INSTITUTE FOR ENGINEERING OF POLIMER MATERIALS AND DYES Departmentof Dyes and Organic Products in Zgierz @ 2l4 ChemikÓw Street' 95-100Zgierz, Poland phone:+ 48 (42)7 16-46-61,716-46-77 fax: + 48 (42)716-13-19 e-maiI: [email protected] CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS IBP-7 QUINOLINEYELLOW C.l. No.47005 E 104 General information: Othernames: C.l. FoodYellow13 Dateof analysis: 21 February2011 Acid Yellow3 21 February2014 Validto: 8004-92-0 CAS No: 1t11 SeriesNo: 305-897-5 EC No: Keep the bottletightlyclosedat room Storage: temperature Formula: CrsHgNazNOaSz 1 g of solidsubstancein a glass bottle Content: Mol.weight 477,4 Yellowpowder Appearance: (principa! indan-1,3-dione of 2-(2-quinolyl)Chemicalname: The disodiumsaltsof thedisulfonates component) (SO.Na), lntendeduse Sourceof material Methodof preparation analyticalstandard Institute for Engineering of PolimerMaterialsand Dyes Dępartment of Dyes and organic Productsin Zgierz recrystallization of technicalproduct Analvtical results: CONFIRMATIONOF THE IDENTITY data)[1] withllterature 1. Ir", in the UV /lS range:411nmin aqueoussolutionat pH 5 (complying ąooÓ to 200 cm.1) KBr, scanning.from 3.511000 2. The lR spectrum(KBr-disctechnique, (complying withliterature data)[2] IBP-7 QUINOLINE YELLOW Distribution:LGC StandardsSp. z o.o.,Konopnickiej l, DziekanÓw Leśny,05-092Łomianki, Poland tel.+48(22)7513140,fax+48(22)7515845,email:[email protected], Page 1 ot 2 DYE CONTENTanalysisat l"'", (411nm)andfoundto be: by spectrophotometric The dye contentwas determined X = 7011+ 0'5 (o/owlw) waterinto withdemineralised transferred g of samplehas beenweighedand quantitatively 0,1OOO (A) of diluted x. The absorbance 100 (1OO has been diluted Next solution ml). the flask measuring = has been content The dye A=0,6060. be found to 1.r", 411 nm and solutionhas beenmeasuredat formula: following from the calculated X=A*105/Elri'where: X - dye content(%w/w) A - measured absorbance 865 [1] eĄ|!i"= SODIUMGHLORIDEANdSODIUMSULFATE titrationwithsilvernitrateand foundto be: The NaCl contentwas determinedby potentiometric = Yr 1716t 0'05 (o/owlw) method afteradsorptionof dye on activecarbonby gravimetric The NazSołcontentdetermined (bariumsulfate)and foundto be: Yz= 11'0 t 0rZ (o/owtw) VOLATILES by dryingto constantmass at 1350Cand foundto be: contentwas determined The volat'rles Z=23 + 0rZ(o/owtw) OTHER IMPURITIESArsenic(As) Lead(Pb) Copper(Cu) Zinc (Zn) Chromium (Cr) <0,008 mg/kg <1,000 mg/kg <0,410 mg/kg mg/kg 0,260 <0,500 m/kg Mercury(Hg) Cadmium(Cd) Aromaticamlnes Phenols <0,030 mg/kg <0,100 mg/kg <20,000 mg/kg <5,000 mg/kg * Analyses marked with asterisk were pertormed using methodsaccredited by Polish Centre for Accreditation(PCA), underscope AB 062 Laboratorymeetsrequirementsof the PN-EN ISO/IEC17025:2005standard. REFERENC.ES 1. EuropeanUnionDirective95/45/EC - FarbstoffKommission. FarbstoffefUrLebensmittel. 2. DFG - DeutscheForschungsgemeinschaft mbH,D - 6940Weinheim(FederalRepublicof Germany),1988 VCH Verlagsgeseltschaft Director This certificatemustnot be reproducedexceptin full. IBP-7 QUTNOLINEYELLOW Page 2 ol 2 Distribution:LGC StandardsSp. z o.o.,Konopnickiej 1, DziekanÓw Leśny,05-092Łomianki, Poland 513140, fax+48(22)7515845,email:[email protected], tel.+48(22)7
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