Research Seminar program

Participation and Cultural Transformation Trans-­‐Disciplinary Perspectives and Cross-­‐institutional Practices One-­‐day conference, January 14, 2015, 9.30–21.30 The University of Aarhus. Katrinebjerg Campus. Peter Bøgh Auditorium, Nygaard Building (5335) & Lecture Rooms 184/192 Helsingforsgade 14, 8 200 Aarhus N 09.00-­‐09.30: Coffee/tea and registration 09.30-­‐09.45: Welcome: Anne Marit Waade and Anne Scott Soerensen 09.45-­‐ 10.15: Associate Prof. Carsten Stage and Assistant Prof. Camilla Møhring Reestorff: Transdisciplinary Perspectives on Participation and Cultural Transformation – launching Conjunctions: Transdisciplinary Journal of Cultural Participation 10.15-­‐11.00: 10.45-­‐11.15: 11.15-­‐12.00: 12.00-­‐12.30: Prof. Andrea Cornwall, School of Global Studies, University of Sussex Participation in Development Coffee/tea and fruit Prof. Nico Carpentier, Dept. of Communication Studies, Free University of Brussels (VUB), and Dept. of Media Studies, Charles University in Prague Participatory intensities Discussion based on the two keynote talks 12.30-­‐13.15 Lunch 13.15-­‐14.45 Parallel Paper Sessions (2-­‐3 tracks) 14.45-­‐15.15 Coffee break 15.15-­‐16.45: Parallel Paper Sessions (2-­‐3 tracks) 16.45-­‐17.15: Prof. Kirsten Lomborg, Dept. of Clinical Medicine, Aarhus University­‐lomborg(2f4ac59d-­‐9194-­‐4956-­‐9afe-­‐
2943a9b57c15)/persons/kirsten-­‐lomborg(2f4ac59d-­‐9194-­‐4956-­‐9afe-­‐2943a9b57c15).html 17.15-­‐17.45: 18.00: 18.30-­‐21.30: Hospital culture and new strategies for patient involvement Birgit Eriksson & Anne Scott Sørensen: Wrap up & perspectives Taxa to the restaurant Dinner in town (Kocherier at the waterfront – “Det Glade Vanvid”) "Registration: The keynotes are open for the public. The panels and the evening event are reserved for members of AU and SDU’s research programs Cultural Transformations. Register for free at:” The conference is organized in collaboration between the two research programs Cultural Transformation(s) at Aarhus University (Dept. of Aesthetics and Communication) and University of Southern Denmark (Dept. for the Study of Culture)­‐programmes/cultural-­‐transformations/research-­‐profile/