciology, 51(56). 4 Tranter M, Armstrong R, Brun E, Jones G, Sharp M and Williams M 1999. Interactions between the cryosphere, climate and greenhouse gases. IAHS Publication No. 256. 3 Sharp MJ, Richards K and Tranter M 1998. Glacier Hydrology and Hydrochemistry. Wiley Interscience. 2 Tonnessen KA, Williams MW and Tranter M 1995. Biogeochemistry of seasonally snow-covered catchments. International Association of Hydrological Sciences Publications, Volume 228. 1 Davies TD, Tranter M and Jones HG 1991. Seasonal snowpacks: processes of compositional change. NATO Advanced Study Institute Series, G28, 471pp, SpringerVerlag (ISBN 3-540-51760). EDITED WORKS: CONTRIBUTIONS 14 Cockell CS, Bagshaw E, Balme M, Doran P, McKay CP, Miljkovic K, Pearce D, Siegert MJ, Tranter M, Voytek M and Wadham J 2011. Subglacial Environments and the Search for Life Beyond the Earth. In: Antarctic Subglacial Aquatic Environments (eds M.J. Siegert, M.C. Kennicutt II and R.A. Bindschadler, Geophysical Monograph Series, Volume 192, 129-148. 13 Mowlem MC, Tsaloglou M-N, Waugh EM, Floquet CFA, Saw K, Fowler L, Brown R, Pearce D, Wyatt JB, Beaton AD, Brito MP, Hodgson DA, Griffiths G, Bentley M, Blake D, Campbell H, Capper L, Clarke R, Cockell C, Corr H, Harris W, Hill C, Hindmarsh R, King E, Lamb H, Maher B, Makinson K, Parnell J, Priscu J, Rivera A, Ross N, Siegert MJ, Smith A, Tait A, Tranter M, Wadham J, Whalley B and Woodward J. 2011. Probe Technology for the Direct Measurement and Sampling of Ellsworth Subglacial Lake. In: Antarctic Subglacial Aquatic Environments (eds CV: Tranter; p10 M.J. Siegert, M.C. Kennicutt II and R.A. Bindschadler, Geophysical Monograph Series, Volume 192, 159-186. 12 Ross N, Siegert MJ, Rivera A, Bentley MJ, Blake D, Capper L, Clarke R, Cockell CS, Corr HFJ, Harris W, Hill C, Hindmarsh RCA, Hodgson DA, King EC, Lamb H, Maher B, Makinson K, Mowlem M, Parnell J, Pearce DA, Priscu J, Smith AM, Tait A, Tranter M, Wadham JL, Whalley W B and Woodward J 2011. Ellsworth Subglacial Lake, West Antarctica: a review of its history and recent field campaigns, In: Antarctic Subglacial Aquatic Environments (eds M.J. Siegert, M.C. Kennicutt II and R.A. Bindschadler, Geophysical Monograph Series, Volume 192, 221-234. 11 Anesio AM, Sattler B, Foreman C, Telling J, Hodson A, Tranter M and Psenner R 2010. Carbon fluxes through bacterial communities on glacier surfaces. Annals of Glaciology, 51 (56), 32–40. 10 Telling J, Anesio AM, Hawkings J, Tranter M, Wadham JL, Hodson AJ, Irvine-Fynn T and Yallop ML 2010. Measuring rates of gross photosynthesis and net community production in cryoconite holes: a comparison of field methods. Annals of Glaciology, 51 (56), 153–162. 9 Ross N, Siegert MJ, Rivera A, Bentley MJ, Blake D, Capper L, Clarke R, Cockell CS, Corr HFJ, Harris W, Hill C, Hindmarsh RCA, Hodgson DA, King EA, Lamb H, Maher B, Makinson K, Mowlem M, Parnell J, Pearce DA, Priscu J, Smith AM, Tait A, Tranter M, Wadham JL, Whalley WB and Woodward J 2011. Ellsworth Subglacial Lake, West Antarctica: A Review of Its History and Recent Field Campaigns. In: Antarctic Subglacial Aquatic Environments (eds M.J. Siegert, M.C. Kennicutt II and R.A. Bindschadler, Geophysical Monograph Series, Volume 192, 2011. 254 pages, hardbound, ISBN 978-0-87590-482-5. 8 Tranter M, Bagshaw EM, Fountain AG and Foreman CM 2010. The biogeochemistry and hydrology of McMurdo Dry Valley glaciers: is there life on martian ice now? In: Life in Antarctic Deserts and other Cold, Dry Environments: Astrobiological Analogues (eds P. T. Doran, W.B. Lyons and D. M. McKnight), Cambridge University Press, pp 195-220. 7 Christner BC, Skidmore ML, Priscu JC, Tranter M and Foreman CM 2008. Bacteria in subglacial environments. In: Psychrophiles: from Biodiversity to Biotechnology (eds Rosa Margesin, Franz Schinner, Jean-Claude Marx and Charles Gerday, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, doi:10.1007/978-3-540-74335-4_4), pp 51-71. 6 The Lake Ellsworth Consortium 2007. Exploration of Ellsworth Subglacial Lake: a concept paper on the development, organisation and execution of an experiment to explore, measure and sample the environment of a West Antarctic subglacial lake. In: Life in Extreme Environments (eds R. Amils, C. Ellis-Evans, and H.G. HinghoferSzalkay), Springer, Dordrecht, the Netherlands, 25-44. {see Academic Journal Papers, 80, below} 5 Tranter M 2006. Glacial chemical weathering, runoff composition and solute fluxes. In: Glacier Science and Environment Change (ed. P. Knight), 71-75. CV: Tranter; p11 4 Tranter M 2005. Sediment and solute transport in glacial meltwater streams. In: Encyclopedia of Hydrological Sciences (ed M.G. Anderson), 169, 2633-2645. 3 Pomeroy JW, Jones HG, Tranter M and Lilbæk G. 2005 Hydrochemical Processes in Snow-covered Basins. In: Encyclopedia of Hydrological Sciences (ed M.G. Anderson), 163, 2525-2538. 2 Tranter M 2003. Chemical weathering in glacial and proglacial environments. In: Treatise on Geochemistry (eds H.D. Holland and K.K. Turekian), Volume 5, Surface and Ground Water, Weathering, Erosion and Soils (ed. J.I. Drever), 189205. 1 Tranter M and Jones HG 2001. The chemistry of snow: processes and nutrient cycling. In: The Ecology of Snow (eds. H. G. Jones, J. W. Pomeroy, D. A. Walker and R. Hoham), Cambridge University Press, 127-167. OFFICIAL REPORTS (internationally peer-reviewed) 1 Wigington PJ, Davies TD, Tranter M and Eshleman KE 1990. Episodic acidification of surface waters due to acidic deposition, National Acidic Precipitation Assessment Program, State of Science and State of Technology, Report No. 12, 200pp. CONFERENCE CONTRIBUTIONS, REFEREED 35 Hodgkins R, Cooper R, Wadham J and Tranter M 2006. Inter-annual variability in the spatial distribution of winter accumulation at a High-Arctic glacier (Finsterwalderbreen, Svalbard) and its relationship with topography. Annals of Glaciology, 42, 243-248. 34 Tranter M, Fountain AG, Lyons WB, Nylen TH and Welch KA 2005. The chemical composition of runoff from Canada Glacier, Antarctica: implications for glacier hydrology during a cool summer. Annals of Glaciology, 40, 15-19. 33 Royston-Bishop G, Priscu, JC, Tranter M, Christner B, Siegert MJ and Lee V 2005. Incorporation of particulates into accreted ice above subglacial Lake Vostok, Antarctica. Annals of Glaciology, 40, 145-150. 32 Royston-Bishop G, Tranter M, Siegert MJ, Lee V and Bates PD 2004. Is Vostok lake in steady-state? Annals of Glaciology, 39, 490-494. 31 Jones IW, Munhoven G and Tranter M 1999. Comparative fluxes of HCO3- and Si from glaciated and non-glaciated terrain during the last deglaciation. International Association of Hydrological Sciences Publications, 256, 267-272. 30 Hodson A and Tranter M 1999. Contemporary CO2 drawdown by glacial meltwater CV: Tranter; p12 fluxes from high Arctic Svalbard. International Association of Hydrological Sciences Publications, 256, 259-265. 29 Hodgkins R and Tranter M 1998. Solute in High-Arctic glacier snowcover and its impact on runoff chemistry. Annals of Glaciology, 26, 156-160. 28 Gardiner MJ, Ellis-Evans JC, Anderson MG and Tranter M 1998. Snowmelt modelling on Signy Island, South Orkey Islands. Annals of Glaciology, 26, 161-166. 27 Wadham JA, Hodson AJ, Tranter M and Dowdeswell JA 1997. The rate of chemical weathering beneath a quiescent, surge-type, polythermal based glacier, southern Spitsbergen. Annals of Glaciology, 24, 27-31. 26 Hodson AJ, Tranter M, Dowdeswell JA, Gurnell AM and Hagen JO 1997. Glacier thermal regime and suspended sediment yield: a comparison of two high-Arctic glaciers. Annals of Glaciology, 24, 32-37. 25 Tranter M, Lamb HR, Bottrell SH, Raiswell R, Sharp MJ and Brown GH 1997. Preliminary investigation into the utility of δ34S and 87Sr/86Sr as tracers of bedrock weathering and hydrologic flowpaths beneath an Alpine glacier. International Association of Hydrological Sciences Publications, 244, 317-324. 24 Bremner A-M, Tranter M and Martin M 1997. Speciation and cycling of heavy metals in drainage rhines at Avonmouth, UK - a severly polluted industrial site. International Association of Hydrological Sciences Publications, 243, 93-101. 23 Ratcliffe EB, Peters NE and Tranter M 1996. Short-term hydrological response of soil water and groundwater to rainstorms in a deciduos forest hillslope, Georgia, USA. In: Advances in Hillslope Processes, Vol. 1, (eds. MG Anderson and SM Brooks), pp 129-147, Wiley. 22 Brown GH, Sharp M and Tranter M 1996. Subglacial chemical erosion - seasonal variations in solute provenance, Haut Glacier d’Arolla, Valais, Switzerland. Annals of Glaciology, 22, 25-31. 21 Lamb HR, Tranter M, Brown GH, Hubbard BP, Sharp MJ, Smart CC, Willis IC and Nielsen MK 1995. The composition of subglacial meltwaters sampled from boreholes at the Haut Glacier d'Arolla, Switzerland. International Association of Hydrological Sciences Publications, 228, 395-403. 20 Hodgkins R, Tranter M and Dowdeswell JA 1995. Hydrochemical interpretation of meltwater routing through a high Arctic (cold-based) glacier.International Association of Hydrological Sciences Publications, 228, 387-394. 19 Tranter M, Brown GH, Hodson A, Gurnell AM and Sharp MJ 1994. Variations in the nitrate concentration of glacial runoff in Alpine and sub-Polar environments. International Association of Hydrological Sciences Publications, 223, 299-311. CV: Tranter; p13 18 Gurnell AM, Hodson A, Clark MJ, Bogen J, Hagen JO and Tranter M 1994. Water and sediment discharge from glacier basins: an arctic and alpine comparison. International Association of Hydrological Sciences Publications, 224, 325-334. 17 Tranter M, Brown GH and Sharp MJ 1993. The use of sulphate as a tracer of delayed flow in Alpine glacier runoff. International Association of Hydrological Sciences Publications, 213, 89-98. 16 Jones HG, Pomeroy JW, Davies TD, Marsh P and Tranter M 1993. Snow-atmosphere interactions in Arctic snowpacks: net fluxes of NO3, SO4 and influence of solar radiation. Proceedings of the 50th Eastern Snow Conference, 255-264. 15 Tranter M, Brown GH and Raiswell, R 1991. The separation of Alpine glacial meltwater hydrographs into quickflow and delayed flow components. Proceedings of the Third National Hydrological Symposium, Southampton, September 1991, 3.313.37. 14 Tranter M 1991. Controls on the composition of snowmelt. In: Seasonal snowpacks: processes of compositional change (eds TD Davies, M Tranter and HG Jones), NATO Advanced Study Institute Series, G28, 241-271. 13 Pomeroy JW, Davies TD and Tranter M 1991. Relationships between snow chemistry and blowing snow: initial findings. In: Northern hydrology: selected perspectives (eds TD Prowse and CSL Ommanney), Proceedings of the Northern Hydrology Symposium, Saskatoon, 1990, pp 277-292. 12 Pomeroy JW, Davies TD and Tranter M 1991. The impact of blowing snow on snow chemistry. In: Seasonal snowpacks: processes of compositional change (eds TD Davies, M Tranter and HG Jones), NATO Advanced Study Institute Series, G28, 71-113. 11 Gurnell AM, Clark MJ, Tranter M, Brown GH and Hill CT 1991. Alpine glacier hydrology inferred from a proglacial river monitoring programme. Proceedings of the Third National Hydrological Symposium, Southampton, September 1991, 5.9-5.16. 10 Davies TD and Tranter M 1990. Invited paper. Studies of snow chemistry in the Scottish Highlands. Proceedings of the 46th Eastern Snow Conference, Quebec City, June 1989, (ISBN 0-920081-12-6), 1-13. 9 Brown GH and Tranter M 1990. Hydrograph and chemograph separation of bulk meltwaters draining the Upper Arolla glacier, Valais, Switzerland. International Association of Hydrological Sciences Publications, 193, 429-437. 8 Jones HG, Tranter M and Davies TD 1989. The leaching of strong acid anions from snow during rain-on-snow events: evidence for two component mixing. In: International Association of Hydrological Sciences Publications, 179, 239-250. CV: Tranter; p14 7 Davies TD, Brimblecombe P, Blackwood IL, Tranter M, and Abrahams PW 1988. Chemical composition of snow in the remote Scottish Highlands. In: Acid deposition processes at high elevation sites (eds MH Unsworth and D Fowler), NATO Advanced Research Workshop, Edinburgh, 1986, 517-539. 6 Tranter M, Abrahams P, Blackwood I, Davies TD, Brimblecombe P, Thompson IP, and Vincent CE 1987. Changes in the composition of streamwater during snowmelt. In: Seasonal snowcovers: physics, chemistry, hydrology, Les Arcs, July 1986 (eds H.G. Jones and W.J. Orville-Thomas, pub., D. Reidel, Derdrecht), NATO Advanced Study Institute Series C, Vol. 211, 575-597. 5 Davies TD, Brimblecombe P, Tranter M, Tsiouris S, Vincent CE, Abrahams P, and Blackwood I 1987. The removal of soluble ions from melting snowpacks. In: Seasonal snowcovers: physics, chemistry, hydrology, Les Arcs, July 1986 (eds H.G. Jones and W.J. Orville-Thomas, pub., D. Reidel, Derdrecht), NATO Advanced Study Institute Series C, Vol. 211, 337-392. 4 Brimblecombe P, Davies TD, Tranter M 1987. The composition of precipitation and chemical evolution of air masses. In: Proc. WMO Conf. Air Pollution Modelling and Applications, WMO TD 187, Vol. 3, 17-30. 3 Brimblecombe P, Tranter M, Tsiouris S, Davies TD and Vincent CE 1986. The chemical evolution of snow and meltwater. International Association of Hydrological Sciences Publications, 155, 283-295. 2 Brimblecombe P, Tranter M, Abrahams PW, Blackwood I, Davies TD and Vincent CE 1985. Relocation and preferential elution of acidic solute through the snowpack of a small, remote, high-altitude Scottish catchment. Annals of Glaciology, 7, 141-147. 1 Abrahams PW, Tranter M, Davies TD, Blackwood I, Brimblecombe P, and Vincent CE 1985. The mobilisation of trace-elements in a remote Scottish catchment at the onset of snow-melt. In: Proc. Annual Conf. Trace Substances in Env. Health, Univ. Missouri, June 1985, pp 67-77. ACADEMIC JOURNAL PAPERS 118 Crocket KC, Foster GL, Vance D, Richards DA and Tranter M 2013. A Pb isotope tracer of ocean-ice sheet interaction: The record from the NE Atlantic during the last glacial/interglacial cycle. Quaternary Science Reviews, 82, 133-144. Doi: 10.1016/j.quascirev.2013.10.020 117 Hodgkins R, Cooper R, Tranter M, and Wadham J 2013. Drainage-system development in consecutive melt seasons at a polythermal, Arctic glacier, evaluated by flow-recession analysis and linear-reservoir simulation. Water Resources Research, 49, 1–14, doi:10.1002/wrcr.20257 CV: Tranter; p15 116 Montross SN, Skidmore M, Tranter M, Kivimäki, A-L and Parkes JR 2013. Microbial driver of chemical weathering in glaciated systems. Geology, doi: 10.1130/G33572.1. 115 Stanish LF, Bagshaw EA, McKnight DM, Fountain AG and Tranter M 2013. Environmental factors influencing diatom communities in Antarctic cryoconite holes. Environmental Research Letters, 8, 045006, doi:10.1088/1748-9326/8/4/045006. 114 Wadham JL, De'ath,R, Monteiro FM, Tranter M, Ridgwell A, Raiswell R and Tulaczyk S 2013. The potential role of the Antarctic Ice Sheet in global biogeochemical cycles. Earth and Environmental Science Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 104, 55-67. 113 Crocket KC, Vance D, Foster GL, Richards DA and Tranter M 2012. Continental weathering fluxes during the last glacial/interglacial cycle: insights from the marine sedimentary Pb isotope record at Orphan Knoll, NW Atlantic. Quaternary Science Reviews, 38, 89-99. 112 Livingstone SJ, Clark CD, Piotrowski JA, Tranter M, Bentley MJ, Hodson AJ, Swift DA and Woodward J 2012. Theoretical framework and diagnostic criteria for the identification of palaeo-subglacial lakes. Quaternary Science Reviews, 53, 88-110. 111 Nixon SL, Cockell C and Tranter M 2012. Limitations to a microbial iron cycle on Mars. Planetary and Space Science, doi 10.1016/j.pss.2012.04.003. 110 Siegert MJ, Clarke RJ, Mowlem M, Ross, N, Hill CS, Tait A, Hodgson D, Parnell J, Tranter M, Pearce D, Bentley MJ, Cockell C, Tsaloglou M-N, Smith A, Woodward J, Brito MP and Waugh E 2012. Clean access, measurement, and sampling of Ellsworth Subglacial Lake: A method for exploring deep Antarctic subglacial lake environments, Revues of Geophysics, 50, RG1003, doi:10.1029/2011RG000361. 109 Stibal M, Wadham JL, Lis GP, Telling J, Pancost RD, Dubnick A, Sharp MJ, Lawson EC, Butler CEH, Hasan F, Tranter M and Anesio AM 2012. Methanogenic potential of Arctic and Antarctic subglacial environments with contrasting organic carbon sources. Global Change Biology, 18, 3332-3345. 108 Telling J, Anesio AM, Tranter M, Stibal M, Hawkings J, Irvine-Fynn T, Hodson AJ, Butler C, Yallop M and Wadham J 2012. Controls on the autochthonous production and respirationof organic matter in cryoconite holes on high Arctic glaciers. Journal of Geophysical Research, 117, G01017, doi:10.1029/2011JG001828. 107 Telling J, Stibal M, Anesio AM, Tranter M, Nias I, Cook J, Bellas C, Lis G, Wadham J L, Sole A, Nienow P and Hodson A 2012 Microbial nitrogen cycling on the Greenland Ice Sheet. Biogeosciences, 9, 2431-2442, doi:10.5194/bg-9-2431-2012. CV: Tranter; p16 107 Tranter M 2012. Ancient organics reign on glaciers. Nature Geosciences, 5, 167168; 10.1038/ngeo1411. 106 Wadham JL, Arndt S, Tulaczyk S, Stibal M, Tranter M, Telling J, Lis G, Lawson E, Ridgwell A, Dubnick A, Sharp MJ, Anesio AM and Butler C 2012. Large methane reservoirs beneath Antarctica? Nature, 488, 633-637. 105 Yallop ML, Anesio AM, Perkins, Cook J, Telling J, Fagan D, MacFarlane J, Stibal M, Barker G, Bellas C, Hodson A, Tranter M, Wadham J and Roberts NW 2012. Photophysiology and albedo-changing potential of the ice algae community on the surface of Greenland Ice Sheet. ISME Journal, doi:10.1038/ismej.2012.107. 104 Bagshaw E A, Wadham JL, Mowlem, M, Tranter M, Eveness J, Fountain AG and Telling J 2011. Measuring dissolved oxygen in the cryosphere: a comprehensive laboratory and field evaluation of fibre optic sensors. Environmental Science and Technology, 45, 700-705. 103 Bagshaw EA, Tranter M, Wadham JL, Fountain AG and Mowlem M 2011. High resolution monitoring reveals dissolved oxygen dynamics in cryoconite holes on an Antarctic glacier. Hydrological Processes, doi: 10.1002/hyp.8049. 102 Cooper R, Hodgkins R, Wadham J and Tranter M 2011. The hydrology of the proglacial zone of a high-Arctic glacier (Finsterwalderbreen, Svalbard): Sub-surface water fluxes and complete water budget. Journal of Hydrology, 406, 88–96. 101 Telling, J, Anesio AM, Tranter M, Irvine-Fynn T, Hodson A, Butler C and Wadham JL 2011. Nitrogen fixation on Arctic glaciers, Svalbard. Journal of Geophysical Research, doi: 10.1029/2010JG001632. 100 Bagshaw EA, Tranter M, Wadham JL, Fountain AG and Basiac, H, 2010. Dynamic behaviour of supraglacial lakes on a cold polar glacier, Canada Glacier, McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica. Journal of Glaciology, 56, 366-367. 99 Skidmore M, Tranter M, Tulaczyk S and Lanoil B 2010. Hydrochemistry of ice stream beds - evaporitic or microbial effects? Hydrological Processes, 24, 517-523: doi: 10.1002/hyp.7580. 98 Wadham JL, Tranter M Hodson A J, Hodgkins R, Bottrell S, Cooper R and Raiswell R 2010. Hydro-biogeochemical coupling beneath a large polythermal Arctic glacier: implications for sub-ice sheet biogeochemistry. Journal of Geophysical Research, doi:10.1029/2009JF001602. 97 Wadham JL, Tranter M, Skidmore M. , Hodson AJ, Priscu J, Lyons WB, Sharp M, Wynn P, and Jackson M 2010. Biogeochemical weathering under ice: Size matters. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 24, doi:10.1029/2009GB003688. CV: Tranter; p17 96 Woodward J, Smith AM, Ross N, Thoma M, Corr HFJ, King EC, King MA, Grosfeld K, Tranter M, Siegert M J 2010. Location for direct access to subglacial Lake Ellsworth: An assessment of geophysical data and modelling. Geophysical Research Letters, 37, doi: 10.1029/2010gl042884. 95 Hodgkins R, Cooper R, Wadham J and Tranter M 2009. The hydrology of the proglacial zone of a high-Arctic glacier (Finsterwalderbreen, Svalbard): Atmospheric and surface water fluxes. Journal of Hydrology, 378, 150-160. 94 Stibal M, Anesio A, Blues C and Tranter M 2009. Phosphatase activity and organic phosphorus turnover on a high Arctic glacier. Biogeosciences, 6, 913-922. 93 Raiswell R, Benning LG, Davidson L, Tranter M and Tulaczyk S 2009. Schwertmannite in wet, acid and oxic microenvironments beneath polar and polythermal glaciers. Geology, 37, 431-434. 92 Wadham JL, Tranter M, Tulaczyk S and Sharp M 2008. Subglacial methanogenesis: a potential climatic amplifier? Global Biogeochemical Cycles, doi:10.1029/2007GB002951. 91 Stibal M, Tranter M, Telling J and Benning LG 2008. Speciation, phase association and potential bioavailability of phosphorus on a Svalbard glacier. Biogeochemistry, 90, 1-13. doi:10.1007/s10533-008-9226-3. 90 Stibal M, Tranter M, Benning LG and Řehák J 2008. Microbial primary production on an Arctic glacier is insignificant in comparison to allochthonous organic carbon input. Environmental Microbiology, 10, 2172-2178. doi:10.1111/j.14622920.2008.01620.x. 89 Statham PJ, Skidmore M and Tranter M 2008. Inputs of glacially derived dissolved and colloidal iron to the coastal ocean and implications for primary productivity, Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 22, GB3013, doi:10.1029/2007GB003106. 88 Raiswell R, Benning LG, Tranter M and Tulaczyk S 2008. Bioavailable iron in the Southern Ocean: The significance of the iceberg conveyor belt. Geochemical Transactions, doi:10.1186/1467-4866-9-7. 87 Raiswell R, Benning LG, Davidson L and Tranter M 2008. Nanoparticulate bioavailable iron minerals in icebergs and glaciers. Mineralogical Magazine, 72, 345-348. 86 Hodson A, Tranter M, Anesio AM, Osborn M, Fountain A, Laybourn-Parry J, Sattler B, and Priscu J. 2008. Glacial ecosystems. Ecological Monographs, 78, 41-68. 85 Fountain AG and Tranter M 2008. Introduction to special section on Microcosms in Ice: The Biogeochemistry of Cryoconite Holes. Journal of Geophysical Research, 113, G02S91, doi:10.1029/2008JG000698. CV: Tranter; p18 84 Fountain AG, Nylen TH, Tranter M and Bagshaw E 2008. Temporal variations in physical and chemical features of cryoconite holes on Canada Glacier, McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica. Journal of Geophysical Research, 113, G01S92, doi:10.1029/2007JG000430. 83 Wadham JL, Cooper RJ, Tranter M and Bottrell S 2007. Evidence for widespread anoxia in the proglacial zone of an Arctic glacier. Chemical Geology, 243, 1-15. 82 Stibal M and Tranter M 2007. Laboratory investigation of inorganic carbon uptake by cryoconite debris from Werenskioldbreen, Svalbard. Journal of Geophysical Research, 112, G04S33, doi:10.1029/2007JG000429. 81 The Lake Ellsworth Consortium 2007. Exploration of Ellsworth Subglacial Lake: a concept paper on the development, organisation and execution of an experiment to explore, measure and sample the environment of a West Antarctic subglacial lake. Reviews in Environmental Science and Bio/Technology, 6, 161-179 (DOI: 10.1007/s11157-006-9109-9). {see also Edited Works: Contributions, 6, above} 80 Bagshaw E, Tranter M, Fountain A, Welch K, Basagic H, and Lyons B 2007. The biogeochemical evolution of cryoconite holes on Canada Glacier, Taylor Valley, Antarctica. Journal of Geophysical Research, 112, G04S35, doi:10.1029/2007JG000442. 79 Raiswell R, Tranter M, Benning LG, Siegert M, De’ath R, Huybrechts P and Payne T 2006. Contributions from glacially derived sediment to the global iron (oxyhydr)oxide cycle: Implications for iron delivery to the oceans. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 70, 2765-2780. 78 Christner BC, Royston-Bishop G, Foreman CM, Arnold BR, Tranter M, Welch KA, Lyons WB, Tsapin AI, Studinger M and Priscu JC 2006. Limnological conditions in Subglacial Lake Vostok, Antarctica. Limnology and Oceanography, 51, 2485-2501. 77 Fortner SK, Tranter M, Fountain A, Lyons WB and Welch KA 2005. The geochemistry of supraglacial waters and their evolution in proglacial waters, Canada Glacier, Taylor Valley, Antarctica. Aquatic Geochemistry, 11, 391-412. 76 Tranter M, Skidmore ML and Wadham JL 2005. Hydrological controls on microbial communities in subglacial environments. Hydrological Processes, 19, 995-998. 75 Wadham JL, Bottrell S, Tranter M and Raiswell R. 2004. Stable isotope evidence for microbial sulphate reduction at the bed of a polythermal high Arctic glacier. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 219, 341-355. Also published in the Virtual Journal of Geobiology, 3, 3, Part 1B (2004). CV: Tranter; p19 74 Tranter M, Fountain A, Fritsen C, Lyons W, Priscu JC, Statham P and Welch K 2004. Extreme hydrochemical conditions in natural microcosms entombed within Antarctic ice. Hydrological Processes, 18, 379-387. 73 Skidmore ML, Sharp MJ, and Tranter M. 2004. Kinetic isotope fractionation during carbonate dissolution in laboratory experiments: implications for detection of microbial CO2 signatures using δ13C-DIC. Geochemica et Cosmochimica Acta, 68, 4309-4317. 72 Porazinska DL, Fountain AG, Nylen TH, Tranter M, Virginia RA and Wall DH, 2004. The Biodiversity and Biogeochemistry of Cryoconite Holes from McMurdo Dry Valley Glaciers, Antarctica. Arctic, Antarctic and Alpine Research, 36, 84-91. 71 Hodgkins R, Tranter M and Dowdeswell JA 2004. Characteristics and formation of a High Arctic proglacial icing. Geografiska Annaler, 86A, 265-275. 70 Fountain AG, Tranter M, Nylen TH, Lewis, KJ and Muller D 2004. Evolution of cryoconite holes and their contribution to meltwater runoff from glaciers in the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica. Journal of Glaciology, 50, 35-45. 69 Hodgkins R, Cooper R, Wadham J and Tranter M 2003. Suspended sediment fluxes in a high-Arctic glacierised catchment: implications for fluvial sediment storage. Sedimentary Geology, 162, 105-117. 68 Siegert MJ, Tranter M, Ellis-Evans CJ, Priscu JC and Lyons WB 2003. The hydrochemistry of Lake Vostok and the potential for life in Antarctic subglacial lakes. Hydrological Processes, 17, 795-814. 67 Tranter M, Huybrechts P, Munhoven G, Sharp MJ, Brown GH, Jones IW, Hodson AJ, Hodgkins R and Wadham JL 2002. Glacial bicarbonate, sulphate and base cation fluxes during the last glacial cycle, and their potential impact on atmospheric CO2. Chemical Geology, 190, 33-44. 66 Tranter M, Sharp MJ, Lamb HR, Brown GH, Hubbard BP and Willis IC 2002. Geochemical weathering at the bed of Haut Glacier d’Arolla, Switzerland - a new model. Hydrological Processes, 16, 959-993. 65 Taylor J, Tranter M and Munhoven G 2002. Carbon cycling and burial in a glacially influenced ocean. Palaeoceanography, 17, 10.1029/2001PA000644. 64 Jones IW, Munhoven G, Tranter M, Huybrechts P and Sharp MJ 2002. Modelled glacial and non-glacial HCO3- , Si and Ge fluxes since the LGM: little potential for impact on atmospheric CO2 concentrations and the marine Ge:Si ratio. Global Planetary Change, 33, 139-153. 63 Hodson AJ, Tranter M, Gurnell A, Clark M and Hagen OJ 2002. The hydrochemistry of Bayelva, a High Arctic proglacial stream in Svalbard. Journal of Hydrology, 257, CV: Tranter; p20 91-114. 62 Cooper RJ, Wadham JL, Tranter M, Hodgkins R and Peters NE 2002. Groundwater hydrochemistry in the active layer of the proglacial zone, Finsterwalderbreen, Svalbard. Journal of Hydrology, 269, 208-223. 61 Bottrell SH and Tranter M 2002. Sulphide oxidation under partially anoxic conditions at the bed of Haut Glacier d'Arolla, Switzerland. Hydrological Processes, 16, 23632368. 60 Wadham JL, Cooper RJ, Tranter M and Hodgkins R 2001. Enhancement of glacial solute fluxes in the proglacial zone of a polythermal glacier. Journal of Glaciology, 47, 378-386. 59 Wadham JL, Hodgkins R, Cooper RJ and Tranter M 2001. Evidence for seasonal subglacial outburst events at a polythermal glacier. Finsterwalderbreen, Svalbard. Hydrological Processes,15, 2259-2280. 58 Siegert MJ, Cynan Ellis-Evans J, Tranter M, Mayer C, Petit J-R, Salamatin A and Priscu, JC 2001. Physical and chemical processes in Lake Vostok and implications for life in Antarctic subglacial lakes. Nature, 414, 603-609. 57 Lyons WB, Welch KA, Priscu JC, Labourn-Parry J, Moorhead D, McKnight DM, Doran PT and Tranter M 2001. The McMurdo Dry Valleys Long Term Ecological Research Program: new understanding of the biogeochemistry of the Dry Valley Lakes: a review. Polar Geography, 25, 202-217. 56 Wadham JL, Tranter M and Dowdeswell JA 2000. The hydrochemistry of meltwaters draining a polythermal-based, high Arctic glacier, Svalbard. II: Winter and early Spring. Hydrological Processes, 14, 1767-1786. 55 Hodson AJ, Tranter M and Vatne G 2000. Contemporary rates of chemical weathering and atmospheric CO2 sequestration in glaciated catchments: an Arctic perspective. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 25, 1447-1471. 54 Sharp M, Parkes J, Cragg B, Fairchild IJ, Lamb H and Tranter M 1999. Bacterial populations at glacier beds and their relationship to rock weathering and carbon cycling. Geology, 27, 107-110. 53 Pomeroy JW, Davies TD, Jones HG, Marsh P, Peters NE and Tranter M 1999. Snow and nitrogen dynamics in the boreal forest. Hydrological Processes, 13, 2257-2273. 52 Jones HG, Pomeroy JW, Davies TD, Tranter M and Marsh P 1999. CO 2 in Arctic snow cover: landscape form, in-pack gas concentration gradients, and the implications for estimation of gaseous fluxes. Hydrological Processes, 13, 2977-2989. 51 Davies TD, Tranter M, Wigington Jr. PJ, Eshleman KN, Peters NE, Van Sickle J, CV: Tranter; p21 DeWalle DR and Murdoch PS 1999. Prediction of episodic acidification in northeastern USA: an empirical/mechanistic approach. Hydrological Processes, 13, 1181-1195. 50 Wadham JL, Hodson AJ, Tranter M and Dowdeswell JA 1998. The hydrochemistry of meltwaters draining a polythermal-based, high Arctic glacier, Svalbard. I: The ablation season. Hydrological Processes, 12, 1825-1849. 49 Hodson AJ, Gurnell AM, Washington R, Tranter M, Clark MJ and Hagen JO 1998. Meteorological and runoff time-series characteristics in a small, high-Arctic glaciated basin, Svalbard. Hydrological Processes, 12, 509-526. 48 Hodson AJ, Gurnell AM, Tranter M, Bogen J, Hagen JO and Clark M 1998. Suspended sediment yield and transfer processes in a small High-Arctic glacier basin, Svalbard. Hydrological Processes, 12, 73-86. 47 Hodgkins R, Tranter M and Dowdeswell JA 1998. The hydrochemistry of runoff from a 'cold-based' glacier in the High Arctic (Scott Turnerbreen, Svalbard). Hydrological Processes, 12, 87-104. 46 Tranter M, M. J. Sharp, G. H. Brown, I. C. Willis, B. P. Hubbard, M. K. Nielsen, C. C. Smart, S. Gordon, M. Tulley and H. R. Lamb 1997. Variability in the chemical composition of in situ subglacial meltwaters. Hydrological Processes, 11, 59-77. 45 Hodgkins R, Tranter M and Dowdeswell JA 1997. Solute provenance, transport and denudation in a high-Arctic glacierised catchment. Hydrological Processes, 11, 18131832. 44 Tranter M, Brown GH, Hodson A and Gurnell AM 1996. Hydrochemistry as an indicator of the nature of subglacial drainage system structure: a comparison of Arctic and Alpine environments. Hydrological Processes, 10, 541-556. 43 Richards KS, Sharp M, Arnold N, Gurnell A, Clark M, Tranter M, Nienow P, Brown G, Willis I, and Lawson W 1996. An integrated approach to studies of glacier hydrology and water quality: field and modelling studies at the Haut Glacier d'Arolla, Switzerland. Hydrological Processes, 10, 479-508. 42 Evans C, Davies TD, Wigington PJ and Tranter M 1996. Use of factor analysis to investigate processes controlling the chemical composition of four streams in the Adirondack Mountains, New York. Journal of Hydrology, 185, 297-316. 41 Delmas V, Jones HG, Tranter M and Delmas R 1996. The chemical weathering of aeolian dusts in alpine snows. Atmospheric Environment, 30, 1317-1325. 40 Davies TD and Tranter M 1996. Comment on 'The episodic acidification of Adirondack lakes during snowmelt'. Water Resources Research, 32, 491-493. CV: Tranter; p22 39 Brown GH, Tranter M and Sharp M 1996. Experimental investigations of solute acquisition from suspended sediment by Alpine glacial meltwaters. Hydrological Processes, 10, 579-598. 38 Sharp M, Tranter M, Brown GH and Skidmore M 1995. Rates of chemical denudation and CO2 drawdown in a glacier-covered alpine catchment. Geology, 23, 61-64. 37 Sharp M, Brown GH, Tranter M, Willis IC, and Hubbard B 1995. Some comments on the use of chemically-based mixing models in glacier hydrology. Journal of Glaciology, 41, 241-246. 36 Muller FM, Balls PW and Tranter M 1995. Annual geochemical mass balances in waters of the Firth of Clyde. Oceanologica Acta, 18, 511-521. 35 Muller FM, Balls PW and Tranter M 1995. Processes controlling dissolved gas, nutrient and trace metal distributions in the Firth of Clyde. Oceanologica Acta, 18, 493-509. 34 Eshleman, KN, Davies, TD, Tranter M and Wigington, PJ 1995. A two-component mixing model for predicting episodic acidification of surface waters during spring snowmelt periods. Water Resources Research, 31, 1011-1021. 33 Tranter M, Davies TD, Wigington Jr PJ and Eshleman KN 1994. Episodic acidification of freshwater in Canada. Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 72, 19-39. 32 Muller FLL, Tranter M and Balls PW 1994. Distribution and transport of chemical constituents in the Clyde Estuary. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 39, 105126. 31 Gurnell AM, Brown GH and Tranter M 1994. A sampling strategy to describe the temporal hydrochemical characteristics of an Alpine proglacial stream. Hydrological Processes, 8, 1-25. 30 Brown GH, Tranter M, Sharp MJ, Davies TD and Tsiouris S 1993. Dissolved oxygen variations in Alpine glacial meltwaters. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 19, 247-253. 29 Brown GH, Tranter M, Sharp MJ and Gurnell AM 1993. The impact of post-mixing chemical reactions on the major ion chemistry of bulk meltwaters draining the Haut Glacier d'Arolla, Valais, Switzerland. Hydrological Processes, 8, 465-480. 28 Algan O, Clayton T, Tranter M and Collins MB 1993. Estuarine mixing of clay minerals in the Solent Region, Southern England. Sedimentary Geology, 92, 241255. 27 Tranter M, Brown GH, Raiswell R, Sharp MJ and Gurnell AM 1993. A conceptual CV: Tranter; p23 model of solute acquisition by Alpine glacial meltwaters. Journal of Glaciology, 39, 573-581. 26 Davies TD, Tranter M, Blackwood IL and Abrahams PW 1993. The character and causes of a pronounced snowmelt-induced 'acidic episode' in a stream in Scottish subArctic catchment. Journal of Hydrology, 146, 267-300. 25 Abrahams PW, Davies TD, Jickells TD and Tranter M 1993. Multi-element geochemical analysis of snow samples: use of discriminant analysis in interpreting the results. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 27, 159-174. 24 Zeman Z, Pomeroy J, Davies TD and Tranter M 1992. Chemistry of wind-blown snow (in Czech). Ochrana Ovzdusi, 6(24), 42-49. 23 Wigington PJ, Davies TD, Tranter M and Eshleman KN 1992. Comparison of episodic acidification in Canada, Europe and the United States. Environmental Pollution, 78, 29-35. 22 Tranter M, Tsiouris S, Davies TD and Jones HG 1992. A laboratory investigation of the leaching of solute from snowpack by rainfall. Hydrological Processes, 6, 169179. 21 Jickells T, Kane MM, Rendell A, Davies TD, Tranter M and Jarvis KE 1992. Applications of Inductively Coupled Plasma techniques and pre-concentration to the analysis of atmospheric precipitation. Analytical Proceedings, 29, 288-291. 20 Jickells TD, Davies TD, Tranter M, Landsberger S and Jarvis K 1992. Trace elements in snow samples from the Scottish Highlands: sources and dissolved/particulate distributions. Atmospheric Environment, 26A, 393-401. 19 Eshleman KN, Davies TD, Tranter M and Wigington PJ 1992. Modelling of the episodic chemical response of surface waters to acid deposition: the state-of-thescience. Environmental Pollution, 77, 287-295. 18 Davies TD, Tranter M, Wigington PJ and Eshleman KN 1992. 'Acidic episodes' in surface waters in Europe. Journal of Hydrology, 132, 25-69. 17 Davies TD, Tranter M, Jickells TD, Abrahams PW, Landsberger S, Jarvis K and Pierce CE 1992. Heavily contaminated snowfalls in the remote Scottish Highlands: a consequence of regional-scale mixing and transport. Atmospheric Environment, 26A, 95-112. 16 Tranter M and Raiswell R 1991. The composition of the englacial and subglacial component in bulk meltwaters draining the Gornergletscher. Journal of Glaciology, 125, 59-66. 15. Tranter M 1991. Snow chemistry and surface water quality. Hydrological Science CV: Tranter; p24 Journal, 36, 660-661. 14 Landsberger S, Davies TD and Tranter M 1990. Trace metal and rare-earth content of black precipitation events. Energy Sources, 12, 363-369. 13 Landsberger S, Davies TD, Tranter M, Abrahams PW and Drake JJ 1989. The solute and particulate chemistry of background snowfall on the Cairngorm Mountains, Scotland: a comparison with a black acid snowfall. Atmospheric Environment, 23, 395-401. 12 Abrahams PW, Tranter M, Davies TD and Blackwood I 1989. Trace element studies in a remote Scottish upland catchment. 2. Streamwater chemistry during snow-melt.Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 43, 231-248. 11 Tranter M, Davies TD, Brimblecombe P, and Vincent, CE 1988. The composition of acidic meltwater during snowmelt in the Scottish Highlands. Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 36, 75-90. 10 Tranter M, Abrahams PW, Blackwood IL, Brimblecombe P and Davies TD 1988. The impact of a single, black snowfall on streamwater chemistry in the Cairngorms, Scotland. Nature, 332, 826-829. 9 Brimblecombe P, Clegg S, Davies TD, Shooter D and Tranter M 1988. The differential loss of halide and sulphate ions from melting ice. Water Research, 22, 693-700. 8 Abrahams PW, Tranter M, Davies TD, Blackwood I and Landsberger S 1988. Trace element studies in a remote Scottish upland catchment. 1. Chemical composition of snow and meltwaters. Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 37, 255-271. 7 Tranter M, Davies TD, Abrahams PW, Blackwood I, Brimblecombe P, and Vincent CE 1987. Spatial variability in the chemical composition of snowcover in a small, remote Scottish catchment. Atmospheric Environment, 21, 853-862. 6 Brimblecombe P, Clegg S, Davies TD, Shooter DS and Tranter M 1987. Laboratory observations of the preferential loss of major ions from melting snow. Water Research, 21, 1279-1286. 5 Tranter M, Brimblecombe P, Davies TD, Vincent CE, Abrahams PW and Blackwood I 1986. The chemical composition of snowpack, snowfall and meltwater in the Scottish Highlands - evidence for preferential elution. Atmospheric Environment, 20, 517-525. 4 Brimblecombe P, Davies TD, Tranter M 1986. Nineteenth century black Scottish showers. Atmospheric Environment, 20, 1053-1057. 3 Tranter M and Raiswell R 1985. Surface charge density variations during feldspar CV: Tranter; p25 dissolution. Materials Science Forum, 7, 275-286. 2 Tranter M, Brimblecombe P, Abrahams PW, Blackwood I, Davies TD, and Vincent CE 1985. Comment on 'The chemical composition of snow at a rural upland site in mid-Wales'. Atmospheric Environment, 19, 841. 1 Davies TD, Abrahams PW, Tranter M, Blackwood I, Brimblecombe P and Vincent CE 1984. Black acid snow in the remote Scottish Highlands. Nature, 312, 58-61. CV: Tranter; p26 (10) CONTRIBUTIONS TO FACULTY/DEPARTMENTAL/ACADEMIC GROUPS IN THE UNIVERSITY AND EXTERNAL COMMITTEES AND WORKING GROUPS a) School Responsibilities 20112006-08 2003-06 2002-04 2000-03 1999-08 1994-99 1993-98 Head of Teaching, Deputy Head of School Head of Undergraduate School Chair of Undergraduate Progress Committee (Deputy Examinations Officer) Director, Bristol Glaciology Centre. Chair of the Examination Board Senior Management Team Department Safety Officer Laboratory Manager b) Science Faculty Committees 2006-08 2000-05 2000-05 1993-98 Undergraduate Studies and Education Committees Undergraduate Board of Examiners Undergraduate Progress Committee Graduate Studies Board c) University Committees 2009- Undergraduate Appeals Shifting Group (11) PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES OUTSIDE THE UNIVERSITY a) EXTERNAL EXAMINING AND ASSESSMENT. 201120102006-08 2005-07 2003-06 1992-96 b) 1986 1985 External Examiner, B.Sc. Geography, University of Exeter. External Examiner, M.Sc. Geochemistry, University of Leeds. External Examiner, B.Sc. Environmental Sciences, Birkbeck College. External Examiner, B.Sc. Geography, University of Edinburgh. External Examiner, M.Sc. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, University of Wales, Aberystwyth. External Examiner, B.Sc. Environmental Sciences programme, Oxford Brookes University. INTERNATIONAL PEER REVIEW PANELS. Peer group member of a US Environmental Protection Agency Workshop on Acid Deposition Monitoring for Snowfall and Snow Pack, Keystone, Colorado. Reviewer of the Eastern Lake Survey - Phase II. US Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC. CV: Tranter; p27 c) MEMBERSHIP OF PRESTIGIOUS EXTERNAL BODIES/COMMITTEES, AND OFFICES HELD. 201020082007-10 1992-96 1987-90 1986-92 1984-92 d) MEMBERSHIP OF EDITORIAL BOARDS. 1993-98 e) Chair of IGS (International Glaciological Society), Nominations Committee NERC Peer Review College IGS Nominations Committee Snow Ecology Working Group, ICSI (IAHS). Secretary of the Working Group on Snow Chemistry, ICSI (International Commission on Snow and Ice, part of IAHS, the International Association of Hydrological Sciences). Secretary of the Geochemistry Group Committee. Geochemistry Group Committee, Mineralogical Society. Associate Editor of the IAHS Hydrological Sciences Journal. JOURNAL REVIEWING. 1. Annals of Glaciology 2. Antarctic Science 3. Arctic, Alpine and Antarctic Science 4. Astrobiology 5. Atmospheric Environment 6. Biogeochemistry 7. BioScience 8. Catena 9. Chemical Geology 10. Chemosphere 11. Deep Sea Research 12. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 13. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 14. Environmental Pollution 15. Geochemica et Cosmochimica Acta 16. Geology 17. Geomorphology 18. Geophysical Research Letters 19. Holocene 20. Hydrological Processes 21. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 22. Journal of Environmental Health 23. Journal of Hydrology 24. Journal of Geophysical Research 25. Journal of Glaciology 26. Journal of Mountain Science 27. Journal of River Basin Management CV: Tranter; p28 28. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 29. Nature 30. Nature Geosciences 31. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes 32. Quaternary Science Reviews 33. Science of the Total Environment 34. Water, Air and Soil Pollution 35. Water Research 36. Water Resources Research f) ORGANISATION OF INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCES/WORKSHOPS. 2010 2009 2007 2006 2004 1996-99 1993-96 1993-95 1991 1988-90 1987-9 g) Co-Convenor of Fall AGU session on Biogeochemistry of the Cryosphere, San Fransisco, 2010. Co-Convenor of Fall AGU session on Glacier and Ice Sheet Hydrology: Processes in Subglacial Environments, San Fransisco, 2009. Co-Convenor of Fall AGU session on Glacier and Ice Sheet Hydrology: Processes in Subglacial Environments, San Fransisco, 2007. Lead Convenor of Fall AGU session on Glacier and Ice Sheet Hydrology: Processes in Subglacial Environments, San Fransisco, 2006. Co-convenor of Fall AGU session on Biogeochemical Processes in the Cryosphere, San Fransisco, 2004 Lead convenor of an International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics symposium on Cryosphere, Climate and Greenhouse Gas Interactions, on behalf of ICSI and IAMAS, Birmingham, 1999. Scientific Steering Committee of the International Association of Geochemistry and Cosmochemistry Symposium on the Geochemistry of the Earth's Surface, Ilkley, 1996. Convenor of a symposium on the Biogeochemistry of Snowcover, International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics Symposium, Boulder, Colorado, 1995. Convenor of an International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) Workshop on Snowcover and Surface Water Quality, on behalf of the International Commission on Snow and Ice and the International Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences (IAMAS), Vienna, 1991. Organising Committee of NATO Advanced Research Workshop, Processes of Chemical Change in Snowpack, Maratea, Italy, 1990. Organising committee of Water-Rock-Interaction VI, International Association of Geochemistry and Cosmochemistry, Malvern, 1989. KEYNOTE/INVITED SPEAKER. 2013 Goldschmidt, Florence. Chemical weathering in glacial environments. 2008 Global Biogeochemical Cycles, Leeds. Invited paper entitled, ‘Glaciers and global geochemical cycles’. SALE, Grenoble. Invited paper entitled, ‘Chemical modelling of 2006 CV: Tranter; p29 2002 1998 1997 1997 1996 1996 1993 1993 1991 1990 1989 1989 biogeochemical processes in Lake Vostok. EUG, Nice. Invited paper entitled, 'Is Lake Vostok in physical and chemical steady state'. Progress in the Modelling of Snow Hydrology, CRREL New Hampshire. Invited paper entitled, 'The geochemistry of snow and snowmelt'. Scottish Quaternay Lecture, Edinburgh. 'The role of terrestrial ice in global geochemical cycles'. The Role of the Cryosphere in Climate Change, Royal Astronomical Society, London. Invited paper entitled, 'Glacal runoff as a significant sink for atmospheric CO2 during the last glacial cycle'. Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Edmonton. Invited Seminar entitled, 'The hydrochemistry of high-Arctic glaciers'. International Association of Geochemistry and Cosmochemistry Symposium on the Geochemistry of the Earth's Surface, Ilkley. Invited paper entitled, 'The role of glacial runoff in global geochemical cycles'. International Association of Hydrological Sciences (4th Scientific Assembly)/IAMAP (6th Scientific Assembly), Joint International Symposium, Yokohama. Invited paper entitled, 'The impact of glacial runoff on the biogeochemistry of the proglacial zone'. Snow Ecology Working Group (International Commission of Snow and Ice), Quebec City. Invited paper entitled, 'The composition of snowmelt in relation to biological processes associated with snowcover'. International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, 20th General Assembly, Vienna. Invited paper entitled, 'The routing of snowmelt through Alpine glaciers'. NATO Advanced Research Workshop, Processes of Chemical Change in Seasonal Snowcover, Maratea. Keynote address entitled, 'Controls on the composition of snowmelt'. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco. Keynote address entitled, 'Episodic acidification of freshwater in Canada'. Eastern Snow Conference, Quebec. Keynote address entitled, 'Snow chemistry in the Scottish Highlands'
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